Added Sentence Examples
He added some to it.
The fire was burning down, though, so she added more wood.
You don't have to worry, he added bitterly.
And Sofia, he added silently.
A hawk made a wide swing across the grassland and then suddenly dived, jerking up at the last second, its great wings straining as it pumped back into the air with added weight.
He added, "Sorry about your trouble."
I work as well as I sleep, he added, with a laugh.
Mary added another plate to the stack.
I added a thank-you before hanging up.
There she opened her letter to Connie and added a request to check on that name and address.
AdvertisementIf one wagon got stuck, the rest would have to stop while one of the other teams was unhitched and added to pull the wagon out.
The number of choices available added to the confusion.
Then he added with a smile in his voice, You two are working late together.
Hardwood floors can be added.
He added nervously, "Tell me you haven't told anyone!"
AdvertisementYou wouldn't have to make a big deal out of; like seeing a flying saucer, I added with a smile.
The others, even Quinn, didn't disagree, but added, "And protect ourselves in doing so."
There's the added temptation of a million dollars.
Betsy replied, then added, "Molly's babysitting comment left no doubt she and Julie are moving to town."
Then he added, "She'll probably take a nap till the sun goes down."
AdvertisementYour victory today hasn't gone anywhere, he added.
Cynthia asked "They were old cigarettes—not like Patsy smokes," she said and then added quickly, "gotta go."
Then he added, "It may be part of that parcel of land they're squabbling about over at the courthouse."
Charlie nodded and added, "It's too remote to build anything there and snowed in most of the year."
The screams added to the chaos.
AdvertisementThen he added, "Is there a reward?"
May I? he added in a low voice so as not to disturb the vicomte who was continuing his story.
He's also my Bory's godfather, she added, as if she attached no importance at all to the fact.
The nobility don't gwudge theah lives--evewy one of us will go and bwing in more wecwuits, and the sov'weign" (that was the way he referred to the Emperor) "need only say the word and we'll all die fo' him!" added the orator with animation.
At eight o'clock the booming of cannon was added to the sound of musketry.
She's very pretty, added the adjutant with a smile.
Lifting the skirt slightly with one hand so she wouldn't trip on it, she let the other hand slide lightly down the banister for added balance.
When I didn't answer, she added.
He added, "And Annie."
When I didn't comment, she added, "Roger is my German Shepherd."
She added, Carry Molly up to the nursery; there's a cot in there.
I added, "They were frightened after what happened to me at Howie Abbott's house."
Then she added, "Julie practically begged me to bring Molly out there and help the both of them to get back home, whatever it takes to do so."
When he hesitated, I added, "I've come a long way."
These conclusions only added to the frustration of not locating the nearby lair.
It didn't have the kind of bandages she suspected he'd need for his shoulder, so she turned several towels into thick bandages and added them to the pile.
None at your HQ yet or Sector HQ, Rainy added.
They've been killing themselves with cyanide pills, Rainy added.
She'd have time and space to adjust without the added confusion of him.
I alone will do that, he added.
He taught me how to kill someone, by the way, she added.
Just promise me one thing, he added.
Then, with a rush of confidence, she added, But I'm not a moron either.
You too, probably," then he added, "even if you don't have real parents."
Then she added, We don't have time to go all the way to the end.
She added, "I don't believe in hitting children."
Then she added, We've always treated you exactly the same as if we were your natural parents.
She added, "All but you—and maybe Sheriff Weller."
Martha smiled at Fred's compliments but added, I know I shouldn't have gone in there.
He added, Especially on Saturdays.
Then he added, "It would sure be different on that side of the room."
She added, "He's certainly worried about something."
That takes guts," Dean said, then added with a smile, "So goodie little Cynthia used to get her bum-bum paddled, huh?"
Then she added, her slight smile fading, "Maybe we can teach him to sing—if he has a reason to."
Then she added, Don't tell them where we're going!
Then, after a pause he added, "Before Pop disappeared for good."
He paused, smiling at some long ago happening, and then added, Ma needed all the money we could bring in.
Randy quickly added, "We're going to get married."
Then he added, "And we want our parents to feel the same way too."
He added, "just like we're trusting that Martha is telling the truth."
Then he added, Tell him I don't need a moustache.
He added, "Me and my bill collectors."
Then he added, "Too bad you folks don't vote."
Not now, added her husband, hurrying after his brother.
Then, glancing at the obstructed road before them, she added nervously, "Do you think we're on the right track?"
She added, "It dates back to when you were in shape."
Before Dean could answer, Paul added, "Thanks for the beer," and was gone.
Then he added, Maybe I can buy my old costume.
After the requisite comments on the beauties of Ouray and the surrounding mountains, Faust explained he was from California, here on business—for a short stay, he added.
Then he added, I bumped into your opponent this afternoon.
Then she added, "Even though I don't have a flick of an idea what you're talking about."
She quickly added, "I'll pay you."
She added, "Now that he'll be married with responsibilities, this sort of activity is all behind him."
She promised they'd take Jennifer there another time, but then added, "Your property is equally beautiful, with far fewer visitors."
Added to it was the pleasure of seeing Cynthia, after all she'd undergone, so utterly enjoying the day.
Then he added, "I guess I shouldn't be talking to you, seeing as we're adversaries and all."
Then she added, "Thank God Melissa wasn't with him."
Fitzgerald smiled and added, "Great job!"
When Dean didn't respond, he added, "Tomorrow," but made no further move to stop him.
God," she added, "wouldn't that be a hoot for the boys?"
Then he added, but if you can sneak it in, you might try Diversion, the coffee house.
Then, Fitzgerald added, I understand Mr. Dean was in the area, too, though I don't as yet know why.
She added, "He was very helpful."
The walls were filled with books while plants added to the warm and homey atmosphere.
Always said he cheated, Harold added.
Then Harold added, There used to be an Art Dawkins in Montrose.
That's before the ski area kicked up all the prices, Harold said, and then added.
Then Dean added, "Just like investigating accidents."
Then she added, If it was any of your business.
Then Fred added, Keep your fingers crossed.
Then she added, But not now.
He then added, I'm surprised you settled with the Dawkinses.
He rose to leave and then added, Whatever the age of that skeleton, the facts still remain that someone swapped the bones, someone stole the finger and 'metalman29' was offering an inflated price for the mine.
Then he added, Ms. Larkin better watch her pretty butt.
Weller added, "Maybe Lydia reported that business to Denver and that's why Fitzgerald got recalled."
Then he added, "You didn't try to blackmail him into quitting the election, did you?"
Then he added, on a more serious note, "I'll give you a hand if I can, but nothing official."
Then he added, You might have better luck learning who's been trying to buy the worthless mine and who at Bird Song swiped the itsy-bitsy bone you found.
Then he added, Congratulations. Looks like you're going to be running unopposed.
Martha added, "No one saw me sneak in."
Added to the group were various newcomers, ignorant until now of the young girl's recent odyssey.
Then he added, You should be pleased, not looking like your dog just died.
Finally, Lydia said, "I told your wife I was going to ask you," then added, "I really underestimated that woman."
The oldest of the healers has tried to repair her without success, Darkyn added.
Whatever happened … There's nothing to stress about, he added when she was silent.
Keep in mind there's more to the story than what there appears to be, Andre added.
So jealous, Deidre added.
Whoever finds you first, Darkyn keeps you, Darkyn's mate added.
It sounds like you've got enough on your plate... except food, he added.
Remembering what Katie said, she added, "It will be so much easier for all of us."
You could find a good doctor, Logan added.
She added yet another item to the growing queue.
What kind of deity added a smiley face to its messages?
Or paint her face blue, Gabriel added.
She added before he could ask.
Only two or three people ever see your file, Ileana added.
You didn't quit because you wanted to, but because you had to after breaking those laws to spare me and Hazel, Katie added, patting her stomach.
Then he won't be stuck with someone he hates, Deidre added, comforted by the thought.
He whipped off his belt and added it to the rest of his belongings, leaving a single knife strapped to his thigh.
He waited, as if she'd reveal enough dirt to make his monthly quota then added, They'll probably suspend your license.
It was three months' salary, though Hannah had added it to the black AmEx her fiancé paid in full every month without a second thought.
None was longer than a page and each asked after Annie's health and wellbeing and then added a few lines that mentioned that all was well in Boston.
Then she added, almost to herself, I'll have to make some arrangements.
He added, I was a detective in Parkside, Pennsylvania.
Then she added, "He had on a red plaid flannel shirt and jeans."
Then he added, with a professional air, "We'll track her down."
Then she added, "The last in the trilogy."
Then she added, "He's anxiously waiting."
Then he added, "If you ever have a problem, I want you to know you can come to us."
Then she added, "I'm not good at nothing."
Then he added, "But you should be in a regular school."
Then she added, I don't mean to spill on him or nothing.
Then, as if thinking about it added, But I'll donate these things.
Then he added, "She made him sell 'em just 'cause he turned sixty-five."
Besides," he added, glancing at the parlor where the Quincy sisters were still gabbing, "I feel a need to get away from here a bit."
And," she added, "three gold coins.
Then she added, I'll pay for the room.
Then she added, with a dismissive wave of her hand, "That retarded child probably stole it."
Then he added, "—when you ski as fast as I do."
Then he added, with an unsuccessful attempt at levity, "Doesn't this prove I'm looking at our marriage as a long term relationship?"
Then she added, But it looked like a real ghost.
He told Cynthia about Effie's apparition, then added, "I'm sure it was poor Edith Shipton strolling around the place."
Then he added, "And hope the guy above you is playing by the same rules!"
Then she added, as if dismissing the importance of so dramatic a change, "After all, if I'm starting a new life, I might as well change everything."
Then she added, Donald is so sweet.
He then added, "But when your sister was so snooty about the coins and other items and short changed Fred O'Connor, we decided to keep the notebook."
She added, We didn't know the content of the notebook at that time.
Then she added, But I shan't tell her.
Then he added, Won't it be uncomfortable for you to keep a secret from her?
Then she added, And tell that nice Mr. O'Connor not to spend his $2.50 gold coins.
She added, almost in a whisper, That's why I suggested Claire give the smaller denominations to Mr. O'Connor.
Then she added, "You will let me read the rest of the notebook when you've figured it out, won't you?"
Now that you're going to make a little money on those gold coins, added to what you took in on that Flotsam Electronics stock last June, maybe you should consider seeing the light and turning Republican.
Then he added, "God knows where Edith will go after it's over."
Then he added, I'm going to miss the kid.
Too busy doing her work, she added.
He added, "I'm sure it will make her day."
Then she added, But she didn't sound her usual self.
He smiled when he said it, and added, Just don't go trying to get fancy.
He added, Look, I've got to get going.
She then added, with a hint of silly smile, "Foolish me."
He added, "I wish I were going with you."
He added, It conveniently covers up any footprints or evidence up here too.
He added, "And offensive."
He added, "I have no idea how she picked my inn."
He turned to Dean, and added, And Cynthia.
Then he added, She was upset about her mother's condition.
Then she added, I know I'm not being fair, but please, let me do this my way.
Then he added, Why not give her a long-ring call from here?
He then added, "Or do you figure it's tapped?"
Then he added, "Is he expecting you?"
Then she added, What kind of a mother lets her son do something stupid like climbing icicles at the age of twelve?
Then added, in a mocking voice, 'We were intimate, and all our old love came flowing back!'
Then he added, "But it does help if she likes you."
Then she added, "Besides, Mr. Ryland's got Fran now."
Then he added with a smile, "Don't suppose little Franny slit his throat, do you?"
Then he added, "Good job, detective O'Connor."
He continued to sip his beer, then added, "Besides, you shouldn't be drinking and driving."
He then added, "I've been trying to call you all day."
Then, she added with a snarl, "Yet."
Then she added, "Did Edith wear her white dress when she came to...your bed?"
She quickly added, Not for Claire's sake certainly, but for Annie Quincy.
Then she added, "Starts tomorrow."
Then, as if explaining her long distance telephone expenditure added, "She got a free phone card for listening to a time share pitch."
Ryland added, The doctor was very surprised how unaffected Donnie appeared after we described his dysfunctional family environment.
Then she added, "His mother took it away from him, saying she'd keep it, and stick it in his stepfather if he dared come near them."
Then he added, I'm glad you're staying here with us.
Added to that was Fred's frequent lies about picking up at tag sales for a pittance, items that to an observant eye, still retained their much-higher new-store price.
Between bites he added, I even brought the white dress.
He added, I'm sorry the missus killed herself but she was a looney from the word go.
Then Franny added, It'll be strange going back there.
And look," she added, "No butts!
Then he added, "Or, perhaps he used it, to stuff it in her mouth and silence her while he choked her to death."
Fred added, Then Shipton had to set the whole scene up before he knocked over the chair.
Then he added, "As long as this is let's-be-honest time, I have an apology to make."
Sarah's face assumed a serious cast as she added, "You're also my hero."
He added a little tequila this time, and the absence of the plastic improved the taste more than he expected.
She smiled and blushed as he added, "You know, you really could spend the night and leave early tomorrow."
Jackson added, "Worst case scenario is you end up having to influence them."
His gray suit looked expensive and the silk tie added a touch of elegance.
A slow smile twisted his lips and added a twinkle to his eyes.
He explained the situation to Katie and added.
She rearranged the fuel and added some pine needles and leaves.
The VP you can let rot, he added.
And far better well armed, Brady added silently.
More than we have dogs, Kelli added.
We didn't test her for radiation yet, Kelli added.
And that she holds the keys to the world's survival in her hands, Brady added silently.
Dan added quickly, "Not Lana's."
People have expanded them since then, Brady added.
The real Gabriel had been the one to tell her that the child she carried was a girl. "I guess we have to wait and see," she forced herself to say and added silently, I hope you're safe, Gabriel, wherever you are.
He added it was too damned hot for this early in May.
One hundred fifty-six Maid Marian Lane was a neatly kept ranch to which a one-car garage had been added.
Then he added hesitantly, The paper said the current on the bay is strong.
I know you had to ask but I'll save you the next question, she added.
She added, "Especially now."
She added somewhat sheepishly, He's had perfect attendance for all of high school.
He rocked back in his chair and added, There was a little shindig for the marketing guy—Fletch Brunell.
He added, "I guess that's why Jeff had too much booze."
Fred growled, as he added more notes to his pad.
Mayer added that Byrne was back to work the following day, but made no reference to his absence.
The doctor suggested as much exercise could be gained by walking without the added risk of injury.
Then he added, "Are you going to marry him?"
He added, but I haven't seen any body float up either.
I'm still scared to death to pick up the phone," she said, and added, "Please, call me Cynthia," when he addressed her more formally.
He didn't have a Texaco charge card and they don't take Visa or MasterCard," Hunter replied, and then added, "but I've driven that route.
He lifted up the mat as Hunter added, The spare never touched the ground—usually doesn't nowadays.
Besides," he added, looking around, "the place is a mess."
After offering condolences for Randy's father, Dean added, "It's a little early for a Saturday night, isn't it?"
Then he added, Maybe I'll look up this Ridner kid and ask him if the car was still there when he finished, but I'm just checking it out because I promised Randy Byrne I would.
Everyone has to be a specialist nowadays, he added, a hint of regret in his voice.
She added, "Leland Anderson's wife Marian says you're a schmuck for not solving the Byrne thing and causing her to lose her bet."
Before Dean could ask her to explain, she added, I gotta run.
Cynthia paused, and added, I saw your attorney friend this afternoon...Ms.
Then added, "Except the bathing suit—and his cap."
Rita typed the second expanded Byrne report, with only a mildly raised eyebrow after Dean explained more would be added later.
Then he added, "I'll take care of lunch."
Mrs. Glass added, "You see, I've never met Mr. Cleary."
Then he added, "If I see Cleary, should I tell him you're looking for him or what?"
Then he added, "There's not much chance he's the guy we're looking for."
Silence followed for a moment before she added, No, that's a lie.
Or the funeral, she added.
Her added weight, though slight, caused the parking lot gravel to cut even deeper into his aching feet.
His emerging feelings for Cynthia Byrne only added complications to the equation.
Then he added, "We recognize it's Norfolk's case—we're just investigating our end as a courtesy."
She added, "I could use the exercise."
Then, thinking his statement presumptive added, "When things settle down."
Then he added, We're probably going to have to move Vinnie Baratto again.
Then he added, but it's a fact there was a motor home there.
Then Hunter added, They wanted to see the file on your pal Jeffrey Byrne as well.
He added that he'd let Dean know if he developed any information.
He added, "You said yes when I asked if he came back but you didn't see him?"
Dean added, "Maybe you're just hoping someone will fall down the front steps of the church and break their neck so you can be Johnny-on-the-spot."
She added, as if to clarify the situation, that her son Randy would be there too.
Then she added, I was pleased by the comments of that girl Cece Baldwin—how Jeff went out of his way to help her.
He added, "Very much."
Besides," he added, "Mrs. Glass was getting a mite too friendly and she's not much of a cook."
Then he added, "But you gotta admit we been making progress as a team."
He paused and then added, "I don't suppose there's any return address on Arthur's note?"
I kind of hoped she might be with you," and then he added, a tad self-consciously, "she's been gone all night."
Then she added, "That way, it'll be early enough for you to drive back to Parkside."
Then he added, "She sounded really pissed at you."
Then added, "Two ginger ales."
And then he added, "I've been seeing you because I care more about you than anyone I've ever met."
She added, "I don't want to talk to that man, I don't."
She added, "I have a life to live—regardless."
He added, "The ride starts on June 13, two weeks from tomorrow."
Then he added, "The guy was real surprised someone was looking for Corbin."
To Betty, he added, Good night, Miss Boise.
Another added, You picked a pretty good spot to land, too.
And," he added, "we underestimated you—he'd changed names so much we didn't think you'd ever find him."
She told me numerous times what a great lover he was – like I wanted to know, she added sarcastically.
Not that canned fruits and vegetables weren't good, but they had all that sugar and salt added.
After she finished dishes, she watered the chickens and added water to the horse tank.
We should have good night vision, too, Jenn added.
Although older, his own name was present under Damian's, as if it had been erased during the long years of his slavery and newly added.
As the lower ranking of the married couple, the name of Jenn's betrothed was added to her family's record, indicating he was likely the son of another servant.
Trust your instincts, no matter what, Sofi added.
Trust me, he added silently.
I traded my trump cards, Sofi added.
There are some who say a female Warlord will bring a curse upon us, but we don't believe this, he added.
A glint of triumph lit her gaze, and she added with arrogance, "But you can never command me."
He paused and then added, "Oh, and my last name is Wilson."
She added, searching his face.
When he didn't respond, she added.
He had the southern drawl down to an art and his deep warm voice added a realistic touch.
His warm breath on her neck and the added heat of his body made her feel nauseous again.
But," the woman added "it's your decision.
You're safe, he added.
There's nothing wrong with being universally hated, Dusty added, amusement in his voice.
I won't interfere, Gerry added.
It only added to her mystery.
She added a snap of her fingers that pulled a quiet laugh from him.
Gerry mouthed the words to Jessi then added for her ears only, "I'll take you to lunch tomorrow, if you do it."
I'm quitting, she added.
After a pause, he added a quiet, "Please."
Try again, she added mockingly.
The interior of the house was romantically lit by candles, and the soft electronica music and sounds of talk added to the dark, spirited ambiance.
We figured out the girl can Travel, and I have a feeling I know where she's headed, if she gets the chance, Damian added.
Ash and Brandon will probably do the same, he added.
To these may be added the industrial museum, the cabinet of coins, the museum of natural history, the collection of majolica vases in the new palace, and the Wurttemberg museum of antiquities.
It should be added that some of these large tusks came from Ceylon; such tuskers being believed to be descended from mainland animals imported into the island.
It may be added that fossil remains of the African elephant have been obtained from Spain, Sicily, Algeria and Egypt, in strata of the Pleistocene age.
When a few lumps of sugar are added to a glass of water and stirred, the sugar soon disappears and we are left with a uniform liquid resembling water, except that it is sweet.
Park himself added much to the knowledge of the upper basin of the Senegal.
Cobalt dioxide, Co02, has not yet been isolated in the pure state; it is probably formed when iodine and caustic soda are added to a solution of a cobaltous salt.
A large number of cobalt compounds are known, of which the empirical composition represents them as salts of cobalt to which one or more molecules of ammonia have been added.
The fact that he embellished with his own great literary ability the speeches of the Liberals and Reformers only added to the influence of his news-letters.
The attempts of the government to counteract his influence by founding a rival paper, the Vilag, only increased his importance and added to the political excitement.
It was a step characteristic of his love for extreme and dramatic action, but it added to the dissensions between him and those who wished only for autonomy under the old dynasty, and his enemies did not scruple to accuse him of aiming at the crown himself.
To this chair was soon added that of Greek and politics.
In late versions this legend was expanded and varied, the martyrdom was connected with a refusal to take part in a great sacrifice ordered at Octodurum and the name of Exsuperius was added to that of Mauritius.
If an air-tight receptacle is not available, a small percentage of powdered carbon is added to the zinc-dust, to prevent increase in the amount of oxide, which, if present in excess, tends to make the deposit dull.
To the virtues of liberality, charity and clemency he added the Machiavellian qualities of falsehood and shrewdness, so highly esteemed by the princes of his time.
The words were constantly altered and added to during the Terror and later; thus the well-known lines, "Madame Veto avait promis De faire egorger tout Paris On lui coupa la tete," &c., were added after the execution of Marie Antoinette.
The equable temperature of these cellars and their freedom from drought is one cause of their great success; to this must be added the natural virgin spawn, for by continually using spawn taken from mushroom-producing beds the potency for reproduction is weakened.
It was not completed, however, till the 19th century, when the west portal and towers and two bays of the nave were added, according to the plans of Violletle-Duc. The fine stained glass of the windows dates from the 13th to the 15th centuries.
Domestic sorrows were added to his political troubles and he died suddenly at Paris on the 10th of January 1794.
When, as occasionally happened, a fifth was added, this was placed on the breast just below the neck opening.
These were reunited under Albert IV., duke of Bavaria-Munich (1447-1508) and the upper Palatinate was added to them in 1628.
The chapter on the infallibility was only added at the request of the bishops and after long hesitation on the part of the cardinal presidents.
In 1697 appeared the first volume of his Essays on Several Moral Subjects, to which a second was added in 1705, and a third in 1709.
Some sensible observations by the editor were added to the original biography.
Thus, there may be a platform round the nuraghe, generally with two, three or four bastions, each often containing a chamber; or the main nuraghe may have additional chambers added to it.
The native tribes opposed the Romans, but were conquered after several campaigns; 8 the island became a province under the government of a praetor or propraetor, to whose jurisdiction Corsica was added soon afterwards.
The concordat was solemnly promulgated on Easter Day 1802, but the government had added to it unilateral provisions of Gallican tendencies, which were known as the Organic Articles.
Besides his mastery in the traditional Law, which added much to the growing reputation of the Rabbinic Academy of his native town, Samuel was famed for his scientific attainments.
In March 1490 the county of Tirol was added to his possessions through the abdication of his kinsman, Count Sigismund, and this district soon became his favourite residence.
In 1500 the diet had divided Germany into six circles, for the maintenance of peace, to which the emperor at the diet of Cologne in 1512 added four others.
The explorations conducted in 1905 added positive evidence.
It should be added that the aiXovpos of the Greeks, frequently translated by the older writers as "cat," really refers to the marten-cat, which appears to have been partially domesticated by the ancients and employed for mousing.
It is added that the remains of cats from Roman villas at Silchester and Dursley are probably referable to the domesticated breed.
Kink-tailed cats, it should be added, are also known from Madagascar.
It should be added that the modern theory of vortex-atoms (Lord Kelvin's) to explain the constitution of matter has but slight analogy with Cartesian doctrine, and finds a parellel, if anywhere, in a modification of that doctrine by Malebranche.
In order to get rid of hydrogen, some oxygen is added to the helium, and the mixture exploded by an electric spark.
The crusaders brought back fresh developments; Gog and Magog (partly Arab and partly Greek) and some Jewish stories were then added.
In 1817 a Roman Catholic theological faculty was added, with a seminary called the Konvikt, and there are now also faculties of law, medicine, philosophy, political economy and natural science.
But with all these often opposed conditions, we find less variation than might be expected, the main and really important divergence being due to the necessity of transposition, which added a very high pitch to the primarily convenient low one.
To these seven groups, which are included under the general appellation of Malissori, or "highlanders," may be added the Malsia of Dibra, who extend to the west and north of that town, and form a large separate group; they are notorious for their fierce lawless character, and maintain themselves by plundering the Bulgarian peasants in their neighbourhood.
Macdonald at Edinburgh in 1889, and that there is appended to this edition a complete catalogue of all Napier's writings, and their various editions and translations, English and foreign, all the works being carefully collated, and references being added to the various public libraries in which they are to be found.
Only one of the four analogies is actually given by Napier, the other three being added by Briggs in the remarks which are appended to Napier's results.
The interest accruing from it is added to the yearly sustentation contributions, and forms a central fund for ministerial support.
The Associate Reformed Synod added in 1794 a fourth presbytery, that of Londonderry, containing most of the New England churches, but in 1801 "disclaimed" this presbytery because it did not take a sufficiently strict view of the question of psalmsinging.