Acetyl Sentence Examples
On oxidation with potassium permanganate it is converted into acetyl urea, together with other products.
Notwithstanding these errors, the value of the " ethyl theory " was perceived; other radicals - formyl, methyl, amyl, acetyl, &c. - were characterized; Dumas, in 1837, admitted the failure of the etherin theory; and, in company with Liebig, he defined organic chemistry as the " chemistry of compound radicals."
Thus the radical of acetic acid, acetyl,' was C 2 H 3 C 2.
The second series can be further divided 1 This must not be confused with the modern acetyl, CH3 CO, which at that time was known as acetoxyl.
Considering derivatives primarily concerned with transformations of the hydroxyl group, we may regard our typical acid as a fusion of a radical R CO - (named acetyl, propionyl, butyl, &c., generally according to the name of the hydrocarbon containing the same number of carbon atoms) and a hydroxyl group. By replacing the hydroxyl group by a halogen, acid-haloids result; by the elimination of the elements of water between two molecules, acid-anhydrides, which may be oxidized to acid-peroxides; by replacing the hydroxyl group by the group. SH, thio-acids; by replacing it by the amino group, acid-amides (q.v.); by replacing it by the group - NH NH2, acid-hydrazides.
Glucoseoxime on warming with acetic anhydride is simultaneously acetylated and dehydrated, yielding an acetylated gluconitrile, which when warmed with ammoniacal silver nitrate loses hydrocyanic acid and is transformed into an acetyl pentose.
Triethyl silicol, (C2H5),Si OH, is a true alcohol, obtained by condensing zinc ethyl with silicic ester, the resulting substance of composition, (C2H5)3 SiOC2H51 with acetyl chloride yielding a chloro-compound (C2H5)3SiC1, which with aqueous ammonia yields the alcohol.
Zincke found that the products obtained by coupling a diazonium salt with a-naphthol, and by condensing phenylhydrazine with a-naphthoquinone, were identical; whilst Meldola acetylated the azophenols, and split the acetyl products by reduction in acid solution, but obtained no satisfactory results.
Succinic anhydride, C 2 H 4 (CO) 2 0, is obtained by heating the acid or its sodium salt with acetic anhydride; by the action of acetyl chloride on the barium salt; by distilling a mixture of succinic acid and succinyl chloride, or by heating succinyl chloride with anhydrous oxalic acid.
Quinite (cyclo-hexanediol-i 4) is prepared by reducing the corresponding ketone with sodium amalgam, cis-, and trans-modifications being obtained which may be separated by their acetyl derivatives.
AdvertisementThe trans-acid is a racemic compound, which on heating with acetyl chloride gives the anhydride of the cis-acid.
By long heating the acid is converted into its anhydride, which, however, is obtained more readily by heating the silver salt of the acid with acetyl chloride.
The same machinery is also used for export of acetyl and other short-chain acyl groups out of the mitochondria.
However this is not the case for the chloroplast complex which plays a distinct role in supplying acetyl CoA for fatty acid biosynthesis.
Negative inotropes like acetyl choline will move the curve to the right.
AdvertisementMeasurement of acetyl cholinesterase (AChE) activity is the primary method for measuring the effect of these pesticides on the nervous system.
Cholesterol in the liver is made by the conversion of the starting material, acetyl coenzyme A (Acetyl-CoA ).
The gene remained active by stimulating expression from a plasmid containing the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase gene under the control of the tat dependent promoter.
Acetyl and benzoyl derivatives of nicotine on hydrolysis do not yield nicotine, but an isomeric, inactive oily liquid (metanicotine).
Butlerow in 1864 by acting with zinc methyl on acetyl chloride (see Alcohols).
AdvertisementAcetyl choline One of the naturally occurring chemicals that transmits impulses from one nerve to another.
The syn-aldoximes or treatment with acetyl chloride readily lose water and yield nitriles; the anti-aldoximes as a rule are acetylated and do not yield nitriles.