Acceptance Sentence Examples
Apparently her calm acceptance encouraged him to continue.
Voluntary acceptance of shared practices is not a surrender of autonomy.
Without pledging ourselves to the acceptance of all its details - some of which, as is only natural, cannot be sustained with our present knowledge - it is certainly not too much to say that Merrem's merits are almost incomparably superior to those of any of his predecessors.
Had his offer been as impulsive as her acceptance?
In particular, his acceptance of the crown would have guaranteed his followers, under the act of Henry VII., from liability in the future to the charge of high treason for having given allegiance to himself as a de facto king.
This theory has advanced from the position of a disparaged heresy to acceptance by leading thinkers.
A note of Fox, however, on the margin of a copy of The Decline and Fall records a very distinct remembrance of the historian's previous vituperation of the ministry; within a fortnight of the date of his acceptance of office, he is there alleged to have said that " there was no salvation for this country until six heads of the principal persons in administration were laid upon the table."
His logic and acceptance of the deformity was amazingly positive and mature for a 9-year-old.
Though this at first met with some acceptance, Strasburger showed that the action goes on in great lengths of stem the cells of which have been killed by poison or by the action of heat.
The importance of Siger in philosophy lies in his acceptance of Averroism in its entirety, which drew upon him the opposition of Albertus Magnus and Aquinas.
AdvertisementThe fear was as to whether the statutory number of 80,000 votes necessary for the acceptance of the bill would be reached.
This form of automatic coupler has now gained practically universal acceptance in the United States.
There was a sad acceptance Howie's future belonged in Howie's hands and not ours.
Sir Michael Costa was the conductor 1846-1854, and from his acceptance of that high pitch the fork became known as Costa's, and its inception was attributed to him, though on insufficient grounds.
The dim light of hope in his eyes faded into grim acceptance.
AdvertisementThe increase in the numbers rejected as unfit is accounted for by the fact that if only a small proportion of the contingent can be taken for service, the medical standard of acceptance is high.
Under the heading of Abiogenesis is discussed the series of steps by which the modern acceptance of biogenesis and rejection of abiogenesis has been brought about.
The enumerated population of the country in 1880 was larger than had been anticipated; and in the face of these figures it was difficult for local complaints, even where they were made, to find hearing and acceptance.
Congregationalism proper, as a theory of the organized Christian life contemplated in the New Testament, re-emerges only at the Reformation, with its wide recovery of such aspects of evangelic experience as acceptance with God and constant access' to Him through the sole mediation of Christ.
He'd lost the air of indecision and regret, trading it for acceptance and resolve.
AdvertisementThis view, however, has not met with general acceptance.
And the doctrine found acceptance among some whom it enabled to get rid of the difficulties raised by Montaigne and those who allowed more difference between animal and animal than between the higher animals and man.
In Spain and North Africa persecution created that strange and significant phenomenon Maranism or crypto-Judaism, a public acceptance of Islam or Christianity combined with a private fidelity to the rites of Judaism.
In fact the ready acceptance of spiritualism testifies to the force with which the primitive animistic way of looking at things appealed to the white races in the middle of the last century.
Another explanation, which appears first in Jewish authors of the middle ages and has found wide acceptance in recent times, derives the name from the causative of the verb; He (who) causes things to be, gives them being; or calls events into existence, brings them to pass; with many individual modifications of interpretation - creator, lifegiver, fulfiller of promises.
AdvertisementAs little from the side of knowledge is it likely that any theory will find acceptance which reduces all thought to a process of analysis and the discovery of abstract identity.
Here Browne distinguishes acceptance of the covenant relation with God (religion) and the forming or " planting " of churches on the basis of God's covenant (with its laws of government), from the enforcing of the covenant voluntarily accepted, whether by church-excommunication or by civil penalties - the latter only in cases of flagrant impiety, such as idolatry, blasphemy or Sabbath-breaking.
The split broke up the rule of the "regency," Marcy accepting the " Hunker " support and a seat in Polk's cabinet, while Wright, Butler and Van Buren joined the " Barnburners," a step preliminary to Van Buren's acceptance of the " Free Soil " nomination for president in the campaign of 1848.
On the death of Damasus II., Bruno was in December 1048, with the concurrence both of the emperor and of the Roman delegates, selected his successor by an assembly at Worms; he stipulated, however, as a condition of his acceptance that he should first proceed to Rome and be canonically elected by the voice of clergy and people.
Smith, though recognizing the unpleasantness of beats, could not accept Sauveur's theory, and, indeed, it received no acceptance till it was rediscovered by Helmholtz, to whose investigations, recorded in his Sensations of Tone, we owe its satisfactory establishment.
The spring and early summer of 1910 were spent by Mr Roosevelt in travelling through Egypt, the continent of Europe, and England, in acceptance of invitations which he had received to make various public speeches in these countries.
The benefits of the atonement are appropriated by " the acceptance of God's forgiveness in Christ, our self-identification with Christ's atoning attitude, and then working out, by the power of the life bestowed upon us, all the (moral and spiritual) consequence of forgiveness."
It was a time of great religious interest, when old cults were being revived and new ones were finding acceptance on all sides.
His acceptance entailed the resignation of the Oxford chair, though not continuous residence at Cambridge.
While refusing to acknowledge the Roman Church as the true church, he allowed it to be a true church and a branch of the Catholic body, at the same time emphasizing the perils of knowingly associating with error; and with regard to the English Church he denied that the acceptance of all its articles was necessary.
The next stage brings us to the critical theories or conclusions which at first gradually and then rapidly, in spite of the keenest criticisms directed against them both by those who clung more or less completely to tradition and by the representatives of the earlier critical school, gained increasing acceptance, until to-day they dominate Old Testament study.
Meanwhile his free lectures in Jena met with much acceptance, and led to an invitation from Gotthilf Francke to the post of assistant professor of theology and superintendent of schools connected with his orphanage at Halle.
Garfield, the necessity of conciliating the defeated faction led to the hasty acceptance of Arthur for the second place on the ticket.
Its acceptance or its rejection does not in any degree whatever affect, for better or for worse, the rational estimate of her character.
He announced his acceptance from Marseilles,.
But the opposition subsided somewhat on the publication of Tsar Nicholas's congratulations to the king on his engagement and of his acceptance to act as the principal witness at the wedding.
On the 3 1st of March 1871, moreover, the bonds with the rest of the empire had been drawn closer by the acceptance of a number of laws of the North German Confederation, of which the most important was the new criminal code, which was finally put into force in Bavaria in 1879.
The story met with ready acceptance and popularity.
Forms. - Various schemes of classification have been proposed, but none has met with universal acceptance; the following are at least the principal types.
In the first volume a chapter "De plantis in genere" contains an account of all the anatomical and physiological knowledge of the time regarding plants, with the recent speculations and discoveries of Caesalpinus, Grew, Malpighi and Jung; and Cuvier and Dupetit Thouars, declaring that it was this chapter which gave acceptance and authority to these authors' works, say that "the best monument that could be erected to the memory of Ray would be the republication of this part of his work separately."
Of course, that acceptance doesn't mean that people of this sign are going to stop seeking perfection.
Its acceptance was however the signal for a series of massacres in almost every town of importance throughout Asia Minor, which there is but too strong evidence for suspecting were committed with the connivance of the authorities, and in which upwards of 200,000 persons are computed to have perished.
But the acceptance of a portfolio in a bourgeois ministry led to his exclusion from the Unified Socialist party (March 1906).
This fiscal policy he pursued during his three Federal premierships (1903-4, 1905-8, 1909-10), and he was also a strong supporter of Australia's cooperation in Imperial defence, being responsible for the acceptance of the measure authorizing Australian naval construction in 1909 and for the invitation to Lord Kitchener to come to Australia to report on the question of defence.
In 1872 his acceptance of the chancellorship of Lincoln opened a new period of his life.
In London the Saxon stood outside the government for centuries, and the acceptance of the Roman survival explains much that is otherwise unintelligible.
Athelstan's acceptance of the London-made law for the whole kingdom, as pointed out by Mr Gomme, is another instance of the independence of the Londoner.
Soon afterwards, however, his acceptance of a pastorate marked a change, and he produced a number of noteworthy works on practical theology.
For the promulgation of these views, which were confessedly at variance with the doctrines of the standards of the national church of Scotland, he was summoned (1726) before his presbytery, where in the course of the investigations which followed he affirmed still more explicitly his belief that "every national church established by the laws of earthly kingdoms is antichristian in its constitution and persecuting in its spirit," and further declared opinions upon the subject of church government which amounted to a repudiation of Presbyterianism and an acceptance of the puritan type of Independency.
He was in favour of the Protector's assumption of the royal title and urged his acceptance of it on several occasions.
But later, with the growing claims of the individual and the acknowledgment of these in the religious and intellectual life, both problems, and especially the latter, pressed themselves irresistibly on the notice of religious thinkers, and made it impossible for any conception of the divine rule and righteousness to gain acceptance, which did not render adequate satisfaction to the claims of both problems. To render such satisfaction was the task undertaken by apocalyptic, as well as to vindicate the righteousness of God alike in respect of the individual and of the nation.
The delegates were bound by instructions from their towns and had to report home the decisions of the assembly for acceptance or rejection.
It has since been proposed to treat the Culicimorphae as a distinct family under the title Corethridae, and it is probable that with this modification Lutz's scheme will meet with general acceptance.
His main contention has met with some acceptance,' but the great current of ethnographical speculation still flows in the direction indicated by Humboldt.
This decision at first gave offence to the Bolivians, but friendly overtures from Peru led to its acceptance by both parties with the understanding that modifications would be made in locating the line wherever actual settlements had been made by either party on territory awarded to the other.
At last their depreciation reached a point where their acceptance was generally refused and silver was imported for commercial needs, when the government suspended their legal tender quality and allowed them to disappear.
The so-called era of the creation of the world is therefore a purely conventional and arbitrary epoch; practically, it means the year 4004 B.C., - this being the date which, under the sanction of Archbishop Usher's opinion, won its way, among its hundreds of competitors, into general acceptance.
After the acceptance of Russian rule by the Cossacks in 1654, the post was shorn of its power.
The Reformation found only temporary acceptance at 'Regensburg, and was met by a counter-reformation inspired by the Jesuits.
It has since been consistently Democratic. The supremacy of the party was threatened for a time by the growth of Populism, but the danger was ayoided by the acceptance of free silver, and the partial adoption of the Populist local programme.
At the same time this difficulty is only one aspect of a wider difficulty which cannot be lightly passed over; Maxwell himself regarded it as the principal obstacle in the way of the full acceptance of the theory of which he was so largely the author.
The Stahlian theory, originally a theory of combustion, came to be a general theory of chemical reactions, since it provided simple explanations of the ordinary chemical processes(when regarded qualitatively) and permitted generalizations which largely stimulated its acceptance.
Pere Lourdel, who was Mwanga's chief adviser at this time, counselled acceptance of these terms, but Jackson at first marched in a different direction northwards.
These works covered a large field and their original views and methods met with wide acceptance.
Luther found no in- orAnti- tellectual difficulties in his acceptance and interpreta- Trinl- tion of the Scriptures as God's word, and in maintaining against the Anabaptists the legitimacy of every old custom that was not obviously contrary to the Swiptures.
The defect of English empiricism from the outset had been the uncritical acceptance of the metaphysical dogma of a pure unadulterated sense-experience as the criterion of truth.
On behalf of the older it may be confidently affirmed that no solution is likely to find general acceptance which involves the rejection of the conception of unity and intelligible order as the primary principle of our world.
Other important works in which English and American scholars have co-operated are the Encyclopaedia Biblica (1899-1903) and Hastings' Bible Dictionary (1898-1904) - the latter less radical, but yet on the whole based on acceptance of the fundamental positions of Vatke, Graf, Wellhausen.
The view which has received most general acceptance is that they represent a branch of the Caucasic division of mankind who migrated at a remote period possibly in Neolithic times from the Asiatic mainland travelling by way of the Malay Archipelago and gradually colonizing the eastern Pacific. The Polynesians, who, as represented by such groups as the Samoans and Marquesas islanders, are the physical equal of Europeans, are of a light brown colour, tall, well-proportioned, with regular and often beautiful features.
No doubt there were many conscious hypocrites and impostors among the professional prophets, as there always will be among the professional representatives of a religious standpoint which is intrinsically untenable, and yet has on its side the prestige of tradition and popular acceptance.
Every early religion seeks to realize such an intercourse with the object of worship as shall be two-sided; when the worshipper approaches the deity he desires to have an answer assuring him of acceptance and divine aid.
The society's interdenominational character has commonly secured - what could hardly otherwise have been attained - the acceptance of the same version by missions of different churches working side by side.
As a moral philosopher Smith cannot be said to have won much acceptance for his fundamental doctrine.
The advocates of change were discontented with the hesitating acceptance which their principles had obtained.
In Goshen the Boers defied his authority, while in Stellaland only a half-hearted acceptance of it was given.
The growing desire in Italy for alliance with Austria and Germany did not at first secure his approval; nevertheless he accompanied King Humbert to Vienna and conducted the negotiations which led to the informal acceptance of the Triple Alliance.
Whether the name signifies the taking up of burdens or the acceptance of privileges is a disputed point.
His acceptance of office is made optional by the act; there is nothing to prevent his discharging it if he see fit to do so.
The wise man and the ignorant, the enthusiast and the man of the world, could all find acceptance here, and there was laid on no one more than he was able and willing to bear.
If the Senate is controlled by the same party as the House, it is likely to secure the acceptance of many of its amendments.
His mind gradually turned from belief in the efficacy of violent measures to the acceptance of constitutional methods; and in his last book, King Stork and King Log, he spoke with approval of the efforts of politicians on the Liberal side to effect, by argument and peaceful agitation, a change in the attitude of the Russian government towards various reforms. Stepniak constantly wrote and lectured, both in Great Britain and the United States, in support of his views, and his energy, added to the interest of his personality, won him many friends.
After every such critical examination four conclusions are possible - acceptance, doubt, rejection and alteration.
On the one hand, it is apt to take refuge in an uncritical acceptance of the traditional readings, and, on the other hand, to produce a crop of hesitant and mutually destructive conjectures which a reader naturally resents as a needless waste of his time.
In the 1907 state legislature a county local option bill was passed in February, and immediately afterward the Sherrod anti-shipping bill was enacted forbidding the acceptance of liquors for shipment, transportation or delivery to prohibition districts, and penalising the soliciting of orders for liquor in "dry" districts with a punishment of $500 fine and six months' imprisonment with hard labour.
The acceptance of the proposition to call the convention and the election of many conscientious and intelligent delegates were largely due to the influence of ex-Governor Brown, who was strongly convinced that the wisest course for the South was to accept quickly what Congress had offered.
But, on the news of Louis Philippe's acceptance of the crown, he gave up the contest and began a dignified retreat to the sea-coast, followed by his suite, and surrounded by the infantry, cavalry and artillery of the guard.
It is composed of groups of the different parliaments of the world, who meet periodically to " bring about the acceptance in their respective countries, by votes in parliament and by means of arbitration treaties, of the principle that differences between nations should be submitted to arbitration and to consider other questions of international importance."
The absence of Gracchus, and the inefficiency of his representative at Rome, led to the acceptance of these proposals, which were never intended to be carried.
On the other hand, in a Congressional election in a certain district in Massachusetts, the only expenditure of one of the candidates was for the two cent stamp placed on his letter of acceptance.
The king's acceptance of two bribes - one of $75,000 and another of $80,000 for the assignment of an opium licence - precipitated the revolution of 1887.
Acceptance of the Confession and Apology was made a condition of membership in the Schmalkalden League.
As head of the Protestant party the young elector Maurice of Saxony negotiated with Melanchthon and others, and at Leipzig, on the 22nd of December 1548, secured their acceptance of the Interim as regards adiaphora (things indifferent), points neither enjoined nor forbidden in Scripture.
After a tedious and captious examination, he was in March brought before convocation, and, on refusing to subscribe certain articles, was excommunicated and imprisoned; but through the interference of the king he was finally released after he had voluntarily signified his acceptance of all the articles except two, and confessed that he had erred not only " in discretion but in doctrine."
So enraged was he with his brother Henry's acceptance of a cardinal's hat in July 1747, that he deliberately broke off communication with his father in Rome (who had approved the step), nor did he ever see him again.
This mode of sporeformation is totally different from that in the ascus; hence one of the difficulties of the acceptance of Brefeld's view of the homology of ascus and sporangium.
To the demands of the British mission relative to the acceptance of a protectorate and other matters, Prempeh made no reply in the three weeks' grace allowed, which expired on the 31st of October 1895.
In 1890 he was made joint-editor, and on the urging on his own people acceptance of the new conditions.
Malthus has in more modern times derived a certain degree of reflected lustre from the rise and wide acceptance of the Dar, winian hypothesis.
But it is impossible for anyone who takes Pascal's simply as he finds them in connexion with the facts of Pascal's history to question his theological orthodoxy, understanding by theological orthodoxy the acceptance of revelation and dogma; it is equally impossible for any one in the same condition to declare him absolutely content with dogma and revelation.
A vigorous agitation began in the country for men, the acceptance of the constitution by the governments.
Portions of this treatise, and only portions, found ready acceptance in those minds which were prepared to receive them.
The election itself might, and did, become a mere formality; but the condition precedent of election, the acceptance of the charter, invariably limiting the royal authority, remained a reality.
The real difference between two conceptions lies in their application, in the different consequences for the purposes of life which their acceptance carries.
Returning to England to raise money for a fresh crusade, he was received with great state in London; but his acceptance of the cardinalate had weakened his position and Gloucester refused to recognize his legatine commission.
Any use of any LoveToKnow Corp. web site after the date of such notice is deemed acceptance of the new terms.
His acceptance was construed as a security against the suspicion of weakness abroad which the Liberal party had incurred by their foreign policy during the 'eighties.
His growing acceptance by publishers, and the inheritance of her property by Mrs Carlyle on her mother's death in 1842, finally removed the stimulus of money pressure.
He never liked Protestantism, and he was prepared for peace with Rome on his own terms. Those terms were impossible of acceptance by a pope in Clement VII.'s position; but before Clement had made up his mind to reject them, Henry had discovered that the papacy was hardly worth conciliating.
Meanwhile Rome was too strong, and in 604, in a synod held at Whitby, St Wilfrid procured the acceptance of Roman as against Celtic doctrine in the questions th.en at issue.
That men travelled for purposes of prayer implies acceptance of the heathen theory of sanctuaries which it is an act of piety to visit.
The work which the writer of this Gospel thus performed received the immediate sanction of a wide acceptance.
With the general acceptance of its main principle that the real is the rational, there came in the eighties a more critical examination of the precise meaning to be attached to it and its bearing on the problems of religion.
Sylvester was a good linguist, and a diligent composer of verse, both in English and Latin, but the opinion he cherished that his poems were on a level with his mathematical achievements has not met with general acceptance.
On its being suggested to him that his acceptance of this position would degrade an ex-president, Adams replied that no person could be degraded by serving the people as a representative in congress or, he added, as a selectman of his town.
Though the commercial principles of the United States were far too liberal for acceptance, as such, by powers holding colonies in America, Jefferson won some specific concessions to American trade.
That the principle of exempting or allowing for improvements is one of general acceptance, but may be capable of further extension.
The first is a new method for educating and reforming young offenders, already on the frontiers of habitual crime, no longer children, but at an age still susceptible of permanent improvement; the second is the legal acceptance of the principle of indefinite detention, the willingness to inflict an indeterminate sentence on those who have already forfeited the right to be at large.
It was the acceptance of the Aristotelian logic by Neoplatonism that determined the Aristotelian complexion of the logic of the next age.
This doctrine has found no acceptance.
One is the exaggeration of the possibilities of resolution into separate elements that is due to the acceptance of the postulate of an alphabet of nature.
They passed easily from the acceptance of a priori forms of thinking to that of forms of a priori thinking, and could plead the example of Kant's logic.
That it was the formal character of Herbart's logic which was ultimately fatal to its acceptance outside the school as an independent discipline is not to be doubted.
Schleiermacher's separation of inference from judgment and his attribution of the power to knowledge in process cannot find acceptance with Lotze.
Yet in a less ambitious form the fundamental contentions of Hegel's method tend to find a qualified acceptance.
The necessity of putting a stop to belated prosecutions on this account in the town court led to the acceptance of the rule that nobody who had lived in a town undisturbed for the term of a year and a day could any longer be claimed by a lord as his serf.
Much less would the principle of forced entrance have found such ready acceptance both on the part of the authorities and on that of the men, unless it had previously been in full practice and recognition under the system of official market-control.
The new French ambassador, Admiral Roussin, had arrived on the 17th; he now, with the full concurrence of Mandeville, the British charge d'affaires, persuaded the Porte to invite the Russians to withdraw, undertaking that France would secure the acceptance by Mehemet Ali of the sultan's terms. A period of suspense followed.
It is not his word but his person which assumes first place, and faith is acceptance of him - crucified and risen - as Messiah.
Only thus can its adoption and ultimate acceptance be explained.
This is the charter of the Church, and its acceptance is the first requisite for salvation; for the Church determines doctrine, exercises discipline and administers sacraments.
Unless there be faith in the recipient, an understanding of the meaning of the sacrament and an acceptance of it, it is valueless or harmful.
Several theories have been put forward, and importation by sea from China is the theory which has met with most acceptance.
In the course of ages race distinction has been almost obliterated by fusion of blood; by the complete Hellenization of the country, which followed the introduction of Christianity; by the later acceptance of Islam; and by migrations due to the occupation of cultivated lands by the nomads.
The respect for anything in books, the dogma of journalistic inerrancy which still numbers its devotees by millions, the common acceptance of even scientific conceptions upon the dicta of a small group of investigators, these are but a few of the signs of the persistence of what is surely not a medieval but a universal trait.
In later times, the strict adherence to caste duties would naturally receive considerable support from the belief in the transmigration of souls, already prevalent before Buddha's time, and from the very general acceptance of the doctrine of karma (" deed "), or retribution, according to which a man's present station and manner of life are the result of the sum-total of his actions and thoughts in his former existence; as his actions here will again, by the same automatic process of retribution, determine his status and condition in his next existence.
At the same time, one could more easily understand how such a system could have found general acceptance all over the Dravidian region of southern India, with its merest sprinkling of Aryan blood, if it were possible to assume that class arrangements of a similar kind must have already been prevalent amongst the aboriginal tribes prior to the advent of the Aryan.
Indeed, the sacerdotal class themselves had made its universal acceptance an impossibility, seeing that their laws, by which the relations of the classes were to be regulated, aimed at permanently excluding the entire body of aboriginal tribes from the religious life of their Aryan masters.
His acceptance of the nomination, however, earned him the enmity of the southern Democrats, who prevented his appointment by Pierce as secretary of state and as minister to France in 1853.
The popes, then, or at least the more politic of them, have been content to lay down as the condition of reunion no more than the acceptance of the distinctive dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church, especially the supremacy and infallibility of the pope; the ritus of the Uniat Oriental Churches - liturgies and liturgical languages, ecclesiastical law and discipline, marriage of priests, beards and costume, the monastic system of St Basil - they have been content for the most part to leave untouched.
As the facts, however, stand before us, it is impossible to dissociate the rejection of the other world as the sole reality, the joyous acceptance of this world as a place to live and act in, the conviction that "the proper study of mankind is man," from humanism.
In the West, however, the influence of Sabellius seems never to have been important; in the East, on the other hand, after the middle of the 3rd century his doctrine found much acceptance, first in the Pentapolis and afterwards in other provinces.
The majority of the others are instances of gratuities given after the decision, and it is to be regretted that the judgment of the peers gives us no means of determining how such gifts were looked upon, whether or not the acceptance of them was regarded as a " corrupt " practice.
He offered him the sees of York or Winchester, and kept them vacant for ten months for his acceptance.
The former accounts for his acceptance of Kant's phenomenalism, combined with rejection of the thing in itself.
Philip was freely accused of having employed Pack to concoct the forgery; and, although this charge is doubtless false, his eager acceptance of Pack's unproved statements aroused considerable ill-feeling among the Catholics, which he was not slow to return.
The peasant proprietors, who, under the name of the " Landtmanna" party,' formed a compact majority in the Second Chamber, pursued a consistent policy of class interests in the matter of the taxes and burdens that had, as they urged, so long oppressed the Swedish peasantry; and consequently when a bill was introduced for superseding the old system of army organization by general compulsory service, they demanded as a condition of its acceptance that the military burdens should be more evenly distributed in the country, and that the taxes, which they regarded as a burden under which they had wrongfully groaned for centuries, should be abolished.
It is probable that it still lingers in the wastes of Kirwan in eastern Persia, whence examples may occasionally stray northward to those of Turkestan, 2 even near the Lower Oxus; but the assertion, often repeated, as to its former occurrence in Baluchistan or Sind seems to rest on testimony too slender for acceptance.
Zoroastrianism, in fact, is the first creed to work by missions or to lay claim to universality of acceptance.
Only in the auriferous and civilized frontier districts of India (the Punjab) did a system of coinage find early acceptance.
Considerable delay ensued, but the outcome of the whole proceedings was not only acceptance but fulfilment of all the engagements contracted.
There is no Arabic word which would be refused acceptance in good Persian.
At Rome he tried to gain acceptance for them in the college of presbyters and in the church; indeed he had previously made similar attempts in Asia Minor.
At that time Paul Kruger and Piet Joubert, delegates from the Transvaal Boers, were in Cape Town, and they used their influence to prevent the acceptance of the proposals, which were shelved by the ministry accepting " the 3 Serious troubles with the Basutos which began in 1879 reacted on the situation in the Transvaal and Natal.
Yet the standard which ultimately found acceptance in the Stoic school was not put forward, in that form, by its founder.
After the first sharp collision with the jealousy of the national authorities Stoicism in it found a ready acceptance, and made rapid progress Rome' amongst the noblest families.
This encouraged the French Jansenist bishops to press for the revocation of the bull Unigenitus; but the pope commanded its unreserved acceptance.
By March 1827 Clinton and Saidanha had secured the acceptance of the charter throughout Portugal.
The, most important thing in the book was its crystallization of the doctrine concerning the sacramental system, by the definite assertion of the doctrine of the seven sacraments, and the acceptance of a definition of sacrament, not merely as "a sign of a sacred thing," but as itself "capable of conveying the grace of which it is the sign."
From about 1870 onwards the " germ theory of disease " has passed into acceptance.
Zopf in 1885 proposed a scheme based on the acceptance of extreme views of pleomorphism; his system, however, was extraordinarily A FIG.
On his acceptance of office he was chosen member for Bath.
By the acceptance of a peerage the great commoner lost at least as much and as suddenly in popularity as he gained in dignity.
Afterwards, Toland discussed, with considerable real learning and much show of candour, the comparative evidence for the canonical and apocryphal Scriptures, and demanded a careful and complete historical examination of the grounds on which our acceptance of the New Testament canon rests.
Gretser, who also defended Baronius' acceptance of Arculf's narrative against Casaubon.
A few years after the establishment of the "Abode of Love," a peculiarly gross scandal, in which Prince and one of his female followers were involved, led to the secession of some of his most faithful friends, who were unable any longer to endure what they regarded as the amazing mixture of blasphemy and immorality offered for their acceptance.
The hypothesis has won very wide acceptance, but several editors and critics (including Harnack, Zahn and Clemen) remain unconvinced.
In the fourth and fifth decades the question of Livy's authorities presents no great difficulties, and the conclusions arrived at by Nissen in his masterly Untersuchungen have met with general acceptance.
His acceptance in any particular case of the version given by an annalist by no means implies that he has by careful inquiry satisfied himself of its truth.
In 1903 a law (revised in 1908) was passed providing for the conduct at public cost of primary elections for the nomination of nearly all elective officers, and for the nomination of delegates to party nominating conventions; nominations for primary elections are made by petitions signed by at least ten voters (except in very small election districts) who make affidavit as to their party affiliations; the nominee thus indorsed must file a letter of acceptance.
Before the year 1836 as soon as a way was dedicated to public use and the public had by user signified their acceptance of it, it became without more notice repairable by the parish.
He puts Simon after Marcion, and yet refers in the same breath to his acceptance of Peter's preaching.
The wide acceptance of the Darwinian theory, as applied to, the descent of man, has naturally roused anticipation that geological research, which provides evidence of the animal life of incalculably greater antiquity, would furnish fossil remains of some comparatively recent being intermediate between the anthropomorphic and the anthropic types.
Quetelet's plan of defining such types will probably meet with general acceptance as the scientific method proper to this branch of anthropology.
This evidence, however, met with little acceptance among scientific men.
Ratramnus's views failed to find acceptance; their author was soon forgotten, and, when the book was condemned at the synod of Vercelli in 1050, it was described as having been written by Johannes Scotus Erigena at the command of Charlemagne.
The captives were liberated and sent away, and accompanying a letter to the English general was a present of woo cows and 500 sheep, the acceptance of which would, according to Eastern custom, imply that peace was granted.
After the acceptance of Richard of York as heir to the crown, Edward returned to the Welsh marches, where early in the new' year he heard of his father's defeat and death at Wakefield.
In 1182 it is said that Amaury, patriarch of Antioch, induced some Maronite bishops, who had fallen under crusading influences, to rally to Rome; and a definite acceptance of the Maronite Church into the Roman communion took place at the Council of Florence in 1445.
It would seem, then, that Academic scepticism began with those who had been reared by Plato himself, having its origin in their acceptance of the scientific element of his teaching apart from the ontology which had been its basis.
It is held by some botanists (Celakovsky) that the seminiferous scale of the Abietineae is homologous with the arillus or second integument of the Taxaceae, but this view is too strained to gain general acceptance.
The derivation of all the functions assigned to him from the idea of a single original lightor sun-god, worked out in his Lexikon der Mythologie by Roscher, who regards it as "one of the most certain facts in mythology," has not found general acceptance, although no doubt some features of his character can be readily explained on this assumption.
Mgr Rahmani's view, that it is a work of the 2nd century, is universally discredited; nor has Funk's contention found acceptance, that it and the Canons of Hippolytus are alike derived ultimately from the eighth book of the Apostolic Constitutions.
There is no doubt that he chafed, in these years, at the slow rate at which his chief, Mr. Balfour, moved in the direction of Tariff Reform; but, though he would have preferred a more whole-hearted acceptance of Mr. Chamberlain's programme, he remained loyal to the Prime Minister.
In spite, therefore, of the vigour, or even violence, of his opposition before the war, it was comparatively easy for Mr. Asquith to approach him in May 1915 with a view to the formation of a National Coalition Government, and for him to respond with immediate acceptance.
So he resigned his commission, and on Mr. Lloyd George's acceptance of the premiership he promised full cooperation from his party.
These views naturally met with scanty acceptance among the Brahmans to whom he introduced them, and Dayanand turned to the masses and established Samajes in various parts of India, the first being at Bombay in 1875.
His discovery, made in 1727, was rejected by the Academy of Sciences of France, but eventually found acceptance at the hands of the Royal Society of London, and was published by that body in 1751.
The ideas of the " Barbizon school " only gradually obtained acceptance, but the chief members of it now rank among the greater artists of their time.
He occupies an important position in the history of the acceptance by medieval Jews of the Kabbala (q.v.); for, though he made no fresh contributions to the philosophy of mysticism, the fact that this famous rabbi was himself a mystic induced a favourable attitude in many who would other- 'wise have rejected mysticism as Maimonides did.
The barriers between these groups may be regarded as horizontal planes cutting across the branches of the ascending tree of life at levels determined chiefly by our ignorance; as knowledge increases, and as the conception of a genealogical classification gains acceptance, they are being replaced by vertical partitions which separate branch from branch.
It might be possible to prove the origin of all classes from Pelmatozoa, without thereby explaining the origin of such fundamental features as radial symmetry, the developmental metamorphosis, and the torsion that affects both gut and body-cavities during that process; but the acceptance of a Dipleurula as the common ancestor necessitates an explanation of these features.
But this grant of 3,500,000 acres was conditioned on the acceptance of the Lecompton Constitution, and Congress made no promise of any grant if that Constitution were not adopted.
The Commons, who knew that the crown had used the powers which it claimed, not against conspirators, but against the commonwealth itself, refused to listen to the argument, and insisted on the acceptance of the whole Petition of Right, in which they demanded redress for all their grievances.
A new Tory party had sprung up, not distinguished, like the Tories of Queen Annes reign, by a special ecclesiastical policy, but by their acceptance of the kings claim to nominate ministers, and so to predominate in the ministryhimself.
Weakened by the defection of two of its more important members, the government had little chance of obtaining the acceptance of its scheme.
Lord Palmerston, however, with some tact postponed the controversy for the time by obtaining the appointment of a committee to search for precedents; and, after the report of the committee, he moved a series of resolutions affirming the right of the Commons to grant aids and supplies as their exclusive privilege, stating that the occasional rejection of financial measures by the Lords had always been regarded with peculiar jealousy, but declaring that the Comnions had the remedy in their own hands by so framing bills of supply as to secure their acceptance.
Their success in 1858, in dealing with the government of India in this way, commended the decision to the acceptance of the cabinet.
But before many months were over, Lord Randolphunable to secure acceptance of a policy of financial retrenchmentresigned office, and Lord Salisbury was forced to reconstruct his ministry.
The humiliation of the king and queen after their capture at Varennes; the compulsory acceptance of the constitution; the plain incompetence of the new Legislative Assembly; the growing violence of the Parisian mob, and the ascendency of the Jacobins at the Common Hall; the fierce day of the 20th of June (1792), when the mob flooded the Tuileries, and the bloodier day of the 10th of August, when the Swiss guard was massacred and the royal family flung into prison; the murders in the prisons in September; the trial and execution of the king in January (1793); the proscription of the Girondins in June, the execution of the queen in October - if we realize the impression likely to be made upon the sober and homely English imagination by such a heightening of horror by horror, we may easily understand how people came to listen to Burke's voice as the voice of inspiration, and to look on his burning anger as the holy fervour of a prophet of the Lord.
It was put into practice to a certain extent in Prussia in the 18th century; but it was not till the political changes of the 19th century led to a great mixture of confessions under the various state governments that it found universal acceptance in Germany.
The theory, of course, has found no acceptance in the Roman Catholic Church, but it none the less made it possible for the Protestant governments to make a working compromise with Rome in respect of the Catholic Church established in their states.
Planck's views were elaborately developed, but his method of exposition told heavily against their acceptance.
Like his predecessors, Addington continued to be a partisan after his acceptance of this office, took part at times in debate when the house was in committee; and on one occasion his partiality allowed Pitt to disregard the authority of the chair.
Not even the acceptance of forgiveness as the central religious blessing is exclusively Ritschlian; still, it is a challenge alike to the 18th century, to the Church of Rome and to the modern mind.
What had been rational truth now claimed acceptance as supernatural mystery.
The first official acceptance of the Unitarian faith on the part of a congregation was by King's Chapel in Boston, which settled James Freeman (1759-1853) in 1782, and revised the Prayer Book into a mild Unitarian liturgy, in 1785.
The leaders of this period were Emerson, with his idealism, and Theodore Parker, with his acceptance of Christianity as absolute religion.
The third period, beginning about 1885, has been one of rationalism, recognition of universal religion, large acceptance of the scientific method and ideas and an ethical attempt to realize the higher affirmations of Christianity.
At the emperor's request he remained to pilot the mutilated budget through the House; but on the 14th of July 1909 the acceptance of his resignation was announced.
It has taken some time to obtain any general acceptance of the view that the parapodia of the Chaetopoda and the limbs of Arthropoda are genetically identi cal structures; yet if we compare the para podium of Tomopteris or of Phyllodoce with one of the foliaceous limbs of Branchipus or __; Apus, the correspond ences of the two are striking.
An erroneous view of the fundamental morphology of the Crustacean limb, and consequently of that of other Arthropoda, came into favour owing to the acceptance of the highly modified limbs of Astacus as typical.
Forster in 1788 (Enchiridion, p. 37) conferred upon it, from its snowy plumage, the name Chionis, which has most properly received general acceptance, though in the same year the compiler Gmelin termed the genus Vaginalis, as a rendering of Pennant's English name, and the species alba.
But his position in both theology and law was more narrowly traditional than that of ash-Shafi`i; he rejected all reasoning, whether orthodox or heretical in its conclusions, and stood for acceptance on tradition (nagl) only from the Fathers.
At the same time the dualism involved in the simultaneous acceptance of an optimistic account of the origin and nature of the universe (such as is implied in Christian theology) and a belief in the reality of moral evil witnessed to by the Christian doctrine of Redemption, intensified the difficulties already felt concerning man's responsibility and God's omnipotence.
Modern determinists differ from the earlier advocates of their theory in their endeavour to exhibit at least the compatibility of morality with the absence of freedom, if not the enhancement of moral values which, according to some of its advocates, follows upon the acceptance of the deterministic account of conduct.
Partly, no doubt, the limited influence of his disciples, the Peripatetics, is to be attributed to that exaltation of the purely speculative life which distinguished the Aristotelian ethics from other later systems, and which was too alien from the common moral consciousness to find much acceptance in an age in which the ethical aims of philosophy had again become paramount.
The Epicureans, again, from their unquestioning acceptance of the " dogmas " 2 of their founder, almost deserve to be called a sect rather than a school.
Christianity inherited the notion of a written divine code acknowledged as such by the " true Israel " - now potentially including the whole of mankind, or at least the chosen of all nations, - on the sincere acceptance of which the Christian's share of the divine promises to Israel depended.
Here faith means more than loyal acceptance of the divine law and reverent trust in the lawgiver; it implies a consciousness, at once continually present and continually transcended, of the radical imperfection of all human obedience to the law, and at the same time of the irremissible condemnation which this imperfection entails.
This doctrine found little acceptance among.
It was to be foreseen that a similar assertion of independence would make itself heard in ethics also; and, indeed, amid the clash of dogmatic convictions, and the variations of private judgment, it was natural to seek for an ethical method that might claim universal acceptance from all sects.
It is therefore as unalterable, even by God himself, as the truths of mathematics, although its effect may be overruled in any particular case by an express command of God; hence it is cognizable a priori, from the abstract consideration of human nature, though its existence may be known a posteriori also from its universal acceptance in human societies.
This is partly due to the fact that Reid builds more distinctly than Price on the foundation laid by Butler; especially in his acceptance of that duality of governing principles which we have noticed as a cardinal point in the latter's doctrine.
Under these disadvantageous circumstances, it is scarcely surprising that the heliocentric theory, while admired as a daring speculation, won its way slowly to acceptance as a truth.
At last Thakombau, disappointed in the hope that his acceptance of Christianity (1854) would improve his position, offered the sovereignty to Great Britain (1859) with the fee simple of 100,000 acres, on condition of her paying the American claims. Colonel Smythe, R.A., was sent out to report on the question, and decided against annexation, but advised that the British consul should be invested with full magisterial powers over his countrymen, a step which would have averted much subsequent difficulty.
This hostility, which amounted to a real vendetta, was based, not so much upon the foreign policy of its victim, his negotiation of the Armistice terms and the decisive influence which he exercised in securing the acceptance of the Treaty of Versailles; as upon his financial policy both as Finance Minister in 1919 and as the Democratic Catholic supporter and, it is said, the political adviser of the Catholic Chancellor of the Reich, Dr. Wirth, in the preparation in the summer of 1921 of a fresh scheme of taxation designed to impose new burdens upon capital and upon the prosperous landed interest.
The first book expounds clearly, and with much vigour, the evil effects of the blind acceptance of the Aristotelian dicta on physical and philosophical study; but, as is the case with so many of the anti-Aristotelian works of this period, the objections show the usual ignorance of Aristotle's own writings.
Tenancy by courtesy was abolished in 1883, but the right of dower still obtains; the widow's acceptance of a distributive share in her husband's estate, however, bars her dower.
Picquie, a prominent official of the Colonial Department, who had previously served with acceptance as deputy governorgeneral of French Indo-China, and who had a reputation for tact and impartiality.
Josiah's acceptance of D made it the first canonical book of scripture.
The Carolingian sovereignty was thus neither hereditary nor elective, but was handed down by the will of the reigning king, and by a solemn acceptance of the future king on the part of the nobles.
Fortunately, however, the Sixteen had disgusted the upper bourgeoisie by their demagogic airs; while their open alliance with Philip II., and their acceptance of a Spanish garrison in Paris had offended the patriotism of the Politiques or moderate members of the League.
Averroes maintains that a return must be made to the words and teaching of the prophet; that science must not expend itself in dogmatizing on the metaphysical consequences of fragments of doctrine for popular acceptance, but must proceed to reflect upon and examine the existing things of the world.
It is, however, safe to say that the book must have been written later than 2 Macc., and (in view of the acceptance it met with in the Christian Church) prior to the destruction of Jerusalem.
When the desired ruler was again sought in this family in 1870, the acceptance of the offer by Prince Leopold proved the immediate cause of the Franco-German War, in which Spain had a narrow Amadeo of escape of being entangled.
He arranged with the king to moot a series of financial projects the acceptance of which by His Majesty would have implied a long tenure of office for the Conservatives, and so Alphonso XII.
The negotiations were carried out with the greatest secrecy, but as soon as the acceptance was made known the French government intervened and declared that the project was inadmissible.
He caused the king's acceptance of the suspensive veto, by which he sacrificed his chief prerogative in September, and destroyed all chance of a strong executive by contriving the decree of November 7, by which the ministry might not be chosen from the assembly.
On the other hand the modern view of the inspiration of the Scriptures does not necessitate the acceptance of the doctrine of the Scriptures on this subject as finally and absolutely authoritative.
Pp Y Y P just before the sultan accepted that scheme, and after his acceptance of it they spread rapidly.
All the preparations had been made, when Murad's envoys arrived in the royal camp at Szeged and offered a ten years' truce on advantageous terms. Both Hunyadi and Brankovic counselled their acceptance, and Wladislaus swore on the Gospels to observe them.
Mayer and Joule, and placed the dynamical theory of heat and the fundamental principle of the conservation of energy in a position to command universal acceptance.
Rinuccini took part in the proceedings, but as his demands were ignored he refused to recognize the peace which was concluded in March 1646, and gaining the support of the Irish general, Owen Roe O'Neill, he used all his influence, both ecclesiastical and political., to prevent its acceptance by others.
He was active in promoting the Union of Utrecht (1579) and the acceptance of the countship of Holland and Zeeland by William (1584) On the assassination of Orange it was at the proposal of Oldenbarneveldt that the youthful Maurice of Nassau was at once elected stadholder, captain-general and admiral of Holland.
The remains of the plants of former periods, which have come down to us in the fossilized state, are almost always fragmentary, and often imperfectly preserved; but their investigation is of the utmost importance to the botanist, as affording the only direct evidence of the past history of vegetable organisms. Since the publication of the Origin of Species the general acceptance of the doctrine of evolution has given a vastly increased significance to palaeontological data.
Huxley, in his article on this subject in the ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, for applying the name Amphibia to those lung-breathing, pentadactyle vertebrates which had been first severed from the Linnaean Amphibia by Alexandre Brongniart, under the name of Batrachia, have not met with universal acceptance.
The acceptance of this duty is the only foundation for a moral and just society The aristocratic idea has seldom been better stated.
In prison he pursued the Vedic studies which had already given him a place in oriental scholarship. His elaborate paper on " The Orion, or Researches into the Antiquity of the Vedas," read at the International Congress of Orientalists, London 1892 (published at Poona, 1893), was followed in 1903 by his " Arctic Home in the Vedas " - expounding a theory of extremely remote Aryan origins which has failed to secure the acceptance of other scholars.
Acceptance came relatively easily when she ceased fighting the idea that she was going to die.
His ready acceptance of her weekend, however, left her concerned.
She sat back with a frown, unable to feel anything but pity for the half- demon child who knew no acceptance anywhere in life.
The detective had wondered about Fred O'Connor's apparent acceptance of Dean's pronouncement he was going to Colorado alone.
She saw none of the hesitation that had marked his acceptance of Tiyan as his master.
This constituted an acceptance of the sale.
There was tacit acceptance of the content of the book itself.
Seems their automatic e-mail response constituted an acceptance of the sale.
Entry in the competition implies acceptance of these rules.
Your continued use of the Site will be deemed an acceptance of the privacy policy existing at that time.
The signature of the applicant on the application form signifies acceptance of these Regulations.
Homosexuality has only recently gained some acceptance in South Korean society.
We will confirm the acceptance in writing in due course.
But they deserve close scrutiny, not uncritical acceptance - if only to find out who would gain, and who would not.
As Gramsci also noted, what people often call ' common sense ' is the unquestioning acceptance of these notions.
To me, it's a cry for independence against not just pills, but the system that gives tacit acceptance to it.
However, much of the work on transferable skills has largely failed to provide an approach which has gained widespread acceptance.
The test of their abilities is not a career-long wait for grudging acceptance.
Full of comfort, unconditional acceptance and wisdom to give you the encouragement and guidance you need, from the angels.
Dr. Peters observed that there was a general, albeit reluctant, acceptance in Israel today of the inevitability of a Palestinian state.
Therefore, the chief task of the rulers is always to secure the active or resigned acceptance of the majority of the citizens.
They include growth curve modeling, sequential acceptance sampling and partial least squares regression.
Some express defiance, others stoic acceptance of their fate.
Other Christian commentators on the lives of saints are more cautious in their acceptance of these attributes as supernatural in nature.
This is a tacit acceptance of the content of the book itself.
Self Acceptance In order to be fully self aware, you need to come from a position of unconditional self acceptance.
The argument is based on a totally uncritical acceptance of the official rhetoric.
These include requests for under-the-counter payments, sale of drugs, and acceptance of kickbacks from suppliers of drugs and equipment.
They do not want unquestioning acceptance of the status quo.
Morality, considered as the unthinking acceptance of social values, is derived from the social conditioning of the child.
It is now vying for acceptance in the European Union.
His first premise was wholehearted acceptance of Hume 's attack on induction.
The poorexam scores fated her future because college acceptance was reliant on them.
The poor exam scores fated her future because college acceptance wasreliant on them.
In families where most of the child's life is spent within the walls of childcare, true satisfaction with the chosen arrangement will be achieved through discussion and acceptance.
Those who accept the referral must sign an acceptance form.
Support an emerging breed - It can be exciting to be on the frontier of a new cat breed that is seeking acceptance into CFA and similar organizations.
They are located in most major cities and they don't charge acceptance fees to clients who use their services.
Many financial institutions charge an application and acceptance fee.
Worldwide acceptance - This card is accepted by millions of merchants worldwide.
Cardholders should choose prepaid cards that have universal acceptance.
Acceptance - Teens can use the card anywhere a Visa debit card is accepted including at retail stores, online and on the phone.
This new form of payment acceptance does require a specific type of device.
Specifically, consider if they offer fraud protection and CW2 Acceptance.
Each company's offer may use different language, but all providers are required to disclose fees and additional details of the account prior to your acceptance of the company's offer.
A person over the age of 18 can serve the papers and have the respondent sign an acceptance of service to indicate that he or she has received them.
The wide-scale acceptance of these alternative fuel sources depends upon the cost and availability of new vehicles to burn these fuels and the acceptance of these new fuels by consumers.
Tax incentives, lower usage cost per mile and wide-scale availability will all help consumer acceptance.
It's an acceptance of your household's responsibility to contribute to the greater good in order to ensure a cleaner planet for all of our children.
Stevia is gaining wider acceptance in the United States and around the world because it is a low-calorie, low carbohydrate natural sweetener.
Though the practice of inserting color into the skin dates back to the days of Cleopatra, its acceptance as a beauty tool only came about in recent decades.
Perhaps this was an unconscious effort to make sense of the true "blending" of society that was going on, and the acceptance of learning new cultures.
What’s more, the 21st century has seen a growing acceptance of mainstream nude compositions as untraditional concepts of beauty.
It's perfectly natural to go through the stages of grief (shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance) when you lose a job.
Another quality that makes a good friend is that of acceptance.
Teens who feel like they don't fit in may turn to drugs as a way of finding acceptance with a group.
It may not feel like it at the time, but the work that counselors are able to do on women who have undergone abortions can make the difference between life-long acceptance or indeed life-long guilt about a very harrowing decision.
Teens are looking for independence, relationships, acceptance, understanding, and a feeling of beauty or attractiveness, and the advertisers know it.
If your teen boy is heading into the seventh to twelfth grade, you can apply for consideration of acceptance.
With the team building activities they do, they will learn to trust people they don't know well and understand that they don't need to be deviant to gain acceptance by others.
Whether you sent your acceptance to attend the wedding or your regrets not to attend the wedding, you are never obligated to send a wedding gift.
These stars can, in fact, make a huge difference in the acceptance of gays by the general populace on an international scale.
Over time, Brad earned the acceptance of both the media and the other drivers.
In his best-known rant to date, he stormed up on stage at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards and interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech to claim that Beyonce's video should have won.
She recently snagged an Emmy win, however, her acceptance speech at the Creative Arts Emmy Awards ceremony was not well-received by everyone.
During her acceptance speech, Griffin noted, "A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award.
Even though many folks advocate for acceptance of any weight, it seems there will always be pressure on celebrities to be thin.
In March 2010, mere weeks after Bullock had delivered a series of movie award acceptance speeches in which she praised James for his loyalty, news broke that James had had a string of affairs behind Bullock's back.
While she didn't thank husband Jesse James in her acceptance speech, she did thank her mom for the lessons she provided and helping her get "that," as she pointed at her husband.
There have been many memorable acceptance speeches in the People's Choice Award ceremonies.
There's a note next to each category to indicate whether or not the text of the acceptance speech is provided.
Bullock honored these other four women in her acceptance speech.
She jokingly asked in her acceptance speech whether she really earned it, or whether she just wore everyone down.
While the number of deaf stars increases every year, so does awareness and acceptance of those with hearing loss.
Once you've received an acceptance letter from the school of your dreams, it's time to start thinking about college funding options.
The same U.S. News and World Report rankings list Yale, Harvard, Columbia, and Princeton as the schools with the lowest acceptance rates, ranging from 10 to 13 percent.
Since 1996, the level of public acceptance for online degrees has increased sharply.
Regionally accredited distance learning programs are vital to the acceptance of your credentials as a program graduate.
For some people, community colleges serve as a stepping stone to acceptance into college or university when their grades are not up to par for the school they want to attend.
In order to be considered for acceptance, potential students must submit an application for admission, pay a registration fee and complete a personal interview with a school representative.