Active immunity Sentence Examples
By means of " vaccination " we are enabled to induce an active immunity against infection by certain pathogenic bacteria.
In the first - active immunity - a reaction or series of reactions is produced in the body of the animal, usually by injections of bacteria or their products.
The methods of active immunity have been practically applied in preventive inoculation against disease; those of passive immunity have given us serum therapeutics.
The key to the artificial establishment of active immunity is given by the fact long established that recovery from an attack of certain infective diseases is accompanied by protection for varying periods of time against a subsequent attack.
Of the chief methods used in producing active immunity the first is by inoculation with bacteria whose virulence has been diminished, i.e.
The increased ingestion of bacteria in active immunity would seem to depend upon the presence of immune opsonins in the serum.
We have no distinct proof that there occurs in active immunity any education of the phagocytes, in Metchnikoff's sense, that is, any increase of the inherent ingestive or digestive activity of these cells.