Academically Sentence Examples
The parents were proud of their son for making good grades because he normally struggled academically.
On paper these students appear academically gifted in virtually all subjects.
To be accepted to this program, students must excel academically, as well as show leadership potential.
The result was to render such ideas academically and intellectually disreputable.
A student who was academically gifted may enjoy a cake that features his or her report card.
Children who attend preschool are better prepared to enter kindergarten, both academically and socially.
D ' I have had an incredibly busy year, both academically and socially.
It is academically fraudulent and an offense against University discipline.
Maybe I was too academically orientated to be a good midwife?
Both his parents and the school felt he was underachieving academically.
AdvertisementAll of these scores can help you determine where your child is at academically.
In addition to having a curriculum, you should expect that most academically focused co-ops will also adhere to a specific type of philosophy, such as the nationwide Classical Conversations, which is a classical co-op.
Although he sometimes struggled socially, being two years younger than the other students, he excelled academically throughout his school career and was valedictorian of his high school class.
The right online MBA program can help you challenge yourself, excel academically, enhance your career and increase your level of personal success.
A doctorate in business is one of the highest academically conferred degrees in the field.
AdvertisementStudies have found that as a group students who begin kindergarten a year late do no better or worse academically than their younger classmates.
For a child who is not gifted academically, the opportunity to excel in the arts or sports may make a big difference in his or her self-esteem.
School-aged children who are abused typically have problems academically and have poorer grades and performance on standardized achievement tests.
Children in twoway bilingual education programs have been found to outperform their peers academically.
Learning English quickly in English-only classrooms is best for ELLs, both academically and socially.
AdvertisementOne of the questions many people have is how home-schooled children perform academically.
In addition, school performance in many sexually assaulted adolescents declines, and many eventually fail academically.
It has helped direct them, aided decisions about their role in life as a female, and prepared them academically for college.
One-on-One Attention - One asset to homeschooling is that your child isn't academically "lost in the crowd".
There are many homeschooled children that surpass their traditionally schooled counterparts academically.
AdvertisementMany students are more successful academically without the pressure of constant grades and tests.
The program is academically strong and will prepare a high schooler for college.
The curriculum is comprehensive and is known for being academically strong.
There are a few other skills that kindergarten teachers stress for children before they enter their school years that seem to help children do better academically.
Do students do academically better when they are using a specific type of curriculum or course of study?
It seems that homeschoolers are academically out-achieving their schooled peers by leaps and bounds.
While there abounds evidence that homeschooling is an academically positive experience, is it possible that homeschooling also has its drawbacks?
Remember, the purpose is not to stress over the test, but rather to use the test as one of many tools to help you get a good overall picture of where your child stands academically.
Another issue is that many parents may not find this program to be academically rigorous enough, especially as the child gets older.
The Academy is a free, residential school for academically talented girls in grades 7 through 12.
Excel Academically - Whether or not you're a gifted athlete, or you have a girlfriend already, make sure to excel in your academics.
Having activities related to science for kids while they are at home on the weekends or during the summer or winter breaks can help them academically.
Self-esteem is of vital importance for every child in order to thrive emotionally, physically and academically.
Showing your child that you are interested in his learning and education helps him gain the confidence he'll need to advance academically.
The story revolves around the basketball captain Troy Bolton and the reserved, academically gifted Gabriella Montez.
You, madam, for the evening shall be Cynthia, head mistress of a poor, but academically superior school for restless girls.
In return the student volunteers gain vital skills and experiences which can be academically accredited to enhance future employability.
He was of a rare breed - an academically minded young man, turned firebrand.
This is again very competitive and awarded to academically outstanding candidates.
Our requirement that the project be academically respectable must be communicated clearly to the client.
Greg is somewhat of a misfit and is not especially athletic or academically talented, and Kinney himself has said that Greg is not a great role model and does not have too many redeeming qualities.
A personal trainer can teach you how to stay focused and become disciplined, both of which are traits that will help you athletically and academically throughout your life.
Remember the students that struggle academically and those who don't participate in extracurricular activities.
Instigating these attacks often causes the teen to become more violent and increase severe behaviors such as fighting, stealing, skipping school, struggling academically and drug abuse.
Students who are searching for an academically challenging collegiate environment may find themselves looking for a list of Ivy League schools.
The Law School seeks students who are self-disciplined, academically qualified and motivated to succeed in their law studies.
Nearly 5 percent of first graders have functional speech disorders, and 50-70 percent of all children with functional speech disorders struggle academically throughout elementary school and high school.
It has been proven the best way to help children who struggle academically is to teach them through a topic they are interested in, and dinosaurs for kids can include math, science and history lessons.
These sites are all based at reputable institutions and lead to URLs which give reliable, usually academically oriented material.
Equally schools must be equipped to deliver students who can benefit from an academically rigorous HE system.
Some of the more oppressive measures of the previous reign were abolished; the clergy, the nobles and the merchants were exempted from corporal punishment; the central organs of administration were modernized and the Council of the Empire was created; the idea of granting a constitution was academically discussed; great schemes for educating the people were entertained; parish schools, gymnasia, training colleges and ecclesiastical seminaries were founded; the existing universities of Moscow, Vilna and Dorpat were reorganized and new ones founded in Kazan and Kharkov; the great work of serf-emancipation was begun in the Baltic provinces.
With early identification and intervention, careful compliance with a treatment program, and a supportive and nurturing home and school environment, children with AD/HD can flourish socially and academically.
Business schools will need to see that you can keep up academically before they will consider you for admission.