Acquisition Sentence Examples
But as to the date of that acquisition there is doubt.
There are several reasons for the unsatisfactory financial results apart from the high price paid for the acquisition of the telegraphs.
This enterprise and the acquisition of Finland from Sweden, which Napoleon also dangled before the eyes of the tsar, formed the bait which brought that potentate into Napoleon's Continental System.
Very little new capital was invested by the telegraph companies about 1865 because of the natural reluctance of the companies to extend the systems under their control so long as a proposal for their acquisition by the state was under consideration.
Program was designed based on findings from language acquisition research.
During our beta period, we easily surpassed all our customer acquisition goals.
By the ensuing peace of Adrianople, Russia still further enlarged her Transcaucasian territories by the acquisition of the districts of Kars, Batum and Ardahan.
This acquisition linked the county of Sens, acquired in 1055, with the rest of the domain round Paris, Melun and Orleans.
Only those who are with her daily can realize the rapid advancement which she is making in the acquisition of language.
See the full list of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition.
AdvertisementIn his dealings with money, he was characterized rather by liberality of expenditure than by carefulness of acquisition.
Abstract ABSTRACT What should be the role of AI in computer supported vocabulary acquisition?
The acquisition is expected to add approximately 230 million therms to Centrica 's equity gas portfolio.
Behavior therapy may help autistic children progress in speech acquisition.
The Malay language abounds in idiomatic expressions, which constitute the chief difficulty in its acquisition.
AdvertisementEverywhere - at Rome, at Treves, at Moutier-en-Der, at Gerona in Spain, at Barcelona - he had friends or agents to procure him copies of the great Latin writers for Bobbio or Reims. To the abbot of Tours he writes that he is "labouring assiduously to form a library," and "throughout Italy, Germany and Lorraine (Belgica) is spending vast sums of money in the acquisition of MSS."
The Thirty Years' War exercised a most prejudicial effect upon the district of the Rhine; and the peace of Westphalia gave France a footing on the left bank of the hitherto exclusively German river by the acquisition of Alsace.
The 24th of June, 1904, was the date fixed on which control passed to the Board, and in the meantime a Court of Arbitration adjudicated the claims of the companies for compensation for the acquisition of their properties.
A footing had no doubt been gained at Suvla, giving the Allies control of a fairly well-sheltered inlet on the outer coast of the peninsula; but as the high ground within easy artillery range of the landing-places, and which overlooked the whole occupied area, remained in the hands of the Turks, much of the benefit hoped for from the acquisition was in reality neutralized.
On the introduction of Bismarck's plan for the acquisition of the railways by the state, Delbriick resigned office, nominally on the ground of ill-health (June 1, 1876).
AdvertisementWhatever power they did secure, whether as potent subsidiary organs of the municipal polity for the regulation of trade, or as the chief or sole medium for the acquisition of citizenship, or as integral parts of the common council, was, generally speaking, the logical sequence of a gradual economic development, and not the outgrowth of a revolutionary movement by which oppressed craftsmen endeavoured to throw off the yoke of an arrogant patrician gild merchant.
The subsequent regulation of the former suburbs has to a large extent covered its own expenses through the acquisition by the town of the improved area.
The powers were generally less concerned for the captives than for the acquisition of trading privileges, and the Beys took advantage of the commercial rivalry of England and France to play off the one power against the other.
After the evacuation of Lima by the Chileans Palma devoted his life to the recovery of his scattered books and the acquisition of new collections, and he had the satisfaction before his death of re-opening the library, which had obtained about 30,000 volumes, or three-fourths of the number on its shelves before the Chilean invasion.
Munich's importance in the history of art is entirely of modern growth, and may be dated from the acquisition of the Aeginetan marbles by Louis I., then crown prince, in 1812.
AdvertisementPotent, however, as such a vehicle is for expressing thought, its ideographic script constitutes a great obstacle to general acquisition, and the Japanese soon applied themselves to minimizing the difficulty by substituting a phonetic system.
The special duty which he enjoined upon the inmates was the acquisition of knowledge, both sacred and profane, the latter, however, being subordinated to the former.
At this congress the differences between Casimir and John of Bohemia were finally adjusted; peace was made between the king of Poland and the Teutonic Order on the basis of the cession of Pomerania, Kulm, and Michalow to the knights, who retroceded Kujavia and Dobrzyn; and the kings of Hungary and Poland further agreed to assist each other in the acquisition of the south-eastern border province of Halicz, or Red Russia (very nearly corresponding to the modern Galicia), in case the necessity for intervention should arise.
The rough surroundings of the Frankish court were unfavourable to the acquisition of learning, and Charles grew up almost ignorant of letters, but hardy in body and skilled in the use of weapons.
Owing to the peaceful character of its acquisition and the relative strength of the Romance (French) element, Louisiana continued the use of the Civil Law.
The state was never the scene of active military operations during the 1 This acquisition of foreign territory by joint resolution instead of by treaty was followed in the case of Hawaii in 1898.
Its gradual acquisition of civic rights followed the same line of development as in the German episcopal cities.
In 1861 he published his great atlas of the republic of Peru, and in 1868 the first volume of his history of Peru after the acquisition of her independence.
His life was prosperous, for from his first prize at the university till his acquisition of an earldom, he went on a course of almost unbroken success.
On reaching Italy Czartoryski found that the monarch to whom he was accredited was a king without a kingdom, so that the outcome of his first diplomatic mission was a pleasant tour through Italy to Naples, the acquisition of the Italian language, and a careful exploration of the antiquities of Rome.
In the 9th century the interpretation was extended to include all acquisition of ecclesiastical offices or benefices for money or money's worth.
It is to him that Poland owed the important acquisition of the greater part of Red Russia, or Galicia, which enabled her to secure her fair share of the northern and eastern trade.
The acquisition of the Prussian lands was vital to the existence of Poland.
In purely political matters also both initiative and fulfilment came entirely from the Crown, and to the last of the Jagiellos Poland owed the important acquisition of Livonia and the welding together of her loosely connected component parts into a single state by the Union of.
He regarded the acquisition of knowledge as an end in itself, and in consequence he gained a wider outlook on the aims of scientific inquiry than had been enjoyed by his predecessors for many centuries.
The partition of the Pacific islands never led to any serious friction between the powers, though the acquisition of Hawaii was attempted by Britain, France and Japan before the United States annexed the group, and the negotiations as to Samoa threatened trouble for a while.
He thinks the public at large may with propriety not only facilitate and encourage, but even impose upon almost the whole body of the people, the acquisition in youth of the most essential elements of education.
One of the causes of these sudden advances is undoubtedly to be found in the acquisition of a new and extremely useful character., Thus the perfect jaw and the perfect pair of lateral fins when first acquired among the fishes favoured a very rapid and for a time unchecked development.
It by no means follows, however, from this incontrovertible evidence that the acquisition either of the jaw or of the lateral fins had not been in itself an extremely gradual process.
Thus both invertebrate and vertebrate palaeontologists have reached independently the conclusion that the evolution of groups is not continuously at a uniform rate, but that there are, especially in the beginnings of new phyla or at the time of acquisition of new organs, sudden variations in the rate of evolution which have been termed variously " rhythmic," "pulsating," " efflorescent," "intermittent " and even " explosive " (Deperet).
The proper adjustment of the reins is the next thing to be attended to, and as the management of these depends so much upon the seat being firm and independent of the bridle the acquisition of a firm seat is certainly half-way towards the acquirement of good hands.
The May-flies are remarkably primitive in certain of their characters, notably the elongate cerci, the paired, entirely mesodermal genital ducts, and the occurrence of an ecdysis after the acquisition of functional wings.
The acquisition of Khelat led, however, to a new war, as Kaikobad's ally, the Ayyubite prince, envied him this conquest.
He saw the invasion of Poland by the Reformation, and the democratic upheaval which placed all political power in the hands of the szlachta; he saw the collapse of the ancient order of the Knights of the Sword in the north (which led to the acquisition of Livonia by the republic) and the consolidation of the Turkish power in the south.
It was added to from time to time, the last and principal acquisition being that of Toftfield (afterwards named Huntlyburn), purchased in 1817.
The acquisition of Egypt had been an object of the Franks since the days of Baldwin I.
On the other hand, it was natural for Nureddin to attempt to secure Egypt, both because it was the terminus of the trading route which ran from Damascus and because the acquisition of Egypt would enable him to surround the Latin kingdom.
Its acquisition by Canada and the influx of settlers from Eastern Canada led to the greater importance of Winnipeg, as the new town was now generally called.
He had concluded peace with the Porte (June 13, 1700) on very advantageous terms, in order to devote himself wholly to a war with Sweden to the end that Russia might gain her proper place on the Baltic. The possession of an ice-free seaboard was essential to her natural development; the creation of a fleet would follow inevitably upon the acquisition of such a seaboard; and she could not hope to obtain her due share of the trade and commerce of the world till she possessed both.
The war which lasted from May 1722 to September 1723 was altogether successful, resulting in the acquisition of the towns of Baku and Derbent.
In consequence of this acquisition of territory by Germany and the subsequent seizure of Port Arthur by Russia, Great Britain accepted the lease of Wei-hai-wei on the same terms. The convention confirming this arrangement was signed on the 1st of July 1898.
Philo tells us expressly that they rejected logic as unnecessary to the acquisition of virtue, and speculation on nature as too lofty for the human intellect.
On the acquisition of the market rights by the town from Lord Vernon in 1847 the corporation secured the site of Vernon Park, in which stands a museum presented in 1858 by James Kershaw and John Benjamin Smith.
Henry's power impressed the imagination of his contemporaries, who credited him with aiming at the conquest of France and the acquisition of the imperial title.
Although originally situated exclusively on the north or right bank of the Maas, in 1869 Rotterdam was extended to the southern shore by the acquisition of the commune of Feienoord; while in 1886 Delftshaven on the west, and in 1895 Charlois on the south-west and Kralingen on the east, were also incorporated.
The recovery of the Upper Palatinate made Bavaria compact; the acquisition of the electoral vote made it influential; and the duchy was able to play a part in European politics which intestine strife had rendered impossible for the past four hundred years.
It is only during the period of acquisition of money, and before the rise in prices, that the accumulation of precious metals is advantageous.
England and Holland were determined to prevent, however, at all costs the acquisition of Belgium by a French prince, and a coalition, known as the Grand Alliance, was formed between these two powers and the empire to uphold the claims of the archduke Charles, second son of the emperor.
This latter acquisition is the principal object of warping, and it excites astonishment to witness how soon a new soil may be formed.
But Germany, or the German empire, as it is now understood, was formed in 1871 by virtue of treaties between the North German Confederation and the South German states, and by the acquisition, in the peace of Frankfort (May 10, 1871), of Alsace-Lorraine, and embraces all the countries of the former German Confederation, with the exception of Austria, Luxemburg, Limburg and Liechtenstein.
He also interfered in the affairs of Burgundy, but the acquisition of this kingdom was the work of his successor, Conrad II.
The event which threw the greatest lustre upon this reign was the acquisition of the kingdom of Burgundy, or Aries, which was bequeathed to Conrad by its king, Rudolph III., the uncle of his wife, Gisela.
Of the German states represented in it even Prussia, by the acquisition of Posen, had become a non-German power; the Habsburg monarchy was predominantly non-German; Hanover was attached to the crown of Great Britain, Holstein to that of Denmark, Luxemburg to that of the Netherlands.
Lastly, the conscience of King William, though since the acquisition of Lauenburg he had developed a taste for conquest, shrank from provoking war with a German power.
Yet, in setting it up, Bismarck had in mind the ultimate acquisition of all the railways by the empire.
The acquisition of German colonies was really the logical and almost necessary sequel of a protective policy.
Their immediate object was the acquisition of trading stations.
His conversion to the views of the colonial party was gradual, as was seen in his attitude to the proposed acquisition of German Afrk stations in South-West Africa.
The acquisition of Samoa, where German interests were most extensive, was prevented (for the time being) by the arrangement made in 1879 with Great Britain and the United States.
The last acquisition was not kept.
The acquisition of Heligoland enabled a new naval station to be established off the mouth of the Elbe; the completion of the canal from Kid to the mouth of the Elbe, by enabling ships of war to pass from the Baltic to the North Sea greatly increased the strategic strength of the fleet.
The materials for narrating the acquisition by England of its Indian Empire were put into shape for the first time; a vast body of political theory was brought to bear on the delineation of the Hindu civilization; and the conduct of the actors in the successive stages of the conquest and administration of India was subjected to a severe criticism.
The interests of the Austrian margraves and dukes were not confined to the acquisition of wealth either in land or chattels.
Meanwhile the acquisition of neighbouring territories had been steadily pressed on.
In 1731 Great Britain and Holland agreed to respect it, in return for the cession of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla to Don Carlos; but the hostility of the Bourbon powers continued, resulting in 1733 in the War of Polish Succession, the outcome of which was the acquisition of Lorraine by France, and of Naples, Sicily and the Tuscan ports by Don Carlos, while the power of the Habsburg monarchy in northern Italy was strengthened by the acquisition of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla.
Her own share of the spoils was the acquisition, by the first treaty of partition (August 5, 1772), of Galicia f and Lodomeria.
At Constantinople, too, Austria once more supported Russian policy, and was rewarded, in 1777, by the acquisition of Bukovina from Turkey.
Another form of state socialism was the acquisition of railways by the state.
Originally railways had been built by private enterprise, supported in some cases by a state guarantee; a law of 1877 permitted the acquisition of private lines; when Taaffe retired the state possessed nearly 5000 m.
On their acquisition of the country in 1884 the Germans extended the use of the name in its Teutonic formKamerun - to the whole protectorate.
The development of the poll-tax imposed on members of tolerated cults seems to be due to various causes, chief of them the acquisition of land by Moslems, who were not at first allowed to possess any, the conversion of Coptic landowners to Islam, and the enforcement (towards the end of the 1st century of Islam) of the poll-tax on monks.
Similarly he was able to celebrate worthily, in the presence of the then Prince of Wales, the acquisition by Quebec of the Plains of Abraham for public purposes, without hurting the susceptibilities of the French-Canadians.
Akinetes are ordinary thallus cells, which on account of their acquisition of a thick wall are capable of surviving unfavourable conditions.
While Mary was arranging a marriage between Bothwell and the late Huntly's daughter, Lady Jane Gordon, Darnley intrigued with Lord Ruthven and George Douglas, a bastard kinsman of Morton, for the murder of Riccio, and for his own acquisition of the crown matrimonial.
And, since the strongest motive in the pilgrimage was the acquisition of indulgences, unnumbered thousands were moved to assume the Cross, when, in 1095, Urban II.
To him Munich owes the acquisition of the famous Rhenish collection of the Boisseree brothers.
On the first important question that came before him in the Senate, the acquisition of Louisiana, he voted with the Republicans, regardless of the opposition of his own section.
As secretary of state, Adams played the leading part in two most important episodes, - the acquisition of Florida and the promulgation of the Monroe Doctrine.
Ever since the acquisition of Louisiana successive administrations had sought to include a part at least of Florida in that purchase.
It enshrines the result of certain influences, the teaching of certain truths, and the acquisition of new conceptions of the relations between man and man, and man and God.
He carried a great scheme for the gradual acquisition of the railways by the state and the construction of new lines at a cost of three milliards, and for the development of the canal system at a further cost of one milliard.
He opposed the acquisition by the United States of the Philippine Islands, became president of the Anti-Imperialistic League, and was a presidential elector on the Bryan (Democratic) ticket in 1900.
Largely owing to Howe's statesmanship responsible government was finally conceded in 1848 by the imperial authorities, and was thus gained without the bloodshed and confusion which marked its acquisition in Ontario and Quebec. In 1850 he was appointed a delegate to England on behalf of the Intercolonial railway, for which he obtained a large imperial guarantee.
This unification was completed (except for Brittany) and the frontiers enlarged by the acquisition, upon the death of Rene of Anjou in 1480, of the duchies of Anjou and Bar, and in 1481 of Maine and Provence upon the death of Charles II., count of Maine.
The progress in the acquisition of occupancy rights by tenants may be judged from the fact that, whereas in 1877 it was stated of the Champaran district that the cultivator had hardly acquired any permanent interest in the soil, the settlement officer in 1900 reported that 87% of the occupied area was in the possession of tenants with occupancy rights or holding at fixed rates.
For more than a hundred years, from its acquisition in 1661 to the outbreak of the first IIahratti war in 1775, the British on the west coast possessed no territory outside the island of Bombay and their fortified factory at Surat.
The history of the colony since its acquisition by Great Britain has been one of social and political evolution.
The judicial committee, however, rested its decision chiefly on the allegation that the acquisition of the territory was an act of state and that "no municipal court had authority to enforce such an obligation" as the duty of the new government to respect existing titles.
The most permanent interest of the history of the United States is the picture it offers of a primitive democratic society transformed by prosperity and the acquisition of capital into a great republican commonwealth.
In 1765, after the battle of Buxar, when the nawab of Oudh had been decisively defeated and Shah Alam, the Mogul emperor, was a suppliant in the British camp, Lord Clive was content to claim no acquisition of territory.
The expert on the other hand may be supposed, in the case of facts over which he has not himself brooded in the course of their acquisition, to approach them without any presumption this way or that.
The company's acquisition of territory was viewed with considerable dissatisfaction by many of the natives, and this found expression in frequent acts of violence.
A special feature of the Sakti cult is the use of obscure Vedic mantras, often changed so as to be quite meaningless and on that very account deemed the more efficacious for the acquisition of superhuman powers; as well as of mystic letters and syllables called bija (germ), of magic circles (chakra) and diagrams (yantra), and of amulets of various materials inscribed with formulae of fancied mysterious import.
Acquisition supplanted invention; imitation of classical authors suppressed originality of style.
But with the acquisition of the important provinces of Sicily, Spain and Africa, the formation of a tax system based on the tributes of the dependencies became possible.
The Venetians q retained their acquisition for eighty-two years, notwithstanding the neighbourhood of the Turks.
To concentrate, induce and renovate are, however, but aspects of one process of acquisition by the transfusion of a transmissible energy.
Nagualism, or the acquisition of a mystic guardian, is a widely distributed custom, the essence of which probably consists in the procuring of a personal name having potency.
The latter fled for protection to the Guar and the war which ensued cost the lives of Eanmund and of Heardred the son and successor of Hygelac. According to the poem Beowulf himself now became king of the Gotar and assisted Eadgils in a campaign which resulted in the death of Onela and the acquisition of the throne by his nephew.
From the moment that Sweden got a firm footing in Esthonia by the acquisition of Reval she was committed to a policy of combat and aggrandisement.
But the acquisition of Norway might make up for the loss of Finland; and Bernadotte, now known as the crown prince Charles John, argued that it might be an easy matter to persuade the antiNapoleonic powers to punish Denmark for her loyalty to France by wresting Norway from her.
For a long time Chile was considered one of the poorest states of Spanish America, but the acquisition of the rich mineralproducing provinces of the north, together with the development of new silver and copper mines in Atacama and Coquimbo, largely increased her revenues and enabled her to develop other important resources.
Fifteen or sixteen years later it was repeatedly pointed out to the authorities that the revenues from the customs of the Persian Gulf would be much increased if control were exercised at all the ports, particularly the small ones where smuggling was being carried on on a large scale, and in 1883 the shah decided upon the acquisition of four or five steamers, one to be purchased yearly, and instructed the late Au Kuli Khan, Mukhber ad-daulah, minister of telegraphs, to obtain designs and estimates from British and German firms. The tender of a well-known German firm at Bremerhaven was finally accepted, and one of the ministers sons then residing in Berlin made the necessary contracts for the first steamer.
But the restriction of the clearance to the upper stratum of deposit has prevented the acquisition of much further knowledge.
Various Protestant missions had sent agents among the natives during the closing years of the 18th century, and after the definite acquisition of the Cape by Great Britain the number of missionaries in the country greatly increased.
The acquisition of Bechuanaland by Great Britain was the essential preliminary to the development of the schemes which Rhodes entertained for the extension of British rule into Central Africa.
An immediate gain to Charles was the acquisition of another mistress in the person of Louise de Keroualle,the so-called "Madam Carwell,"who had accompanied the duchess of Orleans, the king's sister, to Dover, at the time of the negotiations, and who joined Charles's seraglio,being created duchess of Portsmouth, and acting as the agent of the French alliance throughout the reign.
On the Asiatic mainland the first trading-stations were established by Cabral at Cochin and Calicut (1501); more important, however, were the conquest of Goa (1510) and Malacca (1511) by Albuquerque, and the acquisition of Diu (1535) by Martini Affonso de Sousa.
Seeking for commercial profit, not in the exchange of commodities, but solely in the acquisition of actual gold and silver, and realizing that the home market could not absorb a tithe of the merchandise imported, the Lisbon capitalists sent their ships to discharge in Antwerp (where a Portuguese staple was established in 1503), or in some other port near the central markets of Europe.
In the acquisition of pathogenic properties some of their original characters have become changed, but in many instances this has taken place only to a slight degree, and, furthermore, some of these changes are not of a permanent character.
It has even been said that the only permanent acquisition that England owed directly to him was her Canadian dominion; and, strictly speaking, this is true, it being admitted that the campaign by which the Indian empire was virtually won was not planned by him, though brought to a successful issue during his ministry.
It is such far-reaching results as these, and not the mere acquisition of a single colony, however valuable, that constitute Pitt's claim to be considered.
The acquisition of Salisbury Plain by the war office for military purposes seemed likely, again, to add to the risk of harm from thoughtless visitors.
But except in the border province of Great Poland, the acquisition of this new territory excited little interest and no enthusiasm in Poland generally.
The Commander Islands group near the Asiatic coast is geographically, but since the acquisition of the Russian possessions in America not politically, a part of the Aleutian system.
Since its acquisition by the United States the history of Alaska has been mainly that of the evolution of its administrative system described above, and the varying fortunes of its fisheries and sealing industries.
The fact that the International Association of the Congo had no admitted status as a sovereign power rendered the tenure of its acquisition somewhat precarious, and induced King Leopold to make determined efforts to secure for his enterprise a recognized position.
A fine action by Colonel Arimondi gained Agordat for Italy (21st December 1893), and a brilliant march by Colonel Baratieri resulted in the acquisition of Kassala (1 7 th July 1894).
Pfliiger suggests that such compounds arose when the surface of the earth was incandescent, and that in the long process of cooling, compounds of cyanogen and hydrocarbons passed into living protoplasm by such processes of transformation and polymerization as are familiar in the chemical groups in question, and by the acquisition of water and oxygen.
Their representatives, with one exception, came from Ionia and its islands, which from their position were most favourably situated for the acquisition of knowledge concerning the distant countries of East and West.
The former was in part settled by the acquisition of Bankot (1755) as a result of an alliance with the peshwa, the latter by the successful expedition under Watson and Clive against Vijayadrug (1756).
Exclusive of this temporary acquisition, the Moldavian territory at this period extended from the river Milcovu, which formed the boundary of Walachia, to the Dniester.
His efforts were rewarded by the acquisition of some 250 MSS., with which he returned to Venice.
The right of the secular tribunals to take cognizance of the offences of ecclesiastics had been asserted in two remarkable cases; and the scope of two ancient laws of the city of Venice, forbidding the foundation of churches or ecclesiastical congregations without the consent of the state, and the acquisition of property by priests or religious bodies, had been extended over the entire territory of the republic. In January 1606 the papal nuncio delivered a brief demanding the unconditional submission of the Venetians.
The country depopulated as the result of this delusion was afterwards peopled by European settlers, among whom were members of the German legion which had served with the British army in the Crimea, and some 2000 industrious North German emigrants, who proved a valuable acquisition to the colony.
In the order of acquisition of our knowledge, causality precedes substance, or rather both are given us in each other, and are contemporaneous in consciousness.
But more important was Philips acquisition of the throne of Portugal with its harbours, its colonies and its marine.
The object of these associations is principally to facilitate the acquisition of improved implements and better breeds of cattle.
All his efforts, from the 10th of December 1848 to the 2nd of December 1852 tended towards the acquisition of absolute authority, which he wished to obtain, in appearance, at any rate, from the people.
Its boundaries were extended by the acquisition of Burgundy and the reconquest of Lusatia; disturbances of the peace became fewer and were more easily suppressed than heretofore; and three of the duchies, Bavaria, Franconia and Swabia, were made apanages of the royal house.
Limited in capacity, he yet understood the art of acquisition.
It now remained to consolidate the later successes attained by the policy of the Valoisthe acquisition of the duchies of Burgundy and Brittany; but instead there was a sudden change and that policy seemed about to be lost in dreams of recapturing the rights of the Angevins ficence.
Roussillon and Artois, with a line of strongholds constituting a formidable northern frontier, were ceded to France; and the acquisition of Alsace and Lorraine under certain conditions was ratified.
To her colonial empire in America he added the greater part of Santo Domingo, Tobago and Dominica; he restored Guiana; prepared for the acquisition of Louisiana by supporting Cavelier de la Salle; extended the suzerainty of the king on the coast of Africa from the Bay of Arguin to the shores of Sierra Leone, and instituted the first commercial relations with India.
Finally, behind this bourgeoisie, and afar off, came the crowd of serfs, rustics whom the acquisition of land had gradually enfranchised, and who were the more eager to enjoy their definitive liberation because it was close at hand.
Man has a rational soul, one face of which is turned towards the body, and, by the help of the higher aspect, acts as practical understanding; the other face lies open to the reception and acquisition of the intelligible forms, and its aim is to become a reasonable world, reproducing the forms of the universe and their intelligible order.
The stages of this process to the acquisition of mind are generally enumerated by Avicenna as four; in this part he follows not Aristotle, but the Greek commentator.
What seems from the material point of view to be the acquisition of learning, study and a moral life, is from the higher point of view the manifestation of the transcendent intellect in the individual.
The preparation of the heart and faculties gives rise to a series of grades between the original predisposition and the full acquisition of actual intellect.
At the moment when it seemed as if everything had been made that could be made out of the fragments of Aristotle, and the compilations of Capella, Cassiodorus and others, and when mysticism and scepticism seemed the only resources left for the mind, the horizon of knowledge was suddenly widened by the acquisition of a complete Aristotle.
Another "social" measure of less importance, which formed part of the Chamberlain programme, was the Small Houses Acquisition Act of 18 9 9; but the problem of old age pensions was less easily solved.
Thus his raid upon Dobrzyn, the latest acquisition of the knights on Polish soil, speedily gave them a ready weapon against him.
Both in ordinary life and in the acquisition of scientific knowledge hypothesis is all-important.
The acquisition of this arcanum was regarded as the most essential element in the catechetical discipline, and marked off its possessors from the rest of the world.
The territory belonging to this branch of the family had been divided in 1396, and after the acquisition of Bernburg Prince George I.
This division, however, was only temporary, as the acquisition of Cothen, and a series of deaths among the ruling princes, enabled Joachim Ernest, a son of John II., to unite the whole of Anhalt under his rule in 1570.
Death bragged about her latest acquisition.
International accounting Standards (IASs) at present recognize both merger accounting and acquisition accounting.
Furthermore, the group announced the acquisition of five stores, two of which are in Edinburgh.
The OFT has referred the anticipated acquisition by Anglo American plc of Johnston Group PLC to the Competition Commission.
The short descriptions of Work Programs shown here only reflect the drilling component and not, for instance, seismic data acquisition.
This is extremely useful for knowledge acquisition, see question 10.
Janet Young was an enthusiastic advocate of the university's acquisition of the Natural Resources Institute at Chatham Maritime.
Equifax also provides data analytics teams who will assist us to develop our DPA compliant customer acquisition strategies.
In Rogers ark acquisition of chelsea he wears the seat on his.
The acquisition of Manchester United football club in the Spring of 2005 is an example of a leveraged buyout.
The acquisition of PDN gives Taghmen infrastructure from which the Company can immediately generate operating cash flow.
The acquisition of Switchboard by Infospace should accelerate consolidation across multiple modalities of the Yellow and White Pages.
But the timing of the Schedule E emoluments charge does not affect the date of acquisition which applies for Capital Gains Tax purposes.
In 1998 CAT acquired rights to novel polysome display technology and underlying intellectual property through the acquisition of Aptein Inc., a US company.
She has also recently conducted research on the acquisition of English intonation by Spanish second langauge learners.
The integration of the John Laing of Hawick branded cashmere knitwear acquisition into the Barrie business in February has been executed successfully.
In many cases the overall economics are so unexceptional in most median sized practices that corporate investors will not even consider them for acquisition.
The insertion mutagenesis strategy was co-ordinated with acquisition of the DNA sequence of the PAI.
Our portfolio of products was further expanded by the acquisition of a range of pain and/or nausea relief products from CeNeS.
Before this acquisition its services already included nickel and hard chrome plating, machining, grinding and honing.
Robinson paperboard Packaging (Toronto, North America) The North American paperboard division was established by acquisition in 1998 and 2000.
Acquisition of prosodic phonology I am interested in how prosodic phonology develops in the speech of young children.
Economic and Social Research Council Provided the Information security resource for an OJEC acquisition and implementation project for a new web-based portal.
All potential recruits serve a two-year probation during which they are assessed for mountaineering competence and the acquisition of specific mountain rescue skills.
Acquisition of prosodic phonology I am interested in how prosodic phonology I am interested in how prosodic phonology develops in the speech of young children.
The contents at acquisition could not be fully reconciled with any list.
In 1997, the Group made an acquisition in the consumer debt recovery market.
It is important to view learning related to sport and society as being about conceptual change and not just the acquisition of information.
Developer, Cathedral Group completed its £ 1.8 million acquisition of a 2.4 acre riverside site in Medway, Strood from Frogmore Estates.
Due to this factor only semantic networks and an alternative knowledge acquisition approach have been presented in depth.
European Acquisition Capital have invested for a minority stake.
The acquisition is expected to add approximately 230 million therms to Centrica's equity gas portfolio.
Given that this transaction concerns the acquisition of a single depot, the OFT does not believe that divestment undertakings would be appropriate.
Its acquisition was a significant one, representing a volte-face in the Library's attitude to ephemeral materials.
If the acquisition of the Indian empire can be supported on ethical grounds, Hastings needs no defence.
The following table gives the name, area and population of each colony and protectorate as well as the date of acquisition or establishment of a protectorate.
Brooks [4], who adduces strong evidence for a contrary view, that is to say, for regarding the direct type of development seen in Trachylinae as more primitive, and the metagenesis seen in Leptolinae as a secondary complication introduced into the life-cycle by the acquisition of larval budding.
In accordance with this, he ignores all rhetorical subtleties, the useless and irrelevant matter introduced by the Greeks to make the art appear more difficult of acquisition; where possible, he uses Roman terminology for technical terms, and supplies his own examples of the various rhetorical figures.
The object of the Small Holdings Act 1892 was to facilitate the acquisition of small agricultural holdings.
Metamorphosis among the Hexapoda depends upon the universal acquisition of wings After Howard, Insect Life, vol.
The acquisition of wings is the sign of developed reproductive power.
The latter is no separate dialect at all, but a mere brogue or jargon, the medium of intercourse between illiterate natives and Europeans too indolent to apply themselves to the acquisition of the language of the people; its vocabulary is made up of Malay words, with a conventional admixture of words from other languages; and it varies, not only in different localities, but also in proportion to the individual speaker's acquaintance with Malay proper.
The cause of the new development of Extension Scholasticism in the 13th century was the acquisition for of know- the first time of the complete works of Aristotle (see ledge of Classics and Arabian Philosophy).
Portions of the Australasian force also broke out of the southern sections of the Anzac position, and were rewarded by the acquisition of some very valuable ground after 'a violent contest; the real purpose, however, was to occupy the attention of the enemy and to conceal a design of much greater moment.
All kinds of devices were suggested for expediting the acquisition of Latin; grammar was to be set aside; Latin was to be learned as a " living language "; much attention was to be devoted to acquiring an extensive vocabulary; and, " to save time," composition was to be abolished.
An act passed in 1892, at the instance of Rhodes, imposed an educational test on applicants for registration, and made other provisions, all tending to restrict the acquisition of the franchise by " tribal " natives, the possible danger arising from a large native vote being already obvious (see section Constitution).
The purloined data was used to inflate Snipermail 's contact list and make it a more attractive target for acquisition.
Just like a corporate acquisition, rainmaker recruitment and integration has to be handled carefully.
Bringing in rainmaker expertise is similar to making an acquisition.
Round-the-clock monitoring, with automatic shut down should a danger level be crossed, is a common task for an unattended data acquisition system.
Rouse acquisition as the company was been up front suspect the next.
Furthermore, knowledge acquisition and information gathering activity will be stimulated when progress becomes difficult.
The integration of the acquisition into Dairy Crest is progressing smoothly and is delivering the anticipated synergies.
Vocabulary acquisition is a good exercise here, with the methods referred to above.
Its acquisition was a significant one, representing a volte-face in the Library 's attitude to ephemeral materials.
Very little is thus known about whether weedy relatives have benefited from the acquisition of crop genes.
If interest rates were to remain at current levels in 2007 then some level of write-off of deferred acquisition costs may be necessary.
Still, an overseas acquisition spree could follow a yuan strengthening, just as it did the yen depreciation.
The tradeoff-high cost of customer acquisition for increased customers and revenue-was essential.
I've seen businesses come to a full stop when word of an acquisition comes out.
Being in a position to buy another company is exciting, and it's even more exciting if you can make a splash with a high-profile acquisition.
If you have to spend a lot of money to obtain a better strategy, then you probably aren't in great shape and no acquisition will help you.
Vinfolio is an indispensable resource for wine collectors with wine offers, reviews and scores, and acquisition services.
Acquisition of a Maine Coon with papers from a reputable breeder or genetic testing is the only way to assure that you have a pure-bred Maine Coon.
The acquisition eliminated some competition in the field and allowed for the merging of the two companies' various branches of administration as well as their customer fields, numbering in the millions.
The acquisition was said to have been extremely favorable for both parties.
Renaming the acquisition to Blizzard North, Diablo was released and earned impressive sales.
Two years later, Midway Games West, the renamed acquisition of Atari Games, was closed as well.Operating as an independent company in its own building in Chicago, Midway Games continues to develop video games for many consoles.
After the acquisition by Microsoft, Rare can no longer produce Nintendo-owned licenses such as Donkey Kong and Star Fox.
The publicly traded corporation began in 1980 and grew through a combination of product development and acquisition.
With HP's acquisition of Palm, it will be interesting to see if a new phone is released either under the Palm or HP brand that features an updated version of the webOS platform that powers the Palm Pre Plus and Palm Pixi Plus.
Undesirable or socially unacceptable behaviors that interfere with the acquisition of desired skills and with the performance of everyday activities are classified as maladaptive behaviors, or more commonly, behavior problems.
Maladaptive behavior-Undesirable and socially unacceptable behavior that interferes with the acquisition of desired skills or knowledge and with the performance of everyday activities.
They can range from slow acquisition of language to sound substitution or stuttering to the inability to understand or produce and language at all.
This is in contrast to the normal child's development, where incidental learning and generalization are the hallmarks of language acquisition.
They are acquisition of basic motor skills, social development by the child's interaction with coaches and teammates, and cognitive development in understanding and following instructions and executing strategy and tactics.
This is in decided contrast to the normal child's case, where incidental learning and generalization are the hallmarks of language acquisition.
Acquisition of speech appears to be especially difficult, and because of the reduced communication abilities, autism is common in those who live longer.
Language acquisition is very similar for monolingual and bilingual children, although some experts view bilingualism as a specialized case of language development.
Although their acquisition of each language may be somewhat slower than that of children who are acquiring a single language, their development in the two languages combined is equivalent to that of monolingual children.
Because hearing impairments may delay speech and language acquisition, interfere with cognitive development, and disrupt progress in school, the educational decisions that parents make for their child are of special significance.
However, these behaviors often result in negative health outcomes such as the acquisition of STDs.
Involuntary sexual intercourse such as rape and sexual abuse may occur more commonly among adolescents, especially younger adolescent women, and often pose a potential risk for acquisition of STDs.
Acquirent offers full-time sales and client acquisition as well as new product launch sales, geography-specific sales, sales and development strategy, sales consulting, new market penetration and more.
It will finance both the acquisition and the rehabilitation phases.
Funds may be used for land acquisition, or to buy a leasehold interest in a site.
In Canada, the principal national body for real property acquisition / insuring is Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).
The company hoped that the acquisition of Countrywide would improve gains if the mortgage market stabilized.
Bank of America took over servicing all loans from Countrywide at the completion of the acquisition.
Historically the market share of Philips Norelco brand razors in the US market was low, but with the acquisition of Magnavox and the release of branded products in conjunction with Magnavox, they were able to acquire a larger share.
After the acquisition of Magnavox, the company began to release razors marketed under just the Philips name in the 1980's, temporarily dropping the "Norelco" from their branding.
Many consumers could care less about the brand they are purchasing, and, instead, choose to focus on the acquisition of dazzlingly trendy styles.
Whereas the overall energy of fire is indicated by action and force, the grounding qualities of fixed signs lead Leos to be a bit consumed with the acquisition and maintenance of leadership.
The LUST shoe acquisition process begins with a custom cast of each foot.
Without this, their basic skill acquisition will be hampered, resulting in the characteristic behavioral problems associated with autism.
Language acquisition is very difficult for autistic children.
Among the many possible effects of autism is uneven or delayed acquisition of motor skills.
The acquisition does just that by providing FedEx customers access to cities outside the eastern seaboard like Wuhan, with twice the population of Los Angeles.
Letter acquisition should be a planned, collaborative effort.
They provide lists of companies that help in job acquisition, new technologies., and new services to help in finding the perfect job.
Acquisition is a file sharing system for Mac users which is run on the Gnutella network.
Acquisition has been accused for violating the terms of open source code sharing by using LimeWire's core libraries.
The species has a collected list of almost 300 rules known as the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition that are memorized during his early education.
Although Ferengi rule of acquisition number 21 says "Never place friendship before profit."
Almost every Ferengi in the Star Trek series has quoted a rule of acquisition at least once.
Within a month of the acquisition, MySpace logged more than 24.4 million unique visitors, up 12 percent from the previous month.
His early years were spent in the performance of such labour as fell to the lot of every farmer's son in the new states, and in the acquisition of such education as could be had in the district schools held for a few weeks each winter.
The introduction of European immigrants dates from 1818 when a Swiss colony was located at Nova Friburgo, near Rio de Janeiro, and it was continued under the direction and with the aid of the imperial government down to the creation of the republic. Since then the state governments have assumed charge of immigration, and some of them are spending large sums in the acquisition of labourers.
The first effects of this immense acquisition of new material were markedly unsettling on the doctrinal orthodoxy of the time.
The mining laws of most civilized states grant the right of free prospecting over the public lands, protect the rights of the discoverer of the mineral deposit during the period of exploration, and provide for the acquisition of mineral property on favourable terms. Striking examples of the far-reaching effect of such laws is shown in the history of the Rocky Mountain region and western coast of the United States, the colonization and development of Australia, and the development of Alaska.
The creole patois is unsuited to be a medium of instruction, and English is used as far as possible, though its acquisition by the peasantry is that of a foreign language.
So lightly was the acquisition esteemed in England, and so unsuccessful was the administration of the crown officers, that in 1668 Bombay was transferred to the East India Company for an annual payment of X10.
Every European country had adopted this view, and the acquisition of fresh colonial dominions by England, at the peace of 1763, had been made not so much through lust of empire as through love of trade.
When he dealt with the affairs of India Burke passed over the circumstances of our acquisition of power in that continent.
Immediately after the acquisition of "Louisiana," the Federal government took steps for the removal of the Sauk and Foxes, who had always been a disturbing element among the north-western Indians, to the west bank of the Mississippi river.
Mr Scudamore, who was regarded as the author of the bill for the acquisition of the telegraph systems, reported that the charges made by the telegraph companies were too high and tended to check the growth of telegraphy; that there were frequent delays of messages; that many important districts were unprovided with facilities; that in many places the telegraph office was inconveniently remote from the centre of business and was open for too small a portion of the day;' that little or no improvement could be expected so long as the working of the telegraphs was conducted by commercial companies striving chiefly to earn a dividend and engaged in wasteful competition with each other; that the growth of telegraphy had been greatly stimulated in Belgium and Switzerland by the annexation of the telegraphs to the Post Offices of those countries and the consequent adoption of a low scale of charges; that in Great Britain like results would follow the adoption of like means, and that the association of the telegraphs with the Post Office would produce great advantage to the public and ultimately a large revenue to the state.
When used consistently and correctly, however, condoms offer the best protection against acquisition of STDs, including HIV.
On the S., Albanian territory was curtailed owing to the acquisition of the Arta district by Greece (May 1881), the river Arta now forming the frontier.
Dr Burmeister was afterwards placed in charge of the provincial museum of Buenos Aires, and devoted himself to the acquisition of a collection of fossil remains, now in the La Plata museum, which ranks among the best of the world.
The year of acquisition in the table, when one date only is given, indicates the period when the country or some part of it first fell under French influence, and does not imply continuous possession since.
With all his devotion to study at Lausanne' (he read ten or twelve hours a day), he still found some time for the acquisition of some of the lighter accomplishments, such as riding, dancing, drawing, and also for mingling in such society as the place had to offer.
There was no attempt to overwhelm whole empires by pouring into them masses of troops, but commerce was combined with territorial acquisition, and a continuity of European interest secured by the presence of merchants and settlers.
In the next year an expedition was undertaken against Rhodes, the capture of which had become doubly important since the acquisition of Egypt.
At Westminster school he obtained a reputation for Greek and Latin verse writing; and he was only thirteen when he was matriculated at Queen's College, Oxford, where his most important acquisition seems to have been a thorough acquaintance with Sanderson's logic. He became a B.A.
The post-embryonic growth of Hexapods with or without metamorphosis is accompanied in most cases by the acquisition of wings.
The aristocratic council of the Areopagus constituted the chief criminal court, and nominated the magistrates, among whom the chief archon passed judgment in family suits, controlled admission to the genos or clan, and consequently the acquisition of the franchise.
Three of these questions grew out of the annexation of Texas and the acquisition of western territory as a result of the Mexican War.
The first step would be the acquisition of a plot of ground either by gift or purchase for the formation of a tomb.
The exploring enterprise of the Spanish nation did not wane after the conquest of Peru and Mexico, and the acquisition of the vast empire of the Indies.
Though he had been opposed to the acquisition of the Philippines, he did not believe that the inhabitants were capable of selfgovernment, and he foresaw some of the difficulties of the position.
Meanwhile, the acquisition of Burma and the demarcation of boundaries had opened the way to the extension of geographical surveys in directions hitherto untraversed.
This explains the eagerness with which he now insisted on the acquisition of the Ionian Isles by France and the political extinction of their present possessor, Venice.
It is most unlikely that wings have been acquired independently by various orders of Hexapoda, and if we regard the Thysanura as the slightly modified representatives of a primitively wingless stock, we must postulate the acquisition of wings by some early offshoot of that stock, an offshoot whence the whole group of the Pterygota took its rise.
In any case, he is the founder of the Latin kingdom of Cyprus (for he afterwards sold his new acquisition to Guy de Lusignan, who established a dynasty in the island); and thereby he made possible the survival of the institutions and assizes of Jerusalem, which were continued in Cyprus until it was conquered by the Ottoman Turks.
The westward expansion of the United States made necessary American ports on the Gulf of Mexico; consequently the acquisition of West Florida as well as of New Orleans was one of the aims of the negotiations which resulted in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803.
While still a boy, he showed promise of rare literary gifts, and distinguished himself by his facility in the acquisition of knowledge.
This seems to have been the only instance of an intercolonial provision for the return of fugitive slaves; there were, indeed, not infrequent escapes by slaves from one colony to another, but it was not until after the growth of anti-slavery sentiment and the acquisition of western territory, that it became necessary to adopt a uniform method for the return of fugitive slaves.
In the eighteen-fifties a strong pro-slavery interest in the United States advocated the acquisition of the island.
Towards the end of his life Ivan was partially consoled for his failure in the west by the unexpected acquisition of the kingdom of Siberia in the east, which was first subdued by the Cossack hetman Ermak or Yermak in 1581.
Yet at that moment the adoption of a clear line of policy, in accord with the central powers, might have saved Italy from the loss of prestige entailed by her bearing in regard to the Russo-Turkish War and the Austrian acquisition of Bosnia, and might have prevented the disappointment subsequently occasioned by the outcome of the Congress of Berlin.
The aim of the society was a war with Turkey with a view to the acquisition of Macedonia, and it found a ready instrument for its designs in the growing discontent of the Cretan Christians.
We have already seen that among the princes who joined the First Crusade there were some who were rather politiques than devots, and who aimed at the acquisition of temporal profit as well as of spiritual merit.
The acquisition of Aleppo could only make that supreme object more readily attainable; and so Saladin had spent his time in acquiring Aleppo, but only in order that he might ultimately "attain the goal of his desires, and set the mosque of Asha free, to which Allah once led in the night his servant Mahomet."
Although he had advised the ratification of the Peace Treaty, he opposed the permanent acquisition of the Philippine Islands.
In July 1803 Monroe left Paris and entered upon his duties in London; and in the autumn of 1804 he proceeded to Madrid to assist Pinckney in his efforts to secure the definition of the Louisiana boundaries and the acquisition of the Floridas.
I am very much delighted to hear of your new acquisition--that you "talk with your mouth" as well as with your fingers.
The total gains of all his strenuous endeavours amounted to the acquisition of a few places on the borders of Montferrat.
With the acquisition of the Suez Canal, moreover, the value of this route from the British standpoint was so greatly diminished that the scheme, so far as England was concerned, was quite abandoned.
The territorial limits were extended on the north to the state of Tennessee in 1804 by the acquisition of the west cessions of South Carolina and Georgia, and on the south to the Gulf of Mexico by the seizure of West Florida in 1810-1813, 1 but were restricted on the east by the formation of the Territory of Alabama in 1817.
She was consoled, however, by the acquisition of Cyprus, which came into her possession (1488) on the extinction of the dynasty of Lusignan with the death of James II.
The acquisition of Cyprus marks the extreme limit of Venetian expansion in the Levant; from this date onward there is little to record save the gradual loss of her maritime possessions.
Its object was the acquisition of gold, which was caught by the inhabitants of Colchis in fleeces as it was washed down the rivers.
This acquisition brought the Norman frontier almost to the Loire and isolated Brittany, long coveted by the Norman dukes, from the rest of France.
Another reason assigned by the committee appointed by the Treasury in 1875 " to investigate the causes of the increased cost of the telegraphic service since the acquisition of the telegraphs by the state " is the loss on the business of transmitting Press messages, which has been estimated as at least £300,000 a year.
Charles Emmanuel now attempted the acquisition of Montferrat, which was soon to become vacant by the death of Francesco Gonzaga, who held it together with Mantua.
This expansion of mainland territory was followed in 1420 by the acquisition of Friuli after a successful war with the emperor Sigismund, thus bringing the possessions of the republic up to the Carnic and Julian Alps, their natural frontier on the north-east.
Gold is found throughout Australia, and the present prosperity of the states is largely due to the discoveries of this metal, the development of other industries being, in a country of varied resources, a natural sequence to the acquisition of mineral treasure.
The acquisition of Louisiana in 1803, which gave a new field for the growth of the slave power, though not made in its interest, the Missouri Compromise (1820), the annexation of Texas (1845), the Fugitive Slave Law (1850), the Kansas-Nebraska bill (1854), the Dred Scott decision (1857), the attempts to acquire Cuba (especially in 1854) and to reopen the foreign slave trade (1859-1860), were the principal steps - only some of them successful - in its career of aggression.
The chief events of his administration, which has been called the " era of good feeling," were the Seminole War (1817-18); the acquisition of the Floridas from Spain (1819-21); the "Missouri Compromise " (1820), by which the first conflict over slavery under the constitution was peacefully adjusted; the veto of the Cumberland Road Bill (1822) 1 on constitutional grounds; and - most 1 The Cumberland (or National) Road from Cumberland, Maryland, to Wheeling, West Virginia, was projected in 1806, by an appropriation of 1819 was extended to the Ohio River, by an act of 1825 (signed by Monroe on the last day of his term of office) was continued to Zanesville, and by an act of 1829 was extended westward from Zanesville.