Acknowledges Sentence Examples
What Hume called repeated sequence Pearson calls " routine " of perceptions, and, like his master, holds that cause is an antecedent stage in a routine of perceptions; while he also acknowledges that his account of matter leads him very near to John Stuart Mill's definition of matter as " a permanent possibility of sensations."
Horace Walpole, who gives an unfavourable picture of his private character, acknowledges that Stone possessed "abilities seldom to be matched"; and he had the distinction of being mentioned by David Hume as one of the only two men of mark who had perceived merit in that author's History of England on its first appearance.
Sir Francis Weston in a letter to his family almost acknowledges his guilt in praying for pardon, especially for offences against his wife;' Anne's own conduct and character almost prepare us for some catastrophe.
He adds, what is not quite clear from one who so frankly acknowledges his limited acquaintance with the science, that he had reason to congratulate himself that he knew no more.
A forfeiture is also waived if the landlord elects not to take advantage of it - and shows his election either expressly or impliedly by some act, which acknowledges the continuance of the tenancy, e.g.
As for the influence he exercised on posterity, it is enough to say that Luca Pacioli, about 1500, in his celebrated Summa, leans so exclusively to Leonardo's works (at that time known in manuscript only) that he frankly acknowledges his dependence on them, and states that wherever no other author is quoted all belongs to Leonardus Pisanus.
All phenomena, moral as well as material, are contemplated by him in their relation to one great organic whole, which he acknowledges under the name of "Natura daedala rerum," and the most beneficent manifestations of which he seems to symbolize and almost to deify in the "Alma Venus," whom, in apparent contradiction to his denial of a divine interference with human affairs, he invokes with prayer in the opening lines of the poem.
Though he acknowledges pleasure to be the law of life, yet he is far from regarding its attainment as the end of life.
Sieffert, on account of the superscription, would date as early as 70-80, but acknowledges the hyper-Pauline affinity of the heresy, its propagation as a doctrine, and close relation to the Nicolaitan of Rev. ii.
The discovery of the Rosetta Stone furnished the key to Egyptian hieroglyphics; and archaeology, no less than the more practical sciences, acknowledges its debt of gratitude to the man who first brought the valley of the Nile into close touch with the thought of the West.
AdvertisementThe government acknowledges the unavoidable necessity of greatly extending and improving the internal communications of the country, but cannot see its way to doing so satisfactorily out of the ordinary resources of the country.
Motley acknowledges his indebtedness to Groen's Archives in the preface to his Rise of the Dutch Republic, at a time when the American historian had not yet made the acquaintance of King William's archivist, and also bore emphatic testimony to Groen's worth as a writer of history in the correspondence published after his death.
He also acknowledges that the Press was badly treated by the War Office and G.H.Q.
It accepts the doctrines of the Church of England, but acknowledges none save its own ecclesiastical tribunals, or such other tribunal as may be accepted by the provincial synod - in other words it rejects the authority of the English privy council.
It is true also that he shares in the traditional idolatry of Brutus, that he strikes at Augustus in his mention of the "three disciples of Sulla," and that he has no word of recognition for what even Tacitus acknowledges as the beneficent rule of Trajan.
AdvertisementHe is also wrongly described as a relative of Archbishop Abbot, from whom he acknowledges very gratefully, in the first of his epistles dedicatory of A Hand of Fellowship to Helpe Keepe out Sinne and Antichrist (1623, 4to), that he had "received all" his "worldly maintenance," as well as "best earthly countenance" and "fatherly incouragements."
He warns Joinville against wine-bibbing, against bad language, against all manner of foibles small and great; and the pupil acknowledges that this physician at any rate had healed himself in these respects.
An illegitimate child is an heir of its mother and of the person who acknowledges himself to be its father.
Paley expressly acknowledges his obligations to the original and suggestive, though diffuse and whimsical, work of Abraham Tucker (Light of Nature Pursued, 17681 774).
He acknowledges that it is a history of Hyrcanus practically on the lines of Josephus, but concludes from its Hebraistic style that it was not from that writer's pen.
AdvertisementThis newspaper article acknowledges the importance of the place.
This situation acknowledges what we may not want to admit to ourselves.
The Alliance acknowledges the desire of Courage to remain within the evangelical constituency and their desire for evangelical unity.
Next time you run it, it acknowledges the new ides in the bottom of its window.
The Customer acknowledges that it is technically impracticable to provide a fault free Service and Griffin does not undertake to do so.
AdvertisementBrownâs difficulty, as he acknowledges, is that Britainâs radical intelligentsia has never cared for patriotism.
Few societies in the world have limited access to literacy and Ong acknowledges that such ' primary orality ' is rapidly dying out.
Equity acknowledges the PSP is a creative and original approach to maintaining the plurality of PSB in the new broadcasting environment.
But her last phrase clearly acknowledges that, for her, business rectitude is in itself actually pious.
Pinker acknowledges that, as yet, we have no idea how to explain sentience scientifically.
In the United States the stoutest enemy of the movement acknowledges that woman suffrage is ultimately inevitable.
And the Australian wunderkind of the radical pastoral, John Kinnsella, acknowledges Prynne as his North Star.
His ideas and experiments on the nature of minerals and other substances are voluminously set forth in his Physica Subterranea (Frankfort, 1669); an edition of this, published at Leipzig in 1703, contains two supplements (Experimentum chymicum novum and Demonstratio Philosophica), proving the truth and possibility of transmuting metals, Experimentum novum ac curiosum de minera arenaria perpetua, the paper on timepieces already mentioned and also Specimen Becherianum, a summary of his doctrines by Stahl, who in the preface acknowledges indebtedness to him in the words Becheriana sunt quae profero.
It is not easy, however, to perceive much resemblance between the method of Pascal and that of Gibbon, though in particular passages we may discover the influence which Gibbon acknowledges.
It is perfectly true that in several or even in many instances he acknowledges and deplores the poverty of his information, but this does not excuse him for making assertions (and such assertions are not unfrequent) based on evidence that is either wholly untrustworthy or needs further inquiry before it can be accepted (Ibis, 1860, pp. 331-335).
Jean le Rond d'Alembert acknowledges with gratitude, that "whatever she knew of mathematics he owed to the works of Jean Bernoulli."
This system admits that the pope represents the unity of the Church, and acknowledges his primacy, but only in the sense that he is primus inter pares; while at the same time it claims on behalf of the bishops that, in virtue of the divine ordinance, they possess an inalienable right to a share in the government of the Church (see Episcopacy).
By Wolmar Calvin was taught Greek, and introduced to the study of the New Testament in the original, a service which he gratefully acknowledges in one of his printed works.'
The Mental Health Act only acknowledges ' husband or wife ', which was understood to refer only to mixed-sex partnerships.
The creditor proceeds with the lawsuit, which the consumer never acknowledges or responds to.
While the company acknowledges this tea is not a cure-all when it comes to losing weight, it does suggest that drinking it will help your body to burn calories more efficiently.
He then acknowledges the bridesmaids and thanks them for all of their hard work and concludes by presenting a small token of appreciation.
In response, the best man acknowledges the groom's toast to the bridesmaids and goes on to relate some amusing anecdotes about his relationship to the groom.
An online poll about capris shows overwhelming opinion that men should have the option to wear the style, but also acknowledges that society forces gender roles on clothing.
Multicultural education describes a system of instruction that attempts to foster cultural pluralism and acknowledges the differences between races and cultures.
However, the AACAP acknowledges that some young people with depression may respond better to TCAs than to other antidepressants.
That's because once the girl acknowledges you, you then have to keep the conversation going in order to get to the end.
Saying "thank you" acknowledges what your partner does, says and feels.
In this way, the company acknowledges that an engagement ring is only the beginning of a relationship, and they are willing to work with the couple to be sure that relationship succeeds.
Doing so acknowledges the support and love they will share with the entire extended family as they begin their life together.
While he acknowledges that standard clothing can have some benefits, he also warns that "Clothes are a source of expression for children, and as kids get older, they become increasingly resentful of uniforms."
However, she also acknowledges that parents and psychologists disagree about the benefits in hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills that may come from playing video games, violent or otherwise.
Beading for the Soul acknowledges the power of beads and how they might be used for protection, healing, strength, good, prayer, bonding and remembrance.
Williams acknowledges being inspired by Korngold's work - most film music composers are - but denies the similarities are so many as to be suspect.
While he acknowledges that polygamy is not considered legal, he also stresses that his family life is not the same as the typical view that most people have of polygamist families.
It also acknowledges that not all the results might show up on the drop-down menu, and clicking at the bottom will take you to a page showing all the results.
While she acknowledges the opinions of athletes such as McPeak and Cook, she questions their validity.
His theological views have a considerable similarity to those of Frederick Denison Maurice, who acknowledges having been indebted to him for his first true conception of the meaning of Christ's sacrifice.
Ordinary consciousness ignores these " latent fires "; ordinary discussion brings them to light and divides men into factions and parties over them; philosophy not because it denies but because it acknowledges the law of non-contradiction as supreme is pledged to seek a point of view from which they may be seen to be in essential harmony with one another as different sides of the same truth.
De Thou acknowledges himself greatly indebted to this history, praising it especially for its accuracy.
To the latter Hugh Blair seems to refer when, in his work on Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres (1783), he acknowledges his obligations to a manuscript treatise on rhetoric by Smith, part of which its author had shown to him many years before, and which he hoped that Smith would give to the public. Smith had promised at the end of his Theory of Moral Sentiments a treatise on jurisprudence from the historical point of view.
His industry as a biographer is commended by P. Bayle, who acknowledges his obligations to Adam's labours; and his biographies, though they have faults, are still useful.