Achievement Sentence Examples
His great achievement was the History of Germany in the Nineteenth Century.
Government is a great achievement of civilization.
But his great achievement was a speech against the Whig Reform Bill.
Of these plans he had not merely one or two in his head but dozens, some only beginning to form themselves, some approaching achievement, and some in course of disintegration.
His death prevented the achievement of his designs; but he had broken down the barrier, he had planted the seed of the Greek's influence in the four quarters of the Persian Empire.
It was as if she wanted to show him that his losses were an achievement that made her love him all the more, but Nicholas now considered himself unworthy of her.
Your student has worked years for this achievement.
Notwithstanding its defects, Froude's History is a great achievement; it presents an important and powerful account of the Reformation period in England, and lays before us a picture of the past magnificently conceived, and painted in colours which will never lose their freshness and beauty.
But to employ enamels successfully is an achievement demanding special training and materials not easy to procure or to prepare.
He was made governor of Picardy in 1619; suppressed an uprising of nobles in 1620; and in 1621, with slight military ability or achievement, was appointed constable of France.
AdvertisementFor this achievement Lambermont was made a baron.
Just as the historical school grew up along with the greatest constructive achievement of the 29th century, namely, the consolidation of Germany, so the application to modern problems of the methods of that school has been called forth by the constructive needs of the present generation.
His tactical achievement could avail the emperor nothing, and it exposed his own force to considerable danger.
His achievement was a closely approximate D geometrical solution of the FIG.
The initiation of this movement was the great achievement of Groot's life; he lived to preside over the birth and first days of his other creation, the society of Brothers of Common Life.
AdvertisementThe work of Valdemar was completed and consolidated by his illustrious daughter Margaret (1 375 - 1 4 12), whose crowning achievement was the Union of Kalmar (1397), whereby she sought to combine the three northern kingdoms The Union f o into a single state dominated by Denmark.
It was an achievement that has yet to be repeated.
His great achievement was the conquest of a part of Ituraea, which he added to Judaea and whose inhabitants he compelled to accept Judaism.
In all that region of achievement the Chinese potters stood alone and seemingly unapproachable.
The greatest single material achievement of Mr Roosevelt's presidency was the taking over by the United States of the project to build a Panama Canal.
AdvertisementThis achievement was anticipated or outdone by an unknown calculator, whose manuscript was seen in the Radcliffe library, Oxford, by Baron von Zach towards the end of the century, and contained the ratio correct to 152 places.
In this last achievement Professor Finke finds the solution of a problem which Langlois had declared to be insoluble.
S.E., was, however, his greatest achievement.
His complete achievement had a twofold aspect.
Particular attention will be given to strategies most likely to help raise achievement in the school.
AdvertisementHis services to France in this capacity were the crowning achievement of his life, and he enjoyed the conspicuous honour of holding his office without a break for five years through as many successive administrations - those of Floquet and Tirard, his own fourth ministry (March 1890-February 1892), and the Loubet and Ribot ministries.
Between him and the tide of feeling at the Renaissance lay the whole achievement of Arab science.
It should be remembered that what with the known timidity of his colleagues, and what with the strength and violence of the Russian party in England, his achievement at Berlin was like the reclamation of butter from a dog's mouth; as Prince Bismarck understood in acknowledging Disraeli's gifts of statesmanship. It should also be remembered, when his Eastern policy in 1876-1878 is denounced as malign and a failure, that it was never carried out.
It was then, and remains 40 years later, the party's crowning achievement.
Organizing your own Relay for Life is a tremendous achievement.
On Friday 24th March, 11 talented sports people will be awarded a Hallmark Award in recognition of their sporting achievement.
Hirado That, however, is an achievement of no small consequence, especially since it had never previously been essayed outside China.
His capture of the Spanish frigate "Esmeralda" (40) in the harbour of Callao, on the 5th of November 1820, was an achievement of signal daring.
Thus the Revised Version was the achievement of English-speaking Christendom as a whole; only the Roman Catholic Church, of the great English-speaking denominations, refused to take part in the undertaking.
A whole literature of criticism and apology made its appearance, and the achievement of so many years of patient labour seemed destined to perish in a storm of resentments.
It happened to him, as he himself claimed, to turn a page in the history of thought, and one cannot ignore the actual advance upon his predecessor achieved by him or the brilliant fertility of the genius by which that achievement was accomplished.
The achievement of independence found the people of the United States owning the entire country between the Gulf and the Great Lakes, excepting only Florida, as far to the west as the Mississippi; but the actual settlements were, with a few minor exceptions, confined to a strip of territory along the Atlantic shore.
The introduction of these lines and points constitutes a striking achievement in geometry, and from their association with circles they have been named the " circular lines " and " circular points."
Liguori's great achievement lay in steering a middle course between these various extremes.
We are thus presented with a view of the literature of the age which is much more characteristic and comprehensive than that given by the brilliant poet to whom we owe the Ilamasa, and enables us to form a better judgment on the general level of poetic achievement.
But the emendation deserves the higher praise as being in most instances the more difficult achievement.
The point of Aristotle was to draw a line between rational and other evidences, to insist on the former, and in fact to found a logic of rhetoric. But if in the Rhetoric to Alexander, not he, but Anaximenes, had already performed this great achievement, Aristotle would have been the meanest of mankind; for the logic of rhetoric would have been really the work of Anaximenes the sophist, but falsely claimed by Aristotle the philosopher.
The merit of this crowning achievement belongs to Sigismund alone; but for him it would have been impossible.
He was a man of more promise than performance, and his chief achievement was the discovery of the elements iridium and osmium, which he found in the residues from the solution of platinum ores (1804).
As there are practically only three great armies available for the purpose of a war of aggression, the negotiation of contingent arrangements does not seem too remote for achievement by skilful and really well-meaning negotiation.
His most successful achievement was the union with Poland for mutual defence against the Habsburgs and the Czechs.
In a necessarily inadequate sketch it is impossible to give more than the barest mention to one or two other features of modern missionary achievement in India, e.g.
His great achievement was the perfecting of the Mimansa or Vedanta philosophy.
This memorable achievement was greeted with an outburst of public enthusiasm.
But the crowning achievement of Goethe's literary life was the completion of Faust.
The practical extermination of yellow fever during the U.S. military occupation following 1899 was a remarkable achievement.
This achievement, which is said by the duke of Berwick to have turned Sarsfield's head, made him the popular hero of the war with the Irish.
But the achievement most familiarly associated with the name of Cornwallis is the permanent settlement of the land revenue of Bengal.
The demand is for a new organon, a scientific method which shall face the facts of experience and justify itself by its achievement in the reduction of them to control.
The celebrated Regulae of Descartes are precepts directed to the achievement of the new methodological ideal in any and every subject matter, however reluctant.
The plastic arts were left for Italy, where antique models were at hand, and the glory of its achievement in the 15th and 16th centuries was so great as to obscure in men's eyes what had been done before.
But given the imperfect medium for investigation and the absence of an archaeological basis for criticism, the work of Herodotus remains a scientific achievement, as remarkable for its approximation to truth as for the vastness of its scope.
Its cathedral of St Pierre, in some respects the most daring achievement of Gothic architecture, consists only of a transept and choir with apse and seven apse-chapels.
But his best-remembered achievement was that he had induced the Irish parliament to pass the ordinances known as Poyriings Law, by which it acknowledged that it could pass no legislation which had not been approved by the king and his council, and agreed that all statutes passed by the English parliament should be in force in Ireland.
The greatest achievement of the reign was the subjugation of Bulgaria.
He does not fear to contrast authority with authority, upon each point in succession; the harder the task, the greater the achievement when harmony is reached !
For the perfect and absolute, the consummation of movement is not generated at any point in the process; it is an ideal end, which guides the operations of nature, and does not wait upon them for its achievement.
The Government Offices will be encouraging future bids aimed at raising levels of educational achievement.
Target setting and external pressures for raising pupil achievement.
To improve pupils ' achievement and progress in games through developing high quality learning activities.
These are Achievement Targets and, as such, the ultimate aim of the aggregated training being delivered.
It will promote definitions of achievement to which all learners can realistically aspire, and are relevant to them.
I had as yet attained no measure of literary achievement, to justify my own high evaluation of my potential.
Yet in times of fiscal austerity maintaining levels of spending in programs relevant to women is an achievement in itself.
Previous studies have reported, but not explained, the reason for a robust association between reading achievement and antisocial behavior.
A great achievement for horror cinema at the time as the film was released unrated, a big gamble that paid off.
At the end of the day, the sense of achievement brings some contentment, some hope.
This is conditional on the achievement of sustainable and durable convergence between the UK and the euro area.
Even to be seen in public with one of the great courtesans was a much-envied achievement.
We feel that this is a particularly creditable achievement in view of the changes that both businesses have undergone over the past twelve months.
It marks 40 years of achievement in fighting cystic fibrosis.
Holding a master's degree in mathematics is related to gains in student achievement.
Darwin's achievement was to have destroyed so called ' natural religion ', which was something like 18 th century deism.
The combination of exhaustion, sleepiness and pure elation at finishing makes for an emotional end and a fantastic sense of achievement!
Tomb chest in recess, flanked by columns and carrying an entablature with achievement and supporters.
The Forum has close links with the Department for Education and Employment's Advisory Group on raising ethnic Minority Pupil Achievement.
Do you have statistical evidence of achievement of different groups e.g. ethnicity / gender / age, across the subjects and particularly in Literacy?
With regard to these objectives we would identify significant exemplars with target achievement dates.
It is an independent and self-governing fellowship of scholars, elected for distinction and achievement in the humanities or social sciences.
Renowned as the band that invented British folk-rock, Fairport formed in 1967 and in 2002 won the BBC Radio 2 Lifetime Achievement Award.
Legal rules are then instrumental to the achievement of the posited goal; call this approach rule instrumentalism.
The achievement of the digital library will be more than a program for delivering services to our remote users.
This is a truly superb achievement, and almost any other text will by contrast appear mediocre.
In these circumstances, avoiding complete meltdown was arguably an achievement in itself.
This is a novel which stands outside literary norms - a superb achievement of literary modernism.
However, building a motte was a skilled achievement.
In fact the Lexus doesn't produce any NOx which is an incredible achievement.
In fact, poetry is the art par excellence of Persia, and her salient cultural achievement.
Derek Fraser is to be congratulated on a tremendous achievement and for the guts to tackle a piece which could have gone seriously pear-shaped.
In Book IV, Euclids main achievement was to construct a regular pentagon in a circle.
A little later, when the rush and heat of achievement relax, we can begin to expect the appearance of grand men to celebrate in glorious poetry and prose the deeds and triumphs of the last few centuries.
His love for Natasha, Antichrist, Napoleon, the invasion, the comet, 666, L'Empereur Napoleon, and L'russe Besuhof--all this had to mature and culminate, to lift him out of that spellbound, petty sphere of Moscow habits in which he felt himself held captive and lead him to a great achievement and great happiness.
The schools make it possible for students to get an education and encourage achievement while still managing their day-to-day lives working, raising families and more.
Airy's discovery of a new inequality in the motions of Venus and the earth is in some respects his most remarkable achievement.
When the troops landed in England, half clothed and half shod, their leader's conduct of the campaign was at first blamed, but his reputation as a general rests solidly upon these facts, that when Napoleon in person, having nearly 300,000 men in Spain, had stretched forth his hand to seize Portugal and Andalusia, Moore with 30,000, forced him to withdraw it, and follow him to Corunna, escaping at the same time from his grasp. Certainly a notable achievement.
The effect of this unheard-of achievement on the Danish government was crushing.
When once it had taught men that the next world was God's world, though it did so at the cost of relinquishing the present to Satan, it had achieved its real task, and the time had come for it to quit the stage of history, when Christianity appeared as the heir of this true spiritual achievement.
His second administration, of which the main achievement was the extension of the suffrage to the agricultural labourers, was harassed by two controversies, relating to Ireland and Egypt, which proved disastrous to the Liberal party.
So, too, the blue-and-white porcelain of Hirado, though assisted by exceptional tenderness of sous-pdte color, by milk-white glaze, by great beauty of decorative design, and often by an admirable use of the modelling or graving tool, represents a ceramic achievement palpably below the soft paste kai-pien-yao of King-te-chen.
But his great achievement was the freeing of the Scheldt, and in token of its gratitude the city of Antwerp erected a fine monument to his memory.
The results are open to criticism in details, but form on the whole a remarkable achievement in the conversion of unwritten and highly technical law into a body of written law sufficiently clear to be administered by officers to many of whom its ideas and language are foreign.
His censorship - which he retained for five years, in spite of the lex Aemilia which limited the tenure of that office to eighteen months - was remarkable for the actual or attempted achievement of several great constitutional changes.
But in spite of this great logical achievement, he continued throughout the discourse to accept Plato's grammatical analysis of all sentences into noun and verb, which indeed applies to the proposition as a sentence but does not give its particular elements.
They rendered good service at Syracuse and Arginusae; but their greatest achievement was the decisive victory at Delium over the flower of the Athenian army (424), in which both their heavy infantry and their cavalry displayed unusual efficiency.
Never was man more free than Latimer from the taint of fanaticism or less dominated by " vainglory," but the motives which now inspired his courage not only placed him beyond the influence of fear, but enabled him to taste in dying an ineffable thrill of victorious achievement.
The discovery of Neptune (1846), due to the influence of this planet on the motion of Uranus, may be mentioned as its most dramatic achievement.
Among his publications were the well-known quarterly magazine Y Traethodydd (" The Essayist"), Gwyddoniadur Cymreig (" Encyclopaedia Cambrensis"), and Dr Silvan Evans's English-Welsh Dictionary (1868), but his greatest achievement in this field was the newspaper Baner Cymru (" The Banner of Wales"), founded in 1857 and amalgamated with Yr Amserau (" The Times") two years later.
The achievement would have been impossible, but for the fact that Grotius had with him the first draft of the work made in 1604.
His most important achievement was to define "salts" - a term formerly used in the most loose and indeterminate way - as the compounds formed by the union of acids and bases, and further to distinguish between neutral, basic and acid salts.
The Glasgow Society's work was ultimately taken over by the Free Church of Scotland, whose great achievement is the Lovedale Institute, combining industrial and mission work.
The wonderful fame of Thales amongst the ancients must have been in great part due to this achievement, which seems, moreover, to have been one of the chief causes that excited amongst the Hellenes the love of science which ever afterwards characterized them.
But it was the achievement of Wailer alone, in 1828, to break down the barrier held to exist between organic and inorganic chemistry by artificially preparing urea, one of those substances which up to that time it had been thought could only be produced through the agency of "vital force."
His last political achievement was to draw still closer to Russia by the treaty of the 13th of December 1769, the most important paragraph of which stipulated that any change in the Swedish constitution should be regarded by Denmark and Russia as a cases belli against Sweden, and that in the event of such a war Denmark should retain all the territory conquered from Sweden.
Though it was forthwith printed in the course of the year 1642, he was content to circulate a limited number of copies privately 1; and when he found his work received with applause (it was praised even by Descartes), he seems to have taken this recognition of his philosophical achievement as an additional reason for deferring publication till the earlier works of the system were completed.
Savoy, following the tendency of the other states of Europe at that time, became thenceforth an absolute monarchy, but without that transformation the achievement of complete independence from foreign powers would have been impossible.
This achievement won for him, in 1878, the prix Lacaze and membership of the Academy of Sciences in France, and the Rumford medal of the Royal Society in England.
The virtual independence of these German tribes lasted until the union of Austrasia and Neustria in 687, an achievement mainly due to the efforts of Pippin of Heristal, who soon became the actual, though not the nominal, ruler of the Frankish realm.
In architecture, as in literature, this period was also one of great achievement in Germany.
Charless most famous achievement was the issue of the Golden Bull (qv.).
The great achievement of the first period was legal reform.
It was the last achievement of Andrassy, who had already resigned, but it was maintained by his successor, Baron Haymerle, and after his death in 1881 by Count Kalnoky.
The John and Paul are conceived and executed really in the great style, with a commanding nobility and force alike in the character of the heads, the attitudes, and the sweep of draperies; they represent the highest achievement of early German art in painting.
By eloquence, readiness of wit, and adroit flattery of the jury he contrived to secure his acquittal in the face of the open hostility of the judge - a unique achievement at a time when the condemnation of prisoners whom the authorities wished to convict was a mere matter of course.
The question, what was Cromwell's real and permanent achievement, is not answered nor distinctly considered.
Besides writing Tell, Schiller had found time in 1803 and 1804 to translate two French comedies by Picard, and to prepare a German version of Racine's Phedre; and in the last months of his life he began a new tragedy, Demetrius, which gave every promise of being another step forward in his poetic achievement.
For this achievement the Royal Society awarded him the Copley medal in 1758, and three years later elected him one of its fellows.
It was, undoubtedly, a great and heroic achievement for the ruler of a petty state like Gelderland thus to assert and maintain his independence for a long period against the overwhelming power of the house of Austria.
In 1790 he published his important Versuch, die Metamorphose der Pflanzen zu erkleiren, which was an even more fundamental achievement for the new science of comparative morphology than his discovery some six years earlier of the existence of a formation in the human jaw-bone analogous to the intermaxillary bone in apes; and in 1791 and 1792 appeared two parts of his Beitrage zur Optik.
Already he had allies among the Jews and, if Daniel is to be trusted, there were other Jews who rose up to shake off the yoke of foreign supremacy, Seleucid or Egyptian, and succeeded only in rendering the triumph of Antiochus easier of achievement.
To this succeeds a noteworthy example of the Deuteronomic treatment of tradition in the achievement of Othniel the only Judaean "judge," The bareness of detail, not to speak of the improbability of the situation, renders its genuineness doubtful, and the passage is one of the indications of a secondary Deuteronomic redaction.
The Louisiana Purchase, although the greatest "inconsistency" of his career, was also an illustration, in corresponding degree, of his essential practicality, and one of the greatest proofs of his statesmanship. It was the crowning achievement of his administration.
The achievement is claimed by his successor Sargon.
Compared with the results of English or Dutch colonization the conversion and civilization of the Filipinos is a most remarkable achievement s Notwithstanding the undeniable vices, follies and absurd illiberalities of the Spanish colonial regime, the Philippines were the only group in the East Indies that improved in civilization in the three centuries following their discovery.
But the divorce of science of nature from mathematics, the failure of biological inquiry to reach so elementary a conception as that of the nerves, the absence of chemistry from the circle of the sciences, disappointed the promise of the dawn and the relative achievement of the noon-day.
They could concede the triumphant achievement of science only with the proviso that it must be assumed to fall within the framework of their nominalism.
Mill, then, marks the final stage in the achievement of a great school of thought.
Kant's influence, then, upon subsequent logic is least of all to be measured by his achievement in his professed contribution.
In Toby Shandy he has drawn a character universally lovable and admirable; but Walter Shandy is almost greater as an artistic triumph, considering the difficulty of the achievement.
An important achievement of this convention was the establishment at the Hague of an international tribunal, always ready to arbitrate upon cases submitted to it; and the convention recommended recourse not only to arbitration, but also to good offices and mediation, and to international commissions of inquiry.
The retreat, with all its confusion, its mistakes and its tragedies, remains an astonishing achievement.
The generally recognized principal Avatars do not, however, by any means constitute the only occasions of a direct intercession of the deity in worldly affairs, but - in the same way as to this day the eclipses of the sun and moon are ascribed by the ordinary Hindu to these luminaries being temporarily swallowed by the dragon Rahu (or Graha, " the seizer") - so any uncommon occurrence would be apt to be set down as a special manifestation of divine power; and any man credited with exceptional merit or achievement, or even remarkable for some strange incident connected with his life or death, might ultimately come to be looked upon as a veritable incarnation of the deity, capable of influencing the destinies of man, and might become an object of local adoration or superstitious awe and propitiatory rites to multitudes of people.
The honour of the achievement belongs to a small number of men who recognized the History of need of uniformity.
The formation of the tables of a planet has been described by Cayley as " the culminating achievement of astronomy," but the gigantic task which Newcomb laid out for himself, and which he carried on for more than twenty years, was the building up, on an absolutely homogeneous basis, of the theory and tables of the whole planetary system.
Respecting this achievement when developed in its experimental and mathematical completeness, Clerk Maxwell says that it was " perfect in form and unassailable in accuracy."
It is here proposed merely to classify the works, to indicate their general character and to enter somewhat more in detail upon what he himself regarded as his great achievement, - the reorganization of the sciences and the exposition of a new method by which the human mind might proceed with security and certainty towards the true end of all human thought and action.
In archaeology his great achievement was Saggio di lingua Etrusca (1789), followed by Saggio delle lingue Ital.
Her vigorous intervention had saved the cause of religious liberty in Europe; and this remains, for all time, her greatest political achievement.
This was the greatest military achievement of his reign.
The poet shows as deep a consciousness as any modern historian that the grandest achievement of Rome was the spread of law.
According to his cousin, Edmund Davy,' then his laboratory assistant, he was so delighted with this achievement that he danced about the room in ecstasy.
So far-reaching were the interests controlled by him in this capacity of humanist that his achievement as an Italian lyrist seems by comparison insignificant.
In presence of these varied dangers, Lord Palmerston was prepared to act with spirit and resolution, and the result was a notable achievement of his diplomacy.
The vast gulf which lies between the history of Egypt by Herodotus and that by Flinders Petrie is the measure of its achievement.
Whatever the actual achievement of Hecataeus may have been, from his time onward the scientific movement was set going.
Induced by the encouragement of his mathematical friends in England, Plucker in 1865 returned to the field in which he first became famous, and adorned it by one more great achievement - the invention of what is now called "line geometry."
To turn his book into a book against Paedobaptism, was an achievement reserved for an Anglo-Catholic divine.
This was the only achievement, so far as South Africa was concerned, of the expedition despatched to seize Cape Town during the war of 1781-1783.
In truth, the maintenance in effective condition of so large a Roman force in so remote and difficult a region was in itself a real achievement and such as at that time no one but Scipio could have performed.
From the point of view of his English subjects his main achievement was that he restored iii almost every detail the well-organized bureaucracy which his ancestor had created, and with it the law and order that had disappeared during Stephens unhappy reign.
The sole achievement of the early years of the war which was of any profit to Edward or his realm was the great naval triumph of Sluys (June 24, 1340), which gave the English the command of the sea for the next twenty years.
It is hard to build up a reputation for statecraft for either Henry or Wolsey on the sum total of English political achievement during their collaboration.
At the Berlin conference he had established a formidable reputation; the popularity he enjoyed at home was affectionately enthusiastic; no minister had ever stood in more cordial relations with his sovereign; and his honours in every kind were his own achievement against unending disadvantage.
And its first achievement for the country (this is again a mere statement of fact) was the restoration of a much-damaged self-respect and the creation of a great defensive fleet not a day too soon for safety.
Thus the summer passed away without any decisive achievement of the coalition.
This truce was the achievement of Athanasy Orduin-Nashchokin, the first Russian chancellor and diplomatist in the modern sense, who after the disgrace of Nikon became the tsar's first minister till 1670, when he was superseded by the equally able Artamon Matvyeev, whose beneficent influence prevailed to the end of the reign.
Ideal freedom will be the supreme achievement of a self completely moralized.
In social change he distinguishes between the transition and the perfection or achievement.
Only by taking them along with the formally political speeches, and regarding the whole as one unbroken series, can we see clearly the full scope of the task which he set before him, - a task in which his long resistance to Philip was only the most dramatic incident, and in which his real achievement is not to be measured by the event of Chaeronea.
Their greatest achievement in literature dates back to the dawn of history, and we find no more trace of development in the world of letters than in the political sphere.
The Irish cause produced one great achievement - the defence of Limerick, and one great leader - Patrick Sarsfield.
But his greatest achievement was the establishment in Poland of a native church, the first step towards political independence.
But her finest achievement was the education of her son; she taught him that lofty religious morality which in his case was not merely a rule for private conduct, but also a political programme to which he remained faithful even to the detriment of his apparent interests.
The league of Cambrai (I 5o8) was his finest diplomatic achievement.
His greatest achievement was his 'measurement of the earth.
Paradigm again produced, among several winners of more or less celebrity, Lord Lyon (winner of the Two Thousand Guineas, Derby and St Leger) and Achievement (winner of the St Leger), both being by Stockwell.
They set out; but Gunnar was unable to pass the circle of fire round Brunhild's abode, the achievement that was the condition of winning her hand.
In1835-1836he was actively engaged in producing for publication a treatise on navigation, a remarkable achievement at so early a stage in his career; he was at this time made lieutenant, and gazetted astronomer to a South Sea exploring expedition, but resigned this position and was appointed to the survey of southern harbours.
While getting him back to the house was a monumental achievement, we had no idea if the time or even the date was correct.
The utter pinnacle of Paul Dawkins' lifetime achievement was three September games with the bigs—screw the oh-for-seven batting average and his two fielding errors.
It was an extraordinary achievement, documented in a highly eloquent way.
Prisoners who successfully complete an externally accredited qualification are rewarded with an achievement bonus.
This document provides guidance on the minimum evidence required to demonstrate school achievement of national healthy school status.
The overall winner for the most outstanding achievement was the Magna Science Adventure Center at Rotherham.
For a first attempt the event was a remarkable achievement.
However the more prolonged hypotension seen is probably due to the achievement of a more profound degree of sympathetic blockade.
The perfectly fair scheme which properly rewards efforts and achievement without causing others displeasure does not exist.
This top quality book will be highly pictorial, with leading case studies of achievement, relevant to both businesses and schools alike.
His most obvious achievement was to have been a major force in bringing about the final demise of logical positivism.
You should have postdoctoral (or equivalent) experience with an appropriate track record of achievement.
Abstract School choice has become an increasingly prominent strategy for urban school districts seeking to enhance academic achievement.
At each key stage the individual receives recognition from peers and gains a sense of achievement and enhanced self-esteem.
But maybe the program's greatest achievement was avoiding mawkish sentimentality.
Following our coaching sessions I am significantly further forward in the achievement of my goals.
There were 58 entrants representing other world countries in the race and it was no small achievement to finish seventeenth in an Olympic marathon.
For the first time, I sensed a whiff of achievement and confess I had to choke back a few tears.
Could it clearly be shown that communication technology raised achievement?
A truly tremendous achievement, considering some of the potential heavy weights in the above £ 5m category.
It is also what makes this final installment of Peter Jackson's epic trilogy a landmark in cinematic achievement.
Australian geography, must yield in importance to the Stuart grand achievement of Mr Stuart in 1862.
The most important of these were the Carbonari lodges, whose objects were the expulsion of the foreigner and the achievement of constitutional freedom (see CARBONARI).
Few, except the open partisans of national bankruptcy, doubted its necessity; yet so strong was the current of feeling worked up for party purposes by opponents of the measure, that Sellas achievement in having by its means saved the financiai.situation of Italy deserves to rank among the most noteworthy performances of modern parliamentary statesmanship.
It is no less than a cure for the dread disease of hydrophobia in man and of rabies in animals; and the interest of the achievement is not only that he successfully combated one of the most mysterious and most fell diseases to which man is subject, but also that this was accomplished in spite of the fact that the special microbe causing the disease had not been isolated.
The magnitude of Richelieu's achievement grows when one considers his relations with the king.
The conclusion from these therefore was that the ratio of circumference to diameter is 34 This is a most notable piece of work; the immature condition of arithmetic at the time was the only real obstacle preventing the evaluation of the ratio to any degree of accuracy whatever.5 No advance of any importance was made upon the achievement of Archimedes until after the revival of learning.
Aristotle is optimistic of achievement over the whole range of the sciences.
To celebrate the great achievement of his reign, the defeat of the barbarian Gauls, he built in the agora a vast altar to Zeus Soter (see below).
Yet it is in this religion of Zeus that we see most clearly the achievement of progressive morality; Zeus himself punishes and abolishes the savage practice; the story related by Plutarch, 2 how a kid was substituted miraculously for Helen when she was led to the altar to be offered, is a remarkably close parallel to the biblical legend of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac.
The advent of the Persians, bringing with them a conception of religion of a far higher order than Babylonian-Assyrian polytheism (see Zoroaster), must also have acted as a disintegrating factor in leading to the decline of the old faith in the Euphrates Valley, and we thus have the interesting though not entirely exceptional phenomenon of a great civilization bequeathing as a legacy to posterity a superstition instead of a real achievement.
Discouragement and weariness cast me down frequently; but the next moment the thought that I should soon be at home and show my loved ones what I had accomplished, spurred me on, and I eagerly looked forward to their pleasure in my achievement.
She learned the stitch this week, and is very proud of the achievement.
Most probably the greatest achievement in 1998 has been the painting of the main line rake of coaches.
A new lectureship is appointed each year as recognition of uncommon achievement and outstanding abilities in the field of human values.
A good example is our considerable record of achievement in research and development.
This achievement was followed by a successful redoubling of efforts in export markets.
High revel was held at night to celebrate the triennial achievement.
We excite and enthuse people We promote change, we reward achievement and we celebrate success.
A similar pattern of results are reflected in the main measure of scholastic achievement at age 16.
They can recognize and appreciate their achievement, and bringing learners to real achievement is the best way to develop self-esteem in the classroom.
You also get a great sense of achievement seeing your process scaled up for the first time !
The major achievement of 2005 has been to maintain the level of membership, staunching the hemorrhage of recent years.
This stupendous achievement ought to fill British hearts with pride, and most foreign ones with admiration and gratitude.
It was a tremendous achievement for Paul, becoming the first magician from outside the USA to receive the award.
A triangulation interview brings together the student, specialist practice mentor and the link tutor to verify evidence of achievement at each assessment point.
It is also what makes this final installment of Peter Jackson 's epic trilogy a landmark in cinematic achievement.
Now, with our injuries, it would be an unbelievable achievement.
Thus, Citizenship is offered as a school transformation strategy, a unifier of the inclusion and achievement agendas.
However, few unqualified school leavers seem to be following this vocational route to qualification achievement.
His Catholic boss Gerry has never managed this zenith of achievement.
The scientist earned acclaim for his remarkable achievement in the field of DNA research.
The site further defines "distinguished" as being noted for significant achievement, marked by excellent quality, and individually distinct.
Several of these have gone on to win prestigious FiFi Awards, which honor excellence and creative achievement in the fragrance industry.
French food is considered to be the highest pinnacle of culinary achievement.
Sometimes the child's artwork is enough of a page layout on its own, but you may want to add an embellishment or two that praises his achievement.
Colleges look for honors and high achievement coursework.
High school graduation announcements are more than just a tradition; they are a great way to let friends and family know about the huge achievement of the graduating senior.
In other words, use to announcement to share your achievement, not to request cash from friends and family.
The goal of the Accountability Progress Reporting is to assess the academic achievement in all of the public schools in California.
Proponents of the school ranking system believe that setting achievement goals for schools will improve the quality of education and challenge students and teacher's to strive for excellence.
Junior National Honor Society for middle school students and National Honor Society at the high school level focus on service in addition to recognizing scholastic achievement.
How do you balance your passion and drive to excel in all areas of achievement, while hoping to land on the high school football prospects list?
High school graduation is a big achievement and you'll want to share this event with family and friends by making an announcement.
For some people you'll want to share your graduation achievement, but not necessarily invite them to the ceremony.
Most importantly, this achievement should be recognized.
Television Critics Association award (2006), Outstanding Individual Achievement in Comedy, The Office.
The show won an Emmy for "Outstanding Individual Achievement in Writing in a Variety or Music Program" after its cancellation.
Just like today, the earliest Girl Scout uniforms were not complete without the various achievement badges.
For just a small snapshot of student achievement at the college, the current range of SAT verbal and math scores for enrolled freshmen is 700 to 790 out of 800 possible points.
While there are many excellent courses offered online, others are mostly run as profit-making endeavors for people who care very little about academic achievement.
Historically, the SAT was developed by Carl Brigham (Brigham-Young Tests) who helped develop the first measurable assessment and achievement tests for the military.
The For Dummies series provides a resource that focuses on specific areas of the SAT for students who are prepping to take the achievement test.
If an Eagle Scout enlists in the U.S. Armed Forces, he may receive additional ranks within the Eagle Scouts to honor his achievement in service to his country.
Beyond the employment, career, and financial opportunities afforded by a college degree is the satisfaction of personal achievement.
That is quite a great deal of achievement for a family dog that just so happens to have a skill that makes people smile!
This is something of a lifetime achievement award that goes to seven breeders who each have made significant contributions to the overall well being of their chosen breed.
The focus is squarely on academic achievement.
Be sure to recognize the winner's achievement by e-mail, on the employee bulletin board, or in the company newsletter.
Often personalized with the company logo, individual's title and years of service, commemorative items include plaques, paperweights, certificates of achievement and other awards.
Edinburgh International Entertainment Festival is also the host of the Edge Award and the BAFTA Interactive New Talent Award for creative innovation, technical excellence and production achievement by an individual.
That's how you get the One in a Million Achievement in Battlefield Bad Company.
All will unlock different types of achievement awards like concept art and extra points.
While the Xbox 360 keeps track of your ''Halo 3 ODST achievements, it's sometimes helpful to know what you need to do in order to recognize locations or items that complete an achievement.
When you don't kill new and different things, you get this Halo 3 ODST achievement. 20 points.
In order to find them and earn the corresponding achievement, you must play the level on normal or higher.
The biggest achievement was the large LCD screen... almost five times bigger than the Microvision.
Saving this player, you will earn the "Midway Monster" achievement.
With each achievement described below, you will earn the corresponding number of points for your gamerscore.
They enjoyed the variety of games and the achievement of how the Wii Fit balance board worked in conjunction with the game.
The first level of achievement is bronze, and then silver, and (not) finally gold.
Research has shown that febrile seizures do not affect a child's intelligence level or achievement in school.
Private schools usually emphasize academic and/or athletic achievement, and student acceptance is based on academic and athletic potential, as well as enthusiasm for being active in school community life.
The California Achievement Tests (CAT) are among the most widely used tests of basic academic skills for children from kindergarten through grade 12.
Because the CAT is designed to be a measurement of a child's current educational achievement level, the test publisher recommends that no pre-test coaching or test study programs be used.
Maladaptive behavior interferes with child's achievement of independence because the child requires more supervision and assistance in order to learn how to behave appropriately.
Studies have also linked firstborn children with higher academic achievement and possibly higher intelligence scores when compared to later-born children.
However, studies also indicate that ECE produces persistent gains on achievement test scores, along with fewer occurrences of being held back a grade and being placed in special education programs.
Parents may find it helpful to require a certain realistic level of academic achievement in order for the student to continue participation in extracurricular activities.
The average achievement levels for reading, spelling, and arithmetic were fourth grade, third grade, and second grade, respectively.
Their findings pointed to links between social class, race, and intelligence quotient (IQ) scores, despite questions by many about the validity of IQ tests as a measurement of intelligence or a predictor of achievement and success.
The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC) is an intelligence and achievement test for children ages 2.5-12.5 years.
A distinctive feature of the KABC is that it defines intelligence as problem-solving ability rather than knowledge of facts, which it considers achievement.
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children-An intelligence and achievement test for children ages 2.5 to 12.5 years.
Referred to as "top-level reaching," this achievement is considered an important milestone in fine motor development.
Although some researchers believe that the ability to categorize is an achievement of toddlerhood, others suggest it is present in infancy.
School-aged children who are abused typically have problems academically and have poorer grades and performance on standardized achievement tests.
Studies have shown that children who receive several years of instruction in their native language learn English faster and have higher overall academic achievement levels that those who do not.
It also imposed penalties on schools that did not raise the achievement levels of ELLs for at least two consecutive years.
The National Association for Bilingual Education claims that NCLB sets arbitrary goals for achievement and uses "invalid and unreliable assessments."
They have such high standards of achievement that they constantly strive for perfection.
The well-adjusted adolescent actually looks forward to achievement, and, in later adolescence, clear sexual identity is established.
Psychological tests are used to assess a variety of mental abilities and attributes, including achievement and ability, personality, and neurological functioning.
Achievement and ability tests are designed to measure the level of a child's intellectual functioning and cognitive ability.
Most achievement and ability tests are standardized, meaning that norms were established during the design phase of the test by administering the test to a large representative sample of the test population.
Achievement and ability tests follow a uniform testing protocol, or procedure (i.e., test instructions, test conditions, and scoring procedures) and their scores can be interpreted in relation to established norms.
Common achievement and ability tests include the Wechsler intelligence scale for children (WISC-III) and the Stanford-Binet intelligence scales.
Assessment is a process of gathering and documenting information about the achievement, skills, abilities, and personality variables of an individual.
A journal may substitute for or supplement a portfolio in providing a student-directed assessment of achievement and goals.
Criterion-referenced test-An assessment that measures the achievement of specific information or skills against a standard as opposed to being measured against how others perform.
In older adolescents, common fears include anxiety about school achievement, social rejection and related worries, and sexual anxieties, including dating and sexually transmitted diseases, especially human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Schools can influence their students' self-esteem through the attitudes they foster toward competition and diversity and their recognition of achievement in academics, sports, and the arts.
In children, the disorder has a strong association with competitive sports and family orientation toward high achievement.
However, when a child is dyslexic, there is often an unexpected difference between achievement and aptitude.
Also, lack of academic success at school can reflect dissociation between academic achievement and general intellectual abilities.
Commonly used tests include the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-III), the Woodcock-Johnson Psychoeducational Battery, the Peabody Individual Achievement Test-Revised (PIAT-R) and the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT).
Many studies show that high-quality preschools improve achievement, behavior, and school readiness for economically disadvantaged children.
Similarly, they emphasize achievement rather than grades.
This can mean a great mix of varying musical styles, choosing "line leaders" during warm up time, or rewarding kids with small gifts such as stickers or achievement certificates.
When your dance time is complete, you and your friends may want to document your achievement by videotaping what you've learned.
However, homeschooling has shown to be more effective for many children than public school, with the average scores on standardized achievement tests consistently higher for homeschoolers than those of public school students.
Students who are home schooled tend to perform better on standardized achievement tests, and substantially so, with scores averaging 30 points higher than their public schooled peers.
In a 1991 test, scores reported by the Stanford Achievement Test, showed that homeschooler's composite scores were 18 to 28 points above their public school counterparts.
Children homeschooled in Georgia must complete a national standardized achievement test at least once every three years, beginning at the end of the third grade.
Academic statistics can tell you a variety of things by measuring different variables that affect academic achievement.
Statistics are very telling about the state of homeschooling in the United States and provide and interesting look at the academic achievement of homeschoolers.
Looking at factors such as parents' education levels and other variables, NHERI compared students' academic achievement to determine what made a significant difference (if anything) in students' performance.
Mean scores on every subtest on standardized academic achievement far surpass those scores of publicly schooled students.
State regulation or lack there of, plays no statistically significant part of homeschool student achievement.
Type of curriculum (whether or not the student was in an umbrella school) plays no significant part in how well homeschooled students scored on academic achievement tests.
Homeschool students tend to score above the national percentile on standardized achievement tests such as the Iowa Test of Basic Skills.
Still, perhaps the best indicators of how well homeschooled students are performing isn't by how well they do on achievement tests but rather how adults who were homeschooled are now functioning in their communities.
Achievement testing for homeschooling can be a very helpful tool when you are trying to gage exactly where your child is in relation to your child's peers.
The trick to effectively using achievement testing for homeschooling is to interpret your child's scores and results correctly.
Achievement tests can be helpful in determining weak spots in your home educational program.
For example, classical homeschooling generally proposes studying world history first and American history later; however, American achievement tests have some American history in the early elementary years.
For states that do require testing, make sure that you become familiar with the law for achievement testing.
Although there are benefits, there are also good reasons not to participate in achievement testing if you're not legally required to do so.
Since achievement tests are designed to measure the 'norm', any result is skewed if the child taking the test doesn't normally fall into the 'norm' as defined by a bell curve.
The SAT or Standford Achievement Test - The Stanford Achievement Test allows you to evaluate either a complete battery or a select certain subjects.
Lucasfilm sponsors the Official Star Wars Fan Film Awards to recognize fan achievement in this area.
However, her research only measured achievement scores in children ages under 12.
In Taking Charge of Your Fertility, Weschler promotes the Fertility Awareness Method as a means of natural pregnancy achievement.
Though these records have fallen in the intervening years, what remains is the fact that the Golden Gate Bridge is a miraculous engineering achievement -- for 1937 and today.
We also give out six Outstanding Achievement Awards to those who started out in the industry and have succeeded in the business.
In 1996, Godzilla even won a Lifetime Achievement Award at the MTV Movie Awards for his overall contributions to pop culture.