Actively Sentence Examples
They want to ensure you are actively searching for a job.
After this event he actively opposed the government, his eloquence making him the foremost orator among the members of the Left.
Subsequently he actively supported in the Senate the free-state cause in Kansas.
Meanwhile Cranmer was actively carrying out the policy which has associated his name more closely, perhaps, than that of any other ecclesiastic with the Reformation in England.
In life, however, its appearance must be wholly unlike, for it rarely flies, hops actively on the ground or among bushes, with its tail erect or turned towards its head, and continually utters various and strange notes, - some, says Darwin, are "like the cooing of doves, others like the bubbling of water, and many defy all similes."
If you actively participate in sports, you may want to go with a boxer brief.
Such a typically "campodeiform" grub, moving actively about in pursuit of prey, is the one extreme of larval structure to be noticed among the Coleoptera.
Do you actively seek out inspiration or does it just "come" to you?
Although literature had not as yet become a trade or profession, an educated reading public already existed, and books and intellectual intercourse filled a large part of the leisure of men actively engaged in affairs.
Since then, both in Great Britain and abroad, the scheme has been actively carried on.
AdvertisementAt the same time he worked actively against the Spanish authorities, especially through Philip Nolan.
The fisheries are actively prosecuted along the coast by a.
Olbers settled as a physician in Bremen towards the end of 1781, and practised actively for above forty years, finally retiring on the 1st of January 1823.
He actively supported the Waldeck-Rousseau ministry, and upon its retirement in 1903 he was himself charged with the formation of a cabinet.
What sets Imaginarium apart from other toy companies is that they actively promote core values through their toys.
AdvertisementIn his eyes, institutions, customs, systems, so long as they had not become actively mischievous, were good because they were old.
He actively promoted the impeachment of Warren Hastings, which had the support of Pitt.
By means of the oar-like hindlegs they swim actively through the water with the ventral surface upwards; the fore-legs are inserted at the hinder edge of the prosternum.
In this post he was actively concerned in counteracting the efforts of German diplomacy throughout the world, and particularly in England.
They move actively about for a few days and then, having selected a convenient place on the young roots, insert their proboscis and become stationary.
AdvertisementDuring the next few years he actively opposed the amalgamation of the sees of St Asaph and Bangor.
He sympathized warmly and actively with the French revolutionary doctrines, expostulating with Burke on his vehement denunciation of the same.
But in the 4th century this puritanic zeal gave way; and this and other pagan feasts were taken over by the Church; a century earlier in Asia Minor Gregory the Thaumaturge was actively transforming into shrines and cult of martyrs the temples and idolatrous rites of heroes and demigods.
It is in this direction, which is being actively followed up in the dominions and colonies, that the production of alcohol for use in internal-combustion engines is most likely to advance so far as the British Empire is concerned.
This circumstance appeared so anomalous that some astronomers doubted whether the surviving lines were really due to calcium; but Sir William and Lady Huggins (née Margaret Lindsay Murray, who, after their marriage in 1875, actively assisted her husband) successfully demonstrated in the laboratory that calcium vapour, if at a sufficiently low pressure, gives under the influence of the electric discharge precisely these lines and no others.
AdvertisementThus man's spirit, ever largely but potential, can respond actively to the historic Jesus, because already touched and made hungry by the all-actual Spirit-God who made that soul akin unto Himself.
He was an aggressive opponent of the "Tweed Ring," and was actively allied with the antiTammany organizations, the "Irving Hall Democracy" of 1875-1890, and the "County Democracy" of 1880-1890, but upon the dissolution of the latter he became identified with Tammany.
In 1794 he was again actively engaged, and in 1795 he rendered such conspicuous service as to be made general of brigade.
The most important event of his administration was the annexation of Tunis under the form of a French protectorate, which he actively promoted.
In November of this year Stratford became chancellor, and for the next ten years he was actively engaged in public business, being the king's most prominent adviser and being politically, says Stubbs, the "head of the Lancastrian or constitutional party."
But many of them still flourish, and are actively engaged in their original task.
The Jesuits established themselves in 1572, devoting themselves actively to the education both of whites and of natives, and were a powerful factor in the exploring and civilizing of the northern districts.
The indifferent parasites exhibit an alternation of resting, attached phases with active periods, during which they multiply actively and become very abundant in the insect.
Large canals and locks on both sides of the Sault (pronounced Soo) Ste Marie in the outlet of Lake Superior are actively used except during three or four winter months.
If Oscar did not actively assist the Opposition on this occasion, his disapprobation of his father's despotic behaviour was notorious, though he avoided an actual rupture.
The older shipyards have been considerably extended, and shipbuilding is actively carried on, especially by the Orlando yard which builds large ships for the Italian navy, while new industries - namely, glass-making and copper and brass-founding, electric power works, a cement factory, porcelain factories, flour-mills, oil-mills, a cotton yarn spinning factory, electric plant works, a ship-breaking yard, a motorboat yard, &c. - have been established.
That Wellington actively assisted despotic governments against the constitutional movements of the time is not true.
During the Civil War he was actively employed as an army surgeon.
His nomination was coldly received by the public; and when, after his election and accession, he actively engaged on behalf of Conkling in the great conflict with Garfield over the New York patronage, the impression was widespread that he was unworthy of his position.
The seeds contain a toxic substance, which makes them actively poisonous; so much so that three have been known to kill an adult.
Finally, in the war of 1866, in spite of Bismarck's efforts to secure her neutrality, Bavaria sided actively with Austria.
He was soon actively engaged in its administration, and by the treaty of Prenzlau in 1472 he brought Pomerania also under his supremacy.
All along the main coasts of the former sultanate of Achin military posts have been established and military roads constructed; even in Pedir, on the north coast, until 1899 the most actively turbulent centre of resistance of the sultan's party, and still later only pacified in parts, Dutch engineers were able to build a highway to connect the west with the east coast, and other works have been successfully carried out.
But with the birth of a prince of Wales the situation was changed, and William determined to intervene actively in English affairs.
Ghent is the capital of the textile industry, and all the towns of Flanders are actively engaged in producing woollen and cotton materials and in lace manufacture.
In 1839 the cause of Shah Shuja was actively supported by the British.
From the existing remains it is clear that the inhabitants were still actively engaged in repairing and restoring the ruined edifices when the whole city was overwhelmed by the great eruption of A.D.
In a country where learned opinion has so much influence on public affairs it was of especial importance that several of the younger teachers separated themselves from the dominant Manchester School and asserted the duty of the state actively to promote the well-being of the working classes.
The ruling idea of this new WeltPolitik was that Germany could no longer remain merely a continental power; owing to the growth of population she depended for subsistence on trade and exports; she could not maintain herself amid the rivalry of nations unless the government was able actively to support German traders in all parts of the world.
In the last years of his short life he engaged actively in politics, and made speeches in Paris and in Moscow in the beginning of 1882 in favour of a militant Panslavism, predicting a desperate strife between Teuton and Sla y.
A leader appeared in the person of Mahommed Ahmed, born in 1848, who had taken up his abode on Abba Island, and, acquiring great reputation for sanctity, had actively fomented insurrection.
Some, however, are wanderers, either swimming actively with the aid of cilia, or floating inertly as the result of a specific weight closely approaching that of the medium.
He was actively associated with the National Security League and the Navy League.
Fishing is actively prosecuted, especially by the Japanese in the south.
For nearly thirty years he continued actively engaged in the promotion of his undertaking, and he lived to witness its wide extension throughout England.
He also obtained the suppression of the religious orders and of all ecclesiastical privileges, and actively contributed to the change of the judiciary and administrative system.
Bruce had been actively engaged in the siege of Stirling, and had succeeded his father as earl of Annandale.
It is stated, and with great probability, that this was the occasion on which he was first introduced to the king's notice, but he does not appear to have been actively engaged in Henry's service till three years later.
In 1772 it was decided by the English courts that a slave as soon as he set foot on the soil of the British Isles became free; the slave trade, however, continued actively until 1807, when an Act was passed to prevent British subjects dealing in slaves; in 1811 the traffic in slaves was declared to be felony; in 1833 the status of slavery was abolished throughout the British Dominions.
For some years he took no very prominent part in Parliamentary life, being actively engaged outside in the interests of his railwaymen, who, besides many smaller disputes, came out in a body in the great strike of 1911.
After his final peace with Seleucus, Ptolemy no longer engaged actively in war, although his forces might occasionally mingle in the broils of Asia Minor, and he supported the enemies of Macedonia in Greece.
In 1844 and 1847 the subject was actively taken up by the governments of Bombay and Madras.
He was actively interested in peace, temperance and anti-slavery movements.
His Son James Donald Cameron (1833-) was born at Middletown, Pennsylvania, on the 14th of May 1833, graduated at Princeton in 1852, became actively interested in his father's banking and railway enterprises, and from 1863 to 1874 was president of the Northern Central railway.
He worked actively against the sweating system, pleaded for European intervention in Macedonia, and was a keen supporter of the Licensing Bill of 1908.
The duke of Hesse also took part in the principal battles of the Franco-Prussian war, while the duchess was actively engaged in organizing hospitals for the relief of the sick and wounded.
The more actively and aggressively religious party, on the other hand, adopted the belief in the resurrection of the body, and in the individual's participation in the Messiah's kingdom; all the pious would have their share in it, while the wicked would be outcast.
The Jats took the side of the government, while the Gujars and Mussulman Rajputs were most actively hostile.
This may be possible in Germany and other countries where there is a religious census; but it is, at best, a rough-and-ready method where, as in Italy or France, besides the class of " political " or " non-practising " Catholics, large numbers of the people are more or less actively hostile to Christianity itself.
In 1861 he withdrew from the Senate, left Washington and actively espoused the Confederate cause.
Semnopithecus schistaceus was found by Captain Hutton at an elevation of 11,000 feet in the Himalayas, leaping actively among fir-trees whose branches were laden with snow-wreaths.
Many of the inhabitants are engaged in the carrying trade, while the fisheries on the coast are also actively prosecuted, tunny and anchovies being caught in great numbers.
It does not appear that Nadir Mirzas cause was ever seriously espoused by the Afghans nor that Fath Au Shahs claim to Meshed, as belonging to the Persian crown, was actively resisted.
Three years later a more formal convention, including a second wire, was signed by the British envoy Charles Alison and the Persian foreign minister; meantime the work had been actively carried on, and communication opened on the one side between Bushire and Karachi and the Makran coast by cable, and on the other between Bushire and Bagdad via Teheran.
He never ceased to work, and when near his end was actively engaged in planning the Encyclopaedia Biblica, which he had hoped to edit.
A suspicion that the Colonial Office in London was cognizant of Rhodes's plans further excited Dutch national feeling, and the Bond once more became actively anti-British.
Gustavus first intervened actively in politics in 1768, at the time of his father's interregnum, when he compelled the dominant Cap faction to summon an extraordinary diet from which he hoped for the reform of the constitution in a monarchical direction.
At this juncture the government of Chile interfered actively, and espousing the cause of Gamarra, sent troops into Peru.
In the conflict between Caesar and the Pompeian party Varro was more than once actively engaged.
The second - passive immunity - is produced by the transference of a quantity of the serum of an animal actively immunized to a fresh animal; the term is applied because there is brought into play no active change in the tissues of the second animal.
Accordingly, the most actively toxic molecules will be neutralized first, and those which are left over, that is, uncombined with antitoxin, will have a weaker toxic action.
The serum of an animal thus actively immunized has powerful protective properties towards another animal, the amount necessary for protection being sometimes almost inconceivably small.
On the contrary the labile opsonins of normal serum have a comparatively general action on different organisms. It is quite evident that the specific immune-opsonins may play a very important part in the phenomena of immunity, as by their means the organisms are taken up more actively by the phagocytic cells, and thereafter may undergo rapid disintegration.
After a time, however, the colonists, attributing the shortage of slaves and the consequent diminution in their profits to the Jesuits, began actively to oppose Vieira, and they were joined by members of the secular clergy and the other Orders who were jealous of the monopoly enjoyed by the Company in the government of the Indians.
After the coup d'etat of 1851 he was again actively employed, and from 1860 to 1862 was ambassador at the court of St James's.
Great as was his age, Joinville had not ceased to be actively loyal, and in 1315 he complied with the royal summons to bear arms against the Flemings.
His father was long prominent in Virginia politics, and became a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1764, opposing Patrick Henry's Stamp Act resolutions in the following year; he was a member of the Continental Congress in 1774-1777, signing the Declaration of Independence and serving for a time as president of the Board of War; speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates in 1 7771782; governor of Virginia in 1781-1784; and in 1788 as a member of the Virginia Convention he actively opposed the ratification of the Federal Constitution by his state.
The means for his higher education came from Swedish officers, former comrades of his father who had been actively engaged in the Thirty Years' War and who was executed at Salzwedel on the 3rd of February 1642 for his dealings with the Imperialists.
These appliances as indicated should not be unnecessarily expanded, but when expanded they should, wherever practicable, be converted into actively moving flying surfaces, in preference to fixed or inert dead surfaces.
As a rule she reduces the passive surfaces of the body to a minimum; she likewise reduces as far as possible the actively moving or flying surfaces.
The question whether James is dependent on I Peter or conversely is still actively disputed.
In order to obtain the cultivated bark as economically as possible, experiments were made which resulted in the discovery that, if the bark were removed from the trunks in alternate strips so as not to injure the cambium, or actively growing zone, a new layer of bark was formed in one year which was richer in quinine than the original bark and equal in thickness to that of two or three years' ordinary growth.
All this country was comprised in classical times under the title of the Phlegrean Fields, and was certainly then more actively volcanic than it now is, although the severe shock of earthquake which occurred in the island of Ischia in 1883 completely destroyed Casamicciola, and did serious damage to Forio, Lacco Ameno and Serrara Fontana, shows that there is great seismic activity in the locality.
Until the peace of 1748 he was actively employed.
During the negotiations for peace at Lille (1797), Canning was actively concerned in the devices which were employed by Pitt and Grenville to keep the real character of the discussion secret from other members of the cabinet.
The preparations for the plot had now been actively going forward since the beginning of 1604, and on the 9th of June 1605 Garnet was asked by Catesby whether it was lawful to enter upon any undertaking which should involve the destruction of the innocent together with the guilty, to which Garnet answered in the affirmative, giving as an illustration the fate of persons besieged in a town in time of war.
But, if we are to judge from his own statement in a letter from Heidelberg in 1846, the doubts which now actively assailed him had long been latent in his mind.
The worship of Dionysus was actively conducted in Asia Minor, particularly in Phrygia and Lydia.
Carra, a Swiss who had been tutor to Prince Ghica's children, and who published in 1781 an account of the actual state of the principalities, speaks of some of the boiars as possessing a taste for French literature and even for the works of Voltaire, a tendency actively combated by the patriarch of Constantinople.
A rich deposit of iron ore was discovered close to Kerch in 1895, and since then mining and blasting have been actively prosecuted.
His whole career is one long record of perjury, vengeance and meanness, unredeemed by a single generous act, and his wife was a worthy helpmeet and actively co-operated in his tyranny.
He continued, however, to contribute articles to the North British Review, which, previously a Scottish Free Church organ, had been acquired by friends in sympathy with him, and which for some years (until 1872, when it ceased to appear) actively promoted the interests of a high-class Liberalism in both temporal and ecclesiastical matters; he also did a good deal of lecturing on historical subjects.
For his ministers, bureaucrats of an orderly frame of mind, devised for their own convenience rules and customs which became permanent, and could be cited against those later kings who interfered more actively in the details of domestic governance.
While on domestic matters, other than those affecting finance, the Liberal ministry was pursuing a Conservative policy, its members were actively engaged on, and the attention of the public was keenly directed to, affairs abroad.
In 1833 he had shared in the foundation of a society for the reclamation of young criminals, in which he continued to be actively interested to the end.
For the first six years of this lamentable period Burke was actively employed in stimulating, informing and guiding the patrician chiefs of his party.
Trade is very actively carried on.
Hosius had Jesuit sympathies and actively opposed the Protestant reformation, going so far as to desire a repetition of the St Bartholomew massacre in Poland, Apart from its being "the property of the Roman Church," he regarded the Bible as having no more worth than the fables of Aesop. Hosius was not distinguished as a theologian, though he drew up the Confessio fidei christiana catholica adopted by the synod of Piotrkow in 1557.
The influence of the new queen being actively exerted on Alberoni's behalf, he speedily rose to high position.
The manufacture of cotton in all its branches is very actively carried on, and there are dye-works and breweries, besides the engineering works of the state railway company.
He was associated with his wife (a daughter of Mr Justice Crompton) in many kinds of social work; he sat on the Committee of the National Society for Women's Suffrage, and was actively associated with its president, John Stuart Mill.
In 1848 he actively supported Martin van Buren, the Free Soil candidate, for the presidency, and in 1852 he supported Franklin Pierce, but soon afterwards helped to organize the new Republican party, and presided at its preliminary convention at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, in February 1856.
He became a member of the Whig club founded by Grattan; and he actively co-operated with Theobald Wolfe Tone in founding the Society of the United Irishmen in 1791, of which he became the first secretary.
For many years Usher was actively employed both in the government of his diocese and in the publication of several learned works, amongst which may be specified Emmanuel (a treatise upon the Incarnation), published in 1638, and Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates, in 1639.
In his progressive policy Sagasta was actively and usefully supported by the chief of the moderate Republicans, Emilio Castelar, who recommended his partisans to vote with the Liberal party, because he confessed that bitter experience had taught him that liberties and rights were better attained and made stable by pacific evolution than by revolution.
In London he actively promoted the colonization of the regions he had visited and, by arousing the interest of Sir Ferdinando Gorges and other influential persons, contributed toward securing the grants of the charters to the London and Plymouth Companies in 1606.
In 1870 he was elected a member of the first school board for Birmingham; and for the next six years, and especially after 1873, when he became leader of a majority and chairman, he actively championed the Nonconformist opposition to denominationalism.
The first rising actively promoted by the Carbonari was the Neapolitan revolution of 1820.
The Carbonarist movement undoubtedly played an important part in the Italian Risorgimento, and if it did not actively contribute to the wars and revolutions of 1848-49, 1859-60 and 1866, it prepared the way for those events.
The epithelium of the latter structure is clothed with actively moving cilia.
She carefully avoided taking any side in party politics, but she was actively interested in phases of Imperial extension which were calculated to improve the condition of the black races, as in Africa, or the education and relief of the poor or suffering in any part of the world.
He drew up the manifesto issued in 1874 by the young king Alphonso XII., at that time a cadet at Sandhurst; but he dissented from the military men who were actively conspiring to organize an Alphonsist pronunciamiento.
He may just have remembered the battle of Cynoscephalae (197), and, as we have seen, he was actively engaged in the military and political affairs of the Achaean League.
In1835-1836he was actively engaged in producing for publication a treatise on navigation, a remarkable achievement at so early a stage in his career; he was at this time made lieutenant, and gazetted astronomer to a South Sea exploring expedition, but resigned this position and was appointed to the survey of southern harbours.
From that time to his death he actively busied himself with the affairs of his country.
The main fear inducers seem to be the R.C. bishops many of whom are actively abetting the " potato famine " lie.
Unfortunately, in the Thatcherite times we live in greed such as this is not only now accepted by is actively encouraged.
There are also a number of other initiatives DCMS should consider to encourage public library services to actively embrace the social inclusion agenda.
The squadron was however actively involved in the frantic aerial campaign to stem the german blitzkrieg during May 1940.
Even more radical measures are now being actively canvassed, particularly for 14-16 year olds.
They have each been very supportive of our niche cashmere strategy and we have been actively encouraging their increased involvement for some time.
At moments of heightened class struggle, the Bolsheviks actively agitated for workers ' defense militias against the tsarist state forces.
They either remain out of sight, actively support the violent protesters, or participate in civilian clothes.
The Nigerian section of the CWI actively collaborated with the ruling class in forming the National conscience party - a radical bourgois party.
By accepting Liberian exports as legitimate, the international diamond industry actively colludes in crimes committed or permitted by the Liberian government.
The panel was also impressed with the strong commitment from the top, with senior executives actively taking part in residential sessions.
The organizing committee is actively seeking more funding in order to further substantially reduce the cost to participants.
The remarkable buildings and archeological remains are scheduled ancient monuments and are actively conserved by volunteer parties of the National Trust for Scotland.
We offer a truly consultative approach, both to those actively seeking employment and even more commonly, those open minded to their career.
The Strategy provides a focus for practice development and actively encourages and strengthens the nursing contribution within the Trust.
It demonstrates what drug law reformers have been saying for decades, that the war on drugs has failed and is often actively counterproductive.
Actively encouraging creativity is also an important way of maximizing people's contributions.
A person can be deprived of sleep by their own body and mind, insomnia, or actively deprived of sleep by their own body and mind, insomnia, or actively deprived by another individual.
Our CCTV initiative aims to improve public safety and confidence whilst actively deterring crime.
They are able to actively discourage activities which they see as detrimental to the wellbeing of the hunt and the deer.
Rodney is actively involved in the publication of the student Lawyers Society magazine, obiter dicta.
Workers are actively discouraged from joining independent trade unions.
With Light Reading, they created an environment which encouraged artists and viewers alike to become actively discursive within an intimate yet public arena.
People liked Jim Callaghan in 1979 and actively disliked Margaret Thatcher - but they voted for her because they thought she was right.
Other parts of the country are actively dissuaded from this.
Bob actively coaches many of the Cricket teams at the club and is a very well respected elder statesman.
Instead he was actively seeking points in pursuit of the green jersey awarded to the best sprinter, which narrowly eluded him last year.
Tutors, however, also actively encourage the children to try something new.
The European Commission is also actively encouraging member's states to promote the early teaching of languages.
However, some drug services may also be actively engaged within these partnerships or their advisory bodies.
We actively promote good teaching practice and operate award schemes to reward excellence and innovation in teaching.
More about Garry... Garry has been actively involved in space exploration for more than three decades.
He was actively involved in the running of the colony but died of swamp fever later the same year.
They are slender, actively swimming catfish with a long adipose fin.
Barrie actively rejects fixity, resolution and certainty in his writing.
As Julian Evans reported last week in these pages, the US is actively fomenting revolt in Belarus.
We need to make an effort to start schemes ourselves, and get local authorities actively fostering and encouraging community wind power.
According to British chess grandmaster Nigel Short, the reclusive and eccentric chess genius Bobby Fischer is actively playing chess online.
The university places adverts on staff web pages and magazines and actively promotes school governorship as a way of strengthening links with the community.
Secondly he had a quality of combativeness, of always being actively engaged in combat against all that negated the Truth and disrupted harmony.
Greater Manchester Police actively encourage people to report homophobic hate crime and /or incidents and has set up a website to make it easier.
Two other brothers, Caratacus and Togodumnus, actively opposed the Roman invasion as their father's heir father's heirs.
The edible seedcrops it was actively stewarding are among Earth's most valuable heirlooms and their reservoir of possible human benefits is absolutely vast.
As yet there is no formal study or course for canine hydrotherapy but the CHA is actively exploring formal training and qualification options.
However there have been few studies which have actively attempted to calibrate bedrock incision experimentally, in a fluvial type setting.
This meant any artillery men which weren't being actively used in gunnery joined the infantry.
There have also been contacts with the ODPM over them being actively involved in the program arrangements.
The people who get the most benefits out of the CIPR are the ones who get actively involved and attend events.
If you have anything juicy to tell us please let us know as we are actively collecting these things with a view to publication.
Never one to rest on past laurels we have actively embraced the new technology that builds a better boat.
The unit is actively involved in the training of medical, midwifery, nursing and sonography students who attend clinics throughout the week.
Of the 36 bodies who were officially consulted few had any representation from GPs who were actively engaged in treating drug misusers.
Some are actively motile, some are free-floating whilst many are found attached to a substrate.
Further RL1 null mutants have the capacity to replicate an actively dividing cells or fail to replicate in growth arrested or terminally differentiated cells.
The reason, it turns out, is that mother's milk actively helps newborns avoid disease in a variety of ways.
Art Interactive is a space where visitors actively participate in the art on view.
Wild gray partridges should only be shot where they are actively conserved.
In primary schools a fresh fruit platter is available daily - staff actively encourage children to choose up to three pieces of fruit.
He is the first Venezuelan president to be actively tackling poverty.
You will need to actively promote your best practice resources.
Everything, that is, except if you happen to become acutely psychotic and violent, or actively suicidal.
Falconry terms were at one time only in the language of the nobility who actively pursued the medieval art.
Our client is actively looking to recruit an experienced receptionist to join their brand new multi surgery dental practice in Ramsgate Kent.
Some ID systems employ ` ` garbage collection ' ' to automatically reclaim memory that is not being actively used.
These new ventures enabled the whole school community to be actively involved in attaining the nationally recognized advanced Healthy Schools Award in November 2004.
We are actively recruiting new members at the moment.
Although little work has been done within the UN secretariat in this regard, research institutions have been actively tackling the issue.
It gets ridiculous at times - like actively avoiding conversations with others when feeling particularly self-conscious.
It involves the shaman directly and actively in transcendent realities or lower realms of being.
How should we manage an actively suicidal terminally ill patient?
She is now actively involved in using IBS to fabricate silicon based light emitting devices and to fabricate novel superconductors.
Eggs are therefore actively deposited by the parasite, in contrast to the disintegration of the proglottids seen in the other human tapeworms.
It has the same teardrop shaped pouch outline to actively encourage matter to fall to the bottom of the pouch.
It is a serious problem; too many parents actively collude and are involved in their children's truancy.
The FCO has actively been promoting the universality of both the BWC and the CWC.
Do the big organizations actively promote vegetarianism, which would help the dolphins?
The challenge is to walk across the Southern Highlands through one of the most actively volcanic areas Iceland.
The manufacture of sugar is very important; brewing, distilling, flour-milling, iron-founding, the weaving and spinning of cotton,, wool and silk, and the manufacture of iron goods, especially agricultural implements, are actively carried on.
Porte- While the Spaniards were circumnavigating the in world and completing their knowledge of the coasts of geese Af rica and Central and South America, the Portuguese were actively the East.
Apart from the two functions of discerning between right and wrong, and actively predisposing the agent to moral action, conscience has further a retrospective action whereby remorse falls upon the man who recognizes that he has broken a moral law.
As opposed to Jaures, he contended that the Socialists should co-operate actively with the Radicals in all matters of reform, and not stand aloof to await the complete fulfilment of their ideals.
The following year a revolt of the Neapolitan barons against King Ferdinand broke out, actively supported by Pope Innocent VIII.; Lorenzo remained neutral at first, but true to his policy of maintaining the balance of power and not wishing to see Ferdinand completely crushed, he ended by giving him assistance in spite of the king's unpopularity in Florence.
The new movement began actively ology of with James Hutton in the later years of the 18th century, and was forwarded by the studies of William Smith in England and of Cuvier in France; but the really efficient champion of the conception that the earth is very old was Sir Charles Lyell, who published the first edition of his epoch-making Principles of Geology only a few years before Queen Victoria came to the throne.
In the registers of these popes, which are now being actively investigated and published, dispensations (licences to violate the laws of the Church); indulgences; imposts levied with increasing regularity on universal Christendom and, in particular, on the clerks; the settlement of questions relating to church debts; the granting of lucrative benefices to Roman functionaries; the divers processes by which the Curia acquired the immediate disposal of monastic, capitulary and episcopal revenues - in short, all financial matters are of the first importance.
He is a type of the Jews who embraced the Greek way of life as it was lived at Alexandria; but his influence in Palestine was insidious rather than actively subversive of Judaism.
This remarkable woman, famed for her beauty, her masculine energy and unusual powers of mind, was well fitted to be the consort of Odainatti (see Odaenathus) in his proud position as Dux Orientis; during his lifetime she actively seconded his policy, and after his death in A.D.
Many, perhaps the majority, of the Crustacea are omnivorous or carrion-feeders, but many are actively predatory in their habits, and are provided with more or less complex and efficient instruments for capturing their prey, and there are also many planteaters.
On the contrary, it favours the belief that it should be a compact and moderately heavy and powerful structure, which trusts for elevation and propulsion entirely to its flying appliances - whether actively moving wings, or screws, or aeroplanes wedged forward by screws.
He took a prominent part as a Whig in politics (serving as mayor in 1851), and, impelled by his strong anti-slavery views, actively furthered the work of the "Underground Railroad," of which Detroit was one of the principal "transfer" points.
Frederick, accused of heresy, blasphemy and other crimes, called upon all kings and princes to unite against the pope, who on his side made vigorous efforts to arouse opposition in Germany, where his emissaries, a crowd of wandering friars, were actively preaching rebellion.
Quiet contemplation, which could be seen as prayer, or actively praying, may allow for this.
Taurus recycles all cardboard and glass and is actively working with EMERGE to look at recycling all other waste products.
We actively oppose state injustice and campaign for the repeal of all repressive legislation.
Other things we might actively avoid attending to because we find them painful or disturbing - the repressed unconscious.
In a warm room, actively respiring tissues of the cut face will become colored within 10 to 20 minutes.
Although little work has been done within the UN Secretariat in this regard, research institutions have been actively tackling the issue.
The ISR actively campaigns against the sell-off of council housing to profit-hungry RSLs and greedy private landlords.
The solvating waters actively participate in the hydrolysis mechanism.
Corruption is often actively caused by the West or just as bad not stopped when it is in our power to do so.
Many ToDs are not actively involved in these developments.
It is a serious problem; too many parents actively collude and are involved in their children 's truancy.
Their ' knowledge ' is merely verbal, and Sprigge suggests that real knowledge would involve actively participating in the appropriate emotions.
These investors can help you make sure that what you purchase is actively traded and highly popular.
If you're actively playing with your cat, snip the handles from a plastic bag and toss it around the room.
Affected kittens show signs by four months old, and are often too weak to jump or walk actively by eight months.
This means that cats actively choose when and where to purr.
You should realize that many consumers wind up in some form of financial trouble at one time or another and you should not allow embarrassment to keep you from being actively involved in your financial recovery.
You will get the best results if you remain cordial and actively attempt to work out a solution that is best for both you and the creditor.
Agree to allow both parents to actively participate in the child's life.
This technique requires that one spouse speak at a time while the other spouse actively listens.
Reduced welfare costs is another advantage to having both parents actively supporting their children.
Keep in mind that these agencies work with many families everyday and it may be a while before they can actively work on your case; don't stop searching on your own just because you have the child support enforcement office involved.
In fact, the instances of spousal support being ordered as a result of divorce have declined over the years, presumably because it has become more common for both men and women to be actively involved in the work force.
If you don't have a career or a job, actively pursue one.
Hooker furniture is actively involved in supporting the North Carolina and Virginia communities , where the company's 800 or so employees live and work.
In fact, your television, computer and cell phone charger all pull electricity whenever they are plugged in, whether or not you are actively using them.
Make sure to actively search the sites for potential jobs and submit an application promptly.
Gamequarium is a site developed by a teacher and mother of four who believes learning happens when children are actively engaged and technology is the tool that engages.
While 99 percent of boys reported playing some form of video games, 94 percent of girls also said that they actively play video games.
Whenever you aren't actively paying attention to your dog it goes to sleep.
In addition, they actively sought out unique landscapes and portrait subjects in an effort to tell viewers about the world and themselves.
He or she must actively use the arms and legs to propel the movement.
Since the muscles of both the upper and lower body are being actively utilized, the equipment is lighter.
The Pennsylvania Ski Area Association actively promotes ski school instruction.
As long as you're actively seeking out stress relievers, you'll find what you need.
When you're learning new skills, it's important to actively plan to learn the skills through experience in order to maximize the impact of the process.
Another way to peak a student's interest in science is to get them actively involved in the planning and execution of various fundraisers designed to benefit the school's scientific resources.
Offer to be an audience for a presentation, to accompany them to the store to get their supplies, or actively ask them questions about what they are working on in school.
A guest can check out chat rooms without having to join as a member, but they rarely can actively participate in discussions.
High school lesbians must actively seek out the resources and supportive relationships they need to feel comfortable and safe at school, home, and in the world at large.
Get your Bible group out there actively helping people.
The person is either actively using, recovering from the event or seeking out more of his or her substance of choice.
Graduates who were actively involved in extra-curricular activities might get a kick out of having the school mascot replicated on cake.
Tammy is actively involved in the company, overseeing every aspect.
The Lohan boys, Cody and Michael, are reportedly making a few appearances, but will not be actively participating in the show.
Others prefer to keep things quiet, and don't actively show off their baby bumps.
Though he earned scholarships, the University of Miami was not actively recruiting Johnson to play on their top rated collegiate team.
Though some have chosen not to actively practice their religion, their Jewish roots are still notable.
In addition, Seymour is actively involved with the American Red Cross, The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, and Camp Soaring Eagle.
Aside from her film career, Bullock owns a production company, restaurant and event planning service, and participates actively in philanthropic work.
While she is still actively working as an actor, her regular job just happens to be working as an assistant to Jeff Lewis, the real estate guru at the center of the show.
Dogs must be tested for heartworm before it is prescribed because the treatment for a dog that actively displays the disease is different.
This is usually a sign that the animal is actively dying and the process is nearly finished.
A dying dog will stop actively seeking it however, and his reactions should be respected.
Once she actively begins pushing, she should deliver the first pup within approximately one hour.
Fertilizing once or twice per year, while your lawn is actively growing, is sufficient.
Also known as woodbine, these vines are known for their ability to cling tenaciously to their support structures that they are able to cut off circulation in actively growing trees, essentially strangling them over time.
Simply snip off the end of an actively growing vine just below a leaf bud, making sure to include at least a few fresh young leaves.
It even began to transition into businesses where professional attire was not only not necessary, but also actively discouraged.
Whether single and actively looking for love or happily married, and stepping out with your spouse, more likely than not, you'll want to look nice.
When you care for your total landscape organically, you are actively doing your part to reduce the chemicals that enter San Diego's water supply.
A science classroom or laboratory is an exciting place where students take part in experiments and are often actively engaged in the learning process.
Health Career Web, for health care professionals actively seeking employment.
Understanding these issues and actively planning for the future promotes peace of mind for each of us.
It is not unusual for employers to actively recruit older workers to work for their organizations.
Individuals seeking employment with companies which actively recruit mature workers may benefit from using the list of current and past honorees as a starting point for developing a list of prospective employers.
The Center is frequently involved in clinical trials and actively solicits patients as participants.
During adolescence, teenagers' bodies are actively growing and sleep allows their bodies to rest to build up resources to continue growth.
You are an avid sports enthusiast and actively participate in sports.
Harmonix and Electronic Arts are actively working on ways to breathe new life into the genre.
As you progress through the first levels, you are incrementally introduced to the core mechanic of the game, a solid squad command system that allows you to actively maneuver any units under your command.
Unless you actively disable it, each song will include "hand swing" prompts.
Its motion-sensitive design works well with active games like Wii Sports that allows you to be actively involved with games like Tennis, Baseball, Golf, Bowling and Boxing.
In addition, they recommend that vitamin supplements containing beta carotene be "actively discouraged" because of the small but statistically significant increased risk of death.
It is an organ that actively produces milk due to the stimulus of the infant's sucking; the removal of milk from the breasts causes continued milk production.
This is because chemotherapeutic drugs are most effective against actively growing cells.
In many cases of choking, particularly in adults, the individual actively coughs and is able to expel the foreign object with no assistance or medical attention.
Children able to actively cough should be watched to make sure they expel the object on their own and that their airways do not become blocked.
When humans eat raw or undercooked infected meat, the walls of the cysts are broken down in the human digestive tract, and the individual becomes actively infected.
In some communities, as many as 90 percent of children under age five are actively infected.
Parting with previous views generally held by psychologists, Kohlberg emphasized that children actively self-construct their gender through a conceptual pattern in the mind called a schema.
These are very flexible at room temperature and actively begin to move the teeth as they warm to body temperature.
Shy, passive children who are actively disliked and rejected by classmates often become teased and victimized.
Second, children who are actively disliked, teased, or ostracized by peers are at more risk than children who are simply ignored.
When children are actively disliked by peers and the victims of teasing or ostracism, the task is harder for parents and teachers and the likelihood of the child reestablishing positive peer relations without help decreases.
Parents should also be actively involved and demonstrate interest in their teen's friends and social activities.
She may feel helpless from a loss of control over labor and delivery with no opportunity to actively participate.
A patient who actively participates in the rehabilitation process may be walking independently as soon as three months after the amputation.
In making custody decisions, courts look for responsible parents who are actively involved in the children's lives.
To help adolescents get the most out of sports, parents need to be actively involved.
Most infants this age climb (some very actively) and have a rudimentary ability to kick and throw a ball.
Toddlerhood is a time when motor skills develop and children begin actively moving and exploring their environment.
Children who are watching are not actively playing or exercising.
Observation-Infants and children watch an object, although not actively engaged in it, as in watching a mobile.
Adults must be actively taught that shaking a child is never acceptable and can cause severe injury or death.
Normal infants have good muscle tone at birth and move their arms and legs actively, while asphyxia neonatorum infants are completely limp and do not move at all.
Infants with a score between 4 and 6 have moderate depression of their vital signs while infants with a score of 0 to 3 have severely depressed vital signs and are at great risk of dying unless actively resuscitated.
From birth, babies begin to actively learn.
In some cases, children are actively discouraged from showing these feelings, which creates even more tension.
It is through interaction with others that the child actively constructs his/her development.
Under proper conditions, the spore may revert to the actively multiplying form of the bacteria.
However, this type of assessment may be of limited use if the student's negative attitude makes him or her unwilling to actively participate in the assessment.
Schools must actively work towards ending oppression of all types, by ending it within their own walls.
Parents should actively participate in their child's therapy and learn positive parenting techniques that can help ODD behaviors.
Finally, they reinforce creativity in their children by a general attitude of respect and confidence toward them and by actively encouraging creative pursuits and praising the results.
On the other hand, Balanchine actively discouraged this as the dance itself was paramount, not the dancer.
Some are actively searching for detailed information on their ancestors while others are content with learning the origin of their surname or the design of their family crest.
Whether you choose to simply accept the loss or actively seek treatment, knowledge is key.
Celebrity hair styles, from Jennifer Aniston's sexy layered cut, to Angelina Jolie's long loose waves, to George Clooney's Caesar cut in Gladiator, are actively sought after and coveted.
However, if your support group is actively seeking out answers and possible solutions for your common problems, you will find yourself feeling more hopeful and optimistic.
If you look up the definition of a 'hive' you'll find it's a place where many congregate and actively create.
The HSLDA fights many state battles for homeschoolers and is actively involved in cases where legislation is presented that may not be homeschool friendly.
Parents are available to answer questions and provide materials, but they do not actively participate in the child's education.
To help children actively look for the letter sounds in their surroundings, try playing a version of "I Spy" that helps your child remember what letters go with which sounds.
Colleges are starting to actively recruit homeschoolers.
There are various links to articles related to homeschooling and information about other sites that actively support parents' rights.
You may also want to visit to get an idea of the types of jobs that are actively being marketed to individuals who are seeking flexible and telecommuting work opportunities.
You'll find ideas about what's involved in going to work in the country, as well as links to employers who are actively recruiting workers.
The businesses that advertise on Flex Jobs are legitimate companies that employ telecommuters, and they're actively seeking workers to fill specific openings.
Job seekers benefit from having a local resource for finding jobs online, and employers benefit from being able to reach applicants who are actively seeking work in the local market.
Getting a mortgage while actively involved in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is possible, but it isn't necessarily easy.
Increase HUD's role in enforcement of the Act - Complaints are now actively investigated by the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO).
In fact, some commercial real estate brokers specialize only in finding properties and do not actively assist with obtaining financing for their clients.
She was able to find a team of two midwives, one of them a Registered Nurse, who were actively involved in assisting women with home-delivery of their children.