Acquire Sentence Examples
We meet at very short intervals, not having had time to acquire any new value for each other.
He wanted to acquire a sound reading knowledge of modern Greek.
If, for example, a knitting needle is stroked with the south pole of a magnet, the strokes being directed from the middle of the needle towards the two extremities alternately, the needle will acquire a north pole at each end and a south pole in the middle.
It may be that, just as the usages of civilized nations have slowly crystallized into international law, so there may come a time when the political principles that govern states in relation to each other will be so clearly defined and so generally accepted as to acquire something of a legal or quasi-legal character.
Races inhabiting malarious districts acquire a certain degree of resistance, no doubt through natural selection.
In Italy she was to acquire the Venetian lands already named, along with Dalmatia and Venetian Istria.
He could acquire property and even hold other slaves.
Slight differences in form have been noted between nephridia of different segments; but the Hirudinea do not show the marked differentiation that is to be seen in some other Chaetopods; nor do the nephridia ever acquire any relations to the alimentary canal.
It's not hard to acquire an emo hair cut.
His goal was to acquire weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them.
AdvertisementThe deaf and the blind find it very difficult to acquire the amenities of conversation.
There are many ways to acquire invitations cards.
Your cat will acquire many in the course of his/her life.
There was, for instance, the ambition of the adventurer prince, the younger son, eager to carve a principality in the far East, of whom Bohemund is the type; there was the interest of Italian towns, anxious to acquire the products of the East more directly and cheaply, by erecting their own emporia in the eastern Mediterranean.
It is probable that they acquire special sensibility at the breeding season and serve as " guides " in copulation.
AdvertisementNow, if you acquire an ox, a new source of energy, you can plow more.
There are a variety of ways you can acquire movies.
In modern problems we can watch the economic machine actually at work, cross-examine our witnesses, see that delicate interplay of passions and interests which cannot be set down or described in a document, and acquire a certain sense of touch in relation to the questions at issue which manuscripts and records cannot impart.
At the same time he endeavoured to acquire a knowledge of Hebrew, in order to be able to read the Old Testament in the original.
Spanish telecoms operator, Telefonica, is to acquire British mobile operator O2.
AdvertisementWeigh that against the certainty that nearly a billion people are hungry right now and I don't know why we would decline to acquire this knowledge.
Another way to acquire bonus points is through seating.
The easiest way to acquire any specific item these days is to run a Google search over the Internet.
Both Virgo and Scorpio like to acquire resources.
Maybe he was afraid she would take half of what he had taken a lifetime to acquire.
AdvertisementMoreover, yellow amber after long burial is apt to acquire a reddish colour.
When, however, a company desires to construct a line on a commercial scale, to acquire land compulsorily, to divert rivers and streams, to cross roads either on the level or by means of bridges, to pass near houses, to build tunnels or viaducts, and to execute all the other works incidental to a.
Now when the Hebrew religion was reduced to written form it began to be a book-religion, and since the book consisted of fixed rules and enactments, religion began to acquire a stereotyped character.
But the Arabs did not acquire their knowledge of this literature at first hand.
In 1830 Cobden learnt that Messrs Fort, calico printers at Sabden, near Clitheroe, were about to retire from business, and he, with two other young men, Messrs Sheriff and Gillet, who were engaged in the same commercial house as himself, determined to make an effort to acquire the succession.
Throughout his reign Valdemar laboured incessantly to acquire as much land as possible.
Tetraspores are at first naked, but soon acquire a cell-wall and germinate without a period of rest.
Hence his followers early acquire the name Christians from the Greek form of the word.
They will now press ahead with their ambitions to acquire a nuclear arsenal.
Nearly six out of ten investor landlords said that they expect to acquire further property in the coming year.
The more data you acquire, the faster you'll spot the customer preference trends and be able to morph your product effectively.
Because of declining returns, the cost of acquiring customers rises and we reach a point where we can no longer acquire customers profitably.
You probably have also figured out that it helps a lot to acquire skills you're lacking-either learning them yourself or bringing in partners who possess these skills.
Wisdom, of course, isn't something that you can just click your heels and acquire.
To price the rare books you acquire, consult rare book dealers online or in person.
The signatories were careful to disclaim all idea of a pact or treaty, and to define the declaration as a mere statement of ideals and principles which could not acquire binding force until ratified by elected representatives of the nation as a whole.
They changed their creed merely to acquire the rights and privileges of Moslem citizens.
It does, however, enable a acquire municipal corporation to acquire corporate land and land.
Under the first an urban district council may, by means of a scheme, acquire, working .
Long afterwards, when Confucius was complimented on his acquaintance with many arts, he accounted for it on the ground of the poverty of his youth, which obliged him to acquire a knowledge of matters belonging to a mean condition.
In 1863 laws were issued to enable the Letts, who form the bulk of the population, to acquire the farms which they held, and special banks were founded to help them.
In the 10th century it began to acquire importance, and for some time was an independent commune.
Villeins and serfs in France rise gradually in the social scale, redeem many of the onerous services of feudalism and practically acquire tenant-right on most of the plots occupied by them.
In considering telegony it should perhaps be mentioned that some breeders not only believe the dam is liable to be "infected" by the sire, but also that the sire may acquire some of the characteristics of his mates.
Bogdan, after learning to read and write, a rare accomplishment in those days, entered the Cossack ranks, was dangerously wounded and taken prisoner in his first battle against the Turks, and found leisure during his two years' captivity at Constantinople to acquire the rudiments of Turkish and French.
The Boers' object in intriguing to acquire Swaziland was not merely that of obtaining that country.
The fuidhirs also were divided into saer and daer; the former being free by industry and thrift to acquire some property, after which five of them could club together to acquire rights corresponding to those of one freeman.
After about a week's feeding they drop to the ground, lie dormant for a month, during which time they acquire their fourth pair of legs xxvi.
But already, at the end of 1099 Dagobert, archbishop of Pisa, had been substituted as patriarch for Arnulf (who had been acting as vicar) by the influence of Bohemund; and Dagobert, whose vassal Godfrey had at once piously acknowledged himself, seems to have forced him to an agreement in April Too, by which he promised Jerusalem and Jaffa to the patriarch, in case he should acquire in their place Cairo or some other town, or should die without issue.
We see here, as in other activities of the age, a determination to acquire technical knowledge, and to apply it directly to the practical issue; just as music was being enriched by new technical knowledge, architecture by modern theories of plans and T-squares (sc. Hippodamus), the handling of soldiers by the new technique of " tactics " and " hoplitics," so citizenship must be analysed afresh, systematized and adapted in relation to modern requirements.
But with the establishment of order and security, the zadrugas began rapidly to disappear, a further cause of their dissolution being the fact that members could legally acquire private property (osobina).
The reader who will trace out these successive concepts and study the results of his changing positions will readily acquire the notions which it is our subject to define.
At first they acquire a bright and very smooth surface, but this is subsequently replaced by a dull crust, resembling white or yellowish porcelain.
A married woman may hold, acquire and dispose of property as if she were single, and the descent of the estate of a husband dying intestate is the same as that of a wife dying intestate, the survivor being entitled to onethird of the estate if there are one or more children, and to one-half of the estate if there are no children or other lineal descendants.
Occasionally, as among the Styrians, individuals acquire the habit of arsenic-eating, which is said to increase their weight, strength and appetite, and clears their complexion.
With belligerent occupation, the occupant does not acquire any sovereignty over territory, it merely exercises de facto control.
The limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate safe foods, or limited or uncertain ability to acquire foods in socially acceptable ways.
The whole purpose of Pakistan's decision to acquire nuclear capability has been to deter aggression by a more powerful state.
Any member so co-opted shall not acquire the right to vote at Committee meetings.
By developing a sustainable technology, developers acquire some green credentials.
The man didn't even have the decency to acquire his own guru.
We also provide personal support for your employees who have or who acquire a disfigurement.
The only way for a fallen eidolon to become more powerful is to acquire mortal souls.
You learn how to design experiments and acquire expertise in statistics.
What do I do if, as a certificate holder, I want to acquire another firearm or shotgun?
We might say that the subject has a responsibility to acquire this know-how.
After all, our children have language problems and cannot be expected to acquire a huge lexicon.
Understanding how people acquire language allows applied linguists to develop more effective ways of teaching foreign languages.
Public Member Functions void acquire () const; Attempts to acquire the internal mutex lock.
Cellular invasion can be duplicated in vitro with polarized epithelial cell monolayers, and parasites ' activated ' to acquire infectivity.
We have changed the regulations to make it possible for children born abroad to British mothers to acquire British nationality.
Is the reader supposed to ' drink ' the book or by touching it acquire or intuit its content through some psychic osmosis?
The purchaser of Old Pear Tree Farm will have the opportunity to acquire a one acre grass paddock, located close-by.
Questions in the operative period When and where did Francis Wall acquire the painting?
Our tools acquire a slight brown patina over time, that is all.
Refinancing The decision to acquire an asset under a lease agreement or outright purchase is one which firms often face.
During their long sojourn in London, Engels assisted them to acquire the Marxian method.
They offer the chance for employees to acquire a stake in the ownership of the company for which they work.
They can learn to ride steeds, master the art of thievery, acquire pets, clothing or tattoos, and more.
As you know recently we submitted a sealed tender to acquire a freehold day center in Edgware, North London.
Wouldn't he think he needs to acquire explosive weaponry and arsenals and what not.
The company is then free to proceed with the work of construction, and at once becomes subject to various general acts, such as the Companies Clauses Act, which affects all joint-stock companies incorporated by any special act; the Land Clauses Act, which has reference to all companies having powers to acquire land compulsorily; the Railway Clauses Act, which imposes certain conditions on all railways alike (except light railways); the various Regulation of Railways Acts; the Carriers Protection Act; acts for the conveyance of mails, parcels, troops; acts relating to telegraphs, to the conveyance of workmen and to the housing of the labouring classes; and several others which it is unnecessary to specify.
It was Paul's hope in this way to acquire a support in his war with the Spaniards.
Often young birds acquire the infections from the hen or through navel or yolk sac infections.
The human diet can be highly varied, and this allows people to acquire nutrients from multiple food sources.
If you'd like to get started using a MoneyCard, there are two ways you can acquire one.
You can acquire this through internships.
There are, however, some ways to legitimately acquire free tickets.
If applicable, acquire a separate phone line for the business.
Hauran by railway, the Druse sheikhs are beginning to acquire commercial ambitions, and to desire peace.
The place began to acquire some importance in the 13th century.
The first shoots are of limited growth, being replaced by lateral branches, which gradually acquire the number of leaf-teeth characteristic of the species.
Aesthetics elaborates the "ideas" involved in the expression of taste called forth by those relations of object which acquire for them the attribution of beauty or the reverse.
He must also acquire the ability to handle bees judiciously and well under all imaginable conditions.
Moreover, he held that it would be of no advantage to Prussia to create a new German state; if Denmark were to lose the duchies, he desired that Prussia should acquire them, and to recognize the Augustenburg claims would make this impossible.
They increase in size and acquire a cell-wall, which becomes differentiated into an outer cuticular layer, or extine, and an inner layer, or intine.
In the course of the summer, from some of these eggs are hatched females which acquire wings and lay eggs from which wingless males and females are born.
So long as the political relations of such a company are with savages or semi-savages, it may be left free to act, but directly it becomes involved with a civilized power the state has (if it wishes to retain the territory) to acquire by purchase the political rights of the company, and it is obviously much easier to induce a popular assembly to grant money for the purpose of maintaining rights already existing than to acquire new ones.
Thus during the Peloponnesian War it served as a naval station for the Athenians, who again in 374 B.C. endeavoured to acquire it for a similar purpose; in 357 it became the headquarters of Dion on his expedition against Syracuse.
It protected him from interference, opened to him the highest circles of Roman society, and enabled him to acquire a personal influence with the leading men, which stood him in good stead when he afterwards came forward to mediate between his countrymen and Rome.
There still remains, over and above the realm of nature, the realm of free, self-conscious spirit; and, within this sphere, it may be anticipated that the ideas will acquire a significance richer and deeper than the merely regulative import which they possess in reference to cognition.
Here he says plainly that it was the fear lest the emperor should acquire the Baltic ports and proceed to build up a sea-power dangerous to Scandinavia.
Wills which he made before 1623 show that he had been able to acquire considerable property.
We did acquire a blurry video image and a pretty good visual descripting of the perp.
Ah, well, you never know what strange interests real ale aficionados are going to acquire.
Robert was also the first bishop to appoint an archdeacon in Hereford and he began to acquire books for the cathedral.
First, your teaching assistantship program would provide me with the practical teaching experience I am eager to acquire.
Indeed, it seems like the supreme irony that militant atheism has managed to acquire the mentality of a religion.
For example, some customary land registration systems require women to receive authorization from their husbands to independently acquire a land title.
This letter from the contented buyer of a Scottish barony should be of interest to readers who wish to acquire genuine titles.
A particular aim of the study was to acquire further knowledge on the abundance and distribution of Sabellaria reef and its associated biota.
To meet this challenge, Africa must acquire and adapt biotechnology to the agricultural sectors.
I'll not utter a name, in case my complaint advantages you, and you acquire fame through my verse.
In order to acquire fluency some performers have found it helpful to restrict the number of chakras initially.
Each activity will require specific know-how that you will be able to acquire with each play.
A Private Interest Foundation, as juridical person with its own patrimony, has the capacity to execute rights and acquire obligations.
His mystical message is used by psychotherapists and counselors to help people to acquire self-knowledge.
Hence, if, after assuming a body and sojourning upon earth, it becomes polluted by sin and fails to acquire the experience for which it descends from heaven, it must three times reinhabit a body, till it is able to ascend in a purified state through repeated trials.
This demesne land, originally held at the will of the lord, in course of time came to acquire fixity of tenure, and developed into the modern copyhold (see MANOR).
The festival was to acquire a new importance under the protection of the Spartans, who, having failed in their plans of actual conquest in the Peloponnese, sought to gain at least the hegemony (acknowledged predominance) of the peninsula.
Doubtless Paracelsus learned rapidly what was put before him, but he seems at a comparatively early age to have questioned the value of what he was expected to acquire, and to have soon struck out ways for himself.
He spared no pains to acquire true style, frequently rewriting his chapters, and sometimes testing passages of philosophy and description in eight different forms. Yet to a certain extent he lacked the representative power and often failed to conceal his art, many pages ringing with artificial tones.
He was successful in repelling the Egyptian attack at the battle of Ascalon (August 1099); but he failed, owing to Raymund's obstinacy and greed, to acquire the town of Ascalon after the battle.
When tumors acquire multi-drug resistance, become refractory and cause relapse after first-line chemotherapy, their responses to routine drugs are greatly compromised.
It is one thing not to wish to acquire what one has not, and another to renounce what one already has.
Financial Performance Profits from investment activity Our main activity is to acquire properties at a substantial discount in return for granting life-long rent-free leases.
Great oppertunity to acquire a top brood mare or future ridden prospect.
Despite all the scare mongering about rent, they need to acquire more space.
Enhance self-esteem, develop skills and explore attitudes and values as well as acquire and extend knowledge.
The area was originally solidly middle class, but had soon begun to acquire a shabby-genteel flavor.
Verily, the thing I fear most for you all is what Allah will allow you to acquire of the splendor of this world.
Would n't he think he needs to acquire explosive weaponry and arsenals and what not.
All coatings will wear off with time, and the jewelry will acquire a dull look if not polished.
Once you have figured out the object or item that you want to create and are clear on the required quantities and types of beads, you can start to acquire the beads.
The iPod Nano is very popular, and as such, there are many avenues you can take to acquire one.
Replacement parts can be difficult to acquire from companies that have gone out of business.
While purchasing fireworks from a stand may be the most convenient option, the cheaper way to acquire them is through an online retailer.
Plus, you can acquire fireworks for even cheaper if you sign up as a wholesale distributor, though the minimum order goes up to a whopping $1,000.
If you want the special Victorian and Historical metal roofing or want to acquire Energy Star compliant "Green" roofing, they deal in that also.
Whatever you wind up naming your kitten, he/she will acquire numerous nicknames.
Interestingly enough, many of the diseases cats acquire in their older years are similar to those suffered by aging humans.
Of course, this all becomes a moot point for pet owners who did not acquire their cat from a breeder who has taken careful note of an animal's pedigree and family health history.
Banks also offer the ability for business owners to acquire multiple cards under the same account.
If you acquire your card at the store, you'll be able to do so immediately at the register.
The best way to get the paperwork you need is to visit your county courthouse; this way, you can make sure about your state's mandates for legal separation and acquire the correct paperwork.
Divorce forms do not cost you anything, you can go to your local court and acquire them free, or you can search for them online.
The reason why these sites are charging a fee is that they know that you won't be able to acquire a free divorce record in California.
This service may be helpful to identify the particular year and location of the divorce so that you can check with the county and acquire the record.
Bare Escentuals makeup kits are a great way to acquire quality makeup the natural way.
The key is to find an item you can easily acquire for little money and can sell on eBay for a solid profit.
Before you can begin your adventure in special effect editing, you'll need to acquire a few items if you don't already possess them.
Musical - Some people respond most to rhythmic auditory stimulation - so working music into the class (even just in the background) will help them retain and acquire new learning.
For all these reasons, online parenting courses are the most effective way for these individuals to acquire the necessary skills both quickly and inexpensively.
However, with the Internet as your investigative tool, you should be able to get a lead on how to best acquire your movie or at least determine if the title is available.
Another reason that movie scripts are useful is for movie fans, who love to acquire the script from their favorite films and read them for more dimension.
It's a measurement of one's ability to acquire information without the use of the typical five senses.
And we need to acquire a staggering amount of wisdom through those experiences.
It takes years of study and training to acquire all of the skills a truly professional tat artist needs.
Create your own meaning by applying the hummingbird image to your body the next time you acquire more body art and let the hummingbird speak to you.
Check your piercer's portfolio for the body piercing you're looking to acquire.
This website provides important information, includingwho needs a visa, how long visitors can stay, and where to acquire visas for that country.
Seiko went on to acquire and launch additional brands, like Pulsar, and to introduce innovative products like the first TV watch and kinetic watches that don't require batteries.
All that has to be done is for the users to acquire AlarMe and wear it.
In order to guarantee you acquire a true vintage Omega, it's important to research your options carefully.
Depending on the program, you may have to have to acquire teaching hours in order to complete certification.
Fully accredited by the Yoga Alliance, the certification from Kashi is a valuable one to acquire.
It is thought that if children with autism do not learn certain social and language skills within their first critical years, they become far more difficult to acquire later.
The process is extremely difficult because this individual has passed the ideal time to acquire language naturally.
While neurotypical children acquire the skill of identifying emotions, children with autism may have to learn this skill deliberately, as they would math.
Making the most of your contacts and making it known to them that you're seeking financial assistance, preferably from an angel, will help you acquire the financial support you desire.
Would you like to know where to acquire free printable business cards?
For example, do not state you want to obtain a job where you can acquire new skills and gain experience.
Keep the original saved so you can edit and rearrange sections as you acquire more skills and work experience.
Buying a company that is going out of business means that you acquire its legal responsibilities and debts.
The trouble is, since most squads are influenced by the same sources when it comes to their creativity, how can a cheerleading squad acquire an original and advanced stunt choreography on its own?
Cheerleading coaches should be encouraged to look outside the world of cheerleading to acquire themes and ideas that can give their squad's stunts and moves a spark of originality.
On the positive side, food color is inexpensive, easy to acquire, and won't change the translucency of the soap.
If you already speak French, or you have an interest in learning French, you can acquire specialized French translation skills to become a licensed translator yourself.
If you want to acquire French without breaking the bank, one great option is to learn French online for free.
Many places will let an interested customer know when they acquire something that might be what they are looking for.
In addition, bras can get sweat-stained or acquire little fabric balls due to frequent launderings.
It can be tempting to use file-sharing programs to acquire songs from all your favorite artists for free.
There are many MP3 music files that are freely available over the Gnutella network, but there are countless others that may or may not be legal to acquire.
From the download page, you can choose to acquire either the free version of Limewire or Limewire Pro for $18.88.
It may take up to 30 minutes to acquire this same song with a dial-up connection.
By carefully planning purchases, individuals and party planners alike can easily acquire just the right supplies at far less than standard costs, depending on where they decide to hunt for bargains.
With the exception of Exit Wounds, the movies following Price of Central Park did get some limited theatrical released worldwide, but none acquire the status that his earlier actions did in the 80's and 90's.
If you want to learn more about nail art, trainer manuals and resources may help you acquire more knowledge about this unique skill.
This product also comes in tablet form but to acquire it you will need a prescription.
Be cautious about downloading any files, either to acquire your new layout, or through a promotion in one of the site's ads.
Between these two processes, you end up with a fairly reliable way to acquire and navigate the stream of data that might be useful to you.
Your customers will eat what you have - but there are also opportunities to learn new recipes, acquire new ingredients, and update the decor and facilities of your restaurant which will improve their experience and earn you more money.
Of course, as noted by the web page, this might be because it is actually faster to acquire wealth and experience by simply playing the game as intended, growing crops and selling them at the virtual market.
Having a Linkedin profile can not only increase your professional Internet social networking skills and web SEO but can be a great tool to acquire a job.
At the South by Southwest Music Festival, Foursquare created several specialized badges that people could acquire by checking in all over the place.
It is still possible to acquire a uniform scrub set for right around $10.
The best way to get your drum major uniform is to acquire it at the same time the rest of the band gets their uniforms - from distributors such as Algy.
There are basically three ways to acquire a medieval helmet, short of paying exorbitant amounts of money at a high-end antiques auction.
Intrepid Cub Scouts can conceivably earn more patches than can be easily put on a standard uniform, especially if they acquire patches from events they've participated in.
There are a few different ways to acquire an actual web address with your own personal name (or business name) involved.
It's important to learn about the terminology associated with web hosting so that when it's time to acquire hosting space, you'll know what to look for in a provider.
There seems no good reason why in modern performances the pianoforte should not be used for the purpose; if only accompanists can be trained to acquire the necessary delicacy of touch, and can be made to understand that, if they cannot extemporize the necessary polyphony, and so have to play something definitely written for them, it is not a mass of interesting detail which they are to bring to the public ear.
Ambitious members of the Rurik dynasty, instead of seeking to acquire territory by conquest in the field, now sought to attain their ends by intrigue and bribery at the Mongol court.
As certain sanctuaries, Shiloh, Shechem, Bethel, &c., grew in importance, the priesthoods that officiated at them would acquire special prestige.
Here in the course of two years (1749-1750), interrupted by danger and debility, he " painfully climbed into the third form "; but it was left to his riper age to " acquire the beauties of the Latin and the rudiments of the Greek tongue."
In the latter form old trees, the summer pruning of which has been neglected, are apt to acquire an undue projection from the wall and become scraggy, to avoid which a portion of the old spurs should be cut out annually.
It is, in fact, fully established that these leguminous crops acquire a considerable amount of nitrogen by the fixation of the free nitrogen of the atmosphere under the influence of the symbiotic growth of their root-nodule-microbes and the higher plant.
Already, as may be seen by his letters to the Directory, he had laid his plans for the bartering away of the Queen of the Adriatic to Austria; and throughout the lengthy negotiations of the summer and early autumn of 1797 which he conducted with little interference from Paris, he adhered to his plan of gaining the fleet and the Ionian Isles; while the house of Habsburg was to acquire the city itself, together with all the mainland territories of the Republic as far west as the River Adige.
In return for the great accessions of power to France since the treaty of Amiens (Elba, it may be noted, was annexed in August 1802) Great Britain was to retain Malta for ten years and to acquire the small island of Lampedusa in perpetuity.
The aim in all these changes, it will be observed, was to acquire control over the seaboard, or, failing that, the commerce of all European states.
The Crusade was now at last answered by the counter-Crusade - the jihad; for though for many years past Saladin had, in his attempt to acquire all the inheritance of Nureddin, left Palestine unmenaced and intact, his ultimate aim was always the holy war and the recovery of Jerusalem.
In the construction of this soft-iron instrument it is essential that the fragment of iron should be as small and as well annealed as possible and not touched with tools after annealing; also it should be preferably not too elongated in shape so that it may not acquire permanent magnetization but that its magnetic condition may follow the changes of the current in the coil.
This fact and their reports of the immense herds of elephants which roamed the bush led Simon van der Stell, then governor at Cape Town, to despatch (1689) the ship " Noord " to Port Natal, with instructions to her commander to open up a trade in ivory and to acquire possession of the bay.
It was again refused, but it was evident that the queen regretted not being able to acquire it.
In its turn, being operated upon by the conditions of life, it would acquire a greater development of the same modification, which it would in turn transmit to its offspring.
Its first beginnings are seen in the imitative tendencies of animals by which the young of one generation acquire some of the habits of their parents, and by which gregarious and social animals acquire a community of procedure ensuring the advantage of the group. " Taboo," the systematic imposition by the community of restrictions upon the conduct of the individual, is one of its earliest manifestations in primitive man and can be observed even in animal communities.
Kruger endeavoured to acquire Kosi Bay, to the north of Zululand and only 50 m.
When the king symbolizes both the god and the extent of his kingdom, ceremonies which could appear commonplace often acquire a new significance, any discussion of which belongs to the intricacies of the history of religion and pre-monarchical society.
Powers under the Tramways Act of 1870 were given to the council, enabling it to acquire possession of these undertakings, and within the county of London they have been for the most part so acquired, and are worked by the council.
It is usually essential that some parts of the apparatus shall be made to acquire a temperature identical with the temperature to be measured.
Royalty and the Church, when they acquire the lead in social life, work out a new penal system based on outlawry, death penalties and corporal punishments, which make their first appearance in the legislation of Withraed and culminate in that of !Ethelred and Canute.
It is at this Ghibel- time that the people of Florence first began to acquire influence, and while the countess presided at the courts of justice in the name of the Empire, she was assisted by a group of great feudal nobles, judges, lawyers, &c., who formed, as elsewhere in Tuscany, the boni homines or sapientes.
In 1 404 their attempt to capture Pisa single-handed Attempts to acquire failed, and Gabriele Maria placed himself under the Pisa protection of the French king.
The fishing centre at Schonen was important as a market, though, like Novgorod, its trade was seasonal, but it did not acquire the position of a regularly organized counter, reserved alone, in the North, for Bergen.
The roots are dug up in Mexico throughout the year, and are suspended to dry in a net over the hearth of the Indians' huts, and hence acquire a smoky odour.
Thus we acquire a bodyof empirical generalizations as to social phenomena, and then we connect the generalizations with the positive theory of human nature.
During the long apprenticeship that educated Japanese serve to acquire the power of writing with the brush the complicated characters borrowed from Chinese, they unconsciously cultivate the habit of minute observation and the power of accurate imitation, and with these the delicacy of touch and freedom of hand which only long practice can give.
It was not the good fortune of Johnston to acquire the prestige which so much assisted Lee and Jackson, nor indeed did he possess the power of enforcing his will on others in the same degree, but his methods were exact, his strategy calm and balanced, and, if he showed himself less daring than his comrades, he was unsurpassed in steadiness.
I have still as much vanity as ever, which is a happier passion by far, because great reputation I think I may acquire and keep, great situation I never can acquire, nor if acquired keep, without making sacrifices that I never will make."
All the space behind the mirror will become dark, and all the space in front of the mirror will acquire an exalted illumination.
Olivares made it his business to acquire the most complete influence over the young prince.
It is a common practice in the magic of all ages and countries to acquire control and influence over men and animals by making images of them.
After finishing his literary studies he was sent to Neuchatel to learn commerce and acquire the French language.
Italian jealousy shrank from conferring this important office on a Florentine, lest one member of the state should acquire a power dangerous to the whole.
These are the nymphs, destined to acquire wings; their body is more slender in outline, and at first they bear well-marked tubercles.
All the vigilance of the emperor could not restrain the dishonesty and the cupidity of his servants, and no sooner was the strong hand of their ruler removed than they began to acquire territorial power for themselves.
In both forms it is usual to have the space between the bulb and the protecting sheath partly filled with mercury or alcohol to act as a conductor and reduce the time necessary for the thermometer to acquire the temperature of its surroundings.
It is clear that acetylene, if it is to be used on a large scale as a domestic illuminant, must undergo such processes of purification as will render it harmless and innocuous to health and property, and the sooner it is recognized as absolutely essential to purify acetylene before consuming it the sooner will the gas acquire the popularity it deserves.
The difficulty is further diminished when it is proved, as it can be proved, 2 that the modes of energy represented in the atomic spectrum acquire energy so slowly that the atom might undergo collisions with other atoms for centuries before being set into oscillations which would possess an appreciable amount of energy.
We find that this dissipation, although undoubtedly going on, proceeds with extreme slowness, so that the vibrations pass their energy on to the ether as rapidly as they acquire it, and the " normal state " is never established.
Happily for him, however, he was able to acquire in his youth a knowledge of English and Dutch, and by the help of some missionaries he succeeded in obtaining books in those languages on both scientific and political subjects.
The history of the Philistine district goes back long before the time of the Purasati (c. 1200 B.C.), and if the references to Philistines in pre-Mosaic times are treated as anachronisms, those which can be applied to the 12th-11th century do not at once acquire an historical value.'
At his first appearance in history Guido was a monk in the Benedictine monastery of Pomposa, and it was there that he taught singing and invented his educational method, by means of which, according to his own statement, a pupil might learn within five months what formerly it would have taken him ten years to acquire.
Immediately after the issue of the charter a few of the more adroit directors of the Amsterdam Chamber hastened to acquire for themselves, as patroons, the tracts of land most favourably situated for trade.
German commercial undertakings had been encouraged and assisted by the German Government to acquire immense and valuable interests within Ottoman domains; among them the construction and working of the great line of railway designed to connect Constantinople with Syria, Arabia and Bagdad.
For, by representing the prosecution of its party-political objects as a championship of the Catholic Church, Ultramontanism seeks to acquire the support of the official organs of that Church, and the good will of all circles interested in her welfare; while at the same time it strives to discredit any attempt at opposition by branding it as an assault on the orthodox faith.
The majority of the species of Clupea are of greater or less utility to man; it is only a few tropical species that acquire, probably from their food, highly poisonous properties, so as to be dangerous to persons eating them.
Russia was to acquire the Dardanelles, the Sea of Marmora, the Bosphorus with Constantinople, and Corfu.
From the earliest times the monks had renounced all private property, and no individual monk, but only the order to which he belonged, could acquire possessions.
The wife may hold, acquire and manage property the same as if she were single; she is also subject to the same liabilities in relation to her property as a single woman except that no contract or conveyance by her as surety or guarantor for her husband is binding.
In acquiring scientific knowledge, syllogism cannot start from universals without induction, nor induction acquire universals without sense.
This agreement does not include any armaments for the purpose of protecting the shore and ports, and each party will be at liberty to acquire any vessels (maquina flotante) intended for the protection thereof, such as submarines, &c.
They also undertook not to acquire within that area any privileges or commercial facilities not extended to both of them.
To shake off his native accent and to acquire the graces of oratorical action, he engaged the services of Thomas Sheridan and Charles Macklin.
Harlay de Sancy was a learned man and a good linguist, who used his opportunities to acquire a valuable collection of oriental MSS., many of which are now in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris.
He was in the habit of taking his students into the workshops, that they might acquire a practical as well as a theoretical knowledge of different processes and handicrafts.
He wished to acquire the mastery of souls by unifying the faith and centralizing the priesthood, but he also aspired to possess temporal supremacy, if not as direct owner, at least as suzerain, over all the national crowns, and thus to realize the idea with which he was penetrated and which he himself expressed clearly.
In 1909 the state legislature passed an act authorizing any city, borough or township of the first class to acquire, subject to the approval of the commissioner of forestry, a municipal forest; and it authorized the distribution of seedling forest trees, at cost, to those who would plant and protect them, for growing private forests.
A woman's right to hold, manage and acquire property in her own right is not affected by marriage, but for a married woman to mortgage or convey her real estate the joint action of herself and her husband is necessary.
His Tibetan-English Dictionary, and pioneer Tibetan Grammar, both published in 1834, opened to Europeans the way to acquire a knowledge of the Tibetan language as found in the ancient classics.
In Cystopteris the buds are deciduous, falling off as the fronds acquire maturity, but, if collected and pressed into the surface of a pot of soil and kept close, they will grow up into young plants the following season.
The result was a unity and order in the duchy which enabled Maximilian to play an important part in the Thirty Years' War; during the earlier years of which he was so successful as to acquire the Upper Palatinate and the electoral dignity which had been enjoyed since 1356 by the elder branch of the Wittelsbach family.
The rotation, by destroying the contacts, preserves this unequal distribution, and carries B from A to C at the same time that the tail K connects the ball with the plate C. In this situation, the electricity in B acts upon that in C, and produces the contrary state, by virtue of the communication between C and the ball; which last must therefore acquire an electricity of the same kind with that of the revolving plate.
Having completed his education at the university of Edinburgh, where he was distinguished in mathematics, Robert was induced to enter a banking-house in order to acquire a practical knowledge of business, but his ambition was really academic. In 1769 he gave up business pursuits and accepted the rectorship of Perth academy.
The commanding abilities of Oldenbarneveldt, now advocate of Holland, gradually gathered into his hands the entire administration of the Republic. He became indispensable and, as his influence grew, more and more did the policy of the provinces acquire unity and con sistency of purpose.
Power was in the hands of the wealthy, but the avenues to power were open to those who knew how to acquire the necessary qualification.
It is difficult, indeed, to blame the burghers for resisting the dubious reforming efforts of Hermann of Wied, archbishop from 1515 to 1546, inspired mainly by secular ambitions; but the expulsion of the Jews in 1414, and still more the exclusion, under Jesuit influence, of Protestants from the right to acquire citizenship, and from the magistracy, dealt severe blows at the prosperity of the place.
His great stroke as a collector was to acquire (by bequest, conditional on paying off certain debts) in 1701 the cabinet of William Courten, who had made collecting the business of his life.
This was caused primarily by Conrads avowed desire to acquire the kingdom of Burgundy, but other reasons for dissatisfaction existed, and the revolting duke found it easy to gather around him the scattered forces of discontent.
The Bill was carried through the Prussian parliament, but the opposition aroused in the other states was so great that he did not venture even to introduce in the Btindesrat a law empowering the empire to acquire the Prussian railways.
The decision between the two races turned on the vote of the feudal proprietors, and in order to win this a society was formed among the German capitalists of Vienna (to which the name of Chabrus was popularly given) to acquire by real or fictitious purchase portions of those estates to which a vote was attached.
They doubtless were acting in accordance with their principles, but the situation was such that it would have been impossible to carry out their wishes; the only result was that the Austrian ministers and Andrassy had to turn for help to the Poles, who began to acquire the position of a government party, which they have kept since then.
In 1870 the station at Bimbia was given up by the missionaries, but that at Akwa town continued to flourish, the Dualla showing themselves eager to acquire education, while Saker reduced their language to writing.
Private ownership was not interfered with, but all waste lands became the property of the crown, and no non-native could acquire title except as from the government.
The only exception, resulting from the Ottoman law under which foreigners are allowed to acquire and hold real property, is the land tax.
Sudanese are very excitable and apt to get out of hand; unlike the fellahs they are not fond of drill, and are slow to acquire it; but their dash, pugnacious instincts and desire to close with an enemy, are valuable military qualities.
An officer named IsmaIl Bey was sent with 8000 to acquire the eastern shore of the Red Sea, and one named Ilasan Bey to occupy Jidda.
The house of Habsburg, therefore, did not acquire this title with the inheritance of the dukes of Lorraine.
They soon acquire a cell-wall, and germinate without a period of rest.
The north-east winds acquire their greatest frequency from March to June and in November, which are accordingly the driest portions of the year.
At first it was enough to acquire some object which had enjoyed at least a mediate connexion with the hallowed corpse.
He followed his father's trade, but found time to acquire a knowledge of Latin, Greek, mathematics, physics, anatomy and other subjects.
In 1903 the legislature authorized the municipal ownership of public service corporations, and in 1906 the city of Chicago took steps to acquire ownership of its street railways - a movement which seemed to have spent its force in 1907, when the municipal ownership candidates were defeated in the city's elections - and in 1902 the right of that city to regulate the price of gas was recognized by the United States Circuit Court of Appeals.
Aulus Gabinius, the new proconsul of Syria, defeated his hastily gathered forces, besieged him in one of the fortresses he had managed to acquire, and induced him to abandon his attempt in return for his life.
First, he sought to acquire the substance, though not the name, of territorial power, by using the authority of the Mogul emperor for so much as he wished, and for no more; and, secondly, he desired to purify the company's service by prohibiting illicit gains, and at the same time guaranteeing a reasonable remuneration from honest sources.
They were forbidden to acquire landed estates in the conquered countries; all land was either made state property or was restored to the old owners subject to a perpetual tribute which provided pay on a splendid scale for the army.
Only after the introduction of sin did man lose his spiritual body, and acquire the animal nature with its distinction of sex.
This unlucky marriage was negotiated, it is said, chiefly to acquire the old claims of Denmark over England, to be used as a weapon against Richard I.
The right of France to the littoral as far south as the basin of the Melakori was recognized by Great Britain in 1882; Germany (which had made some attempt to acquire a protectorate at Konakry) abandoned its claims in 1885, while in 1886 the northern frontier was settled in agreement with Portugal, which had ancient settlements in the same region (see Portuguese Guinea).
Serapis' (OsirisApis) who came to acquire the attributes of Aesculapius and of Pluto, god of the dead, sometimes had serpent-form, and even in the reign of Constantine popular belief connected the rise of the Nile with his agency (Frazer, Adonis, 398).
A married woman may hold, acquire, manage and convey property and carry on business independently of her husband.
The Carnegie Institution of Washington, founded by Andrew Carnegie in 1902 and endowed by him with $22,000,000 ($10,000,000 in 1902; $12,000,000 later), is designed "to encourage in the broadest and most liberal manner, investigation, research and discovery, and the application of knowledge to the improvement of mankind; and in particular to conduct, endow and assist investigation in any department of science, literature or art, and to this end to co-operate with governments, universities, colleges, technical schools, learned societies and individuals; to appoint committees of experts to direct special lines of research; to publish and distribute documents; and to conduct lectures, hold meetings and acquire and maintain a library."
Not in Cologne or Tubingen but in Padua and Florence did the German pioneers of the Renaissance acquire their sense of liberal studies.
The vintage on the Rhine is, in order to permit the grapes to acquire the " over-ripeness " necessary to the peculiar character of the wines, generally very late, rarely taking place before the end of October.
Its aim is to acquire command over nature by knowledge, and to invent new arts, whereas the old logic strove only after dialectic victories and the 1 Thus the last step in the theoretical analysis gives the first means for the practical operation.
The great gods of Greece, in their functions as "saviours " and city-guardians, acquire new moral characters, and become really different gods, though they retain the old names.
The first to acquire notoriety was the duchess of Chateauroux, the third sister of one family who held this position.
The danger foreseen alike to the new Church, and to the commonalty and poor, began to be fulfilled a month later, when the lords, some of whom had already acquired, as others were about to acquire, much of the Church property, declined to make any of it over for Knox's magnificent scheme.
In Persia any person capable of reading the Koran and interpreting its laws may act as a priest (mullali), and as soon as such a priest becomes known for his just interpretation of the s/1ar and his superior knowledge of the traditions and articles of faith, he becomes a muftahid, literally meaning one who strives (to acquire knowledge), and is a chief priest.
He gave the dethroned shah a handsome allowance, and strove, by a mild policy, to acquire popularity.
At the same time he set to work to acquire the principal European languages, especially French, of which he became a master.
Metallic antimony was utilized to make goblets in which wine was allowed to stand so as to acquire emetic properties, and "everlasting" pills of the metal, supposed to act by contact merely, were administered and recovered for future use after they had fulfilled their purpose.
By this treaty Chile declared that if, in consequence of the plebiscite (to take place under the treaty of Ancon with Peru), or by virtue of direct arrangement, she should " acquire dominion and permanent sovereignty over the territories of Tacna and Arica, she undertakes to transfer them to Bolivia in the same form and to the same extent as she may acquire them "; the republic of Bolivia paying as an indemnity for that transfer $5,000,000 silver.
The process begins with the formation of brilliant granules (A, B); these increase, and the brilliant substance gradually balls together (C) and forms the spores (D), one in each segment, which soon acquire a membrane and ripen (E).
Animals naturally susceptible may acquire immunity, on the one hand by successfully passing through an attack of the disease, or, on the other hand, by various methods of inoculation.
The role of Greece, when she acceded to the league, was by offensive operations from Thessaly to bind as many hostile troops as possible, incidentally occupying the country which it was intended to acquire.
These concessions, which were formulated in the so-called Compacts, granted to the Bohemians the right of communion in both kinds, and of preaching the gospel freely, and also to a certain extent limited the power of the clergy to acquire worldly goods.
They further demanded that the Protestants - as it now became customary to call jointly the Utraquists, Lutherans and Bohemian Brethren - and the Roman Catholics should have an equal right to hold all the offices of state, and that the power of the Jesuits to acquire land should be limited.
Neither did the giraffe acquire its long neck by desiring to reach the foliage of more lofty shrubs, and constantly stretching its neck for the purpose, but because any varieties which occurred among its antitypes with a longer neck than usual at once secured a fresh range of pasture over the same ground as their shorter-necked companions, and on the first scarcity of food were thereby enabled to outlive them."
The county council under these acts has compulsory powers of purchase or hire if they are unable to acquire land by agreement and on reasonable terms. If an objection is made to an order for compulsory purchase or hire, the order will not be confirmed by the Board of Agriculture until after a local inquiry has been held.
The council may borrow money for the erection of such buildings; they may acquire and hold land in mortmain by virtue of their charter, or with the consent of the Local Government Board.
An urban council may acquire and maintain lands for the purpose of being used as public walks or pleasure-grounds, and may support or contribute to the support of such walks or grounds if Public provided by any other person.
The Local Government Board must make inquiry into the propriety of allowing the lands to be taken, and the power to acquire the lands compulsorily can only be conferred by means of a provisional order confirmed by parliament.
It should be observed, however, that although the local authority may themselves construct, and may acquire from the original promoters a system of tramways, they may not themselves work them without special authority of the legislature, and must in general let the working of the undertaking to some person or company.
The district council might acquire land, let it and regulate it, and they might provide common pasture.
A woman does not lose nor a man acquire right to property by marriage, and a wife may manage, sell, or will her property without the assent of her husband.
Moreover, in anticipation of the time when the Congo State would become a Belgian colony, there was issued under date of 7th of August 1901 the terms of a proposed loi organique, regulating the government of any colonial possessions which Belgium might acquire.
It was not till 1898, however, that his career as a great railway organizer began with his formation, by the aid of the bankers, Kuhn, Loeb & Co., of a syndicate to acquire the Union Pacific line, which was then in the hands of a receiver and was generally regarded as a hopeless failure.
The larvae of corals are free swimming ciliated forms known as planulae, and they do not acquire a corallum until they fix themselves.
All that William doubtless intended was to acquire a ready instrument to enable him to carry on the war with success.
It is certainly true that divine beings in most mythologies are apt to acquire solar with other elemental attributes, including vegetable attributes.
You cannot acquire the proper attire for heaven by your works.
No offer or invitation to acquire or exchange any securities or proposals to existing bondholders is being made pursuant to this announcement.
The child's birth must, however, be registered in South Africa for the child to acquire South African citizenship.
The person who is to acquire Bulgarian citizenship should have given his/her consent in writing to that end in advance.
On the contrary, participating in e-auctions or providing online catalogs requires firms to acquire new competences.
North Korea must follow suit; therefore, Japan had better acquire a nuclear deterrent.
Nevertheless, they will after 20 years acquire an easement of light.
Alternatively you can terminate the wayleave, which forces the utility company to exercise their compulsory powers to acquire a permanent easement.
She also represents conservation buyers who acquire land subject to conservation easements.
Students also improve their CVs and enhance their career prospects as the skills they acquire are highly prized by employers.