Abusers Sentence Examples
Victims and abusers are often seen as submissive women and large domineering men but this simply is n't the case.
Usually, substance abusers will feel anxiety as a side effect of their drug of choice or from withdrawal symptoms.
These alcohol rehab programs are for habituated and hard-core alcohol abusers, usually combining symptomatic treatment with constant supervision and medications.
Online pharmacies, some of which don't bother to confirm prescriptions, are frequent stops for abusers.
Because naltrexone blocks the "highs," relapsing drug abusers are at a higher risk for accidental overdose.
Occasional users have the potential to become abusers after even just a few days.
The feel, smell, taste, and ritual of using are hard for longtime abusers to ignore.
To keep the depressed feelings at bay, crack abusers will often use more crack to hold off symptoms.
With long-term use, abusers may begin to suffer medical problems because of their chronic high blood pressure.
Doctors, lawyers, teenagers and all other abusers will experience some ill effects from methamphetamine use.
AdvertisementWhile some people aren't completely physically dependent on alcohol, they may still be abusers of alcohol and adversely affect their loved ones.
We recommend that abusers interested in such things find other ways to amuse themselves.
Educational programs for illicit IV drug abusers and persons who engage in unprotected sexual intercourse may decrease the incidence of HIV infection.
Parents were abusers in 77 percent of the confirmed cases; other relatives in 11 percent.
Child abusers were often abused as children themselves and do not realize that abuse is not an appropriate disciplinary technique.
AdvertisementAbusers also often have poor impulse control and do not understand the consequences of their actions.
In addition, the death rate of opioid abusers is proportionately significantly higher than the mortality of people who abuse PCP or cocaine.
Also, children of alcoholics or drug abusers are at high risk for neglect or abuse, and comprise 75 percent of all placements.
Parents were the abusers in 77 percent of the confirmed cases, other relatives in 11 percent.
The abusers can be parents or other family members, caretakers such as teachers and babysitters, acquaintances (including other children), and (in rare instances) strangers.
AdvertisementIn most cases the child is related to or knows the abuser, and about one in five abusers are themselves underage.
Follow-up studies on abused children in later adolescence show that in addition to having problems with the law, they are also more likely to be substance abusers or to have emotional disturbances such as depression.
Substance abusers often make repeated attempts to quit before they are successful.
Some studies have shown up to 30 percent of abusers meet the criteria for bipolar disorder.
In a 1999 two-year follow-up study of adolescents hospitalized for manic episodes, patients who had ongoing drug or alcohol abuse problems had more manic episodes and poorer functioning than those patients who were not substance abusers.
AdvertisementAbusers sometimes say mean things while pretending to offer "advice."
Although many emotional abusers never progress to physical violence, some do.
Obviously, it's impossible to be completely sure that someone's real-life gender matches their online persona, but there are ways to screen new accounts and quickly nip any abusers in the bud.
Unfortunately, bisexuals and lesbians are often the target of either homophobic abusers (who log onto the sites in order to harass the members) or men who are pretending to be women for sexual gratification.