Adam Sentence Examples
It is the good Adam contemplating his own virtue.
In 1417 John made an attack on Paris, which failed through his loitering at Lagny; 1 but on the 30th of May 1418 a traitor, one Perrinet Leclerc, opened the gates of Paris to the Burgundian captain, Villiers de l'Isle Adam.
His great service to mankind lay in the fact that he disseminated throughout Europe by means of the French language, and popularized by his clear and easy style, the economic doctrines of Adam Smith.
A similar treaty was made with the Griqua chief, Adam Kok III.
These include the bronze doors executed by Bishop Bernward, with reliefs from the history of Adam and of Jesus Christ; a brazen font of the 13th century; two large candelabra of the 11th century; the sarcophagus of St Godehard; and the tomb of St Epiphanius.
It has the interesting Evangelical church of St John, built in the 15th century, with carvings by Veit Stoss, paintings by Wohlgemut, Martin Sch6n and others, and a ciborium by Adam Krafft; a fountain, the Schone Brunnen, and several schools.
From 1794 to 1800 Say edited a periodical entitled La Decade philosophique, litteraire, et politique, in which he expounded the doctrines of Adam Smith.
It was after this episode that the treaties with Adam Kok and Moshesh were negotiatedl.
In withdrawing from the Sovereignty the British government declared that it had "no alliance with any native chief or tribes to the northward of the Orange River with the exception of the Griqua chief Captain Adam Kok."
The fertile district of Bethulie as well as Adam Kok's territory was acquired, and there was a considerable increase in the white population.
AdvertisementThe book of Chronicles begins with Adam and ends abruptly in the middle of Cyrus's decree of restoration, which reappears complete at the beginning of Ezra.
Adam, as is the custom with later Oriental writers.
The use of "Adam" (וחוה) as a proper name is an early error.
Into the question whether the original story did not give a proper name which was afterwards modified into "Adam" - important as this question is - we cannot here enter.
For convenience, we shall take "Adam" as a symbol for "the first man," and inquire first, what does tradition say of his creation?
AdvertisementAll therefore that Adam could do, as they passed before him, was to name them, as a lord names his vassals.
How came Adam by the requisite insight and power of observation?
The narrator assumes that Adam and Eve had an innate faculty of speech.
To Adam and Eve, however, he is not unkind.
By degrees, he obtains a full confession - not from the serpent, whose speech might not have been edifying, but from Adam and Eve.
AdvertisementThis Adam, indeed, is not like the first man of Gen.
It thus becomes plausible to hold that "Adam" in Gen.
More probably, however, this is but an accidental coincidence; both adam and adamu may come from the same Semitic root meaning "to make."
Certainly Adamu (if it is not more convenient to write "Adapa") was not regarded as the progenitor of the human race, like the Hebrew Adam.
Barton, Worcester and Tennant, considers this to be parallel to the story which may underlie the account of the failure of the beasts, and the success of the woman Eve, as a "help-meet" for Adam.
AdvertisementIt is held that, but for his sin, Adam would have been immortal.
In one of the two passages which express it we are also told that each member of the human race is "the Adam of his own soul."
One is that Adam is said to have had from the first a wicked heart, owing to which he fell, and his posterity likewise, into sin and guilt.
All men have the same seed of evil in them that Adam had; they sin and die, like him.
The first ended with the Flood, so that any consequences of Adam's sin were, strictly speaking, of limited duration.
And as at the head of the first age stands the first Adam, whose doings affected all his descendants to their harm, so at the head of the second shall stand the second Adam, whose actions shall be potent for good.
The Haggadah gives the most extravagant descriptions of the glory of Adam before his fall.
So glorious was he that even the angels were commanded through Michael to pay homage to Adam.
In English we have Malan's translation of the Ethiopic Book of Adam (1882), and Issaverden's translation of another Book of Adam from the Armenian (Venice, 1901).
On Jewish and Mahommedan legends, see Jewish Cyclopaedia, " Adam."
Adam Smith, dur'ng his stay on the continent with the y oung duke of Buccleuch in 1764-66, spent some time in Paris, where he made the acquaintance of Quesnay and some of his followers; he paid a high tribute to their scientific services in his Wealth of Nations.
It was regarded by the followers of Quesnay as entitled to a place amongst the foremost products of human wisdom, and is named by the elder Mirabeau, in a passage quoted by Adam Smith, as one of the three great inventions which have contributed most to the stability of political societies, the other two being those of writing and of money.
Christ suffering on behalf of sinners satisfies the divine righteousness, which was outraged by their sin.'3 His work is an expression of God's love to man; 14 the redeeming power of Christ's death is also explained by his solidarity with humanity as the second Adam," - the redeemed sinner has " died with Christ."
The curious oak pulpit representing Adam and Eve expelled from the Garden of Eden came originally from the Jesuit church at Louvain, and is considered the masterpiece of Verbruggen.
After the third partition the estates of the Czartoryskis were confiscated, and in May 1795 Adam and his younger brother Constantine were summoned to St Petersburg; later in the year they were commanded to enter the Russian service, Adam becoming an officer in the horse, and Constantine in the foot guards.
Adam had already met the grand duke Alexander at a ball at the princess Golitsuin's, and the youths at once conceived a strong "intellectual friendship" for each other.
He was not an anticipation of the 18th century; he was the man of his age, as Voltaire of his; though Erasmus did not intend it, he undoubtedly shook the ecclesiastical edifice in all its parts; and, as Melchior Adam says of him, "pontifici Romano plus nocuit jocando quam Lutherus stomachando."
Of the many historians of the middle ages, besides the authors of biographies, chronicles, cloister annals, &c., may be mentioned Haymo, Anastasius, Adam of Bremen, Ordericus Vitalis, Honorius of Autun, Otto of Freising, Vincent of Beauvais and Antoninus of Florence.
At the diet of 151o the chancellor and primate, Adam Laski, proposed an income-tax of 50% at once, and 5% for subsequent years, payable by both the lay and clerical estates.
As early as the 13th of January 1813 he wrote to assure his former favourite and confidant, Prince Adam Czartoryski, that, "Whatever the Poles do now to aid in my success, will.
Adam Naruszewicz (1733-1796) was bishop and poet.
He was the court poet of Prince Adam Czartoryski at Pulawy, and furnished odes in commemoration of all the important events which occurred in the household.
A poet of considerable merit is Adam Asnyk (1838-1897).
In his theology he laid stress on the Gospel and on no sectarian opinions - he was, however, a pre-millenarianite - and he worked with men as much more "advanced" than himself as Henry Drummond, whom he eagerly defended against orthodox attack, and George Adam Smith.
Seth was the last child born to Adam; he grew in stature and strength, and began to fast and pray strenuously.
Another power entered on the field of exploration when the Russians sent Adam Ivan Krusenstern to the Pacific (1803).
Further, the Megillath Ta'anith (" roll of fasts "), an old source with a collection of miscellaneous legends, &c.; Megillath Antiokhos, on the martyrdom under Hadrian; Seder`Olam Rabbah, on biblical history from Adam to the rebellion of Bar Kokba (Barcocheba); the " Book of Jashar "; the Chronicle of Jerahmeel," &c. Liturgical Midrash is illustrated by the Haggada shel Pesah, part of the ritual recited at the domestic service of the first two Passover evenings.
In the same sense the term is used in the Koran of both Adam and David as the vicegerents of God.
This letter excited some rancour among the theologians, and Dr George Horne, afterwards bishop of Norwich, published in 1777 A Letter to Adam Smith on the Life, Death and Philosophy of his Friend David Hume, by one of the people called Christians.
One of his favourite places of resort in these years was a club of which Dr Hutton, Dr Black, Dr Adam Ferguson, John Clerk the naval tactician, Robert Adam the architect, as well as Smith himself, were original members, and to which Dugald Stewart, Professor Playfair and other eminent men were afterwards admitted.
He was the first also to advance that argument in favour of religious establishments which meets upon its own ground the doctrine of Adam Smith, that religion like other things should be left to the operation of the natural law of supply and demand.
We shall pass over here the labours of Adam Sedgwick (1785-1873) and Sir Roderick Murchison (1792-1871) in the Palaeozoic of England, which because of their close relation to stratigraphy more properly concern geology; but must mention the grand contributions of Joachim Barrande (1799-1883), published in his Systeme silurien du centre de la Boheme, the first volume of which appeared in 1852.
These leading narratives are supplemented by Adam of Bremen, Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum, chap. 38 (247 Lappenberg) of book iv.
Adam's Historia - known also as Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum, Bremensium praesulum Historia, and Historia ecclesiastica - is a primary authority, not only for the great diocese of Hamburg-and-Bremen, but for all North German and Baltic lands (down to 1072), and for the Scandinavian colonies as far as America.
Here occurs the earliest mention of Vinland, and here are also references of great interest to Russia and Kiev, to the heathen Prussians, the Wends and other Slav races of the South Baltic coast, and to Finland, Thule or Iceland, Greenland and the Polar seas which Harald Hardrada and the nobles of Frisia had attempted to explore in Adam's own day (before 1066).
Adam's account of North European trade at this time, and especially of the great markets of Jumne at the mouth of the Oder, of Birka in Sweden and of Ostrogard (Old Novgorod ?) in Russia, is also of much value.
The fourth (perhaps the most important) book of Adam's History, variously entitled Libellus de Situ Daniae et reliquarum quae trans Daniam sunt regionum, Descriptio Insularum Aquilonis, &c., has often been considered, but wrongly, as a separate work.
Here lie the remains of John Sobieski, of Thaddaeus Kosciuszko, of Joseph Poniatowski and of Adam Mickiewicz.
The first man, Adam, was engendered by Satan in conjunction with "sin," "cupidity," "desire."
Hence Adam is a discordant being, created in the image of Satan, but carrying within him the stronger spark of light.
But if the first human beings thus stood entirely under the dominion of the devil, the glorious spirits took them under their care from the very outset, sending aeons down to them (including Jesus), who instructed them regarding their nature, and in particular warned Adam against sensuality.
Cain and Abel indeed are not sons of Adam, but of Satan and Eve; Seth, however, who is full of light, is the offspring of Adam by Eve.
Mani, following the example of the gnostic Jewish Christians, appears to have held Adam, Noah, Abraham (perhaps zoroaster and Buddha) to be such prophets.
It will be seen that the commercial1789-1818consult Adam Seyberts Statistical Annals (Philadelphia, 1818), which are based upon official documents, a large part of which are no longer in existence.
Adam, received a sound classical education, and was well advised by his friend Dr Thomas Brown, the eminent metaphysician.
The first stage of his education was passed at a school kept by "Peggy Paine," a relation of the well-known author of the Age of Reason, after which he entered the Annan academy, taught by Mr Adam Hope, of whom there is a graphic sketch in the Reminiscences of Thomas Carlyle.
It does not, as has been said, anticipate the economical doctrines of Adam Smith, and much of it is fanciful without being either witty or ingenious.
In 1755 the precursor of the later Edinburgh Review was started, now chiefly remembered because in its pages Adam Smith criticized the dictionary of Dr Johnson, and because the contents of its two numbers were edited by Wedderburn.
After creation Adam was allowed to till the ground on condition that he sold himself and his posterity to the owner of the earth.
When the Holy Ghost (Michael) appeared in the shape of the dove, Jesus received power to break the covenant in the form of a clay tablet (heirographon) held by Satanail from Adam.
The Historiated Bible, the Letter from Heaven, the Wanderings through Heaven and Hell, the numerous Adam and Cross legends, the religious poems of the "Kaleki perehozhie" and other similar productions owe their dissemination to a large extent to the activity of the Bogomils of Bulgaria, and their successors in other lands.
Among later writers much valuable information is given by Ammianus Marcellinus, Jordanes, Procopius, Gregory of Tours, Bede, Paulus Diaconus, Widukind, Thietmar, Adam of Bremen and Saxo Grammaticus, as well as by the early laws and charters.
His industry as a biographer is commended by P. Bayle, who acknowledges his obligations to Adam's labours; and his biographies, though they have faults, are still useful.
Colonel James Gardiner was mortally wounded after an heroic stand, and an obelisk in the grounds of his house at Bankton, close to the battlefield, commemorates his valour, while the ballad of Adam Skirving (1719-1803), "Hey, Johnnie Cope!"
Before 1226 Adam received the benefice of Wearmouth from his uncle, Richard Marsh, bishop of Durham; but between that year and 1230 he entered the Franciscan order.
In 1257 Adam's health was failing, and he appears to have died in the following year.
Among wellknown natives of the town were Adam Smith, Henry Balnaves of Halhill, the Scottish reformer and lord of session in the time of Queen Mary; George Gillespie, the theologian and a leading member of the Westminster Assembly, and his younger brother Patrick (1617-1675), a friend of Cromwell and principal of Glasgow University; John Ritchie (1778-1870), one of the founders of the Scotsman; General Sir John Oswald (1771-1840), who had a command at San Sebastian and Vittoria.
In foreign affairs Sigismund was largely guided by the Laskis (Adam, Jan and Hieronymus), Jan Tarnowski and others, most of whom he selected himself.
Because iron would be so easily made by prehistoric and even by primeval man, and would be so useful to him, we are hardly surprised to read in Genesis that Tubal Cain, the sixth in descent from Adam, discovered it; that the Assyrians had knives and saws which, to be effective, must have been of hardened steel, i.e.
He had decided to begin the History, not with Henry VII., as Adam Smith recommended, but with James I., considering that the political differences of his time took their origin from that period.
Robertson and Adam Smith), and warmly recognized the worth of his opponents (e.g.
Yet when we compare Hume with Adam Smith, the advance which Hume had made on his predecessors in lucidity of exposition and subtlety of intellect becomes clear, and modern criticism is agreed that the main errors of Adam Smith are to be found in those deductions which deviate from the results of the Political Discourses.
To sum up, it may be said that Hume enunciated the principle that " everything in the world is purchased by labour, and our passions are the only causes of labour "; and further, that, in analysing the complex phenomena of commerce, he is superior sometimes to Adam Smith in that he never forgets that the ultimate causes of economic change are the " customs and manners " of the people, and that the solution of problems is to be sought in the elementary factors of industry.
The Latin versions were made or edited by Adam von Bodenstein, Gerard Dorn, Michael Toxites and Oporinus, about the middle of the 16th century.
The word first appeared in print in Adam of Bremen's Descriptio Insularum Aquilonis, an appendix to his Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum, published by Lindenbrog in 1595.
In pursuit of historical study, Adam visited the Danish court during the reign of the well-informed monarch Svend Estridsson (1047-1076), and writes that the king "spoke of an island (or country) in that ocean discovered by many, which is called Vinland, because of the wild grapes [vites] that grow there, out of which a very good wine can be made.
These words show the futility of ascribing to Adam's account Columbus's knowledge of lands in the West, as many overzealous advocates of the Norse discoveries have done.
The fact that the Icelandic sagas concerning Vinland are not contemporaneous written records has caused them to be viewed by many with suspicion; hence such a significant allusion as that by Adam of Bremen is not to be overlooked.
To the student of the Norse sources, Adam's reference is not so important, as the internal evidence of the sagas is such as to give easy credence to them as records of exploration in regions previously unknown to civilization.
It was written out of friendship for Adam Black, and "payment was not so much as mentioned."
In consequence of His supernatural birth the Saviour, or the second Adam, was free from original sin.
For mere death brings no liberation, unless a man is become a new creation, a new Adam, as Christ was; unless he has received the gift of the spirit and become a vehicle of the Paraclete.
All begetting of children is evil, for Adam's chambering with Eve was the forbidden fruit.
The name of Vitruvius has been given to several works on modern architecture, such as Campbell, Vitruvius Britannicus (London, 1715-71), a series of illustrations of the chief buildings of the 18th century in England, including many works of the brothers Adam; one of these brothers, William Adam, produced a similar work illustrating the buildings which he had designed for Scotland, under the title of Vitruvius Scoticus (Edinburgh, 1790).
Osman wad Adam (Ganu), amir of Kordofan, was sent by the khalif a to Karamallas assistance.
His army, however, under Fiki Adam, fought a fierce battle close to El Fasher on the 22nd, which resulted in its defeat and dispersion, and Abu Gemaiza himself dying the following day, the movement collapsed.
Adam of Bremen, from whom these details come, was himself uncertain whether " so many kings or rather tyrants of the Danes ruled together or succeeded one another at short intervals."
It was Adam Gottlob Ohlenschldger (q.v.; 1 7791850), the greatest poet of Denmark, who was to bring about the new romantic movement.
His mythological or pastoral dramas, his great satiric epos of Adam Homo (1841-1848), his comedies, his lyrics, and above all his noble philosophic tragedy of Kalanus, prove the immense breadth of his compass, and the inexhaustible riches of his imagination.
While retaining for a time the old ministers who had served and overthrown the emperor Paul, one of the first acts of his reign was to appoint a secret committee, called ironically the " Comite du salut public," consisting of young and enthusiastic friends of his own - Victor Gavovich Kochubey, Nikolai Nikolaevich Novosiltsov, Paul Alexandrovich Strogonov and Adam Czartoryski - to draw up a scheme of internal reform.
In the "Adam and Eve" of the next year, we find Diirer treating the human form in an entirely opposite manner; constructing it, that is, on principles of abstract geometrical proportion.
At any rate a whole series of extant drawings enables us to trace the German gradually working out his own ideas of a canon of human proportion in the composition of his famous engraving of "Adam and Eve" (1504); which at first, as a drawing in the British Museum proves, had been intended to be an Apollo and Diana conceived on lines somewhat similar to one of Barbari's.
The first is the "Adam and Eve" dated 1507, in which both attitudes and proportions are as carefully calculated, though on a somewhat different scheme, as in the engraving of 1504.
When parliament met in November 1449, the opposition showed its strength by forcing the treasurer, Adam Molyneux, to resign.
The two banks of the Danube are united by six bridges, including two fine suspension bridges; the first of them, generally known as the Ketten-Briicke, constructed by the brothers Tiernay and Adam Clark in 1842-1849, is one of the largest in Europe.
Owen's name does not occur in the document renewing Talbot's powers in February 1416; according to Adam of Usk he died in 1415.
The facts of Owen's life must be pieced together from scattered references in contemporary chronicles and documents; perhaps the most important are Adam of Usk's Chronicle and Ellis's Original Letters.
The medieval candidate for the doctorate in medicine, although required to have attended practice before presenting himself, discussed as his thesis a purely theoretical question, often semi-theological in character, of which as an extreme example may be quoted " whether Adam had a navel."
Although every European country was affected by this neo-classical revival it may be claimed that England absorbed it more com - pletely than any other country, for the brothers Adam (the - architects) and Josiah Wedgwood brought it into absolute correspondence with modern tastes and ideas.
He was succeeded in 1823 by General Sir Frederick Adam, who in the main carried out the same policy.
St Luke gives a table of genealogy which is irreconcilable with the artificial table of St Matthew's Gospel, and which traces our Lord's ancestry up to Adam, " which was the son of God."
A characteristic tone pervades the history, even of the antediluvian age, from the creation of Adam; or rather, the history of the earliest times has been written under its influence.
Yet, wonderful as the Old Testament has ever seemed to past generations, it becomes far more profound a phenomenon when it is viewed, not in its own perspective of the unity of history - from the time of Adam, but in the history of Palestine and of the old Oriental area.
The robust, florid and distinctly Roman rendering of the classic, which followed the refined and attenuated treatment associated with the architecture of the brothers Adam, who died in 1792 and 1794, is the last development in England which can be regarded as a national style.
Nicephorus is the author of a valuable compendium (Breviarium historicum) of Byzantine history from 602 to 770, of a meagre Chronologia compendiaria from Adam to the year of his own death.
His brother Robert was father of Adam Loftus (c. 1568-1643), who became lord chancellor of Ireland in 1619, and in 1622 was created Viscount Loftus of Ely, King's county, in the peerage of Ireland.
The marquis of Hastings was succeeded by Lord Amherst, after the interval of a few months, during which Mr Adam, a civil servant, acted as governor-general.
Dugald Stewart was educated in Edinburgh at the high school and the university, where he read mathematics and moral philosophy under Adam Ferguson.
Three years later Adam Ferguson was appointed secretary to the commissioners sent out to the American colonies, and at his urgent request Stewart lectured as his substitute.
In 1793 he printed a textbook, Outlines of Moral Philosophy, which went through many editions; and in the same year he read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh his account of the Life and Writings of Adam Smith.
His fiend Caelestius was in 412 charged with and excommunicated for heresy because he regarded Adam as well as all his descendants as naturally mortal, denied the racial consequences of Adam's fall, asserted the entire innocence of the new-born, recognized sinless men before the coming of Christ.
To this Augustine opposed the view that Adam's sin is, as its penalty, transmitted to all his descendants, both as guilt and as weakness.
Even infants are involved in Adam's condemnation.
As regards original sin they taught that the inclinations to evil inherited from Adam are not themselves blameworthy, and only consent to them involves real guilt.
He made Bremen a city of importance, and it was called by his biographer, Adam of Bremen, the New Rome.
In August 1344 he left the Maldives for Ceylon; here he made the pilgrimage to the "Footmark of our Father Adam."
There is a preliminary chapter of chronology from Adam to John Palaeologus I.
Of more enduring value have been the researches of the historical school, founded by John Adam Mohler (1796-1838), whose famous Symbolik (1832) was perhaps the heaviest literary blow ever dealt at the Reformation.
In it is the masterpiece of the sculptor, Adam Krafft, consisting of a ciborium, or receptacle for the host, in the form of a florid Gothic spire 65 ft.
Adam Krafft, Veit Stoss and Peter Vischer form a trinity of sculptors of which any city might be proud.
His first work, Konig Aelfred and seine Stellung in der Geschichte Englands (Berlin, 1851), was followed by monographs on Bischof Grosseteste and Adam von Marsh (Tubingen, 1864), and on Simon von Montfort (Tubingen, 1867).
Whether (as has been suggested) an Adam Smith in power could have saved the Empire is doubtful; but he would certainly have remodelled its finance.
Her clergy included many distinguished Scotsmen, among them Thomas Reid, George Campbell, Adam Ferguson, John Home, Hugh Blair, William Robertson and John Erskine.
He was one of the founders of the anti-socialistic "Adam Smith Society" at Florence.
We hear from Adam of Bremen that Anund was young in years but old in wisdom and cunning; he was called Kolbrannea because he had the houses of evildoers burnt.
He appears to have died about 1050, according to Adam of Bremen.
On the side of the Academy they were vigorously attacked by Per Adam Wallmark (1777-1858), to whom they replied in a satire which was the joint work of several of the romanticists, Markall's Sleepless Nights.
The art was sustained by Karl Anton Wetterbergh (1804-1889), who called himself " Onkel Adam," by August Blanche the dramatist, and by Marie Sofie Schwartz (1819-1892).
The old clock, presented to the abbey by Adam de Sodbury (1322-1335), and noteworthy as an early example of a clock striking the hours automatically with a count-wheel, was once in Wells cathedral, but is now preserved in the Victoria and Albert Museum.
In 1843 two more of these treaty states were established, one under Adam Kok (the third of that name) and the other under Moshesh.
A clause was inserted in the Bloemfontein Convention stating that Great Britain had no alliance with any native chiefs or tribes to the north of the Orange, with the exception of the Griqua chief Adam Kok.
For the Monumenta Germaniae historica he edited the Chronicon of Thietmar of Merseburg, the Gesta Hammenburgensis ecclesiae pontificum of Adam of Bremen and the Chronica Slavorum of Helmold, with its continuation by Arnold of Lubeck.
He now began to occupy himself with scientific pursuits, and gave some attention to mathematics as well as to chemistry and mineralogy; but, having met with Adam Smith's great work, he threw himself with ardour into the study of political economy.
By a study of this work we are led to the conclusion that he was an economist only, not at all a social philosopher in the wider sense, like Adam Smith or John Mill.
For the other names by which it is referred to, such as The Apocalypse of Moses, The Testament of Moses, The Book of Adam's Daughters and the Life of Adam, the reader may consult Charles's The Book of Jubilees, pp. xvii.-xx.
Paul Adam and Bernard Lazare, in the pages of a periodical entitled Entretiens politiques et litteraires (1890-92).
He gained a European reputation for his writings, which are of mystico-ascetic type, and include an account of the Premonstratensian order, a collection of festival sermons, and a Soliloquia de instructione discipuli, formerly attributed to his contemporary, Adam of St Victor.
When they returned to Prague, Adam of Sternberg, the burgrave, again informed Budova that the king would grant no concessions in ecclesiastical matters.
Through the first sin Adam and his posterity lost Immortality, And His Will Received A Bias Towards Evil.
Government House, which is situated near the Maidan and Eden Gardens, is the residence of the viceroy; it was built by Lord Wellesley in 1799, and is a fine pile situated in grounds covering six acres, and modelled upon Kedleston Hall in Derbyshire, one of the Adam buildings.
When this historical heresy led to the inevitable persecution, Abelard wrote a letter to the abbot Adam in which he preferred to the authority of Bede that of Eusebius' Historia Ecclesiastica and St Jerome, according to whom Dionysius, bishop of Corinth, was distinct from Dionysius the Areopagite, bishop of Athens and founder of the abbey, though, in deference to Bede, he suggested that the Areopagite might also have been bishop of Corinth.
He here breaks with Augustine and the Westminster Confession by arguing, consistently with his theory of the Will, that Adam had no more freedom of will than we have, but had a special endowment, a supernatural gift of grace, which by rebellion against God was lost, and that this gift was withdrawn from his descendants, not because of any fictitious imputation of guilt, but because of their real participation in his guilt by actual identity with him in his transgression.
One of these was a cartoon or monochrome painting of Adam and Eve in tempera, and in this, besides the beauty of the figures, the infinite truth and elaboration of the foliage and animals in the background are celebrated in terms which bring to mind the treatment of the subject by Albrecht Darer in his famous engraving done thirty years later.
Basing itself probably on a union of certain gnostic and ascetic doctrines, this sect pretended that its members were re-established in Adam's state of original innocency.
As Adam Smith remarks, there is nothing in which governments have been so ready to learn of one another as in the matter of new taxes.
It may be observed, however, that while general maxims are easy, the application presents difficulties, and since Adam Smith wrote, and especially in modern times, new questions of some interest have been raised.
Adam Smith does not go minutely into the incidence of taxation.
Recent discussion, however, has gone rather to the point which Adam Smith neglected, that of inequality generally, not merely as between different sorts of income, but as between individuals and classes.
What opinion should be held regarding this modern view as to equality in taxation, which differs so widely from anything countenanced by Adam Smith, though his language is echoed in it?
Adam Smith was thus not altogether badly advised in not carrying his investigations into the equality of taxation farther than he did.
There has been much discussion, however, on free trade since Adam Smith's time, and the far-reaching nature of his warnings is not even yet generally understood.
Per contra the tax was wholly unfelt, a shilling a quarter only affecting an average family of four persons to the extent of three shillings per annum, or about three farthings a week, while it was paid little by little, as Adam Smith explains with regard to indirect taxes in general.
The attempt (by Clemen and Beer) to place the TenWeeks Apocalypse before 167, because it makes no reference to the Maccabees, is not successful; for where the history of mankind from Adam to the final judgment is despatched in sixteen verses, such an omission need cause little embarrassment, and still less if the author is the determined foe of the Maccabees, whom he would probably have stigmatized as apostates, if he had mentioned them at all, just as he similarly brands all the Sadducean priesthood that preceded them to the time of the captivity.
We might note besides that it is quoted in the Book of Adam and Eve, the Apocalypse of Moses, the Apocalypse of Paul, the anonymous work De montibus Sina et Sion, the Sibylline Oracles ii.
The Tropaeum Trajani, or Adam Klissi monument (found near Rassova in the Dobrudja and removed to Bucharest museum), is a round stone structure of 100 ft.
They include the History of Adam and Eve, the Legend of the Cross, The Apocalypse of Abraham, the History of the Sibyl, the Legends of Solomon; numerous New Testament apocryphal tales, starting with legends of St John the Baptist; a very remarkable version of the Gospel of Nicodemus; and the Epistle of Pilate.
The doom of death under which mankind had sighed since Adam's fall could only then be averted, when the immortal Word of God (Alyos) assumed a mortal body, and, by yielding this to death for the sake of all, abrogated once for all the law of death, of which the power had been spent on the body of the Lord.
The triviality of these rites is ill concealed by the legends of the sa'y of Hagar and of the tawaf being first performed by Adam in imitation of the circuit of the angels about the throne of God; the meaning of their ceremonies seems to have been almost a blank to the Arabs before Islam, whose religion had become a mere formal tradition.
The subject - the descent of Christ into Hades to succour the souls of the just, as related in the apocryphal gospel of Nicodemus - is introduced in a kind of prologue; then follows the dispute between "Dominus" and "Satan" at the gate of Hell; the gatekeeper runs away, and the just are set free, while Adam, Eve, Habraham, David, Johannes and Moyses do homage to the deliverer.
At the beginning of his reign his chief adviser was Hans Adam von Scheming (1641-1696), who counselled a union between Saxony and Brandenburg and a more independent attitude towards the emperor.
It is most noteworthy that they were joined by thinkers such as Grosseteste, Adam Marsh, Roger Bacon, Duns Scotus and William of Ockham.
In 1786 the commercial treaty with France opened that country to English trade, and was the first result of the theories laid down by Adam Smith ten years previously.
They had been defended by Adam Smith on the ground that defence was of much more importance than opulence, and by the same reasoning they had been described by John Stuart Mill as, though economically disadvantageous, politically expedient.
In the i4th century there is a significant deterioration in the monastic chroniclers, and their place is taken by the works of secular clergy like Adam Murimuth, Geoffrey the Baker, Robert of Avesbury, Henry Knighton and the anonymous author of the Eulogium historictrum.
The common story that he was a candidate for Adam Smith's chair of moral philosophy at Glasgow, when Hume was rejected in favour of an obscure nobody (1751), can be shown to be wholly false.
He limits the possession of freedom to Adam, the first man, who, by abusing his prerogative, has corrupted the human race.
Inherited incapacity for the choice of good is the punishment for Adam's misuse of freedom.
And because Adam's choice necessitates punishment it follows that in some instances Divine Grace can never be bestowed.
Small wonder, then, if Adam of Bremen, and the monkish annalists who follow him, describe Sweyn as a grim and bloody semi-pagan, perpetually warring against Christian states.
Augustine is fully aware of the theoretical indispensability of maintaining Free Will, from its logical connexion with human responsibility and divine justice; but he considers that these latter points are sufficiently secured if actual freedom of choice between good and evil is allowed in the single case of our progenitor Adam.
Passing on to Anselrn (1033-1109), we observe that the Augustinian doctrine of original sin and man's absolute need of unmerited grace is retained in his theory of salvation; he also follows Augustine in defining freedom as the " power not to sin "; though in saying that Adam fell " spontaneously " and " by his free choice," though not " through its freedom," he has implicitly made the distinction that Peter the Lombard afterwards expressly draws between the freedom that is opposed to necessity and freedom from the slavery to sin.
Anselm further softens the statement of Augustinian predestinationism by explaining that the freedom to will is not strictly lost even by fallen man; it is inherent in a rational nature, though since Adam's sin it only exists potentially in humanity, except where it is made actual by grace.
An original and ingenious solution of this problem was offered by his contemporary Adam Smith, in his Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759).
By means of this primary element, compounded in various ways, Adam Smith explains all the phenomena of the moral consciousness.
When the effort to restrain feeling is exhibited in a degree which surprises as well as pleases, it excites admiration as a virtue or excellence; such excellences Adam Smith quaintly calls the " awful and respectable," contrasting them with the " amiable virtues " which consist in the opposite effort to sympathize, when exhibited in a remarkable degree.
Adam Smith gives authority to his moral system by saying ' In earlier editions of the Inquiry Hume expressly included all approved qualities under the general notion of " virtue."
Price's Review of the Chief Questions and Difficulties of Morals was published in 1757, two years before Adam Smith's treatise.
The complex work now known as Orkneyinga is made up of the Earls' Saga, lives of the first great earls, Turf-Einar, Thorfinn, &c.; the Life of St Magnus, founded partly on Abbot Robert's Latin life of him (c. 1150) an Orkney work, partly on Norse or Icelandic biographies; a Mirade-book of the same saint; the Lives of Earl Rognwald and Sveyn, the last of the vikings, and a few episodes such as the Burning of Bishop Adam.
He was led by a protecting angel to the beginning of time when Satan, supported by an angel called Adam, was in full rebellion against God.
But the co-rebel Adam repented and God then created the Earth and sent Adam to expiate his sin by living amidst difficulties and sufferings on that planet.
But the demonstration of Adam's result was soon made 1 Philosophical Transactions, 1853.
From this state Adam fell, and in his fall involved the whole human race descended from him.
Nor is that a being bound foranother's offence; for when it is said that we through Adam's sin have become obnoxious to the divine judgment, is is not to be taken as if we, being ourselves innocent and blameless, bear the fault of his offence, but that, we having been brought under a curse through his transgression, he is said to have bound us.
He was the syncellus (cell-mate, the confidential campanion assigned to the patriarchs, sometimes little more than a spy; see Syncellus) or private secretary of Tara(u)sius, patriarch of Constantinople (784-806), after whose death he retired to a convent, and wrote his Chronicle of events from Adam to Diocletian (285).
Here he was opposed by Adam Loftus, archbishop of Dublin and chancellor, who had expressed his anxiety for a college, but had no idea of endowing it at his own expense.
Hence he lays the greatest stress on the conception of God's disposition of salvation towards mankind (oeconomia), the object of which is that mankind, who in Adam were sunk in sin and death, should in Christ, comprised as it were in his person, be brought back to life.
Christ must be God; for if not, the devil would have had a natural claim on him, and he would have been no more exempt from death than the other children of Adam; he must be man, if his blood were indeed to redeem us.
He denied the salvation of Adam.
Grosseteste numbered among his most intimate friends the Franciscan teacher, Adam Marsh.
Through Adam he came into close relations with Simon de Montfort.
In the Rabbinical literature Lilith becomes the first wife of Adam, but flies away from him and becomes a demon.
It was the first great revolt from Adam Smith, on whose Wealth of Nations (1776) he is said to have already written a commentary which is lost.
In his criticism on Adam Smith, and his arguments for a system of moderate protective duties associated with the deliberate policy of promoting national interests, his work was the inspiration of Friedrich List, and so the foundation of the economic system of Germany in a later day, and again, still later, of the policy of Tariff Reform and Colonial Preference in England, as advocated by Mr Chamberlain and his supporters.
The Russian explorer, Adam Ivan Krusenstern, made an extensive investigation of the archipelago in 1804.
Although a Protestant he was under the influence of Adam, count of Schwarzenberg, who was a Roman Catholic of imperialist sympathies.
The abrupt ending to the season prompted Adam Pearson to fork out $800,000 on new players.
Old Man Adam's wise words have become very poignant indeed.
Martin managed a pb and to finish just ahead of Adam, despite having to jog the last mile with an increasingly sore Achilles.
God did not create Adam with a capital A. He created THE adam from the adamah.
Philip Galley (Dr_Galley) Wed, 28 Jun 2006 Religion Thread WEll said Adam.
That would not be translation, yet that is what is happening when we translate Adam as man early in Genesis.
The Hebrew word Adam as a common noun can mean either ' humankind ' or ' man as distinct from woman ' .
Adam Gordon - Tuesday 16 May, 2006 I was very impressed with the speed of delivery and the value you offer.
The word Adam simply doesn't mean Man, no matter how much people might want it to!
Being closed or offering square feet the room Adam 's with rooms has.
I favor the name Adam for a variety of reasons which I am happy to share with individuals if interested.
It includes ' Time ' and rec 'd much airplay on Radio Wales thanks to Adam Walton.
Replica of the brass of Adam Bacon, set in the rather alarming chancel carpet.
Laurie Taylor talks to the distinguished anthropologist, Adam Kuper, about his new book on the concept of culture.
After the fall God sent the archangel Raziel to teach it to Adam and Eve, so that mankind might find redemption.
Itâs peopleâs attitudes, and I was exactly the same before Adam got ill.
Adam has recently helped Bexley Cricket Club to win the Under 13 North Kent Junior league, coming top of the league batting averages.
Skeletor has a plan to attack Adam by awakening the behemoth that lives in the Labyrinth.. .
Brown played two roles - reclusive billionaire Adam and his evil twin brother Zachary.
Due to the virgin birth Jesus Christ was exempted from the curse of Adam with which we have all been imputed.
Adam Hart-Davis The UK's favorite TV boffin explains 101 phenomena - much too short, but still great fun.
Rose and Adam fled up a flight of stairs (which we all know completely bugger Daleks ' plans for conquest ).
Adam will talk to domestic bursar about cleaning it.
As soon as they arrived at the circus, Adam bought popcorn and delicious cotton candy.
Their performances leap up in quality each time, merging Adam's stage charisma with David's guitar playing gusto.
Meanwhile, fellow Aussie Adam Shields overcame a badly broken collarbone to end the season on a 7.01 average.
Adam messed up the Garden, Jesus restores the whole cosmos.
So Adam plays viola dam plays viola da gamba, among other things, but he is also a very great engineer.
His chum, Adam Zertal, seems similarly disposed, appearing to be a biblicist rather than a scientifically objective archeologist too.
The abrupt ending to the season prompted Adam Pearson to fork out £ 800,000 on new players.
One possible etymology of the name Adam is that which makes it signify Earth.
Shem is something of a nagging wife to Adam, often trying to suggest his rebel chum try not to be quite so excitable.
Visitors will be among the first to hear about the fully restored facade, which once again reflects Adam's original design.
Adam, Swansea, Wales I fly the union flag from my desk at work.
Did Adam become the forefather of the man Jesus Christ?
The First Adam couldn't even glorify God in a paradise.
Loving husband of Janet, dearest grandfather of Adam.
In the 48th minute Adam rounded off an excellent second half hat trick 10-0.
White Adam style fire surround on marble inset with gas living flame coal effect fire set on marble hearth.
William Adam, the cook, told of moments of great heroism.
Adam Smith himself had a dash of civic humanism.
Because of that original sin by Adam we are all imputed with the guilt of sin, the wages of which is death.
Dr. Adam specializes in applied quantitative macroeconomics of Africa.
Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, the Virgin Birth, all those miracles - they are all so obviously made-up.
He slipped the noose around his neck and drew it tight against his bobbing Adam's apple.
Feels nicely familiar We'll talk more about Christmas, but I'd like to see you (and Adam) then. reply oops.
His innings completely overshadowed Adam Gilchrist's 113 off 94 balls.
In the biblical parable in Genesis, Adam and Eve became ashamed of their bodies after they disobeyed God.
Scotland's most amusing and ashen faced phantom, Adam Lyal (deceased) guides you through the historic setting of St Andrews town.
Would you ask at Adam, would he not say, 0 embrace this great salvation?
Tom and Adam are going to develop a range of venison sausages in secret.
Ubi Soft Entertainment has announced that David Duchovny and Adam West will be starring in XIII, its upcoming first-person shooter.
Adam became sinful Once the fruit was eaten, however, that relationship was completely altered.
Adam's diet offends my sensibilities because I'm a food snob.
In 1818 he wrote a reply to Dr. Adam Clarke's doctrine of the eternal sonship which caused some dispute within the Church.
Adam joins us after a brief spell at London Welsh.
There is a healthy sprinkling of references to influential intellects of the past, from Rousseau to Adam Smith.
As reconstructed in the 1980s - partly by the Adam Smith Institute - the new statism is different.
In this ground-breaking book, Adam LeBor goes beyond the media stereotypes to recount a moving human story of a country born of conflict.
He has recently had a highly successful one-man show at the Adam Gallery in Bath.
Deborah Bull in red swimsuit assisted by Adam Cooper.
The latter came out and with drawn swords pursued Adam to his house, and broke the door of his hall and entered.
Adam Clark fished peg 2 early week and took 40lb of bream, roach and rudd and one bonus tench.
In the 1999-2000 campaign Wilson made just three appearances - playing understudy to Adam Sollitt.
The early part of Alexander's reign (1801-25) was a period of generous ideas and liberal reforms. Under the influence of his Swiss tutor, Frederick Cesar de Laharpe, he Alex- had imbibed many of the democratic ideas of the time, and he aspired to put them in practice, with the assistance at first of three young friends, Novosiltsov, Adam Czartoryski and Strogonov, who were his intimate counsellors and were popularly known as the Triumvirate, and later of Mikhail Speranski.
Indeed, as has been seen, they appropriate the entire personale of the Bible from Adam, Seth, Abel, Enos and Pharaoh to Jesus and John, a phenomenon which bears witness to the close relations of the Mandaean doctrine both with Judaism and Christianity - not the less close because they were relations of hostility.
The record of his passion for books, his Philobiblon, was completed on his fifty-eighth birthday, the 24th of January 1345, and he died on the 14th of April (May, according to Adam Murimuth) of that year.
The oldest and for the most part Jewish portion of this literature is preserved to us in Greek, Armenian, Latin and Slavonic. (i.) The Greek Ooryr7vcs r€pi 'ASaµ rcai Eras (published under the misleading title 'AlroicaXvi/ics Mwvo ws in Tischendorf's Apocalypses Apocryphae, 1866) deals with the Fall and the death of Adam and Eve.
The use of "Adam" (וחו×â€) as a proper name is an early error.
See Bronislaw Zaleski, Life of Adam Czartoryski (Pol.) (Paris, 1881); Lubomir Gadon, Prince Adam Czartoryski (Pol.) (Cracow, 1892); Ludovik Debicki, Pulawy, vol.
Then Sophia or Prunikos sent the serpent (as a benefactor) to persuade Adam and Eve to eat the tree of knowledge and so break the commandment of Ialdabaoth, who banished them from paradise to earth.
In the Book of Adam and Eve (A.D 500-900) Seth is described as perfectly beautiful, like Adam, only more beautiful.
Numerous instructive examples of the active tendency to develop tradition may be observed in the relationship between Genesis and the " Book of Jubilees," or in the embellishments of Old Testament history in the Antiquities of Josephus, or in the widening gaps in the diverse traditions of the famous figures of the Old Testament (Adam, Noah, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, Ezra, &c.), as they appear in noncanonical writings.
The importance of the information, meagre as it is, lies in the fact that Adam received from the lips of kinsmen of the explorers (as the Danes in a sense were) certain characteristic facts (the finding of grapes and unsown grain) that support the general reliability of the Icelandic sagas which tell of the Vinland voyages (in which these same facts are prominent), but which were not put into writing by the Norsemen until later - just how much later it is not possible to determine.
Adam Kok had under him a small number of Griquas, who dwelt in the country east of that occupied by Waterboer (see Griqualand).
Samuel Hopkins laid even greater stress than Edwards on the theorem that virtue consists in disinterested benevolence; but he went counter to Edwards in holding that unconditional resignation to God's decrees, or more concretely, willingness to be damned for the glory of God, was the test of true regeneration; for Edwards, though often quoted as holding this doctrine, protested against it in the strongest terms. Hopkins, moreover, denied Edwards's identity theory of original sin, saying that our sin was a result of Adam's and not identical with it; and he went much further than Edwards in his objection to " means of grace," claiming that the unregenerate were more and more guilty for continual rejection of the gospel if they were outwardly righteous and availed themselves of the means of grace.
It is cited without acknowledgment in the Book of Adam and Eve, the Apocalypses of Moses and Paul, the Sibylline Oracles, the Ascension of Isaiah, the Epistle of Barnabas, and referred to by Origen and Irenaeus (see Charles, The Book of the Secrets of Enoch, 1895, pp. xvii-xxiv).
In Islam proper they have no raison d'etre; the legends about Adam and Eve on Arafa, about Abraham's sacrifice of the ram at Thabii by Mina, imitated in the sacrifices of the pilgrimage, are clumsy afterthoughts, as appears from their variations and only partial acceptance.
Robert Adam and Capability Brown were commissioned to remodel the house, grounds and garden in the mid 18th century.
The Adam Sandler fan retards who labeled the film boring were more on target than most critics.
Moving from original material to reworking classics such as " Prince Charming " by Adam and The Ants.
It is very important that continuing students are not sent to Adam House during Freshers ' week as this is set-aside for new entrants.
Adam 's diet offends my sensibilities because I 'm a food snob.
In 1818 he wrote a reply to Dr. Adam Clarke 's doctrine of the Eternal Sonship which caused some dispute within the Church.
Anyway after successive failures Adam stood aside while Brian walked up the boulder and off the top.
It is said, They like Adam have transgressed the covenant.
Adam started out under the tutelage of angels and being forbidden to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
There would not have been unclean animals had Adam not brought the earth under the curse in the first place.
Adam 's research interests lie principally in alluvial archeology, waterlogged timber and later prehistoric landscapes.
His allegoric use of the apple to represent sin and tempation was drawn from the biblical story of Adam and Eve.
She ate the forbidden fruit and got herself and Adam kicked out of the Garden of Eden.
This left mom, Carol, as a widow, to take care of her remaining family, Adam, Jacqueline, Lucas, and Hannah.
Empire style emerged in the UK, where it was sometimes called Regency style or Adam style, and the US, where it was called Federal style.
Popular Christian tradition postulates that the supposed "forbidden fruit" Eve used to lure Adam was an apple.
Adam Sandler vs. Chris Rock - Sandler was impaled and electrocuted by the control lever of the Fan of Fandemonium control panel.
Adam Sandler, born in 1966 in Brooklyn, New York, is a man of many talents.
Moss has drummed for Adam and the Ants and The Damned.
Her next role is opposite Nicolas Cage and Julianne Moore in the thriller, Next, as well as the upcoming Adam Sandler film, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry.
He was cast as Adam Chandler Jr. on ABC's All My Children, a role he portrayed for three years.
Her romantic involvements are also rather high-profile, and she has been linked to celebrities such as Mike Tyson, Robert DeNiro, and U2 bassist Adam Clayton.
Danny Bonaduce broke the news during Adam Carolla's radio show, saying, "I don't want a divorce.
Fey's friend, Adam McKay, who was the head writer at Saturday Night Live, suggested that Fey send a sample of six sketches to Lorne Michaels.
Rogen is said to have been inspired by Adam Sandler's comedy album, They're All Gonna Laugh at You!, calling it the funniest thing he's ever heard.
Adam Sandler hasn't won any Oscars, but the man is an actor, writer, producer, comedian and has two albums that have gone double platinum.
The video featured Ferrell and his landlady, played by writer and director Adam McKay's two-year-old daughter, Pearl.
You see, those that watched the show believed that Adam himself may be a little autistic, so his mom jumped on the bandwagon stating that she believes her son "…has a little Rain Man in him."
Julianne's winning streak came to an end when she and partner Adam Corolla were eliminated after the fourth round of competition during season six.
Jimmy stayed on at the show for five years and it was there where he met soon-to-be business partner and co-host of The Man Show, Adam Corolla.
Dr. Drew's co-host was popular radio personality Adam Carolla, who added humor to the show.
American Idol winner and multi-platinum recording artist David Cook once said he had no plans to even audition for American Idol until his brother Adam insisted he do so.
Throughout the competition, Adam was often seen in the crowd cheering his brother on and David has often commented that his brother was his idol.
Adam Cook, 36, was diagnosed with brain cancer over a decade ago and has been battling it ever since.
Adam Cook passed away as he was receiving chemotherapy treatment for his cancer, that had reportedly spread to his spinal column.
Adam Cook is survived by his wife Kendra and their two children.
Everyone else was calling the win for Adam Lambert.
Jamie Foxx went on Ellen and even said "Adam will win" and then went on to say "…but Chris sort of swooned me."
Adam Lambert, though he was pretty humble, had that swagger.
Even Kris knew Adam had it, telling his competitor that he "…deserved to win."
Adam Jasinski was the winner of Big Brother in 2008, pocketing the $500,000 prize.
Okay, so, you may be giving Adam the benefit of the doubt and wondering whether or not his drug business involves legal pharmaceuticals…well, yes and no.
So, for all his idiocy, Adam Jasinski is facing 20 years in jail and a $1 million dollar fine if found guilty of possession with intent to distribute.
Okay, it bears repeating…oh Adam, you big dummy!
The Adam Sandler biography is the story of a boy who was born to entertain.
Adam Sandler was born on September 9, 1966, in Brooklyn, New York.
The Adam Sandler biography starts to gain momentum after Sandler's move to Los Angeles in 1988.
Adam Sandler was a huge hit with viewers, with his self-deprecating humor, outrageous characters and hilarious original songs.
Adam Sandler married Jacqueline Samantha Titone in 2003.