Actuates Sentence Examples
The operator actuates a typewriter form of perforator which punches varying groups of holes, representing the different characters, in a paper strip about one inch wide.
Toothed gearing connected with the gun mountings actuates a rack attached to the standards carrying the sights, so that any movement of the gun mounting is communicated to the sights.
The effect of his exhortations, as well as of his personal character and public acts, upon the standards and spirit of official life in the United States, was a pronounced one in attracting to the federal service a group o men who took up their work of public office with the same spirit of enthusiasm and self-sacrifice that actuates the military volunteer in time of war.
The mirror can be elevated and depressed by means of a flexible shaft which passes up the centre of the mast and actuates gear attached to the mirror frame.
Motion of the ground in the direction os actuates only the lever so'p', motion in the direction o's actuates only sop, whilst motion in inter mediate directions actuates both.
The toothed segment, C, actuates the pinion, F, which carries the finger, G, and this finger remains fixed in position so long as the person is standing on the platform.
If now a small weight, as a penny, be passed through the slot, H, it falls into the small box, I, and causes the lever, J, to turn; the lever, J, which turns in friction wheels at K, and is counterbalanced at 0, carries a toothed segment, L, which actuates a small pinion on the same axle as F, and is free to turn on that axle by a sleeve.
The same vertical movement also actuates the index finger of a large dial, on which the weight of their luggage can be easily read by passengers standing near while their luggage is being weighed.
In this treatise, as in Paley's, we find " every man's own satisfaction, the spring that actuates all his motives," connected with " general good, the root whereout all our rules of conduct and sentiments of honour are to branch," by means of natural theology demonstrating the " unniggardly goodness of the author of nature."
A closed hydraulic system circulates fluid around a circuit and actuates the pressure intensifier.