Accepting Sentence Examples
She's accepting her role.
She found herself nodding, accepting his explanation more easily than even Gabriel's.
Hope that you'll start accepting me as your husband - your mate; not just a lover.
Maybe accepting a date would be the perfect way to end this one-sided relationship.
Jonathan was accepting the responsibility of his younger siblings – without being directed to do so.
Accepting, loving, trusting someone – even if bonded – was beyond Immortal Laws to dictate.
She was gradually accepting his touch, a subtle sign of a thaw she probably didn't realize she was doing.
I can understand you not wanting to invest the money for a car, but what's wrong with accepting a ride now and then?
Words of praise came more easily to his lips, but he still had trouble accepting praise.
The one is that the animal sacrificed was looked upon as a deity, and that, therefore, the liver represented the soul of the god; the other theory is that the deity in accepting the sacrifice identified himself with the animal, and that, therefore, the liver as the soul of the animal was the counterpart of the soul of the god.
AdvertisementLetting go of Gabriel was much harder than accepting her new mate.
When Rissa merely nodded, accepting the insult, he felt the urge to shake sense into the oblivious woman.
Maybe she should have asked him before accepting the puppy.
His scruples forbade him to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the court by accepting bail, but he was soon released.
Swan's measurements, which had misled Bent into accepting a chronology based on a supposed orientation of the "temple," had been shown to be inexact.
AdvertisementAt Franeker his house was a small château, " separated by a moat from the rest of the town, where the mass could be said in safety."' And one motive in favour of accepting an invitation to England lay in the alleged leanings of Charles I.
In 1653 he returned to London, and having denounced Cromwell for accepting the office of Lord Protector he was imprisoned.
To share with the minister such general oversight is not regarded by intelligent and influential laymen as an incongruous or unworthy office; but to identify the duties of the eldership, even in theory, with those of the minister is a sure way of deterring from accepting office many whose counsel and influence in the eldership would be invaluable.'
Instead, however, of proceeding with the work of practical legislation, accepting the Instrument of Government without challenge as the basis of its authority, the parliament immediately began to discuss and find fault with the constitution and to debate about "Fundamentals."
The Code enacted that if the father does not, after accepting a man's presents, give him his daughter, he must return the presents doubled.
AdvertisementOn the of July the Prussians completely defeated the, ,, strians at Koniggrtz, and on the 5th Austria Led Venetia to Napoleon, accepting his, mediation gratz.
On the 26th of April the island of Tabarca was occupied by the French, Bizerta was seized on the 2nd of May, and on the 12th of May the hey signed the treaty of Bardo accepting the French protectorate.
Their tactics, however, produced a contrary effect, for Rudini, accepting proposals from Berlin, renewed the alliance in June 1891 for a period of twelve years.
Accepting this view of the phylogeny of the leaf, the perianthleaves (sepals and petals) and the foliage-leaves may be regarded as modified or metamorphosed sporophylls; that is, as leaves which are adapted to functions other than the bearing of spores.
He also pointed out reasons for accepting a division of the land into three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa.
AdvertisementAccepting the position in which the Tudor king would have his great nobles, he became the faithful soldier, diplomatist and official of the new power.
As a precaution against Tatar invasions he founded fortified towns on his southern frontiers - Tambov, Kozlov, Penza and Simbirsk; but when the Don Cossacks offered him Azov, which they had captured from the Turks, and a National Assembly, convoked for the purpose of considering the question, were in favour of accepting it as a means of increasing Russian influence on the Black Sea, he decided that the town should be restored to the sultan, much to the disappointment of its captors.
Dubrovin, president of the Union of the Russian People and organizer of pogroms, having written a letter of congratulation to the tsar on the occasion of the coup d'etat, received a gracious reply; the hideous reign of terror of the " Black Hundred " in Odessa did not prevent the Grand-duke Constantine from accepting the badge of membership of the Union.
The following six years were spent in comparative quiet, broken, however, by a visit to Rome in 1565; but in 1570 Granvella, at the call of Philip, resumed public life by accepting another mission to Rome.
The second decision grew out of the attempt of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers to prevent other roads from accepting freight from the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan railroad, against which a "legal" strike had been declared.
He followed up this action by strongly urging the Labour party to rally in Dec. 1916 to Mr. Lloyd George, and by accepting himself the position of an original member of the War Cabinet of four without portfolio.
The trend of modern critical opinion is towards accepting Map as the author of a Lancelot romance, which formed the basis for later developments, and there is a growing tendency to identify this hypothetical original Lancelot with the source of the German Lanzelet.
In 1633, although still below the canonical age, he took holy orders, and, accepting the invitation of Thomas Risden, a former fellow-student, to supply his place for a short time as lecturer in St Paul's, he at once attracted attention by his eloquence and by his handsome face.
Moreover, modern economists, while accepting in the main the general tenor of Malthus's theory of population, would not agree with his statement of it.
In February 1746 he allowed himself to be entrapped by the intrigues of the Pelhams into accepting the secretaryship, but resigned in forty-eight hours.
On his side, again, the subtenant, by accepting that position, is estopped from denying that his lessor's title (whatever it be) is good.
But he expressed himself warmly in favour of active cooperation with other nations of the world, and by accepting the invitation to participate in interAllied councils indicated that he would avoid a policy of isolation.
And we need have no hesitation in accepting this as a monument put up over a portion of the ashes from the funeral pyre of Gotama the Buddha.
Accepting this, he remained actively employed until 1839, when he made his first visit to Paris, taking with him an unfinished opera based on Bulwer Lytton's Rienzi, and, like his earlier attempts, on his own libretto.
The errors due to an exaggeration of distances were still further increased on account of his assuming a degree to be equal to Soo stadia, as determined by Posidonius, instead of accepting the 700 stadia of Eratosthenes.
Accepting the Jewish apocalypses as sacred books of venerable antiquity, they read them eagerly, and transferred their contents bodily to Christianity.
Timur did not cross into Europe, and contented himself with accepting some trifling presents from the Greek emperor.
By additional secret articles it was agreed that, in the event of the Porte not accepting the offered mediation, consuls should be established in Greece, and an armistice proposed to both belligerents and enforced by all the means that should " suggest themselves to the prudence " of the high contracting powers.
With horses only just recovering from an epidemic, they proved quite unequal to the task of catching the Cossacks, who swarmed round them in every direction, never accepting an engagement but compelling a constant watchfulness for which nothing in their previous experience had sufficiently prepared the French.
On the 9th of December 1905 protocols were signed at Caracas accepting the line between Cucuhy and the Serra Cupuy located in 1880, and referring the remainder, which had been located by a Brazilian commission in 1882 and 1884, to a mixed commission for verification.
Commandant Jan Mocke of Winburg (who had helped to besiege Captain Smith at Durban) and others of the " war party " attempted to induce the volksraad not to submit, and a plan was formed to murder Pretorius, Boshof and other leaders, who were now convinced that the only chance of ending the state of complete anarchy into which the country had fallen was by accepting British sovereignty.
In 1890 the elections to the council led to the return of a majority in favour of accepting self-government, and in 1893 a bill in favour of the proposed change was passed and received the sanction of the Imperial government.
He was invited to Portugal in 1555 and became provincial of his order, declining the offer of the archbishopric of Braga but accepting the position of confessor and counsellor to Catherine, the queen regent.
Moreover, by accepting Christianity from Germany, he ran the risk of imperilling the independence of Hungary.
By the laws of 1723, which gave effect to the resolution of the diet in favour of accepting the principle of female succession, the Habsburg king entered into a fresh contract with his Hungarian subjects, a contract which remained the basis of the relations of the crown and nation until 1848.
During the summer America gave a lead to the Allies by accepting the Yugoslav programme, and after Austria's failure on the Piave there was a growing disposition on the part of the western Powers to fall into line with Mr. Lansing's very clear pronouncements.
But he was reproached for accepting it by the extreme republicans and irreconcilables.
A little before this Gregory V., at the end of 996, had been compelled to flee from' the city; and the wily and ambitious Greek had now no scruple in accepting the papal tiara from the hands of Crescentius.
All that can be said is that both archaeological and epigraphic evidence indicates that no very long interval separated the empire of the Semitic kings of Agade from that of the kings of Sumer and Akkad, whose rule was inaugurated by the founding of the Dynasty of Ur.1 To use caution in accepting the chronological notices of the later kings is very far removed from suggesting emendations of their figures.
He was, however, in favour of accepting the king's terms at Newport in December, and in consequence was excluded from the House by Pride's Purge.
On the accusation of the orthodox he was deposed by the "Robber Synod" of Ephesus, but at Chalcedon in 451 was pardoned on condition of anathematizing both Nestorius and Eutyches and accepting the Tome of Leo.
In 1865 he rejected the more radical views of his party as to the treatment to be accorded to the late Confederate states, opposed the immediate and unconditional enfranchisement of freedmen, and, though not accepting President Johnson's views in their entirety, he urged the people of Massachusetts to give the new president their support.
But before accepting this conclusion as final, one must not lose sight of the fact that the so-called chiaroscuro engraving was at the height of its use in Italy at the same time that embassies from thc Christians in Japan visited Rome, and that it is thus possiblc that the suggestion at least may have been derived from Europe.
Olgierd died in 1377, accepting both Christianity and the tonsure shortly before his death.
In accepting, with slight reservations, the results of the development which the Church had undergone during the fifty years from 1640 to 210 it reduced itself to the level of a sect.
There is even some hesitation in accepting the continuity of the chalk with the globigerina ooze of the modern ocean.
And on accepting Philip's communications the king should send back honourable persons bearing letters sealed with his seal, in which his wishes should be fully set forth.
On the National Insurance bill in 1911 he pointed out that a fundamental change of opinion had taken place, both parties now accepting the principle that social welfare was the care of the State.
Fichte, while accepting the call, desired to spend a year in preparation; but as this was deemed inexpedient he rapidly drew out for his students an introductory outline of his system, and began his lectures in May 1794.
These ended in their accepting his terms under the famous convention of Vergara, which secured the recognition of their ranks and titles for nearly loon Carlist officers.
At the close of the war the queen regent and her ministers attempted to elbow out Espartero and his followers, but a pronunciamiento ensued in Madrid and other large towns which culminated in the marshal's accepting the post of prime minister.
Finally Christian III., an ardent Lutheran, ascended the throne in 1536; with the sanction of the diet he severed, in 1537, all connexion with the pope, introducing the Lutheran system of Church government and accepting the Augsburg Confession.
Sufficient reasons could be assigned for accepting the New Testament as God's word and Christ as the Christian's guide.
On this head there is no difference, and idealism need have no difficulty in accepting all that its opponents here contend.
When the Lambeth articles put forward as a basis of union were discussed, it was evident that all the free churches were agreed in accepting the three articles dealing with the Bible, the Creed and the Sacraments as a basis of discussion, and were also agreed in rejecting the fourth article, which put the historic episcopate on the same level as the other three.
All these set forth in their symbolical books the supreme place of Scripture, accepting the position which Zwingli laid down in 1536 in The First Helvetic Confession, namely, that "Canonic Scripture, the Word of God, given by the Holy Spirit and set forth to the world by the Prophets and Apostles, the most perfect and ancient of all philosophies, alone contains perfectly all piety and the whole rule of life."
But under the Commonwealth many professed the one without fully accepting the other.
The split broke up the rule of the "regency," Marcy accepting the " Hunker " support and a seat in Polk's cabinet, while Wright, Butler and Van Buren joined the " Barnburners," a step preliminary to Van Buren's acceptance of the " Free Soil " nomination for president in the campaign of 1848.
Accepting as a fait accompli the existence of the triple alliance, created by Bismarck for the purpose of resisting any aggressive action on the part of Russia and France, he sought to establish more friendly relations with the cabinets of Berlin, Vienna and Rome.
At Paris (31st of March 1814) Alexander, with his own hand, wrote the ukaz appointing him a field-marshal, but he refused the dignity, accepting, instead, a miniature portrait of his master.
Finally he picked a quarrel with Denmark for not accepting as an ultimatum the terms to be submitted by Russia to a peace conference to meet at Berlin for the purpose of adjusting the differences between the two powers.
France and Italy, by accepting the assistance of Czechoslovak legions on the French and Italian fronts, had already practically acknowledged Czechoslovakia's claims (Briand, 1916).
The Polish king was always ready enough to support the Czechs against Sigismund; but the necessity of justifying his own orthodoxy (which the Knights were for ever impugning) at Rome and in the face of Europe prevented him from accepting the crown of St Wenceslaus from the hands of heretics.
Others, though accepting it as the truth, declared its promulgation to be inopportune.
On the 3rd of March 1905 a proposal for accepting either French or German as an alternative for either Latin or Greek in the Previous Examination was rejected by 1559 to 1052 votes, and on the 26th of May 1906 proposals distinguishing between students in letters and students in science, and (inter alia) requiring the latter to take either French or German for either Latin or Greek in the Previous Examination, were rejected b y 746 to 241.
But there are other reasons against accepting this, besides the improbability of such a change.
As regards priority of publication, Napier has the advantage by six years, and even fully accepting Bramer's statement, there are grounds for believing that Napier's work dates from a still earlier period.
The regulation as to convents seems partly due to a desire to avoid the worry and expenditure of time involved in the discharge of such offices and partly to a conviction that penitents living in enclosure, as all religious persons then were, would be of no effective use to the Society; whereas the founder, against the wishes of several of his companions, laid much stress on the duty of accepting the post of confessor to kings, queens and women of high rank when opportunity presented itself.
The extreme sensitiveness of his temperament, however, disqualified him for politics; he proved impracticable in his relations with Hardenberg and other ministers, and in 18ro retired for a time from public life, accepting the more congenial appointment of royal historiographer and professor at the university of Berlin.
The Sikhs are principally drawn from the Arora, Jat and Ramgarhia tribes, but any one may become a Sikh by accepting the Sikh baptism.
But this lapse only shows how powerful a dominion Plato exercised over Aristotle's soul to the last; for it arises out of the pupil still accepting from hiAmaster the unity of the universal though now applying it, not to classes, but to essences.
The adoption of this jurisdiction would have involved a revision of the judicial systems of probably every country accepting it.
This result, which, accepting the possibility of having an absolutely opaque enclosure of uniform temperature, was clearly proved by Balfour Stewart for the total radiation, was further extended by Kirchhoff, who applied it (though not with mathematical rigidity as is sometimes supposed) to the separate wave-lengths.
Accepting as proved by Boyle's experiments that air is necessary for combustion, he showed that fire is supported not by the air as a whole but by a "more active and subtle part of it."
Secondly, he accepted the Leibnitzian hypothesis of immaterial elements without accepting their self-action.
At the same time, while accepting the Schellingian parallelistic identity of all things in God, Fechner was restrained by his accurate knowledge of physics from the extravagant construction of Nature, which had failed in the hands of Schelling and Hegel.
His speech at Birmingham (November 14, 1907), fully accepting the principles of Mr Chamberlain's fiscal policy, proved epoch-making in consolidating the Unionist party - except for a small number of free-traders, like Lord Robert Cecil, who continued to hold out - in favour of tariff reform; and during 1908 the process of recuperation went on, the by-elections showing toamarked degree the increased popular support given to the Unionist candidates.
In 1401 this powerful family made its submission, accepting the favourable terms which the pope had had the good sense to offer.
He obtained a papal absolution from his promises; and he tricked the opposition into accepting the arbitration of the French king, Louis IX., whose verdict was a foregone conclusion.
Kirby (1815) founded an order Dermaptera for the earwigs, which had formed part of de Geer's Dermaptera, accepting Olivier's term Orthoptera for the rest of the assemblage, and as modern research has shown that the earwigs undoubtedly deserve original separation from the cockroaches, grasshoppers, crickets, &c., this terminology will probably become established.
The state constitution adopted in 1802 followed the enabling act in accepting this line, but made the proviso that if it should not intersect Lake Erie east of the mouth of the Miami river, then the northern boundary should be a line from the southern end of Lake Michigan to the most northern cape of Maumee Bay and thence to the Territorial line, and to the Pennsylvania line.
The influence of Flood did much to give direction to Grattan's political aims; and it was through no design on Grattan's part that when Lord Charlemont brought him into the Irish parliament in 1775, in the very session in which Flood damaged his popularity by accepting office, Grattan quickly superseded his friend in the leadership of the national party.
The truth probably is that he took no interest in studies which there was no risk in neglecting, and thought as little of rejecting as of accepting the traditional doctrines.
This step was favoured by the pope, and Ottakar, eagerly accepting the offer, strengthened his position by marrying Margaret, a sister of Duke Frederick II., and in return for his investiture promised his assistance to William of Holland.
On 12th September the decree had been published accepting the Bohemian claims; before the end of the year copies of it were seized by the police, and men were thrown into prison for circulating it.
Professor Petrie, however, thinks it best, while accepting the evidence of the Sirius date, to suppose further that a whole Sothic period of 1460 years had passed in the interval, making a total of 1650 years for the six dynasties in place of 220 years.
Up to that time all the leaders had been united in accepting the naturalistic formula, which was combined with an individualist and a radical tendency.
The emperors Zeno and Anastasius had been strongly suspected of it, and the Roman bishops had refused to communicate with the patriarchs of Constantinople since 484, when they had condemned Acacius for accepting the formula of conciliation issued by Zeno.
At the very end of his long career of theological discussion, Justinian himself lapsed into heresy, by accepting the doctrine that the earthly body of Christ was incorruptible, insensible to the weaknesses of the flesh, a doctrine which had been advanced by Julian, bishop of Halicarnassus, and went by the name of Aphthartodocetism.
When France went over to the Yorkists, Kennedy, accepting an English pension, made a long truce between Scotland and England (October 1464).
There can, however, be no hesitation in accepting Cervantes' verdict on Amadis de Gaula as the "best of all the books of this kind that have ever been written."
Considerations of weight had long prevented Lavoisier from accepting this doctrine, but he was now able to explain the process fully, showing that the hydrogen evolved did not come from the metal itself, but was one product of the decomposition of the water of the dilute acid, the other product, oxygen, combining with the metal to form an oxide which in turn united with the acid.
He had been a strong supporter of Irish Disestablishment, but he refused to follow Gladstone in accepting Home Rule.
From scepticism he escapes by accepting the doctrine of the mystics that God can be apprehended by intuition (intuitio, speculatio), an exalted state of the intellect in which all limitations disappear.
It shows us the Lord Jesus entering on the mission predicted by the Baptist without declaring Himself to be the Messiah; attracting the multitudes in Galilee by His healing power and His unbounded sympathy, and at the same time awakening the envy and suspicion of the leaders of religion; training a few disciples till they reach the conviction that He is the Christ, and then, but not till then, admitting them into the secret of His coming sufferings, and preparing them for a mission in which they also must sacrifice themselves; then journeying to Jerusalem to fulfil the destiny which He foresaw, accepting the responsibility of the Messianic title, only to be condemned by the religious authorities as a blasphemer and handed over to the Roman power as a pretender to the Jewish throne.
On the 5th of June the duke regent was proclaimed king under the title of Charles XIII., after accepting the new liberal constitution, which was ratified by the diet the same day.
It is a matter of dispute whether Hauran should be included within Palestine proper, accepting its definition as the " ancient Hebrew territory."
The representatives of his son Witheric put an end to the conflict by accepting the condition of vassalage.
This appeal has been called by a European scholar "one of the unworthiest comedies of the whole world's history," accepting the report of very partial Arabic writers that it happened when the Syrians were on the point of losing the battle.
When Erigena starts with such propositions, it is clearly impossible to understand his position and work if we insist on regarding him as a scholastic, accepting the dogmas of the church as ultimate data, and endeavouring only to present them in due order and defend them by argument.
When Berkeley has eliminated the literal materialism of Locke's metaphors of sense-perception, Hume finds no difficulty in accepting the sensations as present virtually in their own right, any nonsensible ground being altogether unknown.
The inheritance was a perilous one; his mother and others would have dissuaded him from accepting it, but he, confident in his abilities, declared at once that he would undertake its obligations, and discharge the sums bequeathed by the dictator to the Roman people.
Accepting the testimony of religion that the present world lies in wickedness and imperfection, theosophy faces the problem of speculatively accounting for this state of things from the nature of the Godhead itself.
There are, moreover, numerous passages in the sacred books of the East, especially those of the Buddhists, which warn the student against the assumption that "magical" performances of any kind are to be regarded as proving the truth of the performer's teaching; and indeed it must be owned in justice to the theosophists that similar warnings are to be found scattered throughout their writings; while even Madame Blavatsky herself was wont to expatiate on the folly of accepting her "phenomena" as the mark of spiritual truth.
Giving or accepting a challenge to a duel bars from office, but this survival of the ante-bellum social life is to-day only reminiscent.
Excommunicated by the Franciscan chapter-general in 1670, he remained a devout adherent of his church, although he maintained friendly relations with the Anglicans, accepting their orders and attending their churches.
Efforts were made to escape the necessity of accepting the perilous aid.
His capacity for accepting the gravest responsibilities was shown, not less than by his handling of an army in battle, by his ruthless devastation of the Valley - a severe measure felt to be necessary both by Sheridan himself and by Grant.
Without altogether accepting Merivale's judgment that " their principles of finance were to the last rude and unphilosophical," it may be granted that Roman statesmen never seriously faced the questions of just distribution and maximum productiveness in the tax system.
In accepting in 1645 the Westminster Directory of Public Worship she tacitly gave up her own liturgy which had been in use till recently, and committed herself to a bald and uninviting order of worship, in which no forms of prayer were allowed to be used.
In several cases his judgment appears to have been given against the party bestowing the bribe, and in at least one instance, that of Lady Wharton, it seems impossible to doubt that he must have known when accepting the present that his opinion would be adverse to her cause.
Being in good circumstances, he was anxious to show his gratitude to Spinoza by a gift of 2000 florins, which the philosopher half-jestingly excused himself from accepting.
The council thereupon acquiesced in its own humiliation by meekly accepting a royal brief changing its official title from Riksrdd (council of state) to Kungligarc d (royal council) - a visible sign that the senators were no longer the king's colleagues but his servants.
Founded as a home for the new religious opinions of the 6th century, it has ever been in the forefront of German universities in liberally accepting new ideas.
When, again, he met Wordsworth in 1797, the two poets freely and sympathetically discussed Spinoza, for whom Coleridge always retained a deep admiration; and when in 1798 he gave up his Unitarian preaching, he named his second child Berkeley, signifying a new allegiance, but still without accepting Christian rites otherwise than passively.
At that time Paul Kruger and Piet Joubert, delegates from the Transvaal Boers, were in Cape Town, and they used their influence to prevent the acceptance of the proposals, which were shelved by the ministry accepting " the 3 Serious troubles with the Basutos which began in 1879 reacted on the situation in the Transvaal and Natal.
Devoutly accepting the authority of Faith in the region of theology, he considered philosophy as based on perception.
In 1782 he obtained a silk gown, and was so far cured of his early modesty that he declined accepting the king's counselship if precedence over him were given to his junior, Thomas (afterwards Lord) Erskine, though the latter was the son of a peer and a most accomplished orator.
This being the case, and having regard to the minuteness and ubiquity of these organisms, we should be very careful in accepting evidence as to the continuity or otherwise of any two forms which falls short of direct and uninterrupted observation.
None of these systems, which are chiefly due to the medical bacteriologists, has maintained its position, owing to the difficulty of applying the characters and to the fact that such properties are physiological and liable to great fluctuations in culture, because a given organism may vary greatly in such respects according to its degree of vitality at the time, its age, the mode of nutrition observed; or, at any rate, the strictest rules should be followed in accepting the evidence adduced to render the union of any forms probable.
Woolston, at first to all appearance working earnestly in behalf of an allegorical but believing interpretation of the New Testament miracles, ended by assaulting, with a yet unknown violence of speech, the absurdity of accepting them as actual historical events, and did his best to overthrow the credibility of Christ's principal miracles.
Accepting the portfolio of public works in the Rattazzi cabinet in 1862, he served as intermediary in arranging with Garibaldi the expedition which ended disastrously at Aspromonte.
Accepting unhesitatingly the leadership of Garrison, and becoming like him gradually a disunionist, he lived essentially a platform life, interested in a variety of subjects, but first and chiefly an abolitionist.
The former, in fifteen books, aims to show that the Christians are justified in accepting the sacred writings of the Hebrews, and in rejecting the religion and philosophy of the Greeks.
Accepting with reservation Feuerbach's attack on the Hegelian "absolute idea," based on materialistic grounds (Der Mensch ist, was er isst), Marx was led to the conclusion that the causes of that process of growth which constitutes the history of society are to be found in the economic conditions of existence.
Protestantism, indeed, since the Act of Settlement in 1689, has been of the essence of the Constitution, the sovereign forfeiting his or her crown ipso facto by acknowledging the authority of the pope, by accepting " the Romish religion," or by marrying a Roman Catholic; and though of late years efforts have been made to modify or to abrogate this provision, the fact that such efforts have met with widespread opposition shows that it still represents the general attitude of the British nation.
In accepting this frontier King Leopold had to sacrifice all claims to the valley of the Niadi Kwilu, in which he had founded fourteen stations, and to the right bank of the Ubangi.
But we may follow Godwin-Austen in accepting the main chain of the Murtagh as merging into the central mountain system of the Tibetan Chang, its axis being defined and divided by the transverse stream of the Shyok at its westward bend, whilst the Karakoram range, in which the Shyok rises, is a subsidiary northern branch.
Upon the return of new dangers, or at least of fears, Abelard left the Paraclete to make trial of another refuge, accepting an invitation to preside over the abbey of St Gildas-de-Rhuys, on the far-off shore of Lower Brittany.
In 181 2 he committed the serious mistake of accepting a well-paid ornamental mission to Lisbon, which he was about to visit for the health of his eldest son.
A thoroughly healthy, well-balanced, harmonious nature, accepting life as it came, with all its joys and sorrows, and living it beautifully and hopefully, without canker and without uncharity.
As to the justice of such a progressive tax, there is a common opinion in its favour among economists, at least to .the extent of exempting a certain minimum of subsistence from taxation; but the present writer, after accepting this view in early life on the authority of Mill, must now express the greatest doubt.
McClellan, while accepting his candidacy, repudiated the platform, like a soldier and patriot.
As the general election approached he responded heartily to Mr. Lloyd George's proposal that the Coalition should be continued, and that the country should be definitely invited to return candidates who should undertake to support the Coalition Government; and he joined with him in issuing the letters or certificates, nicknamed " coupons," accepting Coalition candidates.
In 1906, for example, the people by the initiative secured a law forbidding public officers from accepting free passes from railways.
Jacobi, accepting the law of reason and consequent as the fundamental rule of demonstrative reasoning, and as the rule explicitly followed by Spinoza, points out that, if we proceed by applying this principle so as to recede from particular and qualified facts to the more general and abstract conditions, we land ourselves, not in the notion of an active, intelligent creator of the system of things, but in the notion of an all-comprehensive, indeterminate Nature, devoid of will or intelligence.
Accepting the homology of these apical systems with the calycinal system, the theory would regard the aboral pole of a sea-urchin or starfish as corresponding in everything, except its relations to the sea-floor, with the aboral pole of a fixed echinoderm.
Being a master of its methods, but very cautious in accepting assertions about its results, he secured attention early in the Free Church for scientific criticism, and yet threw the whole weight of his learning and his caustic wit into the argument against critical extravagance.
In 1897 he was chosen moderator of the general assembly, but his health prevented his accepting the post.
This decision separated the two western powers from Austria and Prussia, who were disposed to think that Russia had done all that could have been re4uired of her in accepting the note which the four powers had agreed upon.
In accordance with this suggestion the Commons in th following year again resolved to repeal the paper duties; but, instead of embodying their decision in a separate bill, they included it in the same measure which dealt with all the financial arrangements of the year, and thus threw oft the Lords the responsibility of either accepting the proposal, or of paralysing the whole machinery of administration by depriving the crown of the supplies which were required for the public services.
Up to 1867 a minister leaving one office and accepting another vacated his seat; after 1867 a transfer from one post to another did not necessitate a fresh election.
The two first kings of the house of Hanover could only keep the crown on their own heads by conciliating the Revolution families and accepting Revolution principles.
Again, Western theology, very roughly summarized, while accepting the earlier doctrinal tradition, has broken new ground for itself, in affirming as rational necessity that God must punish sin (this is at least latent in Aquinas's - doctrine of natural law), but as contingent fact of revelation that God has in Christ combined the punishment of sin with the salvation of sinners; this is the Reformation or postReformation thought.
Ward in his Gifford lectures for 1896-1898 (Naturalism and Agnosticism, 1899), Huxley's challenge ("I know what I mean when I say I believe in the law of the inverse squares, and I will not rest my life and my hopes upon weaker convictions") is one which a spiritualistic philosophy need not shrink from accepting at the hands of naturalistic agnosticism.
The Jacobins tried to frighten the king into accepting the decrees and recalling his ministers.
Instead of accepting the Constitution upon the condition of amendments, - in which way they might very likely have secured large concessions, - the Anti-Federalists stood for unconditional rejection, and public opinion, which went against them, proved that for all its shortcomings the Constitution was regarded as preferable to the Articles of Confederation.
The stress that their psychology laid on the essential unity of the rational self that is the source of voluntary action prevented them from accepting Plato's analysis of the soul into a regulative element and elements needing regulation.
And during the period of a century and a half between Antiochus and Plutarch, we may suppose the school to have maintained the old controversy with Stoicism on much the same ground, accepting the formula of " life according to nature," but demanding that the " good " of man should refer to his nature as a whole, the good of his rational part being the chief element, and always preferable in case of conflict, but yet not absolutely his sole good.
The former, while accepting utility as the criterion of " material goodness," had adhered to Shaftesbury's view that dispositions, not results of action, were the proper object of moral approval; at the same time, while giving to benevolence the first place in his account of personal merit, he had shrunk from the paradox of treating it as the sole virtue, and had added a rather undefined and unexplained train of qualities, - veracity, fortitude, activity, industry, sagacity, - immediately approved in various degrees by the " moral sense " or the " sense of dignity."
The most alluring of these, made him by the duke of Milan, Filippo Maria Visconti, he decided on accepting; and in 1440 he was received with honour by his new master in the capital of Lombardy.
Throughout his life he was much interested in politics, and though his temperamental indolence and his aversion for public life often prevented his accepting office, he exercised as a contributor, to the press and through his friendships, a powerful political influence, especially in New England.
When in 1884 the new law of taxation was adopted, the situation became so serious that in 1895 a new scheme was adopted by which the government gave to the bondholders additional securities, the bondholders at the same time accepting the new 4% unified bonds in exchange for their old .5% bonds.
He was drawn once more into affairs by the hopes of reform held out by Emile 0111vier, accepting in 1869 the presidency of an extraparliamentary committee on decentralization.
The Lacedaemonians refused to pay the fine above mentioned; the Athenians protested against the treatment of Amphissa, and were slow in accepting the decisions given under the influence of Macedon.
In 1715 the Irish House of Commons resolved that any one who should prosecute a Presbyterian for accepting a commission in the army without taking the test was an enemy to the king and to the Protestant interest.
The act of 1881 can scarcely be said to have worked well or smoothly, but it is not easy to see how any sort of settlement could have been reached without accepting the principle of having the rent fixed by a third party.
The monarchical principle no longer sufficed to ensure social discipline; the fear of lorfeiting the grant became the only powerful guarantee of obedience, and as this only applied to his personal vassals, Charlemagne gave up his claim to direct obedience from the test of the people, accepting the mediation of the counts, lords and bishops, who levied taxes, adjudicated and administered in virtue of the privileges of patronage, not of the right of the state.
Vain and imaginative, Th his reputation was enormously enhanced by his Economies royales; he was no innovator, and being a true representative of the nation at that period, like it he was but lukewarm towards reform, accepting it always against the grain.
Meanwhile Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas, accepting the exegetical services of the Arabians, did their best to controvert the obnoxious doctrine of the Intellect, and to defend the orthodoxy of Aristotle against the unholy glosses of infidels.
Aiphonso, after first accepting Sanchos claim, repudiated it, and made a will by which he not only left the crown of Castile to the eldest son of Fernando de la Cerda, but cut vassal kingdoms out of the southern parts of Spain for Sanchos younger brothers.
Just as this latter method of divination rested on a well-defined theory, to wit, that the liver was the seat of the soul of the animal and that the deity in accepting the sacrifice identified himself with the animal, whose "soul" was thus placed in complete accord with that of the god and therefore reflected the mind and will of the god, so astrology is based on a theory of divine government of the world, which in contrast to "liver" divination assumes at the start a more scientific or pseudo-scientific aspect.
The emperor confirmed the synod, but the Eastern Church was divided upon the question of accepting it, and Leo I.
He took also a considerable part in the debates on the foreign policy of the Prussian government; he defended the government for not accepting the Frankfort constitution, and opposed the policy of Radowitz, on the ground that the Prussian king would be subjected to the control of a non-Prussian parliament.
It was held at Constance in Germany, and John could only have resigned himself to accepting such an uncertain meeting-place because he was forced by distress, isolation and fear to turn towards the head of the empire.
Similarly his views of Rome and the Romans may have been influenced by his firm belief in the necessity of accepting the Roman supremacy as inevitable, and by his intimacy with Scipio.
He is here at the point at which he remained for many years, accepting without any criticism certain fundamental notions as required for real cognition.
The general law for the incorporation of cities and towns vests the government of each municipality accepting its provisions principally in a mayor and two aldermen from each ward.
Julie has mended well and accepting a raspy speech suffers no permanent damage.
Bianca drew a heart around her ex-boyfriend, Aaron's, name, followed by a huge X. She'd pined for him for five years, accepting his excuses of flying around the world for work while he just went across town to his wife.
No, she could never become as cold and accepting of death as the men around her, even if they were at war with a monster like Czerno.
Accepting it was difficult – but necessary.
Accepting, loving, trusting someone – even if bonded – was beyond Immortal Laws to dictate.
I thought about it and realized I was merely accepting it — and holding it over your head.
Sirian sat at the head of the long table, graciously accepting the warlord's normal seat while the warlord risked her life to return to her people.
Jonathan was accepting the responsibility of his younger siblings – without being directed to do so.
They were quite obstinate in their opinions and sneered at my "naïvety" in accepting your suggestions.
Or we transfer the costs to the developing world or migrant labor by tacitly accepting appalling working conditions and very poor returns for labor.
The interior had a conference table, 7 upholstered chairs and large ashtrays which were capable of accepting cigar ash.
Upon accepting a baronetcy in 1818, Scott also felt that the house was no longer in keeping with his new dignity.
You may have flashbacks of stressful memories and you may become almost childlike in accepting ideas or suggestions about yourself.
By accepting Liberian exports as legitimate, the international diamond industry actively colludes in crimes committed or permitted by the Liberian government.
The first commodore was Dr. Brennan with the owner of the property, Rear Admiral Ralph Fisher D.S.O., accepting the position of President.
Rather than accepting such a dichotomy, Deacy sees the figures as embodying the contradictions found in civilized societies that go to war.
Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection.
I was quite self-conscious but, as the horses were quite docile and very happy horses, they helped me by being very accepting.
Easily is now accepting Pre-Registration Applications for .Eu domains.. .
Accepting great harm does not mean becoming a doormat!
Accepting (or rejecting) a naturalistic theory requires only empirical observation and analysis -- evidence that can be accepted on its own merits.
I believe the judge erred in law by accepting hearsay evidence over factual evidence.
The columbaria are made from gray granite with a large facia for accepting a full inscription and ornamentation.
Inducements Analysts and other employees are prohibited from offering or accepting inducements Analysts and other employees are prohibited from offering or accepting inducements to provide favorable investment research.
We much doubt the desirability of women candidates accepting the party leavings.
They give a salutary lesson of the danger of accepting EU bribes.
Accepting he's telling the truth, the original article has undoubtedly grossly misrepresented what he said in interview.
Here, Pierre Jacob addresses the question raised by his accepting methodological naturalism, not metaphysical naturalism.
The religious believer joins in similar communal rites, thus accepting the " universal neurosis " of religion.
Please, don't tell me you are accepting the IPR lobby's line that the current regime of IPR protection must remain off-limits.
Instead of accepting dogma, perhaps one ought to think through problems including the problem of prescribing opiates.
Is ' identity ' merely about discovering and accepting conventional orthodoxy?
Accepting their apparent passivity is clearly no way forward.
The A - ion is a base because it is accepting a proton from the H 3 O + .
Saint Molaise lived on Holy Island and died there in 639 after accepting 30 diseases at once to avoid purgatory.
While Brown makes a half-hearted show at accepting the search, he is clearly riled by it.
Hence, there's moral advantage in accepting theism.
In short, I know I made the right decision in accepting a traineeship here with Bell & Scott.
Zimbabweans are blamed all over the world for being too subdued, too well-mannered, just accepting anything without protest.
Accepting Linke's formula, the potential at 4000 metres is 43,750 volts higher than at 1500 metres.
Von Bezold (81) in an earlier memoir presented data analogous to Steffens', seemingly accepting them as representing a true increase in thunderstorm destructiveness.
It was impossible for him to recede, and, after accepting the title of Citoyen Egalite, conferred on him by the commune of Paris, he was elected twentieth and last deputy for Paris to the Convention.
He, after critical negotiations, secured on July 8th an agreement with Germany accepting the international conference proposed by the sultan of Morocco on the assurance that Germany would recognize the special nature of the interest of France in maintaining order on the frontier of her Algerian empire.
At Franeker his house was a small château, " separated by a moat from the rest of the town, where the mass could be said in safety."' And one motive in favour of accepting an invitation to England lay in the alleged leanings of Charles I.
It contented itself with reaffirming the Nicene and Constantinopolitan creeds and the Ephesine formula of 431, and accepting, only after examination, the Christological statement contained in the Epistola Dogmatica of Leo I.
Next year he began to practise, but without very brilliant results, for five years later he definitely abandoned the exercise of his profession on accepting the post of compiler of abstracts in the registrar-general's office.
The failure to apprehend historical method has often led to the fallacious argument that the trustworthiness of individual features justifies our accepting the whole, or that the elimination of unhistorical elements will leave an historical residuum.
With the consent of the tsar, it was proposed to submit the questions at issue to the decision of Great Britain, France and Austria; and the Porte was informed that, in the event of its accepting this arrangement, the powers would at once proceed to guarantee the integrity of the Ottoman Empire.
It had been doubtful at first whether he would be allowed to inherit his ancestral throne at all; but Frederick removed the last scruples of the Rigsraad by unhesitatingly accepting the conditions imposed upon him.
But the more credible explanation is that he merely followed Chinese example in this matter, as he did also in linear perspective, accepting without question the curious canon that lines converge as they approach the spectator.
Over and above the general criticism, which may now be said to have been completely answered by the investigations of Zahn, Lightfoot and Harnack, one or two special arguments have been brought against the Epistle to Polycarp. Ussher, for instance, while accepting the other six epistles, rejected this on the ground that Jerome says that Ignatius only sent one letter to Smyrna - a mistake due to his misinterpretation of Eusebius.
Under this act a record committee, appointed annually by the pedigree stud, herd and flock book associations of Canada, perform the duties of accepting the entries of pure-bred animals for the respective pedigree registers, and are provided with an office and with stationery and franking privileges by the government.
The " Instrument " drawn up by the Lower Estates implied the retention of all their rights; and the king, in accepting the gift of a hereditary crown, did not repudiate the implied inviolability of the privileges of the donors.
From this time onward the Jansenist Church of Holland has continued as an independent body, accepting the authority of the general councils, up to and including that of Trent, but basing itself on the Gallican theory of Episcopacy and rejecting the Vatican council, the infallibility of the pope and the papal dogma of the Immaculate Conception.
On the 24th of January 1881 he introduced a new Coercion Bill in the House of Commons, to deal with the growth of the Land League, and in the course of his speech declared it to be "the most painful duty" he had ever had to perform, and one which would have prevented his accepting his office if he had known that it would fall upon him.
Is it better to give up Moscow without a battle, or by accepting battle to risk losing the army as well as Moscow?
On accepting the award, it was hardly surprising to hear Steve praise his players.
Hence, there 's moral advantage in accepting theism.
The ADS have started accepting PhD theses in digital format for our online library.
We do sincerely look forward to being able to revise our policies as society becomes more accepting of the unclothed human body.
There was something of an unintentional bias toward male speakers, with only two female philosophers accepting invitations.
We are also accepting vampires who are willing to kill werewolves.
Exclusive institutions may want to interview parents before accepting you onto their waiting list.
Parents then have the option of accepting or refusing the referred child, typically within the next two weeks.
Once you mail in your gold, you are accepting their terms and conditions, so make sure you read them carefully.
Online, most retailers start accepting orders at midnight and retailers that participate will usually open extra early as well, some also at the strike of twelve.
Due to privacy issues, the utility company won't tell you how much is owed, but they should have no problem accepting a payment.
Think of the processor as the brain, sending out commands to the body and accepting external data.
Some stores have stopped accepting coupons that are printed off the Internet because of so many fraudulent coupons in the past.
Even after years of routinely accepting your food offers, a feral cat may resist physical contact.
Users can withdraw money from ATMs and use the card at any location accepting it as a form of payment.
The company also offers a premium card, which provides rewards for other travel related expenses, such as flights, and a Visa card, which is usable at any location accepting Visa.
With a debit card, you can take cash out of your account from either an ATM machine or from the merchant accepting the card.
Merchant Services - This customer service team assists merchants with issues pertaining to accepting the American Express card at their businesses.
Accepting American Express cards can potentially increase sales greatly.
You can be fairly sure that once you start accepting Amex cards you will see these cards used for purchases time and again.
Some businesses make the claim to have seen their sales increase as much as 50 percent when they started accepting American Express.
As a merchant, accepting the Ultimate debit card offers many advantages.
No fees for accepting payments by check, phone or fax - Typical price for this service is $300.
Currently, Citibank is not accepting any new enrollees in this service, but they are accepting new customers for their newest monitoring service, IdentityMonitor.
Expand your business by accepting payments from International customers.
While the CashPoints Debit Card can only be used with merchants participating in the Interlink point of sale and ATM system, the NCSECU Visa Check Card can be used with any merchant accepting Visa cards.
Otherwise, the higher interest rate you are being charged means you may not be any further ahead by accepting the rewards the card offers.
Accepting debt settlements can be financially feasible for creditors and collection agencies, especially when the debt was purchased from the original creditor for pennies on the dollar.
Your financial institution will probably ask you to opt in to overdraft protection and will outline the merits and potential costs of accepting overdraft protection on your checking account.
Not every merchant accepts Discover cards, although the number of merchants accepting Discover cards for purchases increases as the popularity of this card increases.
These gift cards give the user the ability to use the balance on the card at merchants accepting Visa.
Request a copy of the terms and conditions before accepting any offer.
Merchants and service providers accepting the card for payment may not even realize that the card is issued by the government, so there will not be any request for special identification or copies of military orders.
This card is accepted any place accepting Visa debit.
You'll have a much harder time accepting the end of your marriage and embracing the new life you have before you.
Accepting the divorce and the way you feel about it is your first step in recovering so you can move on.
Every interior decorator takes an assessment of an area before beginning work or sometimes even accepting a job.
Neutrals are more accepting of other colors, so they are likely to work with whatever is already in the room.
Jefferson was excited to make changes to Monticello when he returned to America upon accepting the position as the first Secretary of the State.
This year's Best Teen Chef Competition is now accepting applications.
Most downloads are for personal use only; you are not allowed to use these items when you are accepting payment to design scrapbook pages for others.
However, you can alleviate some of your angst by accepting your expectations or the inevitable.
Reputable jobs will also not require teens to put down any money before accepting the job.
My advice is to be honest in accepting that you aren't ready for just one guy quite yet.
Once you have an agent, accepting job assignments is about the only way you can expect more to be sent your way.
You may see a classmate's mother accepting help at a food bank or a neighbor checking in to the hospital.
Some schools are more accepting of pranks than others.
If you are thinking about joining the US Army, keep in mind that the US Army enlistment site states that the Army is not currently accepting those with a GED in most areas of the country.
Accepting a homemade cake in lieu of a wedding gift is a way to save hundreds of dollars or more on total wedding costs.
Compliment your partner's ability to love others for who they are, accepting their flaws.
While adults may tell children that it's important to be truthful, they tend to be more accepting of "little white lies" than more serious infractions.
The family has also been criticized for using their kids to make money and for accepting donations and handouts to pay for everything from diapers and groceries to lavish vacations.
Sandra was told to pass on the bus movie Speed, but clearly she made a wise career decision accepting the breakthrough role.
Lopez's decision to do American Idol prevented Anthony from accepting a role in a reality show, causing resentment.
While those who love to travel and meet new people could really benefit from cruise ship employment opportunities, it's important to take some time to consider the pros and cons before accepting a job offer.
To learn the details of any particular offer, simply request the information from the offer provider, but be sure to get it in writing before accepting it.
At the least, they should no longer be accepting new animals or returns.
The first thing to know is that although many people regard their dog as their child or their friend, dogs and animals in general are infinitely more sensative than most people when it comes to recognizing and accepting impending death.
At the time of this writing, Guinness World Records was accepting applicants for the title of World's Oldest Living Dog.
It won't happen overnight, but your dog will become more accepting after a few sessions.
Tempest Storm promoted herself relentlessly, dating celebrities and accepting a mock award from Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis for having the two biggest props in Hollywood.
Accepting this is crucial for the homeowner to enjoy using marble in this manner.
His method uses mastic and fiberglass reinforced paper to form a surface over the countertop that's accepting of standard thinset mortar.
When using an organic approach to gardening, it's often a matter of accepting trade offs.
Along with other famous plus size models, Mia has struggled with accepting her weight (she's also appeared on Celebrity Fit Club), but being a size six is simply not a realistically healthy goal for her and for many other women.
These famous faces who have bucked the conventional wisdom that you must weigh 110 pounds in order to be beautiful have motivated a lot of women of size into accepting themselves as they are.
In some cases, a care provider accepting a gift of either money or property is considered abuse as well.
The organization stopped accepting applications in 2009 and ceased operations in 2010.
With such long waiting lists many low income senior living facilities stop accepting applications for rental units.
The practice does provide names and phone numbers for local primary care doctors who are accepting new patients, in case a potential patients does not have a doctor of his or her own.
Dr. Fishback is board certified in Sleep Medicine, Pathology, and Internal Medicine, and is accepting new patients.
Both nurse practitioners are accepting new patients.
Everyone's pointing fingers but no one is accepting the blame.
He's said to be a very humble man, riding his bike to work and only accepting an average pay rate, despite being partially responsible for turning Nintendo into a multi-million dollar company.
However, not only could the R4 retain the memory of numerous DS games, it was also capable of accepting flash memory which permits users to upload data to the card.
Most mobile phones that can play video downloads are capable of accepting the 3GP format (files with the extension .3gp).
After filling in the necessary contact information and accepting the user terms, select "none" as your payment option.
The LinkedIn app allows you to manage your LinkedIn networking account by sending messages, accepting connection requests and updating your professional information.
Do this by signing into the Family Locator website, accepting the terms and conditions, and activating the phones that appear on the screen.
Responsive parents are warm and accepting toward their children, enjoying them and trying to see things from their perspective.
Adolescents fare best and their parents are happiest when parents can be both encouraging and accepting of the child's needs for more psychological independence.
Siblings may need to talk about the pressures they face, such as accepting the extra time and attention their parents must devote to a retarded brother or sister.
Parents are frequently frustrated by the intensity of their child's separation anxiety while an infant and toddler and believe that something is wrong with their child rather than accepting this natural stage of development.
Older children may even protest or despair in getting an injection but are usually accepting of reasonable explanations.
Even if they are initially accepting, it is not unusual for young children to cry when they realize that their parents are leaving.
Parents can reduce their stress by using social support groups, accepting their childs condition, and maintaining a positive attitude.
There are some physical features that teens cannot change, but accepting themselves as they are without undue self-criticism is challenging.
However, shelters do set certain conditions for accepting runaways, the most common being parental notification.
While there is no exact period of time a person will stay in this stage, this defense mechanism is used when the pain of accepting a person's death is too great to face.
Whether a man chooses to slow, avoid, or embrace his receding hairline, understanding the condition is the first step toward accepting it as a part of his life and style.
The Washington Homeschool Organization (WHO) is a state-wide association that is not affiliated with any particular religious background and is accepting of all participants and their reasons for homeschooling.
If a site is not included on the list, the location is not currently accepting applications.
Although this company does hire people for creative positions, it has a strict policy of not accepting any unsolicited materials.
This resource provides details to consider before accepting a position.
Read each job description carefully for the requirements and be sure to get a complete understanding of your duties before accepting a general manager's position.
Therefore, you will be the one accepting almost all of the risk.
Green Point Mortgage stopped accepting new loans in August 2007 for residential mortgage loans and October 2007 for commercial mortgage loans.
Not every mortgage lender offers construction loans, but it is a great idea to check out what the various lenders are offering instead of simply accepting whatever lender the builder endorses.
Potential borrowers looking to obtain a reverse mortgage should find a lender that is currently in business and accepting applications.The information below pertains to when Countrywide was still open for business.
This means that accepting the highest amount you qualify for may result in financial problems down the road as you struggle to maintain a housing payment and all the accompanying expenses that come along with it.
The Florida Office of Financial Regulation, which is the organization responsible for accepting mortgage broker applications and issuing licenses, provides an extensive list of mortgage broker schools.
A direct lender accepts applications directly from potential borrowers instead of only accepting applications through mortgage brokers or other intermediaries.
Your lender will need to know this information when accepting your refinance application.
The process is extremely dangerous and RYT Hospital is not currently accepting patients for this procedure.
Many maternity resale store owners take pride in their stock, only accepting items that are in excellent condition.
Before you assume your equipment is welcome, ensure the hospital policies are accepting of your plans to film.
For safety purposes, most escorts will have their own screening process before accepting a new client whether it is through their agency or some other means.
You can call the hotel directly at 415-626-6500 or you can check the website to see if the online booking tool is accepting reservations.
However, it's definitely not all a beautiful bed of roses when it comes to everybody accepting liquid vitamins.
Instead of throwing away your unwanted furniture, why not donate it to a charity accepting furniture as a donation?
The shelter tries to take a non-judgmental approach to accepting animals for surrender.
The most important thing to do is to call first to make sure that the charity is currently accepting donations of furniture.
Chicago public schools are always accepting donations.
With multiple organizations accepting automobiles, as well as a charity designed just to coordinate car donations to other groups, anyone can donate a car when they are ready to do so.
This program involves accepting donated vehicles, which are sold as a way of raising money.
The Loading Dock is a reuse facility accepting donations of building materials.
Store employees might be prohibited from accepting tips for their help, but your volunteers will not.
It seems as though the holiday is in the country to stay, regardless of the feelings of some, though Asian countries are more accepting of Western cultural traditions than ever before.
Likewise, dogs that spend a lot of time being handled are usually more accepting of clothing than dogs with a "hands off" policy.
If only interracial dating was as easy as two people accepting and caring for each other based on their merits as human beings.
The first step in raising your radar, is accepting your vulnerability.
While BBWs embrace their beauty, accepting themselves as sexual can be far more difficult.
By accepting them, he is sending the message to both you and her, that he is interested in the emails and gifts.
Instead of accepting him at his word, you contacted the other woman expecting her to either confirm your boyfriend's story or reveal information that could prove he lied to you.
The most obvious is accepting a date with him.
The challenge isn't trying to change him; it's you accepting him for who he is.
I made the mistake of accepting a marriage proposal after the death of my father.
I'm also guessing your girlfriend is sensing that you're planning to ask her to marry you and she doesn't want to hurt your feelings by not accepting.
Avoid sounding desperate - This is more than avoiding a pleading tone of voice; it's also accepting their silence graciously.
Loving a man, accepting him for who he is and supporting him to be the best person he can be are the successful ingredients to a great relationship.
The trick to flirting is accepting when the person you're flirting with doesn't want to take flirting anywhere.
This means accepting yourself as you are right now and knowing that a loving relationship is inevitable.
Before accepting or rejecting a jewel based on a technical definition, potential buyers should investigate the qualities of different stones and how they match up with their individual preferences.
If a company is promising to pay you based on some complicated revenue sharing plan you don't understand, think twice before accepting the offer.
Clients should be aware that it's a good idea to review writing samples for quality and style before accepting any bid and to pay close attention to the way that previous clients have rated the individual you are considering hiring.
Whispers and Warnings - If you are interested in avoiding accepting work from companies that other freelancers have had problems with, take the time to review this section of the forum.
The types of companies that hire copywriters generally have a budget that is much larger than a newspaper or a magazine that is accepting article submissions.
Loving a Virgo man is all about accepting his foibles.
Private schools have considerably more latitude than do public schools in accepting and retaining students.
Having different uniforms for spring and fall use can help make students more accepting of a school's uniform policy, but this does result in an extra expense for parents.
Free is wonderful, but if you are prone to allergies, then you need to be a bit more careful when accepting free lotion samples.
Always read the fine print, terms, and conditions before accepting any trial e-card membership offer.
If you make copies of the coupon, the store won't be able to be properly reimbursed and may decide to stop accepting printable coupons all together.
Susan married her husband Helmet just shortly after accepting her role as Erica Kane.
When you visit fan sites and spoiler websites, you are accepting the idea that storylines and other information may be "spoiled".
Born in 1932, Thorp appeared in English films in the 1950s before accepting the role of Alan Turner on Emmerdale in 1982.
Here you can see if they accepting appointments and how far in advance appointments must be made.
While it is true that society is more accepting of tattoos now then they were a decade ago, highly visible tattoos are still frowned upon by some people.
They provide an open, accepting, non-competitive atmosphere and "welcome students in their current state of being."
By accepting your body's limits, you can gently move forward over time.
According to Hacerola, the purpose of World Naked Yoga Day is to encourage people to try this type of yoga and become more comfortable and accepting of their bodies.
These groups include families that have been through the diagnosis, the emotional aftermath, and the day-to-day difficulties of accepting and adjusting to the circumstances of autism.
Initially, I was not accepting of my diagnosis.
Children at this age are often less judgmental and more accepting of someone that is different from them because the social stigmas and ill-conceived notions of conformity are not important.
Before accepting a hard diagnosis, it's important to know that sometimes autism signs and symptoms are also signs of other disorders along the spectrum.
Entrepreneurs by their very nature have a difficult time accepting someone else into their business and yielding control.
You can even expand the offerings by accepting donated items from families and friends.
Be sure to review all the conditions before accepting an offer.
When accepting a job with group health benefits, a waiting period usually ensues.
There are other desired traits which Cigna looks for in a potential candidate before accepting the candidate into the program.
Citizens Property Insurance Corporation is one of the few insurance companies accepting new customers for property and casualty homeowner's insurance in this area.
The existence of a signed medical release form does not guarantee that a lawsuit will not be filed, but in some cases it can serve as powerful proof that the person who signed the form was accepting the financial liability.
This company acts as a health insurance broker by accepting and processing quote requests from customers and then passing the information along to more than a hundred companies to find the best coverage at the most reasonable price.
Generally, you increase your chances of obtaining health insurance at a low cost by purchasing the least amount of coverage and accepting the highest policy deductible possible.
Most insurance companies offer insurance calculators on their websites that will allow you to take a look at how much of a car insurance deductible you should consider accepting when purchasing your policy.
For this reason, families seeking affordable health insurance should think very carefully about accepting a very high deductible.
For the people who do wind up needing long term health care, however, this type of coverage can make the difference between living comfortably in an assisted living facility or accepting a lower level of care.
Ask about ways that you might be able to get a lower premium cost, such as by accepting a higher deductible or renting a home or apartment that features a security system.
It means that you can lower the cost of renters insurance by renting in low-crime areas, only insuring the personal property that you absolutely must insure, and accepting a high deductible for the renters policy.
When you visit the main Etomi Pro site, following the link to register only takes you to the message, "Thank-you for your interest but we are not accepting any new customers."
At the time of writing, the BMG is not accepting new members, but does still offer services to existing members.
Upon accepting her position as PR Director at DVF, Whitney packs up her things and leaves her hometown of sunny Los Angeles for New York City and the series MTV The City was born.
In later seasons of Hell's Kitchen, winners were given the choice between accepting $250,000 in prize money without accepting a job or working for a year as a chef in a restaurant Ramsay places them and earn that $250,000 as a salary.
After accepting the offer from Channel 4, O'Grady refused to continue with his work on the show after taping only one episode.
The application disclaimer also states that by accepting the aforementioned prizes, gifts or money, you also "release and indemnify" the show's producer from any liability.
Jay McCarroll was the winner of the first season of Project Runway, and has gone on to create his own clothing lines as well as accepting a teaching position at Philadelphia University.
Mulder is, if not credulous, at least more open to accepting unconventional explanations for mysterious phenomena than Scully, who persistently fights to find a 'logical' explanation.
On his Firefly class ship, named Serenity, Mal struggles to keep his boat in the air and his hand-picked crew fed by accepting any and every job he is offered.
There was never any decisive 'settling differences' moment, but he did gradually become more accepting of Paris.
Companies offering to pay for your blog posts first review your blog before accepting you into the program.
From accepting the information to creating profiles to automatically adding it to the guestbook entries immediately, Perl and Java and CGI scripts can make a web programmer's life easier.
Alex had been the one who helped her see them as true family, and yet he was having issues accepting his own father.
Are you accepting the job?
She'd always been grateful to him for accepting her and her gift, but he'd always refused to tell her what exactly he was and how he seemed to be able to read her mind sometimes.
Jonny was only accepting the path he'd already chosen, but it was a difficult pill for her to swallow.
There's nothing else between you and me, except you accepting it.
Accepting it was difficult – but necessary.
Immediately he was on his feet, accepting her hand.
Meeting his parents, them accepting me, fitting in with the new place, you know.
Carmen nodded, accepting the cup of coffee Mums offered.
I thought about it and realized I was merely accepting it — and holding it over your head.
If the future relies upon her accepting him, I'm not sure it'll happen.
She hesitated before accepting his hand.
I'm accepting the inevitable.
Accepting the law he distinguishes productive from permissive or transmissive function (p. 32), and, rejecting the view that brain produces thought, he recognizes that in our present condition brain transmits thought, thought needs brain for its organ of expression; but this does not exclude the possibility of a condition in which thought will be no longer so dependent on brain.
In giving and accepting battle at Borodino, Kutuzov acted involuntarily and irrationally.
The Lucas Arts website is currently accepting pre-orders.
Many Salvation Army locations announce when and where they will be accepting applications for the Angel Tree program in local newspapers, on radio stations and in community newsletters.
He served aboard the station throughout the Dominion War before accepting a position at Starfleet Academy as professor of Engineering.
She swung her legs around and firmly planted her feet on the ground before accepting the hand he offered.
She shrugged and handed him her canteen, accepting the full one he offered.
Accepting his proposal of marriage might be setting her up for a fall, but declining was surely something she would live to regret.
But you must understand my people are not like you, are not as accepting of your loose tongue.
Soon afterwards he went to London, where he lived until his death in 1807, never accepting the Concordat, which had suppressed his archiepiscopal see.
He was accepting his obligation to her while shutting off everything but the physical side of him.