Accrue Sentence Examples
They were so pleased with the resources of the country that on.their return to Holland they represented to the directors of the company the great advantages that would accrue to the Dutch Eastern trade from a properly provided and fortified station of call at the Cape.
A keen eye had he for situations where a profit might accrue.
Your money will accrue interest; however, it's usually not very much.
There are nineteen cards available that accrue points with each purchase.
Keep in mind that while you might not have a lot of books now, you should buy a bookshelf unit or enough shelves to allow you space to accrue new books.
Members who expect to accrue enough pension to take them above the lifetime allowance in the future might also need to register certain rights.
Barbarossa, perceiving the advantage that would accrue to his house if he could join the crown of Sicily to that of Germany, and thus deprive the popes of their allies in Lower Italy, procured the marriage of his son Henry VI.
Dividends will accrue on the vested shares during the life of the share plan.
Interest on this federal financial aid begins to accrue immediately.
Of course, it would help not to accrue any other charges on top of what you're trying to pay off now.
AdvertisementDuring additional maternity leave the employe will accrue holiday under the Working Time Regulations.
The project identified some solutions to achieving flexibility, including allowing users to accrue a surplus for contingencies.
Whilst tax subject to interest charges remains unpaid, interest charges will continue to accrue.
Quantitative chemistry had been all but neglected before the time of Lavoisier, for although a few chemists such as Tachenius, Bergman and others had realized the advantages which would accrue from a knowledge of the composition of N N N bodies by weight, and had laid down the lines upon which such determinations should proceed, the experimental difficulties in making accurate observations were enormous, and little progress could be made until the procedure was more accurately determined.
The annates were thereafter to accrue to the king; and bishops and archbishops were thenceforth, in case the pope refused to confirm them,' to be consecrated and invested within the realm, " in like manner as divers other archbishops and bishops have been heretofore in ancient times by sundry the king's most noble progenitors."
AdvertisementNo practical good can therefore accrue to aviation from elaborate measurements of the wings and body of any flying thing; neither can any rule be laid down as to the extent of surface required for sustaining a given weight in the air.
But in some cases, interest may accrue during the time, meaning that a year's worth of interest will be added to your account all at once.
No matter what you want or need, the points you accrue through this card's reward program will benefit you.
Keep in mind that many American Express accounts require payment in full every month, and the ones that allow cardholders to carry balances accrue interest charges.
That delay caused substantial arrears to accrue which Mr G had little or no prospect of being able to clear promptly.
AdvertisementThis program allows cardholders to accrue reward points that can then be redeemed for a variety of items, including merchandise available through the popular WorldPoints Mall.
These charges, however, do not receive the 5% discount and also accrue interest.
Whether you're flying to a Caribbean island or taking a cruise, you'll be surprised at the savings you'll accrue when traveling off season.
The benefits that accrue from the practice of rotation are well illustrated in the results obtained from the investigations at Rothamsted into the simple four-course system, which may fairly be regarded as a self-supporting system.
The advantages that might accrue from the wider distribution of cotton-growing are mainly fourfold.
AdvertisementSo far the development of algebra and geometry had been mutually independent, except for a few isolated applications of geometrical constructions to the solution of algebraical problems. Certain minds had long suspected the advantages which would accrue from the unrestricted application of algebra to geometry, but it was not until the advent of the philosopher Rene Descartes that the co-ordination was effected.
This grew a little later into the recommendation that the revenues and possessions of the French Church should be appropriated by the government, which, after properly subsidizing the clergy, might hope, it was estimated, that a surplus of twenty-two millions of livres would accrue to the State.
Even the position of the Solomon Islands was now in uncertainty, for the Spaniards, fearing lest they should lose the benefits expected to accrue from these discoveries, kept secret the narratives of Mendana and Quiros.
The news supplied was meagre and inappropriate, and it did not take long for mischievous results to accrue, and the official mind was at first disposed to blame the Press for what was wrong in the " publicity " of the moment.
It seems probable that violent physical exercise may counteract in great measure the deleterious effect of opium and prevent it from retarding the respiration, and that in such cases the beneficial effects are obtained without the noxious results which would accrue from its use to those engaged in sedentary pursuits.
In spite of great opposition from the authorities of the order, and in particular from the prioress and sisters of the Incarnation, she persevered with her scheme, being encouraged to appeal to the pope by certain priests who saw the benefit which would accrue to the Church from her zeal.
He himself carefully scanned each face, appraising the possibilities of establishing intimacy with each of those present, and the advantages that might accrue.
Conversely, if you underpay, interest will accrue immediately on the outstanding amount.
The full amount of this bond can be cashed in 17 years, although the bond can continue to accrue interest for another 13 years.
On the next bill after the date change, finance changes will continue to accrue for those additional days where you pushed the date forward.
Reward points do not expire and there is no limit on the number that cardholders can accrue.
With this account, you'll earn one point for every dollar charged to the card, and there are no limits on the number of points you can accrue.
If you are able to accrue enough points to use your rebate, be sure to follow GM's on-site instructions regarding the importance of negotiating the car purchase price before redeeming the rebate.
You can purchase savings bonds in amounts of $50 to $10,000 and accrue interest over several years.
Even the small savings from each step can accrue into a great deal for an unforgettable getaway.
ManD8 also has Wallet Points, which are points that you accrue for participating in different activities on the site.
Where there is management, there are transactions and displacements that accrue paperwork, paperwork which inundates your inbox, leaving your office in a state of entropic disarray.
The profits smugglers accrue result in millions of dollars a year.
Likewise, you won't have an assigned seat on the plane until you check-in at the airport, and you can't accrue frequent flyer miles.
These types of programs allow people to accrue miles toward free and discounted airline tickets in a variety of ways.
Every time you fly with a purchased ticket, you'll have an opportunity to accrue points, but flying is not the only way you can earn mileage awards via a frequent flyer program.
It's important to note that tax liability may continue to accrue for closed businesses if the proper dissolution procedures are not followed.
Tesco offers a membership card for their various products which allow their customers to accrue points and utilize the points for a variety of rewards.
Penalties continue to accrue on the entire balance until the total amount of liability is paid in full.
Nicholas Durand de Villegagnon, a bold and skilful seaman, having visited Brazil, saw at once the advantages which might accrue Settle- to his country from a settlement there.
Does an employe accrue holiday entitlement or holiday pay during maternity leave?
Nevertheless, reports of the benefits of supplementary ribose for patients with chronic heart disease continued to accrue, supported by animal studies.
At the same time, however, the conception of radicals could not be entirely displaced, for the researches of Liebig and Welder, and those made subsequently by Bunsen, demonstrated beyond all doubt the advantages which would accrue from their correct recognition.
Terminating as it usually does with the feeding and feeing of a greater or less number of Brahmans and the feasting of members of the performers' own caste, the Sraddha, especially its first performance, is often a matter of very considerable expense; and more than ordinary benefit to the deceased is supposed to accrue from it when it takes place at a spot of recognized sanctity, such as one of the great places of pilgrimage like Prayaga (Allahabad, where the three sacred rivers, Ganga, Yamuna and Sarasvati, meet), Mathura, and especially Gaya and Kasi (Benares).
Heaven knows who will take charge of the revenues that may accrue from selling off the old analog airwaves.
With the object of preserving to England whatever advantages might accrue from her care and skill in breeding an improved stamp of horses, Edward III.
His mind, strongly imbued with the theocratic ideal, saw more clearly than any other the enormous increase of influence which would accrue to a strictly celibate body of clergy, separated by their very ordination from the strongest earthly ties; and no statesman has ever pursued with greater energy and resolution a plan once formulated.
The growth is less checked by early frosts; and whatever advantages to the vegetation may accrue by occasional excessive warmth in the atmosphere in the early months of the year are experienced more by the irrigated than by the ordinary meadow grasses by reason of the abundant development of roots which the water has encouraged.
In dedicating to him his Commentary on the First Epistle to the Thessalonians, as "eximiae pietatis et doctrinae viro," he declares that so had he been aided by his instruction that whatever subsequent progress he had made he only regarded as received from him, and "this," he adds, "I wish to testify to posterity that if any utility accrue to any from my writings they may acknowledge it as having in part flowed from thee."