Adapts Sentence Examples
The electric transmission of energy can be performed with an efficiency not reached by any other method, and the electric motor readily adapts itself to cranes.
In Germany it is much used by the cooper as well as the carpenter, while the form of the trunk admirably adapts it for all purposes for which long straight timber is needed.
The great advantages of Sprengel's pump lie in the simplicity of its construction and in the readiness with which it adapts itself to the collecting of the gas.
The hexameter no longer, as in Lucilius, moves awkwardly as if in fetters, but, like the language of Terence, of Catullus in his lighter pieces, of Cicero in his letters to Atticus, adapts itself to the everyday intercourse of life.
Its strength and toughness render it valuable for naval purposes, to which it is largely applied; its freedom from any tendency to split adapts it for clinker-built boats.
Finally, cases occur where the invaded cell so adapts itself to the presence of the intruder that life in commonsymbiosisresults.
The hen is still more soberly attired; but it is perhaps the siskin's disposition to familiarity that makes it so favourite a captive, and, 'though as a cage-bird it is not ordinarily long-lived, it readily adapts itself to the loss of liberty.
Russian - readily adapts himself to many other differences.
He speaks Finnish with Finns, Mongolian with Buriats, Ostiak with Ostiaks; he shows remarkable facility in adapting his agricultural practices to new conditions, without, however, abandoning the village community; he becomes hunter, cattle-breeder or fisherman, and carries on these occupations according to local usage; he modifies his dress and adapts his religious beliefs to the locality he inhabits.
The mass of glass, yielding, to its own weight and the pressure of air or steam, sinks downwards and adapts itself to any mould or receptacle beneath it.
AdvertisementWhilst, however, the plant adapts itself to a great variety of climatic conditions and will grow on almost all kinds of soil, the flavour and quality of the produce are profoundly affected by variations in these two factors.
The plan of the building is interesting, as it diverges entirely from the normal type and adapts itself to the site.
The sawdust adapts it self to the rough shape of the concrete, and deadens the blow to some extent.
In wind-fertilized plants the flowers are comparatively inconspicuous and devoid of much attraction for insects; and their pollen is smoother and smaller, and better adapted for transport by the wind, than that of insectfertilized plants, the roughness of which adapts it for attachment to the bodies of insects.
Christianity is dependent upon the understanding of the universe; hence it is the duty of believers to put it into the new setting, so that it adopts and adapts astronomy, geology, biology and psychology.
AdvertisementIt adapts itself to parasitic life not only in fishes, but in its own class Crustacea, and that in species of every order, its own included.
The great power of this press adapts it to the working of large and solid formes in printing, but it is somewhat slower in action than the Albion press, which is both lighter in construction and quicker in working.
Contrariwise, when Speusippus distinguishes One, Good, and Mind, so that Mind, not as yet endowed with an orderly scheme, adapts the initial One to particular Goods or ends, his theory of nature appears to his rival " episodical," i.e.
Throughout he adopts and adapts the language of his sources as far as possible, "only pruning in the most pressing cases," but towards the end he cannot avoid making larger alterations from time to time.
Here we present a simple framework that adapts to suit a particular problem instance " on the fly " .
AdvertisementThe FBI asserts that their proposal adapts existing wiretap laws to account for emerging communications technologies.
You can choose a car seat that is suited for an infant only, or you can purchase one that adapts to your child as he grows.
The back of this chair actually resembles the spine and adapts to the body's movements, adjusting automatically to shifting positions while keeping the spine aligned.
As the growing body adapts to this hormone change, both physical and sexual maturation occurs, known as puberty.
Its dwarf growth adapts it for positions unsuitable for the latter kinds, and it has a good effect in masses, its color being unlike that of any other Dahlia.
AdvertisementOrganic silk adapts to its climate, so that it can keep you cool in summer and warm in winter, without adding bulk.
The Cabernet Sauvignon grape also adapts to various climates and grows well in its original home in France, regions in Italy and Spain, and places in the United States such as California.
The baby's liver soon adapts to the problem and the jaundice disappears.
Once all of the baby teeth have erupted, the tongue adapts to their shape and the child's pre-teeth swallowing pattern switches to an adult pattern.
It adapts to fight off specific invading organisms.
Thick and slightly wavy, Orlando Bloom's hair has shown how easily it adapts to a variety of hairstyles.
It discreetly adapts your own clothes to maternity wear, giving you as much choice in maternity wear as you do in your everyday wardrobe.
As styles and fashions change, contemporary diamond jewelry also adapts, and diamond pendants are no different.
The range is dynamic and constantly changes and adapts to meet and lead the latest trends.
Much of this weight is water weight that comes off as your body adapts to eating fewer carbohydrates.
A muscle that gets a lot of use adapts to the demand placed on it, growing gradually stronger over time so as to better handle the workload.
By using progressively heavier weights, your body adapts to the increased demands being put upon it, which results in stronger, larger muscles.
The skeleton may seem like a fairly static thing, but the truth is that it, too, adapts to the demands being put upon it.
If you do the same workouts week after week, your body soon adapts and you'll cease to grow stronger.
When you work out regularly, your body adapts to the tearing of muscle fibers caused by strength training through building muscle.
You will likely find that you are adding weight frequently as your body adapts to strength training.
The effects illustrate how your body adapts to the challenges of activities, allowing you to increase your strength and endurance.
It is practically inevitable that the newest member of your family may experience mild rashes, skin irritations, and other unconcerning complications as the baby adapts to its environment and various skin contacts.