Acutely Sentence Examples
I have been made acutely aware of that fact since I was a child.
Therefore he felt the loss of these men acutely.
You must be acutely aware of any hubris in your life.
Hardy and deciduous, it reaches 4 to 6 inches high at its best, the stems freely furnished with glaucous ovate acutely pointed leaves, each stem terminated by a solitary salvershaped, azure-blue flower with a base of deepest violet.
And I am acutely aware of the vulnerability of my back.
A doctor should always suspect meningococcemia when he or she finds an acutely ill patient with fever, chills, and petechiae.
Good hand washing is paramount to prevention, as is keeping children out of public places while they are acutely ill and coughing and sneezing.
As a high school computer nerd turned postdoc physics nerd, I am acutely aware of this seduction.
Peaton residents have been acutely aware of being excluded from the the general onrush of broadband services being enjoyed elsewhere on the Peninsula.
It was acutely painful to Leslie to be photographed in a major Gwent newspaper wearing a traditionally ludicrous hat.
AdvertisementProduction values can acutely alter audience perception of this scene.
Everything, that is, except if you happen to become acutely psychotic and violent, or actively suicidal.
This discovery was followed by many other examples of acutely transforming retroviruses, together with the structural characterization of the viruses involved.
Musk xylene is a carcinogen, and the most acutely toxic compound in the group.
The product of many of these changes is that junior medical staff are less able to manage the demands of acutely unwell patients.
AdvertisementThe mortality associated with an acutely obstructed volvulus may be up to 50% .
On reading that letter (she always read her husband's letters) Natasha herself suggested that he should go to Petersburg, though she would feel his absence very acutely.
This is acutely problematic among elderly patients who are frequently unable to tolerate the rigors of more intensive treatment approaches.
The mortality associated with an acutely obstructed volvulus may be up to 50 %.
The moment had made him acutely aware of the instinct to replicate.
AdvertisementAdrienne was acutely aware of Roxanne's attention to the conversation.
She laughed nervously, acutely aware of the warmth of his hands through her cotton dress.
As the maître d' lead them to their table, he was acutely aware of the heads turning to watch them.
The events of this summer had made him acutely aware of mortality, but it had brought on another realization as well.
Unable to find her when she was on stealth mode, he was acutely aware that he had no control over what was going on below.
AdvertisementThe same day King Michael died and Sobieski, determined to secure the throne for himself, hastened to the capital, though Tatar bands were swarming over the frontier and the whole situation was acutely perilous.
Some Gnostics sprinkled the heads of the dying with oil and water to render them invisible to the powers of darkness; but in the East generally, where the need to compete with the Cathar sacrament of Consolatio was less acutely felt, extreme unction is unknown.
The tail varies much in length and shape according to the species; sometimes it is rounded at the end, sometimes more or less acutely pointed, or even terminating in a filament.
Meditating, it is probable, emigration upon his release, he turned his attention while in prison to colonial subjects, and acutely detected the main causes of the slow progress of the Australian colonies in the enormous size of the landed estates, the reckless manner in which land was given away, the absence of all systematic effort at colonization, and the consequent discouragement of immigration and dearth of labour.
Epistemologically von Hartmann is a transcendental realist, who ably defends his views and acutely criticizes those of his opponents.
Even before annexation had occurred, Shepstone felt the danger so acutely that he sent a message to Cetywayo, the Zulu chief, warning him that British annexation was about to be proclaimed and that invasion of the Transvaal would not be tolerated.
This severe blow left General Grant penniless, just at the time when he was beginning to suffer acutely from the disease which finally caused his death.
While its principle of congregational autonomy has been gaining ground in the more centralized systems, Another disability, acutely felt by all Nonconformists, created by the act of 1662, viz.
The considerations from which he acutely and accurately draws far-reaching and important conclusions might be suggested by a very superficial examination of the literature; they involve, for example, no special philological knowledge.
The use of double consonants which has been already pointed out in the Messapian inscriptions has been very acutely connected by Deecke with the tradition that the same practice was introduced at Rome by the poet Ennius who came from the Messapian town Rudiae (Festus, p. 293 M).
The postulate of an Evil Being arises from the difficulty, at all times acutely felt by a certain type of mind, of reconciling the existence of evil with the divine attributes of perfect goodness, full knowledge and infinite power.
Lipsius (2nd ed., Hand.-Commentar, 1892), and Zockler (2nd ed., 1894) may still be consulted with advantage, while Hilgenfeld's commentary (1852) discusses acutely the historical problems of the epistle from the standpoint of Baur's criticism.
The strain of the war was acutely felt in Portugal, especially in 1711, when the French admiral DuguayTrouin sacked Rio de Janeiro and cut off the Brazilian treasureships.
In Moldavia where the knowledge of the old chroniclers had not entirely died out and disturbing philological influences were not so acutely felt, we find the vigorous writings of Mihail Cogalniceanu - one of the leading spirits of the 19th century, the greatest mind and the real founder of Rumania.
On the sudden death of Albert in 1439, Hunyadi, feeling acutely that the situation demanded a warriorking on the throne of St Stephen, lent the whole weight of his influence to the candidature of the young Polish king Wladislaus III.
The rooms are covered by acutely pointed vaults, the stones forming the sides of the vault being bevelled to the angle, and the apex being covered by capstones covering spaces of one to two feet.
He was standing close and she looked up into his face, acutely aware of an increasing pulse which wasn't entirely due to the dangerous situation.
Lisa gazed up at him in the darkness; acutely aware of the way the moonlight softened the rugged angles of his face.
The events of the last few months had made him acutely aware of mortality – specifically his and hers.
As the maître d' lead them to their table, he was acutely aware of the heads turning to watch them.
A recent photograph shows the broad, expanded maxillary alveolus and acutely vaulted hard palate.
The Labor leadership perhaps more than any other social democratic leadership is acutely conscious of the consequences of their economic strategy.
The retrograde route is preferred for patients presenting less acutely with elevated serum creatinine or pain.
A ' show trial ' followed, with BRE Personnel Officers being acutely embarrassed by the roles they were forced to play.
This is acutely & chronically inflamed granulation tissue seen within the superficial and middle zone of the ulcer base.
Deep heat is not recommended for patients with acutely inflamed joints.
Superior vena caval obstruction often arises acutely and should be treated as an emergency.
He listened, refraining from a reply, and involuntarily wondered how this old man, living alone in the country for so many years, could know and discuss so minutely and acutely all the recent European military and political events.
Greyish ovate, acutely pointed leaves, and horizontally disposed bells of violet-purple color on wiry stems, 6 inches high, mark it well.
Mothers of newborn babies are often acutely attuned to the slightest hints that anything might be wrong with their babies.
If the child has acutely swollen lymph nodes in the groin, the doctor will need to rule out a hernia in the groin that has failed to reduce (incarcerated inguinal hernia).
Acutely ill children do not have the strength, the attention span, or the interest in play.
High-profile crimes such as the Columbine High School shootings have made most people much more acutely aware of the potential danger involved in young people acting out in a highly antisocial manner.
Infants are acutely attuned to the human voice and prefer it to other sounds.
Herpes should be considered in any acutely ill newborn, especially if bacterial cultures are negative and the baby is not improving after two to three days.
Research shows that certain brain chemicals, known as neurotransmitters, may function abnormally in acutely ill people with bulimia nervosa.
Most homeschooling parents are acutely aware of the perceived social disadvantages of homeschooling.
Perhaps you acutely feel the lack of romance, or you feel unsupported in your daily life.
Think of a dumbbell chest press -- you can't perform a single rep without being acutely aware of the balance factor with your shoulders performing dozens of tiny corrections every single rep.
She turned her head and stared across the pasture, acutely aware of the warmth of his hand on her leg.
She straightened in the chair, acutely aware that he was still watching her.
Taran struggled to keep up, acutely aware of the sounds of men crashing through the forest behind him.
Denton disappeared into the room, and she glanced up at her father, acutely aware that Justin was less than twenty feet away.
So acutely did Sparta feel their position that an offer of peace was made on condition that the hoplites should go free.
Focusing her attention on the car, she was acutely aware of the fact that he was still watching her.
The book has an outer protective shell of acutely polemical and exclusive moods and insistences, whilst certain splendid Synoptic breadths and reconciliations are nowhere reached; but this is primarily because it is fighting, more consciously than they, for that inalienable ideal of all deepest religion, unity, even external and corporate, amongst all believers.