Acreage Sentence Examples
The rye crop was 148,000 bushels, and the acreage 11,000.
I have enough acreage and cattle to absorb some of the loss.
Combined with his 120 adjoining acreage, it was a good start.
In 1909 the acreage of hay alone was 675,000 acres, and the crop was 844,000 tons, valued at $11,225,000.
In 1900, 88.9% of its farm acreage was devoted to hay and forage crops, being more than doubled in the decade.
Flax and hemp showed a decreasing acreage from 1881 onwards.
The acreage of Indian corn in 1907 was 2,500,000 acres and the crop 42,500,000 bushels.
It was formerly in the ancient parish of Eglwysilan, but from that and Bedwas (Mon.) an ecclesiastical parish was formed in 1850, while the whole of the parishes of Eglwysilan and Llanfabon, with a total acreage of 14,426, were in 1893 constituted into an urban district; its population in 1901 was 15,385, of which 4343 were in the "town" ward.
The level of interest everyone is showing in some remote acreage is all out of whack, given its questionable value.
The crop of Indian corn in 1909 was 27,632,000 bushels, and the acreage 880,000.
AdvertisementThe wheat crop was 4,810,000 bushels, and the acreage 370,000.
Out of the total acreage under cereals 34% is generally sown with rye, 26% with wheat, 20% with oats and 102% with barley.
In 1902 the total irrigated acreage was 570,001, an increase of 13.1% in three years.
The sweet potato and pea-nut crops have also become very valuable; on the other hand the Census of 1900 showed a decline in acreage and production of cotton.
The total acreage of tobacco increased from 12,871 acres in 1906 to 27,596 acres in 1909; the total value of the exported tobacco products increased from $681,642 in 1901 to $5,634,130 in 1909.
AdvertisementIn 1904 only 951,802 acres, or 1.26% of the total acreage was under cultivation, and of the cultivated land nearly half was farmed by natives.
The administration and acreage of parks and open spaces, and their provisions for the public recreation, fall for consideration later, but some of them are notable features in the topography of London.
In 1909 the oat crop was 1 5,39 0, 000 bushels from 300,000 acres; the acreage of wheat in 1909 was 350,000 and the production 10,764,000 bushels; the acreage of barley in 1909 was 50,000 acres, and 1,900,000 bushels were raised; the acreage of Indian corn in 1909 was 5000 acres, and 175,000 bushels were grown.
The total acreage of spring wheat, the state's leading crop, in 1909 was 3,375,000 with a yield of 47,5 88, 000 bush.
Next in importance in 1909 came Indian corn with an acreage of 2,059,000 and a product of 65,270,000 bush.
AdvertisementColsa, grown chiefly in the lower basin of the Seine (SeineInfrieure and Eure), is the most important of the oil-producing plants, all of which show a diminishing acreage.
The London County Council's parks and open spaces increased in number from 40 in 1890 to 114 in 1907, and in acreage from 2656 to 5006 in the same years.
The total acreage of cereals (barley, buckwheat, Indian corn, oats, rye and wheat) decreased from acres in 1879 to 10,552 acres in 1899, and the total product of these crops decreased from 801,111 bu.
The acreage under pasture slightly exceeds that of tillage.
The farm colony at Hadleigh in Essex has a large acreage under cultivation, with fruit and market gardens and various industrial undertakings.
AdvertisementIn 1906 the acreage of Indian corn was 196,472 acres with a yield of 5,894,160 bushels valued at $2,475,547, and the acreage of wheat was 121,745 acres with a yield of 1,947,920 bushels valued at $1,383,023.
The total farm acreage was 125,807,017 acres in 1900, the total number of farms 1 being 351,085, their average acreage 358.3 acres, 84.9 per cent.
Texas ranked first in 1899 among the states in the production and value of cotton, the acreage of which increased from 2,178,435 acres in 1879 to 6,960,367 acres in 1899, and the number of commercial bales from.
According to the Department of Agriculture in 1907 the acreage was 9,160,000 and the yield 270,220,000 bushels (considerably less than the Illinois crop); the yield of oats was 168,364,170 bushels (Twelfth U.S. Census) in 18 99, 12 4,73 8, 337 bushels (U.S. Department of Agriculture) in 1902, and in 1907 the acreage and crop (greater than those of any other state) were 4,500,000 acres and 108,900,000 bushels, valued at $41,382,000 - a valuation second only to that of Illinois.
In total acreage of cereals (16,920,095 in 1899) it ranked first (Twelfth Census of the United States), and in product of cereals was exceeded by Illinois only; in acreage of hay and forage (4,649,378 in 1899) as well as in the annual supply of milk (535,872,240 gallons in 1899) it was exceeded by New York only.
Of the total acreage of all crops, 5,154,965 acres (54.1%) were of hay and 3,125,077 acres (32.8%) were of cereals.
In 1900, 11, 8 44,454 acres, or 12.7% of the area, was included in farms; of this, 1,736,701 acres, or 14.7%, was improved; 54.7% of the improved farm land was irrigated; 79.4% of the irrigated land was used for growing crops and 20.6% for pasturage; the total acreage of all crops was 1,151,674, and of this 755,865, or 65.6%, was irrigated.
In 1890 the total acreage devoted to farming was 11,396,460, which in 1900 had increased to 19,070,616.
The percentage of improved acreage, however, fell during the same period from 61.1% in 1890 to 59.2% in 1900.
Oats had an acreage of 1,450,000 and a product of 49,600,000 bush.
The hay acreage was 536,000 and the production, 804,000 tons.
A considerable acreage is under beans, and in Thanet mustard, spinach, canary seed and a variety of other seeds are raised.
The total farm acreage in 1890 was 7,660,333; in 1900, 15,542,640.
In the acreage of this cereal in 1909 (according to the Year-book of the U.S. Department of Agriculture), North Dakota ranked first, and in the crop second among the states of the Union, its total yield being 90,762,000 bushels, valued at $83,501,000.
In 1899 the total acreage of land ceded was 1,002,766 acres; in 1903 it was 1,077,295.
The total acreage of all crops in 1899 was 6,582,696.
The culture of tobacco, which is the second most valuable crop in the state, was begun in the north part about 1780 and in the west and south early in the 19th century, but it was late in that century before it was introduced to any considerable extent in the Blue Grass Region, where it was then in a measure substituted for the culture of hemp. By 1849 Kentucky ranked second only to Virginia in the production of tobacco, and in 1899 it was far ahead of any other state in both acreage and yield, there being in that year 384,805 acres, which was 34'9% of the total acreage in the continental United States, yielding 314,288,050 lb.
As compared with the state's Indian corn crop of that year, the acreage was only a little more than one-ninth, but the value ($18,541,982) was about 63%.
In 1909 the tobacco acreage in Kentucky was 420,000, the crop was 350,700,000 lb, valued at $37, 1 74, 200; the average price per pound had increased from 5'9 cents in 1899 to 10'6 cents in 1909.
Hay and forage, the fourth in value of the state's crops in 1899, were grown on 683,139 acres and amounted to 776,534 tons, valued at $6,100,647; in 1909 the acreage of hay was 480,000 and the crop of 653,000 tons was valued at $7,771,000.
Hay is the principal crop; in 1909 the acreage was 640,000 acres and the yield was 621,000 tons.
The total acreage of cereals decreased from 88,559 acres in 1879 to 61,498 acres in 1889, and to 4 2, 335 acres in 1899; during the latter decade that of Indian corn increased from 23,746 acres.
The potato crop of the same year was grown on 19,422 acres and amounted to 2,420,668 bushels valued at $1,090,495; in 1909 the acreage was 21,000, and the crop was 2,730,000 bushels, valued at $1,747,000.
The acreage of other vegetables in 1899 was 26,780 and the value of the market garden produce, including small fruits, which was sold, increased from $187,049 in 1889 to $394,283 in 1899 or 110.8%.
A large acreage of high-lying moorland near the city is maintained by the corporation as a public recreation ground.
The total wheat acreage, which at the census of 1901 was 4,224,000, was over 6,200,000 in 1906, an increase of nearly two million acres in five years.
In 1900 the wheat acreage in Ontario was 1,487,633, producing 28,418,907 bushels, an average yield of 19.10 bushels per acre.
A census taken in 1906 shows that the total acreage of wheat in the North-West Provinces was 5,062,493, yielding 110,586,824 bushels, an average in a fairly normal season of 21.84 bushels per acre.
Of this total wheat acreage, 2,721,079 acres were in Manitoba, 2,117,484 acres in Saskatchewan, and 223,930 acres in Alberta, with average yields per acre at the rates of 20.02 bushels in Manitoba, 23.70 in Saskatchewan and 26.49 in Alberta.
In all the provinces of eastern Canada the acreage under oats greatly exceeds that under wheat.
In 1907 the area under oats in Ontario was 2,932,509 acres and yielded 83,524,301 bushels, the area being almost as large as that of the acreage under hay and larger than the combined total of the other principal cereals grown in the province.
The cultivation of sugar beets for the manufacture of sugar has been established in Ontario and in southern Alberta, where in 1906 an acreage under this crop of 3344 yielded 27,211 tons, an average of 8.13 tons per acre.
Not half of the area has been brought under cultivation, and the acreage under wood is insignificant.
The farm acreage in 1900 was 20,685,427 acres (62% of the entire surface of the state), of which 8,654,991 acres (41.8%) were improved.
The acreage and product of tobacco and peanuts increased from 1890 to 1900 respectively 188% and 319.2%, and 92.6% and 129.9%, and in the production of sweet potatoes Georgia was in 1899 surpassed only by North Carolina.
Truck farming and the cultivation of orchard and small fruits have long been remunerative occupations; the acreage devoted to peaches doubled between 1890 and 1900.
Of the total crop acreage in 1899 nearly two-fifths was devoted to hay and forage, and the value of the hay crop in 1909 1 (when the crop was 3,74 2, 000 tons, valued at $54,633,000) was greater than that of any other state in the Union except New York.
More than one-half of the crop acreage in 1899 was devoted to cereals, and of the total cereal acreage 32% was of wheat, 31.
A large proportion of the total acreage (288) of the Gardens is monopolized by the arboretum.
The total acreage supplied by such means was probably less than 1% of that watered by gravity systems.
The acreage held by the first class was 1,264,084, that by the second class, 2,356,602.
The acreage devoted to any other crop is practically infinitesimal, though in the eastern part more attention is paid to fruit-growing than perhaps in any other part of South Wales.
Table XI., however, shows that in most cases, even when the acreage occupied by crops is smaller, the estimated yield to the acre shows a distinct improvement, the result of enhanced skill and industry, and the
The acreage devoted to orchards rose from 1562 in 1880 to 2482 in 1905.
Within sixty years this area had declined to 734,490 acres, but with renewed attention to forestry and encouragement of planting the area had grown in 1895 to 878,675 acres; by 1905, however, the acreage was practically unchanged.
From 1850 until 1879 Illinois also led in the production of wheat; the competition of the more western states, however, caused a great decline in both acreage and production of that cereal, the state's rank in the number of bushels produced declining to third in 1889 and to fourteenth in 1899, but the crop and yield per acre in 1902 was larger than any since 1894; in 1905 the state ranked ninth, in 1906 eighth and in 1907 fifth (the crop being 40,104,000 bushels) among the wheat-growing states of the country.
The cultivation of jute is confined to a comparatively restricted area, more than three-fourths of the total acreage being in eastern Bengal and Assam, while nearly the whole of the remaining fourth is in Bengal.
The total acreage in 1902 was 177,620 acres, and in 1907 the yield for export was 118,395 tons.
It is grown most extensively in the valley of the Cagayan river, in 1902 the total acreage in the archipelago was about 254,470.
Cereals are given more than twice as much acreage as cotton, but yield only a third as great aggregate returns, Indian corn being much the most remunerative; about three-fourths of the cereal acreage are given to its cultivation, and it ranks after cotton in value of harvest.'
The total farm acreage in 1900 was 28,828,951 acres, of which 41.5% were improved; since 1880 the absolute amount of improved land has remained practically constant, despite the extraordinary progress of the state in these years.
Of the acreage devoted to alfalfa in 1899, 76.2% was irrigated; of that devoted to subtropical fruits, 71.7%.
The acreage given to it in 1899 was one-fourth the total cereal acreage, and San Francisco in 1902-1904 was the shipping point of the larger part of American exported barley, of (roughly) three-quarters in 1902, seven-eighths in 1903 and four-fifths in 1904.
The great increase in the acreage of barley, which was 22-5% of the country's barley acreage in 1906, and 24.2% in 1 9 05, is one reason for the decreased production of wheat.
In 1899 cereals represented more than a third of the total crop acreage and crop product ($93,641,334) of the state.
In 1899 hay and grain represented slightly more than a third of the farm acreage and capital and also of the value of all farm products; live-stock and dairy farms represented slightly more than half the acreage, and slightly under 30% of the capital and produce; fruit farms absorbed 6.2% of the acreage and 27% of the capital, and returned 22.5% of the value of farm produce.
The large increase in unimproved acreage in farms was principally due to the increased importance in sheep-raising.
The present output amounts to roughly 150 million gallons, and the acreage under the vine has increased from 107,048 hectares in 1890 to 167,657 hectares in 1905.
The acreage of improved lands in 1900 was returned by the federal census as 2,273,968, three times as much being unimproved; the land improved constituted 3.4% of the state's area.
The total acreage, however, rose from 787,882 in 1890 to 5,130,878 in 1900, an increase of 551.2%.
This decrease in the proportion of improved acreage and increase in the average size of the farms is due to the increased use of lands for grazing purposes.
The extent of flax cultivation in Ireland is considerable, but the acreage has been gradually diminishing during late years.
Then for five successive years the acreage was above 108,000.
The improved acreage more than quintupled from 1880 to 1900.
Of the total farm acreage of the state 97.6% were held in 1900 by the whites; and of these 80 2% owned in whole or in part the land they cultivated.
The number of farms increased from 1885 in 1880 to 6603 in 1890 and to 17,471 in 1900; the farm acreage from 327,798 in 1880 to 1,302,256 in 1890 and to 3,204,903 acres in 1900; the irrigated area (exclusive of farms on Indian reservations) from 217,005 acres in 1889 to 602,568 acres in 1899; the value of products increased from $1,515,314 in 1879 to $3,848,930 in 1889, and to $18,051,625 in 1899; the value of farm land with improvements (including buildings) from $2,832,890 in 1880 to $17,431,580 in 1890 and $42,318,183 in 1900; the value of implements and machinery from $363,930 in 1880 to $1,172,460 in 1890 and to $3,295,045 in 190o; and that of live-stock from $4,023,800 in 1880 to $7,253,490 in 1890 and to $21,657,974 in 1900.
Of the total acreage in 1900 of all crops 58' 3% was in cereals and 28'8% in hay and forage; of the acreage of cereals 40' 8% was in wheat, 31 8% in Indian corn, 21 6% in oats and 3.7% in rye.
In 1900 very little more land was under cultivation than in 1850, the total acreage for these years being respectively 2,840,966 and 2,752,946.
The counties with the largest total acreage were Burlington (343,096), Sussex (256,896) and Hunterdon (248,733).
Of the total acreage in cereals in 1907, 278,000 acres were in Indian corn; 108,000 in wheat; 78,000 in rye; and 60,000 in oats.
In the total acreage devoted to the raising of vegetables in marketable quantities New Jersey in 1900 was surpassed by only two other states.
Hay is still by far the largest crop, the acreage of it and of forage in 1899 being 1,270,254 acres, or 76.5% of that of all crops, and the yield was 1,133,932 tons; in 1907 the acreage was 1,400,000 acres, and the crop was 2,100,000 tons.
The acreage of cereals decreased from 187,013 in 1880, when agriculture in Aroostook county was little developed, to 166,896 in 1899, when the cereal acreage in Aroostook county alone was 82,069.
Maine potatoes are of a superior quality, and the acreage of this crop increased from 49,617 in 1889 to 118,000 in 1907.
In 1900, of the total improved acreage (1,029,226 acres) 61.2% (629,293 acres) was irrigated; and in 1899, of the 686,374 acres in crops, 537,588 acres, or 78.3%.
In 1899 hay and grain furnished the principal income from 35.4% of all farms in the state, and live-stock from 28.1% of all farms. In 1899, 255,699 acres, or 37.3% of the acreage of all crops, was sown to cereals, which were valued at $2,386,789, or 29% of the value of all crops.
The value of the hay and forage crop in 1899 was $3,862,820, or 46.9% of the value of all crops, and its acreage was 388,043 acres, or 56.5% of the acreage of all crops; in 1909, the acreage in hay was 375,000 acres, and its value was $9,792,000.
The vegetable crop in 1899 occupied 24,042 acres, or 3.5% of the acreage of all crops, and its value was 81,250,713, or 15.2% of the value of all crops.
Within its borders or close about them are the centres of total and of improved farm acreage, of total farm values, of gross farm income, of the growth of Indian corn, of wheat, and of oats.
Sheep and cattle are raised extensively on ranches in the semi-arid regions, large herds of cattle are kept on lands too wet for cultivation in the western counties, and stock-raising and dairying have become important factors in the operation of many of the best farms. The acreage of wheat was 810,000 in 1909 and the crop was 16,377,000 bushels.
In 1908 there were in the city under the jurisdiction of the department of public parks and squares 13 parks of Io acres or more each and 33 squares, and the total acreage of parks was 2188 acres and of squares 86.53 acres.
As late as 1880 Indiana was an important timber-producing state, but in 1900 less than 30% of the total acreage of the state - only about 10,800 sq.
The principal crops in which the state has maintained a high relative rank are Indian corn, wheat and hay; the acreage devoted to each of these increased considerably in the decade 1890-1900.
In 1907, according to the Department of Agriculture, the acreage of Indian corn was 4,690,000 acres (7th of the states), and the yield was 168,840,000 bushels (5th of the states); of wheat, 2,362,000 acres (6th of the states) was planted, and the crop was 34,013,000 bushels (7th of the states); and 2,328,000 acres of hay (the 8th largest acreage among the states of the United States) produced 3,143,000 tons (the 8th largest crop).
In this western third the rainfall is insufficient for Indian corn; but Kafir corn, an exceptional drought-resisting cereal, has made extraordinary progress in this region, and indeed generally over the state, since 1893, its acreage increasing 416'1% in the decade 1895-1904.
Alfalfa showed an increased acreage in1895-1904of 310'8%; it is valuable in the west for the same qualities as the Kafir corn.
In 1909 the acreage of hay was 2,369,000 and the value of the crop $34,800,000.
That wonderful agricultural region, extending from the international line on the north to the 37th parallel, and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Tooth meridian, and comprising 26 states, produces 76% of the American wheat crop. This region, which contains only 30% of the land surface of the country, but embraces 60% of its total farm area and 70% of its improved farm acreage, is the greatest cereal-producing region of the world.
Limiting attention to the great cereal-producing region described above, let us see what the prospects are for increasing the acreage and the yield.
An important factor to be mentioned in this connexion is the change in the distribution of the acreage under wheat, consequent upon falling prices.
Gradually these lands were passed over to crops better suited to them; while at the same time the wheat acreage was increased in districts having a better rate of yield."
Wheat is grown year after year without rotation - except in a few cases - on a third or more of our wheat acreage; not one acre in fifty is directly fertilized for the crop, and only a minimum amount of attention is given to the betterment of seed stock.
Of the total acreage of all crops in 1900, 4,431,819 acres, or 68.64%, were of cereals; and of the cereal acreage 56.45% was of Indian corn, 34.45% was of wheat and 7.15% was of oats.
The acreage of Indian corn increased from The statistics in this article were obtained by adding to those for Oklahoma those for Indian Territory, which was combined with it in 1907.
The acreage of wheat decreased during this period from 1,704,909 acres to 1,225,000 acres, and the yield from 20,328,300 bushels to 15,680,000 bushels.
The acreage of oats increased from 317,076 acres to 550,000 acres, and the yield increased from 9,5 11, 34 0 bushels to 15,950,000 bushels.
The hay crop of 1899 was grown on 1,095,706 acres and amounted to 1,617,905 tons, but nearly one-half of this was made from wild grasses; since then the amounts of fodder obtained from alfalfa, Kafir corn, sorghum cane and timothy have much increased, and that obtained from wild grasses has decreased; in 1909 the acreage was 900,000 and the crop 810,000 tons.
Winter wheat is used extensively for pasturage during the winter months with little or no damage to the crop. No other branch of agriculture in Oklahoma has advanced so rapidly as the production of cotton; the culture of this fibre was introduced in 1890, and the acreage increased from 682,743 acres in 1899 to 2,037,000 acres in 1909, and the yield increased from 227,741 bales to 617,000 bales (in 1907 it was 862,383 bales).
Two crops of potatoes may be grown on the same ground in one year, and the acreage of potatoes increased from 15,360 acres in 1899 to 27,000 acres in 1909, and the yield from 1,191,997 bushels to 1,890,000 bushels.
Springfield has a good system of parks (under a board of park commissioners) with a total acreage of 550 acres.
Up to 1861, as the area formerly under potatoes came back gradually into cultivation, the acreage under crops increased; but since that year, when the total crop area was 5,890,536 acres, there has been a steady and gradual decline, the area in 1905 having fallen to 4,656,227 acres.
An analysis of the returns shows that theydecline has been most marked in the acreage under cereal crops, especially wheat.
In 1847 the number of acres under wheat was 743,871 and there has been a steady and practically continuous decrease ever since, the wheat acreage in 1905 being only 37,860 acres.
There has been a very considerable decrease since about 1861 in the acreage under potatoes.
Since about 1885 the acreage under turnips has remained fairly stationary in the neighbourhood of 300,000 acres, while the cultivation of mangel-wurzel has considerably increased.
The total acreage in farms in 1880 was 13,457,613 acres, of which 4132 acres were improved; in 1890, 13,184,652 acres, of which 5,255,237 acres were improved; and in 1900, 13,985,014 acres, of which 5,755,741 acres were improved.
Wild, salt and prairie grasses make up the bulk of the forage acreage, but the cultivated crops - especially millet and Hungarian grasses and alfalfa - are more important.
From 1880 to 1890 the acreage devoted to wheat greatly diminished, because the spring variety was not relatively remunerative, but the acreage trebled in the next decade as autumn planting increased.
In fact the yield of this section relatively to cultivated acreage is normally fully equal to that of the eastern section; a result quite consistent with the scientifically proven fertility of semi-arid lands.
The extent of irrigated acreage increased about thirteen-fold from 1889 to 1899.
The greatest part of the irrigated acreage is in the valley of the North Platte and the Upper Platte - probably nine-tenths in 1906 - in Scotts Bluff, Lincoln, Cheyenne, Dawson, Keith and Deuel counties.
In the same decade Indian corn, potatoes and tobacco were the only staples whose acreage increased and the production of all cereals except Indian corn and buckwheat declined.
Dairying was responsible for the increased production between 1889 and 1899 of Indian corn and the large acreage in hay, which surpassed that of any other crop, but many hay and grain farms were afterwards abandoned.
Other evidences of the transition in agricultural life are that in Tolland and Windham counties the value of farm buildings exceeded that of farm land, that in Middlesex and Fairfield counties the acreage as well as the value of the farms declined, that native farm labour and ownership were being replaced by foreign labour and ownership; while dependent land tenure is insignificant, 87% of the farms being worked by their owners.
Anyway, she knew every nook and cranny of her acreage.
In the United States, planted biotech acreage increased 10 percent in 2004.
A growing acreage of Grain Maize is now being harvested.
There are already plans to increase the acreage given over to garlic.
Hood provided a backdrop to the vast acreage of coniferous forest in the Pacific north west of the USA.
Investors in raw acreage can be classified as either speculators or developers, as can purchasers of small lots.
A large acreage of barley is grown for malting used by the brewing industry.
October 16 th 1816 Post Mill and house with a small acreage to be let.
But it would be limited also by the necessity to leave some wilderness tracts of significant acreage unused.
The USDA predicts biotech soybean acreage will increase to 54 million, 3.3 million more than last year.
In 2004, farmers in the state of Andhra Pradesh grew Bt cotton on 10% of the cotton acreage.
In fact, I'm actually considering putting our entire rape acreage down to the variety for the coming season.
Uruguay and Romania reported significant growth in biotech crop acreage.
The total acreage of all land included in farms increased from 3,459,018 acres in 1890 to 3,609,784 acres in 1900, or from 60% to 62.6% of the total land area of the state, but the improved portion of this decreased during the decade from 1,727,387 acres to 1,076,879 acres, or from 49'9% to 29.8%; in no other state east of the Mississippi river was so small a proportion of the farm land improved at the close of the decade, although in Florida it was only a trifle larger.
Safflower is a low acreage crop that can be easily segregated from other safflower production.
A farmer gift guide can be an invaluable resource for choosing appropriate and thoughtful gifts for anyone with a farming lifestyle, whether their family has been farming large acreage for generations or they're a casual small farm owner.
Simple acreage, combined with the NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) effect, means it is getting more and more difficult to find a place to create a new landfill.
Whether you have a little vegetable patch or a fully landscaped acreage, enhancing organic matter with more organic material instead of chemicals offers a number of benefits.
In 2009, only Spain outproduced France in acreage of wine grapes grown.
In spite of falling behind in acreage, however, France outpaces both Spain and Italy in production, producing a full 17.5 percent of the world's wine supply, or nearly 5 million liters.
The Alexander Valley property increased their acreage and this winery produces almost double the volume of the Napa Valley estate.
These may include multifamily properties, single family properties, farms, lots, acreage, buildings, machinery, equipment, and more.
Throughout the early 1900s, the facility became a central treatment facility for the State's mentally ill, with many buildings stretching out over a large acreage.
Forage Crops.The mangold-wurzel, occupying four times the acreage of swedes and turnips, is by far the chief root-crop in France.
The acreage of cotton increased from 2,106,215 acres in 1879 to 3,220,000 in 1907; the yield increased from 936,111 bales in 1879 to 1,468,177 bales in 1907.
This, however, was not the case, for a fairly uniform decrease in the barley area was accompanied by somewhat irregular fluctuations in the acreage of oats.
The acreage of wheat, therefore, fluctuated the most, and that of oats the least.
The acreage of rye grown in the United Kingdom as a grain crop is small, the respective maximum and minimum areas during the period 1875-1905 having been 102,676 acres in 1894 and 47,937 acres in 1880.
Whilst the returns relating to the acreage of crops and the number of live stock in Great Britain have been officially collected in each year since 1866, the annual official estimates of the produce of the crops in the several sections of the kingdom do not extend back beyond 1885.
The total produce of any crop in a given year must depend mainly upon the acreage grown, whilst the average yield per acre will be determined chiefly by the character of the season.
A large expansion in the acreage of the wheat crop would probably be attended by a decline in the average yield per acre, for when a United Kingdom, 1895-1904.
In 1900 the acreage of cereals constituted 68.4% of the acreage of all crops, and the acreage of Indian corn, wheat and oats constituted 99.3% of the total acreage of cereals.
In the cotton belt of the United States it would be possible to put a still greater acreage under this crop, but the tendency is rather towards what is known as " diversified " or mixed farming than to making cotton the sole important crop. Cotton, however, is in increasing demand, and the problem for the American cotton planter is to obtain a better yield of cotton from the same area, - by " better yield " meaning an increase not only in quantity but also in quality of lint.
In 1899 the acreage had increased to 24,275,101 and the crop to 9,507,786 bales.
The table indicates the chief cottonproducing islands, the acreage in each, yield, average value per pound and total value of the crop in 1905-1906.
In 1906-1907 the acreage was substantially increased in many of the islands, e.g.
Malta.-Cotton has long been cultivated in Malta, but the acreage diminished from 1750 acres in 1899 to 670 acres in 1906.
As the number of farms increased faster than the cultivated area from 1850 to 1900, the average size of farms declined from 444 acres in 1860 to 140 in 1880 and to 106.9 in 190o, the largest class of farms being those with an acreage varying from 20 to 50 acres.
In 1907 the acreage (265,000 acres) was less than in any cotton-growing state except Missouri and Virginia; the crop for 1907-1908 was 49,794 bales.
The acreage, however, decreased from 178,155 acres in 1906 to 155,778 acres in 1909, and in the latter year the crop fell to 28,489,263 lb.
Cotton is the principal crop. In 1907 Louisiana ranked eighth in acreage of cotton (1,622,000 acres) among the states of the United States, and in1907-1908the cotton crop (675,428 bales) was eighth among the crops of the states.
In 1902 nearly one-eighth of the acreage irrigated was by systems supplied from wells.
Lands with an acreage below 246 ac. are not expropriated.
In 1907 the acreage had increased to 2330, the yield to 413,316 Ib, and the value to £6889.
The acreage of improved farm land in Rhode Island decreased from 356,487 in 1850 to in 1900, but the value of farm property (including land with improvements, implements, machinery and live stock) increased in the same period from $19,100,640 to $26,989,189.
New York has a larger acreage of vegetables than any other state.
Of the total acreage of all crops in 18 99, 8 75,7 12 acres, or 76%, were hay and forage, and 254,231 acres, or 22.1%, were cereals; of the cereal acreage 52.7% was oats, 36.