Add Sentence Examples
You couldn't add wood to the fire?
Once we have a sheriff's salary coming in, maybe we can add a little to their budget—until they get settled.
It doesn't add up.
I saw your add in the paper.
I was so tired last night I didn't even wake up to add wood.
The moon will not sour milk nor taint meat of mine, nor will the sun injure my furniture or fade my carpet; and if he is sometimes too warm a friend, I find it still better economy to retreat behind some curtain which nature has provided, than to add a single item to the details of housekeeping.
Randy just nodded and Dean felt helpless to add something more appropriate.
While not confining myself to any special system of instruction, I have tried to add to her general information and intelligence, to enlarge her acquaintance with things around her, and to bring her into easy and natural relations with people.
That would certainly add to the feeling that he was a stranger.
She stared into her cup, not wanting to say anything that would add fuel to the torch she suspected he was carrying for her.
AdvertisementI wanted to add, instead of just you, but I didn't.
I couldn't think of anything else to add.
Something doesn't add up with Miss Annie Quincy.
The burger flippers don't add $1,000 of value.
Yet another embarrassing event to add to her day's tally!
AdvertisementAdd to this, a backpack, some food and liquid, not to mention your garments.
Siricius (384-389), Leo the Great (440-461), and Gelasius (492-496) left little for their successors to add to the arguments in favour of the papal supremacy.
Add to that how food itself is changing, our food choices change, our lifestyles change, and all along the way we are aging.
I've picked up a couple of the metal symbols to add to my often-useful collection.
If Darkyn wanted her to win, what had she forgotten to add to the terms, so she won?
AdvertisementTo this we must add that in ii.
We may now add that the insertion of iii.
Who could add to your stature?
There's still too many coincidences and things that don't add up and we'll probably never get the answers, but I agree—it looks like this is the end of the line if we can't locate him on this tour.
The Egyptians had, of course, ascribed deity by old custom to their kings, and were ready enough to add Alexander to the list.
AdvertisementThey now add the proportion which these units of length have to nature, or state how many of these units are contained within some local measure of length.
Add to these the eroded river basins of the Xingu, Tapajos and Guapore on the north and west, the Paraguay on the south-west, and the scores of smaller rivers along the Atlantic coast, and we may have some conception of the agencies that have been at work in breaking down and shaping this great table-land, perhaps the oldest part of the continent.
In very deep mines this flowing of soft rock will doubtless add greatly to the difficulty of maintaining openings.
The boulevard and park along the river add attractiveness to the city.
Similarly, just because fear, hope and remembrance add to the intensity of consciousness, the Epicurean can hold that bodily pain and pleasure is a less durable and important thing than pain and pleasure of mind.
One might add a still further distinction of the Protestant scholasticism.
They may reduce or cut out any estimates submitted, but cannot increase any or add new ones.
There are many salads on the menu if you're looking for something lighter, and you can even add chicken or grilled mushrooms to the salad.
To prevent the freezing of nitroglycerin in dynamite it has been proposed to add various substances, such as chlordinitroglycerin, nitrated diglycerin or tetranitrodiglycerol, and also mono-and di-nitroglycerin.
St Bartholomew, appearing to him in a vision, bade him add a church to his foundation.
In this case, to add to the other obvious elements of uncertainty, it must be borne in mind that the location of Carchemish at Jerablus is not proved, though it is very probable.
On some of the strongest land it was formerly the practice to add to and plough into it burnt clay, with the object of making the land work more easily.
By far the most satisfactory crops as green manures are those of the leguminous class, since they add to the land considerable amounts of the valuable fertilizing constituent, nitrogen, which is obtained from the atmosphere.
Add to this the insertion of vowel sounds where they are lacking in the Arabic and you derive from the real word Khmir the modern French term of Kroumir.
It was this which made him add to his labours the burden of delivering every year from 1831 to 1848 a course of gratuitous lectures on astronomy for a popular audience.
It is true that he was sometimes forced by conviction or fate or political necessity to be a revolutionist on a large scale; to destroy an established Church; to add two millions of voters to the electorate; to attack the parliamentary union of the kingdoms. But these changes were, in their inception, distasteful to their author.
Oaks and wild prunus, wild vines and sumachs, various kinds of maple, the dOdan (Enkianthus Japonicus Hook.)a wonderful bush which in autumn develops a hue of ruddy redbirches and other trees, all add multitudinous colors to the brilliancy of a spectacle which is further enriched by masses of feathery bamboo.
Chamberlain, the necessity of committing to memory two syllabaries, one of which has many variant forms, and at least two or three thousand Chinese ideographs, in forms standard and cursive ideographs, too, most of which are susceptible of three or four different readings according to circuinstance,add, further, that all these kinds of written symbols are apt to be encountered pell mell on the same page, and the task of mastering Japanese becomes almost Herculean.
If to these we add the Hyaku-ninshu (Hundred Odes by a Hundred Poets) brought together by Teika KyO in the 13th century, we have all the classics of Japanese poetry.
If we add to pictures of this class a few Scriptural subjects, a few Oriental dreams, one or two of tender sentiment like "Wedded" (one of the most popular of his pictures, and well known by not only an engraving, but a statuette modelled by an Italian sculptor), a number of studies of very various types of female beauty, "Teresina," "Biondina," "Bianca," "Moretta," &c., and an occasional portrait, we shall nearly exhaust the two classes into which Lord Leighton's work (as a painter) can be divided.
Therefore it will not be out of place to add here a chapter on snake poison and on the best means (ineffectual though they be in numerous cases) of counteracting its deleterious effects.
In Walpole's own words, "as St John had the duchess entirely on his side I need not add what must or might in time have been the consequence," and he prepared for his dismissal.
Although Rome wanted creative force to add a great series of tragic dramas to the literature of the world, yet the spirit of elevation and moral authority breathed into tragedy by Ennius passed into the ethical and didactic writings and the oratory of a later time.
If the substance at the temperature 0 undergoes a change of state, absorbing latent heat, L, we have merely to add the term Lie to the above expression.
The very inconsistency with which Villehardouin is chargeable, the absence of compunction with which he relates the changing of a sacred religious pilgrimage into something by no means unlike a mere filibustering raid on the great scale, add a charm to the book.
Gold wire may be drawn of any quality, but it is usual to add 5 to 9 dwts.
Since the action is sometimes very violent, especially when the bullion is treated in the granulated form (it is steadier when thin plates are operated upon), it is found expedient to add the acid in several portions.
If we add to these the native whites of foreign parentage (5,300,924) we have 11,152,323 persons of foreign extraction or 39'4% of the total labour force.
This number of days being reduced to Julian years, add the result to 552, and the sum gives the day in the Julian year, or old style.
To the year of the Persian era, therefore, add 631, and the sum will be the year of our era in which the Persian year begins.
Other methods are to place the metal and mercury together in dilute acid, to add mercury to the solution of a metallic salt, to place a metal in a solution of mercuric nitrate, or to electrolyse a metallic salt using mercury as the negative electrode.
It is true that states which have accepted the intervention of a mediator remain free to adopt or reject any advice he may give, but the advice of a disinterested power must always add considerable moral weight to the side towards which it inclines.
A method of wedging down coal sufficiently perfected to be of general application would add greatly to the security of colliers.
Religion itself is the belief in this moral law as divine, and such belief is a practical postulate, necessary in order to add force to the law.
In such a case it is conceivable that a revelation might be given in order to add strength to the moral law.
In 1910 the corporation promoted a bill in parliament to add the Hampden Park district in the parish of Willingdon to the borough and to make Eastbourne, with this extension, a county borough.
In 1514 the archbishopric of Mainz fell vacant again, and Albert of Brandenburg, already archbishop of Magdeburg and administrator of Halberstadt, longing to add it to his possessions, was elected.
True, nothing is in the intellect which has not been in the senses, but we must add except the intellect itself.
To these should be added the foundries and iron-working shops which add so much to the prosperity of modern Mexico.
In saying that all doctrines rank as " dogmas " during the Greek period, we ought to add a qualification.
Yet they do not really add much to what is there already, and they have the drawbacks of pseudonymity; they lack concrete and personal qualities; they are general expressions of tendencies which we cannot well locate or measure, save by means of the Apostolic Fathers themselves or of their earliest Catholic successors.
Many flowering and fruit-bearing shrubs of the heath family add to the beauty of the mountainous districts, rhododendron and kalmia often forming impenetrable thickets.
In Intermittent Registering Meters some form of ampere-meter or watt-meter registers the current or power passing into the house; and a clock motion electrically driven is made to take readings of the ampere-meter or watt-meter at definite intervals - say, every five minutes - and to add up these readings upon a set of registered dials.
C. Treviranus, professor of botany in Bonn, roused the attention of botanists to the development of the embryo, but although he made valuable researches, he did not add much in the way of new information.
In 1907 a Bill was introduced to add four extraordinary members to the council, but no immediate action was taken.
Add to this a correspondence so extensive as to require him at times to write forty letters in one day.
In 1819 the canton (the new portions of which were inhabited mainly by Romanists) was annexed to the bishopric of Lausanne, the bishop in 1821 being authorized to add "and of Geneva" to his episcopal style.
To these three characters the Hydrozoa add a fourth which is distinctive of the subdivision of the Coelenterata termed the Cnidaria; that is to say, they always possess peculiar stinging organs known as nettle-cells, or nematocysts (Cnidae), each produced in a cell forming an integral part of the animal's tissues.
Even in the case of the two more important epistles, i Peter and James, we have to add the qualification " if genuine," but rather perhaps because of the persistence with which they are challenged than because of inherent defect of attestation.
He makes three classes; the first, including the Gospels, Acts, Epistles of Paul, i Peter, t John, is acknowledged; to these, if one likes, one may add the Apocalypse.
The third class, of works to be decidedly rejected, contains the Acts of Paul, Hermas, Apocalypse of Peter, Barnabas, Didache; to these some would add Apoc. of John, and others Ev.
It is also necessary to add that there is one small scrap of papyrus of the 3rd century containing a few verses of the 4th Gospel.
It is clearly a revision of the second stage, as WH saw, but we can now add that it was not merely a literary revision but was influenced by the tendency to revive readings which are found in the first stage but rejected in the second.
Flowering plants are numerous, and the natives often (as in Hawaii) greatly appreciate flowers, which thus add a feature to the picturesqueness of islandlife, though they do not usually grow in great profusion.
On the outbreak of Richard Marshal's rebellion (1233), he was carried off by the rebels to the Marshal stronghold of Striguil, in the hope that his name would add popularity to their cause.
Add to this the light rainfall on the plateau and a lack of forests, and we have conditions which make large rivers impossible.
Therefore, though he arranged his material according to such a system, he did not add guiding rubrics, and he regularly brought together in one place the different parallel versions of the same tradition.
Judging from uniformity of style and mode of translation the editors of the Bible are inclined to take the latter view; they add that the remaining part of the Old Testament was completed by a different hand, the one which also translated the New Testament.
To these we must add 18 centuries of knights, 4 of fabri, &c., and I of proletarii.
To the temperament of the Jat, the Arora and the Ramgarhia Sikh add the stimulus of a militant religion.
Making use of the large store of manuscripts at St Denis, William was a compiler rather than an author, and with the exception of the latter part of the Chronicon his writings do not add materially to our knowledge of the time.
Now if we add together all these savings in the rate of rail and ocean freights and incidental expenses, we arrive at an aggregate economy of 8s.
For the same purpose of connexion he would be tempted to add a preface to a book like the Meteorologica.
So he might afterwards add the preface to the De Interpretatione, in order to connect it with the De Anima, though written afterwards, in order to connect his treatises on mind and on its expression.
This number is called the Golden Number, either because will therefore be given by the formula (x 1 53) r, that is to say, add 3 totlzedate,divide the sum by 15, and the remainder is the year of the indiction.
It Will Be Remarked, That As L 1 Cannot Either Be O Or Negative, We Must Add 7 To Las Often As May Be Necessary, In Order That L 1 May Be A Positive Whole Number.
When we add to this the fact that the writers of the 12th century represented the personages and events of the 6th in the garb, and under the conditions, of their own time, we can understand the reason of the manifold difficulties which beset the study of the cycle.
In 1617 he aided his brother, Duke Christian, to add Grubenhagen to Luneburg, and after the extinction of the family of BrunswickWolfenbuttel in 1634, he obtained Calenberg for himself, making Hanover the capital of his small dukedom.
Up to 1857 the utmost the dyer could add was " weight for weight," but an accidental discovery that year put dyers into the way of using tin salts in weighting with the result that they were enabled to add 40 oz.
His starting-point is the view that things as ordinarily understood, and (we may add) as Aristotle understood them (though with important qualifications) are self-contradictory, and are therefore not reality but appearances.
It is fair, however, to add that Balfour has a further foundation for the belief in Nature, the survival of the fittest, by which those only would survive who possessed and could transmit the belief.
To these we have to add buildings for the attendants, kitchen, bakehouse, &c., and farm buildings.
To these we may add the hat (haet), belt (gyrdel), stockings (hosa), shoes (scoh, gescy, rifeling) and gloves (glof).
To these we have to add small German and Flemish-speaking communities in Italy and France and somewhat larger German and Swedish populations in Russia.
We may add that in peninsular Italy, which was most clearly under his ecclesiastical jurisdiction, the Lombards had spread havoc and ruin; so that nearly ninety bishoprics had been suppressed, either temporarily or definitively.
Though remaining leagued with the Angevins in southern Italy, they dared to look to Germany and Rudolph of Habsburg to help them in their efforts to add to the papal dominion a part of northern Italy and, in particular, Tuscany.
To add to the disasters, the divorce of Henry VIII.
This subject is far from being exhausted, and it is not improbable that the alloy-producing capacity of aluminium may eventually prove its most valuable characteristic. In the meantime, ternary light alloys appear the most satisfactory, and tungsten and copper, or tungsten and nickel, seem to be the best substances to add.
The inclusion of Portuguese and French possessions would add about 350,000 to the Christian total.
They divide the year into twelve months of thirty days, and add five days by intercalation.
Vienna it was decided that she was to add to these the greater part of Salzburg and the quarters of the Inn and Hausruck, receiving as compensation, besides Wurzburg and Aschaffenburg, the Palatinate on the left bank of the Rhine and certain districts of Hesse and of the former abbacy of Fulda.
In 1637 the stadholder was able to add to his fame as an invincible besieger of cities.
If by pre-heating the blast we add to the sum of the heat available; or if by drying it we subtract from the work to be done by that heat the quantity needed for decomposing the atmospheric moisture; or if by removing part of its nitrogen we lessen the mass over which the heat developed has to be spread - if by any of these means we raise the temperature developed by the combustion of the coke, it is clear that we increase the proportion of the total heat which is available for this critical work in exactly the way in which we should increase the proportion of the water of a stream, initially too in.
It is, however, only fair to add that the sultan was doubtless influenced by the desire to bring about a similar change in the succession to the Ottoman throne and to ensure the succession after him of his eldest son, Yussuf Izz-ed-din.
The very numerous and richly-coloured windows, presented at various times to the cathedral, add greatly to the imposing effect of the interior.
The mathematical theory of conduction of heat was developed early in the 19th century by Fourier and other workers, and was brought to so high a pitch of excellence that little has remained for later writers to add to this department of the subject.
To add to this misfortune, during his absence some of his supporters violated the sanctuary at Westminster.
Also, while he may have hoped at this time to be able to add much (though he never did) to the sketch of his doctrine of Man contained in the unpublished " little treatise," he might extend, but could hardly otherwise modify, the sketch he had there given of his carefully articulated theory of Body Politic. Possibly, indeed, before that sketch was written early in 1640, he may, under pressure of the political excitement, have advanced no small way in the actual composition of the treatise De Cive, the third section of his projected system.
The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract.
Rudolph had all the sympathies and prejudices of the noble class, and the supreme object of his life was not to increase the power of the state but to add to the greatness of his !Iabsburg own family, a policy which was perhaps justified by family, the condition of the German kingdom, the ruler of which had practically no strength save that which he derived from his hereditary lands.
Frederick II., a young, ambitious and energetic sovereign, longed not only to add to his dominions but to play a great part in European politics.
Buffing, one of the Mecklenburg representatives in the Reichstag, therefore proposed to add to the imperial constitution a clause that in every state of the confederation there should be a parliamentary assembly.
It only Internal remains to add that, in carrying out this system, Maria reforms Theresa was too wise to fall into the errors afterwards made by her son and successor.
The skilful diplomacy of Metternich, who was now at the head of the Austrian government, enabled Austria to take full advantage of the situation created by the disaster to Napoleon's arms. His object was to recover Austria's lost possessions and if possible to add to them, a policy which did not necessarily involve the complete overthrow of the French emperor.
To the wise foresight which, at a moment when the country was sinking beneath a weight of debt, did not hesitate to add this million for expenditure on productive works, the present prosperity of Egypt is largely due.
The erasures of her name by Tethmosis III., and reinsertions of names under later kings, the military scenes, and the religious groups showing the sacred kine of Hathor, all add to the interest of the remarkable temple.
He was compelled, however, to add that the lustre of his pontificate would be for ever dulled by the tragic fall of Constantinople, which the Turks took in 1453.
Bland, London, 1844; lithographed, Cawnpore, 1869; English translation in MS. by Hatton Hindley, in the British Museum Add.
A slight degree of acidity seems more favourable to the crystallization of salt than alkalinity; thus it is a practice to add a certain amount of alum, 2 to 12 lb per pan of brine, especially when, as in fishery salt, fine crystals are required.
Indeed, where men live mainly on milk and flesh, consuming the latter raw or roasted, so that its salts are not lost, it is not necessary to add sodium chloride, and thus we understand how the Numidian nomads in the time of Sallust and the Bedouins of Hadramut at the present day never eat salt with their food.
The professors are expressly forbidden to add anything of their own.
On all hands he was then considered dignus imperio - it was only as the new administration went to pieces that people began to add nisi imperasset.
In 1538 James married a lady whom Henry desired to add to his list of wives, Mary of Guise, at this moment a young widow, Madame de Longueville.
Plato mentions that the Phrygian words for "dog," "fire," &c., were the same as the Greek; and to these we may add from inscriptions the words for "mother," "king," &c. A few inscriptions of the ancient period are known, and a larger number of the Roman period have been published in the Oesterreichische Jahreshefte (1905).
But by way of incident he has almost nothing to add till we come to the closing scenes.
Its true importance lies in its attestation of the genuineness of the earlier portraits to which it has so little to add, in its recognition of the relation of Christ to the whole purpose of God as revealed in the Old Testament, and in its interpretation of the Gospel message in its bearing on the living Church of the primitive days.
This impression is confirmed by the Gospels of St Matthew and St Luke, which though they add much fresh material do not disturb the general scheme presented by St Mark.
Meanwhile Goethe's legal studies were not neglected, and he found time to add to knowledge of other subjects, notably that of medicine.
In 1573 he became guardian to the two sons of John William, duke of Saxe-Weimar, and in this capacity was able to add part of the county of Henneberg to electoral Saxony.
If the unfinished cell in the old nest had been only just begun, while that in the substituted nest were nearly completed, the bee would add so much material as to make the cell much larger than the normal size, her instinct evidently being to do a certain amount of building work before filling the cell with food.
Griesbach considers that the general outline of the land configuration has remained much the same since Pliocene times, and that the force which brought about the wrinkling of the older deposits still continues to add fold on fold.
The sophist seemed to his youthful hearers to open a new field of intellectual activity and thereby to add a fresh zest to existence.
Add to these the pride of social rank and the pride of blood, which are natural to man, and which alone could reconcile a nation to restrictions at once irksome from a domestic and burdensome from a material point of view, and it is hardly to be wondered at that caste should have assumed the rigidity which distinguishes it in India."
A large park and botanical gardens add to the attractions of the town.
There are some German colonies farther up the coast whose products find a market here, and a number of small settlements along the mainland coast add something to the trade of the town.
At the same time, since the invoking of the divine powers was the essential element in the incantations, in order to make the magic formulae as effective as possible, a large number of the old local deities are introduced to add their power to the chief ones; and it is here that the astral system comes into play through the introduction of names of stars, as well as through assigning attributes to the gods which clearly reflect the conception that they have their seats in the heavens.
Thus, behind the screen of the normal shares a number of small tenancies arise which run their economic concerns independently from the cumbersome arrangements of tenure and service, and, needless to add, all these tenancies are burdened with money rents.
Plantains, guavas, jack-fruit, limes and oranges add further beauty to the village plots.
Please add updated information to the Discussion page.
With regard to inference, he remarked that a universal judgment means by " all," not every individual we know, but every individual absolutely, so that, when it becomes a major premise, we know therein every individual universally, not individually, and often do not know a given individual individually until we add a minor premise in a syllogism.
Rightly, if we add that he gives no theory of either, and that his practical use of the latter depends for its value on selection.'
If we add to this logic of " idea," judgment and inference, a doctrine of categories in the modern sense of the word which makes the Theaetetus, in which it first occurs, a forerunner of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, we have clearly a very significant contribution to logic even in technical regard.
If we add the qualification of relevance we destroy the cogency of the method.
If we fail to add it, we destroy the applicability.
The ego posits itself, but reflection on the given shows that we must add that it posits also the non-ego.
Pitt "used to say," according to Lady Hester Stanhope, "that Tom Paine was quite in the right, but then he would add, `What am I to do?
It maybe worth while to add a list of some of the more important treaties, now wholly or partially in force, some of which are List of discussed under separate headings, especially those important to which Great Britain is a party, classified accord- Treaties.
The buildings of the numerous important commercial, social and charitable institutions add to the dignity of the city.
Thus the Church ever receives God and has a twofold nature; its sacraments through material and earthly elements impart a divine power; its teachings agree with the highest truths of philosophy and science, yet add to these the knowledge of mysteries which eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive; it sanctifies human relationships, but the happiness of earth at purest and best is only a shadow of the divine bliss which belongs to the redeemed soul.
However detrimental these redundancies may be to the poetic beauty of the epic, they add enormously to its interest for students of Germanic history or legend.
They used leavened bread in the Eucharist mixed with salt and oil, and like other Monophysites add to the Trisagion the words "Who wast crucified for our sake."
On the one hand, it seemed to follow from the existence of such a family that Homer was a mere " eponymus," or mythical ancestor; on the other hand, it became easy to imagine the Homeric poems handed down orally in a family whose hereditary occupation it was to recite them, possibly to add new episodes from time to time, or to combine their materials in new ways, as their poetical gifts permitted.
In some countries, particularly in Italy, Spain and Portugal, it has been and still is a common practice to add a small quantity of gypsum to the fermenting must or to dust it over the grapes prior to pressing.
It is not unusual in the case of champagne to add some sugar to the must in the years in which the latter is deficient in this regard.
If we add to this account that he seems to have been of an unusually amiable disposition we have a fairly complete picture of his mental character at this critical period of his life.
Modern speculations (mainly corollaries of Indo-Germanic theory) add little of value to the Greek accounts quoted above.
The last three writers mentioned above add that he was a tribune of the people, while Plutarch, referring to the affair, gives the further information that the Cinna who was killed by the mob was a poet.
Moreover, the railway from Arica to La Paz will still further add to its importance, though it may not greatly increase its population.
Extensive deposits of borax and common salt have been found in the same region, which with several other products of these saline deposits, such as iodine, add considerably to its exports.
To add to the Persian Renewal of difficulty, in July of this year a treaty was concluded Russian between England and Russia, and this circumstance War, caused the envoy to direct that British officers should take no further part in Russo-Persian military operations.
The councillors were appointed for life; fifteen were named in the Instrument itself; and Cromwell and the council were empowered to add six.
An alternative method is to dissolve sodium carbonate in lead-lined steamheated pans, and add the boric acid gradually; the solution then being concentrated until the borax crystallizes.
They differ from liturgical lights in that, whereas these must be tapers of pure beeswax or lamps fed with pure olive oil (except by special dispensation under certain circumstances), those used merely to add splendour to the celebration may be of any material; the only exception being, that in the decoration of the altar gas-lights are forbidden.
The greatness of the opportunity was rightly stated by the governor of Natal (Sir Matthew Nathan), who declared that the convention might create a commonwealth which should add to and not draw upon the strength of the empire - a commonwealth which in culture as in power would be among the foremost nations of the world.
Magen's Documents sur Julius Caesar Scaliger et sa famille (Agen, 1873) add important details for the lives of both father and son.
However, the younger Stoics endeavoured to meet the assaults of their persistent critic Carneades by suggesting various modes of testing a single presentation, to see whether it were consistent with others, especially such as occurred in groups, &c.; indeed, some went so far as to add to the definition " coming from a real object and exactly corresponding with it " the clause " provided it encounter no obstacle."
He had a family of three sons and two daughters, of whom the second son, William, was destined to add fresh lustre to a name which is one of the greatest in the history of England.
But it is important to add that the permanent forts were old and conspicuous, and, except in a few cases where modernization had been actually begun, possessed only brick vaulting that was not proof against 6-in.
The acquisition of Salisbury Plain by the war office for military purposes seemed likely, again, to add to the risk of harm from thoughtless visitors.
It is needless to add that, under the overpowering influence of these vain imaginations, the earnest moral teachings of Gotama became more and more hidden from view.
When the Greeks achieved independence they refused to be subject ecclesiastically to a patriarch who was nominated by the sultan (June 9, 1828); and, to add to their difficulties, there were in the country twenty-two bishops who had been consecrated by the patriarch, twelve bishops who had been consecrated irregularly during the war, and about twenty bishops who had been deprived of their sees during the troubles - i.e.
It occasioned a sincere friendship between him and Pope, whom he persuaded to add a fourth book to the Dunciad, and encouraged to substitute Cibber for Theobald as the hero of the poem in the edition of 1743 published under the editorship of Warburton.
Nearly all lead ores contain more or less sulphur; and as in the process of solution in nitric acid this is oxidized to sulphuric acid which unites with the lead to form the very insoluble lead sulphate, it is simpler to add sulphuric acid to convert all the lead into sulphate and then evaporate until the nitric acid is expelled.
In the reduction by metallic zinc, about 3 grammes of granulated or foliated zinc are placed in the flask, which is closed with a small funnel; when the iron is reduced, add 10 cc. of sulphuric acid, and as soon as all the zinc is dissolved the solution is ready for titration.
As to the first decade, it is generally agreed that in the first and second books, at any rate, he follows such older and simpler writers as Fabius Pictor and Calpurnius Piso (the only ones whom he there refers to by name), to whom, so far as the first book is concerned, Niebuhr (Lectures, p 33) would add the poet Ennius.
Wheat, barley, eggs, butter, oilcake, hides, tallow, leather, tobacco, rugs, feathers and other items add considerably to the total value of the exports, which increased from 14 million sterling in 1851-1860 to 8-14 millions sterling in 1901-1905.
But the later recensions add little, beyond fulsome dedications to Earl Robert, to the edition of 1120.
The bibliography of the contemporary controversy is given in the article on Henry Garnet in the Dictionary of National Biography and in The Gunpowder Plot by David Jardine (1857), the latter work still remaining the principal authority on the subject; add to these Gardiner's Hist.
Contemporary igneous outbursts are extremely common in some of the ancient formations, and add, by their resistance to atmospheric erosion, to the extreme ruggedness of the scenery.
It may be convenient here to add that where, under the Local Government Act 1894, the powers of a parish council are not already possessed by an urban district council, the Local Government Board may by order confer such powers on the urban council.
With the exception of those in the older portion of the town, the streets are handsome and spacious, and the beautiful gardens and promenades between the suburbs and the castle add greatly to the town's attractiveness.
The categories, "alive" and "dead," are not sufficiently distinct for us to add to our conception of life by comparing them.
Some fragments of this work (or these works) have come down to us; they greatly add to the popularity of the Book of Jeremiah.
They add that in the next year Jeremiah's scribe Baruch read the prophecies of Jeremiah first to the people assembled in the Temple, then to the " princes," and then to the king, who decided his own future policy by burning Baruch's roll in the brazier.
These exercises were not of a nature to add to his income, which was extremely small.
It is perhaps necessary to add that it differs essentially from the Evangelical Alliance, inasmuch as its unit is not an individual, private Christian, but a definitely organized and visible Church.
Lattice bars, fillers, brackets, &c., add just so much more weight without increasing the section, and must be allowed for; the method of riveting the sections together must also be taken into account.
The widespread belief, he admitted, "may be justifiable and founded on fact," but he was careful to add that "only the confirmation of the tradition by methodical investigation, in this case by experiment, could raise telegony to the rank of a fact."
The reform programme of President Reyes included a complete reorganization of public instruction, to which it is proposed to add normal schools for the training of teachers, and agricultural and technical schools for the better development of the country's material resources.
Dry for a great part of the year, these streams rarely add anything to the volume of the Orange.
They add greatly by their picturesque dress to the gaiety of the street scenes.
By the treaty of Berlin, in 1878, the Russians rewarded their Rumanian allies with this land of mountains, fens and barren steppes, peopled by Turks, Bulgarians, Tatars, Jews and other aliens; while, to add to the indignation of Rumania, they annexed instead the fertile country of Bessarabia, largely inhabited by Rumans.
This is allowed for by means of a rider weight, which is arranged so as automatically to add its weight to that of the sugar in the bag while of a scale-beam.
There will be a tendency on the part of the writer to fill up gaps; to state local customs as if they obtained universally; to introduce his personal equation, and to add to that which is the custom that which, in his opinion, ought to be.
He offered to the state as an endowment $500,000 (with 200 acres of land) on condition that the state add to this fund the proceeds of the sales of public lands granted to it by the Morrill Act of 1862 for "the endowment, support and maintenance of at least one college, where the leading object shall be.
It would add to my satisfaction if you would be pleased to let me know the long diameters of the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn, assigned by yourself and Mr Halley in your new tables, that I may see how the sesquialteral proportion fills the heavens, together with another small proportion which must be allowed for."
In the East, " so-and-s6, the servant of God, is baptized," &c. The Greeks add Amen after each person, and conclude with the words, " Now and ever and to aeons of aeons, amen."
Thus the sum of 8 and 7 cannot be expressed as ones; we can either form the whole, and regroup it as 10 and 5, or we can split up the 7 into 2 and 5, and add the 2 to the 8 to form io, thus getting 8+7= 8+ (2+5) = (8+2) +5=10+5=15.
Numerical quantities, to be added or subtracted, must be in the same denomination; we cannot, for instance, add S5 shillings and loo pence, any more than we can add 3 yards and 2 metres.
To add or subtract decimals, we must reduce them to the same denomination, i.e.
Thus, to add 5.413 to 3.8, we must write the latter as 3.800.
To add or subtract fractional numbers, we must reduce them to a common denominator; and similarly, to multiply or divide surds, we must express them as power-numbers with the same index.
If We Add 1,2,3,.
To add from the left, we have to look ahead to see whether the next addition will require an exchange.
This, If We Regard 3.4 2 7 As 4274 2742 7, Is A Direct Consequence Of The Commutative Law For Addition (§ 58 (Iii)), Which Enables Us To Add Separately The Hundreds, The Tens And The Ones.
Discount may be allowed twice in succession off quoted prices; in such cases the second discount is off the reduced price, and therefore it is not correct to add the two rates of discount together.
Causality cannot add to the number of our notions, - cannot add to the number of realities we know.
The exile, who had taken refuge in a French abbey, placed the justiciar and six other of the kings chief councillors under the ban of the Church, and intimated that he should add Henry himself to the list unless he showed speedy signs of repentance (April 1166).
It is fair to add that the whole increase was not due to free trade.
But the queen, who, it is fair to add, understood the movement which was tending to German unity much better than most of her advisers, was averse from war.
Some of these, and other places not named, add to their natural attractions the advantage of mineral springs and baths, pine-needle baths, whey cures, &c. The Harz is penetrated by several railways, among them a rack-railway up the Brocken, opened in 1898.
This, the "insular" theory, in spite of its inherent probability, has hitherto been at a disadvantage through lack of positive evidence, but in a recently acquired MS. of the British Museum, Add.
He distinguishes religion from philosophy as feeling in Schreier- contrast with thought; but when he has done that (Reden fiber die Religion, 1799) he has little to add.
The inhabitants of the neighbourhood of Tashkent and Samarkand, as well as those of the much more northern but better sheltered Kulja oasis, add the cultivation of the almond, pomegranate and fig.
It is enough to add here that on receipt of the answer the purchase for England was taken up and went to a speedy conclusion.'
These Conclusions really contain the sum of Wycliffite teaching; and, if we add that the principal duty of priests is to preach, and that the worship of images, the going on pilgrimages and the use of gold and silver chalices in divine service are sinful (The Peasants' Rising and the Lollards, p. 47), they include almost all the heresies charged in the indictments against individual Lollards down to the middle of the 15th century.
He accepts this fact; he does not inquire why mind finds itself obliged to add without limit and to divide without limit.
The improvements upon them add about $5 an acre more.
Add to these some 3000 for Russian Lapland, and the total Lapp population approximates to 30,000.
There are also fragments of poems in Half's Saga, Asmund KappaBana's Saga, in the Latin verses of Saxo, and the Shield Lays (Ragnarsdrapa) by Bragi, &c., of this school, which closes with the Sun-Song, a powerful Christian Dantesque poem, recalling some of the early compositions of the Irish Church, and with the 12th-century Lay of Ragnar, Lay of Starkad, The Proverb Song (Havamal) and Krakumal, to which we may add those singular Gloss-poems, the Pulur, which also belong to the Western Isles.
Now, if that than which nothing greater can be conceived existed only in the intellect, it would not be the absolutely greatest, for we could add to it existence in reality.
These are twelve specimens of the incidents, to which we may add (13) " the false bride," as in the poem of Berte aux grans Pies, and (14) the legend of the bride said to produce beast-children.
Add to this that Louis XIII., like Richelieu himself, had wretched health, aggravated by the extravagant medicines of the day; and it is easy to understand how this pliable disposition which offered itself to the yoke caused Richelieu always to fear that his king might change his master, and to declare that the four square feet of the kings cabinet had been more difficult for him to conquer than all the battlefields of Europe.
Add to this that he was a virtuous husband, a kind father, a fervent Christian and a good-natured man full of excellent intentions, yet a spectacle of moral pusillanimity and ineptitude.
Add to this that a slave who professed Islam could secure his freedom, at least from slavery to a Christian master, that Arianism had not been quite rooted out, that the country districts were still largely pagan, and it will not appear wonderful that within a generation Mahommedan Spain was full of renegades who formed in all probability a majority of its polulation and a most important social and political element.
He did indeed add the town of Cadiz to his possessions with the help of his vassal, the Moorish king of Granada, but his reign is filled with quarrels between himself and his nobles.
He made three important speeches at Welbeck (August 4), at Luton (October 5), and at Limehouse (December 15), but he had nothing substantial to add to his case, and the party situation continued in all its embarrassments.
It is possible that one reason why most of the attempts to add new species to the list of our domestic animals in modern times have ended in failure is that it does not answer to do so in cases in which existing species supply all the principal purposes to which the new ones might be put.
It may reduce or increase the amounts asked, and may add new items. The budget then goes to the board of estimates, which has a month for its consideration.
It is, however, only fair to add that he took various halfmeasures and gave many promises which, if they had been put into execution, would have confirmed or completed the reforms inaugurated at Pisa.
Purification by means of strong caustic soda was first recommended as a general process by Louis C. Arthur Barreswil, his suggestion being to heat the oil and add 2% to 3% of caustic soda.
To all this we must add that he was deeply read in the learning of his day, above all in the writings of earlier historians.
Carterii, the " Yegaar," " Mohr Add," and " Mohr Madow " of the Somali country, in East Africa, the last species including a variety, the " Maghrayt d'Sheehaz " of Hadramaut, Arabia, all of which are sources of true frankincense or olibanum.
One may go still further, and add that even in the Dissertation of 1770, generally regarded as more than foreshadowing the Kritik, the really critical question is not involved.
Galeotto, on the other hand, retained the lordship of Rimini, ruling tranquilly and on good terms with the popes, who allowed him to add Cervia, Cesena and Bertinoro to his states.
I might add if this additional person were to join your ranks and proves acceptable in all ways, I'll allot the same financial benefits as you and your present group.
While she was aware of Howie's gift, as she called it, she failed to comprehend the seriousness of the subject and we didn't want to add tinder to the fire.
He'd managed to add more wood to the fire and tear the stitches in his chest while doing so.
Add a blood bond to it?
Except maybe in the early days they printed dailies, so you better add a few to the number.
Once we have a sheriff's salary coming in, maybe we can add a little to their budget—until they get settled.
Add "honing detecting skills" to the to-do job list for sheriff.
Lots of e-mail addresses are already taken, so you add a number just to be different.
Dean wanted to add the cheapskate didn't even buy it—he swiped it from a dead hooker.
Another bizarre reality to add to their new lives.
Do you need some more quaint hill talk to add to your collection?
There's still too many coincidences and things that don't add up and we'll probably never get the answers, but I agree—it looks like this is the end of the line if we can't locate him on this tour.
I add a bladder of my blood to the Springs in the center of the city each season.
Otherwise, let those who call themselves agnostic with respect to religion add that they are equally agnosticabout orbiting teapots.
Having live music from the quartet can really add to the celebratory atmosphere as guests relax and enjoy themselves.
Add a bead of sealant into the gap and let it dry completely.
This will certainly add fuel to the arguments for an academic boycott.
I'll have to add our usual caveat to the agreement.
When the beans are cool, add the cherry tomatoes, mint and basil leaves.
The source was cited in the bibliographies and I am anxious to add this information to my pile of reading.
Just wanted to add my hearty congrats to you and Matt for entertaining me so fantastically from the day the show started.
You may want to add in some speech games or a love poem which you will find in our Love Poems and Readings section.
How do I change or add a dividend mandate?
No one was ever so ready for argument and, I must add, so obstinate and lovable.
There are a few catch phrases thrown in from various other famous films along the way, which add to the comedy.
Recent research has found that regular physical activity can add two or more years to life expectancy.
To add an item to your cart, click the add an item to your cart, click the Add to Basket link.
The half adder can only handle carry outs not carry ins, so can only add 2 numbers together.
Perhaps I should add the adverb " seriously " to that statement.
However, adverbs can be used to add meaning to adjectives or other adverbs.
It's a great way to add some narrative to the game, unlike many other MMORPGs which tend to feel rather aimless.
In the opposite three have swimming cruise price airfare to add to.
The Lord alone can add amen to every word he utters.
All their departures are quite amicable, we hasten to add!
We can add a bit of space between the two words by using another ampersand.
Toshiba wanted to add 3D animations to the electronic manuals of all their portable PCs.
But there was also some serious climbing done and some more epics to add to the club annals.
Also add extra antifreeze to your diesel in Dec & January.
Actually, some PEG producers do add antioxidants to the PEG flake.
If you're going to add an aberrant apostrophe to a plural, add it to every plural.
Sentence level work KS3 Skills apostrophe wars Add the missing apostrophes!
Add 1 coarsely grated apple, 1 tbsp raisins and 2 tsp maple syrup and serve.
Now, just before serving and while the mixture is still foaming, add the baked apples.
Turn the pheasants over and add the apricots, wine mixture and the dates to the pan.
Then add funky urban beats to opera arias from Rossini, Puccini, Donizetti, et al.
I like to perform arithmetic on such figures to see how they add up.
Add the wine to the ingredients in the frying pan and savor the delicious aroma!
To add a color, click the black down-pointing arrow just to the right of the Fill drop down box.
Add in the ascensional difference to find the oblique ascension.
White bog cotton and yellow bog asphodel add beauty throughout the summer.
His inclusion in the side would add a very athletic boost to the team.
Add the chopped aubergine (eggplant) and fry, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes.
How do I add an avatar to my posts?
If this is set to On, then PHP will add the backslash to all single and double quotes.
Artichoke hearts also add a wonderful flavor to salads, pasta dishes, vegetable bakes and pizzas.
If increasing the feed results in over-exuberant behavior or weight gain then add a balancer as these will provide nutrients without energy.
Add some sliced banana or raisins to your breakfast cereal.
The navigation bar alone, for instance, can add several graphic elements to each page.
The point of using a barbell to add weight to the squat is to help you to generate peak power.
Choose from a range of colors and add your own barbells.
Or add some fresh torn basil leaves for some extra flavor.
If using fresh basil, wash and roughly chop it then add it to the soup, saving a few leaves for garnish.
So go on, add some spice to your life and buy that sexy basque or even better that black thong for him.
Oiling's drums drive the sax and organ riffs while fender bass and guitar add extra rhythm to the proceedings.
Stir-fry for a minute or two until barely tender, then add the bean sprouts, soy sauce and chili sauce.
Cut a cold boiled beef into strips, add six radishes, two hard-boiled eggs chopped up, and one small sliced cucumber.
As soon as I type a space, I get a system error beep and I can't add anything else.
Ashour fights Galifi for a semi-final berth tomorrow, and whoever wins will add a milestone to their career.
Bevel Options By applying bevel Options By applying bevels, you can to add depth to flat objects.
To do this, make sure to add at least 30-60 grams of whey protein isolate to the carbohydrate beverage.
Remove from heat and add the bicarbonate of soda.
Many manufacturers add foaming ingredients even tho this makes the products less biodegradable.
A child psychologist working with me wanted to try biofeedback on ADD.
You can also create your own spam blacklists, add known safe senders to custom whitelists and release messages mistakenly held in quarantine.
Add the merest dash of single cream or a smidgeon of milk and grate some black pepper over.
Choose a side salad with no dressing and just sprinkle some black pepper and add a little lemon juice or a little Olive oil.
Add a little lemon juice, the cognac or dry white vermouth and mix through seasoning with a little black pepper.
During this time Blanche any veg you may wish to add, fine beans and asparagus are good choices.
Turn the lolly over and add some blobs of icing in the shape of two eyes and a mouth.
Add slot machines ergonomically designed bluebird top prize at.
Looking forward to speaking with you all soon, Jacquie x Add a comment bonjour!
To add a bookmark to these channels, click the pencil icon, then click the Add Personal Bookmark / Add External Course buttons.
Add a comment After a number of frustrating delays, specialist children's bookseller Lou Harrison has opened the TP Children's Bookshop.
Boolean add (Object o) Appends the specified element to the end of this Vector.
The buffing polish also contains other botanicals to add moisture and hydrate the skin.
Place the Ostrich Meat in pan and add the bouquet garni, cloves and port, then arrange the plums over the top.
Add the bourbon, then top up with soda.
Sam is a quality player who will add steel to our batting whist being very useful with his leg spin bowling.
Still over a high heat, add the brandy, followed by the fish stock.
They are designed to add mass and reduce noise breakout from pipes, ducts and other equipment.
Drain and add chopped broccoli, carrots, green pepper, sweetcorn and red onion.
Cook gently for about 10 minutes, then add the broth.
Add the volume of sterile broth shown in Row A in the table below to each tube.
Alan now had a furrowed brow to add to his hands on hips pose.
Additionally you can add extra gifts to your order including champagne bubbly, hampers or chocolates.
Fill a 5 gallon bucket with water add a large minced onion and minced garlic clove, some Tabasco sauce and cayenne pepper.
And there's a special themed buffet once a week to add a little intrigue.
At the moment I have no bungs in the tanks, but I will add these to ea.. .
Both were successfully completed and add to the ever burgeoning list of the current band's achievements.
He might know other businesspersons who are prepared to add shoes to their range of items.
I think it would be real nice to add a cable border here and put the buttonholes in the middle of the cable.
You can also add thinly sliced raw cabbage to salads.
Run off the lower layer of 1-bromobutane and add some granular anhydrous calcium chloride.
On the other hand, another stylistic device, shaky handheld camerawork, doesn't add anything to the scenes in which it is used.
Add a little eye candy to your knitting project with our fun stitch markers!
Boil the sugar to a golden caramel, add the lemon juice and a little water.
You may add cardamom, saffron or rose essence if you prefer a classic Indian flavor.
Add the cinnamon sticks and black cardamoms and let them sizzle for a few seconds before adding the marinated meat with its liquid.
Heat the oil in a large saucepan and add the onions, crushed cardamoms, ginger, orange zest and peppers.
Add peeled and diced carrots and potatoes, chopped onions, salt, pepper, bay leaf, tomato sauce and parsley.
Heat the oil and add the cashews, stir frying until golden.
He continued to use fabulous cashmeres, leathers and other unique high quality raw materials to add a little extra to his design skills.
Dissolve 1/2 oz gelatine in a little water, and add it to 1 pint of single cream, with 2 oz caster sugar.
Then add the fish, and two tablespoonfuls of tomato catsup.
When boiling add the cauliflower and cook for five minutes.
Bring a large pan of acidulated water to a hard boil and add the drained celeriac.
Dice the carrot and red pepper, chop the celery, then add to the onions and fry for a further 5 minutes.
Wash, core and chop the apples add the celery and apples to the beans along with the raisins.
If you have a VAT exemption certificate, you can add this at checkout, and the VAT will be deducted.
To finish, warm the beans slightly, taste, season, and add the shredded chard and the flat parsley.
Ordering is simple, just add your purchases to the shopping basket and once complete, just click checkout.
Add the milk and sprinkle the remaining cheese, breadcrumbs and butter over the top.
Add the feta cheese chunks, chopped nuts, olives, and sliced tomatoes and turn gently to mix.
Then add half a teaspoon of fine chopped parsley, quarter teaspoon of fine chopped chervil & seasoning.
Would that glass chess set from X-Men add a touch of class to your pad?
Click the double chevron to add all the fields in your table to the form.
A very attractive bracelet, that dates from circa 1950, this will add a little vintage chic to your outfit!
Now add the milk, ancho chile and most of the cheese.
Add the chiles carefully (the oil might splatter) and toast them until fragrant, 3 to 5 seconds per side.
If you are good with chili, use chopped fresh green chili and add to the onion.
The basic recipe is medium hot but you can add whole dried chillies if you want a hot curry.
Next best method is to manually add either granular chlorine or quick tabs to pool skimmer every day.
R If I might add my two pennies worth, as a " young choirmaster " .
When hot and sizzling add pork loin chops, season with salt and ground white pepper.
For an appealing spicy flavor, add finely chopped stem ginger.
Itâs a well-crafted song with good use of an augmented fifth chord to add interest to the music.
They were soon followed by the Royal Ballet, who began to add contemporary choreography to their repertoire.
Note - Some prefer not to pound the chillies, but to add them just before putting the chutney into the bottles.
To add to its ancient attractions, it is creating futuristic cityscapes in great cities such as Shanghai.
Lower the heat and add the clams, place the lid on and cook until they open.
They seek to add an additional member to the southern based clinical / technical support team.
It also has a contact to allow you to add an extra wired sensor (NC - normally closed type ).
Add to the mix bounced lighting, and liquid base face makeup, and you have the recipe for dramatic close-ups.
For a little more aroma, add a chopped clove of garlic to the onion.
Season with salt and pepper then add one minced clove of garlic.
The No campaign would be a rainbow coalition, to which the Green Party would add green and would co-operate wholeheartedly.
Now, by teaming up with AEA to add a protective coating, the thermal resistance of these parts can be enhanced still further.
Add 7oz sieved icing sugar & 2 tablespoons cocoa.
Start with frying the onion and then simply add the spices and creamed coconut, and a little stock or water.
Add the shredded coconut into the melted chocolate and mix it with a spoon.
When you add coconut oil into your diet you burn off more calories because your metabolism increases.
The effect of the change - based on revised data - is to add an extra £ 10bn to the chancellor's coffers.
Measure 150ml (6 fl oz) of the syrup in to a small pan and add the cognac.
Add the plum jam and champagne cognac, and muddle down.
Lavish gardens add bright tropical colors to the scene, a visual tapestry of rare beauty.
Ordinary items to found in the kitchen such as tea and coffee make good colorants and fruit teas add extra interest.
We can add the yellowish coloring with a few more steps.
You can also add color to the play dough by adding some poster paint with the liquid instead of food coloring.
But after that, we added a comma then the final cell we wanted to add up.
To add a Keyword (s ), enter each keyword, seperated by commas.
Another feature I'd like to add in the future is a weather compensator.
In the kitchen Serve spiced cherry compote with rich meats, and add a dash of red wine vinegar for a tangy flavor.
To add to Britain's troubles Billy Hall suffered concussion going down on a loose ball.
You may wish to add a little oil or margarine to the mash to give a creamy consistency.
Add enough of the reserved stock to form a syrupy consistency.
Add only enough water to achieve a thick shake consistency.
Don't add salt to your food when cooking and at the table and be more aware of the salt content of pre-prepared foods.
Allow to cool at least 45 minutes then add coolant.
Add the stock and ginger cordial and leave to simmer for 20 minutes.
If you want to look really impressive you could add some fresh coriander as a garnish.
Add crushed garlic and ground coriander and fry for five minutes.
Or to stop smoking, if you add up all the benefits and they are almost countless!
Add a chopped red pepper, some chopped mushrooms and, after a few mins, a chopped courgette.
Assembly put the couscous into a shallow bowl and add the hot water.
Add rose petals so they are entirely covered with the oil, but not too tightly crammed.
On the second day, oil crayon was used to enhance the painted areas or to add something new.
Variations For a creamier taste, add some sour cream to your bolognaise.
What we see seems to add credence to the results achieved earlier.
He could not add to many of the technical aspects of the Western science of textual criticism.
A good cropper which will add color to your salads.
If the mixture is too crumbly to form balls, then add a little more melted butter.
Add the spring onions and remove the pan from the heat so that they remain crunchy.
Now to add to the role of honor comes Two Brothers, a film about two tiger cubs set in the wilds of Cambodia.
Sprinkle in the flour and cook, stirring, for 1-2 minutes then add the tahini paste and crumbled stock cube and mix well.
Which of you by being anxious is going to add a single cubit to his life span?
And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?
Add the curry paste and/or cucumber, mix in well and fry for 3-5 mins.
Leave the spoon in and add a cupful of water so that the meat is just covered.
Make it the same way, but add a few currants to the suet dough, and leave out the lemon completely.
Heritage style bedrooms tastefully decorated to add a bit of luxury to your stay.
Add to this Scotland's propensity to swing away from Labor in by-elections and the result was one of its most humiliating defeats.
Rack into a clean demijohn and add 2 crushed campden tablets to terminate fermentation.
Pour into a 1 gallon demijohn, add the citric acid and tea.
We are now going to add more sections representing the two dendrites.
Inevitably, pain killers, drugs, and sleep deprivation all add to the stress load.
Grafting on the 2-speed derailleur of the 6-speed would add some versatility.
Add a designer label to your table top from the UK's favorite interior designer.
Such slanders do the neocons no good but only add to their isolation and the burgeoning detestation of their tactics.
Add the cream, stir until blended, then add the chopped dill and stand for a few moments before serving.
Add finely chopped spring onion, cucumber and fresh dill, and mix with a small amount of natural live yogurt.
The ADV replaces the need to add the diluent manually and functions like an inline second-stage regulator.
Add the contents of the syringe to the remaining diluent.
I take a dipper of wine and add it to the water.
We, in our sole discretion, may add, delete or change some or the entire Site at any time.
Do not add household disinfectants or other antiseptic agents to the cleaning water.
I am working on my dissertation and cannot figure out how to add the page number of a source before you scan the doc.
Do-It-Yourself wedding Invitation Guide Think creatively and add a personal touch to your special event with do-it-yourself wedding Invitation Guide Think creatively and add a personal touch to your special event with do-it-yourself wedding invitations.
Believe the good reports and add a dollop of optimism into the mixer of belief as well.
Add enough milk to make a soft, sticky dough.
We can add to, upgrade, enhance or repair your existing network with minimal downtime or with the work done out of hours.
Add rising unemployment and economical downturn in to the mix, and things get very interesting.
Please contact us if you wish to add such features to your garden using driftwood.
I have now had to add drumsticks to the list!
You should now have a very tasty stew to add those dumplings to!
Mido 7 - Losing bulk has seen him add dynamism in wide areas to his game.
Easter eggs abound - the kids have already had three each, none bought by us, I hasten to add!
Add the error ellipsoids of each shot to get an error ellipsoid for the entire loop.
Use for play or to add a little festive embellishment around the house.
If they wish to show that they are married they may add a small escutcheon as in paragraph 3. 11.
You can also add grated ginger, cinnamon powder, rice syrup or vanilla essence for extra flavor.
Add 2 volumes ice cold absolute ethanol to sample.
North of the churchyard is a little maze of lanes, which add much to the character of Painswick and invite exploration.
Discard the solid bits and add extra dripping, lard or butter if necessary.
Add a spoonful of cream if you are feeling extravagant.
And that ' ripple ' effect when you add a widget to the screen is pure eye candy.
Remove all but 4 tablespoons of the bacon fat from the pan and add the cabbage.
Place the olive oil in a large frying pan over a high heat and add the fennel wedges.
Tiny mosses, hardy ferns or miniature bulbs will add extra interest.
For a festive version, try black glitter yarn or add a fine metallic or nylon light-reflective filament.
You could also add wine finings if you want, but I've never needed to.
Add foam or rubber alphabet letters and small fishnets to the play center.
There are a few typedef fiddles I'd like to add, then I'll cut a bug fix release.
Coca Cola is set to add fizz to a major sporting event this summer.
How do you add the same flair to a mobile sale?
Their purpose is to add intense flavor to the meat without excessive moisture.
Take an award winning Lancashire Cheese an add some healthy flaxseed and you have the Healthy Cheese.
With vinyl or engineered wood flooring, you will need to add a stair nosing to finish off the steps.
When cooking the pasta add the broccoli florets 1-2 minutes before the end of cooking, then drain together.
The player pays a florin for each point of garrison they want to add.
Did you know that if you were a registered user you could add this article to your clipped articles folder?
Can I add a footer to the messages sent to my group?
Now let me add a footnote that you might think about.
Why not add a little Welsh Heritage to your home, whilst at the same time supporting sustainable Welsh forestry.
Goldfrapp add a fourth top forty hit from their ' Black Cherry ' album with the title track scoring a new entry at no.28.
Simply pour a small amount under running water to add the relaxing fragrance of the Bath Gel range.
Take fragrant spices; gum mastic, aromatic shells, 4 galbanum; add pure frankincense to the spices in equal proportions.
T hey are looking volunteers to add realistic special effects to give folk a real fright on the way round.
Blush Lingerie - A few frills to add to your weekend excitement!
Butterflies, including meadow brown, common blue and dark green fritillary, add more color to the forest rides.
Market specializing in hoops to add fullness to the hips!
When you add a full stop the sentence is spoken.
Magix Music Maker 2003 fulfills a similar function, allowing users to also add their own live instruments and vocals to the mix.
To add the necessary flavor, members are invited to attend the gala in appropriate period dress.
Pour over some of the dark ganache and add some of the marinated raspberries.
You could also hang a garland across the front of the table, to add extra decoration.
Add the sliced onion, chopped carrots, and chopped garlic and fry for a few minutes.
Add 1 chopped small onion, 1 clove crushed garlic, 1 sliced carrot and a few sliced mushrooms.
Add a few cloves of crushed garlic to the onions.
Add fennel leaves to bouquet garni for a lively taste.
During the setting time we can add a little garnish.