Accompanying Sentence Examples
Accompanying it was a vision of the shadow world.
A sidebar quoted the vocal congressman who continued to push for an investigation while an accompanying article contained the ever increasing rants of the defense bar.
The image accompanying him into a light doze was that of the beautiful woman sleeping in the bed nearby.
He said it but he couldn't force the appropriate accompanying tone to sound enthusiastic.
This process can therefore only be looked on as a secondary one that hastens and perfects the destruction necessary to permit of the accompanying histogenesis.
As the great nature-goddess, the attributes of fertility and reproduction are characteristically hers, as also the accompanying immorality which originally, perhaps, was often nothing more than primitive magic. As patroness of the hunt, later identification with Artemis was inevitable.
It wasn't Darkyn, and the vision accompanying it was from the shadow world.
It was fully recognized by its followers that the dominating influence in the structure and working of the body was the protoplasm, and the division of labor which it exhibited, with the accompanying or resulting differentiation into various tissues, was the special subject of investigation.
As the House would, at this ratio, have become unmanageably large, the ratio, which is first settled by Congress before apportionment, has been raised after each census, as will be seen from the accompanying table.
During the day I frequently just put my hands on my tummy to help with the accompanying irritable bowel.
AdvertisementThe general arrangement is shown by the accompanying plan.
He started to say something but both of the accompanying officers all but pushed him out the door.
The shock of the shake accompanying the shout flung her deadened senses awake.
C. Thomas, accompanying the Latin text, with full biographical and bibliographical introductions (1888).
The accompanying letter press is in some places copious, and useful lists of the species of various genera are occasionally subjoined, adding to the definite value of the work, which, forming one volume, was completed in 1869.
AdvertisementBecause light is accompanied by heat, he was the god of vegetation and increase; he sent prosperity to the good, and annihilated the bad; he was the god of armies and the champion of heroes; as the enemy of darkness and of all evil spirits, he protected souls, accompanying them on the way to paradise, and was thus a redeemer.
The accompanying table is given by Lommel, in which the first column gives the roots of J2(z) =o, and the second and third columns the corresponding values of the functions specified.
Whilst accompanying the catholicus.
The recognition of the dangers accompanying the drinking of polluted water or milk, or of those attached to the breathing of a germ-polluted atmosphere, has been the natural sequence of an improved knowledge of pathology in its bacteriological relationships.
The situation itself and its accompanying privileges were what Voltaire chiefly aimed at, but there was a salary of two thousand livres attached, and he had the year before come in for three times as much by the death of his brother.
AdvertisementDavis in 1876, and clearly showed Hamathite characters accompanying the figures.
Skene and George Smith at Jerablus, on the middle Euphrates, led to excavations being undertaken there, in 1878, by the British Museum, and to the discovery of certain Hamathite inscriptions accompanying sculptures, a few of which were brought to London.
Other rock-sculptures at Giaur Kalessi, in Galatia, and in the Karabel pass near Smyrna, he suspected of belonging to the same class 2; and visiting the last-named locality in the autumn, he found Hittite pictographs accompanying one of the two figures.
Sculptured stelae, honorific or funerary, all with pyramidal or slightly rounded upper ends, and showing a single regal or divine figure or two figures, have come to light at Bor, Marash, Sinjerli, Jerablus, Babylon, &c. These, like most of the rock-panels, are all marked as Hittite by accompanying pictographic inscriptions.
When used for ore smelting, the reduced metal and the accompanying slag were to be caught, after leaving the arc and while still liquid, in a hearth fired with ordinary fuel.
AdvertisementIn 1854 he published The Charge of the Light Brigade, and was.busy composing Maud and its accompanying lyrics; and this volume was published in July 1855, just after he was made D.C.L.
The practice of accompanying these readings with a translation into Aramaic is, further, so generally recognized by the 2nd century A.D.
The bodies of this class consist of eight major planets moving round the sun at various distances, and of an unknown number of minor planets, much smaller than the major planets, forming a separate group. Thirdly, satellites, or secondary planets revolving around the major planets, and therefore accompanying them in their revolutions around the sun.
The area, general depth and total volume of the oceans and principal seas have been recalculated by Krt mmel, and the accompanying table presents these figures.
Pure calcareous sand and calcareous mud are formed by wave action on the shores of coral islands where the only material available is coral and the accompanying calcareous algae, crustacea, molluscs and other organisms secreting carbonate of lime.
The tubs are usually formed into sets of from 2 to 12, the front one being coupled up by a short length of chain to a clamping hook formed of two jaws moulded to the curve of the rope which are attached by the " run rider," as the driver accompanying the train is called.
His father, James Clinton (1736-1812), served as a captain of provincial troops in the French and Indian War, and as a brigadier-general in the American army in the War of Independence, taking part in Montgomery's attack upon Quebec in 1775, unsuccessfully resisting at Fort Montgomery, along the Hudson, in 1777 the advance of Sir Henry Clinton, accompanying General John Sullivan in 177 9 in his expedition against the Iroquois in western New York, and in 1781 taking part in the siege of Yorktown, Virginia.
Rawlinson, assisted in the copious notes and appendices accompanying the work by Sir Gardner Wilkinson and Sir Henry Rawlinson.
He was the chief translator in the Russian Foreign Office for many years, subsequently accompanying Peter on his travels.
But about the r3th century the Roman formula was altered, and the council of Trent (1551) declared that the "form" and power of the sacrament of penance lay in the words Ego to absolvo, &c., and that the accompanying prayers are not essential to it.
This Louis, who is celebrated in story, destroyed many robber-castles in Thuringia and died at Otranto while accompanying the emperor Frederick II.
It is very soluble in cold water, a large fall of temperature accompanying solution.
Moreover usage varies slightly as regards the limits of the three main divisions, but the accompanying table shows the most usual classification, naming the principal groups within each, and distributing them according to the powers to which they are subject.
In 1892 he entered the Giolitti cabinet as minister for foreign affairs, accompanying, in that capacity, the king and queen of Italy to Potsdam, but showed weakness towards France on the occasion of the massacre of Italian workmen at Aigues-Mortes.
He went to mass, confessed, and out of sheer zeal and in no official capacity went to meet Cardinal Pole on his pious mission to England in December 1554, again accompanying him to Calais in May 1 555.
The accompanying actions (tying knots, &c.) which he performs are assumed to work themselves out on the enemy whose evil eye.
The instinctive certainty that there is a supreme good, lying beyond empirical experience, and yet not an intellectual good - this feeling, and the accompanying conviction of the utter vanity of all earthly things, were produced and sustained by Neoplatonism.
In 1568 the island of Sacrificios, near Vera Cruz, was seized by John Hawkins, who was surprised by the Spanish fleet accompanying the new viceroy, de Almansa, and escaped with Sir Francis Drake, but without the remaining ships of his squadron.
The accompanying commentary is based on the Fathers of the Church and entirely devoid of any original matter.
The same theory has since been applied to man, with this difference that, accompanying the mechanical phenomena of action, and entirely disconnected with it, are the phenomena of consciousness.
Boat-building is an important accompanying industry, and more than half a million tons of salt are shipped annually.
With Vieta, by reason of the advance in arithmetic, the style of treatment becomes more strictly trigonometrical; indeed, the Universales Inspectiones, in which the calculation occurs, would now be called plane and spherical trigonometry, and the accompanying Canon mathematicus a table of sines, tangents and secants.'
It is noticeable that this traditional text, and the accompanying scholia, as represented by al-Anbari's recension, are wholly due to the scholars of Kufa, to which place al-Mufaddal himself belonged.
While the pennated grouse (called the prairie chicken in Canada) has always been plentiful, the prairie hen (or chicken) proper is a more recent arrival from Minnesota and Dakota, to which states it had come from Illinois and the south as settlement and accompanying wheatfields extended north.
In China the ginseng is often sent to friends as a valuable present; in such cases, "accompanying the medicine is usually given a small, beautifully-finished double kettle, in which the ginseng is prepared as follows.
Having long assumed that the whole world is animated throughout, and that there are always two parallel series, physical and psychical, he concluded that, while a physical stimulus is causing a physical nervous process, a psychical accompaniment of the stimulus is causing the sensation, which, according to him, is the psychical accompaniment of the nervous process; and that, as the whole physical and the whole psychical series are the same, differing only as outer and inner, this identity holds both of stimulus and its psychical accompaniment and of nervous process and its accompanying sensation.
They were closed when the property was bought in 1896 by the Louisville & Nashville railway and a new approach made as indicated on the accompanying map. From the surface to the floor is 240 ft.; under Chester Sandstone and in the St Louis Limestone.
With the most likely forms for the energy curves we get the accompanying diagrams for the relation between freezing point and concentration.
Whatever were the means employed to rid air of accompanying oxygen, a uniform value of the density was arrived at, and this value was z% greater than that appertaining to nitrogen extracted from compounds such as nitrous oxide, ammonia and ammonium nitrite.
In April several members of the party accompanying the Ohio commissioners.
Accompanying Guyton de Morveau in his expedition, earlier in the year, he was present at the battle of Fleurus, and entered Brussels with the French army.
The death of the god, he suggests, is represented by the Fast of Esther on the 13th of Adar, the day before Purim, while the rejoicing on Purim itself, and the licence accompanying it, recall the union of the god and goddess of vegetation, of which he sees traces in the relations of Mordecai and Esther.
In the latter, especially at Sao Joao da Chapada, the minerals accompanying the diamond are scarcely worn at all; in the terraces and the river beds they are more worn and more abundant; the terraces, therefore, are to be regarded as a first concentration of the plateau material by the old rivers; and the cascalho as a second concentration by the modern rivers.
Cohen, who regarded the pipes as of the nature of a mud volcano, and the blue ground as a kimberlite breccia altered by hydrothermal action, thought that the diamond and accompanying minerals had been brought up from deep-seated crystalline schists.
Further, the ilmenite, which is the most characteristic associate of the diamond in blue ground, and other of the accompanying minerals, may have come from basic rocks of a different nature.
The framework of both is a narrative purporting to be written by Clement (of Rome) to St James, the Lord's brother, describing at the beginning his own conversion and the circumstances of his first acquaintance with St Peter, and then a long succession of incidents accompanying St Peter's discourses and disputations, leading up to a romantic recognition of Clement's father, mother and two brothers, from whom he had been separated since childhood.
Egypt itself was thus clear of enemies; but the chariots and warriors of the Philistines and their associates were advancing through Syria, their families and goods following in ox-carts, and their ships accompanying them along the shore.
The accompanying simple figure indicates better than any verbal description the topography of the main groups of foci in the motor field of a manlike ape (chimpanzee).
The pottery accompanying the remains is often elaborately ornamented, and the mound builders were evidently possessed of a higher development of taste and skill than is evinced by any of the modern aboriginal races, by whom the mounds and their contents are regarded as utterly mysterious.
Remarkable changes of size and outline of the oosphere have recently been described as accompanying fertilization in Halidrys.
These are the summer and winter portions of the year, and an important result of the prevalence of these winds, with their accompanying rains, which are coincident with the annual extremes of temperature, is to imprint a more strictly insular character on the climate, by moderating the heat of summer and the cold of winter.
Taking Hierocles as authority, the extent of the two provinces at the beginning of the 6th century will be readily gathered from the accompanying list, in which those towns which coined money under the Roman empire are italicized and the name of the nearest modern village is appended.
Instead of accompanying his father to London, he, of his own choice, returned to Massachusetts, graduated at Harvard College in 1787, three years later was admitted to practise at the bar and at once opened an office in Boston.
In 1857 the Roman Catholic bishops in England received faculties, renewed quinquenially, permitting them to erect the stations with the accompanying indulgences, and they often delegate this faculty to priests.
Accompanying this plan was an address to the states drawn up by Madison, and one of the ablest of his state papers.
Lichtenstein long ago remarked' that if it 1 A good summary of the present distribution is contained in the Ostriches and Ostrich Farming of De Mosenthal and Harting, from which the accompanying figure is, with permission, taken.
The organization of the oyster, as compared with that of a typical lamellibranch such as Anodon, is brought about by the reduction of the anterior part of the body accompanying the loss of the anterior adductor, and the enlargement of the posterior region.
In the following year the same mission, accompanied by the same Persian commissioner proceeded to Seistan, where it remained for more than five weeks, prosecuting its inquiries, until joined by another mission froni India, under Major-General (afterwards Sir Richard) Pollock accompanying the Afghan commissioner.
Accompanying the pain there is more or less of nausea, and when the attack reaches its height vomiting may occur, after which relief comes, especially if sleep supervene.
The accompanying illustration shows the habit and structure of the fungus.
On his return to France he spent three years with the Chastaigners, accompanying them to their different châteaux in Poitou, as the calls of the civil war required.
A glance at the accompanying map will show that there is a labyrinth of avenues and chasms seldom visited and never fully explored.
Thus he cleared the way for unit after unit held up at the frontal wire, and, growing snowball fashion, the Bulgarian attack, soon joined by accompanying field batteries, cleared the whole line of the eastern forts by 8 A.M.
Accompanying his parents to Brazil in 1615 he received his education at the Jesuit college at Bahia.
His work Dello stato fisico del suolo di Roma (1820), with its accompanying map, is likewise noteworthy.
The chief paths of depressions are from southwest to north-east across England; one track runs across the south-east and eastern counties, and is that followed by a large proportion of the summer and autumn storms, thereby perhaps helping to explain the peculiar liability of the east of England to damage from hail accompanying thunderstorms. A second track crosses central England, entering by the Severn estuary and leaving by the Humber or the Wash; while a third crosses the north of England from the neighbourhood of Morecambe Bay to the Tyne.
The wet, cool season proper is from November to February, accompanying the north-west monsoon.
The captives were liberated and sent away, and accompanying a letter to the English general was a present of woo cows and 500 sheep, the acceptance of which would, according to Eastern custom, imply that peace was granted.
Ananda entered the Order in the second year of the Buddha's ministry, and became one of his personal attendants, accompanying him on most of his wanderings and being the interlocutor in many of the recorded dialogues.
In art she is generally represented seated, with her hand on the head of the accompanying horse or animal.
The insurrection in Russo- Bulgaria, with its accompanying horrors, followed by Turkish the deposition of sultan Murad and the succession of w ar of 1877-78.
On the other hand a translation of the pedagogical handbook of Vincent of Beauvais and the accompanying monograph are still of value.
But its authorship, as well as the sentiments accompanying it, created a favourable view of Mr Hofmeyr's attitude.
This is easily effected in the case of soils tolerably free from stones by the use of draining spades and the tile-hook which are represented in the accompanying cut.
His fame as an astrologer commended him to the notice of the emperor Constantius II., with whom he became a great favourite, accompanying him on many of his expeditions.
Rank, with the accompanying privileges, jurisdiction and responsibility, was based upon a qualification of kinship and of property, held by a family for a specified number of generations, together with certain concurrent conditions; and it could be lost by loss of property, crime, cowardice or other disgraceful conduct.
For if consciousness be looked upon as simply an epiphenomenon, an unaccountable appearance accompanying the succession of material changes, the possibility either of active interference by human volition at any point within the physical series or of any controlling or directing efficacy of consciousness over the whole set of material changes which accompany its activity becomes unthinkable.
Secondly, the emotional element of the moral consciousness, on which attention had been concentrated by Shaftesbury and his followers, though distinctly recognized as accompanying the intellectual intuition, is carefully subordinated to it.
He was descended from the house of Nevill, one of whose scions, accompanying John Plantagenet to Ireland in the capacity of usher in 1185, adopted his official title as a surname.
Khammurabi attributes to Shamash the inspiration that led him to gather the existing laws and legal procedures into a code, and in the design accompanying the code the king represents himself in an attitude of adoration before Shamash as the embodiment of the idea of justice.
In the accompanying cut we have endeavoured to portray this map. The projection adopted is a perspective of the hemisphere as viewed from a point at the distance of one diameter from the surface, and situated on the production of.
This succession of melting and freezing, with their accompanying thermal effects, goes on until the two blocks are cemented into one.
In the second place, the astronomical knowledge presupposed and accompanying early Babylonian astrology is essentially of an empirical character.
If it did not extend so far as this it could not be seen as frequently as it is at a distance of 90 from the sup. The accompanying figure shows the form of the outline, as it would appear to an observer on an outer planet were the light of the sun cut off.
In the Recent Tertiary period the soils of these plains and valleys have been greatly enriched by extensive outbursts of basalt with accompanying tuffs.
This lignite and the accompanying leaf-bearing clays underlie and are apparently older than the strata with Newer Pliocene mammals and mollusca.
Beating the bounds had a religious side in the practice which originated the term Rogation, the accompanying clergy being supposed to beseech (rogare) the divine blessing upon the parish lands for the ensuing harvest.
Dressed in a mock turtleneck of some expensive fabric and slacks, the seated Immortal was relaxed and bright-eyed, despite accompanying them on the hunt that led them to the meat locker a couple of hours ago.
While spending the day with Cynthia Byrne was of itself a pleasant contemplation, accompanying relatives to identify corpses, especially those that had been under water for a week, was, in Dean's estimation, right up there with root canals and swift kicks in the you-know-whats.
We will explain the major provisions of the legislation and attempt to demystify accompanying jargon often used by privacy professionals.
He became the exclusive accompanist to Cantor Stephen Robins in over 300 concerts as well as accompanying many other cantors.
Of these, 45 were with a parent, guardian or accompanying adult.
A comparison of these databases revealed a number of discrepancies, which are discussed in detail in the accompanying technical annex.
Researchers will find much detail in the main ship listing and accompanying annexes.
These forts used anti-tank artillery and rifles to halt the tanks and machine gun fire to annihilate the accompanying infantry.
Accompanying the usual bilge about Edwards surrounding himself with the best business brains there is an inevitable piece about United's world domination.
An accompanying booklet includes Ray's sketches for the film.
How to choose staff is an audio-tape and accompanying 12-page booklet for people with learning difficulties.
The original Greek style bouzoukis are still very popular, both for Greek music, and accompanying traditional folk music.
Two parts one arguments bay buccaneer cover hitch nfl tampa trailer for both the accompanying boost can be used.
Two accompanying cassettes or CDs are available separately or in a pack with the book.
For example, they hope to observe the structural changes accompanying the activation of ion channels in living cells.
The accompanying body milk and body cleanser are 95% natural as well as 15% organic.
In some cities this turned into demonstrations accompanying the coffins of Russian soldiers.
Each accompanying commentary is based on the text in Shaw's book.
The Coppers then suddenly grew 5 or 6 tracks of Bob Copper recorded in more recent times, accompanying himself on the English concertina.
As the force of fate, this image acts as a personal daimon, an accompanying guide who remembers your calling.
See the accompanying diagram showing the pitch line for the Big Blade.
See full terms of the license printed on the accompanying documentation.
Beginners can follow the accompanying DVD on how to improve muscle tone, posture and relaxation.
An accompanying editorial [3] speaks of " shattered illusions " .
To many women the prospect of a forceps or ventouse delivery, together with the often accompanying large episiotomy, is terrifying.
Red cell and plasma fatty acid changes accompanying symptom remission in a patient with schizophrenia treated with eicosapentaenoic acid.
The richest area of brown seaweed with its accompanying abundant animal life is the kelp forest.
Such Lagrangians, and their accompanying equations, can seem rather formal.
The book also contains a useful gazetteer of sites with a brief description accompanying the entries.
Key terms are linked to definitions in an accompanying glossary.
We don't know if the brother accompanying Stephen was Percival, my husband's great grandfather.
An accompanying handbook is also available with the DVD.
The quality of the accompanying handout was also excellent and clearly shows the thought and time put into the planning of the workshop.
Autosomal recessive inheritance carries a risk of accompanying learning disabilities.
Adverse reactions accompanying overdose should be treated by gastric lavage and supportive measures.
Even the accompanying background music seemed melodramatic to me, sort of over-indulgent, in a way.
Their effect is even more damaging than the description given in Stephen Byers ' accompanying memorandum to the proposals.
We have a veritable menagerie of small woodland creatures accompanying us.
Pass and fail performances are filmed with accompanying narration to explain potential pitfalls.
The accompanying note to the Queen's Speech referred to these officers freed " to concentrate on crime in England and Wales " .
Please ensure that each parcel and all accompanying paperwork is marked with the exhibition code given on our Exhibition Schedule.
Philharmonic choir gave a spirited interpretation of Messiah with the accompanying Orchestra da Camera, under the excellent direction of the eminent Nicholas Cleobury.
He was photographed whilst accompanying the Italian premier on holiday there.
Nor is there hint of resurrection accompanying this first rapture.
Similarly, the beautiful starter of langoustine ravioli didn't need its accompanying jellied salad.
The trio have a national & international reputation for accompanying artists in the jazz & cabaret field.
This process appears to fail in insulin resistance accompanying several forms of diabetes.
Additional side dishes are available at extra cost but we found the accompanying puy lentils and kale and the saffron rice perfectly adequate.
All starters and desserts are homemade and the main course is usually a succulent roast served with accompanying sauces and fresh vegetables.
Pan-fried scallops were overpowered by their bed of broad bean mash, which in turn swamped the accompanying saffron dressing.
Mains might include a stunning dish of grilled sea bream, the sweet fish counterpointed by the spice of the accompanying chorizo.
The accompanying crowds and noise disturbs the serenity of the park.
The accompanying police breathed audible sighs of relief at the disciplined behavior.
Dan has toured Mexico & Central America accompanying American blues singers in jazz packages sponsored by the United States Information Service.
This is increasingly the case, as lead-free soldering is beginning to be introduced to the industry with its accompanying higher melting point solders.
More Songs I am still writing more songs and have decided to produce a songbook with my own accompanying watercolor pictures.
Accompanying the Tripitaka was a large body of commentarial literature explaining in detail the meaning of particular sutras.
We used to have no trouble getting tablatures with an accompanying description, but it is getting harder.
Recognizing a promotional opportunity, the NASA official accompanying the astronauts agreed and told an underling to get a tape recorder.
Tastier was the accompanying braised leg meat in a puff pastry tartlet.
The talks came to nothing because IRA demands were too high and because the accompanying fragile truce broke down in contentious circumstances.
Generally, one would expect to find two umbilical arteries accompanying the umbilical vein by this stage.
In the accompanying video, the truly vibrant Susana took us round the gardens herself and we were captivated!
An accompanying workbook provides a selection of appropriate examples to reinforce the concepts addressed.
As indicated in the accompanying illustration, the long-snouted phalanger is arboreal in habits, extracting honey and probably small insects from long-tubed flowers by means of its extensile tongue.
The bill vetoed by Monroe would in effect have given to the Federal government jurisdiction over the road; and in his elaborate memorandum (May 4, 1822) accompanying his veto message, Monroe discussed at length the constitutional questions involved, argued that the Federal government was empowered by the Constitution to appropriate money for " internal improvements," and in concert with the states through which a road was to pass might supervise the construction of such a road, but might not exercise jurisdiction over it, and advocated the adoption of an amendment to the constitution giving larger power to the Federal government " confined to great national works only, since, if it were unlimited it would be liable to abuse, and might be productive of evil."
Halevy in Nejran, Von Wrede in Hadramut, and Wellsted in Oman reached its edge, though none of them actually entered it, and the guides accompanying them all concurred in describing it as uninhabitable and uncrossed by any track.
His intense practical-mindedness drew him away from religion, but drove him to a morality of his own (the " art of virtue," he called it), based on thirteen virtues each accompanied by a short precept; the virtues were Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Chastity and Humility, the precept accompanying the last-named virtue being " Imitate Jesus and Socrates."
In the second case there is also the closest parallel between physical blindness cured, and spiritual darkness dispelled, by the Logos-Light as described in the accompanying discourse.
The organization of the oyster, as compared with that of a typical lamellibranch such as Anodon (see Lamellibranchia), is brought about by the reduction of the anterior part of the body accompanying the loss of the anterior adductor, and the enlargement of the posterior region.
Uncompromisingly hostile as Michelet was to the empire, its downfall and the accompanying disasters of the country once more stimulated him to activity.
On his return to France he spent three years with the Chastaigners, accompanying them to their different châteaux in Poitou, as the calls of the civil war required.
In early Irish literature the druids chiefly appear as magicians and diviners, but they are also the repositaries of the learning of the time which they transmitted to the disciples accompanying them (see Druidism).
It was becoming more and more dangerous to remain at Bald Hills, and next day they moved the prince to Bogucharovo, the doctor accompanying him.
On reaching the bottom, Dolokhov told the Cossacks accompanying him to await him there and rode on at a quick trot along the road to the bridge.
The accompanying red cabbage infused in juniper berries had a very strong pungent flavor.
His accompanying text may not answer every question on this recondite subject.
Accompanying this vicious attack on our party was a sanctimonious attitude that claimed that New Labor was morally superior to the Conservative Party.
Cole was also getting involved in the odd flare-up and seemed intent on accompanying Mills down the tunnel.
There are dozens of sheet music titles and collections with and without accompanying backing tracks on each page.
To order copies, or for more information on any of the Junior Songbook series or accompanying CDs and binders, please click here.
Some 35 mm slides and accompanying notes are available to show examples of experimental results and also the commercial importance of tissue culture techniques.
Baked or boiled beetroot can be sliced and tossed in butter and parsley or dill and served as an accompanying vegetable.
Some traveled to the major cities of Europe whilst other troubadours traveled to the Holy Land accompanying the people who went on Crusade.
Command names without an accompanying key sequence are unbound by default.
His first professional work came accompanying vaudeville performers, and he was part of a troupe that broke up in Kansas City in 1927.
In the accompanying video, the truly vibrant Susana took us round the gardens herself and we were captivated !
The New Driver Act is weakened by the lack of accompanying P plates.
As new parents soon discover, babies and all their accompanying accessories can get pricey!
Luggage - Online retailer eBay offers a good luggage guide with accompanying auctions and store links where you can find the luggage you need at the prices you want.
As the holidays where fireworks are traditionally used approaches, prices will skyrocket courtesy of a dramatic rise in demand and an accompanying decrease in supply.
Accompanying Pepsi Throwback in its re-release in 2010 is Mountain Dew Throwback--also made with regular sugar--in a can that looks like it's from decades ago.
Stories can be streamed online rather than downloaded, but most don't have illustrations, read-along text, or accompanying animation.
For a while, Greg has fun accompanying his friend Rowley to his family's country club.
Special features accompanying this business card include a detailed, itemized billing statement every month as well as no annual fee.
Personalized gift cards and accompanying Hallmark cards may not be available for purchase in Home Depot stores but can be obtained online.
In most cases, the DMoU becomes the foundation which ultimately supports the accompanying legal divorce agreement.
However, there are still many excellent furniture resources that produce quality investment pieces, which can withstand the weight of a large television and accompanying stereo system.
Read and study about the PV system and its accompanying hybrid systems.
You might need the girl in your household to turn the volume down a bit; the music accompanying the games can be lively and loud.
It also has an accompanying app for viewing on a phone or iPad.
Serve the slices of Dutch babies with the accompanying warm berry sauce and a few crisp slices of bacon.
The types of timers available reflect the many different forms of meditation and their accompanying philosophies.
Additionally, this is a strapless dress, so you may also want to consider purchasing the accompanying wrap.
When you confine your protein choices to plant-based products, you reap extra rewards with accompanying vitamins and minerals.
Tofu absorbs flavors from its accompanying ingredients like spices and marinades, so you can change up the flavor of your tofu burger quite easily.
Turn heads by accompanying a casual dress with traditional accessories such as a single strand of pearls and a one stem of your favorite flower adorned with a ribbon.
The unity candle is typically a pillar style of candle, and the accompanying candles used to light it, tapers.
Complete the package by wrapping the candle in tulle and accompanying it with a wedding matchbook for a relatively inexpensive wedding favor.
If a song characterizes your union, use it-with or without the accompanying music.
As the dosage rises, so do the accompanying symptoms of addiction, and this can also make the withdrawal symptoms more intense.
In fact, a bedspread and its accompanying accessories are often the focal points of the room.
The accompanying video at that site shows Osmond performing her hit song Paper Roses at the 37th Daytime Emmy Awards in 2010, which was hosted by Ryan Seacrest.
She wrote an accompanying article for the magazine in which she advised men, "We remember forever what you say about the bodies of other women."
If a stain does occur and tears follow, club soda really does a lot to quickly lessen the worst of it, so all the accompanying caregivers might want to have a little bottle handy, just in case.
Online bachelor's degree programs are more expansive with a wider range of concentrations and accompanying minors.
The company offers discounts to active, retired and honorably discharged military, and sometimes for family and friends accompanying military on their cruise.
He will love going for daily walks or accompanying an owner on a jog.
The album's major hits Legs, Sharp Dressed Man, and Gimme All Your Lovin', along with their accompanying videos, helped propel ZZ Top to the highest reaches of the pop music stratosphere.
With a song such as Carol of the Bells, seeing accompanying parts can give you the room to break out and improvise a bit.
The site has a great article on how to improve your bass chops complete with an accompanying video.
These specially designed windows are built to withstand high wind and accompanying debris.
Once you've located and matched a replacement shingle, remove the damaged shingle and its accompanying nails.
When the child first receives a real gemstone piece of jewelry - such as a birthstone pendant or their first pair of real gem earrings, for example - an adult jewelry box is a great accompanying gift.
This can have a range of features, such as a necklace tray or accompanying earring box.
The accompanying conditioner for all these scents is also available in this size.
Place the seeds and accompanying liquid into a clean mason jar.
Many long-sleeved styles are two-piece in design, with a tank-style dress and an accompanying jacket.
The accompanying G-string matches the corset in the same exotic print.
Not only would they look fabulous with an accompanying red bra, but they would also look divine under a red baby doll or teddy.
The built-in panty option is useful for women who want to wear these shorts as bottom without an accompanying swimsuit bottom.
For a complete listing of Fazio's courses and accompanying property options, visit this website.
The symptoms accompanying Alzheimer's are divided into two categories-cognitive and behavioral.
At the onset of menopause, all of the changes may seem unusual for a woman accustomed to her body's monthly cycle and the accompanying symptoms.
After the Bakugan anime series was translated to English and imported to the North American market, an accompanying card game was developed by Sega Toys and Spin Master.
Continuing with the rising popularity of Japanese anime series like Bakugan, it made sense that an accompanying Bakugan video game was developed and released.
Each song is themed, and as such, the accompanying graphics tell a story that starts before the first note is played and ends with a grand hurrah.
Accompanying the official movie directed by Peter Jackson, a video game was developed by the team at Ubisoft.
To get maximum value of the title, it is highly encouraged that you visit the accompanying website from Ubisoft.
The "Madden Cards" are divided into three groups-Bronze, Silver, and Gold-providing an appropriate accompanying boost in abilities, change in rules, or other game-altering changes.
The accompanying game on the Nintendo Wii, which goes by the exact same title, does have some racing game cheats for you to consider.
Accompanying him on this dangerous adventure are a struggling actress (Ann), a scriptwriter (Jack) and a couple of sailors.
The movie was originally released in theaters in 2004 and the accompanying game was released around the same time.
Combat is very fluid and enjoyable with context-sensitive orchestral sounds accompanying the eerie battle music.
Be sure to read the accompanying documentation carefully about rights and privileges.
All tabs are free to download along with accompanying music midi files.
In this case, you will be heading over to the official Xbox site to see if any freebies will be accompanying the Xbox membership offer.
All the buyer needs to do is decide which items the recipient will enjoy, and of course, the accompanying wine.
Accompanying watercraft launch sites may also be closed seasonally.
Be sure to consider the skill-level of those accompanying you on your trip.
It is not uncommon to find a sale of a stolen phone on eBay, evidenced by a lack of any kind of accompanying items (like the AC adapter).
There is a free 15-day trial period and an accompanying Android app to help you locate your kids from your phone.
The sale of inexpensive prepaid cell phones can be a great accompanying product for cell phone accessories, cell phone repair, and other businesses in the same industry.
Failure to thrive is an accompanying symptom.
A physician can make a diagnosis based on the medical history and the appearance of the rash, where it appears, and any other accompanying symptoms.
Their retardation is often caused by an accompanying neurological disorder.
The presence or absence of accompanying symptoms, a person's medical history, and information about what he or she may have ingested, any recent trips taken, or possible exposures to illness all help the physician make a diagnosis.
The typical tension-type headache is described as a tightening around the head and neck, and an accompanying dull ache.
A migraine with aura has accompanying "warning signs" that indicate a pending attack.
Symptoms include changes in personality, decreased intelligence with accompanying school problems, decreased coordination, involuntary jerks and movements of the body.
Other spine abnormalities such as congenital scoliosis and kyphosis, or soft tissue tumors overlying the spine, are not likely to have these accompanying findings.
The rash caused by the rubella virus and the accompanying symptoms are so similar to other viral infections that it is impossible for a physician to make a confirmed diagnosis on visual examination alone.
Accompanying the swollen glands is pain on chewing or swallowing, especially with acidic beverages, such as lemonade.
With accompanying chlamydia infection, a topical antibiotic ointment containing erythromycin (Ilotycin) may be prescribed to be applied one to two times daily.
Hepatitis-An inflammation of the liver, with accompanying liver cell damage or cell death, caused most frequently by viral infection, but also by certain drugs, chemicals, or poisons.
Accompanying the biological, cognitive, and emotional transitions of adolescence are important changes in the adolescent's social relationships.
Unless there are accompanying anomalies, the surgical procedure is not overly complicated.
Absence seizure-A brief seizure with an accompanying loss of awareness or alertness.
The threat posed to parental and family mental health from the trauma accompanying an abnormal test result cannot be underestimated.
Other accompanying symptoms in the infant include a cough and rhinitis.
Treatment for diaphragmatic hernia involves treatment of the other accompanying health issues.
Treatment aims to halt or reverse sexual development so as to stop the accompanying rapid growth that will limit a child's height.
Children first learn to receive communications by listening to and understanding what they hear (supported by accompanying gestures); next, they experiment with expressing themselves through speaking and gesturing.
Also, running a humidifier can prevent mucus within the nasal passages from drying out uncomfortably and can help soothe any accompanying sore throat or cough.
This testing and accompanying frustration often manifests itself in tantrums and other socially unacceptable behaviors such as an unwillingness to share toys.
Often there is an accompanying underdevelopment of the foreskin in which the penis has a hooded appearance.
Diagnosis of nystagmus is made primarily by patient history as reported by a parent, the age of onset, and observation of any accompanying signs such as a head turn, tilt or tremor, or oscillopsia.
Type II Chiari malformation may be diagnosed prenatally by ultrasound or shortly after birth during medical evaluation of the accompanying spina bifida.
Many have developmental delays and impaired intellectual functioning in addition to the physical limitations often caused by the accompanying spina bifida.
Also, if there is a known or suspected head injury accompanying the nosebleed, there may be a skull fracture or brain disorder.
Although the outcome depends of the severity of the smoke inhalation and the severity of any accompanying burns or other injuries, with prompt medical treatment, the prognosis for recovery is good.
As the song plays to accompanying visuals, much like a music video, a pattern of arrows appears on the screen.
Sites such as have many video examples accompanying music snippets, but their "printed" dance steps are simply verbal instructions meant to supplement and explain the videos.
Publishers made a great deal of money by printing out dance steps, feet diagram charts, as well as the accompanying sheet music (and later records).
Each compass direction has an assigned element just as each direction has accompanying colors that correlate to the element.
The directions here also include accompanying illustrations.
Books also include a CD ROM which plays like an accompanying videotape in the computer.
For each day, there is an accompanying lesson plan intended to cover a particular academic subject.
This means that accepting the highest amount you qualify for may result in financial problems down the road as you struggle to maintain a housing payment and all the accompanying expenses that come along with it.
The birth took place Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center, with Britney's mom, Lynn, and sister, Jamie, accompanying the happy parents.
If a test is needed, simply remove one of the accompanying test sticks from the wrapper and place it in your first morning urine stream for three seconds.
If you notice a foul smelling odor accompanying the discharge or you experience an irritation, such as pain or itching in the vaginal area, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.
G string bottoms are usually sold with an accompanying top, so you may not have as many options in buying separates when looking for bikinis with this tiny bottom.
Action figures and their accompanying collectible cards continue to be appraised by antiques dealers.
A Dora figurine is dressed in her pajamas, ready to curl up in the bed with the accompanying teddy bear.
The accompanying Moxieminis are small dolls with a charm bracelet related to the dolls' message.
With just those three dolls and their accompanying books and accessories, the company garnered a $1.7 million dollar profit in just four months.
In these situations, the body needs a sudden jolt of sugar to get back on the right keel, meaning the sugar poses no danger, hence no insulin response and no accompanying crash an hour later.
This wool blend pleated skirt will look lovely with an accompanying blazer, but can work just as well on its own.
A small satchel is a great accompanying bag for a maxi dress.
Assemble the edge and corner prices using the accompanying picture as a guide.
Or, the belly can be painted as a fishbowl with fish swimming in it, with an accompanying fisherman.
You can also find accompanying items to finish your costume choice, such as a coconut bra or artificial leis.
Accompanying it is a skating rink, offering fun for the whole family.
Watch for discrepancies between personal ads and the photos accompanying them.
Many websites have ecards that have pretty designs, graphic options and templates or accompanying video streams.
And, naturally, the accompanying changing pad will streamline your on-the-go changing needs.
Its near instant success paved the way for an accompanying sportswear line.
The perfect prom ensemble includes a stunning dress, a comfortable and chic pair of shoes and all the accompanying accessories, including jewelry, hair adornments and a handbag.
Standing "tall" at 27 inches, you can use his accompanying remote control to make Spike growl, snort, light up and roar.
Check out these poltergeist snapshots and the accompanying stories.
This Baby Pink Pump is available in a wide width and has a closed toe heel with an accompanying strap around the ankle.
Rose tats can have many different meanings, depending on their shape, their color, and their accompanying design elements.
The Rat has the accompanying element of water.
The Ox has the accompanying element of water.
The Tiger has the accompanying element of wood.
The Rabbit has the accompanying element of wood.
The Dragon has the accompanying element of wood.
The Snake has the accompanying element of fire.
The Horse has the accompanying element of fire.
The Ram has the accompanying element of fire.
The Monkey has the accompanying element of metal.
The Rooster has the accompanying element of metal.
The Dog has the accompanying element of metal.
The Pig has the accompanying element of water.
This can be done by accompanying the tat roses with a name or date (or both), underneath it or across a banner that appears to drape over the bloom.
Angel wing tattoos can be worn anywhere on the body, both alone and accompanying another image.
While many times the savings will outweigh the fee, Expedia does charge a small handling fee - usually $5 - $10 per ticket - if you are just purchasing airfare (without an accompanying tour, cruise, or other travel arrangements).
Your route is also highlighted on an accompanying map.
The first step in forming treatment plans and therapy for an autistic patient is identifying the disorder and its accompanying characteristics.
Whether called "bloomers," "Spankies," or "dance pants," there is a particular style of undergarment that is produced to complement the uniform - coming in matching colors and usually accompanying the basic uniform.
Accompanying each design is a full color image of the finished product, so you'll know exactly what you're getting before you download.
Read the enclosed pamphlets accompanying the products carefully and be aware of serious side effects.
Good fiber intake - Fiber fills you up, which reduces the hunger pangs and accompanying temptation to cheat.
Most of them have accompanying CD-Roms or even online versions.
Buyers should always make sure to thoroughly understand accompanying warranty information prior to making a purchase, otherwise they may find themselves buying a camcorder which does not feature the coverage they need.
If you choose to change insurance providers, you may also have to change your HSA provider, or you may be faced with higher fees or a lower interst because you are no longer insured with the accompanying insurer.
The doctor will also need to document your health issues and demonstrate that they are related to the size (and accompanying weight) of your breasts.
You may be experiencing chronic pain in your back, shoulder, and neck (with accompanying nerve damage).
The accompanying G-string has satin bows in front.
Not to be outdone, the accompanying G-string also contains highly suggestive, similarly styled, and strategically placed, string fringe pieces as well!
This is a sheer baby doll that's done in a rich royal purple with accompanying black trim.
This lavish setup accompanying the band's signature style leads many fans to believe The White Stripes will "save rock and roll".
They can be written before or after the accompanying music is composed.
The album and accompanying single '2 Become 1' went straight into the charts at number 1 and remained there over the Christmas period, a rare feat to achieve.
A 1958 UK tour ended in scandal for Jerry Lee, when the British press discovered that wife, Myra Gale Brown, who was accompanying him on tour, was both his wife and his 13 year old cousin.
Their 2003 release "Phenomon" was among Tooth and Nails top-selling albums with over 100,000 units sold, and accompanying the CD's success was the single "Rawkfist" which was a top radio hit.
Chances are if you have a favorite film, it has an accompanying soundtrack.
As The Chronicles of Narnia films weren't strictly created to be Christian films, the accompanying soundtracks are not embraced by everyone interested in Christian music.
The accompanying video explains the lyrics quite plainly, as a commentary of the socialites like Paris Hilton, who seem like airheads.
The phenomenon that Twilight and its accompanying books have become is massive.
He spent much of the 60s starring in musicals created as vehicles for his songs and recording accompanying soundtracks.
Parker convinced Elvis to turn his back on the stage performances that made him a star and instead focus on starring in a string of musicals and recording the accompanying soundtracks.
Disco music was already popular, but the movie and accompanying album really turned disco into a full life-style for many music enthusiasts, complete with white leisure suits, sequined dresses and the ever-present glitter ball.
Some invitations also come with accompanying printable envelopes and thank you cards, so all of your party communications can be themed.
The deadline for submitted applications will vary, so be sure to read all of the accompanying information for details.
There is a limit to the number of tickets you can book, so make sure you read all of the accompanying details carefully.
Slather an accompanying lotion on first, spritz on the complementary fragrance and enjoy your scent for much longer.
The following fingernail problems, and their accompanying symptoms, will help you diagnose serious or minute fingernail health problems.
However, Family Doctor recommends that you see your physician if you experience any of these accompanying symptoms.
On the right side of your page, you'll have a list of your friends with their default pictures accompanying their names.
Aside from the results (and usually accompanying graphics) it will always have a link to the survey for your friends to follow - and that's part of the fun.
The IRS establishes specific payment due dates and publishes those dates in the instructions accompanying Form 1040-ES, titled "Estimated Tax for Individuals."
Most web designers are going to be more than happy to create one in order to meet your requirements, and they will also charge you the accompanying fee.
The ship is available for free touring, and there also is an accompanying museum on site.
Each letter, written in excellent penmanship, began Dear Annie but there were no accompanying envelopes and no addresses.
Haydn finds the pianoforte so completely capable of expressing his meaning that he is at a loss to find independent material for any accompanying instruments; and the violoncello in his trios has, except perhaps in four passages in the whole collection of thirty-three works, not a note to play that is not already in the bass of the pianoforte; while the melodies of the violin are, more often than not, doubled in the treble.
Mancini, unable to brook exclusion, insisted, however, upon accompanying the king.
The sieve-tubes, with their accompanying parenchyma or stereom, constitute the tissue called phloem.
Baeyers hypothesis was entertained by botanists partly because it explained the gaseous interchanges accompanying photosynthesis.
Physically and physiologically wet habitats, with the accompanying plant communities of lakes, reed swamps, and marshes.
Physically wet but physiologically dry ha bit ats,f with the accompanying plant communities of fens, moors, and salt marshes.
Physically and physiologically dry habitats, with the accompanying plant communities of sand dunes and sandy heaths with little humus in the soil.
Habitats of medium wetness, with the accompanying plant communities of woodlands and grasslands.
However, by his birth, his abilities and his connexions alike he was marked out for a high position, and after the death of his wife in February 1812 he was appointed ambassador extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary at Vienna, where he signed the treaty of TOplitz between Great Britain and Austria in October 1813; and accompanying the emperor Francis I.
It was alleged that, while accompanying her husband on the Second Crusade (1146-1149) Eleanor had been unduly familiar with her uncle, Raymond of Antioch.
The variety of special developments of structure accompanying the atrophy of typical organs in the Opisthobranchia and general degeneration of organization is very great.
The legends which speak of the Cid as accompanying this monarch in his expeditions to France and Italy must be rejected as purely apocryphal.
The hero is smitten with sore disease, but the fragmentary condition of this and the succeeding tablet is such as to envelop in doubt the accompanying circumstances, including the cause and nature of his disease.
In biological chemistry he worked at the problems of animal heat and at the phenomena accompanying the growth of plants, and he also devoted much time to meteorological questions and observations.
It was accepted as an unquestionable fact by every one who undertook to describe the catacombs, that the Christians of Rome, finding in the labyrinthine mazes of the exhausted arenariae, which abounded in the environs of the city, whence the sand used in building had been extracted, a suitable place for the interment of their martyred brethren, where also the sacred rites accompanying the interment might be celebrated without fear of interruption, took possession of them and used them as cemeteries.
By September he had crossed the Rubicon, Henry Newman (his rector at Shepton Beauchamp and Sparkford) accompanying him on a tour in Carnarvonshire.
Seeing the rapid increase of the financial burdens of the state, a commission of experts, British, French and Austrian, was charged, (1860) with setting the affairs in order, and with their assistance Fuad Pasha drew up the budget accompanying his celebrated report to the sultan in 1862.
This was the result of the Armenian massacres, the wholesale emigration of Armenians of all classes, the accompanying profound political unrest throughout the country, and the great extension of contraband which ensued from it.
Then the voyage homeward began, Medea accompanying Jason, and Aeetes pursuing them.
When a current passes from an electrolyte to a metal, the electron must be detached from the atom it was accompanying and chemical action be manifested at the electrode.
The town had no Punic coins, but under the Roman domination there were coins from the time of the Republic. These are of bronze and bear the name of the city in abbreviations, Hadr or HadrVM accompanying the head of Neptune or the Sun.
He applied his method with good effect, however, in testing a large number of commercial specimens of iron and steel, the magnetic constants of which are given in a table accompanying his paper.
The accompanying figure will assist this description.
Three prayers, accompanying the Pax and preliminary to communion.
The accompanying illustration is reduced from a painting made from one of two which were driven in Hyde Park by Mr. Sheriff Parkins in the early part of the 10th century.
He had Pierre at hand in Moscow and procured for him an appointment as Gentleman of the Bedchamber, which at that time conferred the status of Councilor of State, and insisted on the young man accompanying him to Petersburg and staying at his house.
The whole work contains a great number of figures of birds' skeletons and detached bones; but they are not so drawn as to be of much practical use, and the accompanying letterpress is too brief to be satisfactory.
Of the immense number of indications accompanying every vital phenomenon, these historians select the indication of intellectual activity and say that this indication is the cause.
As there was not a single town or large village in the vicinity of the camp, the immense number of generals and courtiers accompanying the army were living in the best houses of the villages on both sides of the river, over a radius of six miles.