Account for Sentence Examples
That would account for the specks swirling too, wouldn't it?
But the most remarkable and daring application of the theory was to account for the phenomena of organic life, especially in animals and man.
Others again, like Michaelis and Rosenmiiller, have supposed that the name Cush was applied to tracts of country both in Arabia and in Africa, but the defective condition of the ancient knowledge of countries and peoples, as also the probability of early migrations of "Cushite" tribes (carrying with them their name), will account for the main facts.
It would be impossible to add a note to Haydn's trio; the only question is how to account for the superfluity of much of the string parts and how to make the trios effective in performance.
It is a problem for empiricism; given a world where nothing but phenomenal sequences exist, to account for moral ideals.
Ultimately, he argues, if not immediately, there must be a rational cause to account for so rational an effect.
It may be supposed that these crude fancies embody a dim recognition of the physical forces and objects personified under the forms of deities, and a rude attempt to account for their genesis as a natural process.
Their fundamental conception is that of Democritus; they seek to account for the formation of the cosmos, with its order and regularity, by setting out with the idea of an original (vertical) motion of the atoms, which somehow or other results in movements towards and from one another.
Thus he does not account for the fact that organic beings - which have always existed as preformations (in the case of animals as animaux spermatiques) - come to be developed under given conditions.
But a little consideration showed that, though Lamarck had seized what, as far as it goes, is a true cause of modification, it is a cause the actual effects of which are wholly inadequate to account for any considerable modification in animals, and which can have no influence at all in the vegetable world; and probably nothing contributed so much to discredit evolution, in the early part of the 29th century, as the floods of easy ridicule which were poured upon this part of Lamarck's speculation.
AdvertisementThose who were unwilling to accept evolution, without better grounds than such as are offered by Lamarck, and who therefore preferred to suspend their judgment on the question, found in the principle of selective breeding, pursued in all its applications with marvellous knowledge and skill by Darwin, a valid explanation of the occurrence of varieties and races; and they saw clearly that, if the explanation would apply to species, it would not only solve the problem of their evolution, but that it would account for the facts of teleology, as well as for those of morphology; and for the persistence of some forms of life unchanged through long epochs of time, while others undergo comparatively rapid metamorphosis.
Further, no theory of calciolous and calcifugous plants can be regarded as satisfactory which fails to account for the fact that both kinds of plants occur among aquatic as well as among terrestrial plants.
This was the central theme of Ritter's philosophy; his religion and his geography were one, and the consequent fervour with which he pursued his mission goes far to account for the immense influence he acquired in Germany.
Should any one be sceptical as to the sufficiency of these laws to account for the present state of things, science can furnish no evidence strong enough to overthrow his doubts until the sun shall be found growing smaller by actual measurement, or the nebulae be actually seen to condense into stars and systems."
The same cause may account for the somewhat slovenly Syriac style.
AdvertisementThis fact will account for the profusion with which some orchids, like the common bee orchis for instance, are found in some seasons and their scarcity in others.
The associations of his home, not far from Corinth, where Arion was said to have established the cyclic choruses of satyrs, may account for his preference for this kind of drama.
The losses in battle having been insignificant, there remain some 30,000 to account for - most of whom probably escaped individually by the help of the inhabitants, who were bitterly hostile to the French.
Various theories have been from time to time proposed to account for this complex of enactments.
The attempt of modern critics to account for the period as that in which the barley harvest was gathered in, during which the workers in the field could not prepare leavened bread, is not satisfactory.
AdvertisementDiscrepancies difficult to account for were found among the estimates of even the best observers.
Each of these works is self-consistent and seemingly trustworthy, but there is a difference between the two which it is difficult to account for.
Although the amended theory as worked out by Maxwell is in rough agreement with certain leading phenomena of magnetization, it fails to account for many others, and is in some cases at variance with observed facts.
It is held 1 that the Darwinian doctrine of selection of fortuitous congenital variations is sufficient to account for all cases, that the Lamarckian hypothesis of transmission cf acquired characters is not supported by experimental evidence, and that the latter should therefore be dismissed.
An Iranian origin would not account for the presence of analogous types on the Yenisei.
AdvertisementThis is also the view of the reasonable Strabo; but it does not account for the genesis of the other story.
The work contains accounts of John the Baptist and Jesus, which may account for the fact that Josephus' writings were rescued from oblivion by the Christians.
Fermentative changes are set up in it, characterized by the evolution of gas and the formation of products of suboxidation, some of which, being volatile, account for the characteristic odour.
Henser, Bencke, Adami, Marchand and others have also put forward hypotheses to account for the origin of new growths.
It is now coming to be recognized that increase of blood pressure alone is not sufficient to account for all dropsical effusions.
But the burdensome expenditure of the late reign would be enough to account for a good deal of discontent.
The comparative lateness of this period makes it difficult to account for the wall painting at Beni Hasan, which accurately represents the process of glass-blowing, and which is attributed to the period of the XIth dynasty.
A cursory inspection of the bird, which is not unfrequently brought alive to Europe, its size, and its enormous bill and talons, at once suggest the vast powers of destruction imputed to it, and are enough to account for the stories told of its ravages on mammals - sloths, fawns, peccaries and spidermonkeys.
This would account for its transitory effects, and the speedy recovery of the Romans from the blow.
The modern physiologist knows that he cannot account for it at all.
The birds were regarded as originally human beings, whose acts and characters were supposed to account for certain habits of the birds into which they had been changed.
Further, Caesarius was in the habit of putting some words of a distinguished writer at the head of his compositions, which would account for the fact that the name of Athanasius was subsequently attached to the creed.
The use of apocryphal literature in Jude itself may account for much of the critical disposition toward it of many subsequent writers.
The vine-growers were at their wits' end to account for this new plague, which threatened to be even more costly than the oidium.
Such a theory as that just mentioned hopelessly fails to account for the linguistic unity of the book.
Thus apparently the only remaining theory which can account for both these phenomena is that at which we have now arrived, i.e.
But Gunkel's explanation is an attempt to account for one ignotum per ignotius; for hitherto no trace of the myth of the sun-god's birth and persecution and the flight into the wilderness has been found in Babylonian mythology.
Solar radiation warms the tropical more than the polar waters, but, assuming equal salinity, this cause would not account for a difference of level of more than 20 ft.
This and the difficulty of obtaining accurate experimental results fully account for the differences inter se in the values of the quantities calculated.
These properties are found to account for the physical properties of gases.
Belmont, what is the use of the prayers offered up over the substances; and how account for the differences of effects which by the testimony of the faithful are respectively caused by water duly blessed and by water falsely blessed?
This discovery did away with the ingenious attempts to account for the name of Waldenses from some other source than from the historical founder of the sect, Peter Waldo or Valdez.
The legend was probably invented to account for the origin of the provocatio (right of appeal to the people), while at the same time it points to the close connexion and final struggle for supremacy between the older city on the mountain and the younger city on the plain.
His mathematical writings, which account for some forty entries in the Royal Society's catalogue of scientific papers, cover a wide range of subjects, such" s the theory of probabilities, quadratic forms, theory of integrals, gearings, the construction of geographical maps, &c. He also published a Traite de la theorie des nombres.
The difficulty in Helmholtz's theory is to account for the audibility of such beat tones when they are of a higher order than the first.
And in reality it would be difficult to account for this feature except on the supposition that one who had lived through the events had been accustomed, when required to give a comprehensive sketch of the history of the ministry and sufferings of Jesus, to relate the facts in the main as they happened; and that a hearer of his has to a considerable extent reproduced them in the same order.
The Homeric epithet 'ApyEtybO rqs, which the Greeks interpreted as "the slayer of Argus," inventing a myth to account for Argus, is explained as originally an epithet of the wind (apyEO-Tris), which clears away the mists (apyos, q5aivco).
The knowledge of the solar zodiac thus turned to account for dualistic purposes was undoubtedly derived from the Greeks.
Newton himself, however, endeavoured to account for gravitation by differences of pressure in an aether; but he did not publish his theory, ` because he was not able from experiment and observation to give a satisfactory account of this medium, and the manner of its operation in producing the chief phenomena of nature.'
In most cases they are associated with concert-halls and open-air restaurants, which account for much of their material prosperity, but the natural taste of the people for wild animals, and the increasing scientific and commercial enterprise of the nation have combined to make the collections rich and interesting.
It is probable that the milk of ruminants possesses certain physical and physiological distinctions from that of non-ruminant animals, which will account for the virtues attributed to the milk of the ass and mare.
When a distinction was made between the souls in the under world, Sisyphus was supposed to be rolling up the stone perpetually as a punishment for some offence committed on earth; and various reasons were invented to account for it.
For instance, Lepsius (3) supposed two primitive cubits of 13.2 and 20.63, to account for 28 digits being only 20.4 when free from the cubit of 20.63--the first 24 digits being in some cases made shorter on the cubits to agree with the true digit standard, while the remaining 4 are lengthened to fill up to 20.6.
A second objection urged, perhaps with less justice, against the theory is that it fails to account for the made his tour in 1773, whilst Hume's death did not take place till 1776.
In England Robert Hooke (1635-1703) held to the theory of extinction of fossil forms, and advanced the two most fertile ideas of deriving from fossils a chronology, or series of time intervals in the earth's history, and of primary changes of climate, to account for the former existence of tropical species in England.
In 52 B.C. he passed a fresh law de jure magistratuum which cut away the ground beneath Caesar's feet by making it possible to provide a successor to the Gallic provinces before the close of 49 B.C., which meant that Caesar would become for some months a private person, and thus liable to be called to account for his unconstitutional acts.
We can account for this only by emphasizing the fact that the form of Caesar's government became as time went on more undisguised in its absolutism, while the honours conferred upon him seemed designed to raise him above the rest of humanity.
The real problem, to which at present no solution has been found, is to account for the new material in the sayings.
Marti's book is clever, but the circumstances in which it was produced account for its cold reception and afford presumption that the best scenes are not original.
Various schemes of analysis have been proposed to account for this and other passages of the same nature in the epistle, e.g.
If we consider in conclusion that Manichaeism gave a simple, apparently profound, and yet convenient solution of the problem of good and evil, a problem that had become peculiarly oppressive to the human race in the and and 3rd centuries, we shall have named the most important factors which account for the rapid spread of the system.
The immigration from Catholic countries could easily account for (though this does not prove that in fact it is the only cause of) this great increase of the Roman Catholic body.
In the occupations of musicians and teachers of music, and of school-teachers and professors (which together account for seven-eighths of professional women) women preponderate.
These account for almost all women in this group; servants and waitresses make up two-thirds of the total.
His formal training at Angers was altogether too slight to account for his great technical knowledge; no record, however, exists of the stages by which this was acquired except that as soon as he landed in India he began to devote fixed hours to study, giving up cards and the violin.
The probable geological connexion with New Guinea would account for the Papuan character of the fauna of the Solomons, which form the eastern limit of certain Papuan types.
The lines of the trunk seem to appear at lower temperatures, which may account for the fact that it can be observed as absorption lines.
Experiment (c) is, however, generally taken to mean that this closeness of packing cannot be the sole determining cause, for it is argued that if a closed vacuum tube can show both wide and narrow lines according to the mode of discharge, density alone cannot account for the change.
We have first the Doppler effect, which, according to Michelson's experiment, is the chief cause of the limit at very low pressures, but it is too small to account for the widening which is now under discussion.
Leaving the consideration of radical changes of a vibrating system out of account for the present, the minor differences which have been observed in the appearances of spectra under different sparking conditions are probably to a large extent due to differences in the quantities of material examined, though temperature must alter the violence of the impact and there is a possible effect due to a difference in the impact according as the vibrating system collides with an electron or with a body of atomic dimensions.
To account for this it is said that the blood of the race has become poisoned by the introduction of foreign diseases.
While he regards association as lying at the basis of all knowledge, he does not think it sufficient, and objects to Hume that he does not account for necessity, nor for substance and causation as known in the sciences.
When it was necessary to account for this position, theologians quoted the text of the Gospels, where St Peter is represented as the rock on which the Church is built, the pastor of the sheep and lambs of the Lord, the doorkeeper of the kingdom of heaven.
Militarism may account for much of the tremendous deficit under Urban VIII.; but the real cancer was nepotism.
All agreed that ice flowed as if it were a viscous fluid; and of this apparent viscosity James Thomson offered an independent explanation by the application of pure thermodynamical theory, which Tyndall considered inefficient to account for the facts he observed.
No doubt the Phoenicians had their legends and myths to account for the origin of man and the universe; to some extent these would Myth R e!,, o logy have resembled the ideas embodied in the book of and Genesis.
The absence of the author's final revision may partly account for many repetitions, and for some contradictions, for mistakes in passages borrowed from Greek authors, and for the insertion of marginal additions at wrong places in the text.
Since belief in the adequacy of the two theories, above outlined, to account for the facts they profess to explain, depends ultimately upon the testimony that can be brought forward of the usefulness of warning characters, of the deception of mimicry and of the capacity for learning by experience possessed by enemies, it is necessary to give some of the evidence that has been accumulated on these points.
Although the explanation here given of the origin of the Swiss Klippen is that which now is usually accepted, it should be mentioned that other theories have been proposed to account for their peculiarities.
These tribes differed so completely in language and appearance from the surrounding nations, that the ancients originated various theories to account for the phenomenon.
The Protestant-Evangelical Church claims about 29%, while Jews, and a very small number of other sects, account for the remainder.
For these reasons, one must assume the existence of pentavalent nitrogen in the diazonium salts, in order to account for their basic properties.
Some odd lots of skins arrive designated simply as "sundries," so no classification is possible, and this will account for the absence of a few names of skins of which the imports are insignificant in quantity, or are received direct by the wholesale merchants.
His theology is strongly tinged with Platonism, and this may account for his falling into desuetude.
Moreover few of the men put back, &c., who figure on both sides of the account for any one year, and seem to average 660,000, are really put back.
Schuster, who has considered the matter very fully, has found evidence of the existence of other periods-notably 8.4 and 4.8 years-in addition to the recognized period of 11.125 years, and he regards the difference between the maxima in successive II-year periods as due at least partly to an overlapping of maxima from the several periodic terms. This cannot, however, account for all the fluctuations observed in sun-spot frequencies, unless other considerably longer periods exist.
Theories.-A great variety of theories have been advanced to account for aurora.
The ionized condition must be supposed to last to a greater or less extent for a good many hours to account for aurora being seen throughout the whole night.
The estimates could not be sanctioned, and though Kossuth granted the Szell cabinet a vote on account for the first four months of 1903, the Government found itself at the mercy of the Opposition.
The fact, however, that the Greek character was still used on coins for two centuries after the last Greek dynasty had come to an end shows that the language had a prestige in India which any theory, to be plausible, must account for.
Still the Egyptians themselves seem to have been somewhat at a loss to account for the great veneration that they paid to Osiris.
Two theories of a physiological nature have been proposed to account for the separation of the complex reactions of these conditions of hypnotism from volition and from memory.
This narrative clearly intends to account for the origin of these various arts as they existed in the narrator's time; it is not likely that he thought of these discoveries as separated from his own age by a universal flood; nor does the tone of the narrative suggest that the primitive tradition thought of these pioneers of civilization as members of an accursed family.
If so, their disappointment may account for the statements of ecclesiastical writers, like Walsingham, that Henry on becoming king was changed suddenly into a new man.
Geological structure alone will not account for these contrasts.
We can, however, account for the presence of Polynesian blood in Fiji in another way, viz.
Various theories have been developed in order to account for these phenomena.
Conviction for bribery, perjury or other infamous crime, or failure (in the case of a collector or holder of public moneys) to account for and pay over all moneys due from him are disqualifications; and before entering upon the duties of his office each member of the legislature must take a prescribed oath that he has neither given nor promised anything to influence voters at the election, and that he will not accept, directly or indirectly, "money or other valuable thing from any corporation, company or person" for his vote or influence upon proposed legislation.
These two processes account for all the diverse forms and types of existence, while the mass on which the force operates remains the same.
These conditions alone account for the extreme archaeological importance of this ancient sanctuary.
Such a gross violation of their caste prejudices would alone be sufficient to account for the outbreak that followed.
If such variations of density exist, they may introduce some uncertainty in the absolute values of results obtained with the ice calorimeter, and may account for some of the discrepancies above enumerated.
This Would Account For An Increase Of S, And A Diminution Of The Ratio S/S, With Rise Of Temperature Which Apparently Occurs In Many Vapours.
It seems difficult to account for the very remarkable and unsymmetrical distribution of the motions, unless we suppose that the stars form two more or less separate systems superposed; and it has been found possible by assuming two drifts with suitably assigned velocities to account very satisfactorily for the observed motions.
Hume derived from him the explanatory formula of the association of ideas, 8 which is, however, still with Hobbes a fact to be accounted for, not a theory to account for facts, being grounded physically in " coherence of the matter moved."
Wolff and his numerous followers account for the charge of dogmatism against " the Leibnitzio-Wolffian school."
There was, indeed, a native Irish legend, worthless from the standpoint of etymology, to account for the origin of the name.
The existence of these lands helps to account for the usual obstruction of pack-ice in the waters of the Nordenskjold Archipelago and the Kara Sea.
Hence we may most naturally account for the belief that Homer was a Chian.
If these passages do not belong to the period of the wrath of Achilles, how are we to account for his conspicuous absence ?
Similar absorptions no doubt account for the disappearance of the Culdees of York, a name borne by the canons of St Peter's about 925, and of Snowdon and Bardsey Island in north Wales mentioned by Giraldus Cambrensis (c. 1190) in his Speculum Ecclesiae and Itinerarium respectively.
If abstinence from marriage and the curtailment of the reproductive period by postponement of marriage be insufficient to account for the material change which has taken place in the birth-rate within the last few decades, it is clear that the latter must be attributable to the diminished fertility of those who are married.
But neither this nor the diminution of the marriagerate amongst women of those ages suffices to account for more than a fraction of the decline.
In England, the decrease in "natality" is in itself enough to account for the decline in the death-rate, apart from any considerations of improved hygiene.
How then are we to account for memory and the principles of necessity, similarity, universality?
These facts also account for the apparent anomaly that the exports from Oporto are much higher than the total production of wine in the Alto Douro.
Llewelyn was, however, foolish enough to lose the results of this very favourable treaty by intriguing with the de Montfort family, and in 1273 he became betrothed to Eleanor de Montfort, the old Earl's only daughter, a piece of political folly which may possibly in some degree account for Edward's harsh treatment of the Welsh prince.
We are on firmer ground when simply describing the phenomena of primitive religion than when seeking to account for these in terms of natural law - in whatever sense the conception of natural law be applicable to the facts of the mental life of man.
Perhaps his greatest contribution, however, was his attempt to account for our perception of quality of tone.
His poem is rather lyrical than narrative, which may account for some obscurities in the connexion of thought; but his alphabetic scheme proves that he designed twenty-two stanzas, not sixty-six detached couplets.
Hopkinson had been inclined to attribute the anomaly to an increase in the tension of the bifilar threads, owing to a downward pull on the needle, but they showed that this theory would not account for the discrepancy.
Emigrants numbered 584,259 men and 424,566 women between 1851 and 1900, these figures helping to account for the considerable excess of women over men in the resident population, which in 1900 was as 1049 to 1000.
When he was four-and-twenty he determined to seek his fortunes abroad, and made his way to Turkey, where, after practising medicine on his own account for a short time, he was appointed (in 1865) quarantine medical officer at Antivari.
These, then, were the direct causes of the voluntary expatriation of the majority of the first trekkers, who included some of the best families in the colony, but they fail to explain the profound hostility to Great Britain which thereafter animated many, but not all, of the emigrants, nor do they account for the easy abandonment of their homes by numbers of the trekkers.
He sought to judge them from the standpoint of the ancient world, and to account for them by the superstitious beliefs which were then generally in vogue.
The fact that the craftsmen were a homogeneous order will account for the wide authority claimed by their societies, and the important public powers which were conceded to them.
The straits of the Jhelum, below Baramulla, probably account for the lovely vale of Kashmir, which is in form (if not in principles of construction) a repetition on grand scale of the Maidan of the Afridi Tirah, where the drainage from the slopes of a great amphitheatre of hills is collected and then arrested by the gorge which marks the outlet to the Bara.
The explanation suggested to account for the former great extension of glaciers in Norway would seem applicable here.
It is the idea of tension or tonicity as the essential attribute of body, in contradistinction to passive inert matter, which is distinctively Stoic. The Epicureans leave unexplained the primary constitution and first movements of their atoms or elemental solids; chance or declination may account for them.
Posidonius, unable to explain the emotions as " judgments " or the effects of judgments, postulated, like Plato, an irrational principle (including a concupiscent and a spirited element) to account for them, although he subordinated all these as faculties to the one substance of the soul lodged in the heart.
The heavy losses sustained by the Indians during that outbreak, and their dislike and distrust of the colonial Spaniard, account for the comparative indifference with which they viewed the rise and progress of the 1814 colonial revolt against Spain, which gave the South American states their independence.
It is easy to show that a force subject to this law would not account for capillary action.
Let us conceive an infinitely long circular cylinder of liquid, at rest (a motion common to every part of the fluid is necessarily without influence upon the stability, and may therefore be left out of account for convenience of conception and expression), and inquire under what circumstances it is stable or unstable, for small displacements, symmetrical about the axis of figure.
This crime of Stilicho alone is sufficient in the eyes of Rutilius to account for the disasters that afterwards befell the city, just as Merobaudes, a generation or two later, traced the miseries of his own day to the overthrow of the ancient rites of Vesta.
The great puzzle connected with the name Geber lies in the character of the writings attributed to him, their style and matter differentiating them strongly from those of even the best authors of the later alchemical period, and making it difficult to account for their existence at all.
Those who, as it has been happily put, identify Rabelais with Pantagruel, strive in vain, on any view intellectually consistent or morally respectable, to account for the vast ocean of pure or impure laughter and foolery which surrounds the few solid islets of sense and reason and devotion.
Her numerous journeys, and the vogue she enjoyed wherever she went, account for the numerous portraits from her brush that are to be found in the great collections of many countries.
On the other, how account for a comparatively synchronous commencement of bronze civilization when one at least of the metals needed for the alloy would have been naturally difficult of access, if not unknown to many races?
His idealistic scheme of history, which makes religion the keynote of progress, and describes the function of each - Judaism to typify duty, Confucianism order, Mahommedanism justice, Buddhism patience, and Christianity love - does not account for the facts of the history enacted by the devotees.
This is enough to account for the hostility displayed against St Paul in the Clementines.
The present drawing, which under the authority of Linnaeus shows an anthropomorphic series from which the normal type of man, the Homo sapiens, is conspicuously absent, brings zoological similarity into view without suggesting kinship to account for it.
It is difficult to account for this intellectual chasm as due to some minor structural difference.
The opinion is deeply rooted in modern as in ancient thought, that only a distinctively human element of the highest import can account for the severance between man and the highest animal below him.
No child can be forced to account for his or her advancement, but in default thereof he will be excluded from a share in the intestate's estate.
This site, moreover, corresponds with Livy's testimony, and would account for his statement that the towns of Palaeopolis and Neapolis were near together and identical in language and government.
They generally had to account for arrears and got into debt from the very start by taking over stock with the farm.
To account for the stripes on the subsequent foals, it is only necessary (now that the principles of cross-breeding are better understood) to assume that in the cross-bred chestnut mare there lay latent the characteristics of the Kattiawar or other Indian breeds, in which stripes commonly occur.
In conclusion, it may be pointed out that it was only natural for breeders and physiologists in bygone days to account for some of their results by the "infection" hypothesis.
But through all the periods of his life his view of the world was essentially religious and subjective, and, consequently, his manner of dealing with it hymnal or lyric. This fact, even more than his merits as an artist, serves to account for his immense popularity.
It is difficult now to account for its extraordinary popularity, its thought being neither just nor profound, while its style is stiff and affected.
Grimaldi (1618-1663) on interference by the employment of apertures for the transmission of the light, and was thus enabled in the most conclusive manner to account for the phenomena of interference in accordance with the undulatory theory.
It acquires its first importance in the theories of Heraclitus (6th century B.C.), who, trying to account for the aesthetic order of the visible universe, broke away to some extent from the purely physical conceptions of his predecessors and discerned at work in the cosmic process a Aoyos analogous to the reasoning power in man.
Possibly at Delphi and other places there was an old serpentworship ousted by that of Apollo, which may account for expiation for the slaying of Python being considered necessary.
The story may be an attempt to account for the Tarpeian rock being chosen as the place of execution of traitors.
Tarpeia herself is a local divinity, the manner of whose death was suggested by the tumulus or shields on the spot devoted to her cult, a crime being invented to account for the supposed punishment.
The difficulty of rearing the larvae in an aquarium towards the close of the metamorphosis may account for the slight information available concerning the stages that immediately follow the embryonic. Another difficulty is due to the fact that the types studied, and especially the crinoid Antedon, are highly specialized, so that some of the embryonic features are not really primitive as regards the class, but only as regards each particular genus.
When called to account for the doings of his subjects, as well as for certain disputes in Gascony, the English king promised redress, and, on the suggestion of Philip, surrendered, as a formal act of apology, the six chief fortresses of Guienne, which were to be restored when reparation had been made.
Meanwhile, Leverrier, on the 10th of November 1845, presented to the French Academy a memoir on Uranus, showing that the existing theory failed to account for its motion.
Ibrahim, however, by his possession of Druse hostages, restrained the amir, and after the bombardment of Acre, the Turks called him to account for his record of rebellion and treachery.
And if Disraeli, possessed by these views, became aggressively insubordinate some time before Peel's proclaimed conversion to Free Trade, we can account for it on reasonable and even creditable grounds.
He says, "To account for this increase in the potential yield in our wheat-fields many factors must be taken into consideration.
Wind dispersal of the spores would account for mysterious appearances of the disease, in some years almost every straw in a wheat-field being affected, while in other years scarcely one is attacked.
It is possible that this consideration will account for the want of an anterior body-cavity in Phoronis.
Nevertheless, the belief that material processes must be held sufficient to account for material changes in the human organism as in all other regions of the material world, can be held quite independently of any particular theory as to the relation between mind and body, and in many of its forms is equally destructive of a belief in the freedom of the will.
That doctrine, if it is to possess cogency as a proof of the impossibility of the libertarian position, must assume that the amount of energy sufficient to account for physical and psychical changes is constant and invariable in quantity, an assumption which no scientific investigator is competent to prove.
Moral functions cannot be performed by the individual in isolation but only in his relation to the family, the state, the school, the church, and society - all forms of human life which ethical science finds to its hand and leaves to the science of natural history to account for.
Spencer attempts to account for the state of mind (the foundation of myths) in which man personifies and animates all phenomena.
It is universally admitted that " survivals " of this kind do account for many anomalies in out institutions, in law, politics, society, even in dress and manners.
Therefore where similar myths are found among Greeks, Australians, Egyptians, Mangaians and others, it is unnecessary to account for their wide diffusion by any hypothesis of borrowing, early or late.
Tylor replies, " When the attention of a man in the myth-making stage of intellect is drawn to any phenomenon or custom which has to him no obvious reason, he invents and tells a story to account for it.
The Andaman Islanders account for the white brilliance of the moon by saying that he is daubing himself with white clay, a custom common in savage and Greek mysteries.
Solar and lunar myths usually account for the observed phenomena of eclipse, waning and waxing, sunset, spots on the moon, and so forth by various mythical adventures of the animated heavenly beings.
Men are assumed to be naturally immortal, hence a series of myths to account for the origin of death.
None of these known effects of arsenic is sufficient to account for the profound change that a course of the drug will often produce in the condition of a patient.
Modern scholars have advanced various theories to account for the anomaly.
The movement from the south, which seems to account for a considerable cycle of the patriarchal traditions, belongs to the age after the downfall of the Israelite and(later)the Judaean monarchies when there were vital political and social changes.
This, and the resentment felt at the loss of their autonomy when they were incorporated with the rest of Spain in 1833, account for the strong support given by many Navarrese to the Carlist cause.
He pointed out indeed that the so-called "third motion," introduced by Copernicus to account for the constant parallelism of the earth's axis, was a superfluous complication.
An attempt has been made to explain the Volta effect as due to the affinity of the metals for each other, but that would not account for the variation of the effect with the state of the surface, except as affecting the actual surface of contact.
In this case, however, in order to account for the phenomenon of the Peltier effect at the junctions, it is necessary to suppose that there is a real convection of heat by an electric current, and that the coefficient P or pT is the difference of the quantities of heat carried by unit quantity of electricity in the two metals.
There are, however, ?Ls other reasons, apart from humanity,; to account for the difference in -_ n handling bees as advocated in the United Kingdom.
The persistent emphasis upon such features as the rejection of Saul, his enmity towards David, the latter's chivalry, and his friendship for Jonathan, will partly account for the present literary intricacies; and, on general grounds, traditions of quite distinct origin (Calebite or Jerahmeelite; indigenous Judaean; North Israelite or Benjamite) are to be expected in a work now in post-exilic form.'
To the second hypothesis Skeat (Dictionary, p. 433) objects that it "will not account for the suffix -in, and is therefore wrong; besides which the ` Dutchmen ' [who were asserted to be the authors of the name] turn out to be Sir Francis Drake" and his men.
He then tries to show that this text was known to all the writers of the 3rd and 2nd centuries, but has naturally to account for the fact that the quotations of these writers and the text of the early versions often diverge from it.
Up to the stage indicated by the Dissertation he had been attempting, in various ways, to unite two radically divergent modes of explaining cognition - that which would account for the content of experience by reference to affection from things without us, and that which viewed the intellect itself as somehow furnished with the means of pure, rational cognition.
Hume, therefore, for his part, rejected entirely the notion of cause as being fictitious and delusive, and professed to account for the habit of regarding experience as necessarily connected by reference to arbitrarily formed custom of thinking.
Myths like this kill two birds with one stone, and at once account for the possession of fire by men and for the marking of certain animals regarded as fire-bringers.'
It will be observed that "forgetfulness of the meaning of words" is made to account for the Greek belief that fire was stolen from the gods.
The scheme allows him to leave his salary in his current account for the whole month, bringing down his mortgage payments.
A gunky idle air valve seems to account for the other 10% .
To account for this it is suggested that gold grain growth has occurred in head and perhaps in more recent alluvium in valley bottoms.
How else to account for the distinctive appellation " Cthugha " which he gave his program?
This " horizon problem " makes it difficult to account for the uniformity of the cosmic background radiation.
To account for tubes banks of turned black after when he thought.
To account for this, the laser beacon collimator has two extra independent axial motions for lens elements.
Explain how band theory can account for the electrical conductivity of the elements in groups I - IV.
Nothing but enmity on your part, and deep-rooted dislike, can account for your resting contented without possession of the Father's gift.
Common options are to have a euro denominated bank account for receiving payments.
France, Germany, the US and Japan account for almost three quarters of all TC given by bilateral donors.
Similar defects are also likely to account for the low activation efficiencies of other dopants in different materials, eg.
In arid western China, shrinking glaciers account for at least 10 percent of freshwater supplies.
In 2020 foreign oil imports will account for 62% of US supplies, compared to 53% in 2000.
Discuss with a new arrivals are system account for encoders discard inaudible.
Construction is now the largest indigenous industry sector although rampant land price inflation since 1997 would account for much of the growth in turnover.
Because our services are very labor intensive, directly employed staff account for by far the largest portion of budgets.
The building block approach is used to account for the effect of foundations on systems designed to provide vibration isolation.
During the second lactation, sire effects appeared to account for up to 36% of the variation in sole lesion scores.
The 11 largest lessors account for about 90% of the box rental market.
Such " reactive lysis " or " bystander lysis " can account for injury to cells not recognized by specific antibodies (131 ).
No other diagnosis had been made; and the first consultant did not think that acute mastoiditis could account for Ms M's symptoms.
Mills are largely controlled by elite landowning families, who together account for 77 per cent of the country's sugar milling.
Its members account for over 80% of these markets and include blue-chip multinationals as well as early stage technology companies.
It was also designed to account for its particular traits such as being very dense, highly multivariate and non-normal in their distribution.
Saddam Hussein was a proven mass murderer who refused to account for his weapons of mass murder.
Yet this alone does not seem able to account for the almost mythical way he has been regarded.
In these articles, I sketch some of the basic reasons for thinking that philosophical naturalism is unable to account for reality.
They account for approximately 5% of primary lung neoplasms.
It also acts on a neurotransmitter called noradrenaline, which may account for its anti-depressant effect.
The decision to offer injectable opiates must take all factors into account for each patient.
Live mackerel is by far the best bait and will also account for the occasional big pollack to 20lb and cod to 27lb.
A drop in serum potassium may account for some of the symptoms.
Baby's diapers account for a large proportion of waste sent for disposal.
There is an associated increase in capillary fragility which presumably can account for the occasional cases of non- thrombocytopenic purpura.
But sum the mass of the valence quarks and you account for less than 1% of the proton's mass.
What are the changes that take place in the human body after death which account for the description rigor mortis?
Without them, an early 8th century date would be likely, to account for the low frequency of Ipswich ware sherds.
In many European countries, the leading sire may account for up to 25% of pedigree inseminations in some breeds.
They are the anchor tenants and account for 35 per cent of the retail space.
It may account for up to 90% of isolated increases of plasma transaminase of otherwise unknown cause.
This will now target more than 10,000 serial truants who account for 1 in 5 of all instances of truancy in England.
This general change in attitude may also account for the newly found interest in " bush tucker " which was heretofore basically ignored.
This may account for a large loss of rotational velocity through the millions of years.
Elster and Geitel (58), having found air drawn from the soil highly radioactive, regard ground air as the source of the emanation in the atmosphere, and in this way account for the low values they obtained for A when observing on or near the sea.
That there are defects in the logical process as here outlined to account for the curious rite constitutes no valid objection to the theory advanced, for, in the first place, primitive logic in matters of belief is inherently defective and even contradictory, and, secondly, the strong desire to pierce the mysterious future, forming an impelling factor in all religions - even in the most advanced of our own day - would tend to obscure the weakness of any theory developed to explain a rite which represents merely one endeavour among many to divine the intention and plans of the gods, upon the knowledge of which so much of man's happiness and welfare depended.
Maupertuis, who, together with Voltaire, introduced the new idea of the universe as based on Newton's discoveries, sought to account for the origin of organic things by the hypothesis of sentient atoms. Buffon the naturalist speculated, not only on the structure and genesis of organic beings, but also on the course of formation of the earth and solar system, which he conceived after the analogy of the development of organic beings out of seed.
The chief aim of Leibnitz is no doubt to account for the world in its static aspect as a co-existent whole, to conceive the ultimate reality of things in such a way as to solve the mystery of mind and matter.
Further, it is only in the nucleus and in its chromosomes that we have any visible evidence to account for the Mendelian .segregation of characters in hybrids which are known to occur.
This view he subsequently modified to thisthat a relatively small proportion of diverse substance in each of these parts would suffice to account for their morphological differences.
But the transgression is enough to explain the disfavour into which the Maccabees seem to fall in the judgment of later Judaism, as, in that judgment, it is enough to account for the instability of their dynasty.
This explanation of the principal efficient cause of the summer rains of south Asia is immediately based on an analysis of the complicated phenomena actually observed, and it serves to account for man y apparent anomalies.
He had used threats against the recalcitrant bishops, and in the war against the Angevin party had demanded contributions from religious houses; these facts perhaps suffice to account for the verdict of the chronicler.
It is plausible, then, to suppose that the dealing syndicate primarily, and the speculations of the public secondarily (secondarily, because in all likelihood the effect of its operation would be much less in magnitude), may account for the change.
This would account for the general character of the epistle, as well as for the entire and striking absence of personal greetings and of concrete allusions to existing circumstances among the readers.
These intervals were mistaken by the Portuguese occasionally for degrees, which account for Malacca, which is in lat.
It has been suggested that Jesus followed the pharisaic practice, and ate the Passover meal (the Last Supper) on Thursday evening, which would account for the discrepancies in the gospel narratives (see Chwolson, Das letzte Passahmal Jesu, 2nd ed., St Petersburg, 1904).
As probably the protein constituent varies in the different organs, one infers that this will account for the varying results got from the analysis of the substance obtained from different organs in such cases.
The conservatism which is a feature of proper names everywhere, in consequence of which the archaic traits of a language are frequently preserved in them, just as they are preserved in terms used in the ritual and in poetic diction, is sufficient to account for the interesting fact that the Semitic settlers of the Euphrates valley in handing down their names from one generation to another retained the custom of writing them in " Sumerian " fashion, or, as we might also put it, in "ideographic" form.
In the next place, it seeks to account for the general laws of the world, for the universal forms of existence, as ideas which emanate from the Deity.
If the process commonly styled "telepathy" exists (see Telepathy), that may account for the scryer's power of seeing facts which are in the mind of the inquirer.
Periodic variations of level due to meteorological causes account for the Baltic being fuller in the time of the summer rains than in winter, when the rivers and lakes are frozen and most of the precipitation on the land is in the form of snow.
The disciples of Newton maintained that in the fact of the mutual gravitation of the heavenly bodies, according to Newton's law, they had a complete quantitative account of their motions; and they endeavoured to follow out the path which Newton had opened up by investigating and measuring the attractions and repulsions of electrified and magnetic bodies, and the cohesive forces in the interior of bodies, without attempting to account for these forces.
It has long been seen that, to account for this similarity, relations of interdependence between them, or of common derivation, must be supposed.
As to the use of reason beyond knowledge, Kant's position is that, in spite of its logical inability to transcend phenomena, reason in its pure, or a priori use, contains necessary a priori " ideals " (Ideen), and practical reason, in order to account for moral responsibility, frames postulates of the existence of things in themselves, or noumena, corresponding to these " ideals "; postulates of a real free-will to practise morality, of a real immortality of soul to perfect it, and of a real God to crown it with happiness.
From the inability of the savage in all ages and in all lands to comprehend death as a natural phenomenon, there results a tendency to personify death, and myths are invented to account for its origin.
As early as 1860 Newcomb communicated an important memoir to the American Academy, 4 On the Secular Variations and Mutual Relation of the Orbits of the Asteroids, in which he discussed the two principal hypotheses to account for the origin of these bodies - one, that they are the shattered fragments of a single planet (Olbers' hypothesis), the other, that they have been formed by the breaking up of a revolving ring of nebulous matter.
This alone, however, does not account for the peculiar character of the Sauternes, for during the latter period of ripening a specific microorganism termed Botrytis cinerea develops on the grape, causing a peculiar condition termed pourriture noble (German Edelfaule), which appears to be responsible for the remarkable bouquet observed in the wines.
The final conflict was provoked by Antony, who is said to have been persuaded by Cleopatra to retire to Egypt and give battle to mask his retreat; but lack of provisions and the growing demoralization of his army would sufficiently account for his decision.
The " method of least squares," by which the most probable result can be educed from a body of observational data, was published by Adrien Marie Legendre in 1806, by Carl Friedrich Gauss in his Theoria Motus (1809), which described also a mode of calculating the orbit of a planet from three complete observations, afterwards turned to important account for the recapture of Ceres, the first discovered asteroid (see Planets, Minor).
When the organ was played for her in St. Bartholomew's, the whole building shook with the great pedal notes, but that does not altogether account for what she felt and enjoyed.
My account for the report is finished and sent off.
They looked at one another (now that the hunt was over and they were in the house, Nicholas no longer considered it necessary to show his manly superiority over his sister), Natasha gave him a wink, and neither refrained long from bursting into a peal of ringing laughter even before they had a pretext ready to account for it.
That Chateaubriand, Madame de Stael, and others spoke certain words to one another only affected their mutual relations but does not account for the submission of millions.
This may account for the high rates of scarp retreat.
People of ethnic minority groups have the legal right to self-government in areas where they account for more than one-third of the local population.
An end of semester examination will account for 33.33% of the Total Module Mark.
Serous ovarian cancers account for about 40 percent of ovarian cancers.
The claim is that the allocation itself of observable algebras to finite space-time regions suffices to account for the physical meaning of observables.
The kinetic energy released by supernova explosions is more than enough to account for the Galactic cosmic rays up to 10 15 eV.
This may account for the number of occasions that we noticed tomato ketchup bottles on taverna tables.
On this basis Christian scientists have been formulating theories to account for the evidence of fossil man in the light of the biblical record.
This specific action is thought to account for the milder side-effects seen with the SSRIs compared with the tricyclic drugs.
The demand for tufted carpets has grown to the extent that they now account for over 90% of global carpet sales.
Such a mechanism could account for pedigrees showing transmission of the tumor through unaffected carriers.
Something more seems to be needed to account for repeated fearful unbidden images or sequences from past drug trips however.
In inclement weather, an uncovered head can account for up to 60% of body heat loss.
The FBI asserts that their proposal adapts existing wiretap laws to account for emerging communications technologies.
It is most prevalent in infants under 4 months, and older SIDS death account for more rare cases.
An entirely new subcategory can be formed under "bathing items" to account for the bubbles and baby washes, washcloths and toys that are used during bath time.
Can you adjust the water level to account for the size of the load?
As with banks and other financial institutions, brokerage firms sometimes have an extraordinary amount of hidden fees when you open an account for stock buying and selling.
Create a shopping account for free if you are going to make a purchase.
Create a shopping account for free and start shopping!
When you do narrow down the choices to a handful that you want to consider, make sure that the dealer can account for the origin of each and every piece.
It works like a bank account for postage without any hidden fees.
For instance, in 1990 hedge funds were pulling in less than $50 billion per year and now they account for about $1.7 trillion in investments.
According to Doctors Foster and Smith, ear infections account for nearly seven percent of office visits to the veterinarian.
Activities such as shared grooming or shared utensils like water bowlscan account for the spread of respiratory pathogens.
You may not withdraw money from this account for years, so it should have a higher interest rate and give you more money in the long run.
For example, if you have a $5,000 balance on your Visa Card, you can ask Visa to settle the account for only $2,000.
Most creditors will settle an account for 60 percent of the total amount due.
Keep in mind that even though you are making a payment electronically, the funds may not be pulled from your bank account for a couple of business days.
Your points will stay in your account for five years, so you have time to accumulate the number of points you need for the rewards you want.
The major disadvantage to having parents as cosigners is the fact that the parents will be left to pay the Visa bill in the event that the college student defaults on the account for whatever reason.
This can help the consumer create a plan to pay off his or her debt without having to account for all of the different minimum payments, interest rates and fees.
Debt settlement allows borrowers who are delinquent in a debt account to legally pay off the account for an amount that is less than the actual debt.
You may open the account for as little as a $200 minimum deposit or as much as $5000.
Some companies have stray terms, such as requiring deposits to remain in the account for several months after you close it.
When creating an account for yourself online, such as a retailer, avoid providing information that a thief could access and use against you.
If a dispute arises, each parent will need written evidence to account for the payments made or received.
Heat can account for as much as 38 percent of your monthly utilities bill in a cold winter climate, and is about the same in a hot summer.
One energy conservation fact everyone has heard a lot about is that lighting can account for 15 percent of your electric bill.
This is to account for factors such as wind shear and torque on the tower itself.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, water heaters account for about 12 percent of most residential utility bills, making them the third largest energy expense inside the average home (behind clothes dryers and refrigerators).
Showers account for two-thirds of home water heating costs.
The Environmental Defense Fund estimates that cars and trucks in the United States account for 45 percent of the world's entire carbon dioxide emissions.
Jokes about cows passing gas abound but are based on truth, and rice paddies account for 20 percent of methane emissions.
According to the EPA, non-point sources account for the majority of all water quality problems.
Home energy, which also includes heating and cooling energy needs, account for over one-quarter of your environmental impact, estimates Carbon Footprint Ltd., a company that provides services related to carbon management.
Lighting your home can account for as much as 20 percent of your electricity bill.
Home heating and cooling account for similar energy use based on United States Energy Information Administration figures.
Further investigation by medical professionals into the case uncovered no underlying disease factor, supplement or medication that could account for liver failure in this formerly healthy 47-year old woman.
Take control over who can access your computer - if you wouldn't trust them to make a large bank deposit into your personal account for you, then they shouldn't be privy to your personal information.
They have an account for every type of lifestyle.
The ability to monitor and check your account for accuracy is an important feature of banking.
For the basic gameplay, you can create an account for free, but Foopets offers a Club Foo premium membership that is for children who are absolutely obsessed with animals.
The speaker is a little over 2-inches thick, plus it's a bit over 6-inches long and almost 4 inches wide, so you'll need to be sure to account for its size when packing your gear.
It's a good idea to set up a separate PayPal or checking account for your purchasing group, so this money doesn't get confused with anyone's personal finances.
Primary headaches are generally harmless and account for more than 90 percent of the headaches seen by medical professionals. is much like, though it offers a Myspace and Twitter account for users to join as well.
The CDC also states that though teens are only 14% of the general population, they account for 30% of the cost of accidents out there on the road.
Keep the rest of the money in the checking account for your needed and wanted items.
Orders will take from one to four weeks to be printed and shipped to the couple, so be sure to order magnets early enough to account for this timing.
Again, it is difficult to account for what exactly constitutes modest, especially since different people may hold to different standards.
If your parents didn't start a college savings account for you when you were younger, talk to them about your options.
If you're lucky, someone in your family may have started a college savings account for you to provide money for college.
Although most information related to tuition costs is available on program Web sites and in informational brochures, those materials don't account for tuition increases and may not include all "hidden" costs.
There's a chance that the pups have adjusted their position and this could account for the change in the size and feel of your bitch's abdomen.
This would also account for her change in temperament, as she might be in a bit of pain.
This suggestion should not prevent you from trying a plant that you find especially desirable, just make sure you account for any additional nurturing the plant may need due to the weather conditions.
This label, however, is completely inadequate to account for the myriad of genres that Led Zeppelin experimented with in their nine album, thirteen-year career.