Absorption-lines Sentence Examples
The lines of the trunk seem to appear at lower temperatures, which may account for the fact that it can be observed as absorption lines.
Generally speaking, the same absorption lines are present, but with altered intensities, which differ from one spot to another.
Omitting extreme examples, like fuchsin, where the spectrum is actually cut in two, it is of more general importance to detect the phenomenon in the ordinary absorption lines of the metallic elements.
The visual portion extends from about w.1.3700 to 7200 tenth-metres; the ultra-violet begins about 2970, beyond which point our atmosphere is almost perfectly opaque to it; the infrared can be traced for more tlian ten times the visual length, but the gaps which indicate absorption-lines have not been mapped beyond 9870.
The nub of the lecture was work on the very high-resolution spectroscopy of quasar absorption lines.