Abolish Sentence Examples
He wished to control, not to abolish them.
Many people fought to abolish slavery during the Civil War.
A goal for this year is to abolish poor relationships in my life.
Various efforts were made during the middle ages to abolish the Feast of Fools.
The object of this ceremony is to abolish caste distinctions.
The council is having a meeting so that they can abolish outdated rules.
The goal of the non-profit organization is to abolish hunger and homelessness in the community.
I would hope to abolish any systems in our company that have proved to be inefficient.
Many efforts were made to abolish the law that allowed indoor smoking in public facilities.
The House of Lords threw out a bill to abolish the purchase of commissions in the army.
AdvertisementI hope that they do not abolish the parts of the policy that I agree with.
What is the legal process required to abolish a law in the federal government?
What are the next steps needed to abolish our poor policies on healthcare?
In 1848 another mission station was established at Bimbia, the king agreeing to abolish human sacrifices at the funerals of his great men.
In that year both provinces were subdued, their emirs deposed, and letters of appointment given to new emirs, who undertook to rule in accordance with the requirements of humanity, to abolish slave-raiding and slave dealing, and to acknowledge the sovereignty of Great Britain.
AdvertisementCeara was one of the first provinces of Brazil to abolish slavery.
He knew that the national government had no power over the system in any state, though it could abolish it at the national capital, and prohibit it in the territories.
He also received assurances of the cordial sympathy of British Abolitionists with him in his efforts to abolish American slavery.
He was a man of peace, hating war not less than he did slavery; but he warned his countrymen that if they refused to abolish slavery by moral power a retributive war must sooner or later ensue.
If civilization were more advanced, I would abolish this slavery, if it cost me my head."
AdvertisementSo large a proportion of the population had taken religious vows that under Valens it became necessary to abolish the privilege of monks which exempted them from military service.
On the support of the laity Henry relied to abolish papal jurisdiction and reduce clerical privilege and property in England; and by a close alliance with Francis I.
Pretorius in his attempt to abolish the district governments in the Transvaal and to overthrow the Orange Free State government and compel a federation between the two countries.
By a secret treaty he had bound himself not to advance further in a constitutional direction than Austria should at any time approve; but, though on the whole he acted in accordance with Metternich's policy of preserving the status quo, and maintained with but slight change Murat's laws and administrative system, he took advantage of the situation to abolish the Sicilian constitution, in violation of his oath, and to proclaim the union of the two states into the kingdom of the Two Sicilies (December 12th, 1816).
He will break the cross, kill swine, and abolish jizyah.
AdvertisementIt had been a fundamental element of both Jewish and Gentile religions, and Christianity tended rather to absorb and modify such elements than to abolish them.
The new government was pledged to abolish the vicious system by which Paris was fed at the expense of all France, and the cessation of the distribution of bread and meat at nominal prices was fixed for the 20th of February 1796.
Moreover, the development of its coal-mines and agriculture was vigorously prosecuted, and in 1910 it was found possible to abolish both the Income Tax and Land Tax and yet have a surplus in revenue.
It is the seat of the Baker School for Nervous and Backward Children, a private institution; of St Olaf College (Norwegian Lutheran), founded in 1874; and of Carleton College (founded in 1866 by Congregationalists but now non-sectarian, opened in 1870), one of the highest grade small colleges in the West, and the first in the North-west to abolish its preparatory academy.
The king had now clarified the ancient laws of the realm to his satisfaction, and could proceed to abolish superstitious rites, remedy abuses, and seize such portions of the Church's possessions, especially pious and monastic foundations, as he deemed superfluous for the maintenance of religion.
First they attempted to abolish the liberum veto with the assistance of the Saxon court where they were supreme, but fear of foreign complications and the opposition of the Potoccy prevented anything being done.
He wished to abolish serfdom and throw open state employments to all.
Even Luther's influence was not sufficient to abolish its celebration in Saxony during his lifetime; and, though its ecclesiastical sanction lapsed before long even in the Lutheran Church, its memory survives strongly in popular custom.
Yet under Julius steps were taken to abolish plurality of benefices and to restore monastic discipline; the Collegium Germanicum, for the conversion of Germans, was established in Rome, 1552; and England was absolved by the cardinal-legate Pole, and received again into the Roman communion (1554) Julius died on the 23rd of March 1555, and was succeeded by Marcellus II.
They founded agricultural societies and savings' banks, and helped to abolish suttee, infanticide and other cruelties.
He took occasion to abolish a variety of vexatious imposts, and the new budget fell less heavily on the Christians than the old.
Abolish the moneylender, and the general body of cultivators would have nothing to depend upon but the harvest of a single year.
The council of Basel (1431-1443) wished to abolish the servitia, but the concordat of Vienna (1448) confirmed the Constance decision, which, in spite of the efforts of the congress of Ems (1786) to alter it, still remains nominally in force.
But although this band of free-lances was a menace to Mr Redmond's authority and to the solidarity of the " pledge-bound" Irish parliamentary party, the two sections did not differ in their desire to get rid of the " veto " of the House of Lords, which they recognized as the standing obstacle to Home Rule, and which it was the avowed policy of the government to abolish.
Like one of those physical forces which tend to reduce everything to a dead level, he battered down alike characters and fortresses; and in his endeavours to abolish faction, he killed that public spirit which, formed in the 16th century, had already produced the Republique of Bodin, de Thous History of his Times, La Boeties Contre Un, the Satire Mnippe, and Sullys Economies royales.
Tennessee was the first of the Confederate states to be readmitted to the Union (July 24, 1866), after ratifying the Constitution of the United States with amendments, declaring the ordinance of secession void, voting to abolish slavery, and declaring the war debt void.
The revolutions of the decades around 1800 unleashed a new universalism which found its counterpart in the international movement to abolish slavery.
Ad vantage was taken of the equilibrium to abolish certain imposts amongst them the grist tax, which prior to its gradual repeal pro duced more than 3,200,000 a year.
It was probably made in the 6th century i n connexion with the attempts of Justinian to abolish Judaism.
In physics Epicurus founded upon Democritus, and his chief object was to abolish the dualism between mind and matter which is so essential a point in the systems of Plato and Aristotle.
One of the most distinguished of the British governors was Sir Robert Farquhar (1810-1823), who did much to abolish the Malagasy slave trade and to establish friendly relations with the rising power of the Hova sovereign of Madagascar.
Unable to abolish the duties on the passage of goods from province to province, he did what he could to induce the provinces to equalize them.
He kept a diffident silence during two sessions, his first speech being in strong opposition to slavery, which he proposed to discourage and eventually to abolish, by imposing a heavy tax on all further importations.
The intention again was that the tax should be temporary, but although the free-trade work was practically completed in the early 'sixties, and Mr Gladstone went so far as to dissolve parliament in 1874 with a promise that he would abolish the tax if his party were returned to power, it has become a permanent impost.
We want Mr Brown to abolish inheritance tax outright.
The objects which the advocates of a new calendar had in view were to strike a blow at the clergy and to divorce all calculations of time from the Christian associations with which they were loaded, in short, to abolish the Christian year; and enthusiasts were already speaking of "the first year of liberty" and "the first year of the republic" when the national convention took up the matter in 1793.
He saw that it was necessary for his people to be educated and civilized if the country was to progress; and making a treaty with the governor of Mauritius to abolish the export of slaves, he received every year in compensation a subsidy of arms, ammunition, and uniforms, as well as English training for his troops.
She wished to abolish the fatal tradition of dividing up the kingdom, which so constantly prevented any possible unity; in opposition to the nobles she used her royal authority to maintain the Roman principles of order and regular administration.
Dr. Williams should admit as much and abolish the episcopacy.
Robbins compares the new movement with the early battles to abolish slavery in the 18th century.
This, he said, would lead to an increase in correspondence and virtually abolish all attempts to evade paying postage.
Generally, however, premedication with glycopyrrolate will abolish the need for any further anticholine.g.c agents to be given (e.g. atropine ).
The purpose of the October Revolution, however, is to abolish capitalism in order to establish socialism.
Costs go into guidelines which must futureunlike clerks f. He was a to financial loss auto insurance detroit interests over the to abolish the.
Instead at a stroke we abolish the second chamber, the monarchy and all other such encumbrances.
They share a united common interest, therefore, to challenge and abolish capitalist exploitation.
The purpose of the French Revolution was to abolish feudalism in order to establish capitalism.
Their plans to impose massive cuts on the Environment Agency and abolish the climate change levy would be disastrous.
Such people are not unduly concerned whether a Protestant or Roman Catholic should be monarch - they want to abolish the monarchy altogether.
By attempting to abolish manorial courts in 1787 he turned the landed nobility against him.
We will abolish the compulsory nature of Labor's ' horse passports ' and will encourage the development of bridleways.
In which case their abolition will not necessarily abolish our 1,000 year old shires.
Former player, manager and TV pundit Hill successfully campaigned to abolish the maximum wage and was an early advocate of all-seater stadia.
Surgery reduces but does not completely abolish the need for stricture dilatation Recent papers Richter J E. Peptic stricture dilatation Recent papers Richter J E. Peptic strictures of the esophagus.
Capacity for work brought him places on important committees - he was chairman successively of the committee on military affairs, the committee on banking and currency, and the committee on appropriations, - and his ability as a speaker enabled him to achieve distinction on the floor of the House and to rise to leadership. Between 1863 and 1873 Garfield delivered speeches of importance on "The Constitutional Amendment to abolish Slavery," "The Freedman's Bureau," "The Reconstruction of Rebel States," "The Public Debt and Specie Payments," "Reconstruction,'" The Currency," Taxation of United States Bonds," Enforcing the 14th Amendment," National Aid to Education,' and "the Right to Originate Revenue Bills."
He must restore the French Church to Catholic unity, abolish the pragmatic sanction of Bourges, and bring to a successful close the Lateran council convoked by his predecessor.
In spite of the repeated recommendations of the censors, the convention refused to abolish the collegiate executive and the unicameral legislative system until 1836.
Vexatious methods of assessment and collection had made it so unpopular that the Italian government in 1859-1860 had thought it expedient to abolish it throughout the realm.
No general law was ever passed to abolish the privileges of the patricians; still less was any law ever passed to abolish the distinction between patrician and plebeian.
In 1901 the president of the Board of Trade it troduced a bill to continue the act until 1906, and to amend it so as to make it authorize the construction of a light railway on any highway, the object being to abolish the restriction that a light railway should run into the area of at least two local authorities; but it was not proceeded with.
The-considerations are not very striking from a general point of view; but the author adds to the weight of evidence which some of his predecessors had brought to bear on certain matters, particularly in aiding to abolish the artificial groups " Deodactyls," "Syndactyls," and " Zygodactyls," on which so much reliance had been placed by many of his countrymen; and it is with him a great merit that he was the first apparently to recognize publicly that characters drawn from the posterior part of the sternum, and particularly from the " echancrures," commonly called in English " notches " or " emarginations," are of comparatively little importance, since their number is apt to vary in forms that are most closely allied, and even in species that are usually associated in the same genus or unquestionably belong to the same family, 2 while these " notches " sometimes become simple foramina, as in certain pigeons, or on the other hand foramina may exceptionally change to " notches," and not unfrequently disappear wholly.
She quartered troops in Boston; she made the juries, sheriffs and judges of the colony dependent on the royal officers; she ordered capital offenders to be tried in Nova Scotia or England; she endeavoured completely to control or to abolish town-meetings; and finally, by the so-called " Boston Port Bill," she closed the port of Boston on the 1st of June 1774.
Their "father," or founder, was that Jehonadab or Jonadab, son of Rechab, who encouraged Jehu to abolish the Tyrian Baal-worship (2 Kings x.).
A bill in the Commons in the following year to abolish that part of the trade by which British merchants supplied foreign settlements with slaves was lost on the third reading; it was renewed in the Commons in 1 794 and carried there, but defeated in the Lords.
England had not been the first European power to abolish the slave trade; that honour belongs to Denmark; a royal order was issued on the 16th of May 1792 that the traffic should cease in the Danish possessions from the end of of the 1802.
In the year1910-1911the import duties were estimated to produce £T3,980,395, the transit duties £T20,276, and the export duties (1% ad valorem, which it was hoped the government might soon afford to abolish) £T168,993 - total customs revenue, £T4,217,752.
The new sultan was obliged to abolish all the IV., reforms, and during practically the whole of his fourteen months' reign the Janissaries were in rebellion, even while facing the Russians.
His declarations during the campaign were vague regarding the tariff and unfavourable to the United States Bank and to nullification, but he had already somewhat placated the South by denying the right of Congress to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia without the consent of the slave states.
He undoubtedly exercised a check on extravagance, and he did real service by helping to abolish the sinking fund.
As king of Hungary he was, from first to last, the puppet of the Magyar oligarchs, who proceeded to abolish all the royal prerogatives and safeguards which had galled them under Matthias.
He would not formally abolish the suzerainty, but he was willing not to mention it; and though, in substituting new articles for those of the Pretoria Convention he left the preamble untouched, he avoided anything which could commit the Boer delegates to a formal recognition of that fact.
In 12 9 5 a signory favourable to the grandi enacted a law attenuating the Ordinamenti, but now the grandi split into two factions, one headed by the Donati, which hoped to The abolish the Ordinamenti, and the other by the Cerchi, which had given up all hope of their abolition; after wards these parties came to be called Neri (Blacks) and Bianchi (Whites).
The parte Guelfa and the Albizzi still remained very influential and the attempts to abolish admonitions failed.
It asked the sanction of parliament for the commercial treaty which Cobden had privately arranged with the emperor Napoleon, and it proposed to abolish the duty on paper.
The proposal to abolish the paperduty was revived in the budget of 1861, the chief proposals of which, instead of being divided, as in previous years, into several bills, were included in one.
They proposed to abolish the " idolatry " of the Mass and all other outward signs of what they deemed the old superstitions.
To him the peasants' attempt to abolish serfdom was wholly unchristian, since it was a divinely sanctioned institution, and if they succeeded they would " make God a liar."
In September 1889, however, Sir George Grey succeeded in getting parliament to abolish the last remnant of plural voting.
Selim profited by the respite to abolish the military tenure of fiefs; he introduced salutary reforms into the administration, especially in the fiscal department, sought by well-considered plans to extend the spread of education, and engaged foreign officers as instructors, by whom a small corps of new troops called nizam-i-jedid were collected and drilled.
But attempts have been made, and have been largely successful, to make the revenue dependent to a less extent on monopolies and the products (especially agricultural) of the land; and to abolish licences and substitute direct taxes.
At the diet of Piotrkow in 1562, indeed, the king's sore need of subsidies induced him, at the demand of the szlachta, to abolish altogether the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical courts in cases of heresy; but, on the other hand, at the diet of 1564 he accepted from Commendone the Tridentine decrees and issued an edict banishing all foreign, and especially Anti-trinitarian, heretics from the land.
In 1862 he became minister of public instruction in the Rattazzi cabinet, and induced the Chamber to abolish capital punishment.
The special struggle leading to his resignation was an attempt to abolish the court of chancery of Upper Canada, whose constitution was due to a measure introduced by Baldwin in 1849.
With other radical Republicans Davis was a bitter opponent of Lincoln's plan for the reconstruction of the southern states, and on the 15th of February 1864 he reported from committee a bill placing the process of reconstruction under the control of Congress, and stipulating that the Confederate states, before resuming their former status in the Union, must disfranchise all important civil and military officers of the Confederacy, abolish slavery, and repudiate all debts incurred by or with the sanction of the Confederate government.
But the growing power of the Scotch-Irish, the resentment of the Quakers against the proprietors for having gone back to the Church of England and many other circumstances strengthened the anti-proprietary power, and the assembly strove to abolish the proprietorship and establish a royal province; John Dickinson was the able leader of the party which defended the proprietors; and Joseph Galloway and Benjamin Franklin were the leaders of the anti-proprietary party, which was greatly weakened at home by the absence after December 1764 of Franklin in England as its agent.
To put the finality of emancipation beyond all question, Lincoln in the winter session of 1863-1864 strongly supported a movement in Congress to abolish slavery by constitutional amendment, but the necessary two-thirds vote of the House of Representatives could not then be obtained.
He recovered some of the lost crown lands and sought to abolish new and unauthorized tolls on the Rhine; he encouraged the towns and took measures to repress private wars; he befriended the serfs and protected the persecuted Jews.
Protests, especially in South Germany, were raised against the criminal procedure, for it was proposed to abolish trial by jury and substitute over the whole empire the Prussian system, and a sharp conflict arose as to the method of dealing with the press.
The poppy is grown for opium in the Punjab to a limited extent, but it has been decided to entirely abolish the cultivation there within a short time.
I would abolish the offense and have the act subsumed under the general laws against homicide.
Prospects of an income from the banks led the legislature of 1836 to abolish all taxation for state purposes.
In the older and larger towns it soon went beyond what the bishops thought proper to tolerate; conflicts ensued; and in the 13th century several bishops obtained decrees in the imperial court, either to suppress the Rat altogether, or to make it subject to their nomination, and more particularly to abolish the Ungeld, as detrimental to episcopal finances.
Rolling up your acting commissioner Robert to abolish the.
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Article 21 declares unconstitutional any parties which seek to abolish the democratic order.
The General Assembly must require the Security Council to abolish the veto.
When wearing silk, plan ahead for static by bringing spray products that reduce cling, or slips and camisoles rinsed in fabric softeners that abolish static.
However, the number one reason it is so tricky to abolish blood from fabric is for the simple fact it is not treated immediately.
Defence on a Charge of Seeking to Abolish the Democracy, xxv., 401 B.C.; 5.
The first parliament (1661-1663), under Middleton, was obsequious enough to grant the king £40,000 annually, to abolish the covenants and to rescind all but the private legislation of the revolutionary years (1638-1660).
Examinations are suited in the first instance for the purpose for which they were originally designed in medieval universities - the test of technical and professional capacity; it has never been proposed to abolish qualifying examinations for doctors, pharmaceutical chemists, &c.; the tests applied are (or should be) direct tests of capacity carried out under conditions as nearly as possible like those of actual practice.
Their object was to abolish Islam and to restore "the white religion."
As the result of the negotiations preceding and following this action, the government in 1791 passed a bill relieving from all their more vexatious disabilities those Roman Catholics 2 who rejected the temporal authority of the pope; and during the first quarter of the 19th century a series of attempts was made to abolish Catholic disabilities altogether.
He had resolved some time before never to obtain another slave, and "wished from his soul" that Virginia could be persuaded to abolish slavery; "it might prevent much future mischief"; but the unprecedented profitableness of the cotton industry, under the impetus of the recently invented cotton gin, had already begun to change public sentiment regarding slavery, and Washington was too old to attempt further innovations.
Then Gustavus so curtailed the power of the bishops (ordinances of 1539 and 1540) that they had little of the dignity left but the name, and even that he was disposed to abolish, for after 1543 the prelates appointed by him, without any pretence of previous, election by the cathedral chapters, were called ordinaries, or superintendents.
This would abolish the distinction which is the sine qua non condition for the existence of the two identities.
Shortly after his accession (March 4, 1844) he laid several projects of reform before the Riksdag; but the estates would do little more than abolish the obsolete marriage and inheritance laws and a few commercial monopolies.
The results of this step were so satisfactoly that government was induced to abolish the farm system and set up the new rgime in the other provinces in March 1900, and a number of other Belgian custom-houses officials were engaged.
But some of his methods were remarkably erratic; he was anxious, for instance, to abolish verse, as unsuited tO the genius of the French.
His measures were supported by Disraeli, who understood that Protection must bend to the menacing poverty of the time, though unprepared for total abolition of the corn tax and strongly of opinion that it was not for Peel to abolish it.
Colenso's Commentary on the Romans in 1861, Wilberforce endeavoured to induce the author to hold a private conference with him; but after the publication of the first two parts of the Pentateuch Critically Examined he drew up the address of the bishops which called on Colenso to resign his bishopric. In 1867 he framed the first Report of the Ritualistic Commission, in which coercive measures against ritualism were discountenanced by the use of the word "restrain" instead of "abolish" or "prohibit."
Although the Ordinance of 1787 actually prohibited slavery, it did not abolish that already in existence.
Their aim was to abolish all villein-service, and to wring from their lords the commutation of all manorial customs and obligations for a small rentfourpence an acre was generally the sum suggested.
They were lashed into positive fury by the proposal which he was now making to abolish the corn laws.
The Girondins desired war in the hope that it would enable them to abolish monarchy altogether.
The Poles would not abolish the jury to please the tsar, nor conform as he wished them to do to the Russian law of divorce.
A proposal to abolish these restrictions was made by the government in 1910 (see History, below).
And this bourgeois-nationalist government of Turkey has found it necessary to abolish the caliphate.
Under EU criteria countries are required to abolish capital punishment for any crime.
After the defeat of the Turkish power by Prince Eugene it was proposed to abolish the military constitution of the frontier, but the change was successfully resisted by the inhabitants of the district; in fact a new Slavonian frontier district was established in 1702, and Maria Theresa extended the organization to the march-lands of Transylvania (the Szekler frontier in 1764, the Wallachian in 1766).1 As a reward for the service it rendered the government in the suppression of the Hungarian insurrection in 1848, the Military Frontier was erected in 1849 into a crown-land, with a total area of 15,182 sq.
Bills were introduced to reduce the position of a bishop to well-nigh that of Primus inter pares; to place the power of veto in the congregation; to abolish -the canon law and to establish a presbytery it every parish.
But the effect of the adoption of these conclusions has been rather to substitute a new metaphor for that of Bonnet than to abolish the conception expressed by it.
Surgery reduces but does not completely abolish the need for stricture dilatation Recent papers Richter J E. Peptic strictures of the esophagus.