Acute Sentence Examples
The branches grow at a more acute angle.
He had had a short illness, there had been a brief time of acute suffering, then all was over.
They called it acute congestion of the stomach and brain.
Jared.s senses were more acute than his, and he turned to face the direction of the castle.
The struggle between ethical religion and the current worship became acute toward the end of the 7th century.
This was soon to become acute.
In acute gonorrhoeal arthritis, simulating rheumatic fever, salicylates are useless.
Acute inflammation of the ear, with its alarming extensions to the cerebral.
Near the posterior pole of the fundus, but somewhat excentrically placed towards the temporal or outer side, is the fovea centralis, a slight depression in the retina, composed almost entirely of cones, the spot of most acute vision.
Jaw formed of folds imbricated externally and meeting at an acute angle near the base.
AdvertisementFormerly used in every fever, and even in the septic states that constantly followed surgical operations in the pre-Listerian epoch, aconite is now employed only in the earliest stage of the less serious fevers, such as acute tonsilitis, bronchitis and, notably, laryngitis.
Res Judicatae in 1892 and various other volumes followed, for he was in request among publishers and editors, and his easy charm of style and acute grasp of interesting detail gave him a front place among contemporary men of letters.
The friction between uncle and nephew became more acute in the following year.
In July of that year the crisis reached an acute stage.
He returned from that visit one of the foremost literary men in Europe, with views, if not profound or accurate, yet wide and acute on all les Brands sujets, and with a solid stock of money.
AdvertisementThe tendency observable in many of the austerities and miracles attributed to St Catherine to outstrip those of other saints, particularly Francis, is especially remarkable in this marvel of the stigmata, and so acute became the rivalry between the two orders that Pope Sixtus IV., himself a Franciscan, issued a decree asserting that St Francis had an exclusive monopoly of this particular wonder, and making it a censurable offence to represent St Catherine receiving the stigmata.
Rhinoceroses are dull of sight, but their hearing and scent are remarkably acute.
Pro vincial control has caused some diversity of management; the interpretation of the denominational agreement has led to acute differences of opinion which have invaded the field of politics.
Successive half-turns about two skew axes a, b are equivalent to a twist about a screw whose axis is the common perpendicular to a, b, the translation being double the shortest distance, and the angle of rotation being twice the acute angle between a, b, in the direction from a to b.
His intellect was far-seeing and acute, quick and yet cautious, meditative, methodical and free from prejudice.
AdvertisementThe cry of an acute financial crisis emanating from the fear of war with Argentina was now raised in Chile.
Thus in acute gout the most common and most trusted remedy for removing the pain is colchicum, but at present we do not know what action it has upon the system, or why it gives so much ease in the pain of gout while it has comparatively little effect upon pain due to other causes.
Blisters also cause local dilatation of vessels, but are usually applied to the skin for inflammation in deep-seated parts, such as the lungs, though they also relieve pain in the joints in acute rheumatism.
Even in cases of very acute intestinal diseases similar treatment is now pursued, and instead of treating dysentery simply by sedatives or astringents, an eliminative treatment by means of sulphate of magnesia is largely employed.
During an attack of acute gout nothing relieves so much as colchicum, but during the intervals potash or lithia salts taken in water are advisable, as tending to prevent the deposits of urate of soda.
AdvertisementIn acute attacks of rheumatism the remedy par excellence is salicylate of soda, which reduces the temperature, relieves the pain, and removes the swellings from the joints.
In a time of acute trade depression this commercial rivalry was disastrous to the welfare of South Africa.
The leaves are large, with finely acute and serrated lobes, affording abundant shade.
He created many of the medical terms we use today, such as acute, chronic, endemic, epidemic, paroxysm, and relapse.
One accent only is to be used, the acute, to denote the syllable on which stress is laid.
The relief of Kimberley was indeed urgent, for dissensions between Rhodes and the military authorities had become acute.
The Guiana boundary question began now to assume an acute stage, the Venezuelan minister in Washington having persuaded President Cleveland to take up the cause of Venezuela in vindication of the principles of the Monroe doctrine.
If the white cells be required, as in local suppurating abscess, general septicaemia, acute pneumonia, &c., there is an active proliferation of the myelocytes to form the polymorpho-nuclear leucocytes, so that we have in this condition a leucoblastic transformation of the fatty marrow.
In some of the infective conditions the conflict fortifies the organism against future attacks of the same nature, as for example in the immunity following many of the acute infective diseases.
One can easily demonstrate all the actions and reactions which take place in this form of acute inflammation.
In acute and chronic alcoholism, in phthisis, and in other diseases this fatty condition may be very extreme, and is commonly found in association with other tissue changes, so that probably we should look on these changes as a degeneration.
Hyaline degeneration is found in certain acute infective conditions; the toxins specially act on these connective-tissue cell elements.
But he recognized, at least in acute diseases, a natural process which the humours went through - being first of all crude, then passing through coction or digestion, and finally being expelled by resolution or crisis through one of the natural channels of the body.
The principles of treatment just mentioned apply more especially to the cure of acute diseases; but they are the most salient characteristics of the Hippocratic school.
Besides this it was important only to consider whether the disease was acute or chronic, whether it was increasing, declining or stationary.
Soranus is known by a work, still extant in the Greek original, on the diseases of women, and also by the Latin work of Caelius Aurelianus, three centuries later, on acute and chronic diseases, which is based upon, if not, as some think, an actual translation of, the chief work of Soranus, and which is the principal source of our knowledge of the methodic school.
The nature of the struggle between the rival systems may be well illustrated by a formidable controversy about the rules for bleeding in acute diseases.
Thus it was, partly because the habit of acceptance of authority, waning but far from extirpated, dictated to the clinical observer what he should see; partly because the eye of the clinical observer lacked that special training which the habit and influence of experimental verification alone can give, that physicians, even acute and practised physicians, failed to see many and many a symptomatic series which went through its evolutions conspicuously enough, and needed for its appreciation no unknown aids or methods of research, nor any further advances of pathology.
For these reasons it may also be given with advantage to children suffering from acute bronchitis or acute laryngitis.
Wet summers are followed by an acute outbreak of liver-rot amongst sheep and this, together with the effects of other diseases that accompany wet seasons, cause the death of vast numbers of sheep, the numbers from both sources being estimated in bad years at from 12 to 3 millions in England alone.
Towards the end of the summer of 1897 he began to suffer from an acute pain, which was attributed to facial neuralgia, and in November he went to Cannes.
Okamuia Yasutaro, commonly called Shozan, produces specimens which only a very acute connoisseur can distinguish from the work of Nomura Ninsei; Tanzan Rokuros half-tint enamels and soft creamy glazes would have stood high in any epoch; Taizan YOhei produces Awata faience not inferior to that of former days; Kagiya SObei worthily supports the reputation of the KinkOzan ware; Kawamoto Eijiro has made to the order of a well-known KiOto firm many specimens now figuring in foreign collections as old masterpieces; and ItO TOzan succeeds in decorating faience with seven colors sons couverte (black, green, blue, russetred, tea-brown, purple and peach), a feat never before accomplished.
Another continuator of Bayle was Jean Leclerc, one of the most learned and acute critics of the 18th century, who carried on three reviews - the Bibliotheque universelle et historique (1686-1693), the Bibliotheque choisie (1703-1713), and the Bibliotheque ancienne et moderne (1714-1727).
Dissensions began from the first, and were peculiarly acute between Shelburne and Fox, the two secretaries of state.
The desirable effects produced by alcohol on the stomach are worth obtaining only in cases of acute diseases.
His method of procedure, however, was usually conjectural; and guess-work, however careful, acute and plausible, is still guess-work and not testimony.
The acute interest which they excited when George Smith deciphered their contents in 1872 has to some extent abated, but this is only because scholars are now pretty generally agreed as to their bearing on the corresponding parts of Genesis.
The rivalry of the two Powers in the East, cunningly exploited by the Kaiser, was growing more and more acute.
He bore the acute agony of the disease which killed him with manly patience, and he died piously at the Escorial on the 13th of September 1598.
The crisis was acute when the pope died, probably in the latter part of March i i 91.
In that year appeared Waddington's Mdmoire sur la chronologie de la vie du rheteur Aelius Aristide, in which it was shown from a most acute combination of circumstances that the Quadratus whose name is mentioned in the Martyrium was proconsul of Asia in 155-156, and that consequently Polycarp was martyred on the 23rd of February 155.
His name soon became prominent in the learned world, and it may safely be said that most of his historical works and his editions of Icelandic classics have never been surpassed for acute criticism and minute painstaking.
The diplomatic situation became for the moment very acute, but after a short period of bellicose talk the common-sense of both countries prevailed.
The Balkan War, which broke out in the autumn of 1912, did not occasion the crisis, but it made it more acute.
There is little doubt that for the last ten or fifteen years of his life, if, not from the time of his quarrel with Diderot and Madame d'Epinay, Rousseau was not wholly sane - the combined influence of late and unexpected literary fame and of constant solitude and discomfort acting upon his excitable temperament so as to overthrow the balance, never very stable, of his fine and acute but unrobust intellect.
After 1611 the commercial rivalry between the Dutch and British became acute, and in 1613, 1615 and 1618 commissioners met in London to discuss the matters in dispute.
His highly nervous organization made his feelings acute, and his brain incessantly active..
The whole position was stated with more urbanity and culture, and was supported, by Carneades in particular, by argumentation at once more copious and more acute.
The liberum veto seems to have been originally devised to cut short interminable debates in times of acute crisis, but it was generally used either by highly placed criminals, anxious to avoid an inquiry into their misdeeds,' or by malcontents, desirous of embarrassing the executive.
His Institutio logicae, published in 1687, was very popular, and in his Grammatica linguae Anglicanae we find indications of an acute and philosophic intellect.
A caustic taste in the mouth is quickly followed by burning abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea, with a feeble pulse and a cold clammy skin; the post-mortem appearances are those of acute gastrointestinal irritation.
Later in the centu r y Dionysius of Alexandria applies some acute criticism to justify the Alexandrian dislike of the Apocalypse.
In the latter case the disease is acute and rapidly fatal; in the former it is more chronic and lasts much longer, often several months.
The most obvious distinctions between Totaninae and Tringinae may be said to lie in the acute or blunt form of the tip of the bill (with which is associated a less or greater development of the sensitive nerves running almost if not quite to its extremity, and therefore greatly influencing the mode of feeding) and in the style of plumage - the Tringinae, with blunt and flexible bills, mostly assuming a summer-dress in which some tint of chestnut or reddish-brown 1 These are Phalaropus fulicarius and P. (or Lobipes) hyperboreus, and were thought by some of the older writers to be allied to the Coots (q.v.).
In this central region, however, it is only by way of exception that the cirques were so far enlarged by retrogressive glacial erosion as to sharpen the preglacial dome-like summits into acute peaks; and in no case did glacial action here extend down to the plains at the eastern base of the mountains; but the widened, trough-like glaciated valleys frequently descend to the level of the elevated intermont basins, where moraines were deployed forward on the basin floor.
The right and left hepatic ducts, while still in the transverse fissure, unite into a single duct which joins the cystic duct from the gall bladder at an acute angle.
The individual is doubled up with acute pains which, starting from the hepatic region, spread through the abdomen and radiate to the right shoulder blade.
M ` Taggart, who closes his acute Studies in Hegelian Cosmology (rigor) with " the possibility of finding, above all knowledge and volition, one all-embracing unity, which is only not true, only not good, because all truth and all goodness are but distorted shadows of its absolute perfection- ` das Unbegreifliche, weil es der Begriff selbst ist.'
Apart from his sophistical defence of Spanish colonial policy, Acosta deserves high praise as an acute and diligent observer whose numerous new and valuable data are set forth in a vivid style.
At this council almost all the questions at issue related to reform, and many give evidence of great breadth of mind, as well as of a very acute sense of contemporary necessities.
The strain and overwork, however, of the three years of office together with grief at the death of his only son in 1912, had told on his constitution; and after an acute attack of gout, he died in harness at the Consulta on Oct.
According to Proclus an angle must be either a quality or a quantity, or a relationship. The first concept was utilized by Eudemus, who regarded an angle as a deviation from a straight line; the second by Carpus of Antioch, who regarded it as the interval or space between the intersecting lines; Euclid adopted the third concept, although his definitions of right, acute, and obtuse angles are certainly quantitative.
Following Euclid, a right angle is formed by a straight line standing upon another straight line so as to make the adjacent angles equal; any angle less than a right angle is termed an acute angle, and any angle greater than a right angle an obtuse angle.
Various finishing processes, and particularly the mercerizing of yarn and cloth, have increased the possibilities in cotton materials, and while staples still form the bulk of our foreign trade, it seems that as the stress of competition in these grows acute, more and more of our energy may be transferred to the production of goods which appeal to a growing taste or fancy.
The disappointment was acute and his health suffered.
In progressive lead palsy, beri-beri, and the paralysis following acute alcoholism, fairly large doses are useful.
In pneumonia and other acute disease, where the patient is liable to sudden collapse, a hypodermic injection of strychnine will often save the patient's life.
In acute opium poisoning strychnine is very valuable.
Avicenna also makes some acute physiognomical remarks in his De animalibus, which was translated by Michael Scot about 1270.
When wounded it requires to be approached with caution, as it will then attack either man or dog with its long sharp bill and its acute claws.
The half-fan is a combination of the two forms, but as regards pruning does not materially differ from the horizontal, as two opposite side branches are produced in succession upwards till the space is filled, only they are not taken out so abruptly, but are allowed to rise at an acute angle and then to curve into the horizontal line.
The Half fan mode of training, which is intermediate between horizontal and fan training, is most nearly allied to the former, but the branches leave the stem at an acute angle, a disposition supposed to favour the more equal distribution of the sap. Sometimes, as in fig.
The colour of the fruit varies from green to deep purple, the size from that of a small cherry to that of a hen's egg; the form is oblong acute or obtuse at both ends, or globular; the stones or kernels vary in like manner; and the flavour, season of ripening and duration are all subject to variation.
The limits set to the furnace builder's natural desire to make his furnace as large as possible, and its present shape (an obtuse inverted cone set below an acute upright one, both of them truncated), have been reached in part empirically, and in part by reasoning which is open to question, as indeed are the reasons which will now be offered reservedly for both size and shape.
His disappointment at its reception was great; and though he never entirely relinquished his metaphysical speculations, though all that is of value in his later writings depends on the acute analysis of human nature to which he was from the first attracted, one cannot but regret that his high powers were henceforth withdrawn for the most part from the consideration, of the foundations of belief, and expended on its practical applications.
The Congo question had meanwhile become an acute one in Belgium.
Chamois are exceedingly shy; and their senses, especially those of sight and smell, very acute.
The soul, located in the ventricles of the brain, is affected by the temperament of the individual; the dry temperament produces acute intelligence; the moist, memory; the hot, imagination.
Egusquiza (1894-1898) the boundary dispute with Bolivia became acute; but war was averted, largely owing to the success of the revolution, which forced the president to resign.
His pages abound in fine and acute insight.
His bodily health was at this time very far from satisfactory, and he appears to have suffered, not merely from acute dyspepsia, but from a kind of paralysis.
In conversation he was a singularly eager, acute and pertinacious disputant.
The crisis Resigna- became acute when the estimates for the year 1909 lion of showed that some 25,000,000 would have to be raised Prince VOfl by additional taxes, largely to meet the cost of the exU OW panded naval programme.
This important reform has thereby been brought to a satisfactory conclusion, and at a time when the political difficulties had reached a most acute stage.
The unrest in Macedonia threatened to reopen the Eastern Question in an acute form; with Italy the irredentist attitude of the Zanardelli cabinet led in 1902-1903 to such strained relations that war seemed imminent.
This question, obscured during the winter by the Balkan crisis, once more became acute in the spring of 1909.
He is industrious in collecting facts, careful and impartial in stating them; his judgment is sound, his reflections generally acute, his conceptions of the general march and movement of things not unworthy of the great events he has recorded.
Shortly afterwards acute difficulties arose between him and the British as to the Cis-Sutlej portion of the Punjab.
The complications to which the pressure of foreign nations, and especially of France, on the frontiers of the territories gave rise, became at this period so acute that the resources of a private company were manifestly inadequate to meet the possible necessities of the to position, Relations with.
The power of hearing is acute, and so is the sight, the eyes being protected by upper and lower lids and by a nictitating membrane.
The natural irritation in France standing arising from the British occupation of the Nile valley, and the non-fulfilment of the pledge to withdraw the British garrison from Egypt, which had grown less acute with the passing of years, flamed out afresh at the time of the Fashoda crisis, while the Anglo-Boer war of 1899-1902 led to another access of irritation against England.
The Fashoda incident was the subject of important diplomatic negotiations, which at one time approached an acute phase; but ultimately the French position was found to be untenable, and on the 11th of December Marchand and his men returned to France by the Sobat, Abyssinia and Jibuti.
This once more opened up the whole question in an acute form.
No doubt there must have been some kind of foundation for Pirkheimer's charges; and it is to be noted that neither in Darer's early correspondence with this intimate friend, nor anywhere in his journals, does he use any expressions of tenderness or affection for his wife, only speaking of her as his housemate and of her helping in the sale of his prints,&c. That he took her with him on his journey to the Netherlands shows at any rate that there can have been no acute estrangement.
He is an acute thinker and observer, misled by his systematic misanthropy and by his fantastic literary theories.
The struggle would be most acute between individuals and varieties of the same species, with the result that "any being, if it vary however slightly, in any manner profitable to itself, under the complex and somewhat varying conditions of life, will have a better chance of surviving, and thus be naturally selected."
The apparent opposition between the conflicting schools is more acute than the facts justify.
In 1868, when the question of reform at Oxford was again growing acute, he published a brilliant pamphlet, entitled The Reorganization of the University of Oxford.
Should a person be infected with latent malaria, heat exposure is very likely to induce an acute malarial attack and the combination is almost certain to lead to hyperpyrexia.
The effects of exposure in the case of white races are not only manifested by the acute attack of heat-stroke, but, if this is avoided by proper care, it is nevertheless certain that long residence in the Persian Gulf causes a certain amount of tissue degeneration, owing to the exposure of the body cells to abnormal conditions of temperature.
The present article is confined (I) to the consideration of certain special meanings which have become attached to the word Mass and are the subject of somewhat acute controversy, (2) to the Mass in music.
In the low grounds fever of an acute and hematuric form is very prevalent.
In this way both Buddhism (q.v.) and Jains have almost been swallowed up by Hinduism; Sikhism (q.v.) is only preserved by the military requirements of the British, and even the antagonism between Hindu and Mahommedan is much less acute than it used to be.
But in addition to these general causes of unrest the condition of the native army had long given cause for uneasiness to acute observers.
Now the position of this line, as found by Kobold, actually is a (properly weighted) mean between the corresponding lines of symmetry of the two drifts, but naturally it lies in the acute angle between them, whereas the line of the solar motion is also a weighted mean between the two lines of drift, but lies in the obtuse angle between them.
Soddy has used them in phthisis, and Louisa Chesney speaks favourably of the emanations in chronic and acute laryngitis and in tuberculous laryngeal ulcerations.
In these years the antagonism between Qais (Modar) and Yemenites became more and more acute, especially in Khorasan.
Ueberweg (System § Ioi) is, on the whole, justified in exclaiming that Hegel's rehabilitation of syllogism " did but slight service to the Aristotelian theory of syllogism," yet his treatment of syllogism must be regarded as an acute contribution to logical criticism in the technical sense.
The world's problem is not only therefore acute, but the demand for its solution is wider than ever before.
Thus the crisis is in fact not so acute as it might seem.
Successive halfturns about intersecting axes a, b are equivalent to a rotation about the common perpendicular to a, b at their intersection, Of amount equal to twice the acute angle between them, in the direction from a to b.
Rest in bed should be insisted upon for a longer time than appears actually required, because acute rheumatism tends to bring on cardiac changes, and is more likely to do this when the heart is excited than when the patient is kept at rest.
Between Ledru-Rollin and Odilon Barrot with the other chiefs of the "dynastic Left" there were acute differences, hardly dissimulated even during the temporary affiance which produced the campaign of the banquets.
They are all marked by arrogant dogmatism, violence of language, a constant tendency to selfglorification, strangely combined with extensive real knowledge, with acute reasoning, with an observation of facts and details almost unparalleled.
He learned from him to be not a mere scholar, but something more - an acute observer, never losing sight of the actual world, and aiming not so much at correcting texts as at laying the foundation of a science of historical criticism.
Couto is also responsible for some acute observations on the causes of Portuguese decadence in the East, entitled Soldado practico.
The Relic conveys the impressions of a journey in Palestine and in parts suggests his indebtedness to Flaubert, but its mysticism is entirely new and individual; while the versatility of his talent further appears in The Correspondence of Fradique Mendes, where acute observation is combined with brilliant satire or rich humour.
Let us suppose that the angle of contact for this liquid with the solid c is an acute angle.
Thus paralysis following diphtheria is in all probability due to a different toxin from that which causes the acute symptoms of poisoning or possibly to a modification of it sometimes formed in specially large amount.
Acute inflammation of various types, suppuration, granulation-tissue formation, &c., represent some of the complex resulting processes.
But though they generally had the best scholarship of England against them, they were bold, acute, well-informed men; they appreciated more fully than their contemporaries not a few truths now all but universally accepted; and they seemed therefore entitled to leave their mark on subsequent theological thought.
The acute minds of the Buddhist pandits, no longer occupied with the practical lessons of Arahatship, turned their xvi.
Saint-Pierre's works are almost entirely occupied with an acute though generally visionary criticism of politics, law and social institutions.
The Chinese government regarding the use of opium as one of the most acute moral and economic questions a nation they have to face, representing an annual loss to the country of 856,250,000 taels, decided in 1906 to put an end to the use of the drug within ten years, and issued an edict on the 10th of September 1906, forbidding the consumption of opium and the cultivation of the poppy.
Under this heading must be considered acute poisoning by opium, and the chronic poisoning seen in those who eat or smoke the drug.
The acute poisoning presents a series of symptoms which are only with difficulty to be distinguished from those produced by alcohol, by cerebral haemorrhage and by several other morbid conditions.
In treating acute opium poisoning the first proceeding is to empty the stomach.
Between them and the European settlers there were seldom any manifestations of acute hostility, though each race feared and distrusted the other.
Besides the Bokovoi Khrebet several other short subsidiary ranges branch off from the main range at acute angles, lifting up high montane glens between them; for instance, the two ranges in Svanetia, which divide, the one the river (glen) Ingur from the river (glen) Tskhenis-Tskhali, and the other the river (glen) TskhenisTskhali from the rivers (glens) Lechkhum and Racha.Down all these glens glacier streams descend, until they find an opportunity to pierce through the flanking ranges, which they do in deep and picturesque gorges, and then race down the northern slopes of the mountains to enter the Terek or the Kuban, or down the southern versant to join the Rion or the Kura.
Antlers arising at acute angles to the median line of the skull (as in the following genera), at first projecting from the plane of the forehead, and then continued upwards nearly in that plane, supported on short pedicles, and furnished with a brow-tine, never regularly forked at first division, but generally of large size, and with not less than three tines; the skull without ridges on the frontals forming the bases of the pedicles of the antlers.
His historical and philosophical works, though showing much reading, fertile thought, abundant facility of expression, and occasionally, where prejudice does not come in, acute judgment, are rather (as not a few of them were in fact) reported lectures than formal treatises.
After death there is found one noteworthy lesion, a commencing acute inflammation of the internal ear.
Lithium salts render the urine alkaline and are in virtue of their action diuretic. They are much prescribed for acute or chronic gout, and as a solvent to uric acid calculi or gravel, but their action as a solvent of uric acid has been certainly overrated, as it has been shown that the addition of medicinal doses of lithium to the blood serum does not increase the solubility of uric acid in it.
Very soon afterwards he must have begun work upon his plans and models, undertaken during an acute phase of the competition which the task had called forth between German and Italian architects, for another momentous enterprise, the completion of Milan cathedral.
The distress was most acute in the densely populated districts of northern Behar, and in the remote hills of Chota Nagpur.
They may have been swallowed several hours before symptoms of acute poisoning show themselves, with nausea and vomiting, and a burning in the oesophagus, stomach and abdomen.
The Danube question became acute in 1881, 1883 and 1899; the national question is a more permanent source of trouble, affecting Austria-Hungary, Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria.
They were immediately confronted by an acute economic crisis.
Added to these troubles was the ever-present Turkish peril, which became acute after the king, with insensate levity, arrested the Ottoman envoy Berham in 1521 and refused to unite with Suleiman in a league against the Habsburgs.
That Corneille was by no means destitute of the critical faculty his Discourses and the Examens of his plays (often admirably acute, and, with Dryden's subsequent prefaces, the originals to a great extent of specially modern criticism) show well enough.
That night he was stricken with an acute attack of angina pectoris, and on the following day he died.
Accordingly, directly the crisis became acute, he wrote, on Sunday Aug.
Lord Acton has left too little completed original work to rank among the great historians; his very learning seems to have stood in his way; he knew too much and his literary conscience was too acute for him to write easily, and his copiousness of information overloads his literary style.
One after another all the cardinal doctrines were challenged by writers who were generally acute, and almost invariably vituperative.
The victory of Jervis over the Spanish fleet at Met tales St Vincent on the 14th of February postponed the at Spit- imminence of the danger; but this again became acute head and owing to the general disaffection in the fleet, which in the Nore.
Such acute critics as Chesterfield and Warburton thought the performance serious.
Throughout his logical writings De Morgan was led by the idea that the followers of the two great branches of exact science, logic and mathematics, had made blunders, - the logicians in neglecting mathematics, and the mathematicians in neglecting logic. He endeavoured to reconcile them, and in the attempt showed how many errors an acute mathematician could detect in logical writings, and how large a field there was for discovery.
The outer glumes are acute and glabrous, the flowering glumes lance-shaped, with a comb-like keel at the back, and the outer or lower one prolonged at the apex into a very long bristly awn.
Many of his most acute critics would be the first to admit how much they owe to his teaching.
In 1908 the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary and the revolution in Turkey brought about an acute crisis.
The radical leaves of this biennial plant spread out flat on all sides from the crown of the root; they are ovate-oblong, acute, stalked, and more or less incisely-toothed, of a greyish-green colour, and covered with viscid hairs; these leaves perish at the approach of winter.
In acute mania it acts like hyoscyamine in producing sleep. In large doses stramonium is a narcotic poison producing the wellmarked stages of exaltation of function, diminution of functional activity, and later loss of function, sinking into coma and paralysis.
She had often an acute pain in her side, and fancied that an angel came to her with a lance tipped with fire, which he struck into her heart.
Vinet's Chrestomathie francaise (1829), his Etudes sur la litterature francaise au XIX me siècle (1849-51), and his Histoire de la litterature francaise au X VIII me siecle, together with his Etudes sur Pascal, Etudes sur les moralistes aux X VIme ei X VII me siecles, Histoire de la predication parmi les Reformes de France and other kindred works, gave evidence of a wide knowledge of literature, a sober and acute literary judgment and a distinguished faculty of appreciation.
At the end of 1872 his disease became more acute, and a surgical operation became necessary.
In acute poisoning the interval between the reception of the poison and the onset of symptoms ranges from ten minutes, or even less, if a strong solution be taken on an empty stomach, to twelve or more hours if the drug be taken in solid form and the stomach be full of food.
In such cases the acute collapse occurs in company with both superficial and deep anaesthesia of the limbs, and is soon followed by coma terminating in death.
In criminal poisoning repeated doses are usually given, so that such cases may not be typical, but will present some of the aspects of acute and some of chronic arsenical poisoning.
When an acute crisis arose out of the refusal of parliament, in 1862, to vote the money required for the reorganization of the army, which the king and Roon had carried through, he was summoned to Berlin; but the king was still unable to make up his mind to appoint him, although he felt that Bismarck was the only man who had the courage and capacity for conducting the struggle with parliament.
In 1999 private acute hospitals had a total turnover of £ 3bn compared to a total NHS expenditure of £ 52 bn.
Acute adrenal insufficiency can occur after trauma, severe hypotension and sepsis.
Most deaths have been caused by acute hypothermia, known as ' heat stroke ' .
These observations may explain, in part, the blunting of the response to acute hypoxia.
He is also a lawyer who suffers acute impatience with the processes of the law.
Acute, or short-term insomnia may not require treatment.
In a regular user of cannabis, acute intoxication by the drug would have little effect on performance.
The mathematical formulation presented assumes normal irradiance of the incident light on the sample but this can be altered for acute incidence.
Q. My horse has acute laminitis now, is Formula 4 Feet safe to feed?
Symptoms of acute intoxication include unsteady gait, slurred speech and sustained nystagmus.
It will publish a front page retraction apologizing for the " deep distress and acute embarrassment " it had caused her.
Her hearing becomes acute as the ear canals completely open up.
Acute leukemias are the rapidly progressing leukemias, while the chronic leukemias progress more slowly.
For acute leukemias, the source of radiation is usually outside the body (external radiation therapy).
After acute poisoning, the stomach at a post-mortem presents signs of intense inflammation, parts or the whole of its mucous membrane being of a colour varying from dark red to bright vermilion and of ten corrugated.
Wylie, "contains some acute reasoning in support of the propositions laid down, but the doctrine of faith in Christ is very slightly touched upon.
In the south, the later palaeozoic rocks are also thrown into acute folds by a movement acting from the south, and which ceased towards the close of the mesozoic period.
The struggle became acute when John the Fearless of Burgundy succeeded his father in 1404.
Incapable of applying himself to great affairs, but of sane and even acute judgment, Louis XIII.
The conflict between him and the Assembly immediately broke out, and became acute over the verification of the mandates; the third estate desiring this to be made in common by the deputies of the three orders, which would involve voting by head, the suppression of classes and the preponderance of the third estate.
In the case of a biaxal plate perpendicular to the bisector of the acute angle between the optic axes, the curves of constant retardation are approximately Cassini's ovals, and the lines of like polarization are equilateral hyperbolae passing through the points corresponding to the optic axes.
When the rings are coloured symmetrically with respect to two perpendicular lines the acute bisectrix and the plane of the optic axes are the same for all frequencies, and the colour for which the separation of the axes is the least is that on the concave side of the summit of the hyperbolic brushes.
The necessity for strengthening the Spanish forces in Africa had for some time been apparent; but Seor Maura had not dared to face the Cortes with a demand for the necessary estimates, for which, now that the crisis had become acute, he had to rely on the authorization of the council of state.
The cabinet met several times at the beginning of September, and the question of their attitude towards the fiscal problem became acute.
The ill-will between the king and the chancellor reached an acute stage when Sigismund appointed an opponent of Zamoyski vice-chancellor, and made other ministerial changes which limited his authority; though ultimately, with the aid of his partisans and the adoption of such desperate expedients as the summoning of a confederation to annul the royal decrees in 1592, Zamoyski recovered his full authority.
Having this position, the conditions of visibility will be best when the ecliptic, and therefore the axis of the light, are nearly perpendicular to the horizon, and, as the angle between the ecliptic and horizon becomes acute, will deteriorate, slowly at first, more and more rapidly afterwards, owing to the increasing effect of atmospheric absorption.
More and more of the brighter regions of the light will then be near the horizon the more acute the angle.
Distinctly developed crystals are, however, of rare occurrence; they are usually acicular with acute pyramid-planes and are repeatedly twinned on the prism.
The object is then projected with such acute pencils on the plane focused for, in this case on the plane on which the eye can just accommodate itself, that the circle of confusion arising there is still so small that it is below the limit of angular visual distinctness and on that account appears as a sharp point.
The pencils producing the real image are very much more acute, and their inclination is the smaller the stronger the magnification.
Meanwhile the Turkish question had again become acute, and it was plain, after the fall of Constantinople in 1453, that Mahommed II.
Sepals are generally of a more or less oval, elliptical or oblong form, with their apices either blunt or acute.
Mercury and lead are absorbed from the bowel in considerable quantities, and are capable of inducing acute irritant poisoning as well as chronic poisoning.
As in all new states, the question of a circulating medium was acute during the first half of the '9th century, and state banks were organized, which suspended specie payments in times of financial stringency.
Julie responded like everyone else; with the usual dazed look of acute indifference.
Eight of 11 children presented with an acute abdomen.
The problem is particularly acute in East Anglia, where many people have to wait months for NHS treatment.
In many states is especially acute much money you'll sales stage in.
But, equally, never have the reasons for concluding the protocol been so acute.
Chronic renal failure is amenable to dietary modification however acute is not.
Oral steroids are sometimes prescribed for extremely acute flare ups, in which case careful monitoring for side-effects must be ensured.
But Truscott can be very acute in spite of these weaknesses.
These problems became acute during the Second World War.
And after the Congress this divergence grew ever more acute.
His observations remained as acute as ever, but were now delivered with worldly wisdom rather than drum-beating evangelism.
As her questions get more acute, Kort begins to tell her the whole truth.
These aspects of DNA damage and repair following acute UV irradiation are discussed further in this section.
The project is designed to improve the health of this group and so reduce the frequency of acute admissions.
For example, far too often, patients that go sour in outpatient surgical centers need an inpatient admission into an acute care hospital.
Each patient has a history of acute exacerbations that often lead to hospital admittance.
The management of lower limb amputees was being provided within a busy, acute vascular unit.
It also emphasizes the need for stronger regular analgesia in severe pain, with a step-down in analgesia in severe pain, with a step-down in analgesia as the acute pain resolves.
We see patients admitted with Acute Coronary Syndrome, and following angioplasty / stent or cardiac surgery.
However, if the lights go out, a beam of light from an acute angle makes these same particles visible.
Whether tidal difficulties were the cause or not it seems apparent that the trouble did not become really acute till the 14th century.
In eight children who presented with symptoms of acute appendicitis, the tumor was located at the tip of the appendix.
Also, the crystals can cause occasional attacks of very painful swelling (pseudogout, or acute pyrophosphate arthritis ).
The problem that the INA claims it can counter has grown more acute with the political ascendancy of anti-occupation leaders.
The results of a post mortem showed that Mrs Z died from acute myocardial infarction and coronary artery atheroma.
In acute simple backache there is not need for an X-ray.
A compression bandage may be helpful well beyond the period of acute swelling.
Acute intoxication by inadvertent oral ingestion of tiotropium bromide capsules is unlikely due to low oral bioavailability.
Worse, they can't even agree on what acute bronchitis is.
Seretide Evohaler should not be used to treat acute asthma symptoms for which a fast and short acting bronchodilator is required.
Complications of whooping cough include bronchopneumonia, acute encephalopathy, and long-term brain damage as a result of cerebral hypoxia.
She noted signs, not only of significant long-standing lung disease, but also of acute bronchopneumonia superimposed on that disease.
A study was to investigating whether the use of cardiopulmonary bypass increased the risk of developing acute renal failure.
The number of episodes of acute vulvovaginal candidiasis experienced during the year prior to inclusion was 6.3, SD 1.9.
Lesser tuberosity fractures Acute injuries in athletes should be surgically repaired, to restore the subscapularis tendon and anterior capsule preventing shoulder instability.
In 1922 he survived an episode of severe pneumonia, but the following year he developed acute cholecystitis and peritonitis.
Useful in acute cholecystitis showing non filling of GB.
It is usually chronic, with intermittent acute attacks.
However, in a period of acute class struggle, the bureaucracy of the trade unions inevitably plays a treacherous role.
Acute care wilkin than were their deductibles higher coinsurance the hmo and.
Acute mountain sickness Acute mountain sickness is the name given to two life-threatening complications of acute altitude sickness.
Having spent five months in bed, I was over the acute stage and was allowed three months convalescence.
The development and optimal management of acute and chronic lung disease, including cystic fibrosis, are also being studied.
There is a large US study of telephone consultation for acute cystitis.
Beside being an energizer and tonic, Jatoba has also given very good results in cases of acute and chronic cystitis and prostatitis.
In some cases, the acute illness subsides into a chronic state, which may lead to serious brain damage.
Acute kidney damage can occur as a rare side effect of some medications and other rare conditions.
Later, it may occur because of an acute decompensation of chronic heart failure.
In acute infection the ventilation defect may exceed the perfusion defect.
This contribution describes the causes of wound failure and the management of acute wound dehiscence.
Placebo comparisons Placebo was usually sham short wave diathermy, and patients were a mixture of acute and chronic.
This dispersion was accentuated in the presence of acute left ventricular dilatation.
Sample groups For the feasibility study, sample groups were clinical directorates within acute hospital trusts.
These areas are invasive species, foot and mouth disease and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
Officers are being advised to try to " contain rather than restrain " suspects who show signs of " acute behavioral disturbance.
Irritation by the trapped feces may result in inflammation, pain and bleeding; this is known as acute diverticulitis.
They had symptoms of acute cystitis including dysuria, frequency, urgency and/or suprapubic pain.
In cases of acute onset pericardial effusion where the volume of effusion is small this may not be readily appreciable.
Acute administration in animals or man has occasionally induced a transient elevation of blood sugar.
The public are also embittered by some of the proposals coming from the Acute Services review.
Risk Factors All predicative characteristics for acute emesis should be considered a risk factor for delayed.
Acute subdural empyema is the most imperative surgical emergency.
In two patients from southern Viet Nam, the clinical diagnosis was acute encephalitis; neither patient had respiratory symptoms at presentation.
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is treated with steroids.
Suppression of acute and relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis with mitoxantrone.
Rabies is an acute, progressive, incurable viral encephalomyelitis first described in Mesopotamian civilisations about 4000 years ago.
Some four months after this treatment first began, the Consultant started investigations for a sub acute bacterial endocarditis.
As the trauma to the birds becomes more and more severe, many develop acute enteritis and diarrhea.
Lesions acute gastroenteritis, haemorrhagic enteritis, haemorrhagic enteritis; generalized congestion, particularly marked in the lungs.
During acute episodes of pain, you may need stronger conventional pain medication - contact your GP for advice.
Treatment Supportive therapies are required for acute bleeding episodes (blood transfusion, iron and folate supplementation, oxygen therapy etc ).
Title Observations concerning the microbial etiology of acute salpingitis.
This illustrates the fallacy of treating acute disturbance in this manner.
Even near the center and at the core there are relatively few awkward acute corners.
In 2 cases PPC was the consequence of a pancreatic fistula evolved in acute pancreatitis of the stump.
During an acute flare-up in any of these conditions the metabolic activity in the affected skin is high.
Chronic gastritis can develop as a result of long standing irritation from the factors listed above for acute gastritis.
Because the symptoms are quite similar to acute and chronic bacterial gastroenteritis of ferrets, stool samples need to be cultured for these bacteria.
There has been an increase in consultant geriatricians ' presence on acute medical units.
Acute ulcerative gingivitis, also known as Vincentâs disease or trench mouth, is due to a bacterial infection of the gums.
In acute glaucoma the pressure in the eye rises rapidly.
How is closed angle or acute angle closure glaucoma treated?
The results of the first controlled study in acute gout.
Hepatitis E should be considered if a pregnant woman develops acute hepatitis E should be considered if a pregnant woman develops acute hepatitis after recently returning from an endemic area.
What about patients with acute alcoholic hepatitis who deteriorate despite maximum medical therapy?
For acute hepatitis, double-blind trials have shown mixed results.
There is no consensus on how acute herpes zoster (shingles) should be managed in general practice.
There has been a large fairly recent acute myocardial infarct in the left ventricle, which is accompanied by endocardial thrombosis and pericarditis.
Aspirin versus heparin to prevent myocardial infarction during the acute phase of unstable angina.
Investigations Children presenting with an acute pulmonary bleed will have a reduced hemoglobin and widespread bilateral infiltrates on chest x-ray.
Extensive, mainly acute, inflammation may be found in the cancerous bone of the skull.
A virus causing chronic, and occasionally acute, liver inflammation.
This report investigates the experiences of acute psychiatric inpatients with the aim of improving acute psychiatric services.
They don't have to work in intensive care or acute orthopedic inpatients.
In 2001/2 UK Trusts providing acute services were asked to conduct a postal survey to find out about the experiences of adult inpatients.
Acute irritant symptoms from the inhalation of ETS are common, the most frequent being eye irritation.
The resulting low cardiac output can cause hypotension, renal insufficiency and/or acute hepatic ischemia.
Those PPS patients with abnormal jitter had a significantly longer time since their acute polio.
It's not jut acute observation, it's an understanding of the feelings under the surface.
Treatment of a large acute overdose should include gastric lavage, purgation with magnesium sulfate and complete bed rest.
This includes legionnaire 's disease, caused by a bacterium, and SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) caused by a virus.
No increased incidence was found for acute myeloid leukemia or brain cancer which were of interest a priori based on earlier studies.
Josh Eaton's Home Page A 7 year old who has had a bone marrow transplant for Philadelphia chromosome positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is overproduction of immature (underdeveloped) lymphocytes, called lymphoblasts.
Personal bankruptcy in research part marquis m be most acute.
No other diagnosis had been made; and the first consultant did not think that acute mastoiditis could account for Ms M's symptoms.
No child has died of acute measles in the UK for more than a decade.
In Vertigo he really gets beneath the skin of a deranged romantic obsessive who develops acute melancholia.
We were looking for placebo-controlled RCTs of analgesics used for the treatment of acute migraine.
The agility and acute sensing ability of the dog helps a mountaineer who to trained in search techniques to be much more effective.
Sample groups Patients with non-specific CAD, experiencing an acute myocardial infarction, small coronary arteries, chronic total occlusion of a coronary artery.
Acute renal failure with acute tubular necrosis may develop even in the absence of severe liver damage.
Large kidneys may indicate an acute or crescentic nephritis that may require urgent treatment.
Acute signs are typically accompanied by a rapid onset of heavy mortality.
Complex machines, films, live music and an acute sense of the absurd combine in creating images of striking originality.
Blood cultures are highly specific but not sensitive as they may isolate the responsive organism in about 50% of acute osteomyelitis 6.
This gives rise to an acute situation in my constituency, where we have only five PayPoint outlets.
The heart muscle, suddenly deprived of oxygen, is the site of the typical acute central chest pain.
Both amylase and lipase are sometimes ordered together to diagnose acute pancreatitis.
My mom took acute pancreatitis on 13 October 2005 - she is 59.
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and sphincterotomy may be necessary in the case of gallstone pancreatitis, even in the acute phase of the illness.
These are episodes of acute pericarditis and may continue to occur intermittently.
Sixty adults with acute pharyngitis participated in the current study.
These are acute sense organs which can detect female pheromones on the air from astonishing distances.
Exercises were given which required intense physicality or acute mental focus or both, which acted as catalysts for such discussions.
There is already a fast-track NHS physiotherapy service for people with acute back pain in Nottingham.
Respiratory System Acute or chronic interstitial pneumonitis, often associated with blood eosinophilia may occur and deaths have been reported.
Acute or chronic pneumonitis, often associated with blood eosinophilia, may occur and deaths have been reported.
Most people who had acute polio have no obvious, or only minor, sequelae of the disease today.
A case of progressive muscular atrophy occurring in a man who had acute poliomyelitis nineteen years previously.