Acquiring Sentence Examples
The Others are acquiring a weapon, but … it didn't seem quite right.
She may be delayed in acquiring the vocabulary of her classmates.
At an early age he showed remarkable aptitude for acquiring languages, but straitened circumstances compelled him to earn his own living.
Amply provided with means for acquiring information, and under the watchful care of a great.
Under the present constitution they are "fully emancipated from all disability on account of coverture," and are placed on an equality with their husbands in acquiring and disposing of property and in making contracts relative thereto.
To those who, in order to promote the cause of international arbitration, are desirous of acquiring a knowledge of the dangers and difficulties which beset this mode of settling disputes, the account which Palmer has left of his part in this arbitration may be commended.
As he discharged these duties for 13 years, he had a full opportunity of acquiring a unique knowledge of the international relations of the Church throughout the world.
Cynthia had given him such an instrument at the time the couple signed papers acquiring Bird Song.
Neustadt was founded in 1192, and was a favourite residence of numerous Austrian sovereigns, acquiring the title of the "everfaithful town" (die allezeit getreue Stadt) from its unfailing loyalty.
In May he refused to take the oath of supremacy, acquiring like his colleagues consistency with old age.
AdvertisementGramuntia, also furnishes a fruit which, after acquiring sweetness by keeping, is eaten by the Spaniards.
Peter's other favourite scheme, that of acquiring the command of the Black Sea, was as far from realization as ever.
During the period of Leicester's governorship he remained in the background, engaged in acquiring a thorough knowledge of the military art, and in 1586 the States of Holland conferred upon him the title of prince.
The acquisition of Aleppo could only make that supreme object more readily attainable; and so Saladin had spent his time in acquiring Aleppo, but only in order that he might ultimately "attain the goal of his desires, and set the mosque of Asha free, to which Allah once led in the night his servant Mahomet."
Motives of self-interest may have lurked in them - otherworldly motives of buying salvation for a little price, or worldly motives of achieving riches and acquiring lands.
AdvertisementThe idea of transmutation, in the country of its origin, had a philosophical basis, and was linked up with the Greek theories of matter there current; thus, by supplying a central philosophical principle, it to some extent unified and focussed chemical effort, which previously, so far as it existed at all, had been expended on acquiring empirical acquaintance with a mass of disconnected technical processes.
As a matter of fact their chief service to the administration lies in keeping up good relations with the maires of the communes in their arrondissement, and thus acquiring a certain amount of influence over them.
The Cuban policy of Presidents Pierce and Buchanan (during 1853-1861) was vainly directed to acquiring the island.
The wire will in fact become temporarily magnetized by induction, that end of it which is nearest to the pole of the magnet acquiring opposite polarity, and behaving as if it were the pole of a permanent magnet.
The importance which Brazil was acquiring decided the regent to give it the title of kingdom, and by decree of the 16th January 1815, the Portuguese sovereignty thenceforward took the title of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and Algarves.
AdvertisementBut a narrow, distrustful, grasping policy on the part of whatever faction might be dominant at the time invariably prevented the state from acquiring stability and security at any stage of its history.
In the ordinary course of nature, all living matter proceeds from pre-existing living matter, a portion of the latter being detached and acquiring an independent existence.
Leopold increased the territories of the Babenbergs by acquiring Styria in 1192 under the will of his kinsman Duke Ottakar IV.
At that time the Transvaal government - which had been the first to reap the benefit of Great Britain's defeat of the Zulu by acquiring the " New Republic " - was endeavouring to obtain the territories of Zambaan and Umtegiza, hoping also to secure a route through Tongaland to Kosi Bay.
After the military defeat of France by Germany in 1870, he formed the idea of acquiring a great colonial empire, not to colonize it, but for the sake of economic exploitation.
AdvertisementMeanwhile he supported himself by teaching on a very small scale, but his progress was such that at sixteen he had a good knowledge of Hungarian, Latin, French and German, and was rapidly acquiring English and the Scandinavian languages, and also Russian, Servian and other Slavonic tongues.
It became a Latin colony in 89 B.C. and, acquiring citizenship with the rest of Gallis Transpadana in 49 B.C., became a municipiunn.
The magistracy had been acquiring more and more the character of an oligarchy; all power was practically in the hands of a few closely-related families; and the gravest peculation and malversation took place without hindrance.
They annually visited the coasts of India or Ceylon, and often married Indian wives, thus acquiring distinct racial characters of an approximately Dravidian type.
Moreover the practice among Athenian settlers of acquiring land in the allied districts must have been vexatious to the allies, the more so as all important cases between Athenians and citizens of allied cities were brought to Athens.
This result at once disposes of the possibility of all the systems acquiring any common characteristic in the course of their motion through a tendency for their co-ordinates or momenta to concentrate about any particular set, or series of sets, of values.
While the Dutch were thus consolidating their authority, other countries were acquiring new commercial or colonial interests in the archipelago.
An elder brother, who like himself was early turned out into the world to seek his own fortune, rose to command a brigade in the Mysore army, while Hyder, who never learned to read or write, passed the first years of his life aimlessly in sport and sensuality, sometimes, however, acting as the agent of his brother, and meanwhile acquiring a useful familiarity with the tactics of the French when at the height of their reputation under Dupleix.
He is more original when he insists on the value of translation and retranslation for acquiring a mastery over Latin prose composition, and when he protests against compelling boys to converse in Latin too soon.
This name is modern and is a collective appellation for the various counties or lordships in the region which the Habsburgs (after they secured Tirol in 1363) succeeded in purchasing or acquiring - Feldkirch (1375, but Hohenems in 1765 only), Bludenz with the Montafon valley (1394), Bregenz (in two parts, 1451 and 1523) and Sonnenberg (14s5).
In acquiring scientific knowledge, syllogism cannot start from universals without induction, nor induction acquire universals without sense.
At the same time, there are three species of syllogism, scientific, dialectical and eristical or sophistical; and in consequence there are different ways of acquiring premisses.
Nor does the process of acquiring the premisses of eristical syllogism, which is fallacious either in its premisses or in its process, differ, except that, when the premisses are fallacious, the dialectical interrogations must be such as to cause this fallacy.
So can we men, not, as Plato thought, by having in our souls universal principles innate but forgotten, but by acquiring universal principles from sense, which is the origin of knowledge, arrive at judgments which are true, and true because they agree with the things which we know by sense, by inference and by science.
At the age of ten he was apprenticed to a tailor, his spare hours being spent in acquiring the rudiments of an education.
Hundreds of millions are spent in acquiring terrible engines of destruction, which are regarded to-day as the latest inventions of science, but are destined to-morrow to be rendered obsolete by some new discovery.
After a year spent in acquiring the language and making acquaintance with the leading men of France, Grotius returned home.
The rotating balls are the carriers, and are connected together for a moment by a wire when in a position to be acted upon inductively by the field plates, thus acquiring charges of opposite sign.
On this view then the Aplacophora are more primitive than the Polyplacophora in the relations of coelom, gonad and coelomoducts; and the genital ducts of the Chitons have arisen either by metameric repetition within the group, or by the gradual loss of an original connexion between the generative sac and the renal tube, as in Lamellibranchs and Gastropods, the generative sac acquiring a separate duct and opening to the exterior on each side.
From his boyhood he devoted himself to acquiring a literary reputation, and throughout his life, in spite of financial and other difficulties, he adhered to his original intention.
They spare neither pains nor money in acquiring specimens, even from distant lands, to which they often send out expert collectors at their own expense.
His maternal grandfather, Andreas Gottlieb Bernstorff (1640-1726), had been one of the ablest ministers of George I., and under his guidance Johann was very carefully educated, acquiring amongst other things that intimate knowledge of the leading European languages, especially French, which ever afterwards distinguished him.
So solemn were the associations of the imperial title that, after acquiring it, Otto probably looked for more intimate obedience from his subjects.
It was obviously little use acquiring colonies and creating manufactures if German foreign trade was to be in the hands of other nations.
The object of them was to prevent a network of societies from being formed extending over large districts, and so acquiring political power.
Meanwhile he had published several small historical works; but his college and university duties left little time for writing, and in 1875 he accepted the vicarage of Embleton, a parish on the coast of Northumberland, near Dunstanburgh, with an ancient and beautiful church and a fortified parsonage house, and within reach of the fine library in Bamburgh Keep. Here he remained for nearly ten years, acquiring that experience of parochial work which afterwards stood him in good stead, taking private pupils, studying and writing, as well as taking an active part in diocesan business.
In 1784 he had resumed his plan of acquiring Bavaria for Austria by negotiating with the elector Charles Theodore its exchange for the Netherlands, which were to be erected for his benefit into a " Kingdom of Burgundy."
Austria gave up all hope of regaining her position in Germany; Germany disclaimed all intention of acquiring the German provinces of Austria.
An epidemic of cholera in the summer of 1883 gave the British officers their first chance of acquiring the esteem and confidence of their men, and the opportunity was nobly utilized.
A leader appeared in the person of Mahommed Ahmed, born in 1848, who had taken up his abode on Abba Island, and, acquiring great reputation for sanctity, had actively fomented insurrection.
He himself, writing of the scheme in his Memoires, laid no claim to lofty motives, but candidly confessed that "it was a means of acquiring reputation and of increasing the power of the state."
Cable and Postal Censorship. - In addition to the Press Bureau, censorships of incoming and outgoing cables, letters and parcels, were established by the War Office at the commencement of the war with the three-fold object of preventing information of military value from reaching the enemy, of acquiring similar information for British purposes and of checking the dissemination of information likely to be useful to the enemy or prejudicial to the Allies.
Again, in oogamous reproduction, while in general only one oosphere is differentiated in the oogonium, in Sphaeroplea several oospheres arise in each oogonium; and while the oospheres usually contract away from the oogonial wall, acquiring for themselves a new cell-wall after fertilization, in Coleochaete the oosphere remains throughout in contact with the oogonial wall.
Thenceforward he became a specialist in marine ichthyology, but devoted much time to the investigation, superintendence and exploitation of mines, being superintendent of the Calumet and Hecla copper mines, Lake Superior, from 1866 to 1869, and afterwards, as a stockholder, acquiring a fortune, out of which he gave to Harvard, for the museum of comparative zoology and other purposes, some $500,000.
A visit of Mary of Guise to France (1550) ended in her acquiring the regency, which she administered mainly under French advice.
After acquiring considerable local reputation as chief notary of his county, he entered parliament in 1875.
Before long, however, these humble trophies failed to content the pilgrims, and they began to devote their efforts to acquiring the actual bodies, or portions of them - frequently by honest means, still oftener by trickery.
And, from an absolution from the consequences of guilt, it became, in the 14th and 15th centuries, a negation or the guilt itself; while simultaneously the opportunity was offered of acquiring an indulgence for the souls of those already in purgatory.
In 1607 he was attached to the archbishop of Esztergom, and in the following year attracted attention by his denunciation, in the Diet, of the 8th point of the peace of Vienna, which prohibited the Jesuits from acquiring landed property in Hungary.
After the sale and disposal of the surplus military stores and equipment, the port, with the remaining equipment and the fleet of ferries and barges, was sold by the Disposal Board for £1,407,000 (plus the cost up to £40,000 of acquiring the land by the Government) to the Queenborough Development Co., who thus acquired 1, 500 ac. of land including 250 ac. that were reclaimed from the swampy foreshore.
Bella ud-Din observed that the whole soul of the monarch was engrossed by the war which he was then engaged in waging against the enemies of the faith, and saw that the only mode of acquiring his favour was by urging him to its vigorous prosecution.
At the close of the war between Chile and Peru (1879-1883), the terms of the treaty of Ancon (signed by representatives of the two countries on the 10th of October 1883) were practically dictated by Chile, and by one of the provisions the Peruvian provinces of Tacna and Arica were to be occupied and exploited by Chile for a period of ten years, when a plebiscite should be taken of their inhabitants to determine whether they would remain with Chile or return to Peru, the country acquiring the two provinces in this manner to pay the other $10,000,000.
In the epics considerable merit is attached to a life of seclusion and ascetic practices by means of which man is considered capable of acquiring supernatural powers equal or even superior to those of the gods - a notion perhaps not unnaturally springing from the pantheistic conception.
Hermann makes St Ursula a native of Brittany, and so approximates to the version of the story given by Geoffrey of Monmouth (Historia Britonum), according to whom Maximian, after fleeing from Rome and acquiring Britain by marriage, proceeds to conquer Brittany and settle it with men from the island opposite.
In 1847, after the conquest of Mexico, he made a speech against the annexation of that country or the acquiring of any foreign territory for the spread of slavery.
There they grew peaceful and prosperous, acquiring large flocks of sheep and gaining a reputation as makers of blankets.
He received his education at the gymnasium and university of his native town, and early distinguished himself by great versatility of mind and power of acquiring languages.
In England the cluster-pine has been largely planted on sandy districts near the sea, and has become naturalized in Purbeck and other wild tracts in the southern counties, but the summer heat is too small to permit of its resinous products acquiring any value; the soft coarse wood, though perishable in the natural state, has been used for railway sleepers after saturation with creosote or preservative solutions.
After acquiring some reputation in Rome as a jurist and orator, he entered upon a military career.
While the Crown was thus acquiring new possessions, its authority in Portugal was temporarily overshadowed by the growth of aristocratic privilege.
The comparison of the metagenetic type of development, such as that of Aurelia, with the more primitive genera of Scyphomedusae, indicates clearly that the scyphistoma and ephyra are recapitulative larval stages which are represented by the adult forms of primitive genera, making such allowances as are necessary when comparing adult and larval forms. The metagenesis has arisen through the scyphistoma-larva acquiring the power of larval proliferation by budding.
The state is also acquiring, and maintaining as demonstration acres and public parks, forest reserves in various parts of the state.
Assab, a port near the southern entrance of the Red Sea, had been bought from the local sultan in March 1870 by an Italian company, which, after acquiring more land in 1879 and 1880, was bought out by the Italian government in 1882.
But Cangrande was bent on acquiring Padua, and Marsiglio, unable to resist, gave it over to him and was appointed its governor.
Nevertheless, besides acquiring colossal wealth for himself, he undoubtedly created for the American public a vastly improved railway service, the benefit of which survived all controversy as to the means by which he triumphed over the obstacles in his way.
Brancovan was accused of secret correspondence with the emperor, the tsar, the king of Poland and the Venetian republic, of betraying the Porte's secrets, of preferring Tirgovishtea to Bucharest as a residence, of acquiring lands and palaces in Transylvania, of keeping agents at Venice and Vienna, in both of which cities he had invested large sums, and of striking gold coins with his effigy.'
Manuel Murillo Toro (1872-1874) and Santiago Perez (1874-1876) saw the country apparently acquiring constitutional equilibrium, and turning its energies to the development of its matchless resources.
Augustus De Morgan received his early education in several private schools, and before the age of fourteen years had learned Latin, Greek and some Hebrew, in addition to acquiring much general knowledge.
Inscriptions give evidence of a long struggle between the Rattas and the Kadambas of Goa, who succeeded in the latter years of the 12th century in acquiring and holding part of the district.
It was suggested from without at a moment when the possibility of ever acquiring the shares was passing away.
He settled in Pittsburg, where he continued in private practice, with the exception of two years' service (1876-1877) as assistant United States district attorney, acquiring a large practice as a corporation lawyer.
The ruins of this, beautifully situated in a wooded valley, are extensive, and mainly of fine transitional Norman and Early English date, acquiring additional picturesqueness from the warm colour of the red sandstone of which they are built.
In addition to this he carried on a trade in wine and horses with the north of Italy, acquiring a high reputation for intelligence and honesty.
At nineteen he became a working compositor; afterwards he rose to be a corrector for the press, reading proofs of ecclesiastical works, and thereby acquiring a very competent knowledge of theology.
While he showed clearly the difficulty of acquiring knowledge, he was convinced that knowledge alone could be the source of a coherent system of virtue, as error of evil.
This appointment was not only honourable to Filelfo as a man of trust and general ability, but it also gave him the opportunity of acquiring the most coveted of all possessions at that moment for a scholar - a knowledge of the Greek language.
But as very soon he found that the monastery could not satisfy his aspirations, he left it and started to travel, acquiring a knowledge of classical and modern languages and literatures.
In the meantime negotiations were begun for acquiring a clear title to the unoccupied portion of the Cherokee Strip, for individual allotments to the members of the several small tribes who had received tribal allotments since 1866, and for the purchase of what remained after such individual allotments had been made.
Eberhard, acquiring from the former the principles of an independent criticism of the New Testament and from the latter his love of Plato and Aristotle.
At the same time he approved himself in the pulpit and elsewhere as a large-hearted and fearless patriot in that time of national calamity and humiliation, acquiring a name and place in his country's annals with Arndt, Fichte, Stein and Scharnhorst.
His Eastern marriage had gained him Champagne; and he afterpolicy of wards extended his influence over Franche Comt, Philip the Bar and the bishoprics of Lorraine, acquiring also Fair.
The directors were consoled for this enforced peace by acquiring the left bank of the Rhine and Belgium, and for the forfeiture of republican principles by attaining what had for so long been the ambition of the monarchy.
Soon after acquiring the undisputed possession of the Roman empire, Theodosius died at Milan in 395, and two years later (4th April 397) Ambrose also passed away.
In dealing with the practical side of apiculture it will not be necessary to do more than mention the salient points to be considered by those desirous of acquiring more complete knowledge of the subject.
The island explored, he betook himself to Florence, Milan, Bologna and Venice, acquiring a complete archaeological knowledge of these and other cities.
The non-drying oils, the type of which is olive oil, do not become oxidized readily on exposure to the air, although gradually a change takes place, the oils thickening slightly and acquiring that peculiar disagreeable smell and acrid taste, which are defined by the term "rancid."
In fact, except personal courage, great fertility in military resource, a lively though sometimes ill-directed repugnance to injustice, oppression and meanness of every description, and a considerable power of acquiring influence over those, necessarily limited in numbers, with whom he was brought into personal contact, General Gordon does not appear to have possessed any of the qualities which would have fitted him to undertake the difficult task he had in hand."
Moreover, benefactions to this pagoda are one of the favourite methods of acquiring religious merit among the Burmese.
The Others are acquiring a weapon, but … it didn't seem quite right.
By preventing Kim Jong-Il from acquiring nuclear materials before he become even more belligerent, we thought we could prevent war.
These courses we went thro with so much constancy that with moderate application we could scarce fail of acquiring a good knowledg therein.
In support of this notion, recent clinical studies have demonstrated that the breast-fed infant has a lower risk of acquiring urinary tract infections.
In gas we seek to defend our market position through focusing on customer service and a value proposition rather than acquiring market share.
Even possession of a (normally) two-handed weapon such as the spear didn't obviate the necessity of acquiring empty-handed skills.
This asserts the US ' right to use nuclear weapons pre-emptively to stop states from acquiring nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.
In 1988, the privately owned Dutch company, SHV, became a significant shareholder, acquiring 40% of Calor's equity.
Acquiring a young hand-reared parrot should not be considered by a person or a couple who are out at work all day.
Therefore the proper initial measure in learning Tai Kic Kung Fu is to, practice acquiring inner potentiality.
Einstein thinks nothing of breaking into the Vatican to steal an artifact or acquiring other priceless relics via less than reputable sources.
All professional writers work to deadlines; keeping to yours is the first step in acquiring the necessary self-discipline to become a professional yourself.
Because if this brash young upstart is to be believed, acquiring these hard-won skills is now an easy matter.
We cannot confirm whether Iraq succeeded in acquiring uranium ore and/or yellowcake from these sources.
Rather before the commencement of the 19th century the work of Lavoisier had rendered it very probable that chemical changes are not accompanied by any change in weight, and this principle of the conservation of matter was becoming universally accepted; chemists were also acquiring considerable skill in chemical analysis, that is, in the determination of the nature and relative amounts of the elements contained in compounds.
In 1765 the elder Forster was commissioned by the empress Catherine to inspect the Russian colonies in the province of Saratov, which gave his son an opportunity of acquiring the Russian language and the elements of a scientific education.
These consisted partly in the general respect and esteem paid to a proxenus, and partly in many more substantial honours conferred by special decree of the state whose representative he was, such as freedom from taxation and public burdens, the right of acquiring property in Attica, admission to the senate and popular assemblies, and perhaps even full citizenship. Public hospitium seems also to have existed among the Italian races; but the circumstances of their history prevented it from becoming so important as in Greece.
The aggressive attitude of Chile towards Bolivia was causing considerable anxiety, and Argentina and Brazil wished to show that they were united in opposing a policy which aimed at acquiring an extension of territory by force of arms. The feeling of enmity between Chile and Argentina was indeed anything but extinct.
Notwithstanding the elaborate disguise which fear of the powers that were led Descartes to throw over his real opinions, it is impossible to read the Principes de la philosophie without acquiring the conviction that this great philosopher held that the physical world and all things in it, whether living or not living, have originated by a process of evolution, due to the continuous operation of purely physical causes, out of a primitive relatively formless matter.'
True amber has sometimes been called karabe, a word of oriental derivation signifying "that which attracts straw," in allusion to the power which amber possesses of acquiring an electric charge by friction.
There is still in existence a translation of Guicciardini which he wrote with his own hand in order to qualify himself for government by acquiring a knowledge of political history.
Bohemund and Godfrey together became Dagobert's vassals; and in the spring Godfrey even seems to have entered into an agreement with the patriarch to cede Jerusalem and Jaffa into his hands, in the event of acquiring other lands or towns, especially Cairo, or dying without direct heirs.
At Surat he succeeded, by perseverance and address in his intercourse with the native priests, in acquiring a sufficient knowledge of the Zend and Pahlavi languages to translate the liturgy called the Vendidad Sade and some other works.
Finally Bern, fearing that Geneva might fall to France instead of to itself, sent an army to protect the city (January 1536), but, not being able to persuade the citizens to give up their freedom, had to content itself with the conquest of the barony of Vaud and of the bishopric of Lausanne, thus acquiring rich territories, while becoming close neighbours of Geneva (January and March 1536).
All kinds of devices were suggested for expediting the acquisition of Latin; grammar was to be set aside; Latin was to be learned as a " living language "; much attention was to be devoted to acquiring an extensive vocabulary; and, " to save time," composition was to be abolished.
The most richly stored intellect which had ever spent itself in acquiring knowledge was in the presence of the Omniscient" (Pattison) .
Here Petrarch spent seven years of boyhood, acquiring that pure Tuscan idiom which afterwards he used with such consummate mastery in ode and sonnet.
Nations can do this by acquiring enough military might that an attempted land grab would cost their neighbors more than they would get if successful.
In accumulating property for ourselves or our posterity, in founding a family or a state, or acquiring fame even, we are mortal; but in dealing with truth we are immortal, and need fear no change nor accident.
He arranged dining and funeral lodge meetings, enrolled new members, and busied himself uniting various lodges and acquiring authentic charters.
He made the most astonishing efforts in acquiring learning, which brought him under the notice of many respectable gentlemen.
Most seem to be acquiring wider responsibilities in an evolutionary way, rather than by following a rigid hierarchy.
The current economic climate may put acquiring stealthy platforms beyond the reach of many countries.
She may be delayed in acquiring the vocabulary, syntax, grammar and pragmatics of her age mates.
Because of declining returns, the cost of acquiring customers rises and we reach a point where we can no longer acquire customers profitably.
Be aware that the acquiring company usually will attempt to direct as much of the payment price towards management and away from the shareholders.
Focus on the people, the product and the technology (if you have it) and how it might be a big win for the acquiring company.
Even worse, their hubris about doing all their own inventing caused them to resist acquiring innovative technologies.
Before you jump head first into making purchases, there's much to know about precious metals and how you should go about acquiring them.
The options include acquiring cigarette coupons, perusing online discount shops and visiting an Indian reservation.
Keeping your cat indoors will also substantially reduce the chance of your cat acquiring a dangerous communicable disease such as feline leukemia.
However, your chances of acquiring a catthat harbors respiratory disease is infinitely higher when you select your animal from a shelter or pet store where exposure to other cats and animals is high and difficult to regulate.
They offer help in acquiring creditworthy customers, improving collection efforts, preventing money laundering, improving marketing, and improving business to business results.
Even when parents disagree about custody issues, acquiring knowledge about the proper paperwork can help cut through red tape and expedite the process.
There are several ways to go about acquiring the necessary forms for divorce.
Sunless tanning booths are the fastest method of acquiring a fake tan, but make sure the place you choose uses standard cautions.
Most leagues allow trading players, acquiring free agents and placing players on an injured reserve list.
However, even with these necessary downloads, make sure that you are acquiring these updates directly from the company websites.
By acquiring name designers like Issac Mizarahi and special artists to design seasonal merchandise, Target has become a big player in upscale department stores.
Acquiring the services of a professional wedding coordinator on your own special day can be a definite advantage.
Another tip is to wait on acquiring bigger dorm supplies and to watch for fliers around campus that offer the items at a discount.
The first step in acquiring financial aid is to fill out the U.S. Department of Education's Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to find out if you are eligible for federal financial aid.
Be sure to read over all application requirements carefully for the best chance of acquiring grants for college.
Acquiring assets such as new library books, new art for the campus gallery or new property to expand the school.
If you have always dreamed of visiting the culturally rich tropical locale, but could never afford to pay for the trip, then acquiring employment on Caribbean cruise ships could be your ticket to paradise.
Then indisciminant breeders seeking to get in on the gravy train begin acquiring specimens for mass breeding, in order to cash in while the popularity lasts.
Fortunately, you should have no problems acquiring samples from manufacturers to determine the best fit.
Once you have that, acquiring the clothing you want whenever you want it and getting the right fit becomes much easier.
Another way to play a computer prank at the office involves a coworker in an adjacent cubicle and acquiring a USB mouse.
Acquiring appropriate help for medical care, finding activities to entertain and nurture your parents and making a comfortable and safe home environment are all part of the process.
However, despite falling sales, the retailer continued to expand, acquiring two of its competitors -- Sun Mark, Inc., and Sunglass Marketing, Inc., in 1989.
It was in the early 00s that Luxotica Group, an Italian eyewear company with an eye to global marketing, bought the company, acquiring more than 1300 Sunglass Hut stores, 430 of the combination stores, and 228 of the watch stores.
This can be done with hard-coding on the part of the consumer, which is only for advanced experts, or it can be done by acquiring the official mods released for the game.
There are various methods for acquiring these sprites as well as a huge variety of ways that you can use them for a good laugh or some creative expression.
Unlike many appraisers Dr. Lori has no interest in acquiring the items she appraises.
The merger was completely on January 9, 2009 with AT&T acquiring 79 of the 105 divested markets.
Upon acquiring the SIM card, you will need to activate it with your service provider.
Asperger syndrome-A developmental disorder of childhood characterized by autistic behavior but without the same difficulties acquiring language that children with autism have.
Acquiring trachoma does not provide immunity against re-infection, so repeat infections are the norm in many communities where the disease circulates continuously among family members.
Because foods such as fruits and vegetables provide many more nutrients than vitamin supplements, food is the best source for acquiring needed vitamins and minerals.
In an extreme case, a young man with a tested IQ in the retarded range has an apparent gift for acquiring foreign languages, and could learn a new one with very little exposure.
However, people in the same household or daycare center, or anyone with direct contact with a patient's oral secretions is considered at increased risk of acquiring the infection.
The bacteria that cause tetanus are so common and the disease is so serious that protection against acquiring tetanus outweighs any risks associated with vaccination.
Although their acquisition of each language may be somewhat slower than that of children who are acquiring a single language, their development in the two languages combined is equivalent to that of monolingual children.
Bilingual language learners proceed through the same patterns of language and speech development as children acquiring a single language.
Infants are at risk for acquiring iron deficiency because their rapid rate of growth needs a corresponding increased supply of dietary iron, for use in making blood and muscles.
Children with learning disorders, or disabilities, have specific impairments in acquiring, retaining, and processing information.
For example, with one exposure of unprotected sexual intercourse, a woman has a 1 percent chance of acquiring HIV, a 30 percent chance of acquiring herpes, and 50 percent chance of contracting gonorrhea if her partner is infected.
Even when condoms are used improperly they reduce the risk of acquiring infections by 50 percent.
It appears that early intervention to prevent the use and abuse of alcohol and other substances may significantly decrease their risk of acquiring STDs.
Adolescents should also be informed about the myths and misconceptions of acquiring STDs.
The University is in the process of now acquiring a basket-weave floor system for their dancers.
Acquiring the material as well as constructing it were no easy task and took many man hours to complete.
You can find more information about acquiring your visa at the US Embassy for Libya and at the country's official Web site.
The Toys R Us application is available online and is split up into several sections so that you only apply for the types of jobs you're interested in acquiring.
Depending upon your particular situation you may be pleasantly surprised to find that acquiring a mortgage without much hassle isn't as tough as you thought it might be.
Juicing is a wonderful option for acquiring natural food source liquid vitamins.
Cats are not declawed unless it was done prior to the shelter acquiring them.
You will likely find that participating in these types of organizations will become an invaluable way of making contacts and acquiring resources throughout your professional or volunteer career in the nonprofit arena.
Some community development activities that use the funding are acquiring real estate, demolishing run down properties, rehabilitating houses, improving public facilities and paving streets and sidewalks.
For an experienced seamstress, this is always going to be the most satisfying method of acquiring the perfect costume.
These choices for acquiring your Mardi Gras gown are probably easy, but there are certain considerations.
Acquiring access to your significant other's cell phone will often give you valuable information.
During World War II, the company refocused its energy on additional growth opportunities, eventually acquiring additional jewelry franchise names and creating a powerful corporation that would continue to dominate the industry.
The company's process for creating these unique stones starts by acquiring a carbon source.
In order to ensure that you are acquiring genuine Fendi merchandise, it is important that you only purchase these handbags from licensed department stores or online retailers such as Bluefly and Eluxury.
There are a number of decks for various purposes, and there are a number of spreads (or arrangements) for acquiring different information from a reading.
This is because acquiring a mate has now become as important a task as his other day-to-day projects.
After acquiring the Wenger accessories company in 2005, Victorinox announced that the Swiss Army and Wenger lines would continue.
If you're interested in acquiring an antique Omega but aren't sure how to go about locating an authentic watch, the selections listed here can help you get started.
It is available to those starting, acquiring or expanding their small business.
However, the problem with acquiring your new moves at a cheer camp is that rival teams are likely attending similar camps, if not the very same camp.
However, the likelihood of acquiring polyps associated with colon cancer was lowered.
Remembering that food is meant mainly to satisfy hunger, and secondly to protect and prevent us from acquiring disease, allows a mindful approach to when we eat, why we eat, what we eat, and how much we eat.
Fat is your body's most efficient means of acquiring and storing energy.
By doing simple carpal tunnel exercises you may be able to prevent acquiring the painful condition.
Acquiring a heart rate monitor can change workouts for the better.
For high school and college students, the most common method for acquiring a language is to sign up for a course in that language.
Obtaining a quote is simple, but this is only the beginning to acquiring coverage.
Before acquiring health insurance, it is a good idea to shop around for health insurance quotes.
There have been two seasons of this show, and although the second season ended with Tiffany acquiring a fiancé, there is no telling if there will be a third season.
Aside from these classic sci fi films and series, the network began to air "second run" programming - that is, acquiring the rights to series after they'd been cancelled by the original networks.
Skin cancer signs can come out of nowhere, however it is in your power to largely decrease your likelihood of acquiring the disease.
Acquiring contacts is the same as other networks but one neat feature LinkedIn has is recommendations.
You also can find ways to expand your restaurant in size, acquiring more customers in the process.
This doesn't involve breaking any rules, or using any extra programs to "hack" the system; it simply is a way of acquiring wealth that the designers never thought of.
Soccer uniforms take a beating through fading in the sunshine, playing through rain, acquiring mud stains, and picking up the grass stains that seem to be an inevitable part of any soccer season.
He was described to Pepys on his acquiring office as "one of a broken sort of people that have not much to lose and therefore will venture all," and as "a beggar having £1Too or £1200 a year, but owes above £10,000."
The cost of intra-urban railways depends not only on the type of construction, but more especially upon local conditions, such as the nature of the soil, the presence of subsurface structures, like sewers, water and gas mains, electric conduits, &c.; the necessity of permanent underpinning or temporary supporting of house foundations, the cost of acquiring land passed under or over when street lines are not followed, and, in the case of elevated railways, the cost of acquiring easements of light, air and access, which the courts have held are vested in the abutting property.
At the present time orthodox Judaism is also again acquiring its due position and the Jewish theological seminary of America was founded for this purpose.
After acquiring the northern edge of the Armenian plateau, partly from Persia in 1828 and partly from Turkey in 1829, Russia crushed a rising which had broken out in the Caspian coast districts of Daghestan on the north of the Caucasus.
Early in April he sought to gain the help of ioo,000 Austrian troops by holding out to Francis of Austria the prospect of acquiring Silesia from Prussia.
With the hope of acquiring immense booty in the rich church of St Basil in Caesarea, the capital of Cappadocia, he placed himself at the head of the Turkish cavalry, crossed the Euphrates and entered and plundered that city.
It is indeed true that to thousands the hope of acquiring spiritual merit must have been a great motive; it is also true, as the records of crusading sermons show, that there was a strong element of "revivalism" in the Crusades, and that thousands were hurried into taking the cross by a gust of that uncontrollable enthusiasm which is excited by revivalist meetings to-day.
But the Genoese, who had helped with provisions and siege-tackle in the capture of Antioch and of Jerusalem, had both a stronger claim on the crusaders, and a greater interest in acquiring an eastern emporium.
She there went through the form of marriage with a German workman named Luxemburg with the object of acquiring German nationality.
We observe cats and dogs acquiring the same second nature.
The acquiring of speech by untaught deaf children is always slow and often painful.