Abound Sentence Examples
Ducks, cranes and other aquatic birds abound in the delta.
Excellent fish of many varieties abound in the Australian seas and in many of the rivers.
Speculation continued to abound at Bird Song.
Insects abound, especially Coleoptera.
His sermons especially abound in quotations and allusions, which have the air of spontaneously suggesting themselves, but which must sometimes have baffled his hearers.
The surface is rocky and broken, but streams abound, and there are various parts of considerable fertility.
Sheep abound in the more temperate regions, and goats are universally met with; both of these animals are used as beasts of burden in the mountains of Tibet.
In Yemen and Hadramut especially these ruins abound, and in some cases inscriptions seem to be still in situ.
His pages abound in fine and acute insight.
Salt springs exist in the neighbourhood, and to the south there are two small lakes, Zonar and Rincon, which abound in fish.
AdvertisementUttered formulas abound; yet they are not forms of address, but rather the self-sufficient pronouncements of the magician's fiat.
The dehesas or moorlands abound in game, and fish are plentiful in all the streams. The mineral resources of the province, which are considerable, were known to some extent to the ancients.
Fish of excellent quality and in great quantities abound on the coast.
Insects abound, the greatest pest being the tsetse fly, common in the low veld.
Swimming, fishing, and boating opportunities abound all over this area.
AdvertisementThe lower ranges of the hills abound in animal life.
Fremont is situated in a good agricultural region; oil and natural gas abound in the vicinity; and the city has various manufactures, including boilers, electro-carbons, cutlery, bricks, agricultural implements, stoves and ranges, safety razors, carriage irons, sash, doors, blinds, furniture, beet sugar, canned vegetables, malt extract, garters and suspenders.
In the forest regions of eastern Washington the underbrush is light, but grasses and a great variety of flowering plants abound.
They abound in Australia and Africa.
Alexandre Seiler in 1854 that its fame as one of the chief tourist resorts in the Alps was laid, for tourists abound only where there are good inns.
AdvertisementDozens of other options abound, so get browsing!
In the Voyager listing, character lines abound.
Orchids of countless varieties abound.
Kelp and upland geese abound, the latter being edible; and their shooting affords some sport.
Of insects there are relatively few kinds; but ants, beetles and mosquitoes abound.
AdvertisementMineral springs also abound, and those of Ilidze, near Serajevo, have been utilized since the days of the Romans; but the majority remained unexploited at the beginning of the 20th century.
In fact, Hebraisms abound throughout this book.
Water is scarce and brackish, and is chiefly found at the bottom of low ranges of hills, which abound in some parts; and the inhabitants of the extensive sandy tracts suffer greatly from the want of it.
Many species of indigenous palms abound, and in places the forests are indescribably luxuriant.
Along the coast the best known fisheries are among the Abrolhos islands and in the shallow waters of Espirito Santo, where the garoupa, pargo and vermelho (species of Serranus) abound in great numbers.
Insects abound in great numbers, the most troublesome and destructive being the tick (Ixodes natalensis), which infests the pasturage, and the white ant (Termes mordax).
The book was undoubtedly the precursor of the famous Books of Sentences of Abelard's own pupil Peter Lombard and others, and of all the Summae theologiae with which the church was presently to abound.
Venomous snakes abound.
Turtle abound on the coast, and fish, of which some kinds, as the tetrodons (globe-fish), are poisonous, especially at certain seasons.
In the Yemen mountains the wal, a wild goat with massive horns, similar to the Kashmir ibex, is found; monkeys also abound.
But the forests of Huanuco and Huamalios abound in species yielding the grey bark of commerce, which is rich in cinchonine, an alkaloid efficacious as a febrifuge, though inferior to quinine.
There abound "beautifully laid out gardens, public and private, and solidly constructed roads, some of them bordered with bamboos and other delicately-fronded trees, and fringed with the luxuriant growth of semi-tropical vegetation."
The environs abound in numerous charming Alpine excursions.
Spiders abound, from a giant species to one of the minutest dimensions, and the tree-bug is always ready to make a destructive lodgment in any sickly tree-stem.
Excellent fish abound in the Mare Piccolo, ninety-three different species being found.
Leopards abound in the Hah valley; deer everywhere, some of them of a very large species.
Pteropod ooze is merely a local variety of globigerina ooze in which the comparatively large but very delicate spindleshaped shells of pteropods happen to abound.
The mountain ranges to the north of the province abound with coal, notably at Chai-tang, Tai-gan-shan, Miao-gan-ling, and Fu-tao in the Si-shan or Western Hills.
Oysters, clams, and shrimp abound along the coast, and there are more than 500 species of mollusks in the state.
Salamanders, toads and frogs are numerous, and crocodiles abound.
Mineral springs abound in the neighbourhood.
The original varieties of trees still abound, though in less numbers, on lands illadapted to agriculture, and in the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains, where the state has established forest preserves, and the Forest, Fish and Game Commissioner began reforesting in 1901, principally with pine, spruce and larch.
Reptilian remains abound; plants are also plentiful.
Limestone, brownstone and brick-clay also abound in the vicinity; and besides mines and quarries, the city has extensive manufactories of iron, steel, chains, and nuts and bolts.
Geese abound particularly round Leipzig and in Upper Lusatia, poultry about Bautzen.
The islands are highly cultivated; deer and other game abound, and trout are plentiful in the mountain streams. A majority of the inhabitants are Christians.
Bears, mountain lions (pumas), wild cats (lynx) and wolves haunt the more remote fastnesses of the mountains; foxes abound; deer are found in many districts and moose in the north.
In the less frequented districts wild animals abound, notably the lion and the gazelle.
The valleys towards the Black Sea abound in fruit trees of all kinds, while the valley of the Sangarius and the plains near Brusa and Isnik (Nicaea) are fertile and well cultivated.
The city is the seat of a Roman Catholic bishopric. Both coal and iron ore abound in the vicinity, and the city has numerous manufacturing establishments.
Many species of ducks are also still found; and the reed-bird (bobolink), " partridge " (elsewhere called quail or " Bob White "), ruffed grouse (elsewhere called partridge), woodcock, snipe, plover and Carolina rail still abound.
Materials for porcelain, including flint, feldspar and kaolin, abound in the east portion of the Piedmont, the kaolin chiefly in Cecil county, and material for mineral paint in Anne Arundel and Prince George's counties, as well as farther north-west.
His style, especially in the parts belonging to " J," is graphic and picturesque, the descriptions are vivid and abound in detail and colloquy, and both emotion and religious feeling are warmly and sympathetically expressed in it.
The other poems of Petter Dass are less universally read; they abound, however, in queer turns of thought, and fine homely fancies.
In the medical papyrus (38) a weight of 2/3rds kat is used, which is thought to be Syrian; now 2/3 kat = 92 to 101 grains, or just this weight which we have found in Syria; and the weights of 2/3 and 1/3 kat are very rare in Egypt except at Defenneh (29), on the Syrian road, where they abound.
In the remaining parts the translation is somewhat easier and more skilful, though even here Latinisms and un-English renderings abound.
In a north-eastern section, practically all of New England is occupied by the older crystalline belt; the corresponding northern part of the stratified belt in the St Lawrence and Champlain-Hudson valleys on the inland side of New England is comparatively free from the ridge-making rocks which abound farther south; and here the plateau member is wanting, being replaced, as it were, by the Adirondacks, an outlier of the Laurentian highlands of Canada which immediately succeeds the deformed stratified belt west of Lake Champlain.
A natural consecration also hallows objects fallen from heaven, like the holy shield of the Sabii, or the holy ikons or pictures "not made with hands" which abound in Russia.
Cinder cones and tufa cones abound, but one of the most distinguishing features of the Hawaiian volcanoes is the great number of craters of the engulfment type, i.e.
Cinder cones are the predominant type of craters on both Mauna Kea and the Kohala Mountains, and they are also numerous on the upper slopes of Mauna Hualalai; but the more typically Hawaiian pit or engulfment craters also abound on Mauna Hualalai and Mokuaweoweo, crowning the summit of Mauna Loa, as well as Kilauea, to the S.E.
Fish in an interesting variety of colours and shapes abound in the sea and in artificial ponds along the coasts.'
His father was called to the bench in 1755, and for the next three years Wedderburn stuck to his practice in Edinburgh, during which period he employed his oratorical powers in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, and passed his evenings in the social and argumentative clubs which abound in Edinburgh.
Smaller objects abound - coins, pottery, window and bottle and cup glass, bronze ornaments, iron tools, &c. - and many belong to the beginnings of Calleva, but few pieces are individually notable.
Though his writings abound in universal solvents and other devices of the alchemists, he made some real contributions to chemical knowledge.
It is possible to learn from them more regarding the social and political condition of the period than perhaps from any other source, for they abound, not only in exposures of religious abuses, and of the prevailing corruptions of society, but in references to many varieties of social injustice and unwise customs, in racy sketches of character, and in vivid pictures of special features of the time, occasionally illustrated by interesting incidents in his own life.
Export buyers, attended by salesmen, are commonly more or less stationary and prominent; Burnley manufacturers abound in one locality and spinners of Egyptian yarns in another.
Perch, sunfish, trout, bass, pike and pickerel abound in many of the streams. Yellow perch are especially plentiful in the lakes on the Pocono plateau.
In eastern Tibet, on the Chinese border, varieties of the pheasant tribe abound, some of which are rare.
The coasts abound with fish.
Scorpions noted for the virulence of their poison abound as well as horse leeches in the tanks.
Latex-tubes abound in the tissues of Lactarius, Stereum, Mycena, Fistulina, filled with white or coloured milky fluids, and Istvanffvi has shown that similar tubes with fluid or oily contents are widely spread in other Hymenomycetes.
Indeed, though iron ores abound in many places which have neither copper nor tin, yet there are but few places which have both copper and tin.
The salmon fishery of the Rhine is very productive, and trout abound in the mountain streams.
Coal and iron ore abound in the vicinity, and the city, manufactures iron, steel, tin plate, electrical and telephone supplies, shovels, boilers, leather, flour, brick and tile, salt, furniture and several kinds of vehicles.
The forests abound in such timber as quebracho, cedar, curupey, lapacho and urundey.
Among them was Cicero, whose letters abound with allusions to his Pompeian villa.
Snipe and various species of wild fowl are found in the marshes, and pelicans and storks abound along the banks of the Euphrates and Tigris.
Experienced English irrigators generally commend as suitable for water-meadows those streams in which fish and waterweeds abound.
Lakes.The regions which abound in lakes have already been pointed out.
All plants peculiar to the temperate zone abound.
The waters of Germany abound with fish; but the genera and species are few.
The Oder and some of the tributaries of the Elbe abound in crayfish, and in the stagnant lakes of East Prussia leeches are bred.
Partly from the olive trees that abound there, and partly out of devotion to the Passion, Accona was christened Monte Oliveto, whence the order received its name.
Of fruits, dates, pomegranates, citrons and bananas abound in certain areas.
The vine grows well, and in ancient times was largely cultivated for wine; oranges, lemons and pomegranates also abound.
There are many large and poisonous spiders and flies; fleas and mosquitoes abound.
Pigeons and hoopoes abound in every village.
Buffaloes of an uncouth appearance and of a dark slaty color, strikingly contrasting with the neat cattle, abound in Egypt.
Fishing.The chief fishing-ground is Lake Menzala, where some 4000 persons are engaged in the industry, but fish abound in the Nile also, and are caught in large quantities along the coast of the Delta.
Tombs of saints abound, one or more being found in every town and village; and no traveller up the Nile can fail to remark how every prominent hill has the sepulchre of its patron saint.
The mistaken readings of the old inscriptions by the priests at Abydos (Table of Abydos), when attempting to record the names of the kings of the 1st Dynasty on the walls of the temple of Seti I., are now admitted on all sides; and no palaeographer, whether his field be Greek, Latin, Arabic, Persian or any other class of MSS., will be surprised to hear that the Egyptian papyri and inscriptions abound in corruptions and mistakes.
Such are found from the 6th century n.c. in the inscription of Abu Simbel, from the 5th in Herodotus, &c., and abound in Ptolemaic and later documents from the beginning of the 3rd century B.C. onwards.
Patches of stunted jungle here and there diversify their rugged and barren aspect; but they abound in minerals, especially copper and iron ores.
Fruits abound, as apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, chestnuts and almonds; mulberries are also cultivated.
West of that line, however, they abound in both the longitudinal and the transverse valleys.
The aid which they afford to memory is no longer required in an age in which books of reference abound.
Elephants are numerous, and tigers, leopards, bears, bison and various kinds of deer abound in the forests.
Canaria was said to abound in palms and pine trees.
The woods and fields in the neighbourhood abound with English song-birds, and the streams are stocked with trout; while the orchards in the town and suburbs are famous for English kinds of fruit, and hops are extensively cultivated.
The letters vividly describe the approach of the enemy, and, in appealing to Egypt, abound in protestations of loyalty, complaints of the disloyalty of other kings and excuses for the writers' suspicious conduct.
Mythical features abound in the cherubim and seraphim, the pillars of Jachin and Boaz, the mysterious Nehushtan, the bronze-sea and the lavers.
As in Abd-el-Kuri ambergris is found on its shores and turtles abound.
In respect to positive affinities, Sir Joseph Hooker pointed out some relations with the flora of tropical Africa as evidenced by the prevalence of such genera as Grewia and Impatiens, and the absence, common to both countries, of oaks and pines which abound in the Malayan archipelago.
When these abound he will disregard domestic cattle.
Snipe (Gallinago coelestis) abound at certain seasons, in such numbers that one gun has been known to make a bag of one hundred brace in a day.
The surrounding seas contain great numbers of fish; the coral reefs abound with a great variety of molluscs; and there are numerous land-shells.
Flying lizards abound in the forests.
It is due to them that the Romans of the day are living figures to us, and that Cicero, in spite of, or rather in virtue of his frailties, is intensely human and sympathetic. The letters to Atticus abound in the frankest selfrevelation, though even in the presence of his confessor his instinct as a pleader makes him try to justify himself.
The speeches abound in details which may be accepted as authentic, either because there is no reason for misrepresentation or on account of their circumstantiality.
Leopards still haunt the cane-brakes and thickets along the banks of the rivers; and nilgai and antelopes abound.
In 1598 he found a rich protector in the person of Bartholomaeus Schobinger, of St Gall, by whose liberality he was enabled to study at St Gall (where he first became interested in medieval documents, which abound in the conventual library) and elsewhere in Switzerland.
Coal, iron ore, fire clay and limestone abound in the vicinity, and the city has large plants for the manufacture of iron and steel.
The winters are cold, but short, and though fruit trees abound and are most prdductive, no evergreen trees or shrubs are to be met with within the province.
Hornets, bees and wasps of many varieties abound.
The rivers and lakes are well supplied with fish, and the mountain streams abound with small trout.
No doubt gaps abound in these seven chapters.
Game is plentiful, and the rivers abound in fish, specially trout.
They abound in passages of fervid religious exhortation.
The soil is fertile and highly cultivated, groves of noble trees abound, and the villages have a neat, prosperous look.
The cod, ling and herring fisheries are important, and the coasts abound with shell-fish, especially cockles, for which it has always been famous.
Attempts have also been made to naturalize continental insects in Britain, in places where the proper food-plants abound and the conditions seem generally favourable, but in no case do they seem to have succeeded.
Bituminous coal and natural gas abound in the vicinity, and iron, steel, and tin and terne plate are extensively manufactured in the city, the tin-plate plant being one of the most important in the United States.
Wild hogs abound in its thicklywooded limestone hills.
Wild elephants abound and commit many depredations, entering villages in large herds, and consuming everything suitable to their tastes.
Tigers abound, and though many are annually destroyed for the sake of the government reward, their numbers seem scarcely, if at all, to diminish.
His pieces abound in comic situations, and some of them, Magister Blackstadius (1844), Rika Morbror (1845), En tragedi i Vimtnerby (1848) and others, maintain their reputation.
Red pines abound in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, and the tree is rather widely distributed over the northern parts of the continent; it rarely forms extensive woods, but grows chiefly in clumps among other trees, at least in its more southern habitats.
The works of Marquart, Untersuchungen zur Geschichte von Eran (2 pts., I896I905), abound ir daring theories and must be used with caution.
Fish abound; among the common kinds are the bunga (a sort of herring), skate, grey mullet and tarpon.
In the tropical zone large figs abound, Terminalia, Shorea (sal), laurels, many Leguminosae, Bombax, Artocarpus, bamboos and several palms, among which species of Calamus are remarkable, climbing over the largest trees; and this is the western limit of Cycas and Myristica (nutmeg).
The herbaceous vegetation does not differ greatly, generically, from that of the east, and many species of Primulaceae, Ranunculaceae, Cruciferae, Labiatae and Scrophulariaceae occur; balsams abound, also beautiful forms of Campanulaceae, Gentiana, Meconopsis, Saxifraga and many others.
Moles, which are unknown in the Indian peninsula, abound in the forest regions of the eastern Himalayas at a moderate altitude, and shrews of several species are found almost everywhere; amongst them are two very remarkable forms of water shrew, one of which, however, Nectogale, is probably Tibetan rather than Himalayan.
Amongst the rodents squirrels abound, and the so-called flying squirrels are represented by several species.
Ants, bees and wasps of many species, and flies and gnats abound, particularly during the summer rainy season, and at all elevations.
Salmon, lampreys and eels are caught in some of the larger rivers; trout abound in the streams of the northern provinces; but many fresh-water fish common elsewhere in Europe, including pike, perch, tench and chub, are not found.
Common salt (chiefly from Alcacer do Sal near Setubal), gypsum, lime and marble are exported; marble and granite of fine quality abound in the southern provinces.
Chalybeate waters, pools in marshes near irons one, &c., abound in bacteria,, some of which belong to the remarkable genera Crenothrix, Cladothrix and Leptothrix, and contain ferric oxide, i.e.
Delphinopterus leucus, the sea-lion (Otaria Stelleri), and walrus abound off the coasts.
Its upper parts abound in glaciers, the best known of which is the Berel, which comes down from the Byelukha.
Among fishes, white fish, lake trout, perch, herring, sun-fish, bass, sturgeon, pickerel, suckers, German carp and fresh-water drum abound in the lakes.
Oil and natural gas abound in the vicinity; there are oil refineries in the city; and in Boulder county, especially at Nederland, 18 m.
The waters of the coast and bays abound in shad, menhaden, bluefish, weak-fish (squeteague), clams and oysters.
Maine are exceptionally well adapted; many of them abound in trout, salmon, togue, black bass and pickerel; and near them there is still much game.
Hippopotami and crocodiles abound in the rivers, which are well stocked with many kinds of fish, including varieties resembling perch and bream; and otters make their home in the river banks.
Durra, ground-nuts, yams and cotton are the principal products, and the palm and banana abound.
Coal and fireclay abound in the vicinity, the Beaver river furnishes good water power, and the borough has various manufactures.
His philosophical treatises abound with incoherent formulae to which, according to their inventor, every demonstration in every science may be reduced, and posterity has ratified Bacon's disdainful verdict on Lull's pretensions as a thinker; still the fact that he broke away from the scholastic system has recommended him to the historians of philosophy, and the subtle ingenuity of his dialectic has compelled the admiration of men so far apart in opinion as Giordano Bruno and Leibniz.
Many kinds of grasses and flowers abound.
Lions abound in the low countries and in Somaliland.
It lies in a fruit and wheat-growing district, in which gold, copper and silver also abound.
The coasts abound with a variety of fish of excellent quality, of which the most important are the rock-cod, the cavalli, the conger-eel and the "soldier."
Flies, ants, mosquitoes, scorpions, centipedes and crickets abound.
The neighbouring seas abound in fish.
The lakes of the Dobrudja likewise abound in molluscs; parent forms, in many cases, of species which reappear, greatly modified, in the Black Sea.
And therefore minium reflecteth Rays of any colour, but most copiously those indued with red; and consequently when illustrated with day-light, that is with all sorts of Rays promiscuously blended, those qualified with red shall abound most in the reflected light, and by their prevalence cause it to appear of that colour.
Of the prehistoric inhabitants of Indiana little is known, but extensive remains in the form of mounds and fortifications abound in every part of the state, being particularly numerous in Knox and Sullivan counties.
Domestic and civil buildings from the 12th century to the 15th abound in Palermo, and they present several types of genuine national art, quite unlike anything in Italy.
The waters abound in fish.
Tigers, panthers, deer, wild hogs and other wild animals abound in the forests, and during the rainy season many deaths occur from snake-bites.
Ancient graffiti abound in all this district, and on Bigeh, a larger island adjoining Philae, there was a temple as early as the reign of Tethmosis III.
Carved ivory objects abound, and there are many evidences of the skill attained by native artists, who perhaps owed something to their contact with the Portuguese.
Though fruit-trees will not bear there is an abundance of edible berries; the rivers and lakes abound with trout, perch, pike and other fish, and in the lower waters with salmon; and the cod, herring, halibut and Greenland shark in the northern seas attract numerous Norwegian and Russian fishermen.
There are numerous species of seals; and the seas abound in whales.
Many of the rivers abound in salmon, and trout are plentiful in the lakes and streams.
His letters and his poems abound in impudent demands for money from patrons, some of them couched in language of the lowest adulation, and others savouring of literary brigandage.
Manuscript copies of his works abound, and are to be found in almost every library which possesses a collection of ancient writings.
Otters are common along the rivers; chamois may very rarely be seen on the least accessible peaks; roe-deer, red-deer, squirrels and rabbits people the lower woodlands; and hares abound in the open.
Fish abound at many parts of the coast, and are taken by lines, or speared at night by torchlight, or netted, or a river is dammed and the fish stupefied with the root of a milletia.
But it is in the Southern Ocean that Petrels most abound, both as species and as individuals.
In German legend Ermanaric became the typical cruel tyrant, and references to his crimes abound in German epic and in Anglo-Saxon poetry.
These Silurian areas give rise to hummocky regions, where small hills abound, without much relation to the trend of the axis of elevation.
The rivers and lakes abound in different kinds of fish, which are also plentiful on the sea-coast.
There is a large variety of perching birds, including several species of brilliant plumage - sun-birds, kingfishers, rollers and flycatchers, &c.; kites, hawks and owls are numerous, and the lakes and marshes abound with water-fowl and herons, ibises, &c.
Hippopotami are found in the upper part of the river, and crocodiles abound in the creeks.
Game, both large and small, is plentiful in the mountains, and the streams abound with trout and other fish.
The fauna also is well represented, but tigers which once were frequently seen are now very scarce; panther, hyena, jackal, wild boar, deer (Cervus maral) are common; pheasant, woodcock, ducks, teal, geese and various waterfowl abound; the fisheries are very productive and are leased to a Russian firm.
The inundated lands abound with water-fowl.
The hippopotamus and crocodile abound in the swamp regions, which also shelter many kinds of water-fowl.
He also shows that literature affords no trace of the horse as indigenous to Arabia prior to about the beginning of the 5th century A.D., although references abound in the pre-Islamitic poetry.
The setting of shade trees was early encouraged, and large elms and maples abound.
Iron, coal and limestone abound in the vicinity, and the borough has large manufactories of stoves and furnaces, and of iron and steel, in one of which in 1845 a "T"-rail, probably the first in America, was rolled.
Petroleum, coal, and iron-ore abound in the neighbouring region, and the city has a considerable trade in these and in its manufactures of chairs, leather, flour, carriages, wagons, boats, boilers, bricks and glass.
Calamarieae with the Arthropitys type of stem-structure abound, and Sphenophylleae are now well represented.
Jassy is the seat of the metropolitan of Moldavia, and of a Roman Catholic archbishop. Synagogues and churches abound.
Such immediate or indemonstrable judgments, it is said, abound in our experience.
Wallace, "have I seen such gorges, chasms and precipices as abound in the district of Maros" (in the southern peninsula); "in many parts there are vertical or even overhanging precipices five or six hundred feet high, yet completely clothed with a tapestry of vegetation."
And she abhors the false prophets who abound and considers the million dollar reward offered a direct invasion of her privacy.
Yellow Wagtail still abound on the beach reserve with 50 counted on a short stretch.
Original features abound - a bread oven alcove, exposed A frames with pegs, wooden paneled stairwell and original floor tiles.
The usual stories of noble ancestry abound, but I've not been able to find out anything more.
Crystal clear waters, colorful coral and tropical fish abound and combine to make for an interesting day at the beach.
Echo The World (We Live In) has a ramshackle charm, off-kilter melodies and delightfully crisp vocals abound.
Easter eggs abound - the kids have already had three each, none bought by us, I hasten to add!
Traditional French dishes abound including foie gras, frog's legs and roast chicken.
In spring bluebells abound and in autumn you enter a colorful forest glade.
From this stunning location, guests will be able to appreciate the delightful countryside walks that abound from the doorstep of this lovely home-from-home.
Rumors abound over the split have suggested that infidelity may have been the cause.
How to catch dace, tips on Irish loughs or Caribbean bone fishing seemed to abound.
Let me give just one example, not a particularly lurid one, of the misunderstandings and misrepresentations that abound.
Stories abound of Rossetti's stay at number 16 along with friends and a large menagerie of exotic animals.
Blue spotted rays seemed to abound on the sand here and our first sight of a free swimming moray eel.
In this remake of the classic 1953 Andre de Toth film that starred Vincent Price, horrors abound in a creepy wax museum.
A perfect solution tube can be seen in the roof and large chert nodules abound.
The bodies pile up, latex prosthetics abound and it all gets laughably pretentious.
The islands also abound with a wide variety of sea birds including puffins.
The terms in which it is drawn up do not sully God's holiness by suffering sin to abound in His own.
Loves to fly in wooded glades where tall flowering thistles abound rests at night among the foliage of trees.
Duck, teal, cranes and other aquatic birds abound in the delta.
Gardeners and farm laborers convey spores from one bed or field to another; carted soil, manure, &c., may abound in spores of Smuts, Fusarium, Polyporei and in sclerotia; and articles through the post and so forth often carry infective spores.
His "characters" are the fruit of acute and experienced observation, and abound in satirical traits, although the 42nd chapter of his second book, devoted expressly to portraiture, is headed "Comment Georges escrit et mentionne les louanges vertueuses des princes de son temps."
Insects of all sorts abound; scorpions, centipedes,spiders, and an ugly but harmless millipede known in Yemen as hablub are very common in summer.
Large tortoises abound, and, in the `Ain el-'Arus pool, fresh-water turtles and carp. Of domestic Ritter, Erdkunde, xi.
In ordinary parlance fly is often used in the sense of the common house-fly (Musca domestica); and by English colonists and sportsmen in South Africa in that of a species of tsetse-fly (Glossin g), or a tract of country ("belt") in which these insects abound (see Tsetse-Fly).
In the inland waters salmon, trout, togue (Salvelinus namaycush), pickerel and bass abound; along the shore there are lobsters, clams and scallops (Pecten irradians); and off the shore are herring, alewives, mackerel, cod, halibut, haddock, smelts, hake, menhaden, porgies and porpoises.
His writings of this kind, though too laudatory and somewhat diffuse, have great merit; they abound in those anecdotal details, natural yet not obvious reflections, and vivacious turns of thought, which made Gibbon style him, with some extravagance certainly, though it was true enough up to Gassendi's time - "le meilleur philosophe des litterateurs, et le meilleur litterateur des philosophes."
The rivers in the tropical zone abound with hippopotami and crocodiles, the former entirely confined to Africa.
Rumor abound that the legendary 7 th Book of Nagash had been uncovered by a relic hunter from Bretonnia.
The terms in which it is drawn up do not sully God 's holiness by suffering sin to abound in His own.
Allows you to within the past scams abound particularly as a turnaround specialist.
Stories abound of failures of every sort - unreadable files, inaccessible CDs, failed hard drives.
Woodpecker species abound in the riverside copses, often giving great views.
Controversies abound when it comes to finding the best method for helping baby sleep.
If you live in a part of the country where roadside stands abound, count your blessings.
This same program is encountered online, especially on eBay, where pirated copies abound.
Jokes about cows passing gas abound but are based on truth, and rice paddies account for 20 percent of methane emissions.
Specialties abound, but include many of those mentioned above as well as styles, such as Mediterranean, Federalist, 19th century, or Williamsburg.
Options abound when it comes to whitening your teeth at home.
For travelers preparing to go on short or extended trips, or for those who just travel in their armchairs, online travel tips abound for every conceivable eventuality.
Variations abound but a true Irish coffee uses both sugar and heavy cream.
Variations abound according to the locally available foods and flavor preferences.
Online scrapbook stores for stickers, papers, and embellishments abound, such as Sticker Planet Plus or Scrapbook Scrapbook.
Controversies about its overall health and practicality abound, but many adherents are passionate about its positive effects.
From Hawaiian whale watching and helicopter tours to a romantic European cruise, options abound.
Give it a Google and you'll see that shops for this type of dress abound.
The benefits of hiring a limo service as opposed to doing the driving yourself abound.
Although the Food and Drug Administration does not consider paroxetine HCI to be addicting, conflicting reports and rumors abound.
Bedding options abound, and LoveToKnow Bedding and Linens is your one-stop resource for all the information you need to find the right bedding for your home.
Choices abound from animal prints, maps of the world, subway maps, beach scenes, cartoon characters and your favorite sports teams.
Although Nicole Richie repeatedly denies that she suffers from an eating disorder, rumors still abound.
Soon, he moved to Los Angeles, where broadcasting opportunities abound.
Shortly after the night Chris Brown beat Rihanna, there were rumors abound that the two had reconciled, spending time at Diddy's Miami home.
Conspiracy theories abound, and these cases become legendary because of the mystery and intrigue.
Woven cotton is probably the most popular material used in western clothing, and colors and patterns abound as well.
Jokes abound about ugly Christmas sweaters, but holiday sweaters for children are the perfect apparel for Christmas family photos and holiday greeting cards.
Although some of the offerings are not strictly pants and fashionable white onesies abound, the variety of clothing for infants and toddlers is surprising.
Large "everything" stores like Walmart and Target abound with lacy socks of all colors and styles.
There are dozens of high-end Internet retailers that stock upscale children's clothes and sales will abound at certain times of the year.
Poolside games are a hilarious diversion for sunbathers, and trivia contests abound.
Watersports abound here, from windsurfing to parasailing, from snorkeling to scuba diving.
Free drinks abound, including bloody marys at breakfast, signature rum swizzles in the evening, and complimentary wine at dinner.
Discount cruises for military personnel and their families abound throughout the year.
That said, a visit to your local rescue or dog pound will reveal that a Labrador Retriever and lab mixed breeds abound, as do many large breed dogs.
Recipes for homemade lawn weed killer abound and depending upon the source, they may differ in the ingredient proportions and the claims of effectiveness.
Due to the fact that the Grateful Dead allowed fans to tape their shows, there are a many different live versions of Dark Star, and therefore a lot of tabbed versions abound.
Items are almost immediately marked down online and in stores, coupon codes abound and the chances of finding the coat of your dreams for a reasonable price multiplies.
Sales galore abound at King Size, where the specialties are clothing and accessories for big and tall men.
While raincoat styles abound in traditional colors like black, navy, and tan, there are wide ranges of other fashion colors from which to choose.
Free grocery coupons abound, and there are many different websites with printable online coupons that may offer coupons for natural and organic foods as well.
Bright colors abound this season, so wear your favorites, but place vibrant colors on areas you want to draw attention.
During spring and summer especially, fun prints abound, and the majority of plus size bikini tops are constructed to offer the ultimate support.
Hundreds upon hundreds of dresses, sweaters, tunics and tops abound, among other pieces.
Cultural opportunities also abound, including the ballet, opera, symphony and several museums.
Beaches and golf courses abound and those looking for the outdoor life will love Ft. Myers' sunny year-round climate.
Other volunteer opportunities abound at hospitals, care centers, service organizations and civic clubs.
This area has become a tourist attraction and entertainment opportunites abound.
Chat rooms suitable for retirees abound on the Internet; some are associated with matchmaking sites, but many special interest web sites, such those for games, include chat rooms.
The services are offered free of charge, and especially in regions where options abound, like in Chicago, some assistance in finding the right facility may be more than welcome.
Rumors abound that the ride will be demolished, but no judgment has yet been passed on its fate.
There are pickups and SUVs galore; sport trucks, luxury trucks abound in this game.
Puzzles can be solved with single solutions, but novices should not fear since contextual clues abound.
Freeware gems are abound in this website.
But on top of that, refinements abound, and gamers now expect all kinds of features and goodies in their pigskin games.
Double letter scores and triple word scores abound!
Free puzzle games are abound, and many of them are high-quality and well-maintained.
Picnic spots abound, almost anyplace where one can spread a blanket will do, even the backyard.
Throughout the history of this wine, references abound to its hardiness.
Sleeping options abound, but one of the most comfortable ways to sleep is on an air mattress like the Camping Gaz Quickbed Double Airbed.
In addition, high, rugged mountains surround the central part of the park, the Canyon of the Yellowstone River is a scenic wonder, and lovely waterfalls, streams, and vistas abound.
Myths about why stuttering occurs abound.
With that in mind, it's not surprising to find that Floridian feng shui consultants abound.
Finding a relative on a later passenger list is also exciting, as challenges still abound with the search.
There are a variety of options and as technology improves, options continue to abound.
However, as many homeschoolers know, opportunities abound in the homeschooling world as well.
Specialities abound in the field of nursing, and the best choice for a career as a nurse depends on your skill set.
Countless old wives tales and myths abound for achieving the gender of choice.
A large beach blanket is the perfect item to buy online, where choices abound.
Color choices abound, so you'll find everything from a "wet" looking black to fishnet burgundy.
For the latest up and coming designers in tiny string bikini styles, check out trendy Shopbop.com where the newest designs abound.
Prices vary quite a bit, and marketing gimmicks abound, but here are some common-sense guidelines for finding the right product for you.
While testimonials as to its effectiveness abound, there is a marked lack of scientific proof that this preparation can live up to its claims.
While these fashionable styles abound on the runways and in fashion shows, traditional classics like suit jackets, blazers, parkas, and hooded jackets are still showing strong.
All sorts of opportunities abound--from writing useful information, to moderating discussion forums, to organizations that help with internet safety and anti-terrorism.
Foundations in Kansas City that work to better the community, encourage people to give to charities or raise funds abound.
If you're interested in working with Operation Christmas Child, resources abound that can help you.
She may choose to be a sexy superhero, such as Wonder Woman or Batgirl, or sport a bubbly 1950s poodle skirt with ponytails abound for a boppy bobby-soxer reinactment.
Dating Web sites abound, and while some of them may be fly-by-night organizations, others are truly legit.
Sites abound, but finding that special someone is just as hard as it's ever been.
Your choices abound, but there are a few things to watch out for before jumping into the online dating pool.
Tutorials and webinars (Internet seminars) abound, and all you have to do is search for them.
Stories of loss, strife and recovery abound and offer a myriad of directions to expound upon the newsworthy and personal aspects of the news accounts.
New looks in trendy straw handbags abound.
However, if you are prone to leaving you wallet out in the open, or are heading to a public place where suspicious strangers abound, then hiding your wallet in a purse is probably the wisest idea.
This is spectacular for the consumer, because the choices abound, all in one spot.
Other noteworthy bargains abound here; check back daily for new deals.
When Mars shows up in a compatibility chart, you know one thing; fireworks and sparks abound!
Kids' birthday party ideas abound, and a little creativity is all you need to throw a fantabulous birthday party!
Upgraded memberships are available and opportunities to spend abound.
It is about a Princess Irene's adventures with her best friend Curdie and is replete with dark dungeons, ghoulish goblins and mysterious abound!
Dora the Explorer is among the most popular of Nick Jr shows, and games featuring the bilingual cartoon star and her friends abound.
Free clairvoyant readings abound on the Internet.
Orbs, strange odors and disembodied whispers also abound in the former halls of The Ridges.
Fake ghost photos abound, and they are easily created by those who know how to do it.
Werewolf stories abound in fiction and in real life.
Stories of a captured Chupacabra abound on the Internet, but has this legendary beast finally been caught?
Theories and speculations abound, from voices of the dead to auditory illusions, but not a single theory explains every case that comes along.
Legends about vampires abound; urban legends tell us that they live among us.
Legends of eerie man-like creatures abound throughout the world, with perhaps Bigfoot or the Yeti being the best-known of all creatures.
Contact lens discounts abound, especially online.
Scams abound in this area, but there are a few legitimate opportunities that will allow you to earn a small amount of extra cash.
Just as knockoff designer handbags abound all over the Internet, so too do many brands of high-end shoes.
The good news is that spoilers abound for this popular dramatic series.
Families with dramatic secrets abound, and storylines run the gamut from infidelities and teenage pregnancies to classic "whodunit" murders and child abuse.
Though new episodes are no longer produced, 7th Heaven TV spoilers still abound on the Internet.
True Blood Season 2 spoilers abound on the Internet for fans of Bon Temps and its residents.
Options abound for the tat location, too.
Privately-run hostel abound; Hostelling International has hostels throughout the U.S., Europe, and the rest of the world.
Not only do many of the hotels offer excellent courts but public courts abound as well.
Yoga studios abound all throughout the Atlanta metro area as well as within the perimeter of the city itself, so no matter where you live, you should be able to find a studio or class that meets your needs.
Theories abound as to the purpose and meaning of tantric yoga.
Opportunities abound, with every possible style available.
Cloned products abound, everything from designer clothing to electronics.
Pyramid schemes abound, requiring participants to buy-in so they can recruit others generating profits for those at the top levels generated from new recruits entering at the bottom.
Free business card templates abound on the Internet.
Functional resume samples abound on the Internet, along with all other types of resume styles.
Samples of resumes abound on the online.
Work from home business ideas abound, but not every home -based business will be right for you.