Accompany Sentence Examples
I suggest you accompany me home.
Among the fifteen knights selected by Arthur to accompany him to Chastel Orguellous he only ranks ninth.
Innumerable so-called chances accompany him everywhere.
Whether or not she wished to accompany him was not his concern.
It formed the imperial "Swiss guard," and never left the city except to accompany the emperor.
Women accompany their male relatives to the battlefield for the purpose of tending the wounded and carrying away the dead.
During our walks she keeps up a continual spelling, and delights to accompany it with actions such as skipping, hopping, jumping, running, walking fast, walking slow, and the like.
Pictographs accompany many of the figures.
Bright, colorful and fun illustrations accompany the text.
The latter invited him to accompany him to Switzerland and Italy, a proposal which he eagerly accepted (1794) for the sake of the opportunity of furthering his studies in the fine arts.
AdvertisementSounds of the jungle accompany Momo's open eyes to alert sound sleepers that morning has broken.
Tobias's dog indeed does nothing but accompany his young master on his journey to Ecbatana and back.
At this point General Havelock was joined by Sir James Outram, who;would have superseded him in the command had not Outram himself, with unequalled generosity, proposed to accompany Havelock only in his civil capacity as chief commissioner of Oudh and to serve under him as a volunteer.
A salad bar and steam trays of meats and side dishes, such as rice, vegetables and the dish of the day, accompany your choice of skewered barbecued meats that include bacon-wrapped chicken, sausages and beef.
It is certain that the formation of hydrogen peroxide and ozone accompany the glowing, and in 1848 Schonbein tried to demonstrate that it.
AdvertisementThe ceremonies which accompany a wedding preserve the tradition of marriage by capture; a peasant bride must enter her new home carrying bread and salt, and in parts of Walachia a flower is painted on the outer wall of cottages in which there is a girl old enough to marry.
The object of this treatise was to describe the arrangements by which the influence of the mind is propagated to the muscular frame, and to give a rational explanation of the muscular movements which usually accompany the various emotions and passions.
He returned in 1639 with the Jesuit fathers Acuna and Artieda, delegated by the viceroy of Peru to accompany him.
Jenn raised an eyebrow but didn't ask to accompany him this time.
Fechner's second point was that, throughout the animated universe, physical processes accompany psychical processes without interaction.
AdvertisementA substantial, fully illustrated, color catalog will accompany the exhibition.
A great selection of wine is sold by the glass and bottle to accompany any meal.
War broke out again in 1621, but success had ceased to accompany him on his campaigns.
The maps which accompany St Jerome's translation of the Onomasticon of St Eusebius (388).
When employed for making vine borders, loam of a somewhat heavier nature can be used with advantage, on account of the porous materials which should accompany it.
AdvertisementThere is considerable difficulty in removing mounted specimens of algae from paper, and therefore a small portion preserved on mica should accompany each specimen, enclosed for safety in a small envelope fastened at one corner of the sheet of paper.
In 1823 he was selected along with Dufrenoy by Brochant de Villiers, the professor of geology in the Ecole des Mines, to accompany him on a scientific tour to England and Scotland, in order to inspect the mining and metallurgical establishments of the country, and to study the principles on which Greenough's geological map of England (1820) had been prepared, with a view to the construction of a similar map of France.
Wellesley was appointed second in command, but owing to ill-health did not accompany the expedition.
Sadlier hesitated about going farther, but he was unable to obtain a safe conduct to Basra, or to return by the way he had come, and was compelled reluctantly to accompany the army to Medina.
Of his character we have an interesting notice from Whitelocke, who refused to accompany him on the ground of his " overruling temper and height."
If the bedding be traced, either in the slates or in the other rocks which accompany them, flexures will be frequently observed (the folding often being of an isoclinal type), while reversed faulting, or thrusting, is usually also conspicuous.
In 1756 he accepted the invitation of Gottfried Winkler, a wealthy young merchant, to accompany him on a foreign tour for three years.
Herein from four to seven eggs, of a greenishwhite closely freckled, so as to seem suffused with light olive, are laid in March or April, and the young on quitting it accompany their parents for some weeks.
The element of chance, which prevails in the region on either side of the border between pass and failure, obviously prevails equally on either side of the border between " classes," where candidates are classified; it has been suggested by Dr Schuster that numerical order should accompany classification so as to avoid the creation of an artificial gap between the last candidate in one class and the highest in the next.
The summer rains that accompany the S.W.
The emperor of China, last of the Mongol dynasty, had sent a mission to Delhi, and the Moor was to accompany the return embassy (1342).
He leaves his wife, if she will not accompany him, and goes forth into the forest, committing her and his house to his sons.
After much hesitation, and prompted by a growing disaffection amongst the natives (owing, as he maintained, to his loss of prestige after the arrival of Stanley's force), Emin decided to accompany Stanley to the coast, where the expedition arrived in December 1889.
His health suffered from the austerity of his life, and it was probably in connexion with this fact that he allowed himself to be persuaded in May 1619 to accompany Lord Doncaster as his chaplain on an embassy to Germany.
To accompany Livingstone twenty-seven men were selected from the various tribes under Sekeletu, partly with a view to open up a trade route between their own country and the coast.
Even the " joy and gladness " (Xapa, eu4po n vn) that accompany the exercise of virtue seem to have been regarded by them as merely an inseparable accident, not the essential constituent of well-being.
Elisabeth and I will accompany you in case Victor knows more than we think.
Arrange for me to accompany the scouts on the morn.
Ready the army to accompany me to Tiyan, in case Taran seeks to betray me.
An application fee of $ 149 must accompany each entry, for each award category.
Upon it will fall the moral censure which must accompany the change in our society's relationship to fossil fuels.
His scheme of obliterating the unprepossessing Conrad again accompany the girl was a wild - they were high.
In such cases, plaques will accompany the planting or installation in honor of the donor's designee.
Its aim is to accompany you through this truly joyful season.
Then in 1994 Sally's aunt somehow persuaded the girls of the family that they should accompany her to the New Dawn conference.
To be a fully qualified plumber you need an adequate amount of practical study to accompany the theoretical side.
Discussion Points Theory and Genre The Second Nun The Second Nun is one of those who accompany the prioress.
The State shaman did not accompany the procession downstream, leaving the escort of the spirit rafts with their grisly freight to his assistant.
On the ist of that month the prince imperial of France (Louis Napoleon), who had been allowed to accompany the British troops, was killed while out with a reconnoitring party.
A responsible adult must accompany children under 14 years.
What makes this book nice for young children is the very gentle illustrations that accompany the stories.
His wife joined him at Thorn in December, but in April 1712 a peremptory ukaz ordered him off to the army in Pomerania, and in the autumn of the same year he was forced to accompany his father on a tour of inspection through Finland.
Shortly afterwards Kelly and Dee were introduced by the earl of Leicester to a Polish nobleman, Albert Laski, palatine of Siradz, devoted to the same pursuits, who persuaded them to accompany him to his native country.
Impurities.-The properties of iron and steel, like those of most of the metals, are profoundly influenced by the presence of small and sometimes extremely small quantities of certain impurities, of which the most important are phosphorus and sulphur, the former derived chiefly from apatite (phosphate of lime) and other minerals which accompany the iron ore itself, the latter from the pyrite found not only in most iron ores but in nearly all coal and coke.
This attitude of the Catholics was caused by Pitt's encouragement of the expectation that Catholic emancipation, the commutation of tithes, and the endowment of the Catholic priesthood, would accompany or quickly follow the passing of the measure.
In 1832 he called on the Rev. John Aldis, an eminent Baptist minister, to accompany him to a local Bible meeting.
Meantime Demosthenes had formed the plan of planting the Messenians of Naupactus in Messenia - now Spartan territory - and obtained permission to accompany the expedition.
Stanley went back in May to pick up his belated rearguard,leaving Mounteney Jephson and a small escort to accompany Emin round his province.
The chemical changes that accompany activity in the nerve fibre must be very small, for the production of CO 2 is barely measurable, and no production of heat is observable as the result of the most forced tetanic activity.
Yahweh himself refuses to accompany Israel owing to their disobedience, but in response to Moses'.
It is said that on the news of the death of Yazid a conference took place between Hosain and Ibn Zobair, and that the former offered to proclaim the latter as caliph provided he would accompany him to Syria and proclaim a general amnesty.
The principles have long been known on which is based the electrolytic separation of copper from the certain elements which generally accompany it, whether these, like silver and gold, are valuable, or, like arsenic, antimony, bismuth, selenium and tellurium, are merely impurities.
The same symbolism is intended by the lighted tapers which must accompany the Host whenever it is carried in procession, or to the sick and dying.
The massacre of St Bartholomew - occurring as he was about to accompany the bishop of Valence on an embassy to Poland - induced him with other Huguenots to retire to Geneva, where he was received with open arms, and was appointed a professor in the academy.
He had insisted that priests should accompany their flocks in battle, had made them amenable to secular jurisdiction, had withheld the tribute due to Rome and had even claimed the right of disposing of ecclesiastical domains.
He was in the intervals of residence on his own fief a constant attendant on the court, but he declined to accompany the king on his last and fatal expedition.
He is constantly admitting that on such and such an occasion he was terribly afraid; he confesses without the least shame that, when one of his followers suggested defiance of the Saracens and voluntary death, he (Joinville) paid not the least attention to him; nor does he attempt to gloss in any way his refusal to accompany St Louis on his unlucky second crusade, or his invincible conviction that it was better to be in mortal sin than to have the leprosy, or his decided preference for wine as little watered as might be, or any other weakness.
They are of great variety, and many of them are very interesting, both on account of the devices which they accompany and the sentiments which they express.
More information about examination results and destinations is available in the separate sheets which accompany this prospectus.
Many hymns, nomes (simple songs to accompany the circular dance of the chorus), and oracles, attributed to Olen, were preserved in Delos.
With her traveled Mademoiselle Bourienne, little Nicholas and his tutor, her old nurse, three maids, Tikhon, and a young footman and courier her aunt had sent to accompany her.
It can accompany various diseases including scleroderma (systemic sclerosis).
You can enter a message to accompany your gift card before you check out.
Indeed, many an injury will accompany this feet first fall, and so before you take out the garden hose to blast your cat out of a tree, it's important to remember that you may be paying some hefty vet bills before the day is out.
Of all the tragedies that could accompany a divorce, a child's loss of innocence, security and long-term parental care are among the worst.
Seek immediate medical attention if any of the following conditions accompany your headache.
Prom is a night to remember, and the prom themes that accompany this night will stand out in your mind for years to come.
Have flowers delivered to his or her house with a card that reads, "Would you like to accompany me to the prom?"
Offer to be an audience for a presentation, to accompany them to the store to get their supplies, or actively ask them questions about what they are working on in school.
Ceremony-He will accompany the groom to the church, making sure he arrives ready and on time.
If you're having hundreds of guests, you may need to make a multi-tier cake, a very big sheet cake, or a lot of cupcakes that can be served separately or accompany one main cake.
It is possible that certain anorexics are using a refusal to eat as a way to avoid coping with the feelings and physical changes that accompany sexual maturity.
To help readers implement their advice, Judith and Ellen have prepared activities and discussion questions to accompany each lesson.
They work on recognizing situations when they're likely to use cocaine, finding ways to avoid these situations, and finding alternative ways to cope with the problems that accompany drug use.
Still living artists accompany their work around the world and fine their work is in high demand by art collectors.
Green wanted Megan to accompany him to a birthday party in Vegas and she declined.
There are several types of accessories that can accompany running eyewear to enhance its usefulness.
Bring-A-Friend free admission coupons for guests who accompany the passholder on select dates.
A stiff neck and nausea may accompany the headache.
Various forms of heart disease often accompany FA, including cardiomyopathy (enlargement of the heart), myocardial fibrosis (formation of fiber-like materials in heart muscles), and cardiac failure.
The mainstay of treatment for FMF is an oral medication called colchicine, which is highly effective for the fever and pain that accompany the disorder, as well as for amyloidosis and the kidney disease that can result from it.
Information regarding the duration of the cough, what other symptoms may accompany it, and what environmental factors may influence it aid the doctor in his or her diagnosis.
Delirium tremens-A complication that may accompany alcohol withdrawal.
They do, however, need a significant amount of support from their families and from school, work, and residential service providers to both achieve these goals and to avoid obesity and the serious health consequences that accompany it.
All cha cha tends is done to a 4/4 time beat, though some of the music will have specific triplets in them to accompany the shuffling step of the dance.
This means that the world of line dance changes that much more quickly, as new moves, patterns, and counts spread around the world along with the popular country songs that accompany them.
This is the most difficult of the foot positions; do not injure yourself trying to achieve this position.Arms in fifth are one of the most common ballerina arm poses and accompany many ballet movements.
What storage instructions accompany the flour product?
It will accompany you to the office or to the store, it will be held firmly in your hands as you vacillate over expensive electronic purchases.
He'll enjoy taking his children to amusement parks and will accompany them on all of the rides.
They are expecting another child in 2009 to accompany son William Huckleberry Paisley.
The musical scores that accompany Luke's battles with Vader contain many a poignant note amidst the bold brass, horns and drums as though the music mourns the lost relationship long before the audience is aware of it.
Staying moisturized, hydrated, and exfoliated will allow you to stave off the flakes and redness that sometimes accompany the colder months.
If you're battling the signs of maturing skin, know that while aging may accompany unwanted change, a life well loved is worth every wrinkle.
Low grade fevers may also accompany bites.
A perfumed bath and shower gel and body lotion were later introduced to accompany the signature fragrance.
Never accept any files or attachments that may accompany a chat room message.
Mezedes, for instance, are snacks that accompany ouzo, a strong anise-flavored spirit.
Complimentary sides accompany the dish and desserts can be ordered.
She learned the local dialects, and was able to accompany her husband on his tours of inspection and watch him dispense justice.
They contribute to the formation of the auditory meatus, and of the right and left carotid canals which accompany the eustachian tubes.
The orchestration is already almost classically Wagnerian; though there remains an excessive amount of tremolo, besides a few lapses into comic violence, as in the yelpings which accompany Ortrud's rage in the night-scene in the second act.
Mosso, the Italian psychologist, consists in recording the physical phenomena which are observed to accompany modifications of the affective consciousness.
The logarithmic curves which accompany his paper demonstrate that within wide ranges of maximum induction W = 0.01 B 1.6 = 0.5271 1 ' 62 very nearly.
The vascular system is highly developed (in the non-degenerate forms); large arterial branches closely accompany or envelop the chief nerves; capillaries are well developed.
The results in the second case show that an increase of aperture up to that corresponding to an extreme aberration of half a period has no ill effect upon the central band (§ 3), but it increases unduly the intensity of one of the neighbouring lateral bands; and the practical conclusion is that the best results will be obtained from an aperture giving an extreme aberration of from a quarter to half a period, and that with an increased aperture aberration is not so much a direct cause of deterioration as an obstacle to the attainment of that improved definition which should accompany the increase of aperture.
The poem is in a very corrupt state, and ends abruptly with the request of Medea to accompany Jason on his homeward voyage.
They may not attend briefings or accompany the Committee if it retires to deliberate in private.
The College wine cellar has an impressive selection of wines to accompany your meal; please contact us for further details.
He explained that he had to go to his sister-in-law 's house and invited me to accompany him.
Some pictures were taken hopefully someone will have sent some in to accompany my wordy description.
Although there are some children who seem to have a natural knack for learning how to play guitar on their own, you may want to spring for some type of lessons to accompany the guitar.
Depending on your riding style, there are various motorcycle helmets that can accompany your bike.
It is important to note any symptoms that may accompany the sneeze.
Consulting your vet about his specific vaccination philosophy is valuable, but be sure to research any studies and effects that accompany each type of schedule.
Decide which features you want to accompany the cards -whether that's monthly expense reports, additional cards at no cost, or a flexible payment schedule- and then request these features when comparing different gas cards.
To lessen the overwhelming sense of fear and confusion that can accompany a first time divorce, it's a good idea to learn more about the official forms and the supporting documentation.
Even though most of the troubles children of divorce experience lay outside the realm of mental illness, the fact remains that they can cause permanent damage that will likely accompany them far into adulthood.
Understanding the problems that accompany the deconstruction of a family unit can help parents and other authorities pinpoint the type of support children may need.
A case filing information sheet must accompany every petition for divorce.
Icovia's Room Planner is designed to accompany professional interior design websites to allow customers to fit new furniture into their homes before buying.
Benches may also be used to accompany the table.
Tie backs or holdbacks usually accompany the drapes, so that it's easy to secure the panels out of the way.
Leave the tan on overnight if you'd like, or just follow the directions that accompany your spray tan solution.
If you want to accompany Peter Pan in flight this year or simply fly solo, you'll want to follow these Tinkerbell Halloween makeup ideas for best results.
Everyone wants the perfect Christmas photograph to accompany cards or holiday newsletters, but as time goes by, coming up with innovative ideas can become a real challenge.
Many industries outside of photography hire freelancers to accompany staff members to water sources and document the activities.
Kebabs are traditionally served with grilled vegetables, like onions, but hot rice and flat bread can also accompany a typical kebab meal.
Although tendon, a popular dish in Japan, is simply a fried piece of shrimp or fried prawn served over a bowl of hot steamed rice, seldom is tempura shrimp eaten without vegetables to accompany it.
Three to five dishes usually accompany the staple rice dish.
Use them by themselves to accompany a special photo or as a way to jumpstart your scrapbook journaling.
It is a good idea to follow any rules that accompany the free pages, as violating the policies could lead to negative consequences.
At most resorts, your ski instructor will accompany you to the ski rental area, where he or she will show you how to put on your boots and skis.
Professional ski photographers accompany the class and teach participants how to ski for the camera.
The ability to let the words guide the visualization while the music and sounds accompany it provides an ideal way to de-stress from the rigors of everyday life.
Write down how you handle your anger and the other feelings which accompany it.
Celebrity Rumors - This is a blog devoted to celebrities, that contains galleries of photos along with rumors that accompany them.
Not that they've been trying to keep it much of a secret - he did accompany her on a trip to Costa Rica and then went home with her to Louisiana.
Barbara Mandrell was featured in People Magazine as one of the "beautiful at any age" subjects that accompany the "Most Beautiful People" editions.
In this day and age, the same accessories available to an adult are sold in miniature to accompany boys' suits for Easter.
Sure, boys typically compete in the formal portion of a pageant dressed in suits or tuxes, but there is plenty of room for variation in the colors of the vests, shirts, and ties to accompany the suit.
You'll be delighted to know that the jerseys are readily available and that your little one can accompany you to games, either in person or on the sofa, decked out in high style.
One quaint feature offered on longer Holland America cruises is the presence of gentlemen hosts to accompany single women as dining and dance companions.
With luxurious and unusual ports, southern voyages offer passengers a tropical vacation without the crowds that accompany more popular routes.
When ships are transferred from Caribbean itineraries to summer European routes, passengers may find great deals to accompany the ship across the Atlantic.
In addition, according to federal law, no one under the age of 21 is eligible to enter the contest, and winners are not allowed to have guests under 21 accompany them on the cruise.
The German military used German Shepherds in World War I as dispatch carriers, to help locate and rescue wounded soldiers, and to accompany soldiers during silent patrols.
You should only take your dog along for a car ride to places that he is allowed to accompany you.
The notes that accompany the transcription are very informative, and all the symbols that are used are explained in detail at the beginning of the tablature transcription.
Will this system be the only light source, or will it accompany lamps positioned throughout the room?
Unlike other bathroom fixtures, a pottery vessel sink can accompany any style decor.
Many homeowners can handle the installation of laminate flooring so this saves the labor fees for a professional installation that often accompany other flooring options.
To be on the safe side, check any comments that accompany the plans for additional hints on how builders who came before you dealt with the challenges of using those specific plans.
One of the advantages of using a monorail track system is that a single track can accompany a wide array of light head types.
Cheaper ties don't always have the texture needed to accompany a busy pattern.
Pain or numbness may accompany this condition as well.
Senior companions-as a part of the Senior Corps group, senior companions accompany frail, aged individuals in need.
The plethora of changes that accompany menopause may seem overwhelming.
You may need to remind them of important appointments, accompany them to doctor visits and tend to financial or household matters.
These styles are especially popular in the teenage and college years, but can also easily extend on to accompany you in the business world.
A newly remastered version of this song will accompany the ride that will "incorporate sights, sounds, smells and tactile techniques."
These are designed to accompany titles like Wii Sports and Wii Play, but they are not necessary for you to enjoy the gameplay in these titles.
Seeing how your character will lie, cheat, and steal his way to victory, it's only suiting that you'd want some Gameshark cheat codes to accompany those exploits.
A native of Hong Kong, Fei Long is a tribute to Bruce Lee, complete with the loud battle cries and vocalizations to accompany his kung fu maneuvers.
Hutch, your helpful non-evil bunny pal, will accompany Gromit at night.
When you select the Disc Channel, you will then be treated to a brief introduction with full graphics and music that accompany that game.
On the positive side, Pinot Grigios are dry whites with crisp acidity that easily accompany food and are quite popular.
While this wine is excellent when served as an aperitif, choosing the right Pinot Grigio to accompany a meal requires some attention to detail.
If you want the look of an antique lamp without the condition issues that can accompany these lighting items, consider purchasing a reproduction library lamp.
You don't have to buy a Nokia headset to accompany your Nokia cell phone.
Although you can consider several different brands (Logitech, Plantronics, Jabra, etc.), you will find the best compatibility with Motorola-branded headsets to accompany your Motorola cell phone.
The great thing about Bluetooth Technology is that it is supposed to be wholly universal, meaning that you are not restricted to an Apple-branded Bluetooth product to accompany the Apple iPhone.
You've probably also seen them as a "free bonus" to accompany another cell phone accessory purchase.
Form merges with function when you look at the first batch of Palm Pre fashion accessories to accompany the hotly anticipated smartphone to the market.
Transplantationasof2004achievesupto80to90percent one-year survival rates and promises to prevent the chronic disease that used to accompany earlier surgical procedures.
Parents also should be aware of symptoms that may accompany jaundice, including fussiness, unusual sleepiness, or difficulty feeding.
However, unlike aspirin, acetaminophen does not reduce the redness, stiffness, or swelling that accompany arthritis.
Cold symptoms usually accompany a viral sore throat.
In addition to a sore throat, symptoms that accompany an adenovirus infection include cough, runny nose, white bumps on the tonsils and throat, mild diarrhea, vomiting, and a rash.
Although a runny nose and cough are much more likely to accompany a sore throat caused by a virus than one caused by a bacteria, there is no absolute way to tell what is causing the sore throat without a laboratory test.
Physical reactions, such as fast pulse, sweating, trembling, fatigue, and weakness, may accompany anxiety.
Other orthopedic surgeries that may accompany contracture release surgery include osteotomy, in which a small wedge is removed from a bone to allow repositioning.
The therapist helps the patient identify negative or distorted thought patterns and the emotions and behavior that accompany them and then retrains the depressed individual to recognize the thinking and react differently to it.
This treatment, as well as removal of the ovaries, is used to prevent ovulation and the changes in hormones that accompany ovulation.
There are also herbs, such as skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) and kava (Piper methysticum), that can relieve the anxiety and irritability that often accompany depression.
The chills that often accompany a fever are caused by the movement of blood to the body's core, leaving the surface and extremities cold.
In addition, the increased heart rate that may accompany the changes in blood circulation also speeds the arrival of white blood cells to the sites of infection.
In addition, doctors can only treat, but not cure, the eye problems that often accompany the lack of skin color.
Pain, irritation, tearing, red eye, twitching of the eye, decreased vision, and sensitivity to bright lights are common complaints that accompany a corneal abrasion.
It may accompany a psychological condition, such as depression, or may even occur in the absence of a recognizable trigger.
Such injuries often accompany a jaw fracture or other facial injury.
The person should report any symptoms that accompany the dizziness, such as a ringing in the ear or nausea, any recent injury or infection, and any medication taken.
A low fever and swollen glands, especially in the head (around the ears) and neck, often accompany the rash.
Bleeding (hemorrhage) inside the skull may accompany a head injury and cause additional damage to the brain.
Other symptoms may accompany paresthesias, depending on the type and severity of the nerve disturbance.
For instance, weakness may accompany damage to nerves that carry both sensory and motor neurons.
Awareness of the symptoms and signs of meningitis, especially the rash which may accompany meningococcal meningitis is very important.
The sore throat and dehydration that usually accompany mononucleosis may be relieved by drinking water and fruit juices.
If the lower limbs or pelvis are fractured, pain and resistance to movement usually accompany the injury causing difficulty with weight bearing.
If an open fracture is accompanied by serious soft tissue injury, it may be necessary to control bleeding and the shock that can accompany loss of blood.
In addition to the emotions that normally accompany grief, such as denial, anger, and guilt, SIDS parents may experience certain other reactions unique to their situation.
Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) may also accompany duodenal atresia.
The underlying disorders that usually accompany savant syndrome need to be treated, and it is believed that making use of the special talent of the child with savant syndrome may help treat the child's underlying developmental disorders.
Incomplete development of the optic (sight) and olfactory (smell) nerves often accompany the brain defects described above.
Food should always accompany alcohol, and anyone who drinks in the evening should consider setting an alarm to test blood sugar levels during the night.
For example, doctors may order a test of iron levels in the blood because low levels of iron (anemia) may accompany celiac disease.
The screaming, flailing, and kicking that accompany a night terror may frighten parents who fear the child is having a seizure.
Nausea, vomiting, increased sensitivity to light, and other symptoms often accompany a migraine.
Unlike rashes that accompany various viral infections, the rash of RMSF does spread to the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.
Serious side effects can also accompany pharmacological therapies; mood swings, confusion, bone thinning, cataract formation, increased blood pressure, and other problems may discourage or prevent use of some analgesics.
Sometimes strabismus does accompany other vision defects, so a complete eye examination by a pediatric ophthalmologist is advisable.
Social and emotional difficulties often accompany this disorder, as children are unable to meet expectations of parents and teachers and feel frustrated at their inability to achieve their goals.
The physician will also perform a comprehensive physical examination, looking for other congenital anomalies that are known to accompany EA/TEF.
Other types of defects often accompany Down syndrome.
Many parents and other fans may want to accompany the team, so the earlier you register and pass the information on to dancers and parents, the better the chances of securing hotel rooms, etc. near the competition.
Singers and musicians usually sit in this structure and accompany the dancers.
The word "Jive" is an African slang term meaning "exaggerations," and this is shown in the enthusiastic dance steps and bravado that accompany good Jive performances.
Some people seem to get past the more intense feelings that accompany grief in a relatively-short period of time, but for others, it is a more lengthy process.
Please note that proof of honorable discharge must accompany the application form.
Following the funeral, mourners accompany the deceased to the cemetery.
Discharge type is noted on the papers that accompany a service member's separation from the military.
Dealing with your excessive facial hair as quickly as possible may save you from the anxiety and psychological issues that so commonly accompany this condition.
A French twist can be the perfect solution to an elegant hairstyle to accompany a fancy holiday outfit, and there are many variations to complement other style preferences and types of parties.
The classic bang looks youthful and fresh and hides the small brow lines that accompany age.
Unlike the sometimes vague pamphlets that accompany hair appliance packaging, a sedu hair video provides hands on instructional tips and ideas for perfect straight styling.
The weekend includes over 100 people, and Tony Rizzo and his wife, Maggie, also accompany the group.
The guides themselves can be used as purely secular guides, or you can opt to purchase a Bible supplement that ties in with the lesson plans to focus on Christian values and selected Bible verses to accompany the regular lessons.
In fact, it's a good idea to accompany them and ask questions.
They encourage you to accompany them through the inspection process and they are willing to work around your schedule to make that happen.
You should then enter the amount of this payment along with what payment it will be accompany.
Photos accompany the instructions, but are at the bottom of the page instead of near the related step.
Share the joy of your second, third, or fourth pregnancy with your other children and have them accompany you to your maternity portraits.
Having a visual focus or a mental focus can accompany the Lamaze breathing.
If you don't have a Department of Defense or Military ID, you must have someone who does sponsor you and accompany you during your visit.
The smaller size made it easier for the company to market vehicles and play sets to accompany it, but these didn't prove to be very popular with buyers.
Books, movies and magazines accompany the dolls, so kids can learn about history while playing.
It is clear from Walters' statement that she does not want to be affiliated with any marketing scams or false product claims that so often accompany health supplements as yet unapproved by the FDA.
If you like longer skirts, it's best to wear them very long, all the way to the floor, and accompany them with high heels.
Whether it's a black shirt-dress paired with pink shoes and a pink handbag, or a black cardigan and jean ensemble topped by a well-placed Fedora, accessories often accompany Victoria Beckham fashion.
Soft cleats still accompany some shoes, but not all.
If you want to put your A/C unit in a window, carefully follow the instructions that accompany the product.
Available in a wide variety of sizes, typically measured in quarts, a larger roaster oven like a 22-quart roaster can even accompany a nice sized turkey (up to 24 pounds for a 22 quart roaster).
While you can't actually hang it on your tree, a gingerbread house is also a great decoration to accompany the "good enough to eat" Christmas theme.
He tells me that he loves how he feels around me when I accompany him.
Most engagements last between twelve and eighteen months, during which time the couple can budget appropriately for a more expensive diamond ring to accompany the wedding ceremony.
An engagement ring is not complete without a wedding band, and Tacori offers both fitted and straight wedding bands to accompany their exquisitely designed rings.
To design an engagement ring is not only to create one ring, but also to keep in mind the wedding band that will eventually accompany it.
Paperwork such as certificates, appraisal documentation, and original sales receipts should accompany the ring when it is returned.
Most jewelers offer diamond ring guards to accompany their engagement rings, or couples can choose different designs that can fit their specific ring and design preferences.
Eternity rings can be used to accompany the engagement ring as part of a wedding set, or they can be given separately as a token of love and a reminder of the promise two people share to spend eternity together.
These poems can accompany the proposal, even if they do not contain the marriage proposal question.
A single row of pave diamonds allows for a slender band that can stand alone or accompany an engagement ring.
Also, avoid using pre-stuffed turkeys or the gravy packs that accompany many turkeys.
These are not the bags that will traditionally accompany an executive to the office, nor are they considered appropriate for the evening scene.
Orla Kiely wallets, as well as their handbags, impart a fresh and modern style to any wardrobe they accompany.
Not only can you read the prediction, but you can check out the exotic images that accompany the horoscope for each sign.
It's about whether or not the two of you are compatible based on the characteristics that accompany the energy behind your numbers.
Pisces isn't afraid to swim into dark, deep waters as long as Scorpio is willing to accompany her.
This was the name Mumber gave to the spirits that, according to him, accompany the living.
The planchettes that accompany Ouija boards today, are small heart-shaped pieces of wood on three legs.
Some of the laces that accompany these aren't just a solid bright color.
As for the shoes to accompany the girls' clothing, moms can shop without fear.
The appeal of It's Happy Bunny lies in the contrast between the rabbit's cheerful exterior and the derogatory sayings or slogans that accompany it.
If you want to include words in the tattoo, the artist can help you choose the right font to accompany the design.
Those that would go against the teachings do so after great thought and reflection on the consequences that may accompany such an act.
Equipped with a chronograph, the Breitling Chrono Avenger is the perfect timepiece to accompany you on the most rocky trips.
Many a happy hour can be whiled away picking the perfect words for a card to accompany the gift of a watch.
While this might not be a problem with some watches, if you are looking for a watch to accompany you on an outdoor adventure and are going to rely on some of the functions then it is imperative that the watch is in perfect working order.
It will be an important piece of equipment that can accompany many sporting activities as well as being a stylish and fashionable time keeping device.
During the years that followed, Seiko worked to address the problems that accompany both saturation dives and shallow dives, taking pride in every timepiece that made it past the stringent criteria of the world's best watchmakers.
But, it stands to reason that all the positive factors researchers state general exercise provides would accompany a consistent yoga practice.
When you want a different sound to accompany your routine, bamboo flute yoga music is a good alternative.
Whether you're looking for rhythms to accompany a Power Yoga routine, world music to lift up your morning, peaceful meditation sounds, or even ambient lounge to set a mood, there are more than 200 artists to enjoy on omstream.
If you want to practice yoga in order to glorify Christ, then you'll need some yoga Christian music to accompany your workouts.
Practicing this type of yoga with a very experienced teacher is the best way to get good results without having any of the negative side effects that can accompany the practice, such as lightheadedness or nausea.
The grief is understandable considering the fear and apprehension that accompany the unknown.
Layoffs often accompany outsourcing decisions, further adding to the debate.
An executive summary is a specific business format that should accompany many long business documents including business reports or plans.
A cover letter is a form of written communication meant to accompany your resume or job application.
You are not simply reiterating the details of your resume in this paragraph, especially because your cover letter will most likely accompany your resume.
By eliminating the blood sugar swings that accompany carbohydrate binges, the South Beach Diet aims to make dieting easier.
When apple cider vinegar is taken in its pill form, 285 milligrams is the dosage commonly found in instructions which accompany supplements.
Finally, there's the distinct but hard-to-prove feeling of wellness and alertness that usually accompany fasting.
This can cause a coma or even death, and while these are rare occurrences, they are risks that can accompany this diet.
Be sure to drink extra water to accompany your high fiber menus, or the extra roughage will have trouble passing through the digestive tract.
Plenty of manufacturers have created equipment to accompany lower ab exercises, but not all of them work equally well.
A healthy, balanced diet should also accompany your efforts to improve the appearance of your abs.
Secondly, it eliminates the strain and potential injury to your neck, shoulders and back that may accompany sit-ups, allowing you to get a better workout without pain.
Most translation work will be somewhat technical and will come from fields such as law, science and business but can be even more technically oriented, such as translations of instructions that accompany products.
If you are nearing retirement age, understanding Medicare coverage can better prepare you for dealing with the increased medical expenses that often accompany old age.
Instructions for starting an appeal of the insurer's decision must accompany the letter.
Be sure to read the instructions that accompany the body shaper you choose.
The headphones are designed to eliminate all of that pesky fiddling with tangled cables business that accompany most traditional headphones, because the audio wire in fits with the lanyard itself.
This particular little slice of thinking man's goth pop comes from the soundtrack The Gothic Archies recorded to accompany the Lemony Snicket Series of Unfortunate Events books.
Her father would accompany her to the bars and would record her performances on tape.
The Twilight movies have become monster hits, and the soundtracks that accompany each film have also fared well with music fans.
This pattern repeated through the early 1970s, and by the middle of the decade, bad reviews started to accompany bad sales.
Although there are cast recordings from various stage incarnations of West Side Story, the soundtrack that was released to accompany the film remains the gold standard.
In addition to these, the grounds also include the Theatre-Concert Hall, built in 1941 to accompany the formerly named Berkshire Music Center.
Movie soundtracks are often as popular as the film they accompany, or in some cases are even more popular than the movie itself.
They consistently wore robot costumes onstage and also produced elaborate light shows to accompany their sets.
Depending on the age of the teen, it might be best to accompany the party to the park, and have the girls check in at pre-arranged times.
These outlets usually charge a membership fee, but if you aren't a member you can always accompany a friend or family member to the store to take advantage of the savings.
Although it is the contestants who nominate the first choice for elimination, the person up for elimination is then allowed to choose one person to accompany them to face the panel of judges and plead their case.
You may bring one friend or family member with you to the audition, but that person must also accompany you to the registration so that he or she can be assigned a seat number.
This form must accompany your application.
Breakdowns. Often, due to the severe weather conditions, the trucks themselves or the cars that accompany them on their deliveries, break down.
Pelletier Brothers Inc. maintains these roads, along with the bridges and drainage systems that accompany them.
If you were not born in the United States, you must bring proof that you are eligible to work in the U.S. You are allowed to bring one guest with you to auditions, but they must also accompany you to register.
The same parent or guardian who accompanied you to the registration must also accompany you to the audition.
Brom asks to accompany Eragon on his quest and in return, he will teach Eragon all he knows of dragons and there powers, and help kill the strangers.
High fever, sore throat, and swollen glands usually accompany the rash.
You may accompany me, without your translator, so you do not embarrass the dhjan by speaking.
Edith emerged, dressed for the great outdoors, ready to accompany her man on his macho adventures.
In more primitive ritual, however, set forms of prayer are the rule, and their function is mainly to accompany and support a ceremony the nerve of which consists in action rather than speech.
A wealthy publisher of European reputation attended the court of his native town, the capital of a small grand-duchy, in virtue of the honorary title Hofrat; his wife, not being noble, did not accompany him.
So eager was he to hear the words of Socrates that he used to walk daily from Peiraeus to Athens, and persuaded his friends to accompany him.
In 1667 he was the deputy chosen by the states of Holland to accompany Admiral de Ruyter in his famous expedition to Chatham.
Owing to the great extent of Asia, it is not easy to obtain a correct conception of the actual form of its outline from ordinary maps, the distortions which accompany projections of great and misleading.
On being released, the young count obtained leave to accompany as a volunteer the French expedition to Corsica.
The London Hibernian Society asked him to accompany Dr David Bogue, the Rev. Joseph Hughes, and Samuel Mills to Ireland in August 1807, to report on the state of Protestant religion in the country.
But the internal rearrangements which accompany the production of a current do not cause any change in the original nature of the electrodes, fresh zinc being exposed at the anode, and copper being deposited on copper at the cathode.
Thus it is found that the action of the heart is accelerated by pleasant, and retarded by unpleasant, stimuli; again, changes of weight and volume are found to accompany modifications of affection - and so on.
Low hysteresis is the chief requisite for iron which is to be used for transformer cores, and it does not necessarily accompany high permeability.
Wet summers are followed by an acute outbreak of liver-rot amongst sheep and this, together with the effects of other diseases that accompany wet seasons, cause the death of vast numbers of sheep, the numbers from both sources being estimated in bad years at from 12 to 3 millions in England alone.