Actually Sentence Examples
Had anyone actually told her that or had she merely assumed it?
Her eyes actually were filled with tears.
Was he actually avoiding conversation with his father?
So the party was actually for him, not both of them.
For a moment Dulce actually looked sympathetic.
He actually flat-out stated it.
They can actually talk!
The tax rate is actually much higher.
The man who has actually paid for his farm with labor on it is so rare that every neighbor can point to him.
Actually, it was how my family always celebrated Christmas.
AdvertisementSomehow it actually felt good.
Chad's next job will actually pay more than $10 an hour.
It was the first time Carmen had seen Alondra actually laugh.
Was this surrogacy actually an attempt to get an heir?
Was she actually enjoying the exchange?
AdvertisementActually, Dulce had been disrespectful with every look and word.
I was actually afraid that I might by that time be doing what is called a good business.
Actually, she'd rather get a room than stay in the house.
Tears actually moistened his cheeks.
How can it be said that trade actually generates wealth?
AdvertisementMaking swords actually paid better or at least as well as making plowshares.
She felt the attention before she actually saw it.
Was he actually concerned about the fact that she might have been killed, or that his hideout might have been discovered in a search for her body?
Learned military authorities quite seriously tell us that Kutuzov should have moved his army to the Kaluga road long before reaching Fili, and that somebody actually submitted such a proposal to him.
The illustrative strings and the orange stick representing the poles seemed so real that even to this day the mere mention of temperate zone suggests a series of twine circles; and I believe that if any one should set about it he could convince me that white bears actually climb the North Pole.
AdvertisementBut if the aim of the battle was what actually resulted and what all the Russians of that day desired--to drive the French out of Russia and destroy their army--it is quite clear that the battle of Tarutino, just because of its incongruities, was exactly what was wanted at that stage of the campaign.
Even identical twins, thought until recently to have identical DNA, actually have slightly different DNA.
It isn't just that we can communicate better but that we actually relate to each other better.
It may be translated into every language, and not only be read but actually breathed from all human lips;--not be represented on canvas or in marble only, but be carved out of the breath of life itself.
Machines can actually do a very limited palette of things.
I require of a visitor that he be not actually starving, though he may have the very best appetite in the world, however he got it.
Was it actually true?
They actually sided with him.
Not that any of it actually mattered.
You're actually getting help?
Who would have thought he would actually clip the umbilical cord?
Granted, that's a step in the right direction but we still wouldn't know if the scene Howie saw actually occurred.
Every day in imagination I made a trip round the world, and I saw many wonders from the uttermost parts of the earth--marvels of invention, treasuries of industry and skill and all the activities of human life actually passed under my finger tips.
Those same stars twinkle over other fields than these.--But how to come out of this condition and actually migrate thither?
And they actually say he is not honest and takes bribes.
We... actually, I... was thinking about adopting a few wild horses from out west where they have too many.
Actually, I would have thought it was a lot more - but then, he did pay cash for the house and clinic.
On the other hand, Alex needed to be in a position where he was forced to actually talk to his father.
Actually, it wasn't romance she was looking for.
In fact, Giddon was actually pleasant and entertaining.
Actually, I haven't had enough to do around here lately.
She wasn't actually tired, but reading was relaxing.
She caught her breath, realizing for the first time that he was actually an attractive man.
Could this actually be Cade?
Occasionally they ran across small herds of cattle and she began to realize how large his ranch actually was.
I actually considered selling the ranch.
There is actually no place in this village for a work of fine art, if any had come down to us, to stand, for our lives, our houses and streets, furnish no proper pedestal for it.
Actually, he had simply displayed his true feelings.
For one brief instant, he looked at Adrienne as if he actually saw her.
All it takes is the resolve to stop - provided you actually want to stop.
Actually there was nothing sensitive about Russell Cade.
Actually, her legs felt like stumps and her groin muscles were knotted with pain.
Mary studied her reflectively and finally spoke in a hushed tone, as if she didn't actually want to know the answer to her question.
I actually felt a little sorry for her.
Actually, it could stand a good washing and a paint job, but surely he didn't expect her to do that.
Actually, I've had to have some replacement parts specially made.
I think he wants to... actually, I know he does.
Actually, I'm a lawyer, working with local counsel on a pending case.
I can't believe you're actually going to do this.
Were they actually making plans for a lifetime together?
He had used her and she had been fool enough to think he was actually interested in her.
Actually, the bra and panties were far less revealing than a bikini.
He actually smiled, though it was so brief that she questioned whether she had imagined it.
Maybe it was the near-inaudible buzz or the rain on the roof, or my imagination, by I actually napped, for about twenty minutes.
I guess you're both excited about finding Alder's Bridge actually exists.
Recognizing the town would be a step in the right direction but it wouldn't tell you the scene you saw actually happened, back in 1932.
Or maybe she just wants to prove to herself someone actually loves her enough and cares about her enough to punish her.
The women looked frightened, Faust actually ducked, and David Dean moved to the cover of a nearby boulder, pulling his wife along with him.
They had a better relationship now than they ever had, and she was actually getting to know him better.
All of which you should know if you've actually been around here long... everyone else seems to.
The first hypothesis is not negatived by direct evidence, for we do not actually know the ontogeny of any of the Palaeozoic insects; it is, however, rendered highly improbable by the modern views as to the nature and origin of wings in insects, and by the fact that the Endopterygota include none of the lower existing forms of insects.
That every natural series of beings, in its progress from a given point, either actually returns, or evinces a tendency to return, again to that point, thereby forming a circle.
The primary circular divisions of every group are three actually, or five apparently.
The investigations of both authors must have been proceeding simultaneously, and it matters little which actually appeared first.
From all differences interest at 5% is deducted for the time between settlement day and the tenth day of the second month on which the " future " elapses, since settlement terms mean that money is paid in instalments before it is actually due.
According to the assumed law of the secondary wave, the result must actually depend upon the precise radius of the outer boundary of the region of integration, supposed to be exactly circular.
Was it possible that Cade actually was a homosexual?
Longhorns – they aren't actually native American wildlife, are they?
Plants as agents of damage and disease may be divided into those larger forms which as weeds, epiphytes and so forth, do injury by dominating and shading more delicate species, or by gradually exhausting the soil, &c., and true parasites which actually live on and in the tissues of the plants.
Moreover, Professor Lilljeborg's scheme, being actually an adaptation of that of Sundevall, of which we shall have to speak at some length almost immediately, may possibly be left for the present with these remarks.
It was said that the terms of resignation had actually been agreed upon with Primus, one of Vespasian's chief supporters, but the praetorians refused to allow him to carry out the agreement, and forced him to return to the palace, when he was on his way to deposit the insignia of empire in the temple of Concord.
The government of the Jurisdiction was of the strictest Puritan type, and although the forty-five "blue laws" which the Rev. Samuel Peters, in his General History of Connecticut, ascribed to New Haven were much confused with the laws of the other New England colonies and some were mere inventions, yet many of them, and others equally "blue," were actually in operation as enactments or as court decisions in New Haven.
These official prices are sometimes prices actually paid, and sometimes prices settled by 1 Transactions of too bales only.
This would be so if people acted independently and without guidance, but actually they are sometimes misled by published advice and movements in the market intended to deceive them, and, even when they are not, they watch each other's attitudes and tend to act as a crowd.
What, then, we may profitably inquire next, has actually happened to price movements generally as the market has developed?
Hence Caesar seems to assign more extensive functions to the Druids than they actually possessed.
The product actually obtained is a mixture of several paraffins and several olefines.
In 1885 it was shown by Bidwell, in the first of a series of papers on the subject, that if the magnetizing force is pushed beyond the point at which Joule discontinued his experiments, the extension of the bar does not remain unchanged, but becomes gradually less and less, until the bar, after first returning to its original length, ultimately becomes actually shorter than when in the unmagnetized condition.
Theoretically, no limit can be assigned to the number of possible algebras; the varieties actually known use, for the most part, the same signs of operation, and differ among themselves principally by their rules of multiplication.
Under the present heading it is proposed only to discuss briefly the various types of episcopacy actually existing, and the different principles that they represent.
At a later stage the Orthodox calendar and the Cyrilline alphabet were prohibited, and this was actually enforced in Serbia itself during the Austrian occupation, and in the Serbian districts of Hungary from July 1916 onward.
It was reserved for Charles Darwin, in the year 1859, to place the whole theory of organic evolution on a new footing, and by his discovery of a mechanical cause actually existing and demonstrable by which organic evolution doctrine must be brought about, entirely to change the attitude in regard to it of even the most rigid exponents of the scientific method.
The analysis of the specific variations of organic form so as to determine what is really the nature and limitation of a single " character " or " individual variation," and whether two such true and strictly defined single variations of a single structural unit can actually " blend " when one is transmitted by the male parent and the other by the female parent, are matters which have yet to be determined.
The Davidic collection as we have it splits the Levitical psalms into two groups and actually divides the Asaphic Ps.
Had the fusion of the two little republics which Pretorius sought to bring about, and from which apparently the Free State was not averse, actually been accomplished in 1860, it is more than probable that a republican state on liberal lines, with some prospect of permanence and stability, might have been formed.
He declared that he had preserved the thing in its substance, if he had not actually used the word; and this view of the matter was always officially maintained in the colonial office (which, significantly enough, dealt with Transvaal affairs) whatever the political party in power.
This company, which was not actually floated till 1887, was destined to exercise a disastrous influence upon the fortunes of the state.
He lost heart, and actually suggested to White the surrender of Ladysmith, believing this to be inevitable and desiring to cover White's responsibility in that event with his own authority; but White replied that he did not propose to surrender, and the cabinet at home, aware of Buller's despondency, appointed Field Marshal Lord Roberts to the supreme command, with MajorGeneral Lord Kitchener as his chief of staff.
In warm-blooded animals, such as birds and mammals, protective mechanisms for the regulation of temperature enable them to endure exposure to extreme heat or cold, but in such cases the actually living cells do not appreciably rise or fall in temperature.
He seems to have actually taken part in the work of teaching.
She'd never seen his attention stay any one place for long, but today, he was actually calm.
I actually got married while there.
Her first thought went to Evelyn's wedding, and another thrill went through her as she realized she could actually afford something nice for her friend.
It's actually where I'm staying with Romas.
Miss Worthington was the one that actually found them ladies.
All persons using the bottom of the gorge or actually climbing must use helmets and crampons.
The woman, a buxom blonde about forty, Dean guessed, was clothed in a fashion magazine outfit, designed for après snow bunny activity, not actually doing anything in the great outdoors.
Actually, I was considering a departure from my usual costume.
No, actually I thought you might have gone out hunting.
Actually, Josh was more than she needed, and Katie was more than she could afford.
At least he was finally making an effort to see his sister - and Katie was actually excited about his visit.
Yeah, sometimes it actually worked out that way.
Do you know he actually gave me an ultimatum?
Actually, it was Katie's idea.
Was he actually interested, or was he already bored?
He was actually making an effort to please her as well.
Of all the... do you actually think I traveled six hundred miles just for a tumble in the hay with you?
Was it actually a grape, or some poisonous berry?
At this moment the Prussians were actually on parade and ready to move off to attack, but just then the " evil genius " of the Prussian army, von Massenbach, an officer of the Headquarter Staff, rode up and claiming to speak with the authority of the king and commander-in-chief, induced Hohenlohe to order his troops back to camp. Of all this Napoleon saw nothing, but from all reports he came to the conclusion that the whole Prussian army was actually in front of him, and at once issued orders for his whole army to concentrate towards Jena, marching all night if need be.
He had determined to move eastward to St Dizier, rally what garrisons he could find, and raise the whole country against the invaders, and had actually started on the execution of this plan when his instructions fell into the enemy's hands and his projects were exposed.
What actually happens when an iron wire is loaded with various weights is clearly shown in Fig.
So, too, the Villari reversals in iron and cobalt might have been predicted - as indeed that in cobalt actually was - from a knowledge of the changes of length which those metals exhibit when magnetized.
Weber therefore supposed each molecule to be acted on by a force tending to preserve it in its original direction, the position actually assumed by the axis being in the direction of the resultant of this hypothetical force and the applied magnetizing force.
The question whether a corpuscle actually has a material gravitating nucleus is undecided, but there are strong reasons for believing that its mass is entirely due to the electric charge.
A very remarkable feature in Limulus, first described by Owen, is the close accompaniment of the prosomatic nerve centres and nerves by arteries, so close indeed that the great ganglion mass and its out-running nerves are actually sunk in or invested by ch.
It is probably only sickly adults or young children of the human race who can be actually killed by a scorpion's sting.
Actually, only some foreign counts could be said to be equivalent to English earls; but "earl" is always translated by foreigners by words (comte, Graf) which in English are represented by "count," itself never used as the synonym of "earl."
Almost every English landholder of importance was dispossessed, though only those who had actually borne arms against William should have been so treated.
Accepted at first as Aristotle's, and actually printed in the first Latin editions of his works, the book is in reality an Arabian compilation of Neoplatonic theses.
But, as Ueberweg points out, it might fairly be urged by Aquinas that he does not pretend to explain how the individual is actually created, but merely states what he finds to be an invariable condition of the existence of individuals.
The title is not actually correct, and might be more fitly borne by Francisco Suarez, who died in 1617.
In 1902, 80.56% of the children of school age actually attended school.
Its actual effect in the period succeeding its issue was, however, practically nugatory; if indeed it did not actually give a new handle to the subversive claims of the powerful barons.
Most of them, except when actually celebrating mass, were indistinguishable alike in costume and conduct from the temporal magnates.
Matthias laboured strenuously to develop and protect the towns, multiplied municipal charters, and materially improved the means of communication, especially in 1 We know actually of fifteen, but there may have been many more.
Actually, from this time until the collapse of the rising, Louis Kossuth was the ruler of Hungary.
But he pointed out also that the question of a separate bank did not actually figure in the act of 1867, and that it could not be introduced into it, more especially since the capital article of the ministerial programme, i.e.
When the series is theoretically continuous, the theoretical graph will be a continuous figure of which the lines actually drawn are ordinates.
This office he actually held for the long period of forty-two years; and it was in this official capacity that he wrote the Histoire du renouvellement del' Academie des Sciences (Paris, 3 vols., 1708, 1717, 1722) containing extracts and analyses of the proceedings, and also the -loges of the members, written with great simplicity and delicacy.
It is not in virtue of his great age alone that this can be said of him; he actually had much in common with the beaux esprits of the 17th century, as well as with the philosophes of the 18th.
Whilst it can hardly be allowed that Xenophanes, so far from denying, actually affirms a plurality of gods, it must be conceded to Freudenthal that Xenophanes's polemic was directed against the anthropomorphic tendencies and the mythological details of the contemporary polytheism rather than against the polytheistic principle, and that, apart from the treatise De Melisso Xenophane et Gorgia, now generally discredited, there is no direct evidence to prove him a consistent monotheist.
It is not necessary for the blocks of wet guncotton to be actually in contact if they be under water, and the peculiar explosive wave can also be conveyed a little distance by a piece of metal such as a railway rail.
As an eminent French critic (General Bonnal) says, this was but to repeat Frederick the Great's manoeuvre at Kolin, and, the Austrians being where they actually were and not where Moltke decided they ought to be, the result might have been equally disastrous.
In the first sea-fight, which took place simultaneously with the capture of Plemmyrium, they had been unsuccessful; but in the spring of 413 they actually won a victory over the Athenians in their own element.
Though the glory of Salerno had departed, the school actually existed till it was finally dissolved by an edict of the emperor Napoleon I.
We see now that the practice of the experimental method endows with a new vision both the experimenter himself and, through his influence, those who are associated with him in medical science, even if these be not themselves actually engaged in experiment; a new discipline is imposed upon old faculties, as is seen as well in other sciences as in those on which medicine more directly depends.
An Act of Attainder (repealed in 1819) was passed, confiscating his property; and his wife - against whom the government probably possessed sufficient evidence to secure a conviction for treason - was compelled to leave the country before her husband had actually expirbd.
Ever after his exit from the Bastille in April 1718 he was known as Arouet de Voltaire, or simply Voltaire, though legally he never abandoned his patronymic. The origin of the famous name has been much debated, and attempts have been made to show that it actually existed in the Daumart pedigree or in some territorial designation.
At the end of 1730 Brutus did actually get acted.
But this control does not meet the problem of actually lessening the number of vehicles in the main arteries of traffic. At such crossings as that of the Strand and Wellington Street, Ludgate Circus and south of the Thames, the Elephant and Castle, as also in the narrow streets of the City, congestion is often exceedingly severe, and is aggravated when any main street is under repair, and diversion of traffic through narrow side streets becomes necessary.
There are actually two distinct systems, north and south of the Thames, having separate outfall works on the north and south banks of the river, at Barking and Crossness.
The first " elected " members were actually, under the act, appointed by the Board of Trade.
At the moment of approach of the first boats the defenders actually on the spot were few, so that the high ground overhanging the landing place (which came to be known as Anzac Cove) was secured by the assailants at the first rush.
After a fresh reorganization during the night an attempt was yet again made on the gth to win the mountain, and that day some British and Indian troops actually fought their way on to a commanding summit from which the Narrows could be seen, only, however, speedily to be driven off again.
It is in all probability actually longer than the Irrawaddy, but it is not to be compared to that river in importance.
The refractive indices of all glasses at present available lie between 1.46 and 1 90, whereas transparent minerals are known having refractive indices lying considerably outside these limits; at least one of these, fluorite (calcium fluoride), is actually used by opticians in the construction of certain lenses, so that probably progress is to be looked for in a considerable widening of the limits of available optical materials; possibly such progress may lie in the direction of the artificial production of large mineral crystals.
The scarcity of specimens of early glass-ware actually found in Egypt, and the advanced technique of those which have been found, lead to the supposition that glass-making was exotic and not a native industry.
When the results of this theory were compared with the quantity of water actually discharged, Newton concluded that the velocity with which the water issued from the orifice was equal to that which a falling body would receive by descending through half the height of water in the reservoir.
The balance of opinion was in favour of those of the first group of writers, who avoided emendations of the figures and were content to follow the Kings' List and to ignore its apparent discrepancies with other chronological data; but it is now admitted that the general principle underlying the third group of theories was actually nearer the truth.
Similarly in the case of the sign MU, which, besides signifying " name " as above pointed out, is also the Sumerian word for " give," and therefore may be read iddin, " he gave," from nadanu, or may be read nadin, " giver "; and when, as actually happens, a name occurs in which the first element is the name of a deity followed by MU-MU, a new element of doubt is introduced through the uncertainty whether the first MU is to be taken as a form of the verb nadanu and the second as the noun shumu, " name," or vice versa.
They show that whether Boghaz Keui was actually the capital of the Hatti or not, it was a great city of the Hatti, and that the latter were an important element in Cappadocia from very early times.
How could such a thing happen in broad daylight during a procession, when troops and a military escort were actually present ?"
The destructive power of sunlight is only exercised on those organisms actually at the surface.
There was actually in fact and practice a larger uniformity than this short list implies, because these principles tended to express themselves in similar forms, and because historical derivation from a common source in Frankish feudalism tended to preserve some degree of uniformity in the more important usages.
Actually not even in the most regular of feudal countries, like England or Germany, was there any fixed gradation of rank, titles or size.
So long ago as the year 1855, when the species was known to zoologists only by its skeleton, a gorilla was actually living in England.
The results published in 1772 gave for the first time a comprehensive description not only of Yemen but of all Arabia; while the parts actually visited by Niebuhr were described with a fulness and accuracy of detail which left little or nothing for his successors to discover.
It means I can trade you a good or service for an intermediate store of value known as money, and then trade that money to the person who actually has the goods I want.
This has no offline corollary and is economically empowering to so many people. 5. eBay and reallocating existing goods. eBay is actually a little like direct trade.
A third radical method of redistribution is called land reform, which is actually a polite term for taking land from one person and giving it to another.
Soon everyone was zapping seeds and planting them and, lo and behold, it actually worked!
In using the phrase, "Necessitous men are not free men," Roosevelt was actually quoting from a decision in a well-known 1762 English legal case.
Just when things look dark, well, they actually get worse.
I have actually fished from the same kind of necessity that the first fishers did.
I'll hack you with my saber! he shouted, actually drawing his saber from its scabbard and flourishing it.
To anyone who looks at the field of Borodino without thinking of how the battle was actually fought, this position, protected by the river Kolocha, presents itself as obvious for an army whose object was to prevent an enemy from advancing along the Smolensk road to Moscow.
Our inquiries are directed toward the accuracy of what you're seeing; did those scenes actually occur in the past.
We knew similar situations would arise when missing children would be found dead, or actually murdered.
Howie broke out in a sweat when he thought about actually witnessing a killing.
You can look away when it actually happens but we have to get this guy before he kills another child.
Even the police, who see the aftermath of terrible, gut-wrenching crimes, aren't forced to watch them actually happening.
Should I at least remain mute that Julie had actually contacted the damn paper seeking the reward money?
Yeah; that's public information, but something tells me that only works if he actually registers; you think?
He actually believed her?
I was getting very good at evading the truth without actually lying.
He secured the back of the van, looked around, and actually smiled back at the camera.
Yes, he professed a desire to know what happened but actually seeing it was another matter.
Just bit his … actually, it was his arm, right in the middle of his forearm.
She actually had no intent of inviting him to the house, but thought it might rouse a reaction.
It was difficult to imagine that someone would think they couldn't talk when they actually could, but the mind did strange things during duress.
Whether it was something she actually needed or something she contrived to make him feel needed was irrelevant.
Actually, he probably detected that she was nervous about something and probably wondered what it was.
Exactly. I then called in the favor she owed me from the bet I actually lost.
Through their connection, she actually felt the emotion.
As you know, I'm the only one here who actually adheres to our rules.
My sister is expecting me to call and then to actually show up in DC in the next week.
Rhyn wouldn't saddle himself with a blood monkey he had to actually take care of voluntarily.
Actually, Skippy, I'm quite a mellow alcoholic, not raging at all, lucky for you.
Jackson actually began to feel a little respect for the guy.
Jackson wondered, is this guy actually going to try to hit me?
He took a sip and found the flavor actually pleasing.
Jackson actually felt sorry for the guy.
Actually, I was looking forward to seeing you in action.
He was actually serious.
If Ed could actually talk, she wouldn't be spending so much time pondering about Alex.
Even hearing his voice, she couldn't help thinking she'd heard him because she wanted to hear his voice again, not because she actually had.
But saying it could fit doesn't mean our little scenario is what actually happened.
If you're right and he's actually in this here bike ride, we've got seven days to find him.
He knows someone was on to him in Pennysylvania so he might have been too spooked to actually show up here.
He never actually asked me but I was expecting it.
Sometimes the good guys actually win one—like this time.
She might get over the phobia about adoption – if that was actually the problem.
Actually, a protected childhood probably left her ill prepared for socializing.
In actually, she was accepted because she was Josh's wife.
Actually, I was referring to the fact that he's so sophisticated and I'm such a hick.
Actually, 250 combined pounds would be a fairly accurate figure.
Actually, Alex did look into her eyes a lot – and his gaze wandered over her face sometimes in a way that left her wondering what was on his mind.
Actually, Alex was a gentleman, but he was a man.
Actually, it already had to a degree.
It had finally been in the black and she was actually making a profit.
It would be comforting if she thought things would change after they got married, but actually, she would have less to do – and more time to think about what was missing in their lives.
Well, actually she could, but he didn't need to know that.
Actually, it never crossed her mind, but that wouldn't sooth him, and if she had thought about it, that would have been her reasoning.
Actually, staying with Katie and Bill was probably a better choice, but she had already told Alex she would stay at his house.
Thinking about approaching the conversation and actually starting the conversation were two entirely different things.
Actually, all she wanted to do was alert him that she was nervous about it, but if it made him feel better to know she was willing to discuss intimacy with him now, then she would listen.
Yeah, well... actually I wanted to talk to you.
Actually, she had lost purpose in life then.
Actually, he never liked Josh much.
Was he actually chasing her, or was he trying to see if she was hurt?
Even if romance was no longer part of his feelings for Carmen, he still didn't like the idea of someone else actually taking what he had considered for so long as his place.
You actually disobeyed him?
Actually, Josh did ask her, but she had never answered.
Actually, being there sounded good enough.
They were actually married now - her identity merged indelibly with his.
It was actually a bit of a nuisance to go out to breakfast at times, but mostly they had completed chores and were on their way to some outing.
Actually, she only intended to ride along the forest line and see if there was any sign of deer.
Did Josh and Lori actually love each other?
Was he actually going to the clinic?
In the first place, he didn't actually earn a lot of that money on his own.
It was actually too large for a frying chicken, but it worked.
Love and desire – was there actually a difference between the two when the first existed?
When he turned to her, she hesitated, waiting for any indication that he actually wanted her in his arms.
Actually, he had been contemplating her gift for quite a while before she took him to the mountain.
A white wisp of fog was the only clue that it was actually warmer than the crisp March morning.
It took a moment before she realized that the continued sound was actually someone banging on the front door.
I've got a flight into Dallas tomorrow — well, actually it would be today — late evening.
Actually, I've been thinking of restoring it — and your old truck.
Actually, he was right.
Did the room actually have a magical strength, or was it simply a childish fantasy?
It was so strong this time that she actually felt nauseated by it.
This time she was actually so sick she threw up.
Is he actually sterile, or is his count so low that conception is highly unlikely?
It was hard to believe the little nodule on the screen was actually a baby, but the doctor was certain.
Only once had Josh actually hit her, and Alex had been there.
She was actually feeling better until that last remark.
Did he actually think she would like it if Josh touched her?
He had actually talked about the baby as if it were theirs.
He actually made the plunge into that bottomless black pool sound almost enticing.
Actually, what choice did she have?
Katie thought things had changed between them, but actually little had changed at all.
More important for the child, though, was the fact that Alex actually wanted him to visit the ranch.
Judging by what she has told me, I don't think Josh actually intends her any physical harm.
It was hard to tell what he and Lori were actually going through, though.
The mind can imagine far more than life actually produces.
Her visions were all over the place this night, and she wasn't sure what she'd initially thought was the right path would actually turn out well.
This is actually really good for us.
In spite of the fact that she was now 32, she actually looked like a teenager.
As it turned out, nothing he had kept secret was actually detrimental to their relationship.
Sometimes it was difficult to accept that he actually preferred this lifestyle.
Actually, the suit is comfortable enough - the oxfords, not so much.
Actually, technically it was their collective business, but there was no point in getting into that right now.
Would it ever actually be her business?
While most of the people present had actually graduated from the same school, a few had moved away before they graduated.
Actually, she had never tried to hide her figure.
Alex didn't actually deny a relationship.
Yes, Alex did have kind eyes, though she had never actually thought of it that way before.
He actually sought them out to spend time with them, as he had on this last trip.
Three weeks – starting the 30th of May, actually.
Neither boy had ever been deprived of anything they actually needed.
They actually had some horse manure boxed up and ready to ship.
Actually, she wasn't that interested in making a business out of it, but she felt the need to make some monetary contribution to their marriage.
Actually, there was nothing wrong with the route and normally she would have accepted his request without comment.
Actually he was much better than some.
Actually, she had never thought of that.
I think what they are actually saying is that there have been no confirmed sightings of animals other than feral ones.
They are the biggest thing out there, but actually, under the right circumstances, any animal can be dangerous.
Actually, I could use more help.
As for the four-legged ones, they're actually feral hogs – descendents of early livestock that went wild.
Would that have been more irresponsible than what actually happened?
He hadn't actually done anything and he was a customer.
Actually, there is not so much to do here.
Actually, it reminds me that I can't use it.
Actually, he had talked to her, but she hadn't taken him seriously.
Actually, she did know what she wanted – no one.
No, actually what this was all about was control.
Well, actually Sam and Ron went with them, so it's a foursome.
Actually, I thought you'd be glad I didn't trouble you with it.
Actually, he had done a pretty good job of humiliating her in front of her guest and hired help.
He said he wanted her to be independent and run her own business, but that wasn't what he actually wanted.
Did he actually think she would enjoy brute force, or was that merely an excuse?
So far he hadn't done anything to make her think he would actually physically harm her.
For a moment he actually looked remorseful.
Actually, Gerald's intent was probably to ward off an attack, rather than chastise Alex.
His imagination would be worse than what Rob actually said.
I couldn't believe you actually left me – us.
Carmen glanced up at him to see if he was actually talking to her.
In fact, the casual observer might think he was actually courting her.
Did he actually believe that or was it a quick save?
She thought it was at the time, but an independent person never actually wanted someone else to make all the decisions.
No, actually she had been willing to dump it all in his lap.
Did it actually matter why he had changed his mind?
In his arms, with his warm breath on her cheek and the smell of his cologne surrounding them, it was actually an exciting experience.
Actually, she had never considered having a cat – or a dog, for that matter – not as a pet.
Actually, it had been, but it wasn't an unhappy one.
I think you're actually afraid of him.
Actually, the silence was beginning to get on her nerves, but she didn't want him reporting that fact to her father or Denton.
She had been familiar with most herbs and their uses since she was a child, due to her father's business, but she had never actually seen the herbs growing.
Actually, she didn't expect to see him again.
It wasn't actually a date, anyway.
Was he actually frightened, or was he trying to make her feel better?
Actually, her instincts before he arrived had apparently been correct.
Was it so outrageous to think that he might actually want to be near her?
That would be an excellent reason, but actually, I quit for me.
She woke from a dream that a woman was pounding on her door and then realized that there actually was someone at the front door.
She was assuming he was actually interested in her personally, not professionally.
Was it possible that he actually cared for her?
When Justin announced that he would be out of the state for a few days on business, she wondered if he was actually going back to talk to her father.
You actually had me convinced that you enjoyed my company.
Were those words actually coming from Denton's mouth?
No. Actually it was Sylvia, my sister.
Had it actually been six months ago that things had begun changing so dramatically?
Of all the things Eden might've said to him, this one actually stung.
Fortunately, he was good at reminding her what kind of …creature he actually was.
Actually, I'm Gerry's ride.
In this connexion it is of interest to note that, both in the Mediterranean islands and in West Africa, dwarf elephants of the African type are accompanied by pigmy species of hippopotamus, although we have not yet evidence to show that in Africa the two animals occupy actually the same area.
Of the seven Verrine orations only two were actually delivered; the remaining five were compiled from the depositions of witnesses, and published after the flight of Verres.
Its French estates were granted to the Hospitallers, but actually Philip IV.
Giovanni's younger brother Giuliano was placed at the head of the republic, but the cardinal actually managed the government.
The light actually emitted laterally is thus the same as would be caused by forces exactly the opposite of these acting on the medium otherwise free from disturbance, and it only remains to see what the effect of such force would be.
It will be noticed that the difference between the greatest and least hourly values is, in all but three winter months, actually larger than the mean value of the potential gradient for the day; it bears to the range of the regular diurnal inequality a ratio varying from 2.0 in May to 3.6 in November.
If, however, Mache's views were correct, we should expect a much closer connexion between I and A than has actually been observed.
When war was actually begun, Hastings officially recorded his previous resolution to have resigned, in order to repudiate responsibility for measures which he had always opposed.
It may not be used except when actually ordered in the sentence, and must be of a pattern approved by a secretary of state.
The earth, or other planet, does not actually move round the sun; yet it is carried round the sun in the subtle matter of the great vortex, where it lies in equilibrium, - carried like the passenger in a boat, who may cross the sea and yet not rise from his berth.
In doing what he did, Descartes actually exemplified that reduction of the processes of nature to mere transposition of the particles of matter, which in different ways was a leading idea in the minds of Bacon, Hobbes and Gassendi.
During his stay at the Northamptonshire village of Holdenby or Holmby - where Sir Thomas Herbert complains the green was not well kept - Charles frequently rode over to Lord Vaux's place at Harrowden, or to Lord Spencer's at Althorp, for a game, and, according to one account, was actually playing on the latter green when Cornet Joyce came to Holmby to remove him to other quarters.
Not only is the whole atmosphere Christian in colouring, but we actually find the Greek gods in the guise of Enoch, Elijah, &c., while Philip is a Christian martyr, and Alexander himself a great apostle, even a saint; quotations from the Bible are frequent.
It has been asserted (by Sir Thomas Urquhart) that the piece of artillery was actually tried upon a plain in Scotland with complete success, a number of sheep and cattle being destroyed.
Only one of the four analogies is actually given by Napier, the other three being added by Briggs in the remarks which are appended to Napier's results.
The lawfulness of Church Establishments with due qualifications is perhaps generally recognized in theory, but there is a growing tendency to regard connexion with the state as inexpedient, if not actually contrary to sound Presbyterian principle.
Just as the latter afterwards makes Nathan the Wise and Saladin meet over the chess-board, so did Lessing and Mendelssohn actually come together as lovers of the game.
The service in the departments comprises brigades, which are actually engaged in guarding the frontiers, and a clerical staff (service de bureau) entrusted with the collection of the duties.
The so-called "Gothenburg System" of municipal control over the sale of spirits was actually devised at Falun as early as 1850.
Some of the latter were either not conquered by the Israelites until long after the invasion, or, if conquered, were not held by Levites; and names are wanting of places in which priests are actually known to have lived.
This appears actually to be the case in the period of the First Dynasty of Babylon and also in the 7th century in Assyria, where early Babylonian customs were kept up conservatively.
The country round Lake Eyre, where some of the land is actually below sea-level, comes under this heading.
The ceremony of hoisting a flag and taking possession of the country in the name of the government of the Netherlands was actually performed, but the description of the wildness of the country, and of the fabulous giants by which Tasman's sailors believed it to be inhabited, deterred the Dutch from occupying the island, and by the international principle of " non-user " it passed from their hands.
Here, without actually standing on the sea-beach of the northern shore, they met the tidal waters of the sea.
Federation at no time actually dropped out of sight, but it was not until thirtyfive years later that any practical steps were taken towards its accomplishment.
The place of meeting, Elvira, was not far from the modern Granada, if not, as Dale thinks, actually identical with it.
More than half the combatants (8357, of whom 3000 were Swedes) actually perished on the battle-field.
The experimental proof, however, was still lacking, and though several experimenters had come very near its discovery, Hertz was the first who actually succeeded in supplying it, in 1887.
As representing the pope, the suzerain of Henry, he claimed the regency and actually divided the chief power with William Marshal, earl of Pembroke.
Turkestan is a good wheat-producing country, cereals were actually imported from Russia and Siberia and cotton exported in exchange.
Until his fiery energy made itself felt, hardly any army on either side actually suffered rout; but at Marston Moor and Naseby the troops of the defeated party were completely dissolved, while at Worcester the royalist army was annihilated.
In September 1844 Calhoun, then secretary of state, sent Green to Texas ostensibly as consul at Galveston, but actually, it appears, to report to the administration, then considering the question of the annexation of Texas, concerning the political situation in Texas and Mexico.
He was not actually the personal disciple of either, but he adopted their methods, though without the consistency and boldness of the first-named.
From the continuous records of slack and strain combined with the weight of the cable it is a simple matter to calculate and plot the depths along the whole route of the cable as actually laid.
It will be observed that the circuit is not in this case actually open; the meaning of the expression " open circuit " is " no battery to line."
In practice the number of segments actually employed is much greater than that indicated on the figure, and the segments are arranged in a number of groups, as shown by fig.
Experiments of this kind were actually tried by Graham Bell in 1882, with boats on the Potomac river, and signals were detected at a distance of a mile and a half.
Many of the Aegean islands, or chains of islands, are actually prolongations of promontories of the mainland.
In the following year there was a fresh rebellion, when the emperor Frederick was actually crowned king by the malcontents at Vienna-Neustadt (March 4, 1 459); but Matthias drove him out, and Pope Pius II.
Hence this part of the country has a cold winter climate, so that while the mean summer temperature of Milan is higher than that of Sassari, and equal to that of Naples, and the extremes reached at Milan and Bologna are a good deal higher than those of Naples, the mean winter temperature of Turin is actually lower than that of Copenhagen.
In consequence, in 1908, of 490,000 liable, some I 10,000 actually joined for full training and 24,000 of the new 2nd category for short training, which contrasts very forcibly with the feeble embodiments of i906 and 1907.
The peace strength under the new scheme is nominally 300,000, but actually (average throughout the year) about 240,000.
At Vienna the war party was in the ascendant; the convention for disarmament had been signed, but so far from its being carried out, the reserves were actually called out on the 12th of April; and on the 23rd, before Cavours decision was known at Vienna, an Austrian ultimatum reached Turin, summoning Piedmont to disarm within three days on pain of invasion.
Custozza might have been afterwards retrieved,, for Italians had plenty of fresh troops besides Cialdinis army; nothing was done, as both the king and La Marraora believed situation to be much worse than it actually wa,s.
Simultaneously Danby guided through parliament a bill for raising money for a war against France; a league was concluded with Holland, and troops were actually sent there.
He is indeed careful to keep right with the orthodox doctrine of creation by saying that he does not believe the world actually arose in this mechanical way out of the three kinds of elements which he here supposes, but that he simply puts out his hypothesis as a mode of conceiving how it might have arisen.
In Henley Street, close by, is the house in which the poet was born, greatly altered in external appearance, being actually two halftimbered cottages connected.
Later, when the west was better explored, it was found that tin actually came from two regions, north-west Spain and Cornwall.
From the primitive uniform Systems. mass of undifferentiated assimilating cells, which we may conceive of as the starting-point of differentiation, though such an undifferentiated body is only actually realized in the thallus of the lower Algae, there is, (1) on the one hand, a specialization of a surface layer regulating the immediate relations of the plant with its surroundings.
As this is not the incorporation of either into the living sobstance, but is only its manufacture into the complex substances which we find in the plant, it seems preferable to limit the term assimilation to the processes by which foods are actually taken into the protoplasm.
In many of the Fungi the non-motile male cell or nucleus is carried by means of a fertilizing tube actually into the interior of the egg-cell, and is extruded through the apex in close proximity to the egg nucleus.
But this phylogenetic differentiation of the organs was not what Wolff and Goethe had in mind; what they contemplated was an ontogenetic change, and there is abundant evidence that such changes actually occur.
An exactly converse process must now be glanced at, whereby, instead of growing out of it, prayer actually generates spell.
The Marquis Lodovico Gonzaga of Mantua had for some time been pressing Mantegna to enter his service; and the following year, 1460, was perhaps the one in which he actually established himself at the Mantuan court, residing at first from time to time at Goito, but, from December 1466 onwards, with his family in Mantua itself.
The experiment was so far successful that, with incredible difficulty, the two vessels did actually reach Meskene, but the result of the expedition was to show that practically the river could not be used as a high-road of commerce, the continuous rapids and falls during the low season, caused mainly by the artificial obstructions of the irrigating dams, being insurmountable by ordinary steam power, and the aid of hundreds of hands being thus required to drag the vessels up the stream at those points by main force.
Yet nobility, in some shape or another, has existed in most places and times of the world's history, while the British peerage is an institution purely local, and one which has actually hindered the existence of a nobility in the sense which the word bears in most other countries.
In the first the plebeians strive to obtain relief from laws and customs which were actually oppressive to them, while they were profitable to the patricians.
As most of the rivers have rapids or falls actually at the sea coast or close to it, they are, with the exception of the Cavalla, useless for penetrating far inland, and the whole of this part of Africa from Cape Palmas north-west to the Senegal suggests a sunken land.
Although very little of the coast belt is actually swampy, a kind of natural canalization connects many of the rivers at their mouths with each other, though some of these connecting creeks are as yet unmarked on maps.
So far as we can see, on the other hand, Basilides appears actually to represent a further development of Iranian dualism, which later produced the religious system of Mani.
Supposing Dekker to be chiefly responsible for the scenes dealing with the unfortunate old woman whom persecution as a witch actually drives to become one, and Ford for the domestic tragedy of the bigamist murderer, it cannot be denied that both divisions of the subject are effectively treated, while the more important part of the task fell to the share of Ford.
Actually, however, its activity, directed mainly to the discovery of political offences, degenerated into a hideous reign of terror.
At the same time the Senate interpreted the law so as to exclude all but heads of families actually engaged in farming from the vote for the Duma.
The actual distribution of arable land, forests and meadows, in European Russia and Poland is shown in the following table The land in European Russia and Poland (Caucasia being excluded) is divided amongst the different classes of owners as follows Down to January 1st 1903, the peasants had actually redeemed out of the land allotted to them in 1861 a total of 280,530,516 acres..
The latter, named the America, was the first to be delivered, reaching New York in January 1829, but one of the others, the Stourbridge Lion, was actually the first practical steam locomotive to run in America, which it did on the 9th of August 1829.
This rate increases as the distance increases, but not in equal proportion; while the rates from large trade centres to other trade centres at a great distance are not higher than those to intermediate points somewhat less remote; if the law permits, there is a tendency to make them actually a little lower.
The attitude of the courts is not that the railways should work without compensation, but that the compensation should not exceed a fair return on funds actually expended by the railway.
That is to say, the engine actually utilized 61% of the energy which it was possible to utilize by means of a perfect engine working with the same initial pressure against a back pressure equal to;the atmosphere.
A trench was first excavated to the proper depth, then the side walls and arched roof of brick were put in place, earth was filled in behind and over the arch, and the surface of the ground restored, either by paving where streets were followed, or by actually being built over with houses where the lines passed under private property.
On the lines actually authorized by the Board of Trade under the 1896 act the normal minimum radius of the curves has been fixed at about 600 ft.; when a still smaller radius has been necessary, the speed has been reduced to 10 m.
The orders actually granted have allowed 50 lb, 56 lb, 60 lb and 70 lb rails, with corresponding axle loads of 10, 12, 14 and 16 tons.
They have an ancient spear which they believe was brought from Samoa, and they actually name the valley from which their ancestors started.
As they had not been actually colonized by England, the republic of Buenos Aires claimed the group in 1820, and subsequently entered into a dispute with the United States of America concerning the rights to the products of these islands.
After a marriage between the prince and Lady Diana Spencer, afterwards the wife of John, 4th duke of Bedford, had been frustrated by Walpole, Frederick was married in April 1736 to 1 Frederick was never actually created duke of Gloucester, and when he was raised to the peerage in 1736 it was as duke of Edinburgh only.
Sampson himself was not actually present at the battle, having started for Siboney just before it began to confer with General .Shafter, commanding the land forces.
If the consolidation took place with comparative uniformity we might then anticipate the formation of a vast multitude of small planets such as those we actually do find in the region between the orbit of Mars and that of Jupiter.
It seemed to Herschel that he was thus able to view the actual changes by which masses of phosphorescent or glowing vapour became actually condensed down into stars.
Should any one be sceptical as to the sufficiency of these laws to account for the present state of things, science can furnish no evidence strong enough to overthrow his doubts until the sun shall be found growing smaller by actual measurement, or the nebulae be actually seen to condense into stars and systems."
Between 40,000 and 50,000 species of Diptera are at present known, but these are only a fraction of those actually in existence.
The Pupipara are also termed Eproboscidea (although they actually possess a well-developed and functional proboscis), and by some dipterists the Eproboscidea are regarded as a suborder .and contrasted as such with the rest of the Diptera, which are styled the suborder Proboscidea.
Though he was not actually defeated, his death in the pass of Muradel in the Sierra Morena, while on his way back to Toledo, occurred in circumstances which showed that no man could be what he claimed to be - "king of the men of the two religions."
If the latter actually occurred, the hostility of the Israelite prophets is only to be expected.
Whatever reforms Josiah actually accomplished, the restoration afforded the opportunity of bringing the Deuteronomic teaching into action; though it is more probable that Deuteronomy itself in the main is not much earlier than the second half of the 6th century B.C.'
Cheyne involves the view that a history dealing with the south actually underlies our sources and can be recovered by emendation of the text.
To pay his debt to Rome he was compelled to resort to extraordinary methods of raising money; he actually met his death (187 B.C.) in an attempt to loot the temple of Elymais.
Florus actually dared to scourge and crucify Jews who belonged to the Roman order of knights.
At this time they were speaking Oscan as well as Greek, and two of three Oscan inscriptions in Greek alphabet still testify to the language spoken in the town in the 3rd century B.C. We know, however, that the Bruttians, though at this date speaking the same language (Oscan) as the Samnite tribe of the Lucani, were not actually akin to them.
We can hardly any longer hesitate to recognize in this vast building, with its winding corridors and subterranean ducts, the Labyrinth of later tradition; and as a matter of fact a maze pattern recalling the conventional representation of the Labyrinth in Greek art actually formed the decoration of one of the corridors of the palace.
Under the Venetian government Candia, a fortress originally built by the Saracens, and called by them " Khandax," became the seat of government, and not only rose to be the capital and chief city of the island, but actually gave name to it, so that it was called in the official language of Venice " the island of Candia," a designation which from thence passed into modern maps.
He was, however, restrained from actually proceeding to enforce the decree of excommunication, owing to the remonstrance of Irenaeus and the bishops of Gaul.
But these constitutions, several times revised, actually served only as a theoretical standard for the proprietors and were abrogated altogether in 1693, and the colonists were governed by instructions which granted them much greater privileges.
The vegetation of the higher and therefore cooler and less rainy ranges of the Himalaya has greater uniformity of character along the whole chain, and a closer general approach to European forms is maintained; an increased number of species is actually identical, among these being found, at the greatest elevations, many alpine plants believed to be identical with species of the north Arctic regions.
At Ludlow itself, two such beds are actually known, separated by about 14 ft.
On the other hand, in certain Polychaeta the bundles of setae are so extensive that they nearly form a complete circle surrounding the body; and in the Oligochaet genus Perichaeta (=Pheretima), and some allies, there is actually a complete circle of setae in each segment broken only by minute gaps, one dorsal, the other ventral.
The Oligochaeta contrast with the Polychaeta in the general presence of outgrowths of the septa in the genital segments, which are either close to, or actually involve, the gonads, and into which may also open the funnels of the gonad ducts.
From the month of May 1790 to his death in April 1791 Mirabeau remained in close and suspected, but not actually proved, connexion with the court, and drew up many admirable state papers for it.
The imports increased from $755,316 in 1897 and $490,093 in 1898 (an extremely unfavourable year owing to the SpanishAmerican War) to $4,179,464 in 1909; the exports from $820,792 in 1897 and $521,792 in 1898 to $1,344,786 in 1899 and $4,492,498 in 1909; a part of the custom-house clearings of Key West are actually shipped from Tampa.
There are no longer any traces of communism, and the colony's property is actually held by an organization of the local Roman Catholic church.
According to Theopompus there was a Western people who actually called the spring Proserpine.
In modern problems we can watch the economic machine actually at work, cross-examine our witnesses, see that delicate interplay of passions and interests which cannot be set down or described in a document, and acquire a certain sense of touch in relation to the questions at issue which manuscripts and records cannot impart.
The transformation has been actually shown to take place in the development of Paludina.
Not until January 1786 did he actually serve as junior lieutenant.
It is obvious that the final moral ideal is not realized in any body of civic institutions actually existing, but the same analysis which demonstrates this deficiency points out the direction which a true development will take.
The Mandaeans are strictly reticent about their theological dogmas in the presence of strangers; and the knowledge they actually possess of these is extremely small.
In September of the same year the see of Durham fell vacant, and the king overruled the choice of the monks, who had elected and actually installed their sub-prior, Robert de Graystanes, in favour of Aungervyle.
No alliance was actually formed between the king and the mesne nobility against the immediate baronage.
It is significant of the final result of these things that already in 1147 Roger of Sicily, engaged in war with Manuel, had proposed the sea-route for the Second Crusade, perhaps with some intention of diverting it against Constantinople; and in the winter of 1189-1190 Barbarossa, as we have seen, had actually thought and spoken of an attack on Constantinople.
Michael Palaeologus had actually appealed to Louis IX.
Something, indeed, was attempted, if little was actually done, under each of these three heads.
The last two works, if not actually the works of eye-witnesses, are at any rate first-hand, and belong to the category of primary writers rather than to that of later compilations.
The scheme was never realized, though plans for the cathedral were actually drawn up.
Hood is a very usual dialectal form of wood; and in his play Edward the First, George Peele actually alludes to the bandit as "Robin of the Wood."
The Oncidiidae are entitled to the name "sea-slugs," as they are shell-less Pulmonates living on the seashore, though not actually in the sea.
Antonius the orator was elected without opposition; the other government candidate, Gaius Memmius, who seemed to have the better chance of success, was beaten to death by the hired agents of Saturninus and Glaucia, while the voting was actually going on.
In Chanda and Deogarh the Gond rajas were suffered by Raghoji Bhonsla and his successor to carry on a shadowy existence for a while, in order to give them an excuse for avoiding the claims of the peshwa as their overlord; though actually decisions in important matters were sought at Poona.
In the first case the thermal effect of 58.58 calories actually observed must be increased by 2d to allow for the heat absorbed in splitting off two gramme-atoms of carbon; in the second case the thermal effect of 96.96 must be increased by d as above.
Mossotti found a relation between the dielectric constant and the space actually occupied by the molecules, viz.
K= (I +2a)/(I -a), or a=(K-I)/(K+2), where K is the dielectric constant and a the fraction of the total volume actually occupied by matter.
The great bronze head of Augustus Caesar, now in the British Museum, is one of the trophies of this excavation, and is very interesting as being either a trophy of war carried off perhaps from Syene, or was actually set up at Meroe by the independent native ruler in honour of the Emperor.
Such increase would give rise to excessive reaction, which, in tissues already weakened, might actually produce.
Ardent spirits craved the martyr's crown, and to confess Christ in persecution was to attain a glory inferior only to that won by those who actually died.
The earthly kingdom of Christ is reserved for those who have endured the most terrible tribulation, who have withstood the supreme effort of the worldpower - that is, for those who are actually members of the church of the last days.
A so-called Roman camp, on an elevation overlooking the sea, is actually a modern beacon.
They are actually designated by Theodosius, " servi terrae cui nati suet."
He actually sent home, in 1494, above Soo Indian prisoners taken in wars with the caciques, who, he suggested, might be sold as slaves at Seville.
In his opinion - which is, in form at least, perfectly orthodox - the church of Peter will be, not abolished, but purified; actually, the hierarchy effaces itself in the third age before the order of the monks, the viri spirituales.
Almost nothing is actually known of prehistoric Cuba; and a few skulls and implements are the only basis existing for conjecture.
Apart from the sources of revenue specified above, of which the amounts actually transferred from the civil list are not stated, Section VI.
Even when peace was nominally in existence, war in its most horrible forms was actually being waged.
When the sultan discovered that Martinuzzi, who was all-powerful in Transylvania, had actually arranged to hand over the country to Ferdinand, he threw the Austrian ambassador into prison, and in September 1551 sent an army, 80,000 strong, under Mahommed Sokolli over the Danube.
Actually the French at this moment were suffering the most terrible distress - up to the Danube they had still found sufficient food for existence, but south of it, in the track of the Austrians, they found nothing.
The road now lay completely open, but the Austrian columns had so opened out owing to the state of the roads that the leading troops could not pursue their advantage - Dupont rallied and the Austrians had actually to fall back towards Ulm to procure food.
When, therefore, the latter, on the 22nd, marched southward to reopen his communications by the defeat of the enemy's army, always the surest means of solving this difficulty, he actually reached the neighbourhood of Eckmuhl with a sufficient numerical superiority had he only been prompt enough to seize his opportunity.
Here, however, the inefficiency of the Russian staff actually saved them from the disaster which must certainly have overtaken them had they realized their intention of fighting the French.
Actually the frost came later than usual that year, the 27th of October, and the weather was dry and bracing; not till the 8th of November did the cold at night become sharp. Even when the Beresina was reached on the 26th November, the cold was far from severe, for the slow and sluggish stream was not frozen over, as is proved by the fact that Eble's pioneers worked in the water all through that terrible day.
Thanks to his having compelled his allies to fight his battles for him, he had not as yet drawn very heavily on the fighting resources of France, the actual percentage of men taken by the conscriptions during the years since 1806 being actually lower than that in force in continental armies of to-day.
Actually this was exactly what he was preparing to do.
One of these ventures was actually carried out, without, however, securing the co-operation, or effecting the purpose he had in view.
Contemporary historians, however, state that Zobeide was actually buried in Kazemain, and moreover, early writers, who describe the neighbouring tomb and shrine of Ma`ruf Karkhi, make no reference to this monument.
The impression we get of the man is that, whether or not he actually enjoyed the full rights of Roman citizenship, he was a 1 "If it were permitted that immortals should weep for mortals, the divine Camenae would weep for Naevius the poet; for since he hath passed into the treasure-house of death men have forgotten at Rome how to speak in the Latin tongue."
It seems easiest to assume that the festival, so far as the Passover itself is concerned, was actually connected historically with the Exodus.
It might be expected that there should be a decrease in the Greenland seal fisheries, caused by the European and American sealers catching larger quantities every year, especially along the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador, and so actually diminishing the number of the animals in the Greenland seas.
When the Norsemen came to Greenland they found various remains indicating, as the old sagas say, that there had been people of a similar kind as those they met with in Vinland, in America, whom they called Skraeling (the meaning of the word is uncertain, it means possibly weak people); but the sagas do not report that they actually met the natives then.
Although the iron ranges in the north-east had been explored about 1860 and were known to contain a great wealth of ore, it was not until 1884 that mining was actually begun on the Vermilion Range.
Some ground was purchased for its campus in 1854, but it was actually founded by an act of 1864, amended in 1866, 1868 and 1872.
These new structures would rest uncomfortably upon eroded formations and this, Wayland Vaughan points out, is what we actually observe in the case of living and fossil coral reefs.
It is within the bounds of possibility that Tornaria actually does indicate a remote affinity on the part of the Enteropneusta to the Echinoderms, not only on account of its external form, but also by reason of the possession of a dorsal water-pore communicating with the anterior body-cavity.
Men thought him more cruel and more despotic than he actually was.
As they neared Barrosa, Victor attacked them, the Allies numbering in the battle about 13,000 with 24 guns, 4000 being British; the French 9000, actually engaged, with 14 guns; but with 5000 more a few miles off and others in the French lines.
A study of the products of decomposition does not necessarily lead directly to a knowledge of the ions actually employed in carrying the current through the electrolyte.
At Dundee he extricated his army from the greatest peril, and actually called his men off from the sack that had begun - a feat beyond the power of any other general in Europe.
Lord Stanley was the prime favourite as an occupant of this bed of thorns, and it has been said that he was actually offered the crown.
Each of these ruins has been visited by archaeologists who have copied inscriptions, described the temples, triumphal arches, porticos, mausoleums and the other monuments which are still standing, collected statues or other antiquities; and in many cases they have actually excavated.
Whether Plato understood these forms as actually existent apart from all the particular examples, or as being of the nature of immutable physical laws, is matter of discussion.
The pulse is slowed, the number of beats per minute being actually reduced, under considerable doses, to forty, or even thirty, per minute.
For fields of moderate intensity the first term of the expression is the more important, but when the value of H exceeds 12,000 or thereabouts, the second preponderates, and with the highest values that have been actually obtained, HI is several times greater than 21rI 2.
On the west they rise somewhat steeply, exposing high cliffs of white limestone, which perhaps gave Palgrave the impression that the range is of greater absolute height than is actually the case.
Tradition tells that a few years before his death he did actually send letters to the emperor Heraclius, to the negus of Abyssinia, the king of Persia, and Cyrus, patriarch of Alexandria, the " Mukaukis " of Egypt, summoning them to accept Islam and threatening them with punishment in case of refusal.
In the centre of the town stands Meshed (strictly Meshhed) `Ali, the shrine of `Ali, containing the reputed tomb of that caliph, which is regarded by the Shi`ite Moslems as being no less holy than the Ka`ba itself, although it should be said that it is at least very doubtful whether `Ali was actually buried there.
It and its 1 It is possible that Ras-ben-Sekka, a little to the west of Cape Blanc, may be actually the most northerly point.