Accurately Sentence Examples
I'll attempt to relate my thoughts and feeling as accurately as possible.
I like to work accurately.
These excerpts, however, have been so pieced together, that it is often impossible to separate them with precision, and to distinguish accurately between earlier and later elements.
It must have been between 1160 and 1209 that he held this position; but the date at which he lived and wrote cannot be more accurately determined.
The more accurately the coloured portion is defined, the higher is the animal esteemed.
The synchronous revolutions of the transmitting cylinders are effected by making one cylinder revolve slightly faster than the other; after each revolution the cylinder which is accelerated is arrested for a moment by means of a special relay until the difference of speed is accurately compensated for.
The site, which had been accurately determined by Leake, was explored by Strack in 1862, and the researches subsequently undertaken by the Greek Archaeological Society were concluded in 1879.
They can bounce and catch balls and throw accurately.
The average speed is obtained very accurately from solar and stellar observations for the position of the ship. The difference between the speed of the ship and the rate of paying out gives the amount of.
Connor's description of being in the holding cell 'losing his mind and living a nightmare' accurately described his feelings.
AdvertisementThese different tasks, which philosophy had to fulfil, mark pretty accurately the aims of Lotze's writings, and the order in which they were published.
Nothing is known with certainty as to the origin of the vast majority of breeds of dogs, and it is an unfortunate fact that the progressive changes which have been made within comparatively recent times by fanciers have not been accurately recorded by the preservation, in museums or collections, of the actual specimens considered typical at different dates.
Where the lines are crowded together, as in the neighbourhood of the poles, the force is greater (or the field is stronger) than where they are more widely separated; hence the strength of a field at any point can be accurately specified by reference to the concentration of the lines.
Let 21=the length of the rod (or, more accurately, the distance between its poles), v= its volume, m and - m the strength of its poles, and let d= the distance CM.
Upon the central neck was wound a coil consisting of one or two layers of very fine wire, which was connected with a ballistic galvanometer for measuring the induction in the iron; outside this coil, and separated from it by a small and accurately determined distance, a second coil was wound, serving to measure the induction in the iron, together with that in a small space surrounding it.
AdvertisementThe pressure to be effectual need not be severe, but must be accurately applied.
They accurately described the construction of DNA as a double helix and showed how its structure made replication both possible and reliable.
And to all Denisov's persuasions, Petya replied that he too was accustomed to do everything accurately and not just anyhow, and that he never considered personal danger.
Those cells are accurately marked, the position of which is such that the colonies, to which they give rise, can grow to their full size without coming into contact with other colonies.
Since the intrinsic energy of a substance varies with the conditions under which the substance exists, it is necessary, before proceeding to the practical application of any of the laws mentioned above, accurately to specify the conditions of the initial and final systems, or at least to secure that they shall not vary in the operations considered.
AdvertisementKnown quantities of the solutions are taken, and the temperature of each is accurately measured before mixing, the solutions having been allowed as far as possible to adjust themselves to the same temperature.
In a modern industrial community it is possible to express this standard fairly accurately for the purposes of economic investigation in terms of money.
The stone lid of the coffer was split into four pieces; but the coffer remained perfectly closed, so accurately was the lid fitted into flanges on the sides of the box.
The facts as to the position of an opponent accurately observed and correctly reported at a given moment, afford no reliable guarantee of his position 48 hours later, when the orders based on this information enter upon execution.
As alum and green vitriol were applied to a variety of substances in common, and as both are distinguished by a sweetish and astringent taste, writers, even after the discovery of alum, do not seem to have discriminated the two salts accurately from each other.
AdvertisementThe precise date of the establishment of the first English pack of hounds kept entirely for fox hunting cannot be accurately fixed.
The topography of Darwaz south of the river is not accurately known, but at least one considerable stream of some 60 m.
I fathomed it easily with a cod-line and a stone weighing about a pound and a half, and could tell accurately when the stone left the bottom, by having to pull so much harder before the water got underneath to help me.
Could this book triumph where all previous attempts had failed in terms of accurately replicating the Number Six / McGoohan character?
In turn, that allows you to more accurately find good spots for fishing.
Amongst the Romans, private hospitality, which had existed from the earliest times, was more accurately and legally defined than amongst the Greeks.
He produced a solid body of accurately described facts which has formed the secure groundwork of subsequent advance.
The study of the differentiation of protoplasm was at that time seldom undertaken, and no particular attention was paid either to fixing it, to enable staining methods to be accurately applied to it, or to studying the action of chemical reagents upon it.
But I know for a fact that the glowing end of a cigarette butt can be seen as far away as an arrow can be shot accurately.
The slides are accurately fitted so as to have no sensible lateral shake, but yet so as to move easily in the direction of the greatest length of the micrometer box.
As we have already stated, the distribution of the capacity along the resistance R must in submarine cable work be made to correspond very accurately with the distribution of the capacity along the resistance of the cable.
There are about twenty species, but the number cannot be very accurately defined - several, usually regarded as distinct, being probably merely variable forms of the same type, and the ease with which the trees intercross has led to the appearance of many hybrids.
The Englishman Grew and the Italian Malpighi almost simultaneously published ifiustrated works on the subject, in which they described, for the most part very accurately, what they saw with the new instruments.
The hard fore-wings (elytra) are strengthened with marginal ridges, usually inflected ventrally to form epipleura which fit accurately along the edges of the abdomen.
There is a well-known story of the last of the race being killed by Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel in 1680, but there is evidence of wolves having survived in Sutherlandshire and other parts into the following century (perhaps as late as 1743), though the date of their final extinction cannot be accurately fixed.
It is clear that the later traditions in many respects accurately summed up the performances of the " Minoan " dynast who carried out the great buildings now brought to light.
Through these two men a military revolution was speedily accomplished, and early in 69 Vitellius was proclaimed emperor at Colonia Agrippinensis (Cologne), or, more accurately, emperor of the armies of Upper Germany and Lower Germany.
But this relation is not rigorously true; in fact, it does not accurately express the behaviour of any gas.
It was in connexion with these latter inquiries that he devised his phosphoroscope, an apparatus which enabled the interval between exposure to the source of light and observation of the resulting effects to be varied at will and accurately measured.
The loss of the Turks and Egyptians was never accurately reported, but it was certainly very great.
The struc ture of the lateral eye of Limulus was first described by Grenacher, and further and more accurately by Lankester and Bourne (5) and by Watase; that of Scorpio by Lan kester and Bourne, FIG.
The site of the original Greek city is not accurately known, though that of the Roman town, which probably though not certainly occupied the same site, is fixed by insignificant ruins as being 4 m.
He followed as his chief source the prose history of Myron of Priene, an untrustworthy writer, probably of the 2nd century B.C.; hence a good deal of his story must be regarded as fanciful, though we cannot distinguish accurately between the true and the fictitious.
In consequence of this excess of births there is a struggle for existence and a survival of the fittest, and consequently an ever-present necessarily acting selection, which either maintains accurately the form of the species from generation to generation or leads to its modification in correspondence with changes in the surrounding circumstances which have relation to its fitness for success in the struggle for life.
The effect of the Linnaean system upon the general conceptions of zoologists was no less marked than were its results in the way of stimulating the accumulation of accurately observed details.
Suppose two similar and accurately ruled transparent gratings to be superposed in such a manner that the lines are parallel.
The words were but the utterance of an individual Raad member, but they were only a shade less offensive than those used by Kruger in 1892, and they too accurately describe the attitude of the Boer executive.
It was the concepts derived from the experimental methods of Harvey, Lavoisier, Liebig, Claude Bernard, Helmholtz, Darwin, Pasteur, Lister and others which, directly or indirectly, trained the eyes of clinicians to observe more closely and accurately; and not of clinicians only, but also of pathologists, such as Matthew Baillie, Cruveilhier, Rokitansky, Bright, Virchowto name but a few of those who, with (as must be admitted) new facilities for necropsies, began to pile upon us discoveries in morbid anatomy and histology.
In particular the fluctuations of the pulse in fevers and inflammations were better understood, and accurately registered; and we can scarcely realize now that before Harvey the time of the pulse seems not to have been counted by the watch.
Reinhard, who considered Arthur O'Connor "a far abler man," accurately read the character of Lord Edward Fitzgerald as that of a young man "incapable of falsehood or perfidy, frank, energetic, and likely to be a useful and devoted instrument; but with no experience or extraordinary talent, and entirely unfit to be chief of a great party or leader in a difficult enterprise."
These simple business principles do not seem to be generally recognized by the investing public, and mines, whose earning capacity is accurately known, are frequently quoted on the stock markets at prices which cannot possibly yield enough to the purchaser to repay his investment during the probable life of the mine.
In the case of mining properties these profits are more or less uncertain, and cannot be accurately determined until the deposit has been thoroughly explored and fully developed.
The total figure he asked for amounted to 95,000 men, his calculation being based upon the strength of the opposing army, as this was fairly accurately known.
He may, also, have had in view the fact that he has prefixed a narrative of the birth and infancy of Jesus and of John and so begun the history at what he considered to be its true point of departure; to this he plainly alludes when he says that he has "traced the course of all things accurately from the first."
The furnace used for the production of optical glass is generally constructed to take one crucible only, so that the heat of the furnace may be accurately adjusted to the requirements of the particular glass under treatment.
The comparative lateness of this period makes it difficult to account for the wall painting at Beni Hasan, which accurately represents the process of glass-blowing, and which is attributed to the period of the XIth dynasty.
Pliny has so accurately recorded the stages by which a permanent glass was developed that it may be assumed that he had good reason for claiming for Syria the discovery of glass.
The intercept on the axis of y is 2a/7r; therefore, if it were possible to accurately construct the curve, the quadrature of the circle would be effected.
Truth varies infinitely under circumstances whose relative weight cannot be accurately gauged.
He notes the convenience of the method for solar observations and its previous use by some of the observers already mentioned, as well as its advantages for easily and accurately copying on an enlarged or reduced scale, especially for chorographical or topographical documents.
Its ethnological value as indicating the existence of man on the Missouri in the glacial period is very doubtful, it being impossible accurately to determine the age of the deposits.
The visible life of an ordinary shooting star is, however, comprised within one second, and it is only rarely that such short time intervals can be accurately taken.
In 1764, with the aid of his assistant, William Irvine (1743-1787), he further measured the latent heat of steam, though not very accurately.
With these may be named the demon lantern-bearers, so perfect in the grotesque treatment of the diabolical heads and the accurate anatomical forms of the sturdy body and limbs; the colossal temple guardians of the great gate of Tdai-ji, by Unkei and Kwaikei (11th century), somewhat conventionalized, but still bearing evidence of direct study from nature, and inspired with intense energy of action; and the smaller but more accurately modelled temple guardians in the Saikondo, Nara, which almost compare with the fighting gladiator in their realization of menacing strength.
His words show that he judged himself and read the future accurately.
But in proportion as an earlier date has become more probable for Homer, the hypothesis of Ionic origin has become less tenable, and the belief better founded (I) that the poems represent accurately a welldefined phase of culture in prehistoric Greece, and (2) that this " Homeric " or " Achaean " phase was closed by some such general catastrophe as is presumed by the legends.
The values of the corresponding functions for the liquid or solid cannot be accurately expressed, as the theoretical variation of the specific heat is unknown, but if we take the specific heat at constant pressure s to be approximately constant, and observe the small residual variation dh of the total heat, we may write F'=s'D+dh+B'.
Athanasius," is more accurately designated by its first words Quicumque vult.'
The invention of the art of writing afforded the means of substituting precise and permanent records for vague and evanescent tradition; but in the infancy of the world, mankind had learned neither to estimate accurately the duration of time, nor to refer passing events to any fixed epoch.
The virtual images of the objects appear projected on the surface of a sheet of paper placed beneath the slip of glass, and their outline can be accurately traced with a pencil.
Of Deane's early life nothing is accurately known, but he seems to have had some sea training, possibly on a ship-of-war.
When the volatilization is quite complete, the level is accurately adjusted, and the difference of the levels of the mercury gives the pressure exerted by the vapour.
That phrase accurately describes the prevalent bias of its author's mind.
Savary dwells on the difficulty both of procuring lenses sufficiently equal in focus and of accurately adjusting and centring them.
A series of observations can be easily and more accurately accomplished with the Cape heliometer in half an hour; with the Oxford heliometer it would occupy 2 hours, and with the 4-in.
The prism p is fitted accurately into brass slides (care has to be taken in the construction to place the prism so that an object in the centre of the field will so remain when the eye-piece is rotated in its adapter).
Buchanan introduced an improved form on the " Challenger," also remaining closed by weight, the cylinder being very heavy and ground to fit the bevelled base-plate very accurately.
The equation of energy is dQ=dE+pdv, (17) expressing that the total energy dQ is used partly in increasing the internal energy of the gas, and partly in expanding the gas against the pressure p. If we take p = RNT/v from equation (14) and substitute for E from equation (16), this last equation becomes dQ 2 (n +3)RNdT +RNTdv (18) which may be taken as the general equation of calorimetry, for a gas which accurately obeys equation (14).
He was surrounded with spies who reported, none too accurately, the minister's somewhat sharp criticisms of the emperor's acts; he had even had the supreme presumption to advise Alexander not to take the chief command in the coming campaign.
The automatic sight has, however, distinct limitations; it depends for its accuracy on height of site, and at long ranges even from a high site it cannot compare for accuracy with independent range-finding and careful laying or accurately applied quadrant elevation; it is also useless when the water line of the target is obscured, as may often be the case from the splashes caused by bursting shell.
The latter is, as a general rule, fixed and unalterable, its size, position on the barrel, &c., being practically ascertained, as accurately as possible, for the lowest elevation on the back-sight.
The law has allowed the Federal census office in its discretion to compile and publish the birth statistics of divisions in which they are accurately kept; one Federal report on the statistics of marriages and divorces throughout the country from 1867 to 1886 inclusive was published in 1889, and a second for the succeeding twenty-year period was published in part in 1908; an annual volume gives the statistics of deaths for about half the population of the country, including all the states and cities which have approximately complete records of deaths; Federal agencies like the bureau of labour and the bureau of corporations have been created for the purpose of gathering certain social and industrial statistics, and the bureau of the census has been made a permanent statistical office.
As a matter of fact, no grass-plot is truly circular; and it might be found that if the breadth in various directions were measured more accurately the want of circularity would reveal itself.
To find the quantity of timber in a trunk with parallel ends, the areas of a few sections must be calculated as accurately as possible, and a formula applied.
As a teacher, besides the power of accurately gauging the character and capabilities of those who studied under him, he had the faculty of infecting them with his own enthusiasm, and thus of stimulating them to put forward their best efforts.
It depends on the restoring force due to the displacement of the receiver not being accurately proportional to the displacement.
Sidney conducted his case throughout with great skill; he pointed especially to the fact that Lord Howard, whose character he easily tore to shreds, was the only witness against him as to treason, whereas the law required two, that the treason was not accurately defined, that no proof had been given that the papers produced were his, and that, even if that were proved, these papers were in no way connected with the charge.
These terminal lakes, or more accurately sedimentary plains, are therefore almost always dry."
If you ask me to define the amount more accurately, I say that it cannot be done.
The boundaries, however, are in part not accurately determined.
In electrical measurements connected with incandescent electric lamps the potentiometer is of great use, as it enables us to make accurately and nearly simultaneously two measurements, one of the current through the lamp and the other of the potential difference of the terminals.
The considerations from which he acutely and accurately draws far-reaching and important conclusions might be suggested by a very superficial examination of the literature; they involve, for example, no special philological knowledge.
In 797 Charlemagne commissioned Alcuin to prepare an emended text of the Vulgate; copies of this text were multiplied, not always accurately, in the famous writingschools at Tours.
The lameness of the Greeks in angular measurement would alone show that they could not derive itinerary measures from long and accurately determined distances on the earth.
The numbers of the Society are not accurately known, but are estimated at about 20,000, in all parts of the world; and of these the English, Irish and American Jesuits are under 3000.
Used more accurately, it denotes the tribe which invaded India 130-140 B.C. They are the Sacae and Sakai of classical authors and the Se of the Chinese, which may represent an original Sek or Siik.
For the reasons just given these figures do not accurately indicate the religious affiliations of the population of the United States.
He also tells us that he was at Gyaros (one of the Cyclades) when Augustus was at Corinth on his return to Rome from the East in 29 B.C., and that he accompanied the prefect of Egypt, Aelius Gallus, on his expedition to Upper Egypt, which seems to have taken place in 25-24 B.C. These are the only dates in his life which can be accurately fixed.
Readers of Scott's Pirate will remember the frank contempt which Magnus Troil expressed for the Scots, and his opinions probably accurately reflected the general Norse feeling on the subject.
The Result May Sometimes Differ A Day From The Truth, As The Intercalary Days Do Not Occur Simultaneously; But As The Day Of The Week Can Always Be Accurately Obtained From The Foregoing Table, The Result Can Be Readily Adjusted.
The trees of the genus are closely allied in botanic features, as well as in general appearance, so that it is sometimes difficult to assign to them determinate specific characters, and the limit between species and variety is not always very accurately defined.
The end of this period is generally said to coincide with the loss of the French provinces to Philip Augustus, but literary and political history do not correspond quite so precisely, and the end of the first period would be more accurately denoted by the appearance of the history of 'William the Marshal in 1225 (published for the Societe de l'histoire de France, by Paul Meyer, 3 vols., 1891-1901).
In all cases where compound prisms are used, the angles must be accurately calculated.
The letters r and t have been discarded in favour of 1 and k, as expressing more accurately the native pronunciation, so that, for example, taro, the former name of the Colocasia plant, is now kalo.
He corresponded regularly with his legates and with the military leaders, who kept him accurately informed of the position of the troops and the progress of the operations.
The losses in transplantation have been huge, but it is impossible to estimate them accurately, for even the current figures for the Catholic population are based on detailed estimates rather than on an actual count.
Nothing of importance occurred during the following reigns, until that of Ralpachen, who won glory by his care for the translations of the Buddhist scriptures which he caused to be completed, or rewritten more accurately when required.
This determination involves a knowledge of the density and of the compressibility of the solution; the latter property is difficult to measure accurately.
It was observed by the animal magnetists at the beginning of the 19th century in France and Germany, that certain of their subjects, when in the "magnetic" trance, could foretell accurately the course of their diseases, the date of the occurrence of a crisis and the length of time needed to effect a cure.
Duchenne (Mecanisme de la physiognomie humaine, Paris, 1862) showed that by the use of electricity the action of the separate muscles could be studied and by the aid of photography accurately represented.
In this case, the greater constitutional vigour of the albino is thus accurately demonstrated.
The Hippodrome, in which the chariot-races and horse-races were held, can no longer be accurately traced.
The main tube must be accurately machined as it has to be readily trained in its stuffing-box as well as be water-tight in all positions, through a considerable range of vertical travel.
In the present state of Hebrew palaeography it is not possible to determine accurately the date of a MS., but it is easy to recognize the country in which it was written.
These do not reach exactly to the same elevation, nor are they often found growing together; but their upper limit corresponds accurately enough to the change from a temperate to a colder climate that is further proved by a change in the wild herbaceous vegetation.
Hence all attempts to fix accurately the level of perpetual snow in the Alps are fallacious, and can at the best approach only to local accuracy for a particular district.
The operation must be so performed that the growing tissues, or cambium-layer of the scion, may fit accurately to the corresponding layer of the stock.
Pelargoniums, cinerarias, calceolarias, cyclamens, camellias, heaths, roses and other specialities might thus have to themselves either a whole house or part of a house, the conditions of which could then be more accurately fitted to the wants of the inmates.
Kayser points out, the real state of the matter is more accurately represented by the subjoined tabular scheme.
These two diagrams naturally have much the same general shape, but though the boundaries of the several regions in the iron-cementite diagram are known pretty accurately, and though the relative positions of the boundaries of the two diagrams are probably about as here shown, the exact topography of the iron-graphite diagram is not yet known.
The quantity of phosphorus in the pig iron is usually known accurately, and the dephosphorization takes place so regularly that the quantity of air which it needs can be foretold closely.
In the former the silicon and part of the carbon are moved rapidly, in the latter the rest of the carbon and the phosphorus are removed slowly, and the metal is brought accurately to the proper temperature and composition.
Hence the blast furnace process, thus freed from the hampering need of controlling accurately the silicon-content, can be much more effectively guided so as to prevent the sulphur from entering the pig iron.
Electric steel-making processes, or more accurately processes in which electrically heated furnaces are used, have developed very rapidly.
The iron for a statuette must first of all be very fluid, so that it will run into every crevice in its mould, and it must expand in solidifying, so that it shall reproduce accurately every detail of that mould.
The expense of cutting castings accurately to shape, cutting on them screw threads and what not, called " machining " in trade parlance, is often a very large part of their total cost; and it increases rapidly with the hardness of the metal.
Thus thick machinery castings usually contain between 1.50 and 2.25% of silicon, whereas thin castings and ornamental ones which must reproduce the finest details of the mould accurately may have as much as 3 or even 3.4 0% of it.
Both are outside the limits of the Campagna in the narrower sense; but similar tombs were found (though less accurately observed) in travertine quarries between Rome and Tivoli.
A furrier or skin merchant must possess a good eye for colour to be successful, the difference in value on this subtle matter solely (in the rarer precious sorts, especially sables, natural black, silver and blue fox, sea otters, chinchillas, fine mink, &c.) being so considerable that not only a practised but an intuitive sense of colour is necessary to accurately determine the exact merits of every skin.
During the period just mentioned the tailors' methods of scientific pattern cutting have been adopted by the leading furriers in place of the old chance methods of fur cutters, so that to-day a fur garment may be as accurately and gracefully fitted as plush or velvet, and with all good houses a material pattern is fitted and approved before the skins are cut.
The only combination which, even in appearance, could be explained satisfactorily by its means was the formation of a complex idea out of simpler parts, but the idea of a relation among facts is not accurately described as a complex idea; and, as such relations have na basis in impressions, Hume is finally driven to a confession of the absolute impossibility of explaining them.
This is one of the simplest of all methods in practice, but it involves the measurement of several different quantities, some of which are difficult to observe accurately.
But the theory is not strictly applicable, as the phenomena are not accurately periodic, and the state of the soil is continually varying, and differs at different depths, particularly in regard to its degree of wetness.
If the dimensions of the bar are suitably chosen, the distribution of temperature is always very nearly parabolic, so that it is not necessary to determine the value of the critical current C 2 = hpllaRo very accurately, as the correction for external loss is a small percentage in any case.
The chief difficulty is that of measuring the small change of resistance accurately, and of avoiding errors from accidental thermo-electric effects.
Moreover, the variation of thermal conductivity with temperature is small and uncertain, whereas the variation of electrical conductivity is large and can be accurately determined, and may therefore be legitimately utilized for eliminating the external heat-loss.
As it progressed the Germans adopted many of the methods employed by the British in their colonial wars, and they learned to appreciate more accurately the immensity of the task which Lord Kitchener accomplished in overcoming the guerrilla warfare in the Boer republics.
If an auroral arc represented a definite selfluminous portion of space of small transverse dimensions at a uniform height above the ground, its height could be accurately determined by observations made with theodolites at the two ends of a measured base, provided the base were not too short compared to the height.
The Greek alphabet, reinforced by a few signs borrowed from demotic, rendered the spoken tongue so accurately that four distinct, though closely allied, dialects are readily distinguishable in Coptic MSS.; ample remains are found of renderings of the Scriptures into all these dialects.
Papyrus and many dated inscriptions fix the succession and length of reign of the eight kings very accurately; The troubled times that the kingdom had passed through taught the long-lived monarchs the precaution of associating a competent successor on the throne.
The Turin Papyrus preserves many names on its shattered fragments, and the monuments are for ever adding to the list, but it is difficult to assign them accurately to their places.
The imaginative force of the presentation, coming from a man of DUrer's powers, is intense; but what consciously occupied him most may well have been the problem how to draw accurately the proportions and action of a horse in motion.
Although the ultimate composition of cement, that is, the percentage of each base and acid present, can be accurately determined by analysis, its proximate composition, i.e.
A Geometric cemetery was dug by the Germans at Tiryns, and their finds have been accurately published (1912).
He is often, but not accurately, termed simply "Fiesole," which is merely the name of the town where he first took the vows; more often Fra Angelico.
First, the entire area of the district, whether cultivated or uncultivated, and of each field within the district is accurately measured.
Where accurate differential observations or photographs involving other than instantaneous exposures have to be made, the additional condition is required that the optical axis of the telescope shall accurately and automatically follow the object under observation in spite of the apparent diurnal motion of the heavens, or in some cases even of the apparent motion of the object relative to neighbouring fixed stars.
This axis is a hollow forging of nickel steel, of which the accurately turned pivots rest on bearings attached to cast-iron uprights bolted upon a massive cast-iron base plate.
Some heat is generally lost in transferring the heated body to the calorimeter; this loss may be minimized by performing the transference rapidly, but it cannot be accurately calculated or eliminated.
The earlier forms of ice-calorimeter, those of Black, and of Laplace and Lavoisier, were useless for work of precision, on account of the impossibility of accurately estimating the quantity of water left adhering to the ice in each case.
In addition to its great theoretical interest, this method possesses the advantage of being frequently the most accurate in practical application, since energy can be more accurately measured in other forms than in that of heat.
The Value Of The International Electrical Units Has By This Time Been So Accurately Determined In Absolute Measure That They Afford A Very Good, Though Indirect, Method Of Determining The Mechanical Equivalent Of Heat.
But For The Determination Of Relative Values Of Specific Heats In Terms Of A Standard Liquid, Or Of The Variations Of Specific Heat Of A Liquid, The Method Depends Only On The Constancy Of The Standards, Which Can Be Readily And Accurately Tested.
This Can Be Very Accurately Realized, But Is Not So Convenient As (I) For Ordinary Purposes.
The Mean Calorie Cannot Be Accurately Realized In Practice In Any Simple Manner, And Is Therefore Unsuitable As A Standard Of Comparison.
No Doubt There Must Be Approximate Relations Between The Atomic And Molecular Heats Of Similar Elements And Compounds, But Considering The Great Variations Of Specific Heat With Temperature And Physical State, In Alloys, Mixtures Or Solutions, And In Allotropic Or Other Modifications, It Would Be Idle To Expect That The Specific Heat Of A Compound Could Be Accurately Deduced By Any Simple Additive Process From That Of Its Constituents.
An endeavour was made to publish an annual budget, in which the revenue and expenditure should accurately represent the sums actually received and expended.
We may observe that the equation (51) is accurately true for an ideal vapour, for which pv = (S-s)0, provided that the total heat is defined as equal to the change of the function (E+pv) between the given limits.
The values of the saturation-pressure have been ver y accurately determined for the majority of stable substances, and a large number of empirical formulae have been proposed to represent the relation between pressure and temperature.
He proceeds to calculate from this expression the difference of vapour-pressures of ice and water in the immediate neighbourhood of the melting-point, but does not observe that the vapour-pressures themselves may be more accurately calculated for a considerable interval of temperature by means of formula (23), by substituting the appropriate values of the latent heats and specific heats.
Modern scholarship has superseded most of the details in the Voyage, but the author himself did not imagine his book to be a register of accurately ascertained facts; he rather intended to afford to his countrymen, in an interesting form, some knowledge of Greek civilization.
The boundaries of these provinces, however, are purely arbitrary and not accurately defined.
At a small distance from the pulley the shaft carries a short frustum of a solid cone accurately turned to fit the hollow cone.
For some years after the publication of Hansen's tables of the moon in 1857 it was generally believed that the theory of that body was at last complete, and that its motion could be predicted as accurately as that of the other heavenly bodies.
As the Genesis begins with a line identical in meaning, though not in wording, with the opening of Cmdmon's Hymn, we may perhaps infer that the writer knew and used Cmdmon's genuine poems. Some of the more poetical passages may possibly echo Cmdmon's expressions; but when, after treating of the creation of the angels and the revolt of Lucifer, the paraphrast comes to the Biblical part of the story, he follows the sacred text with servile fidelity, omitting no detail, however prosaic. The ages of the antediluvian patriarchs, for instance, are accurately rendered into verse.
He explained accurately the mechanism of the bones of the ear, and he discussed the physiological action of the cochlea on the principles of sympathetic vibration.
Of the deaths in any place the only check obtainable is from the public body-washers, but many corpses areburied without the aid of the public body-washers; and the population of the place not being accurately known, the number of deaths, however correct, is useless for statistical purposes.
By some writers Northern Rhodesia is included in South Africa, but that district belongs more accurately to the central portion of the continent.
His profound knowledge of popular assemblies enabled him, alone among contemporary sovereigns, accurately to gauge from the first the scope and bearing of the French Revolution.
The precise period at which the Brahuis gained the mastery cannot be accurately ascertained; but it was probably about two and a half centuries ago.
In the rational creatures - man and the gods - Pneuma is manifested in a high degree of purity and intensity as an emanation from the world-soul, itself an emanation from the primary substance of purest ether - a spark of the celestial fire, or, more accurately, fiery breath, which is a mean between fire and air, characterized by vital warmth more than by dryness.
This region, which is not accurately known, is studded with large lakes, i.e.
The events are graphically, if riot always accurately, described; but of the larger causes at work in producing them, of their subtle action and reaction upon each other, and of the general conditions amid which the history worked itself out, he takes no thought at all.
To these defects in his method must be added the fact that he does not always succeed even in accurately reproducing the authority he is for the time following.
During his third and last voyage, in 1778, Captain James Cook surveyed the eastern portion of the Aleutian archipelago, accurately determined the position of some of the more important islands and corrected many errors of former navigators.
Sufficient portions of this design were found in good preservation to enable the whole to be accurately restored - a process as legitimate in such a case as censurable in the case of a figure-painting.
The greatest care should be taken to see that all rivet holes are accurately punched, and if necessary that they are rhymed so that each rivet will have its full value.
If the conditions are such that a packing or filling piece must be used, the end of one piece is cut to a new and true surface, and the filling piece is planed to fill the space accurately.
The name is now ordinarily restricted to what is more accurately called atmospheric air - the air we breathe - the invisible elastic fluid which surrounds the earth (see ATMOSPHERE).
Darwin and others having regarded Lord Morton's mare as affording very strong evidence in support of the infection hypothesis, it was considered some years ago desirable to repeat Lord Morton's experiment as accurately as possible.
The Koran, the sole authentic authority in all matters, legal or civil, never accurately distinguished between the sheikh and the cadi, and its phrases, besides, are vague and capable of admitting different and even opposite interpretations.
Pipes, when accurately fitted in, are much less liable to derangement than when laid in the bottom of a trench several times their width, into which a mass of loose earth must necessarily be returned.
The beam must be provided with a small ball of metal which can be screwed up and down a stem on the top of the beam for the purpose of accurately adjusting the position of the centre of gravity, and there should be a small adjustable weight on a fine screw projecting horizontally from one end of the beam for the purpose of accurately balancing the arms.
For the application of the above formula it is necessary to measure (R) and (r) very accurately, by reason of the high powers involved, but when this has been carefully done the formula may be relied upon.
Although this method appears more troublesome, it allows the amount of nitre to be more easily and more accurately regulated.
The division is in many respects convenient for descriptive purposes, but recent researches show that it does not accurately represent the relationships of the different families.
That in one of my papers writ (I cannot say in what year, but I am sure some time before I had any correspondence with Mr Oldenburg, and that's above fifteen years ago), the proportion of the forces of the planets from the sun, reciprocally duplicate of their distances from him, is expressed, and the proportion of our gravity to the moon's conatus recedendi a centro terrae is calculated, though not accurately enough.
We are not accurately informed how Whiston obtained possession of this work; but it is stated by one of the editors of the English edition " that Mr Whiston, thinking it a pity that so noble and useful a work should be doomed to a college confinement, obtained leave to make it public."
They only apply accurately to divisions by 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25 or 50; but they have the convenience of fitting in with the denary scale of notation, and they can be extended to other divisions by using a mixed number as numerator.
The anniversary of his death has since been honoured in an unprecedented manner, the 19th of April being celebrated as "Primrose Day" - the primrose, for reasons impossible accurately to define, being popularly supposed to have been Disraeli's favourite flower.
The number of those who were shot, drowned or otherwise massacred without the pretence of a trial can never be accurately known, but must be reckoned far greater.
The importance of their heliacal risings, or first visible appearances at dawn, for the purposes both of practical life and of ritual observance, caused them to be systematically noted; the length of the year was accurately fixed in connexion with the annually recurring Nile-flood; while the curiously precise orientation of the Pyramids affords a lasting demonstration of the high degree of technical skill in watching the heavens attained in the third millennium B.C. The constellational system in vogue among the Egyptians appears to have been essentially of native origin; but they contributed little or nothing to the genuine progress of astronomy.
Hipparchus and Ptolemy entertained the same large organic designs; they worked on similar methods; and as the outcome, their performances fitted so accurately together that between them they re-made celestial science.
A periodic character was thus indicated for the disturbance; and Laplace assigned its true cause in the near approach to commensurability in the periods of the two planets, the cycle of disturbance completing itself in about goo (more accurately 929) years.
In 1827 Dumont d'Urville in the "Astrolabe" surveyed them much more accurately, but the first thorough survey was that of the United States exploring expedition in 1840.
The work was, however, largely used by historians and antiquaries, until, with the rise of a more critical spirit, its value became more accurately estimated.
Next, like a good man of business, Colbert determined that the state accounts should be kept as accurately as those of a shop; but though in this respect a great minister, he was less so in his manner of levying contributions.
More accurately it may be stated that the thermoelectromotive force in any given circuit containing a series of different metals is a function of the temperatures of the junctions only, and is independent of the distribution of the temperature at any intermediate points, provided that each of the metals in the series is of uniform quality.
An MRI scan helped accurately identify that Dylan had a rare subdural hemorrhage whilst still in his mothers womb.
True genius in life is rare, but no other superlative more accurately describes Thierry Henry 's footballing ability.
As the tephra layers can also be accurately dated you have a great series of time points to assign any fossils to.
Designed to be used between 1/2 square drive torque wrench and socket to accurately set the degrees of turn required by certain applications.
For example, some institutions give students the opportunity to check that their own marks have been transcribed accurately.
But you must judge accurately and watch out for any trap possibly laid by your opponent.
Tympanic membrane Tympanic membrane temperature accurately mirrors oesophageal temperature and is a good indicator of core and brain temperature.
We do not at present have data that would allow us to accurately calculate the extent of underreporting of withdrawal reactions.
Such a description is clear and concise, easily understood but perhaps difficult to apply accurately.
Laboratory and site testing are being deployed to ensure that the developed simulations accurately replicate the unsteady flow conditions found in practice.
At the same time I found the pylorus persistently closed and accurately shut, like the os uteri on the fetus.
The poll aggregator used data from 12 different sources to accurately predict the outcome of the election.
Being astute about tests of your products will help you grasp market reaction fast and accurately.
Perhaps more accurately, my mission was to make at least enough money to cover my expenses.
This combination allows your doctor to accurately gauge your newborn baby's health, discovering potential problems early so that they can be treated before they become more serious issues.
By following directions accurately, you can feel good about providing a safe and comfortable place for your baby to sleep.
They were designed to hit the ball accurately up in the air and over long distances and tough lies and often take the place of a long iron.
The service then takes care of making sure your debts are paid accurately and on time.
Filling out the divorce forms fully and accurately is key to having the divorce proceed in a timely manner.
Calculating the flow rate and desired water temperature accurately is essential if you want to have enough hot water for your home.
Check with a guide book, look at the pictures on the websites suggested, or take a course on wild edibles foraging to accurately identify wild berries.
Unfortunately, their ease of use often means that these tools are simplistic, with poor renderings that may make it difficult to accurately determine what the finished bedroom design would look like.
Sometimes, using a program such as Adobe PhotoShop can yield renderings that will help you accurately design a space.
The other colors in the French kitchen palette include bright yellows and vibrant greens, which accurately reflect the countryside.
Not everyone knows how to accurately assess rug quality.
The angle of the brush can keep your hand ahead of the line, so that you can see what you're doing more accurately.
For women of color, it is essential to uncover the perfect match to accurately reflect her ethnicity.
The solution contains DHA, but also a temporary bronzer to help the technician apply the product accurately.
You could obviously just trust the accuracy of the many translations that exist today, or you could read those original manuscripts with your very own eyes, and conduct your own attempt at translating them as accurately as possible.
However, many times the beliefs and behaviors of many Catholics did not accurately reflect the principles established and promoted by the Catholic Church.
Professional photojournalists must be able to work well under deadlines and shoot photos that accurately represent a particular event or subject.
Assemble all the ingredients first and measure them out so they can be added quickly and accurately.
Even experienced meteorologists in towns located near ski resorts find it challenging to accurately predict exactly how much fluffy snow you're likely to have during the five days you'll be visiting a resort.
This person will be able to accurately assess your symptoms and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan for your recovery.
While these types of shows are a glimpse into the world of modeling, they don't accurately reflect the world of teen modeling.
Choosing to use personal wedding vows is one way that couples can customize their ceremony with minimal fuss while at the same time using their own words to accurately describe their feelings toward one another on this most special day.
It is difficult to predict the weather accurately, so if you are getting yourself together for an outdoor wedding of any kind, be sure to bring a cardigan or other outer layer.
These questions were developed to help doctors find out quickly and accurately if a patient has a drinking problem.
However, only a qualified medical professional can accurately assess your child's condition.
Many times colors are not accurately represented online due to lighting, so being able to see the curtain in person before purchasing can save you time and money.
The show is about the contestant who can most accurately predict how Americans respond to polled questions.
The numeric scale allows The Princeton Review to efficiently and accurately calculate average answers among all students at a single school and also among students nationwide.
Sheet music shows the rhythmic requirements of a piece very accurately, whilst tablature lacks this ability.
Sometimes sheet music can be found for old traditional folk songs, and this is an advantage for folk guitarists looking to accurately recreate their favorite songs from yesteryear.
The last time you tune your guitar after stretching your strings three times, make sure you tune as accurately as possible as you are now ready to start playing again.
To borrow a phrase from "This Old House" star and master carpenter Norm Abrams, make sure to accurately measure the hanging distance and span dimension before purchasing ceiling lights.
In order to accurately determine pitch you must figure out how many inches the roof rises for every foot it runs.
Architects and contractors can estimate the cost of a home more accurately than most laymen because of a variety of refined tools at their disposal.
These books or computer programs accurately determine the cost of a building based on the region, size of the floor plan, and other factors.
Do your research and record your measurements accurately, however, because in many cases once these tiles are gone, they're gone.
Because there is no way to accurately predict the color of the pearl an oyster will produce, purchasing a matched strand of South Seas pearls can be very expensive.
People found it fascinating to think that a color could accurately depict what a person was feeling.
To accurately measure flour, dip the measuring tool into the flour and level the top with the straight part of a knife.
If you are shopping online, make sure to follow the measurement guides for that website and always take your measurements accurately.
Visit a store like Macy's or Nordstrom, where experts will measure you accurately.
If your contact contains multiple rings, then that means that your prescription is designed to accurately alternate between near and far distances.
This allows you to accurately and correctly see where you are going.
To accurately get an idea of what this collection looks like, imagine the science of archeology marrying high fashion and that will help you to understand just how gorgeous and elegant this collection appears.
This game is clearly not for the feint of heart, because it accurately recreates the real racing experience rather than taking on an "arcade racer" approach.If you really want to race, you'll want the '04 Polyphony Formula Gran Turismo.
Electroplankton is a great music making toy, or more accurately, a sound toy.
Don't worry though, I'll tell you whether or not you will despise this game so accurately I could give Miss Cleo a run for her money.
The new attachment enhances the Wii Remote to accurately and more quickly detect complex motions.
The Project Runway Wii game tries to accurately reproduce the experience of the contestants on the show.
Most price guides provide collectors with photos and the current year's prices so that collectors and sellers alike can set asking prices accurately.
Many works of historical fiction accurately depict a real period in history, but the people and events in the story are completely fictional.
Her evaluations and appraisals are done with honestly and accurately with a high sense of ethics.
One way to tell the age of a china head doll fairly accurately is by the hair style.
Although not everyone will always agree, there are collectible book condition guidelines that can help you accurately describe the condition of your book.
They choose a professional grading company to ensure the baseball card is graded accurately.
You'll pay a great deal when you sign up, but assuming you accurately complete the paperwork, you'll get all that money back.
Spatial and dimensional awareness keep improving as the baby learns to aim accurately when reaching for objects.
Babies at this age also learn to change focus quickly and accurately between near and far distances.
Inability to interpret the body's hunger signals accurately due to early experiences of inappropriate feeding.
A doctor or other healthcare provider should be called when a rash that cannot accurately be identified appears or when an identified rash does not disappear in two to three days.
Enzyme analysis often cannot accurately determine if an individual is a carrier for an MPS disorder, because the enzyme levels in individuals who are not carriers overlaps the enzyme levels seen in those individuals who are carrier for MPS.
Colors are used to accurately depict the environment, and more complex art materials may be introduced.
For this reason, narcolepsy is more accurately described as a disorder of the normal boundaries between sleep and wakefulness.
However, newborns may not make enough sweat to accurately perform the test; hence, it may be repeated when they are older.
The measurement of fetal heart activity is performed most accurately by attaching an electrode directly to the fetal scalp.
Individuals at risk of having a child with OI should be encouraged to undergo genetic counseling to more accurately determine their chances of having a child with OI.
Although relapse rates are difficult to accurately obtain, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism cites evidence that 90 percent of alcohol dependent users experience at least one relapse within four years after treatment.
Active listening-Listening with undivided attention and an open mind and being able to summarize the message accurately.
Common variable immunodeficiency is believed to affect one in 50,000 to 200,000 individuals although it is not always diagnosed, and exact numbers of cases in the population cannot be accurately determined.
When substance abuse or addiction is present, a patient must ordinarily undergo a period of detoxification and abstinence before a mood disorder can be accurately diagnosed.
It is important that the child's abilities are accurately assessed and that an appropriate plan of treatment is developed.
The type of nystagmus can accurately be determined by eye movement recordings, which map direction, frequency, null point, and amplitude of the nystagmus.
In order to accurately calculate fluid loss, it is important to chart weight changes every day and keep a record of how many times a child vomits or has diarrhea.
The main concern with older children is peer pressure and the desire to fit in; therefore, symptoms may not be reported accurately and medications may not be taken to avoid comments from peers or appearing different.
With some experience, common rashes can be accurately identified by parents.
Rashes that cannot be accurately identified should be referred to competent healthcare professional for identification and possible treatment.
A spectrophotometer can accurately measure how much bilirubin is in a blood sample and the result can be compared to known normal values.
Although methylation testing can accurately diagnose PWS, it cannot determine if the PWS is caused by a deletion, maternal uniparental disomy, or a mutation that disrupts imprinting.
However, most have difficulty accurately identifying colors without any other references.
It's almost impossible to describe accurately with words, but watching professional ballroom dancers it is obvious and beautiful, adding a saucy sensuality to this dance.
Lots of people want to learn Beyonce "Single Ladies" dance steps; more accurately, "Put a Ring on It," but "Single Ladies" seems to have stuck.
Another pertinent piece of information you will always find on a step sheet is the count of the dance - this is very important to stay in rhythm and even know how to accurately perform the dance before ever hearing the song.
Being able to sense the Lead's intention and perform the dance steps both accurately and with style takes an enormous amount of skill, which is why both members of a dance partnership learn the steps best by practicing together.
Measurements on your map do not necessarily have to be exact, but you do want your drawing to reflect the sizes of your rooms accurately.
The language used should be short and to the point and should accurately reflect the position.
Listen closely to the questions that you are being asked, being sure to answer them thoroughly and accurately.
Read the job descriptions and requirements carefully and be sure to fill out the online application completely and accurately.
It's in your best interest to gather the information you'll need to accurately complete your request before you begin filling out the form.
Census takers are responsible for accurately recording each person's responses to the interview questions on paper forms.
Just enter the info asked for in the blanks (as accurately as possible), hit calculate and your answer is ready immediately.
Although no one can accurately predict what direction housing costs will go in the future, your Fresno mortgage lender can help you decide how to factor this into your decisions about the type and amount of mortgage that are right for you.
This is because using Eurodollars, which includes only European currency, would not accurately reflect the rate for American lenders.
A ruler and pencil are helpful for beginners, since it's sometimes hard to estimate where the middle of the paper is or how to accurately fold a sheet into thirds.
However, sometimes the test fails to accurately detect this pregnancy hormone.
It's important that your prenatal health care provider estimates your conception date as accurately as possible.
The following are good reasons why estimating conception date accurately matters.
This doesn't mean you're simply means that the results are too old to be interpreted accurately.
The results should be read in a specified amount of time to interpret them accurately.
The doctor will use an ultrasound to check the position of the baby during the test and to ensure that the needle is placed accurately.
In addition, many other factors affect a woman's body temperature, making this a difficult test to interpret accurately.
These tests predict ovulation up to 98 percent accurately with a simple urine test.
Before buying a toy box or chest, accurately assess the number of toys that need to be stored and their sizes to ensure the chosen design meets the child's needs.
After listening to your concerns and taking a complete medical history, he or she will be more accurately able to determine if vitamin B12 deficiency diet therapy is needed.
They are the only people who can accurately gauge your situation and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.That said, people can often treat their vitamin deficiencies with simple changes to their diet.
Many users object to the strong orange overtones of the light and feel that it does not accurately simulate a candle's peaceful glow.
Likewise, there are many blends of synthetic fragrance oils which accurately mimic natural scents and a wide range of other fragrances.
Make sure that the finished product that you turn in is your own work and that it accurately represents the particular funding needs and proposed programs of your organization.
Taking advantage of these online resources will give you the discretion you need and also the ability to gauge your potential partners more accurately through the information provided in dating profiles.
When searching online it is important to answer all the dating site's matching questions accurately and fully.
My advice to you is to move forward with your life and remember the past fondly, but accurately.
Describe yourself accurately in terms of height, weight, etc - because after all, you are hoping eventually to meet that special someone in person, and there's no reason to lie!
There are several ways to measure ring size accurately.
A sizer will accurately measure a finger and determine the correct size ring.
Also, be sure to determine ring size accurately to avoid return fees for an incorrect ring size.
If you prefer a design without a sizing band, make sure you accurately measure your ring size.
Make sure all people and events are accurately portrayed.
The average celiac may also be unaware of a genetic predisposition to gluten intolerance, so it is no wonder it can take approximately a decade for most doctors to accurately diagnose a celiac.
The trendy line is most accurately labeled as a stylish brand.
Obviously, purchasing one that accurately suits your needs is the best way to go.
One of the best joys in a young child's life is being able to choose a brand new backpack that accurately represents their own special personality, and Dora's backpacks certainly fit that bill.
This pair accurately represents the duplicity of Gemini's nature.
You can use one of many charts available online or you can use a simple equation to accurately determine your Chinese calendar animal sign.
In looking for weekly Gemini romance horoscopes, it is necessary to evaluate which stage the particular Gemini is in - immature or mature - before you can accurately find a horoscope weekly reading that speaks to that particular stage.
Understanding what is the best love match for Scorpio can begin with sun signs, but this can only be accurately predicted with natal chart comparisons.
However, where solid self-definition is the goal, it is very important to consider all the elements and signs within a birth chart, and take careful note of their placement in order to more accurately examine the individual.
Accurately diagnosing ADHD in children can be difficult, since a young child often does not know how to articulate his/her problems.
Some quizzes are difficult to complete accurately because your natural response may not be among the multiple choices.
Dr. Raymond Moody is a researcher and writer who documented a number of cases where people involved in NDEs were able to accurately verify items in real life during their experience.
An elderly blind woman accurately described events surrounding the resuscitation of her body, including the clothes worn by people entering and leaving the room.
A young dying girl accurately reported things her older sister said while sitting in a separate room from where the young girl was resuscitated.
A scale that can accurately weigh your packages will typically save you 10-15% on mailing costs.
While most people can easily determine how much money they spend on their mortgage and utility bills, it's often difficult to accurately estimate spending on fast food, DVD rentals, and other incidental purchases.
It is important to report all information accurately in order to not only comply with the rules and regulations, but also to make sure you get the proper help in purchasing groceries.
Unfortunately, the information provided for shoes on the Internet does not always represent the shoes accurately.
By employing specific keywords, the Internet will accurately display the latest and best deals for these discounted items, making comparison shopping much simpler than traveling around by car from store to store.
The site accurately reported that Braeden and executives at Sony were finally able to reach a deal on a new contract.
You should not rely on a tattoo artist to accurately provide you with the proper image.
However, the outline and a few simple details could convey a "bad" fairy image just as accurately.
Before being pierced, ask to see your piercer's portfolio of both fresh and healed surface piercings so that you can accurately judge their experience.
A surface piercing needs to be performed by an experienced piercer who can accurately judge the size and depth of the piercing, which often requires customized jewelry.
Use a stencil to ink the pattern accurately onto the skin; many henna tattoo artists make patterns of their work to share with others.
So the mark for a certain hour would change as the season changed, and the dial would not indicate time accurately.
This watch was innovative for the era because not only could it accurately keep time, but it could keep track of the day of the month, as well as recognize if the year was a leap year.
At one time, the watch making community believed that wrist watches were far too small to be able to keep time accurately.
Experienced vintage watch sellers will be able to value a watch accurately as well as determine its condition.
This helps to accurately tell the time without having the watch too crowded with markings.
This gives runners the ideal method of tracking and planning running while also monitoring performance accurately and with ease.
These forks have long been used by professional musicians and music therapists to accurately create musical pitch.
One of the benefits of digital alarm clocks is the fact that they tell the time accurately and that the alarm can be set to the nearest minute - in some instances to the nearest second.
Women with low vision may need a larger watch face to accurately tell time.
Option to accurately set the alarm - online alarm clocks can be set to the nearest minute making them useful for occasions when precise timing is important.
It may be necessary to accurately determine the value of a wristwatch.
This serial number can help to accurately date the pocket watch.
Currently, the most exact forms of atomic clock radio technology use the absorption spectroscopy of cold atoms to function accurately.
Adults with autism may not be accurately diagnosed.
Set up time is the time it takes for a printer to "burn" a metal plate from typeset originals provided by a customer or in-house typesetter, and adjust his press so that the paper accurately feeds through press rollers.
The name needs to accurately convey what your organization does quickly, concisely, and memorably.
You need construct it to present yourself and your skills accurately if you want to get the hiring manager's attention and be invited for an interview.
Your resume must reflect your capabilities and skills -- accurately, creatively, and comprehensively.
Choose the template that most accurately suits your business or service, as well as your personal style.
They will want to scan over the summary to digest the main points in order to make major decisions as quickly and accurately as possible.
This way you can be sure you estimate your quarterly taxes properly and that you accurately report all income and expenses as required by law.
Instead, hire a professional web designer who is knowledgeable about marketing to create an attractive, easy-to-navigate website that accurately conveys the features and benefits that your company has to offer to potential clients.
The system is a space-based navigation system that uses multiple satellites to accurately triangulate your vehicle's position on the earth.
Coaches can be trained in proper flying, tumbling and other movement techniques so as to more accurately evaluate the danger of a given stunt and teach it appropriately.
Clipart, or more accurately, "clip art", refers to typically hand-made graphics that are created for ornamental or display purposes.
Purchasing hair pieces without glancing at a swatch is a major risk, particularly because many computer monitors may have their settings either too bright or too dark to relay colors accurately.
Good cutting implements allow you to cut more accurately and quickly, which means your finished quilt will come out looking better in less time.
This is a huge timesaver if you can cut accurately with it.
To accurately paint a bird in flight, pay attention to the angle of the wing's edge and how straight the wing is.
Scale - Make sure it is measuring accurately.
Most people with IBS who keep food diaries will soon discover that it's not one particular food that is causing them problems, but more accurately groups of food.
The Lemonade Diet is more accurately a fast, because you aren't really eating anything when you are on the diet.
Ideal body fat percentages work as a tool to help determine accurately whether or not you are at a healthy weight for your body type and size.
The newer digital models allow you to weigh accurately whether you're measuring in grams or ounces.
Activities such as biking or cycling will not accurately be reflected by your Fitbit because the motion sensor better registers the rhythms of your body while it is walking.
Although Google and Yahoo are very efficient, they don't have the same technology or space that allows them to accurately translate long and complex documents.
There are any number of ways to get French phrases translated accurately as well as translations of longer French documents.
You can also use simple online French to English translators, but they don't always translate the phrase perfectly or accurately, so be cautious when using them.
Your insurance agent will ask questions like, "How many miles do you drive to work each day?" Answer honestly but accurately to keep prices down.
Although the quote request form may seem like an excessively lengthy questionnaire, it's important to remember that AAA can give a more accurate quote when the form is filled out completely and accurately.
You may also be able to accurately claim stolen items back based on serial numbers or photographs.
Whether you choose to record your property using written descriptions, photographs, or some other method, be sure it's a method which will accurately portray your items.
As you acquire more items - or get rid of some items - you will want to update your inventory list to accurately reflect your possessions.
Review the list to verify how accurately it reflects the belongings that you need to inventory.
Filling out these forms accurately is essential, as your insurance quote and any potential future payouts in the event of damage will be based upon your insurance application.
Like most health insurance forms, Aetna health insurance dental forms ask for information to accurately identify the policy holder or member, the person receiving the treatment, and the policy itself.
How can women measure accurately at home so they can order online?
If you're still not comfortable with it, go to a department store and they can accurately measure you there and assist you in choosing your perfect Wonderbra.
When you are looking for song lyrics online, you will want to find them quickly and accurately.
They're loaded with all the specific information, accurately addressed and ready to go out at just the right time.
He claimed that he had not been drinking and that the field sobriety test could not accurately determine sobriety in a little person.
Robots can perform many of the same functions that humans can, sometimes more accurately and efficiently.
Many documented cases of such time travel confirm travelers have accurately described events in each timeline visited.
Star Trek spaceships, or more accurately, starships, took a new turn from the classic vision of what a spaceship would be when the television show debuted in 1966.
MySpace Log accurately logs each visitor to your MySpace profile page with daily stats.
It's important that the words and phrases used as meta tags accurately reflect the content of your site, while at the same time representing high search key phrases for which there isn't too much competition.
On the other hand, a table used for the same purpose would require a careful placement of the table, and difficult manipulation of columns and rows in order to accurately place those columns where they are desired.
They brought problems to the forum which were quickly solved by other users, much more quickly (if not always as accurately) as a customer support desk.
Yahoo still uses meta tags, so spend some time filling out the description and keyword metatags with content that is well written and accurately reflects the content of the web page.
Creatively use alt text descriptions that accurately describes the image, but also uses the primary keywords that you're targeting with that web page.
If the website is not set up accurately within the editor, the programmer will often end up with broken links.
In 1757 he presented a telescope to the king, so accurately driven by clockwork that it would follow a star all night long.
The speed of the ship can be roughly estimated from the speed of the engines; it is more accurately obtained by one or other of the various forms of log, or it may be measured by paying out continuously a steel wire over a measuring wheel.
The word metamorphosis cannot, in fact, be used any longer in its original sense, for the change which it implied does not normally occur in ontogeny, and in phylogeny the idea is more accurately expressed by the term differentiation.
This name is twice translated "adder," but as nothing is told of it beyond its poisonous character and the intractability of its disposition, it is impossible accurately to determine the species.
The chief difficulty in this scheme is offered by the Moniligastridae, which in some degree combine the characters of both the suborders, into neither of which will they fit accurately.
There are no setae and apparently only two pairs of nephridia, of which the anterior pair open commonly by a common pore on the third segment after the head, whose segments have not been accurately enumerated.
The general trend of these researches lies in the study of the decomposition or " breaking down " products of the albumin molecules; once these are accurately determined, the synthesis of an albumin is but a matter of time.
These dates enable us to measure accurately the stages by which the church accommodated itself to, and as it were took possession of, the Aristotelian philosophy.
For as Kepler knew the orb to be not circular but oval, and guessed it to be elliptical, so Mr Hooke, without knowing what I have found out since his letters to me, can know no more, but that the proportion was duplicate quam proxime at great distances from the centre, and only guessed it to be so accurately, and guessed amiss in extending that proportion down to the very centre, whereas Kepler guessed right at the ellipsis.
The method appears to be open to the objection that the difference of temperature reached in so long an interval would be more or less independent of the thermal 0 0 .20 h ?1 capacities of the calorimeters, and would also be difficult to measure accurately with a thermocouple under the conditions described.
This threefold division is only valid so far as the elevation of the Pyrenean chain is concerned, and does not accurately represent its geological structure or general configuration.
The date of the writing of the Oratio cannot be fixed more accurately than that it was before 165 and probably about A.D.
If, in addition to the principal maximum, the maximum of 1st order is admitted, the banding is distinctly seen, although the image does not yet accurately resemble the object.
A second fragment (now in the museum at Aix in Provence) was brought from Egypt in 1809; it supplements the preamble by specifying the titles of the emperors and Caesars and the number of times they had held them, whereby the date of publication can be accurately determined.
This indicates the percentage of iodine absorbed by an oil or fat when the latter is dissolved in chloroform or carbon tetrachloride, and treated with an accurately measured amount of free iodine supplied in the form of iodine chloride.
Upper Cretaceous plants are not uncommon, and the position of the deposits in the Cretaceous series can often be fixed accurately by their close association with marine strata belonging to definite subdivisions.
It enables us to determine accurately orders and genera which otherwise are unknown in the fossil state, and it thus aids us in forming a truer idea of the flora of the period than can be formed at any locality where the harder parts alone are recognizable.
The dispute has now lost its interest, for physicists have learned to distinguish accurately the two quantities which are vaguely included under the expression amount of force, and consequently have been able to show in what each party was correct and in what it was in error.
Soon, it was close enough to be accurately discerned.
It has been a fact of life in these parts for hundreds of years and nobody can predict such things accurately.
Individuals skilled at accurately gaging affective responses in others are usually talented at choosing socially adaptive behaviors, in their response.
In a legalized framework, drugs would not contain adulterants and impurities, and dosage would be accurately quantified.
Develop a compact, laser based sensor that can accurately measure the airspeed at all altitudes.
They're characterized by a slightly airy, open and expansive soundstage that blends the sounds from all directions accurately.
The numbers attending each of these chapels cannot be accurately ascertained.
Fuel nozzle -- device to inject fuel into the combustion chamber in a highly atomized and accurately shaped spray.
I have a suitable tripod for this and also some skill in accurately setting it up to within a degree azimuth.
The copy numbers of these Che proteins were accurately determined by quantitative western blot.
To calculate accurately the motion of the Earth around the Sun, Isaac Newton was inspired to invent calculus.
The flask used for the dilution will also need to be accurately calibrated.
They are made with a camber adjuster so the wheel camber can be accurately adjusted once the trike is on its ' wheels.
It outlines a method to consistently measure the junction capacitances accurately.
At the same time his methods enabled other cartographers to re-draw the map of the world far more accurately than hitherto.
To that extent our work can be accurately characterized as " methodologically individualist.
More accurately this should be renamed ' The Stunt Of Paycheck ' as it mainly covers the motorcycle chase.
Fruit flies also have large polytene chromosomes, whose barcode patterns of light and dark bands allow genes to be mapped accurately.
Imagine your image playing the clave smoothly, effortlessly, accurately.
Rock climbing Or, more accurately, sea cliff climbing, is big in these parts.
Developed in collaboration with frontline clinicians, Tiara9 accurately reflects clinical workflow patterns.
Shorter pay scales, which accurately reflect the time needed to become fully competent at a job, are a positive step.
In our example this would be how accurately the analog to digital convertor can determine the start of the next volt.
I think you can safely say the 150 lb. crossbow will shoot pretty accurately and easily to about 70 yards.
The CRF also provides an X-ray densitometer machine to accurately measure total body bone, muscle and fat mass.
The visitors ' center houses a museum, which accurately depicts the life of the prisoners (left ).
The design of the phantom assures both films and alanine dosimeters are accurately located at the same point on the depth dose curve.
The foregoing editorial accurately sums up the attitude of the profession.
The term we are using here should more accurately be called the " lattice dissociation enthalpy " .
Methods to accurately measure eotaxin in lung lavage fluid, sputum and blood are being developed.
The primary goal is to quantify accurately the global air-sea fluxes of CO 2.
When Janie emerges at her command she accurately foretells her future.
Surely it is important to have a gage which accurately show the correct amount of fuel left in the tank for safety reasons?
This process keeps the interferometer accurately aligned in real time, as the interferometer accurately aligned in real time, as the interferometer is scanning and also while it is idling between scans.
This easy-to-use digital metronome accurately marks the tempo visually and with a powerful sound.
Once a target has been selected and accurately located, the laser designation capability is used to identify the specific target for laser-guided munitions.
Glasgow scientists have been examining the tsunami deposits in a bid to more accurately predict future occurrences.
In peptide mass mapping the resolved proteins are digested with trypsin and the derived peptides accurately sized using mass spectrometry.
The film accurately portrays the brutality of 1st century flogging.
The first was the old problem of accurately predicting the big day.
Cause an accident hunting especially in money in any to accurately presort.
No DNA method yet exists that can accurately quantify the amount of meat species in meat products.
January 2002 Can nurses working in remote units accurately request and interpret radiographs?
So, do SQL*Plus scripts accurately reflect real-world Oracle behavior, or do you need full-blown multi-user benchmarks?
These additional color constraints result in more accurately reconstructed geometry, which projects to better synthesized virtual views of the scene.
An intense day with a designer produces a website that accurately reflects a small company in the business's own words.
Mathematics was far advanced then, that is why ancient Indian sages fixed the rate of precession of Equinoxes accurately.
Six months ago this would have been considered outrageously partisan, even seditious; today, it accurately reflects the public mood.
Accurate imaging of the cells should allow doctors to more accurately assess the severity of the disease.
Real-time trajectory modeling accurately simulates the dynamics of the space flight.
The Defendants ' case is succinctly and accurately summarized at A7, viz.
True genius in life is rare, but no other superlative more accurately describes Thierry Henry's footballing ability.
However, some storms, including tornadoes, still cannot be forecast accurately.
Designed to be used between 1/2 " square drive torque wrench and socket to accurately set the degrees of turn required by certain applications.
The written warning should accurately record the warning given at the disciplinary interview.
Also included will be zombie target practice, where you'll scoop prizes for accurately shooting mock zombies in the head.
These grooves are simultaneously cut in situ by the maker, with the aid of an engine capable of ruling fine straight lines, so that the webs when accurately laid in the grooves are perfectly parallel.
These appliances are required if the " run " has to be accurately adjusted.
To derive the stellar velocity in the line of sight relative to the observer it was then necessary to assume that the normal wave-lengths of the stellar and terrestrial spectra are accurately known.
Amongst the Romans, private hospitality, which had existed from the earliest times, was more accurately and legally defined than amongst the Greeks, the tie between host and guest being almost as strong as that between patron and client.
These proportions varied very little between 1881 and 1906, and may be taken as accurately representing the present strength of the various Christian denominations.
It was the ambition of Ptolemy to describe and represent accurately the surface of the oekumene, for which purpose he took immense trouble to collect all existing determinations of the latitude of places, all estimates of longitude, and to make every possible rectification in the estimates of distances by land or sea.
The tanned complexion, that amorphous crag-like face; the dull black eyes under the precipice of brows, like dull anthracite furnaces, needing only to be blown; the mastiff mouth accurately closed; I have not traced so much of silent Berserkir rage that I remember in any man."