Adapt Sentence Examples
He needed to adapt his strategies when dealing with her.
How long would it take her to adapt to this culture?
In general, however, Protestant builders have been content to preserve or to adapt the traditional models.
Man is an animal who more than any other can adapt himself to all climates and circumstances.
That no code could do, and, as every practical government must adapt itself to actualities.
Coming from a village, it took some time for the family to adapt to living in a large city.
As your child grows, the furniture will adapt to her needs.
They are better able to adapt to the change in their family.
Many modern film stars also have names that would adapt well.
In any case the inelastic quality of the Spartan system was unable to adapt itself to the spirit of the new age.
AdvertisementSundry experiments have been made to adapt esparto for use in the coarser textile fabrics.
The priest will adapt the ceremony to suit the occasion.
On an evolutionary level, stress is the failure to adapt to change.
We have to adapt the existing structures to ensure we get the best out of the NHS reforms.
If you can sew, you can adapt any historical pattern to look gothic.
AdvertisementJackson sold the rights to the video to Nederlander Organization to adapt into a stage production; Landis said he had not received royalties for four years.
We have a choice - either to adapt and submit to the more powerful energies. or to be regarded as expendable.
Your baby will soon establish certain taste preferences, and the schedule you choose may need to adapt somewhat to those preferences.
Writers are even welcome to adapt the material for use in their own personal projects.
Although the condition has no cure, many families are able to adapt their lives to live with children with this condition.
AdvertisementBut teens have an advantage over older people -- their youth makes them more resilient and better able to adapt to the changes needed to achieve a healthy weight.
Their weak point lies in their necessary conservatism; they cannot advance and adapt themselves to changed circumstances, as either monarchy or democracy can.
They declare their readiness to adapt the law of the synagogue to the law of the land, as for instance in the question of marriage and divorce.
The constitution of the Dominion embodies the first attempt made to adapt British principles and methods of government to a federal system.
But in this case the concrete being still wet can adapt itself more or less to the shape of the adjoining bags, and strong rough walls can be built in this way.
AdvertisementWe can adapt your existing marketing materials to create a new site, or point you in the right direction to gain afresh content.
Bristol Discussion Group had to adapt, however reluctantly, to a middle class milieu concerned with constitutional reform, Black Power and Feminism.
Agents seek to adapt so as to exploit the local niche to which they have access.
The chef is also happy to prepare any dish not on the menu or adapt a dish to suit a particular palate.
America's cybersecurity Strategy must be dynamic and continually refreshed to adapt to the changing environment.
More info Bookshop The Intaslogans series has tiebreaker slogans series has tiebreaker slogan ideas all ready for you to adapt or use in your entries.
Children tend to heal faster than adults and adapt more quickly to disability.
To meet this challenge, Africa must acquire and adapt biotechnology to the agricultural sectors.
You can adapt your plan to fit your individual needs.
They can be downright stubborn and slow to adapt.
You can learn to adapt to blips in plans without stress.
Of course, even the more upmarket restaurants serving regional cuisine have to adapt their cooking for mass catering.
Rather than offering basic, generic hair cuts, clients at Figaro's consult with professional stylists to adapt styles to their specific facial and body structure, hair texture and length, and personal care needs.
Brunette hair can be hard to color, while lighter shades can adapt to most any new color.
Priorities can change quickly and the legal assistant must be able to adapt to these changes as well.
The LIBOR history extends from a solution to implement new investment products in the 1980s through the needs to adapt to a new financial currency and to the definition of the word "prime."
This allows your exercise program to adapt to your body's changing needs throughout your pregnancy.
Though most people and families will adapt to changes quickly, you have to consider them in the big picture.
Looking good while at the pool or beach is great, but you need to adapt your beauty regimen to your environment.
A family might adapt a game to help their children with school subjects.
Making fruit gel candles is great fun and there are plenty of ways to develop and adapt the candles, allowing the candle maker to create an almost endless variety of different gel candle types.
While there is no guarantee you will find exactly what you are looking for, there is a lot of choice and a clever mask-maker can adapt a template to suit their style.
You can adapt patterns for Dorothy, or pioneer girl clothes or a 1950s girl's dress.
When the parents address the issues that are normal and natural for children in a helpful and supportive manner, children adapt to the divorce with minimal negative effects.
These steps will help the process of breaking up with your partner, but remember to adapt them to your style and your partner's personality.
Deaf singles have found ways to adapt the sites to their needs, however.
Choose any of the following proposals and adapt it to your needs, or merge them to create your own romantic event.
There are two basic techniques to manufacture diamonds in a lab, though individual companies often have their own patented processes that adapt these techniques to their needs.
In fact they are very flexible, and this is by design so that you can adapt a particular card according to the question/topic at hand.
People born under this astrological sign seem at home in almost any situation because of their ability to adapt to new things.
By the same token, you will need to be imaginative and clever, and be able to adapt to the ever changing environment created by this sign.
When the Scorpio man and Virgo woman are willing to adapt and compromise in order to achieve a happy union, it is entirely possible to build a rewarding relationship--inside and outside of the bedroom--that lasts a lifetime.
They adapt very easily to different emotional situations or may choose to remain emotionally distant.
This Aquarius characteristic allows her to adapt to any social setting and appear to be a master of that situation.
You'll either need to adapt to her fast-track lifestyle or simply get out of the race and let someone else take your place.
The water element represents a horizontal motion, one that fuels feelings and emotions, and it essentially moves to adapt to its environment.
The stability of earth is therefore slightly shaken by this sign's ability to adapt and change when necessary.
Generally, younger children adapt more quickly and easily to divorce; adolescents, pre-teens, and teens are more likely to need counseling.
No child or adult should be "written off" based on their style of learning, because people are multi-dimensional and able to adapt.
However, there are plenty of other small habits you can adapt to maximize your savings potential throughout the day.
I.G.S., or Impact Guidance System, works to allow the foot to perform like it was meant to instead of holding it in place and asking it to instead adapt to the shoe.
This is especially important for traveling teams, as it allows you to adapt your shoe to any kind of field or weather conditions that you are likely to encounter.
These unique shoes adapt well in the water and on land, making it one of the most versatile offerings for outdoor enthusiasts.
The non-marking rubber sole of the Sling King proves this water shoe can adapt to wet or dry environments.
In this case, take a photograph or scientific illustration of a dolphin and adapt it to your tattoo.
Positive traits include the fact that Geminis are known for their ability to adapt well to different situations, are intelligent and brave, social and lively.
By 1914 the War Office had asked Burberry to adapt the Tielocken to meet new combat demands.
If you're not satisfied with any of the readily available choices in pirate clocks, there are several ways you can adapt a traditional alarm clock and make it pirate ready.
If you approach yoga as a means to improve your whole person, you'll adapt much more quickly.
If teaching yoga in schools, special care and consideration must be made to adapt it to the school environment.
However, you may find many styles adapt well to practice, including the sunrise tank and dreamcatcher t-shirt.
Most of the time, more than one method is used and even those methods change and adapt as the child grows.
Leaving a job is stressful enough without putting yourself through the ordeal of writing a completely original document when you can easily adapt a pre-existing template to get your point across in an effective manner.
However, this model has been slow to adapt some of the safety features of other minivans, including back-up cameras and stability control systems.
At the very least, it may help your body adapt on a subliminal level to the overarching characteristics of cheerleading motions.
Certain color sprays may help to adapt the color of your hair piece to your highlighted hair.
Adapt this idea to whatever pattern you would like to use, or make up your own stitch pattern!
More experienced knitters can even adapt and vary a pattern if they are unable to find the perfect poncho.
Because you choose the fabric when making your quilt, you can adapt just about any pattern to be suitable for a baby boy.
Adapt these ideas to fit the personalities of the young artists or to match the craft supplies you have on hand.
You can easily adapt the cabbage soup recipe to include any low calorie vegetable you enjoy.
Dieters may need a transition period in order to adapt to any textural differences that may occur with certain fat-substitutions or whole grain flours.
There are many substitutions that can be used to adapt standard dishes to the constraints of this type of eating plan.
It may take some time to adapt your favorite recipe to your needs.
As with exercise, your body will adapt to your new diet over time, making it lose its effectiveness.
The process of tearing down old structures and rebuilding them to suit new activity demands allows your muscles to adapt to whatever you ask of them.
So, the heart, like other organs and systems of the body, has the genetic capacity to adapt to exercise.
Bearing this information in mind, it makes sense that the body will adapt to exercise in a way to increase its chances of survival and efficiency.
The walls of your arteries also adapt to the increase in activity by becoming more elastic.
It may feel like you're holding back, but don't let the frustration get to you; what you're really doing is giving your body a heads-up that there's change coming, giving it a chance to adapt accordingly.
Pearl divers need to stay underwater for several minutes without scuba gear, and with training they adapt to do just that.
Flexibility - Dumbbells are able to adapt to work a variety of muscles, and are available in many different weight increments making it possible to fine-tune muscle development.
If you are a beginner, aim to use lighter weights and adapt your routine as you get in better shape.
Always ease into an exercise program in order to give your heart and other muscle groups time to adapt to a new workout program - especially if you have been very sedentary.
Once you begin building muscle, your body will adapt quickly to the challenges you are placing on it.
Your body will adapt to the new stresses by increasing its ability to use oxygen more effectively and produce more energy.
The physiology of exercise will help you adapt to exercise more efficiently and hence, burn more calories.This schedule will also help you avoid some of the pitfalls of exercising intensely, such as shin splints.
Your body will need to adapt to this change in order to prevent injury and burnout.
As you exercise, your body will adapt by increasing its exercise efficiency and oxygen-carrying capacity.
Building gradually allows your muscle as well as your cardiovascular system to adapt to this sudden change of activity.
Your body will adapt to your regular routine, increasing its efficiency while lowering the calorie burn.
There are plenty of recipes to choose from, and you can adapt the recipes to your own family's tastes, likes and dislikes.
You can take any of these ideas and adapt them to whatever you have on hand in your kitchen.
Sometimes lyrics are the inspiration for a particular song, such as when artists adapt poems to music.
The movie was a huge box office success, and Nickelodeon decided to adapt the film into a TV show - also called The Naked Brothers Band - which premiered in February 2007.
He would then adapt the novels into scripts if there was a demand.
Here are the instructions for three swimmers, but you can adapt them to your own number of players.
They usually require the models to transform into something else completely and test them on how well they adapt to various situations.
The Fabulous Beekman Boys is a reality TV show on Planet Green which follows Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell as they adapt to farm life.
Seven-of-Nine - The former Borg became a much valued member of the crew as she tried to adapt to being individual, but her name remained her Borg designation.
Adapt these five important parts of winning skin care for the best results.
You can adapt most html templates for use in FrontPage, so don't let straight html scare you off.
His lectures were thinly attended, for he did not care to adapt them to the requirements of the university examinations, and he was not perhaps well fitted to teach young men.
A good seat on a horse should not be strong merely; it should be graceful; above the loins the body should be loose, so as readily to adapt itself to every motion of the horse, but it should be upright.
Tribonian has been blamed for the insertions the compilers made in the sentences of the old jurists (the so-called Emblemata Triboniani); but it was a part of Justinian's plan that such insertions should be made, so as to adapt those sentences to the law as settled in the emperor's time.
They are addressed to a people whose mental processes and philosophy were primitive; and since teaching, in order to be communicable, must adapt itself to current beliefs of God, man and nature - and the inveterate conservatism of man must be born in mind - the trend of ideas must not be confused with the average standard of thought. ?
Man's primary religious feeling seeks to bring him into association with the events and persons of his race, and that which in the Old Testament appears most perishable, most defective, and which suffers most under critical inquiry, was necessary in order to adapt new teaching to the commonly accepted beliefs of a bygone and primitive people.'
Everywhere the same perpetual assiduity is found, but the inherited experience of generations has taught the cultivators to adapt their simple methods to differing circumstances.
Owing to the reduction in the supply of available hydrochloric acid (on account of the increasing use of the "ammonia-soda" process in place of the "Leblanc" process for the manufacture of soda) Weldon tried to adapt the former to the production of chlorine or hydrochloric acid.
It appears therefore that in general the mechanism is to be designed first and the frame afterwards, and that the designing of the frame is regtilated by the principles of the stability of structures and of the strength and stiffness of materials,care being taken to adapt the frame to the most severe load which can be thrown upon it at any period of the action of the mechanism.
In contemporary movements he was an earnest and conscientious advocate of Catholic democracy and socialism and of the view that the church should adapt itself to the changed political conditions consequent to the Revolution.
These theorems are too absolutely stated, and require much modification to adapt them to real life.
A certain Aristia, of Greek origin, but soon acclimatized to his surroundings as teacher at the high school in Bucharest, was the first to adapt foreign dramas for the Rumanian stage.
Other well-known politicians at the Cape subsequently found it convenient to adapt their views a good deal too readily to those held by the Bond.
Ministries which exist by sufferance are necessarily compelled to adapt their measures to the wishes of those who permit them to continue in power.
It then became a rhetorical exercise to recast, adapt or interweave such passages.
Driven in the first instance to speculation in theology by the needs of their natural reason, they came, in after days, when Greek philosophy had been naturalized in the Caliphate, to adapt its methods and doctrines to the support of their views.
The native tribes adapt the myth to explain the different modes of life among themselves and white men.
She took a moment to adapt to the new glimmers of energy in the room before changing into warmer clothes and her heavy coat.
We have to adapt the existing structures to ensure we get the best out of the reforms.
This sturdy staircase offers strong steel balusters and a stylish handrail designed to adapt to any situation.
Or those who were wise enough to adapt and start singing about relationships and rocking the casbah.
This means you may have to change your neuromuscular coordination to adapt.
How can we adapt the curriculum to the needs of disabled learners?
By combining ergonomics and cutting edge design Perific is a wireless optical mouse that you easily can adapt to your workplace.
For example, we have introduced flexible manning which means that we can adapt our costs to revenues and the number of passengers traveling.
How quickly do ecosystems adapt to natural and anthropogenically induced climate / global change?
Economic dependence upon TNCs forces them to adapt to the agenda proposed by corporate lobbyists.
The user would need only a modicum of computer know-how in order to adapt the program for personal use.
We propose to adapt some recent results obtained for the Navier-Stokes equations to the passive scalar.
This good fortune enabled us to adapt our route later to include more species of the high sierras.
The building of large steamships meant that the port had to adapt to the changing technologies of the Victorian age.
Now we can adapt our program to output the data we have retrieved to an output stream.
In this case we can adapt the translation via rejection.
He was reckless and unstable, resorting often to lying and deceit, and never pausing to count the cost of an enterprise or troubling to adapt means to ends.
Ecological Adapt ations.It is now possible to consider the ecological adaptations which the members of plant cornmunties show in a given geographical district such as western Europe, of which England of course forms a part.
The different positions then which the conquering Norman took in his two great conquests of England and of Sicily amply illustrate the way in which he could adapt himself to any circumstances in which he found himself, the way in which he could adopt whatever suited his purpose in the institutions of any other people, the way in which he commonly lost his national being in that of some other people.
Difficulties have been found in the supernatural or marvellous stories which would be taken as a matter of course by contemporary readers, and efforts are often made to recover historical facts or to adapt the records to modern theology without sufficient attention to the historical data as a whole or to their religious environment.
The existing refineries were accordingly altered so as to adapt them for the refining of petroleum; but in the manufacture of burning oil from petroleum the small stills which had been in use in the distillation of shale-oil were at first employed.
In the organization of the administrative machinery of these kingdoms, the higher power of the Hellene to adapt and combine had been operative; they were organisms of a richer, more complex type than the East had hitherto known.
In order to adapt this formula to logarithms, we introduce a subsidiary angle p, such that cot p = cot l cos t; we then have cos D = sin 1 cos( - p) I sin p. In the above formulae our earth is assumed to be a sphere, but when calculating and reducing to the sea-level, a base-line, or the side of a primary triangulation, account must be taken of the spheroidal shape of the earth and of the elevation above the sealevel.
To adapt the ground for its purpose as a cemetery, a gallery was run all round the area in the tufa rock at a convenient depth below the surface, reached by staircases at the corners.
Like Livius, Naevius professed to adapt Greek tragedies and comedies to the Roman stage.
To the same class belong those cases in which the arbitrators have to adapt the provisions of an old treaty to new and altered circumstances, somewhat in the way in which English courts of justice apply the doctrine of " cy-pres."
Immediately after the discovery of guncotton SchOnbein proposed its employment as a substitute for gunpowder, and General von Lenk carried out a lengthy and laborious series of experiments intending to adapt it especially for artillery use.
Although these railways, as far as concerns the districts they serve, form the fastest method of communication from point to point, their discomfort, arising mainly from the impossibility of proper ventilation, and various other disadvantages attendant upon the use of steam traction, led to a determination to adapt the lines to electrical working.
The glass for pressed ware must be colourless, and, when molten, must be sufficiently fluid to adapt itself readily to the intricacies of the moulds, which are often exceedingly complex.
The government had not elasticity enough to adapt itself to so profound a change in its ancient traditions; the finances became more and more hopelessly embarrassed, in spite of ruinous taxation; and attempts at European innovations in the court and army made matters only worse, so long as no attempt was made to improve Muhammad VI.
The Occident does not yet appear to have full realized the existence of such talent in Japan; partly perhaps because its displays in former times were limited chiefly to swordfurniture, possessing little interest for the average European or American; and partly because the Japanese have not yet learned to adapt their skill to foreign requirements.
They belong essentially to the catalogue of articles called into existence to meet the demand of the foreign market, being, in fact, an attempt to adapt the lacquerers art to decorative furniture for European houses.
Its facile flow and rhythm seem to adapt it to the expression and illustration of personal feeling.
To prevent misconception he must expand and explain what was obscure, adjust the incidents of the past to the ideas of later times, emphasize the moral lessons to be learned from the national history, and, finally, adapt the rules and regulations of the Old Covenant to the conditions and requirements of his own age.
One is to kill the phylloxera itself; another, to destroy it along with the infected vines, and plant fresh and healthy plants; the third, to adapt the secular therapeutics of nature, and to introduce American vines which a long acquaintance with the phylloxera has made immune of its ravages.
When the Lutheran movement began they were ready to sympathize with it, and ultimately to adapt their old 2 Preger, Beitrage zur Geschichte der Waldenser.
The Free Staters, under Brand's rule, had shown considerable ability to adapt their policy to meet the altered situation.
There is a tendency to eclectic views embracing the more attractive features of the various theories; and attempts are made to adapt, interpret and qualify the imagery and language of older formulae, in order so to speak, to issue them afresh in new editions, compatible with modern natural science, psychology and historical criticism.
Both of these papal secretaries were mentioned in complimentary terms by Erasmus in his celebrated dialogue, the Ciceronianus (1528), in which no less than one hundred and six Ciceronian scholars of all nations are briefly and brilliantly reviewed, the slavish imitation of Cicero denounced, and the law laid down that " to speak with propriety we must adapt ourselves to the age in which we live - an age that differs entirely from that of Cicero."
It was not until the settlers learned to adapt themselves to the methods of wide-range cattle raising and of farming by irrigation that the greater value of the far western interior was recognized as a permanent home for an agricultural population.
The Restoration Of The Equinox To Its Former Place In The Year And The Correction Of The Intercalary Period, Were Attended With No Difficulty; But Lilius Had Also To Adapt The Lunar Year To The New Rule Of Intercalation.
Four small pins, which can be inserted into the counterpoise of the instrument, serve to adapt the instrument to the temperatures intermediate between those for which the scales are constructed.
It is provided with a sliding rule to adapt it to different temperatures, and has four scales, one of which is graduated for spirits and the other three serve to show the strengths of worts.
The selection of a standard may be regarded as a matter of arbitrary choice; that is to say, it would be possible to use any continuous time-measurer, and to adapt all scientific results to it.
Planting themselves, as a rule, in large towns, and by preference in the poorest and most densely populated districts, the Preaching Friars were obliged to adapt their buildings to the requirements of the site.
This usefulness iron owes in part, indeed, to its abundance, through which it has led us in the last few thousands of years to adapt our ways to its; but still in chief part first to the single qualities in which it very weak; conducting heat and electricity easily, and again offering great resistance to their passage; here welding readily, there incapable of welding; here very infusible, there melting with relative ease.
Therefore a need may arise to restructure the curriculum and adapt teaching methods to match the continuous and reflective nature of portfolio assessments.
Presumably they just grabbed the first person they saw with slanted eyes to adapt it.
More info Bookshop The Intaslogans series has tiebreaker slogan ideas all ready for you to adapt or use in your entries.
In practice, EC Delegations and ACP governments have been slow to adapt to the new participatory approach.
In building solidarity with the Muslim communities, socialists do not adapt their politics to the tenets of Islam.
How well does the poet adapt the sonnet form here?
Collaborating with pump manufacturers to to adapt treadle pump design in response to user needs.
There is already evidence this season that he can adapt his game and maybe take it to previously unconsidered levels.
What we have is a gross failure to adapt the water collection system to seasonal variations in rainfall.
Pesticides, climate change and loss of habitat will continue to affect bee populations unless they learn to adapt.
The chameleon's ability tocamouflageitself allows it to adapt to new environments and hide from predators.
If the existing employees can grow and adapt, that is ideal.
For parents who have maintained reasonable expectations of the infant stage and are ready to adapt, a newborn baby will be a consummate blessing.
A simple diaper cake may not have a particular theme, but you can easily adapt a cake to fit any theme.
Candles are well-liked favors for women, and you can easily adapt it to fit a Care Bear theme.
While many golfers have a few comfortable clubs, you need to have clubs that can adapt to the different weather conditions, the course, and distance.
This will allow him to adapt to his new surroundings, get used to his/her bedding, and learn how to use his litter box.
The fascinating thing about these sounds is the cat's ability to learn and adapt.
Available in many different colors and fabrics, it can easily adapt to any room and feel as much at home in small condominiums as it does in a second bedroom or home office.
One attractive option for many people is to adapt an existing building and make it into a chicken coop.
An old garden shed, for instance, would adapt well as a chicken coop and might require very little in the way of extra work.
When looking to adapt something as a chicken coop it is important to check that it is waterproof, secure and has somewhere for the chickens to roost and lay their eggs.
Whether you buy a chicken coop, build your own or adapt another building, keeping chickens is a fun and rewarding pastime.
While many homeowners appreciate a minimalist decor when it appears in a home decorating magazine. many may find it difficult to adapt to this decor.
One of the advantages of these types of lights is their ability to adapt as lighting needs change.
You can adapt your home interior to this design and make your kitchen totally French Country or simply add a few touches that hint at this inviting style.
If you must get your deep and dusky fix, you can adapt the following techniques to your application for added versatility.
This is where philosophy comes into play, and you'll adapt each draft to your own philosophy as your understanding of the game increases.
Understanding your stress associated with change can help you reduce your stress levels and adapt to new situations in your life.
Any change in your life means you will have to adapt to it; this adaptation process will most likely cause some level of stress because you may have to change a habit or familiar situation.
If you are able to hold on during this small storm rolling through this part of your life and work through it calmly, you will be able to adapt much more quickly and successfully.
Once you have accepted that you may be causing more stress to yourself than anything else, only then will you be able adapt and use healthy ways for managing stress.
Others may be nervous at first but will quickly adapt to the new situation.
While it is fine to adapt any of these speeches or quotes to suit your purpose, you can also write your own speech.
However, those committed to the diet learn to adapt and cope fairly easily.
It's not impossible for these people to adapt to a vegetarian diet, but they'll have to consult a doctor or nutritionist to make sure they are eating the right foods to get the protein they need.
There are a surprising number of meals that adapt quickly and easily to the vegan lifestyle and many new vegans are often surprised at how simple it is to adapt.
Add a monogrammed ribbon to adapt it to the day.
When they are no longer using drugs and/or alcohol, the brain must adapt to the fact that the substance it was receiving is no longer available.
The difference here is that these challenges are designed to test the contestant's musical abilities and gauge how they can adapt to the "country lifestyle."
You will have to adapt your calendar to fit the needs of your clients.
Bulldogs can adapt to either apartment or house environments.
You can adapt it to fit your preferences and the availability of ingredients.
Labs are one of those rare breeds that can adapt to a variety of environments.
Tree roots need oxygen to survive during the tree's growing season, and as water contains less oxygen than the air pockets in soil, tree roots can only survive underwater if the roots adapt.
This tree gets from 50 to 80 feet tall and can adapt to moist and dry soils.
This section displays two to three unique landscaping designs that you can adapt for your own needs.
Almost any type of tomato will adapt easily to a container garden.
This plan is for a frame roughly four feet by two and a half feet, but with a little math you can easily adapt it to fit whatever size window you happen to have.
If you can't find specific tabs for acoustic, just adapt any Nirvana tab to your acoustic guitar.
There are lots of themes that would adapt well to 1960's styling.
You can adapt a charm for any jewelry style you want.
Sustainable agriculture supporters stress that working with the earth's natural cycles and allowing plants to adapt to a changing environment preserves the integrity and nutritional benefits of food.
Australians brought a couple hundred merino sheep a long time ago to Kyrgyzstan to see how the sheep would adapt in our country.
They will evolve and adapt as they have for millennium.
You can adapt modern fashions to your style and look good every day.
Many edible foods adapt easily to hydroponics techniques.
Senior citizens and their families do not have to worry about finding another place to live as medical conditions change making it easier to adapt to the new living accommodations.
Most crafts are easy to adapt or modify so that everyone can enjoy taking part in the activity.
Circle contacts are fairly new to North America, but just as with any new fashion trend, it just takes some time for people to adapt.
Since car companies have created increasingly powerful headlights, individuals have to adapt.
There's no line that immediately jumps from distance vision to near vision, and if you aren't used to traditional bifocal styles, you may find it easier to adapt to the no line bifocal reading glasses than you would to the ones with lines.
There's no line that will obstruct your vision and cause you frustration as you adapt.
A variety of interchangeable lens of different colors or tints, or photochromic lenses that can adapt to different degrees of lighting.
Another option is to look for special lenses which adapt to different lighting conditions.
If you've purchased progressive lenses to replace your old prescription glasses, you're going to experience a period of time where your brain must adapt to a new way of focusing on objects.
After a while, your brain will adapt and you'll find that you automatically move your head and eyes without really giving it much thought.
However, in later levels one must adapt to progressively complex enemies and rapidly increasing multitudes of military force and might.
These windows games are based on the original books, but they combine them for richer storylines and adapt from them liberally.
The video game industry evolves quickly, and the standard definitions have to adapt and expand periodically.
And the industry will adapt in response.
This is slightly odd for some gamers, but they adapt quite quickly to the new ideas.
The thermal regulating centers in the brain help the body adapt to high temperatures by adjusting the amount of salts (electrolytes) in the perspiration.
If parents can adapt to their babies, meet their needs, and provide nurturance, the attachment is secure.
Physical and occupational therapists can provide guidelines on how to adapt the child's environment to ensure safety and comfort.
They involve the ability to adapt to and manage one's surroundings to effectively function and meet social or community expectations.
The ECI can assess reactive behavior, including tolerance of frustration, ability to "bounce back" after stressful events, and capacity to adapt to changes in the environment.
Adaptive behavior-The ability to do things on one's own without getting into trouble and to adapt to and manage one's surroundings.
Lips, cheeks, and tongue may be irritated for one to two weeks before they toughen and adapt to the braces.
Most parents are concerned about how their child will cope and adapt to being cared for by someone else.
They can adapt language to different contexts, master abstract thinking, explore and prepare for future careers and roles, set goals based on feelings of personal needs and priorities, and are likely to reject goals set by others.
If excess fluid levels accumulate gradually, the brain may be able to adapt to them, and the person will have only a few symptoms.
During this age, children should be able to learn and apply general information needed to adapt to specific situations.
Parents who know how to adapt their parenting approach to the particular temperament of their child can best provide guidance and ensure the successful development of their child's personality.
Later, as the child grows up, parents can help the child to adapt to his or her own world in spite of inborn temperament.
As the heart responds to the increased demands for more oxygenated blood by pumping harder, the pulmonary artery has to change in size and shape in order to adapt to the increased amount and force of the blood.
Although SCI often results in permanent disability, rehabilitation can maximize the level of function and help patients adapt and lead independent, productive lives.
They had irregular patterns of eating and sleeping, withdrew from new stimuli, did not adapt easily to change, and reacted intensely to changes.
For example, a child's slowness to adapt may be seen as a drawback rather than as a protection against the dangers of impetuosity or being overly influenced by peer pressure.
Some left-handed children may seem clumsy as they try to adapt to a right-handed world.
While the styles may seem set in stone, individual stylists are well-equipped to adapt looks to meet different individuals' style preferences, creating a personalized style with minimal hassle.
By taking these potential problems into consideration, individuals can choose and adapt punk ideas and fashion styles to meet their expectations and needs for self expression.
This flexibility also helps you adapt any materials you may have (or perhaps acquired from a friend) so you don't need to spend a lot of money on learning resources.
Jobs in Germany aren't abundant, so expect your search to take awhile and be impacted by your ability to speak the language and adapt to the culture.
Once baby is held and comforted, he begins to adapt to this new and vastly different world.
If your child is insisting on dressing up as a Care Bear you'll need to either purchase a Care Bear costume, or else adapt an existing kid's animal costume pattern and make it look like your child's favorite Care Bear.
Couples can easily adapt some the designs for an engagement announcement.
Cancer animals are pretty compliant and have the ability to adapt easily to any situation.
Learn to use your intuition to adapt the meanings and give readings that are accurate and personal to the recipient.
Some of these games also adapt well to classroom settings.
The trailers for these movies are more than just a preview or a plot summary; they are a chance to see what changes are made from the book to adapt it to the silver screen.
This exaggerates the passivity of life, and does not sufficiently recognize that the higher organisms largely adjust external to internal relations and adapt their environment to their needs.
They can adapt their motions to every variation of the ground over which they move, yet all varieties of snake locomotion are founded on the following simple process.
Regulations were framed for the purpose of establishing adequate supervision over the revenue and expenditure for the abolition of irregular taxation and extortions, as well as the practice of farming out the collection of the revenue to individuals, and, generally, to adapt the whole collection and expenditure of the national revenue to modern ideas of public finance.
The healthy organism can adapt itself to great varieties both in regard to the quality and quantity of food; but when health begins to fail much care may be required, and many ailments arise from dyspepsia.
We do not attempt to fit them to absolute formulae, but continually adapt them to a changing environment.
Indeed, for a definition of that limitless subject which includes all the phenomena that stand the warp and stress of change, one might adapt a famous epitaph - si historiam requiris, circumspice.
It is said that St Ambrose was the first to adapt the Platonic classification to Christian theology.
How long would it take her to adapt to a culture where the ability to cause fear and pain was so revered?
When the Deans first arrived in Ouray, they weren't sure how they'd adapt to the long winters but when the first serious snow blanketed the western Colorado Mountains in early December they took up winter sports with the enthusiasm of children.
The rate and scale of change has simply proved too immense for much of Surrey's biodiversity to adapt and respond to.
Original music will be composed by Terry Davies who will also adapt musical themes from the motion picture composed by Danny Elfman.
The problem in the British polity is that the two-party hegemony can't adapt easily.
The amount of slack varies in different cases between 3 and Do per cent., but some is always allowed, so that the cable may easily adapt itself to inequalities of the bottom and may be more readily lifted for repairs.
Clarke's hydrometer, as afterwards constructed for the purposes of the excise, was provided with thirty-two weights to adapt it to spirits of different specific gravities, and eleven smaller weights, or "weather weights" as they were called, which were attached to the instrument in order to correct for variations of temperature.
The deliverance of Ger many was complete, and from this time, notwithstandinf certain wild raids towards the east, the Magyars began to setti in the land they still occupy, and to adapt themselves to th conditions of civilized life.
That is, more than one effort of this sort had been made to adapt the story of Clement's Recognitions to general Christian use.
Before answering we must again point out (see also IsAIAH) that the records of the pre-exilic prophets came down in a fragmentary form, and that these fragments needed much supplementing to adapt them to the use of post-exilic readers.
Once more, the social reasoning mechanism enables the agent to adapt to the changing conditions of the society.
America 's cybersecurity Strategy must be dynamic and continually refreshed to adapt to the changing environment.
As Scott mentioned, we tend to write our short stories independently, then we adapt them to screenplays together.
Because these wide, mounding plants adapt to full sun or partial shade, they are an exceptional choice for sunny garden spots.
The best thing you can do for your look is to maintain your own style but adapt it with some modern touches.
The opposing players and "manager" AI routines learn your strengths and weaknesses and attempt to adapt to situations and run successful plays with greater frequency.
Physical and occupational therapists can provide guidelines on how to adapt the child's home and school environments to ensure safety and comfort.
There are many ways to adapt and vary this basic technique.
Social problems, such as extreme shyness, extreme aggression, and a lack of ability to adapt to new situations all can be aspects.
The result of migration is that races of widely different origin and habit have had to adapt themselves to similar conditions.
With the single exception of the Indian sloth-bear, all the species have forty-two teeth, of which the incisors and canines closely resemble those of purely carnivorous mammals; while the molars, and especially the one known as the " sectorial " or " carnassial," have their surfaces tuberculated so as to adapt.
In Order To Adapt It To The Gregorian Calendar, We Must First Add The To Days That Were Left Out Of The Year 1582; In The Second Place We Must Add One Day For Every Century That Has Elapsed Since 1600, In Consequence Of The Secular Suppression Of The Intercalary Day; And Lastly We Must Deduct The Units Contained In A Fourth Of The Same Number, Because Every Fourth Centesimal Year Is Still A Leap Year.Q Denoting, Therefore, The Number Of The Century (Or The Date After The Two Right Hand Digits Have Been Struck Out) By C, The Value Of L Must Be Increased By 10 (C 16) (6 C L = 7M 3 X (4 X) W Io (C 16) (C 4 16) W; That Is, Since 3 To =13 Or 6 (The 7 Days Being Rejected, As They Do Not Affect The Value Of L), L=7M 6 X () W _ 16) (_ L _ 6)W; This Formula Is Perfectly General, And Easily Calculated.
The same ability to adapt himself to circumstances must be possessed by the steeple-chase jockey, who should possess fine hands to enable him to handle his horse while going at his fences at three-quarter speed.