Abrupt Sentence Examples
He caught her arm, bringing her to an abrupt halt.
Now he was even being abrupt with the children.
He made an abrupt withdrawal.
She tends to be abrupt with people who interfere.
A strong hand gripped her arm, bringing her to an abrupt halt.
Tanganyika has been formed by the subsidence of a long narrow tract of country relatively to the surrounding plateaus, which fall to the lake in abrupt cliffs, some thousands of feet high in places.
Jennifer stops Brian from making a rather abrupt exit to check the stock.
Prince Andrew broke the silence with his abrupt voice, you were pleased to send me to Captain Tushin's battery.
Insect metamorphosis may be briefly described as phenomena of development characterized by abrupt changes of appearance and of structure, occurring during the period subsequent to embryonic development and antecedent to the reproductive state.
I cannot allow myself to hope again; the drop into failure is too abrupt.
AdvertisementThe count listened with closed eyes, heaving abrupt sighs at certain passages.
I was slightly disappointed with the ending as I thought it was a little abrupt, but overall I enjoyed it.
There followed a long pause, followed by an abrupt thank-you and a dial tone.
The fusion of the two is found in the abrupt hiatus of iii.
Elisabeth noticed the abrupt change and suspected Jackson had something to do with it.
AdvertisementIs it possible, one cannot help asking, that the abrupt description of the strange fortunes of the "Servant" - by this time entirely personalized - was written to follow chap. lii.
The coast is for the most part abrupt and rocky, often leaving room for only a narrow path along the shore, and when viewed from the sea it does not suggest the extent of country lying between its cliffs and the lofty summits behind.
The snow-clad peaks of the main Caucasus, descending by short, steep slopes, fringe the valley on the north, while an abrupt escarpment, having the characteristics of a border ridge of the Armenian highlands, fronts it on the south.
I am sorry to sound so abrupt in this email; but clearly, something is seriously amiss at the Chartwell Gift Shop.
In places, as between Mafeking and Johannesburg, the descent is in terracelike steps, each step marked by a line of hills; in other places there is a gradual slope and elsewhere the descent is abrupt, with outlying hills and deep well-wooded valleys.
AdvertisementNothing from the original tapes was omitted; one or two quick fades were done to make cuts less abrupt.
Unaccustomed to the abrupt treatment, he clenched his jaw and obeyed.
In the western portion of the county are the Few Mountains, a chain of abrupt hills mostly incapable of cultivation.
The onset of the flu was abrupt with fever followed by vomiting, abdominal pain and profuse diarrhea.
The Rocky Mountains, which give its charm to Alberta, are ascended by a gradual approach from the east, but are exceedingly abrupt on their transalpine slope in British Columbia.
AdvertisementThe continental shelf is the gentle slope which extends from the edge of the land to a depth usually about loo, though in some cases as much as 300 fathoms, and is there demarcated by an abrupt increase in the steepness of the slope to ocean depths.
The head should be massive, a short muzzle with a somewhat abrupt stop and fairly prominent brow.
Ashwood Dale, Chee Dale, Millersdale, Monsal Dale and the valley at Matlock are all flanked by abrupt sides of this rock.
They made an abrupt halt on the eastern bank of the River Annan.
Of the thirteen parliaments summoned by that sovereign, only one, the last, was held at Edinburgh, but his assassination in the Blackfriars' monastery at Perth led to the abrupt transfer of the court and capital from the Tay to the Forth.
Abrupt cessation is recommended wherever possible.
Her abrupt contentedness was a warning he didn't understand how to interpret.
Maitea, which rises from the sea as an exceedingly abrupt cone, and Tapamanu, appear to be the only islands without almost completely encircling barrier-reefs.
The fall and rise of the road across the valley before the construction of the viaduct (1869) was abrupt and inconvenient.
Westward of Berbera the ascent to the high country is not so abrupt as in the east but is made by several steps, the mountains forming a chaotic mass.
The descent to the open country is somewhat abrupt.
The seaward slope of Croaghaun is abrupt and in parts precipitous, and its jagged flanks, together with the serrated ridge of the Head and the view over the broken coast-line and islands of the counties Mayo and Galway, attract many visitors to the island during summer.
Climatic agencies have smoothed and modified everything rugged or abrupt, until an impression of gentle undulation rather than of grandeur is suggested.
Their end can be either abrupt or somewhat intermittent.
There are several other times during pregnancy when backaches are common, but in the earliest stages, most back discomfort is caused by abrupt hormonal changes.
He filled Fred in on the details of Edith's visit and Cynthia's late night phone call and the abrupt end to the conversation.
The passage from winter to spring is very abrupt, and the prairies are rapidly clothed with vegetation, which, however, is soon scorched up by the sun.
The growth patterns of certain muscles in the beef carcass also may show an abrupt change in growth rate at birth.
The key to a great seasonal hair style is not to make any abrupt changes, unless you are interested in radically changing your look.
They occur in the deepest stage of sleep and are characterized by an abrupt arousal, usually within the first hour of sleep.
The abrupt cessation of such an inexhaustible fount of enterprise and energy was a distinct loss to Sweden; and signs are not wanting that, in his latter years, Charles had begun to feel the need and value of repose.
The onset may be abrupt, without any warning in the form of a period of gradual change in the child or adolescent's behavior.
However, it can also be an indicator that your relationship will come to an abrupt end.
Keep in mind that when you married your spouse, your stepchild's family dynamics took an abrupt turn.
Her abrupt death and loss is keenly felt by her husband and each child.
After three years, the relationship came to an abrupt and much talked-about end.
After all of that waiting and anticipation, an abrupt response can be difficult - even if you find out you're moving on to the next round.
In 1841 the tracts were brought to an abrupt termination by the publication of Newman's tract No.
She looked at the phone, disappointed he was so abrupt after their kiss.
There is no evidence of a rebound effect after abrupt discontinuation of therapy.
Abrupt withdrawal from drugs or medications, including barbiturates and benzodiazepines, can also induce these sleep disturbances.
Keep in mind that there is not an abrupt change or a specific point in the nursing session where the body produces foremilk and then switches and produces hindmilk.
There are several other times during pregnancy when backaches are common, but in the earliest stages, most backaches are caused by abrupt hormonal changes.
The withdrawal is so severe that it can lead to fetal distress, which makes abrupt detoxification too dangerous for the baby.
Like any other major change in run training, an abrupt change in foot support could lead to pain or injury.
Viewers were surprised by the abrupt ending, although the last two episodes featured Sydney's wedding.
Many instructors recommend that you not leave the studio, as the abrupt temperature change may be harmful.
Any conversations I had with Martha were short, bordering on abrupt.
They didn't go far, and she was surprised to see the grassy slopes end at an abrupt cliff.
It was his favorite memory, that which preceded his abrupt knowledge of war and the world at large.
A region where volcanic activity has led to the embedding of dykes or bosses of hard rock amongst softer strata produces a plain broken by abrupt and isolated eminences.'
At a distance from the central core the radiating ridges become less abrupt and descend with a gentle gradient, finally passing somewhat abruptly, at a height of some 7000 ft., into the level plateau.
Steel behaves in a similar manner, but the maximum permeability is not so high as in iron, and the fall, when the critical point is approached, is less abrupt.
He sometimes succeeded in toning down the hard, abrupt language of Napoleon's communications, and in every way proved a useful intermediary.
The northern and western parts of this plateau have an average elevation a little less than that of the Atlantic margin, and their slopes are toward the south and east, those of Goyaz and Matto Grosso being abrupt and deeply eroded.
This indefiniteness of images is sometimes said to be due to diffraction by the edge of the aperture, and proposals have even been made for curing it by causing the transition between the interrupted and transmitted parts of the primary wave to be less abrupt.
The coast of Peru has few protected anchorages, and the headlands are generally abrupt and lofty.
Great irregular variations in radiation and convection sometimes produce a remarkably abrupt change of temperature at a certain depth in calm water.
Starting in the southern extremity of New Guinea from an abrupt face some 3000 ft.
Elizabeth, who succeeded her sister Mary in 1558, was suspected to be Protestant in her leanings, and her adviser, Cecil, had received his training as secretary of the Protector Somerset; but the general European situation as well as the young queen's own temperament precluded any abrupt or ostentatious change in religious matters.
As regards the trend and results of Alcott's philosophic teaching, it must be said that, like Emerson, he was sometimes inconsistent, hazy or abrupt.
Amos, it appears, though himself a Judahite, had been prophesying in the northern kingdom, when his activity was brought to an abrupt close by the head priest of the royal sanctuary at Bethel, Amaziah, who bade him escape to the land of Judah and get his living there.
It well may be that these massacres were, in fact, an abrupt and premature step in the policy of "Turkification," which the Government had in view.
There is no indication of an abrupt change from the use of stone to the use of metal such as might have occurred had the knowledge of copper and bronze, and the methods of working them, been introduced through the conquest of the original inhabitants by an alien race of superior culture and civilization.
To the south of Hythe this shore borders the wide expanse of Romney Marsh, which, immediately west of Hythe, is overlooked by a line of abrupt hills, but for the rest is divided on the north from the drainage system of the Stour only by a slight uplift.
From these hills southward the ridge gradually becomes less abrupt until in Walsh county it vanishes into prairie.
The ascent to the upper plain then becomes very gentle, though there is a rise of 400 or 50o ft., until it reaches the south-eastern portion of Sargent county and changes into the more abrupt Coteau des Prairies, a plateau about 2000 ft.
There he was still working when the outbreak of the World War and the decision of Turkey to join the Central European Powers put an abrupt stop to all archaeological work and called Lawrence to what proved a wider field.
Altogether this western extremity of the Kuen-lun system is a very rugged mountainous region, a consequence partly of the intricacy of the flanking ranges and spurs, partly of the powerful lateral compression to which they have been subjected, and partly of the great and abrupt differences in vertical elevation between the crests of the ranges and the bottoms of the deep, narrow, rugged glens between them.
The inland slope is gradual, but on the northern shore the range terminates in abrupt and almost perpendicular declivities, and here, consequently, some of the finest coast scenery in the island is found, widely differing, with its unbroken lines of cliffs, from the indented coast-line of the west.
A turn in the political wheel brought an abrupt change four years later, in 1894.
The fort occupies a conspicuous site on the summit of an abrupt rock which commands the river.
The first exponent of the theory of sudden appearance of new parts and new types, to our knowledge, was Geoffroy St Hilaire, who suggested saltatory evolution through the direct action of the environment on development, as explaining the abrupt transitions in the Mesozoic Crocodilia and the origin of the birds from the reptiles.
Their cry is a low, abrupt grunt.
It is picturesquely situated on an abrupt hill 1480 ft.
The peaks of the mountain are irregular, abrupt and broken; its sides are deeply furrowed by gorges and ravines; the shore plain is broken by ridges and by broad and deep valleys; no other island of the group is so well watered on all sides by large mountain streams; and it is called " garden isle."
The coast scenery near Boscastle is severely beautiful, with abrupt cliffs fully exposed to the sea, and broken only by a few picturesque inlets such as Crackington Cove and Pentargan Cove.
The Cite occupies the summit of an abrupt and isolated hill on the right bank of the river.
Even in the old Arabic poetry such abrupt transitions are of very frequent occurrence.
It has already been noticed how vehement and abrupt they are where they ought to be characterized by epic repose.
Pop. about 20,000, fairly equally divided between Armenian Christians and Moslems. It is picturesquely situated in a theatre of lofty, abrupt rocks, on the right bank of the western Euphrates, which is crossed by a wooden bridge.
The town lies in a bare district on the slope and flat summit of an abrupt elevation, higher ground rising to the north and south across the river.
In the heights of Harden (2651 ft.) and Whitecoomb (2695), whence the Clyde, Tweed, Annan, and Moffat Water descend, the high moorlands have been scarped into gloomy corries, with crags and talus-slopes, which form a series of landscapes all the more striking from the abrupt and unexpected contrast which they offer to everything around them.
His stay in Leipzig came, however, to an abrupt conclusion; the distractions of student life proved too much for his strength; a sudden haemorrhage supervened, and he lay long ill, first in Leipzig, and, after it was possible to remove him, at home in Frankfort.
It lies in a basin among granite hills, nowhere exceeding 2627 ft., remarkable for their denudation and their abrupt black crags and pinnacles.
The legal theory as to these conditions was somewhat complex, because it had to take account of certain practical considerations and of a rather abrupt transition from a previous state of things based on different premises.
Nor must we imagine that there was any abrupt break with the middle ages.
It lies on an abrupt hill 650 ft.
The mountains of the south-west are particularly abrupt and jagged.
Having accomplished so much in so small a space of time, the two friends were next engaged upon a translation of the Old Testament, but owing to a quarrel, the cause of which remains obscure, this interesting literary partnership was brought to an abrupt ending about 1570.
It appals the reader with its irregularity of treatment, its variations of style, and its abrupt transitions from the spiritual to the crude and trivial, and from superstition to the purest insight.
The story of James de la Cloche is indeed itself another historical mystery; he abruptly vanishes as such at Rome at the end of 1668, and thus provides a disappearance of convenient date; but the question concerning him is complicated by the fact that a James Henry de Bovere Roano Stuardo, who married at Naples early in 1669 and undoubtedly died in the following August, claiming to be a son of Charles II., makes just afterwards an equally abrupt appearance; in many respects the two men seem to be the same, but Monsignor Barnes, following Lord Acton, here regards James Stuardo as an impostor who traded on a knowledge of James de la Cloche's secret.
Its irregular character, abrupt connexions and loose transitions' are due to the nature of the subject rather than to any material disarrangement of its paragraphs.
Separating the plateau from the mountain region is an abrupt 'transition slope, often deeply eroded, crossing the entire state as has been indicated.
On the eastern side the slope is so abrupt as to make ascent difficult and at places impossible, but the western slope, on account of a dip of the rock to the N.W., is more gradual.
The northern part of the western side of the anticline is broken off by a great fault in the valley of the Eden, and the scarp thus formed is rendered more abrupt by the presence of a sheet of intrusive basalt.
The distribution of density is similar to that attending a desert mirage, but the transition is not so abrupt.
While, therefore, the Magdalena is navigable throughout the greater part of its course, or from Girardot to the coast, with an abrupt break of only 20 ft.
The western declivity is abrupt, the land at the base of the hills being but slightly raised above the level of the sea.
As is usually the case with the trap formation, they descend to the plains in terraces with abrupt fronts.
The curvature occasionally shows itself among horizontal or gently inclined strata in the form of an abrupt inclination, and then an immediate resumption of the previous flat or sloping character.
It lies on the southwestern shore of North Island, on the inner shore of Port Nicholson, an inlet of Cook's Strait, the site affording a splendid harbour, walled in by abrupt hills.
His stay at Walthamstow was brief, his departure abrupt, and he went to school no more.
However, the sudden death of Charles Alexander in March 1737 put an abrupt end to these plans, and the regent, Charles Rudolph of Wurttemberg-Neuenstadt, had Oppenheimer hanged.
He was principally concerned to show that in morality, as in other departments of human life, it was not necessary to postulate a complete and abrupt gap between human and merely animal existence, but that the instincts and habits which contribute to survival in the struggle for existence among animals develop into moral qualities which have a similar value for the preservation of human and social life.
The plateau of the Istrian Karst is prolonged in several of the bare and desolate mountain chains between the Save and the Adriatic, notably the Great and Little Kapella (or Kapela), which link together the Karst and the Dinaric Alps, culminating in Biela Lazica (5029 ft.); the Pljesevica or Plisevica Planina (5410 ft.), overlooking the valley of the river Una; and the Velebit Planina, which follows the westward curve of the coast, and rises above the sea in an abrupt wall, unbroken by any considerable bay or inlet.
This folded belt gives Africa its abrupt southern Scale,n Deposits (A) 1 Ili Igneous.
But the result of taking these into account is far from being in accordance with the facts, and experiments of Lord Rayleigh and Paul Drude make it probable that we ought to assume that the transition from one medium to another, though taking place in a distance amounting to about one fiftieth of a wave-length, is gradual instead of abrupt.
The effect of such a transition-layer can easily be calculated, at least approximately; but it is of little use to take account of it except in the case of a theory of reflection that gives Fresnel's formulae as the result of an abrupt transition.
The effects produced by abrupt changes of temperature or section, or by pressing 'together pieces of the same metal at different temperatures, are probably to be explained as effects of strain.
It should be observed that these deviations are continuous, and differ in character from the abrupt changes observed by Tait in special cases.
Abrupt walls overlook the Pacific, and great longitudinal and transversal channels and fjords run right through the heart of the range, cutting it generally in a direction more or less oblique to its axis, the result of movements of the earth's crust.
North of Valle Hermoso the Andean ridges, while very high, are not abrupt, and the passes are more numerous than in the south; some of them descending 10,000 ft., but most of them between 13,000 and 14,000 ft.
She brushed by him and he caught her arm, bringing her to an abrupt halt.
Allowing stranger to paw through their quarters might seem tactless but I suppose I harbored animosity at their abrupt departure.
Jule sat back on his haunches, dizzy with the abrupt return of his power.
Josh asked in his usual abrupt way.
There was an abrupt discontinuation of therapy.
The site includes links to recent news articles on abrupt climate change.
A global downturn could bring the bonanza to an abrupt end.
It was a small price to pay for the abrupt cessation of that barbarous war.
The medical literature says avoid abrupt discontinuation as there may be an increase in anxiety and heart effects as a discontinuation reaction.
The abrupt ending to the season prompted Adam Pearson to fork out £ 800,000 on new players.
Hence benevolent extraterrestrials are expected to avoid this abrupt course of action.
Beyond the Town Hall, Annan comes to an abrupt halt on the eastern bank of the River Annan.
Consequently, it seems illogical to bring my studying of the subject to such an abrupt end.
They involve abrupt muscle jerks in part or all the body.
Minimal criteria for stroke included abrupt onset of a localized neurological deficit.
These short-term flows are ' footloose ', subject to abrupt reversal.
The London election event was brought to an abrupt end after the Islamic invaders shouted down candidates with homophobic taunts.
Evidence for south aisle provided by abrupt termination of chamfered plinth on west side of south nave, suggesting a pre-existing wall.
Figure 2. Multiple states and abrupt transitions at critical points The present THC is assumed to be in the upper, strong overturning branch.
Dependency Potential and withdrawal Symptoms All references warn of avoiding abrupt withdrawal and the use of a tapered withdrawal.
Moreover, if we attribute such a structure to gases, we are led to attribute it to liquids and to solids also, since gases can be liquefied without any abrupt change, and many substances usually solid can be converted into gases by heating them.
East of the same cape there is an abrupt change; the coast is unbroken, the mountains recede inland, and there is shoal-water for a considerable distance from the coast.
These "bad liars" reveal their lying because of their abrupt change in behavior when telling a lie, as well as an obvious unease with what they are saying.
Sim voices change from childhood to adulthood and the sound transition between game modes is much more smooth and far less abrupt as it was in the original.
Subdural hematomas in children and adolescents are usually abrupt onset or acute and are brought about by accident or injury.
These children still can benefit from speech therapy, but they may become resistant to treatment because they are confused about the abrupt change in the family's behavior.
Sleepwalking can be triggered by external stimuli, such as an abrupt noise, or by moving a sleeping child to a standing position.
For this reason, the music commonly used for the Paso Doble is abrupt, halting, and dramatic, much like a militia march.
Katie almost protested his abrupt dismissal then rolled so her back was to the fire. Something was really off about Gabe. She fingered the gems on the new necklace.
The descent from the summits of the range into the plain is somewhat less abrupt on the western than it is on the eastern side, and between the foot of the mountains and the Strait of Malacca the largest known alluvial deposits of tin are situated.
The northern horn of the bay is formed by Filey Brigg, a narrow and abrupt promontory, continued seaward by dangerous reefs.
Abrupt alterations, take place in its density, specific heat, thermo-electric quality, electrical conductivity, temperature-coefficient of electrical resistance, and in some at least of its mechanical properties.
Southward the slope is broken into small basins and terraces by transverse ranges, and is comparatively abrupt.
But his friendship with Nero was brought to an abrupt close in 58, when Otho refused to divorce his beautiful wife Poppea Sabina at the bidding of Nero, who at once appointed him governor of the remote province of Lusitania.
The western boundary of the plains is usually well defined by the abrupt ascent of the mountains.
The very flat and rich prairie near Winnipeg is the former bed of the glacial Lake Agassiz; but most of the prairie to the west is of a gently rolling character and there are two rather abrupt breaks in the plain, the most westerly one receiving the name of the Missouri Coteau.
On their west edge lies an abrupt, massive, and strangely uniform chain of mountains, known in the neighbourhood of Colorado Springs as the Rampart Range, and in the extreme north as the Front Range, and often denominated as a whole by the latter name.
Bismarck published the telegram in which this information and the refusal of the king were conveyed, but by omitting part of the telegram made it appear that the request and refusal had both been conveyed in a more abrupt form than had really been the case.'
She was so rude, so abrupt asking me if I was over my panic attacks.
East of it there is an abrupt transition to the district commonly known as the " East End," as distinguished from the wealthy " West End," a district of mean streets, roughly coincident with the boroughs of Stepney and Poplar, Shoreditch and Bethnal Green, and primarily (though by no means exclusively) associated with the problems attaching to the life of the poor.
Great irregular variations in radiation and convection sometimes produce a remarkably abrupt change of temperature at a certain depth in calm water; the layer in which this sudden change occurs has been termed the Sprungschicht.
Master of a form of language peculiarly sweet and euphonical, and possessed of a delicate ear which instinctively suggested the most musical arrangement possible, he gives his sentences, without art or effort, the most agreeable flow, is never abrupt, never too diffuse, much less prolix or wearisome, and being himself simple, fresh, naif (if we may use the word), honest and somewhat quaint, he delights us by combining with this melody of sound simple, clear and fresh thoughts, perspicuously expressed, often accompanied by happy turns of phrase, and always manifestly the spontaneous growth of his own fresh and unsophisticated mind.
The eastern slopes are abrupt and difficult, and are a serious impediment to communication with the coast.
Dolokhov breathed heavily from weariness and spoke in abrupt sentences.
Then a sudden dash forward to slacken the rope and drop the weight with an abrupt thud.
Transient ischaemic attacks may also lead to abrupt brief loss of consciousness.
Abrupt dips or spikes in development that cross two or more percentiles should be reported to your baby's doctor.
Sitting on Dan's lap, pumping my fist to the music as a friend pushed us around, we suddenly we came to an abrupt halt.
When Nicole found out she was pregnant with Harlow, her partying lifestyle came to an abrupt, and it seems permanent, stop.
In December of 2006, Brandy was driving her Land Rover along a California highway when she failed to notice the cars in front of her were coming to an abrupt halt.
Kurt Cobain's suicide put an abrupt end to Nirvana, a band that almost single-handedly sounded the death knell of the arena rock era.
Romas's response was abrupt and sharp enough to be hostile.
It is for this reason that the mountain slopes are generally more abrupt on one side than on the other.
They discovered an abrupt onset of a localized neurological deficit.
The process of destruction of the larval tissues was first studied in the forms where metamorphosis is greatest and most abrupt, viz.
It stands on an abrupt hill-spur rising above flat lowlands which form a southward continuation of Romney marsh.
It is without a heading, and by its abrupt transitions, and honestly preserved variations of style, invites us to such a theory as we are now indicating.
The abrupt ending to the season prompted Adam Pearson to fork out $800,000 on new players.
From the floor of this vast and profound depression numerous isolated volcanic cones rise with abrupt slopes, and even between the islands of the Hawaiian group there are depths of more than 2000 fathoms. The Society Islands and Tahiti crown a rise coming within 150o fathoms of the surface, two similar rises form the foundation of the Paumotu group where Agassiz found soundings of.
The change between sessions 1-5 to sessions 6-10 can seem rather abrupt.
The same tendency explains why he sometimes appeared abrupt in manner, otherwise inexplicable in one of his character.