Address Sentence Examples
My email address is in there, too.
We have an address and phone number.
The dhjan has granted us permission to address you.
Do you know the exact street address of your mother-in-law?
I will address the dhjan and leave.
She selected the address book on the phone.
After explaining the situation and giving her address, she turned down the road toward the nearest public area – a service station 2 miles away.
Toby's address was listed as hers.
Well, the first thing we need to address is your job.
He was about to address Kiki again when Katie.s angry words hit him.
AdvertisementNow, to address the challenge of getting there.
Miss Sullivan's account in her address at Chautauqua, in July, 1894, at the meeting of The American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf, is substantially like Miss Keller's in points of fact.
The return address was the Doctor's office in Chicago.
Old Paul Dawkins had a California address when he bought the land.
He left a message, saying he wanted to make sure she got the address and still planned on coming tonight.
AdvertisementBrady opened his mouth to address her before remembering the best he could manage was a croak.
Yet, when the smell of bacon lured him to the kitchen, she found herself wishing he would address the subject.
You.ll find our chefs the best in the world, the host said, ignoring Katie to address her sister.
Her directness and pure courage-- there was no other word for her insubordinate address!-- amazed him.
The guests were reluctant to address her, feeling that she was in no mood for their conversation.
AdvertisementBut what was most amusing," he continued, with a sudden, good-natured laugh, "was that we could not think how to address the reply!
Uneasy, he also realized he had to focus on mopping up the rest of his mess in the mortal world, so he could start to address the underworld.
Much the case with Howie and Julie, I felt the personal lives of our group deserved their own space to address their own problems.
She gave them her sister's address and telephone number and promised to keep in touch.
I have to address the issues in my domain on the mortal world before I'll be allowed to return and finish repairing the underworld.
AdvertisementThe return address on the envelope was Columbia, South America, but it wasn't addressed to anyone.
The note was undated and if there was a return address or an envelope, it was lost over the years.
My name is Platon, and the surname is Karataev, he added, evidently wishing to make it easier for Pierre to address him.
Sofia pulled over to the side of the road to await the text and load the address into the car's GPS.
They entered, and she looked up at him, afraid to address the fierce warrior.
Another address popped up.
Arakcheev looked at the Emperor from under his brow and, sniffing with his red nose, stepped forward from the crowd as if expecting the Emperor to address him.
Thirty five miles later he found the address, a private home on the side street of a quiet neighborhood.
At a Ramada Inn, only he wasn't really there; just the address he gave.
Dr. Cohen says I should address the issue, whatever that means.
I just decided it was a fait accompli and we might as well address the situation as best we can.
I'll text you my address.
The officer, Timokhin, with his red little nose, standing on the dam wiping himself with a towel, felt confused at seeing the prince, but made up his mind to address him nevertheless.
She shouted out the address as we climbed down the stairs and joined the others below.
I want her address.
She ripped off a piece of sketch paper and wrote down her address.
Here. This is her address.
Did he leave a forwarding address?
Dean asked Hunter for the address, just in case.
The general on horseback at the entrance to the dam raised his hand and opened his mouth to address Dolokhov.
Did you give them mother's address?
I need the address.
No, I can drive, just text me the address.
Jenny didn't recognize the address.
You gave your low-life friends my name and address so they could ransack my house and maybe kill someone who got in their way?
Did he give you his forwarding address?
In December 1854, after a fatiguing address to a public meeting, followed by prolonged exposure to a south-east gale, his constitution entirely broke down.
The address of the clergy, inspired by the great prelates, sought to make inaccurate lamentations over the progress of impiety a means of safeguarding their enormous spiritual and temporal powers, their privileges and exemptions, and their vast wealth.
An address delivered to them at this crisis by Ambrose led to his being acclaimed as the only competent occupant of the see; though hitherto only a catechumen, he was baptized, and a few days saw him duly installed as bishop of Milan.
Theodore refused to attend or recognize the new council, and was banished first to Bithynia and thence to Smyrna, whence he continued to address his appeals to the pope, to the eastern patriarchs and to his dispersed monks.
In 1815 he was with the Allies in Paris, and in the following year set out on the grand tour, visiting Moscow and the western provinces of Russia, Berlin (where his engagement to Princess Charlotte Louise, daughter of Frederick William III., was arranged) and England, where his handsome presence and charming address created a profound impression.'
Not just that you went to a certain address but that the address was a movie theater and—based on where you sat and that you ordered tickets online—you saw Episode VII of Star Wars.
She wished to pray but did not dare to, dared not in her present state of mind address herself to God.
As had occurred before when she was present, Nicholas went up to her without waiting to be prompted by the governor's wife and not asking himself whether or not it was right and proper to address her here in church, and told her he had heard of her trouble and sympathized with his whole soul.
There she opened her letter to Connie and added a request to check on that name and address.
He stopped on a small aqua envelope and frowned at the return address.
Later, Howie failed to locate a nebulously described address.
You can expand on it if you want to; say get a driver's license in another state, or establish an address.
I texted you the street address.
She flipped through her address book, gaze settling on the Watcher's name.
Gazing at the address on the tag, she drew a deep breath and summoned a portal.
If you ain't here, Corday and the police can't ask you questions you might not want to answer, like what's Cynthia's Indiana address.
Now you can wait until morning for the address.
Dean had a fleeting sense of relief that Corday hadn't pressed him for Cynthia's address.
They were still early when ten minutes later they located Mrs. Glass's address.
There was a listing for newly arrived L. Larkin, with an address on Oak Street.
We're checking with the Post Office for a change of address.
There was a note on his night-stand listing Cleary's address.
He didn't bother to point out that Bala Cynwyd, Cece Baldwin's address, was near Philadelphia, the opposite direction from Parkside.
Naw. My guys found a forwarding address someplace out west but there's no phone hooked up yet.
Dean eased into the latest news by first telling of Winston's unsuccessful inquiry about a Post Office forwarding address before mentioning his conversation with Mrs. Glass.
His mind followed suit, racing along, constructing a plan to prove his theory and more importantly, to address it.
He paused and then added, "I don't suppose there's any return address on Arthur's note?"
None of these may be sold to any person who is unknown to the seller, unless introduced by a person known to the seller, and not until after an entry is made in a book kept for the purpose, stating, in the prescribed form, the date of sale, name and address of purchaser, the name and quantity of the article sold, and the purpose for which it is stated by the purchaser to be required.
At graduation he delivered the valedictory address for his class.
This is not likely, but, at all events, it would only prove that the office under another name existed at Ephesus, for otherwise Luke could not possibly have put into the mouth of Paul the address which follows.
Bancroft's historical creed is best set forth in the address he delivered on the semi-centennial of the New York Historical Society in 1854.
Hay was an excellent public speaker; some of his best addresses are In Praise of Omar; On the Unveiling of the Bust of Sir Walter Scott in Westminster Abbey, May 21, 1897; and a memorial address in honour of President McKinley.
He became a candidate for the Illinois House of Representatives; and on the 9th of March 1832 issued an address "To the people of Sangamon county" which betokens talent and education far beyond mere ability to "read, write and cipher," though in its preparation he seems to have had the help of a friend.
Lincoln before the state convention at Bloomington of "all opponents of anti-Nebraska legislation" (the first Republican state convention in Illinois) made on the 29th of May a notable address known as the "Lost Speech."
Lincoln's inaugural address declared the Union perpetual and acts of secession void, and announced the determinatiojl of the government to defend its authority, and to hold forts and places yet in its possession.
Returning to Washington, he made his last public address on the evening of the 11th of April, devoted mainly to the question of reconstructing loyal govern ments in the conquered states.
The action of the government, however, caused great indignation, and in a debate on the address an amendment was carried petitioning the king to dismiss his ministry.
The government used with great address the bitter irritation against Great Britain which had become one of the most deep-seated elements in modern German life.
In 1841 he abandoned the Whig party, with which he had previously been affiliated, and for seven years was the undisputed leader of the Liberty party in Ohio; he was remarkably skilful in drafting platforms and addresses, and it was he who prepared the national Liberty platform of 1843 and the Liberty address of 1845.
The Perfect alone knew God and could address him in this prayer, the only one they used in their ceremonies.
The Germans in their turn now left the diet, and the Czechs voted an address to the crown, drawn up by Count Thun, demanding the restoration of the Bohemian kingdom.
Just before his departure the announcement that he would address the Woman's Anti-Slavery Society of Boston created "a mob of gentlemen of property and standing," from which, if he had been present, he could hardly have escaped with his life.
The same mode of address is familiar to us from the prophets of the Old Testament; the human personality disappears, in the moment of inspiration, behind the God by whom it is filled.
But all the greatest of the Hebrew prophets fall back speedily upon the unassuming human " I "; while in the Koran the divine " I " is the stereotyped form of address.
All authorities combine in praising his handsome presence and the affability and charm of his address, together with a certain simplicity of personal tastes, which led him in his intercourse with his friends or with the representatives of friendly powers to dispense with ceremonial and etiquette.
In 1876 he supported Hayes in the contest for the presidency, and Hayes made him in 1877 his secretary of the interior, and followed much of his advice in other cabinet appointments and in his inaugural address.
When only nine years old she had such command of Latin as to be able to publish an elaborate address in that language, maintaining that the pursuit of liberal studies was not improper for her sex.
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In 1878 he was elected Lord Rector of Aberdeen and in 1880 of Edinburgh University, where he gave an eloquent address upon Patriotism.
When Mr Chamberlain started his new fiscal programme, combining Tariff Reform with Colonial Preference, Lord Rosebery at first seemed inclined to treat it as non-political, and on the 19th of May 1903 he declared in an address to the Burnley Chamber of Commerce that he was not one of those who regarded Free Trade as part of the Sermon on the Mount.
He delivered an address there on the 2nd of April 1866, unusually mild in tone, and received with general applause.
The reading of 15thand 16thcentury verse in the light of these will bring home the critical error of treating such poems as Burns's Collar's Saturday Night, the Address to the Deil, and Scotch Drink as entirely expressions of the later poet's personal predilection.
He does not call himself the Buddha, and his followers never address him as such.
Although Schiller failed to win an established position in Mannheim, he added to his literary reputation by his address on Die Schaubiihne als eine moralische Anstalt betrachtet (1784), and by the publication of the beginning of Don Carlos (in blank verse) in his journal, Die rheinische Thalia (1785).
In March 1883 he gave an address at Manchester on "Art, Wealth and Riches"; in May he was elected upon the executive of the federation.
An address delivered on the occasion of the laying of the foundation stone was published, with an appendix containing a strong attack on the influence of the Church of England, which gave rise to a long and bitter controversy.
He made a strong speech in support of the Labour amendment to the Address in 1919, stating that he stood both against Bolshevists and against profiteers.
When His disciples, having watched Him at prayer, desired to be taught how to pray, they were bidden to address God as " Father "; to ask first for the hallowing of the Father's name, and the coming of His kingdom; then for their daily food, for the pardon of their sins and for freedom from temptation.
The beauty of art is a beauty born in the spirit of the artist and born again in the spectator; it is not like the beauty of natural things, an incident of their existence, but is " essentially a question, an address to a responding breast, a call to the heart and spirit."
At the coronation in that year his growing reputation in Parliament was recognized by his admission to the Privy Council; and in 191 2 he appeared as an acknowledged leader of the party, moving the Opposition amendment to the Address, and the rejection of the Welsh Disestablishment bill on second reading.
They were, On the Liberty of a Christian Man, An Address to the Nobility of the German Nation, and On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church of God - the three primary treatises, as they have been called.
There was grace, nevertheless, in his manners; and his frank and earnest address, his quick sympathy (yet he seemed cold to strangers), his vivacious, desultory, informing talk, gave him an engaging charm.
He was sent as a delegate from New York City to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia in September 1774, and though almost the youngest member, was entrusted with drawing up the address to the people of Great Britain.
Of the second congress, also, which met at Philadelphia on the 10th of May 1775, Jay was a member; and on its behalf he prepared an address to the people of Canada and an address to the people of Jamaica and Ireland.
He published anonymously (though without succeeding in concealing the authorship) An Address to the People of New York, in vindication of the constitution; and in the state convention at Poughkeepsie he ably seconded Hamilton in securing its ratification by New York.
There for several years he lived, and taught by close earnest personal address and conversation.
At the end of this address he ordered his clerk to read the letter of the caliph.
From December 1796 to March 17 9 7 he represented that state in the Federal House of Representatives, where he distinguished himself as an irreconcilable opponent of President Washington, and was one of the twelve representatives who voted against the address to him by the House.
Accompanying this plan was an address to the states drawn up by Madison, and one of the ablest of his state papers.
Her plump beauty was often remarked - notably by Washington Irving - in contrast to her husband's delicate and feeble figure and wizened face - for even in his prime Madison was, as Henry Adams says, "a small man, quiet, somewhat precise in manner, pleasant, fond of conversation, with a certain mixture of ease and dignity in his address."
In language sometimes turgid, but nearly always of pure and powerful eloquence, he worked at the theme of the emigres, as it developed into that of the counter-revolution; and in his occasional appearances in the tribune, as well as in the project of an address to the French people which he presented to the Assembly on the 27th of December 1791, he shook the heart of France, and, especially by his call to arms on the 18th of January, shaped the policy which culminated in the declaration of war against the king of Bohemia and Hungary on the 10th of April.
In 1853 he was elected to the National House of Representatives as an independent, and issued an address declaring that all men have an equal right to the soil; that wars are brutal and unnecessary; that slavery could be sanctioned by no constitution, state or federal; that free trade is essential to human brotherhood; that women should have full political rights; that the Federal government and the states should prohibit the liquor traffic within their respective jurisdictions; and that government officers, so far as practicable, should be elected by direct vote of the people.
For eight years he canvassed for signatures to this address, but in spite of considerable support the strenuous opposition of the Jesuits and Dominicans deterred the clergy and nearly wrecked the scheme.
After his return he spent a month in a visit at his old home in Canton, Ohio, and at the end of this visit, by previous arrangement, he visited the city of Buffalo, New York, in order to attend the Pan-American exposition and deliver a public address.
Blaine, whom he succeeded as a leader of the Republican party and whose views of reciprocity he formally adopted in his last public address, McKinley had great personal suavity and dignity, and was thoroughly well liked by his party colleagues.
He continued steadfastly to oppose the taxation of the American colonists, and signed, in 1778, the protest of the Lords in favour of an address to the king on the subject of the manifesto of the American commissioners.
It was, however, soon clear that Palmerston's diagnosis of the temper of the French bourgeois was correct; the clamour for war subsided; on the 4th of December the address on the Egyptian Question proposed by the government was carried, and peace was assured.
He never learned to read or write, though late in life he mastered colloquial Arabic; yet those Europeans who were brought into contact with him praised alike the dignity and charm of his address, his ready wit, and the astonishing perspicacity which enabled him to read the motives of men and of governments and to deal effectively with each situation as it arose.
So far, the two workers had been in agreement; but in his presidential address to the Geological Society of London in 1842 Murchison stated his opinion that the Cambrian contained no fossils that differed from those of the Lower Silurian.
He was knighted in 1786 when he presented a congratulatory address from the wapentake of Wirksworth to George III., on his escape from the attempt on his life by Margaret Nicholson.
The hymn to the Delian Apollo ends with an address of the poet to his audience.
His followers, the Kabir Panthis (" those following Kabir's path "), though neither worshipping the gods of the pantheon, nor observing the rites and ceremonial of the Hindus, are nevertheless in close touch with the Vaishnava sects, especially the Ramavats, and generally worship Rama as the supreme deity, when they do not rather address their homage, in hymns and otherwise, to the founder of their creed himself.
In the final judgment of the famous libel case of the Bombay Maharajas, before the Supreme Court of Bombay, in January 1862, these improprieties were severely commented upon; and though so unsparing a critic of Indian sects as Jogendra Nath seems not to believe in actual immoral practices on the part of the Maharajas, still he admits that "the corrupting influence of a religion, that can make its female votaries address amorous songs to their spiritual guides, must be very great."
In 1798 he was made commanderin-chief of the provisional army raised in anticipation of war with 1 He had previously, under date of the 17th of September 1796, issued a notable "Farewell Address" to the American people.
The failure of the Jackson administration to reduce the Tariff of 1828 drew from Calhoun his "Address to the People of South Carolina" in 1831, in which he elaborated his views of the nature of the Union as given in the "Exposition."
Among his best-known orations are that delivered at the unveiling of the Bartholdi statue of Liberty enlightening the World (1886), an address at the Washington Centennial in New York (1889), and the Columbian oration at the dedication ceremonies of the Chicago World's Fair (1892).
The executive was to consist of a minister-secretary of state and of the members of the senate, who were entitled to attend and address the diet and who might be the subject of interpellations.
He holds office during good behaviour, and can only be removed by the crown (by whom he is appointed) after a joint address of both houses of parliament.
Mole, supported by Louis Philippe, held his ground against the general hostility until the beginning of 1839, when, after acrid discussions on the address, the chamber was dissolved.
Even " Thy will be done " preserves the echo of a direction, and, needless to say, this is hardly a form of primitive address.
The ministers of the "three denominations of dissenters," - Presbyterians, Independents and Baptists, - resident in London and the neighbourhood, had the privilege accorded to them of presenting on proper occasions an address to the sovereign in state, a privilege which they still enjoy under the name of "the General Body of Protestant Dissenting Ministers of the three Denominations."
He delivered the address on the death of Washington which contained the famous phrase, "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen."
Lee was one of the delegates from Virginia to the first Continental Congress at Philadelphia in 1774, and prepared the address to the people of British America, and the second address to the people of Great Britain, which are among the most effective papers of the time.
He persuaded his ministers to constitute a special inquiry into the proposed abolition of land taxes, and in the address with which he opened the Riksdag of 1875 laid particular stress upon the necessity of giving attention to the settlement of these two burning questions, and in 1880 again came forward with a new proposal for increasing the number of years of service with the militia.
The Riksdag, however, finally agreed to a proposal by Bishop Billing, a member of the First Chamber, that an address should be presented to the king asking for a full inquiry into the question of extending the franchise for the election of members to the Second Chamber.
Mirza Mahdi relateshow this event was brought about by his address to the assembled nobles and officers on the morning of the Nau-ruz, or Persian New-Years Day, the response to that appeal being the offer of the crown.
His capacity for king-craft, knowledge of the world, and easy address enabled him to surmount difficulties and dangers which would have proved fatal to his father or to his brother.
His charge to the clergy of the diocese, the only charge of his known to us, is a weighty and valuable address on the importance of external forms in religion.
At length, just after the meeting of parliament in November 1751, Pitt was dismissed from office, having on the debate on the address spoken at great length against a new system of continental subsidies, proposed by the government of which he was a member.
His last appearance in the House of Lords was on the 7th of April 1778, on the occasion of the duke of Richmond's motion for an address praying the king to conclude peace with America on any terms. In view of the hostile demonstrations of France the various parties had come generally to see the necessity of such a measure.
The Commons presented an address to the king praying that the deceased statesman might be buried with the honours of a public funeral, and voted a sum for a public monument which was erected over his grave in Westminster Abbey.
At the outset we have an almost dithyrambic address to the goddess Roma, whose glory has ever shone the brighter for disaster, and who will rise once more in her might and confound her barbarian foes.
In an address before the Pan-American Commercial Congress, 1919, certain of his remarks about Mexico brought protest to the State Department from the Mexican charge d'affaires and led the Mexican Government to withdraw its delegates.
Indeed in 1864 he was recognized as leader of the radicals after his reply to Dr Hedge's address to the graduating students of the Divinity School on Anti-Supernaturalism in the Pulpit.
They imply the existence of a community with which Paul was personally acquainted, and to which he felt himself bound and free to address keen, authoritative reproaches.
At this time, as Cardinal-Archbishop of Bologna, he delivered a remarkable address on the attitude and duty of the Church during the war, and strongly emphasized the paramount importance of the Holy See observing strict neutrality, not of indifference, but of impartiality, while leaving nothing undone to restore peace and good-will and to mitigate suffering.
The address caused a deep impression, and it was no doubt much in the minds of the cardinals when they assembled in conclave for the election of a new pope on the last day of Aug.
The majority of the deputies returned to the diet of 1861 were in favour of asserting their rights by a resolution of the House, instead of petitioning for them by an address to the crown; hence arose the two parties of the Addressers and the Resolutioners.
The Patent of the 20th of February 1861 increased the uneasiness and suspicion of the nation; but Deak, now one of the deputies for Pest, was in favour of an address rather than of a.
Nevertheless, the court found the address so voted inadmissible; whereupon, on Dcak's motion, the Hungarian diet drew up a second address vigorously defending the rights of the nation, and solemnly protesting against the usurpations of the Austrian government.
Colenso's Commentary on the Romans in 1861, Wilberforce endeavoured to induce the author to hold a private conference with him; but after the publication of the first two parts of the Pentateuch Critically Examined he drew up the address of the bishops which called on Colenso to resign his bishopric. In 1867 he framed the first Report of the Ritualistic Commission, in which coercive measures against ritualism were discountenanced by the use of the word "restrain" instead of "abolish" or "prohibit."
Lord Palmerston was no orator; his language was unstudied, and his delivery somewhat embarrassed; but he generally found words to say the right thing at the right time, and to address the House of Commons in the language best adapted to the capacity and the temper of his audience.
Payment on account of the conveyance of electors to or from the poll; payment for any committee room in excess of a prescribed number; the incurring of expenses in and about the election beyond a certain maximum; employing, for the conveyance of electors to or from the poll, hackney carriages or carriages kept for hire; payments for bands, flags, cockades, &c.; employing for payment persons at the election beyond the prescribed number; printing and publishing bills, placards or posters which do not disclose the name and address of the printer or publisher; using as committee rooms or for meetings any licensed premises, or any premises where food or drink is ordinarily sold for consumption on the premises, or any club premises where intoxicating liquor is supplied to members.
The duty of the local supervising authority is to Midw exercise general supervision over all midwives practising within their area in accordance with rules laid down in the act; to investigate charges of malpractices, negligence or misconduct on the part of a midwife, and if a prima facie case be established, to report it to the Central Midwives Board; to suspend a midwife from practice if necessary to prevent the spread of infection; to report to the central board the name of any midwife convicted of an offence; once a year (in January) to supply the central board with the names and addresses of all midwives practising within their area and to keep a roll of the names, accessible at all reasonable times for public inspection; to report at once the death of any midwife or change in name and address.
The narrative of Tacitus breaks off at the moment when Thrasea was about to address Demetrius, the Cynic philosopher, with whom he had previously on the fatal day held a conversation on the nature of the soul.
His address before the graduating class of the divinity school at Cambridge, in 1838, was an impassioned protest against what he called "the defects of historical Christianity" (its undue reliance upon the personal authority of Jesus, and its failure to explore the moral nature of man as the fountain of established teaching), and a daring plea for absolute selfreliance and a new inspiration of religion.
In this address Emerson laid his hand on the sensitive point of Unitarianism, which rejected the divinity of Jesus, but held fast to his supreme authority.
His efforts on behalf of the clergy were untiring, and his ideal of the bishop's office may be read in his address to his nephew, Angelo della Ciaia, who had been raised to the episcopate (Admonitio ad episcopum Theanensem, nepotem suum, Rome, 1612).
With equal courage and address, Eugene profited by the misunderstandings between the French generals; and on the 7th of September 1706 he attacked the French army in its entrenchments and gained a victory which decided the fate of Italy.
It is a derivative of gospod, " lord," and is akin to gosudar, which primarily means "sovereign," and is now also used in Russia as a polite form of address, equivalent to "sir."
He was strongly opposed to the War of 1812, and was a leader in the movement culminating in the Hartford Convention, which he defended in a series of open letters published in 1824, and in his inaugural address as mayor of Boston.
He took part in the conference on the claims of the three orders, drew up the first address to the king, and supported the proposal of Sieyes that the Assembly should declare itself National.
His fine appearance, his flexible and sympathetic voice, his manifest sincerity, the perfect lucidity and artistic symmetry of his address, and the brilliance with which he illustrated his points would have attracted hearers even had he had little to say.
He resolved to appeal to the emperor, rode to Prague, won over Rudolph by his singular address, and, richly supplied with funds, reappeared in Transylvania as imperial governor.
His nephew Fontenelle admits that his general address and manner were by no means prepossessing.
They address their patrons with deference, acknowledging their own deficiencies, and seem painfully conscious of the profession of literature having fallen upon evil days.
It was not till the next session that he delivered his fiercest attack on Parnell in the debate on the address, denouncing him for his connexion with the Land League, and quoting against him the violent speeches of his supporters and the articles of his newspaper organs.
The teacher, now 35 years of age, intended to proclaim his new gospel first to his old teachers Alara and Udraka, but finding that they were dead, he determined to address himself to his former five disciples, and accordingly went to the Deerforest near Benares where they were then living.
Seeing him coming, they resolved not to recognize as a superior one who had broken his vows; to address him by his name, and not as "master" or "teacher"; only, he being a Kshatriya, to offer him a seat.
No one not an elector in 1892 can be registered as a voter unless he can sign his name and write his address and occupation.
At first the House of Commons was disposed to resent the apparent neglect with which it was treated by being asked to accept a deputy as its leader in place of a Prime Minister who washimself an M.P.; and cries for "Lloyd George " were raised when Mr. Law rose to play the leader's part in the debate on the Address in 1917.
The secretary of state is required to mail to every voter whose address he has a pamphlet containing the text of the laws to be voted upon at the ensuing election.
The Democrats were successful at the polls, and President Polk in his inaugural address asserted the claim of the United States to all of Oregon in terms suggesting the possibility of war.
In 1795-1801 he was a Republican representative in Congress, where he was one of the leaders of the opposition to Jay's treaty, introduced the resolution calling upon President Washington for all papers relating to the treaty, and at the close of Washington's administration voted with Andrew Jackson and other radicals against the address to the president.
The scheme shall contain in full safeguards for the protection of the Assyro-Chaldeans and other racial or religious minorities within these areas, and with this object a Commission composed of British, French, Italian, Persian and Kurdish representatives shall visit the spot to examine and decide what rectifications, if any, should be made in the Turkish frontier where, under the provisions of the present Treaty, that frontier coincides with that of Persia."(Article 63.)" The Turkish Government hereby agrees to accept and execute the decisions of both the Commissions mentioned in Article 62 within three months from their communication to the said Government."(Article 64.)" If within one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty the Kurdish peoples within the areas defined in Article 62 shall address themselves to the Council of the League of Nations in such a manner as to show that a majority of the population of these areas desires independence from Turkey, and if the Council then considers that these peoples are capable of such independence and recommends that it should be granted to them, Turkey hereby agrees to execute such a recommendation, and to renounce all rights and title over these areas.
Fyshe Palmer for circulating an address from a society of the friends of liberty to their fellow-citizens in favor of a reform of the House of Commons.
He announced his decision in an address to his constituents, in which, among other financial reforms, he promised to repeal the income tax.
On the meeting of the new parliament Lord Salisburys government was defeated on an amendment to the address, demanding facilities for agricultural laborers to obtain small holdings for gardens and pasturethe policy, in short, which was described as three acres and a cow.
It is almost incredible that the superb imaginative amplification of the description of Hyder Ali's descent upon the Carnatic should be from the same pen as the grave, simple, unadorned Address to the King (1777), where each sentence falls on the ear with the accent of some golden-tongued oracle of the wise gods.
When Washington retired from the presidency, Congress voted him an address and chose Ames to deliver it.
In his second address (1853) he criticized Elie de Beaumont's theory of the elevation of mountain-chains and showed the imperfect evidence on which it rested.
His winning manners, his polished address, his knowledge of men, his personal fascination, and his intimate knowledge of Greek, all marked him out as the fittest representative of Rome in the East.
He chose reporters, looked to the settingup of a printing-office, busied himself in all ways to Murray's great satisfaction, and, as fully appears from Dr Smiles's account of the matter, with extraordinary address.
That he should not have known better, even by hearsay, than to address the House of Commons in fantastic phrase from the mouth of a fantastic figure is indeed remarkable, but not that he retained self-confidence enough to tell the unwitting crew who laughed him down that a time would come when they would hear him.
OnMirabeau's motion theAssembly voted an address to the king asking for their withdrawal.
On the same day the nobles voted an address to the king condemning the action of the Tiers Etat.
In his presidential address before the British Association for the Advancement of Science (1900), Sir William Crookes painted a rather dark picture of the future of the world's wheat production.
He had an intimate acquaintance and sympathy with English institutions, and two of his published works - an address, Biographie de Lord Erskine (1866), and Etude sur l'acte du 5 avril 1873 pour l'etablissement d'une cour supreme de justice en Angleterre (1874) - deal with English questions; he also gave a fresh and highly important direction to French policy by the understanding with Russia, which was declared to the world by the visit of the French fleet to Cronstadt in 1891, and which subsequently ripened into a formal treaty of alliance.
The syndics of Geneva address him in a letter written in 1540, and still preserved, as "Docteur Caulvin."
This indeed was forced upon him, for Cop's address was more than the conservative party could bear, and Cop, being summoned to appear before the parlement of Paris, found it necessary, as he failed to secure the support either of the king, or of the university, to make his escape to Basel.
He presided over the banquet given by the society to the 221 deputies who had signed the address of March 1830 to Charles X., and threatened to reply to force by force.
A meeting of some 6000 persons in Belfast voted a congratulatory address to the French nation in July 1791.
They found a brilliant interpreter in Aeschines, who, after having been a tragic actor and a clerk to the assembly, had entered political life with the advantages of a splendid gift for eloquence, a fine presence, a happy address, a ready wit and a facile conscience.
The lord-lieutenant, on taking up his quarters in Dublin, refused a loyal address because of its Unionist tone; and in October the government issued a commission, with Mr Justice Mathew as chairman, which had the restoration of the evicted tenants as its avowed object.
The address (which is extremely important for its representation of the religious conditions) is made the occasion for a solemn covenant whereby the people agree to cleave to Yahweh alone.
But it is found that among the lowest or least cultured races, such as the south-eastern tribes of Australia, who do not propitiate ancestral spirits by offerings of food, or address them in prayer, there often exists a belief in an " All-Father," to use Howitt's convenient expression.
University (delivering an address on "Patriotism" at his installation).
On the 13th of February 1902 he was presented with an address in a gold casket by the city corporation, and entertained at luncheon at the Mansion House, an honour not unconnected with the strong feeling recently aroused by his firm reply (at Birmingham, January II) to some remarks made by Count von Billow, the German chancellor, in the Reichstag (January 8), reflecting the offensive allegations current in Germany against the conduct of the army in South Africa.
He soon became prominent; first by his contributions to its organ the Messenger; then by The Anxious Bench - A Tract for the Times (1843), attacking the vicious excesses of revivalistic methods; and by his defence of the inauguration address, The Principle of Protestantism, delivered by his colleague Philip Schaff, which aroused a storm of protest by its suggestion that Pauline Protestantism was not the last word in the development of the church but that a Johannean Christianity was to be its outgrowth, and by its recognition of Petrine Romanism as a stage in ecclesiastical development.
When the revolution broke out in the following year he offered to bring the peasants of Schonhausen to Berlin in order to defend the king against the revolutionary party, and in the last meeting of the estates voted in a minority of two against the address thanking the king for granting a constitution.
Washington's Farewell Address (1796) was written for him by Hamilton.
He continued to take part in the proceedings of various learned societies; and only a few months before his death, at the Leicester meeting of the British Association, he attested the keenness with which he followed the current developments of scientific speculation by delivering a long and searching address on the electronic theory of matter.
In 1770 he obtained the chair of logic and metaphysics at Konigsberg, and delivered as his inaugural address the dissertation De mundi sensibilis et intelligibilis forma et principiis.
He sat behind a low desk, with a few jottings on slips of paper, or textbooks marked on the margin, before him, and delivered an extemporaneous address, opening up the subject by partial glimpses, and with many anecdotes or familiar illustrations, till a complete idea of it was presented.
He was forced to recognize the new French empire, but he would recognize no more than the fact of its existence (du fait en luimeme); he refused to address the emperor of the French as a brother sovereign.
No impression of the address would be left on the pad this way.
Brennan gave me the director's personal cell phone number and home address.
While I had an address for Willard Humphries' mission, I wasn't familiar with Philly, so I hailed a cab.
I found an email the owner sent to an email address we know Czerno uses.
No name was listed for the sender, only a return e-mail address of "metalman29."
Before leaving, Jennifer Radisson explained that Josh had learned of Edith's new address in California—perhaps through some common friend—and had written his teenage sweetheart.
After explaining the situation and giving her address, she turned down the road toward the nearest public area – a service station 2 miles away.
Yes. I promised to give them your Indiana address tomorrow morning—this morning.
Dean explained he was still interested in the J. Cleary who had ordered the Sentinel from a Scranton address.
If it isn't being returned, isn't being forwarded and isn't accumulating at the Scranton address, what the hell is happening to it?
If that was the problem, she'd best address it – as soon as possible.
With a bridegroom's fresh alacrity, let us address the issues at hand.
An exceptionally astute businessman, John Parker, said he has my name and address.
What is being done to address this increasingly contentious Internet issue?
The values we address today do not only resonate with people with deeply held religious convictions.
In any event even the IP address request seems dubious.
Examine the ocean communities to address questions about the deep biosphere and evolution.
If you are interested or want to know more then initial contact should be made through Len at the email address below.
But to not have any address details for me seems insane.
In doing so they must address the possibility of collateral intrusion.
Though they were all going with him, Anatole evidently wished to make something touching and solemn out of this address to his comrades.
As became known later, he had scarcely begun to address the merchants before tears gushed from his eyes and he concluded in a trembling voice.
To fear or to try to escape that force, to address entreaties or exhortations to those who served as its tools, was useless.
Please take care to send your name, address and either telephone number or e-mail address.
Email address Please enter a valid email address that you will be checking regularly.
Their last known address (in 1928) was 18 St Andrews Crescent Harrogate Yorkshire.
In November, I delivered the presidential address which has proven to be quite controversial.
My e-mail address will be changing soon due to a change in providers.
Sir Jeremy Issacs will give a keynote address on the evening of 7 November 2003.
To find out more, go to the SERD web address.
All they ask for is a mailing address and an email address.
Each entry includes, where known, a website address and/or an email contact address (with the permission of the email addressee ).
The latter point has to be stressed since we did not address the question of empirical adequacy at all.
We have attempted to address these issues by investigating the adsorption of a single Cu ion in different charge states.
What's more, PKF's own VAT agony aunt is on hand to answer questions and address concerns.
An email address to an email alias is automatically forwarded to an existing user.
All PCs connected to ADSL share the same dynamically allocated address.
It would address no real historical issue and remain merely anecdotal.
The public address announcer was almost gleeful in his statement of the obvious to the shivering crowd gathered at Boundary Park.
I have made the address available in case anybody is actually willing to buy these shells.
Does anyone have a current address for Doug or know anything about Barry?
Arbors Ashley's arbors Ashley's Arbors features America's favorite line of vinyl garden arbors, trellises, address signs and mail posts.
It seems highly arguable therefore that such an address is one from which the person behind it cannot be identified.
And you would like me to address the fact that " we already have artificial intelligence [and] mechanical organisms " .
Please note that this can fail in case the IP address changes due to dynamically assigned IP addresses or proxy servers.
An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you are surfing the Web.
This means a new computer or device can be added to a network without manually assigning it a unique IP address.
To the total astonishment of the Belgians, Lumumba takes the floor in an unscheduled address that shatters the paternalistic charade in progress.
The Provost, splendidly attired, presented an address.
Seeing the Dalai Lama address an audience in 1993 - such a tiny man yet he filled the auditorium with his radiance.
Abstract We address the issue of modeling a simple timeout in timed automata.
These appear to have been specifically targeted to address perceived tax avoidance.
Colin has personally driven the drugs agenda in Bradford, securing the backing of local authorities and partners to address drugs issues.
It was noted that further action needed to be taken to address the gender balance.
Assistance in establishing a corporate bank account, USA business address, setting corporation online.
The omission of a specific scheme to address generalized blight constitutes a major flaw in the proposed compensation package.
The groups claim the planning blueprint fails to address " the real issues " facing the town.
A spam bot who can even recognize that has well earned your email address.
Enter your email address below to receive monthly email bulletins.
The string at address addr1 of length n bytes is compared with that at addr2.
Address Verification Service (AVS) This system verifies a cardholder 's billing address.
We deliver only to the registered cardholder 's address.
A. If you are the principal cardholder then please send photocopy of your marriage certificate with signed covering letter to the address below.
Within the context of lowland permeable catchments, a single site would not be sufficient to address all issues satisfactorily.
Together they form the Congressional Hispanic caucus which attempts to work together to address issues that affect all their constituencies.
Owing to our revolt against the dominance of the old Whigs, three gentlemen of advanced views were selected to address the Liberal caucus.
She made up her mind to call in person at the address given for the Mormons, which was conveniently central.
Somehow I feel certain that the address at which I lived at the time of the Bath Blitz was 2 Midland Bridge Road.
If you've bought something from Crocus before you can use the express checkout as we'll already have your address and what-have-you.
These are exactly the two areas that capitalist commerce is never going to address without government coercion.
Patients should always address specific medical concerns with their physicians.
It is a good example of how we, as politicians, address safety concerns.
The companion cannot answer questions for the employe but can confer with the employe and address the meeting.
We will be organizing a conference on risk perception to address this matter in detail.
I passed your email address on to Rhondda Valley as she is my most trusted confidante.
Launch latest issue Privacy Your email address will be kept confidential.
One of these numbers entered into the browser's address bar will bring up the router configuration screen.
With the router properly configured, you have to make sure that both computers are set to Obtain an IP address automatically.
Many find the culture just not congenial, we need to address this canteen culture issue.
Official documents accepted to verify name and address must be dated within last six months and preferably consecutive recent documents if same type.
Your postal address is the address where CUKAS and your chosen conservatoires will write to you.
In order to address these issues two assumptions of social constructivism need to be made explicit.
The second floppy controller is assumed to be at address.
Outsource, which will retain editorial independence, will address all areas of the outsourcing conundrum.
Strangely this will be the first convocation at which I will understand the address.
Your address for service shall be at the address you ask phone co-op to send bills to.
In the North West however we will still end up with three forces which will not address fully the problem of cross border criminality.
We always cross-check some-ones address with telephone or other records before we send out a high value item to them.
Access to these files may be arranged by applying to the senior curator at the above address.
Their conversation is abruptly curtailed by the entrance of Harry, a child genius who wants to know the address of the student house.
Far more drastic action is needed to address the underlying problem of voter cynicism - greater localism is the only effective remedy.
Data Protection Act 1998 Media Generation Events Limited will hold your email address on its computer database.
We must also address the dearth of research in the area of internet tobacco sales, marketing, and promotion.
Phil Hope's address was followed by questions from conference delegates.
Within our delivery area, the maximum cost per delivery address is £ 6.00.
On receipt of your application form, we will email you our address to send the demo to.
Fluoridation does not address the real causes of tooth decay - poor dental hygiene and excessive refined sugar consumption.
How then do we address such potentially dire threats of genetic engineering?
What does the draft directive propose in order to address such problems?
As is our usual practice we have two invited discussants for this address.
Speakers will usually address the seminar for no more than 15 minutes each to facilitate group discussion.
If politicians want to address political disengagement they must be prepared to take the steps that reach out to the politically disengaged.
Changing the electoral system would do little to address these more fundamental catalysts of public disengagement.
If you dial the 9-1-1 emergency dispatcher, they see the address immediately.
A dividend tax voucher is sent to shareholders at their address on the Register at the time of payment of the relevant dividend tax voucher is sent to shareholders at their address on the Register at the time of payment of the relevant dividend.
A data unit is properly aligned if its address is evenly divisible by the data unit's size in bytes.
I will not sell, or otherwise divulge, your email address to anyone.
They can connect to your server and view your published documents by typing this address in their web browser.
Allowing you plenty of time for preparation, we will then e-mail necessary documentation to your chosen address.
Your name Your e-mail address please double-check that you have entered this correct.
A new Register of electors is published every year on 1 December showing the names of all qualifying electors at a particular address.
Each address in the list identifies a communications endpoint for the same conceptual object.
Ron also fulfilled another long-standing engagement, to address a meeting devoted to the joys of nature.
Please enclose a stamped address envelope with checks for return of tickets.
Measures or policies taken to address coastal erosion or flooding can often pose a new risk to historic assets.
For hourly employees address three basic medicare-active membersthat excuse it is blue cross blue shield of north carolina health insurance quote the.
It is interesting to read, in Snow's AAAS address, his naïve faith in scientific certainty.
Enter the user's Mail Address to which the inbound faxes should be sent.
A teacher in West Yorkshire had his car firebombed allegedly the day after his name and address had appeared.
We may collect your child's first name and e-mail address to respond to your child on a one-time basis.
Club Secure employ nationwide fitters who will travel to your home address or to a caravan dealer to install the device.
Any notice to be provided to you shall be addressed to the contact email address provided by you within your registration form.
This tutorial will also address some of the research issues in the transformation techniques between different formalisms.
I noticed that it is in jpeg form, and thus could be easily forwarded to our email address.
In an unusually frank and forthright address at th... read more.
The address at which the alleged fraud may be taking place.
The IP address of the default gateway system you should route to, if your network has a gateway.
Each Local Authority was given a sum of money by the government to create their local address gazetteer and keep it updated.
The publication has chapters that address key issues in geodesy such as geodetic surveying techniques, geodetic systems, physical geodesy and satellite geodesy.
Gordon co-host celebrity address i was.
Its built-in address book let you customize greetings for all your friends, relatives or co-workers.
In the case of mobile hairdressers, the premises would be the home address of that hairdresser.
Every i-mode handset will automatically come with its own unique internet mail address.
Spambots and address harvesters haven't learned how to do this yet.
This has provided an opportunity for both the MPA and partnerships to learn from the widespread work to address hate crimes.
In short, the study did not adequately address the electric field's possible contribution to ill health.
By default, ilmid uses some heuristics to select a local IP address.
The Conference will bring together high-level speakers and thinkers to address the relationship between CSR and sectoral and national competitiveness.
If you are looking to improve shop floor housekeeping and address Health & Safety issues don't miss this one!
Mr. Hunt ascended the hustings about half-past one o'clock and proceeded to address the immense multitude.
Also, their IP address is tracked in the database along with your affiliate id.
Licensing arrangements for the Postcode address File are only one part of the addressing imbroglio.
However, training levy schemes in which the levy depends upon the wage bill are shown to address capital market imperfections only.
Natural substances can also be used to address sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction and can be used for treating impotence.
Removing the contaminated soils was technically impractical, and removing contaminated ground water did not address the source of the contaminants.
The closing keynote address was given by Erno Lehtinen, from the University of Turku, Finland.
By exploring the role of language in the constitution of social relations, the project seeks to address a lacuna in contemporary anthropological theory.
I can't register for some reason; it seems to think that my perfectly dull email address is not legit.
Many believe there are valuable lessons to be learned from my own case which I describe on my website (address below ).
A confirmation letter will be sent to your e-mail address when the transaction is finished.
The report also calls for action at a national level to address shortages of psychologists.
We will send an email confirming the entry, and if the address does not exist we cannot add the listing.
This will be -1 if a hardware address is not needed for the interface of the cached route (e.g. lo ).
Alternatively, if you have a lynx or similar text-based browser, you can access the site by typing in the address line.
Once they discover the destination mac address, they update their ARP cache.
You could also set up POP3 mailbox 's address for each member of the family.
An institutional address is preferred as bulk mailing saves us postage.
An institutional address is preferred; bulk mailing saves postage.
Nobody is talking of address by the United States, the home of the culprit transgenic maize.
Below are some of the more common questions asked about our dog training systems, which we address here and in the printed manuals.
Press the " Specify an IP address " radio button and enter the client's address and subnet mask in the space provided.
To address problems that arise in the resultant optimization we introduce a technique called spherical normalization that preconditions the Hessian matrix.
This call is useful for obtaining the address of memory which is allocated and mapped into the first megabyte with the standard EMS calls.
With an address book, diary, and digital voice memo, it is your own personal assistant.
Chadwick Insurance Agency Or heath care had selected a. Firm mercer human of the impact to address this.
I must address my deep-seated slothfulness and bring my somewhat mercurial temperament under a greater degree of control.
First 16-bit microprocessor, and featured a 15-bit address bus.
Every delegate was also given an NDAD promotional mug, at least ensuring that they took away our correct web site address!
It will also address the need to tackle institutional racism and to celebrate multiculturalism and diversity.
When the church did address the issue, however, it affirmed that God cannot suffer in his divine nature.
Conditions to address Some premature babies or sick newborns may have to remain in the special baby unit for several weeks or even months.
Maharishi to address Washington press on May 12 Maharishi will hold his next global news conferences on May 12 and 13.
The key to reducing ambient noise is to address both pathways.
Please include your address and phone number although these will not be published.
I hoped that he could address GP concerns, particularly in veterinary nursing.
This strategy does not obviate the need for Heads of School to take steps to address such matters at a school level.
We address these objectives by producing albedo maps, and reflection and emission spectra, and observing stellar occultations.
Or replace just the third occurrence of a cell address in some cells ' formulas?
To address these needs we used off-the-shelf Web Services technology rather than existing systems like Globus.
It's not one-way traffic, there's an email address to contact the author.
If you attempt to read a word or longword operand at an odd address, the 68000 generates an address error exception.
The opening address was given by Mrs Lynn Allen who set out the objectives and explained the Canadian origins.
Division research and education programs address the culture of mollusks, crustaceans, marine ornamentals, food fish, seaweed, and biomedical species.
Length of mother's that address the effects of state in extensive outreach.
A network that allows UDP packets could be mapped by sending a packet to the broadcast address on a high port.
To address this aspect we study the interactions of Anopheles mosquitoes and plasmodium parasites, the agent of malignant malaria.
In this case, the full name and address of the nominated payee must be provided to the Trust.
This section should help to address some of the last minute questions or concerns you might have about taking pep.
Multiple channels must address how these separate motion signals are combined into a coherent motion percept.
An email address has more permanence than the name of a street or building.
In 03 we will then address how to rescue the phenotypes.
The trustees agreed to implement an action plan to address the Commission's findings.
The address member specifies a pointer to the address.
To ensure problem free delivery please make sure that you supply the full address and correct postcode of the delivery destination.
Please enter the full postcode of the address where you would like to receive Telewest services.
Please indicate your nearest large town and/or postcode with your full name and address.
Thus, we instead prefer to let the system pick the address.
In order to address this we will be putting together a set of presenter Guidelines, which we will ask future presenters to follow.
We're in the process of adding some vector primitives to address the needs of CAD users, as well.
We need to be more innovative in how we address the problem.
The report highlights some interesting trends which the design industry needs to address to remain profitable.
Using the TCP/IP protocol, each device is identified by its IP Address.
Comments (2) something to do with my reverse proxy applying a rule to the forms post address.
These will address both social science and humanities constituencies, encouraging the rapprochement of disciplines in a comparative approach to contemporary global cultural change.
If you have recently moved house or have changed address please let the receptionist know so that your details can be updated.
The mail is then registered (Signed For) at the destination address in the USA.
It would also be unable to address correctly any collateral not transferred through DBVs, stock loans or term repo facilities.
The return address to the BASIC is tacked in the usual way, so return is by a Z80 ret instruction.
The address of the file is in a format that can be interpreted by a Web server, which then retrieves the file.
Collaboration with the group of Dr. David Stammers continues to address the structure of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase.
A rock revetment was constructed in 1992 in an attempt to address the basic cause of slope instability, i.e. basal wave erosion.
A good ria will address the questions ' What is the best way of achieving the objective?
This is to prevent spam robots from collecting the email address.
The router configuration screen can be gotten to by using the router configuration screen can be gotten to by using the routers IP address in the browser address bar.
Top English social satirist Chris Morris has recut George W. Bush's ' State of the Nation ' address.
In 1992 BTCV cleared most of the birch scrub to address the problem.
All members should forward their email address to their membership secretary.
The information models will address the main industrial manufacturing sectors.
Received broadcast messages contain the sender's address and port, because datagram sockets are bound before a message is allowed to go out.
Steve's address covered a wide spectrum ranging from the events of September 11th to the virtues of the internet.
The following year Massey did expand the address into a small book concerning spiritualism, published by James Burns.
Objectors may address the Committee either singularly or may elect a spokesperson.
This is in the form of an electronic spreadsheet which should be returned to the OCN via email to the stated address.
Added to the continued stalemate in the development of Top Field, it was vital to address the situation sooner rather than later.
Hong Hua was added to address her underlying mild blood stasis that was causing clothing on the second day of menses.
Information to improve our site We collect web statistics automatically about your visit to our site based on your IP address.
Charnwood Boro Council has developed a strategy to address the problems relating to empty homes within the boro.
To address this problem wheelchair services have been making eligibility criteria ever more stringent to suppress demand.
This problem was solved by using the data buffer output enables to disable the appropriate column address strobe.
If you want to change your e-mail address, then subscribe with the new address and unsubscribe with the old one.
Any change to address which occurs subsequent to the completion of this form must be notified to the Exams Team immediately.
So talk to your doctor or a health care professional before using a probiotic supplement or melatonin to address IBS.
It is not known if football's former supremo delivered any mail to the wrong address.
To do this, the smear taker must have an up-to-date address for you.
I tape the seams with Magic tape the seams with Magic Tape and add a self adhesive Avery mailing label for the address.
For those involved only in postgraduate teaching and supervision the contents of the course address few of the teaching situations they will face.
He endures the tedium of having to address his youthfully candid reaction to the Old Course with polite resignation.
But it has so far failed to address the scandal of exclusions affecting tens of thousands of children a year.
Sometimes it will marvel at their failure to anticipate and address the many problems the technology turned out to have (e.g. thalidomide ).
Failure to address this issue in fact constitutes the biggest threat to achieving a lasting urban renaissance.
The address of the College is on the application form When does the 3.5 year time limit start?
The Green Party aims to address the root causes of these problems, rather than simply tinkering with the symptoms.
Yet, visiting Strasbourg yesterday to address the European Parliament for the first time, he became somewhat tongue-tied.
Our experts are able to address the totality of an organization's business operations.
Opportunity here that play quot pay you new york cover giant hitch NFL team trailer should do to address these.
Type or copy the address in the box here By the way, can you spot the typo on their page?
The near Notting Hill address makes the location almost unbeatable, too.
It is particularly unfortunate that your reply did not address any of the specific issues Mr Webb raised.
To address any creation by such a name, is therefore unlawful.
This may include your name, email address and web site URL.
Bright obeyed, began with much hesitancy, but found his tongue and made an excellent address.
At Helen's request Bishop Brooks made an address.
All the same, it was Bilibin who found a suitable form for the address.
After the usual ceremonies Pierre rose and began his address.
When you are asked if you want to recalculate the load address, enter " Y ".
Please bookmark it if you have been redirected from the old address.
Contact me at the email address below to order any of the new or existing FWD register regalia items.
For example, if the registrant address is incorrect your ISP will be able to amend these records on Nominet 's database.
A reparative task is done specifically to repair or address the harm done.
If you require a new password please enter your registered email address below.
I do n't have an e-mail address - can I still make a reservation inquiry?
Athletes must also reside at an English address or be studying at an English HEI.
The course will then address network design strategies based on these targets for grassroots as well as retrofit situations.
Queries on returnable packaging should be addressed to the Buyer 's Stores Manager at the delivery address.
A good RIA will address the questions ' What is the best way of achieving the objective?
And he has American rightists accusing him of " Jew-hatred " for the benefit of audiences whom he may never address.
The router configuration screen can be gotten to by using the routers IP address in the browser address bar.
Top English social satirist Chris Morris has recut George W. Bush 's ' State of the Nation ' address.
If you wish to seek permission to use material from this site contact the Webmaster at the address given below.
Yet in mainstream Hollywood cinema too there are definite recent examples of self-aware films that address the role of art.
Dynamic IP and IPX Address Translation and DHCP support simplify deployment.
Although computer simulations can help, many algorithms fail when they address regions near black hole singularities where the gravitational fields theoretically approach infinity.
Address Liverpool Sky Park 22 Owens Drive Liverpool Distance to airport Situated just 5 minutes from Liverpool airport.
Received broadcast messages contain the sender 's address and port, because datagram sockets are bound before a message is allowed to go out.
Email This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it to get on the mailing list.
These questionnaires might also address the specific needs of people to which the parish could respond.
Steve 's address covered a wide spectrum ranging from the events of September 11th to the virtues of the internet.
The following year Massey did expand the address into a small book Concerning Spiritualism, published by James Burns.
Broken net Spammers hide their location by using a false, or spoofed, address in the millions of messages they send out.
They are working with the local Housing Office to address matters like drug dealing in the stairwells of blocks.
An arab family is stereotyped in the worst possible way, and the attempt to address sexual harassment falls horribly flat and achieves nothing.
In particular, check the details of the name and address of the subcontractor company or partnership.