Abnormal Sentence Examples
The child's abnormal behavior was disturbing to those around him.
Terry was extremely worried about the abnormal bump she found on her leg.
Lord Rayleigh had an interest in abnormal psychological investigations, and became a member and vice president of the Society for Psychical Research.
Her abnormal enthusiasm made others question where her joy came from.
The same dignity appeared in the grave beauty of his features, though the abnormal height of his cranium afforded an opportunity for ridicule of which the comedians made full use.
In addition to these abnormal cases, the life of certain insects is naturally more prolonged than usual.
Abnormal movements are symptoms of underlying disorders.
The young children were asked to pick out which of the items in the group were abnormal.
In some cases, the abnormal movements are the only symptoms.
The result is an abnormal number of chromosmes in the daughter cells produced by that cell division.
AdvertisementSome of the earliest balloon observations made the gradient increase with the height, but such a result is now regarded as abnormal.
The effect of the abnormal conditions is probably to stop the production of, or weaken or destroy the protective enzymes or antitoxins, the presence of which normally confers immunity on the leaf.
The occurrence of the lake basins in the lowland belts on either side of the Niagara cuesta is an abnormal feature, not to be explained by ordinary erosion, which can produce only valleys.
The question as to whether the motion was due to an irregular distribution of the earth's atmosphere, thus involving abnormal variations in the refractive index, was also investigated; here, again, negative results were obtained.
It would seem that Julius Caesar encountered the Germani under somewhat abnormal conditions.
AdvertisementBy thus devoting itself to material interests, the papacy contemporary with the last Capetians lost its moral greatness Abuse of and fell in the opinion of the peoples; and it did itself no less injury by the abnormal extension of the bounds of its absolutism.
But the great diversity of these abnormal cases as shown in the examples cited above suggests the use of great caution in formulating definite morphological theories upon them.
If, for instance, the testes fail to develop normally, the secretion which they discharge into the blood is abnormal in character and amount, with the result that the characters of the remotest parts of the body are more or less profoundly affected.
If, however, a series of leaves from the same tree be examined in pairs, the fact that one leaf from the tree is known to possess an abnormal number of veins makes it probable that the next leaf chosen from the same tree will also be abnormal-or, in other words, the fact that leaves are borne by the same tree establishes a correlation between them.
Hemangioma-A benign skin tumor composed of abnormal blood vessels.
AdvertisementIt is often associated with an abnormal or malfunctioning eustachian tube, which causes negative pressure in the middle ear and leaking of fluid from tiny blood vessels, or capillaries, into the middle ear.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy, which teaches people how to change abnormal thoughts and behavior, is also used.
It should be suspected in older children with abnormal bowel habits, especially a history of constipation dating back to infancy and ribbon-like stools.
The test has a high rate of false-positives; as few as 10 percent of women with abnormal results go on to have babies with congenital defects.
If that copy carries the abnormal gene, they have WAS.
AdvertisementThe abnormal blood flow often means that less oxygen is sent into circulation throughout the body.
The level of bilirubin in a newborn's blood serum is measured to determine if the circulating level of bilirubin is normal or abnormal.
Since it is hypothesized that serotonin activity is abnormal in trichotillomania, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are commonly given to improve symptoms.
A B12 vitamin may meet the needs of individuals who find themselves losing their hair in abnormal amounts.
Abnormal findings may indicate the need for further prenatal testing.
Ultrasound can determine the visibility of abnormal fat on the liver.
Mite-galls, or acarocecidia, are abnormal growths of the leaves of plants, produced by microscopic Acaridea of the genus Phytoptus (gall-mites), and consist of little tufts of hairs, or of thickened portions of the leaves, usually most hypertrophied on the upper surface, so that the lower is drawn up into the interior, producing a bursiform cavity.
There a man wins local fame as an ascetic with abnormal powers, or a wife, because Alcestis-like she sacrificed herself for her husband and immolated herself on his pyre.
He suspended an archbishop of Sens (1136) who had neglected to take into consideration the appeal to Rome, summoned an archbishop of Milan to Rome to receive the pallium from the pope's hands, lavished exemptions, and extended the right of appeal to such abnormal lengths that a Byzantine ambassador is reported to have exclaimed to Lothair III., Your Pope Innocent is not a bishop, but an emperor."
His first wife, Catherine, daughter of Magnus I., duke of Saxe-Lauenburg, bore him in 1 533 his eldest son Eric. This union was neither long nor happy, but the blame for its infelicity is generally attributed to the lady, whose abnormal character was reflected and accentuated in her unhappy son.
The process of human development Rothe regards as necessarily taking an abnormal form and passing through the phase of sin.
This abnormal condition necessitates a fresh creative act, that of salvation, which was, however, from the first, part of the divine plan.
Difference in intensity is not a wholly satisfactory ground of distinction; abnormal physical conditions apart, an image may have an intensity far greater than that of a sense-given impression.
Catheter-based procedures may be performed to open stenotic valves or vessels, widen the septal opening between the atria, or close abnormal vessels or certain septal defects.
Lymphangioma-A benign skin tumor composed of abnormal lymph vessels.
Abnormal food intake and purging may result in abnormal nutrition.
Teeth may show abnormal signs of wear on the chewing surfaces or decay in areas of tight overlap.
Abnormal movements are broadly classified as either hyperkinetic (too much movement) and hypokinetic (too little movement).
Hydrocephalus is an abnormal expansion of cavities, called ventricles, within the brain, which is caused by an abnormally large accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
When hydrocephalus occurs in infants, fusion of the skull bones is prevented, which leads to abnormal expansion of the skull.
They have a normal copy of the gene on one chromosome even if an abnormal gene is on the other because the abnormal gene is very rare.
However, women who have one abnormal copy of the WAS gene are designated as carriers.
When the mother is a carrier, there is a 50 percent chance with each subsequent pregnancy that the new baby will receive the abnormal copy of the gene.
Women who carry the abnormal WAS gene and are considering prenatal diagnosis should discuss the risks and benefits of this type of testing with a geneticist or genetic counselor.
The doctor may make the diagnosis of DiGeorge syndrome during heart surgery when he or she notices the absence or abnormal location of the thymus gland.
Allergies are abnormal reactions of the immune system that occur in response to otherwise harmless substances.
Other blood tests reveal anemia, abnormal blood counts, and high levels of bilirubin.
They are reluctant to express disagreement with others and are often willing to go to abnormal lengths to win the approval of those on whom they rely.
The number of brain cells decreases, and abnormal deposits and structural arrangements occur.
These patients go from depression to a frenzied, abnormal elevation in mood.
Color blindness is an abnormal condition characterized by the inability to clearly distinguish different colors of the spectrum.
An abnormality, or deficiency, of any of the types of cones will result in abnormal color vision.
It is a deformity of the thoracic spine (in the chest area, the vertebra to which ribs are attached) caused by abnormal centers of bone development at the intervertebral joints (physes).
Surgical intervention may be needed in some cases of osteochondritis dissecans to remove abnormal bone fragments in a joint.
An ectopic pregnancy is a type of abnormal pregnancy that can be both a life-threatening and harrowing experience.
A blood test for the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HGC) will probably be abnormal.
There are some medical conditions that are counterindicated for birth control pill use, including unexplained vaginal bleeding and an abnormal growth or cancer of the breast.
Abnormal HCG levels can signal a problem with the pregnancy.
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is an abnormal growth of blood vessels in the eye.
Other complications include abnormal blood pressure, low birth weight, and difficulty maintaining body temperature.
Because discharge and bleeding often go hand-in-hand in relation to hormonal changes, differentiating between what is normal and what is abnormal can be tricky.
If you receive an abnormal result, your doctor will tell you not to be alarmed because further testing may need to be done to make sure the results are actually abnormal.
Rhine published an article in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology outlining the results of his research.
Normally ghost hunters would enter a paranormal location, set up various recording and measuring devices, and then wait for a few hours with the hope of capturing an abnormal event.
You can eat all the Pop Rocks with Coca-Cola that you like without fear of abnormal intestinal distress.
That makes it harder to distinguish normal from abnormal."
Your child may also see various medical doctors to rule out other causes of his abnormal behavior.
Diagnosing autism in infants is challenging because the symptoms typically involve a lack of normal behavior and not the presence of abnormal behavior.
The approach addresses abnormal brainwave activity that may be experienced by people on the autism spectrum.
The excess secretion of the hormone aldosterone into the blood is from an abnormal adrenal gland or glands.
Research The abnormal prion protein causing vCJD remains a scientific enigma.
The abnormal postures that occur with spasticity can include excessive flexion or extension of the limbs.
Parents or teachers may notice an abnormal turning in of the foot, an awkward gait or contractions of many different muscle groups.
The polyunsaturated fats can cause an abnormal heartbeat which may lead to a sudden cardiac death, doctors warn.
Oliver was born prematurely and developed hydrocephalus, which is an abnormal amount of cerebrospinal fluid around the brain.
Their irritating activity has caused severe hyperplasia (abnormal cell growth ).
Carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in the bloodstream causing hypoxia, an abnormal reduction of oxygen in the body tissues also called oxygen deficiency.
It seems likely that some kind of abnormal immune response is to blame.
Those PPS patients with abnormal jitter had a significantly longer time since their acute polio.
Both partners of one couple had an abnormal karyotype.
An abnormal karyotype was demonstrated in 57% of patients.
However, Arabidopsis plants modified in the metabolic pathway leading to lignin formation produced abnormal lignin that was associated with severe fungal attacks.
In children, fat malabsorption can lead to a deficiency of vitamin E characterized by abnormal red blood cell development.
We came to the conclusion that in diagnosing patients with abnormal uterine cavity, MR imaging may help differentiate malignant from benign disorders.
Low sperm count, poor motility, or abnormal morphology of sperm can make it very difficult to conceive using your partners sperm.
Mechanical instability is abnormal movement of the talus within the ankle mortise, usually demonstrated on stress radiography.
Furthermore, the only abnormal genes were found in abnormal lung and kidney tissue, arguing against genetic mosaicism.
A small opening does not strain the heart and the only abnormal finding is a loud murmur.
Importantly, in rare families, a gene mutation has been shown to cause the abnormal build up of tau protein in the brain.
We showed that nitric oxide did not play a role in normal or abnormal pregnancy and speculated that other vasodilators may be involved.
Other abnormal responses Square wave response Seen in cardiac failure, constrictive pericarditis, cardiac tamponade and valvular heart disease.
Nevertheless, mouse models of CF clearly demonstrate a range of abnormal pulmonary phenotypes as a result of the Cftr mutation.
Routine blood tests revealed abnormal liver function tests in the form of raised alkaline phosphatase, AST, ALT and normal bilirubin.
The ICP peel is a powerful treatment for sun damaged skin and abnormal pigmentation of hormonal origin such as melasma and chloasma.
Clues include abnormal posture; straining; lying with tummy pressed to the floor; or reluctance to move.
He highlighted how this research has now demonstrated that the applications of Seprion can be expanded to the detection of abnormal prion can be expanded to the detection of abnormal prion in blood.
An abnormal amount hands is dubbed cyclic progression and how and why.
It reduces abnormal putrefaction in the bowel which can cause toxic and cancer producing substances to form.
Even in the 'better' zoos, abnormal behavior can be widespread, and include repeated pacing, rocking, vomiting and even self mutilation.
During the night they successfully repulsed all attempts to drive them out despite abnormal exposure to attack.
Medical treatments In treating advanced retinopathy, doctors may use laser surgery to shrink abnormal blood vessels at the back of the eye.
Some people have also suggested that schizophrenia might be made worse, or even caused, by an abnormal sensitivity to gluten.
However, anyone over 64 who has ever had abnormal smears will be invited for screening in the normal way.
The smallest attempt to use one's abnormal powers for the gratification of self makes of these powers sorcery or black magic.
Whilst not showing antigen specificity, they clearly exhibit some degree of selectivity in targeting " abnormal " cells for lysis.
The abnormal cells first invade the stalk of the polyp, then the underlying tissue of the colon to which the stalk of the polyp, then the underlying tissue of the colon to which the stalk is attached.
Pick's disease is thought to be due to a build up in the brain of an abnormal form of the protein tau.
Epilepsy (or abnormal EEGs) - often going back to early teenage.
Supplying the actual number of bytes in the longest line to be merged (or some larger value) prevents abnormal termination.
Abnormal secretion of estrogen and high serum levels of free testosterone are also present.
Sometimes antibodies causing thrombocytopenia arise in a patient with a specific disease in which abnormal production of other antibodies may occur.
Abnormal thyroid tissue within these nodules produces too much thyroid hormone.
Abnormal loads Information for commercial drivers including local freight transport maps.
Once heparin is started, the laboratory work-up of an abnormal aPTT is difficult.
An exceptional specimen or an uncommon variety may sometimes be seen in the above-mentioned abnormal places, but the best, the true, and common variety of the table is the produce of short, upland, wind-swept pastures.
A desultory sequence of ideas, an excessive vagueness and indirectness of expression, a peculiar and abnormal latinity, a constant tendency to exaggeration, and an immoderate indulgence in learned and literary allusions - all these are obstacles lying in the way of a study of Propertius.
Lord Rayleigh had an interest in abnormal psychological investigations, and became a member and vicepresident of the Society for Psychical Research.
Most of these ordinances were subsequently confirmed by parliament, and, "on the whole, this body of dictatorial legislation, abnormal in form as it is, in substance was a real, wise and moderate set of reforms."' His ordinances for the "Reformation of Manners," the product of the puritan spirit, had but a transitory effect.
The same morbid and abnormal trance utterances recur in Christian revivals in every age, e.g.
C and D, Other abnormal forms more deeply pouched, showing formation of pitcher.
Though irregular, his action was to some extent justified by the depletion of the secret service fund under Giolitti and by the abnormal circumstances prevailing in 1893-1894, when he had been obliged to quell the insurrections in Sicily and Massa-Carrara.
The abnormal development of resin has been called "succinosis."
Any attempt to interfere with these directions, by placing the seedlings in abnormal positions, is frustrated by the seedlings themselves, which change their direction of growth by bringing about curvatures of the different parts of their axes, so that the root soon grows vertically downward again and the stem in the opposite direction.
Symptoms of scorching owing to abnormal insolation e.g.
Excrescences.Outgrowths, more or less abnormal in character, are frequent signs of diseased organs.
Roots are often flattened, twisted and otherwise distorted by mechanical obstacles; stems by excess of food in rich soils, the attacks of minute parasites, overgrowth by climbing plants, &c. Leaves are especially apt to vary, and although the formation of crests, pitchers, puckers, &c., must be put down to the results of abnormal development, it is often difficult to draw the line between teratological and merely varietal phenomena.
It occurs- most frequently in old cells, or in cells which are placed under abnormal conditions.
The development of the organ is already determined at its first appearance upon the growing-point; though, as already explained, the normal course of its ontogeny may be interfered with by some abnormal external or internal condition.
If this be so,it may justifiably be inferred that both normal and abnormal morphological features may be due to the presence of enzymatic substances secreted by the protoplasm that determine the course of development.
Of course, in the former case it would be absurd to regard as a physical feature of any great value the absence from a district of groups which do not occur except in its immediate neighbourhood; but when we find that certain groups, though abounding in some part of the vicinity, either suddenly cease from appearing or appear only in very reduced numbers, and occasionally in abnormal forms, the fact obviously has an important bearing.
The starlings, Sturnidae, are represented by Callaeas, Creadion and the very abnormal Heterolocha.
He was attracted towards domestic tragedy by an irresistible desire to sound the depths of abnormal conflicts between passion and circumstances, to romantic comedy by a strong though not widely varied imaginative faculty, and by a delusion that he was possessed of abundant comic humour.
Ford by no means stood alone among English dramatists in his love of abnormal subjects; but few were so capable of treating them sympathetically, and yet without that reckless grossness or extravagance of expression which renders the morally repulsive aesthetically intolerable, or converts the horrible into the grotesque.
Though the genus Strepsilas seems to be rightly placed among the Charadriidae (see PLOVER), it occupies a somewhat abnormal position among them, and in the form of its short pointed beak and its variegated coloration has hardly any very near relative.
It may be urged that if none of the phenomena is genuine we have to assume a large amount of apparently aimless trickery in non-professional mediums. But it must be borne in mind that the most excellent moral character in the medium is no guaranteee against trickery, unless it can be proved that he was in no abnormal mental condition when the phenomena occurred; and extraordinary deceptions are known to have been carried on by hysterical patients and others with no apparent motive.
A fact that was amply illustrated, moreover, is that the period of incidence of a drought is not less important than its duration, and the same is true of abnormal rainfall.
Marchal points out the analogy of this phenomenon to the artificial polyembryony that has been induced in Echinoderm and other eggs by separating the blastomeres, and suggests that the abundant food-supply afforded by the host-larva is favourable for this multiplication of embryos, which may be, in the first instance, incited by the abnormal osmotic pressure on the egg.
Just as Nitzsch had laboured under the disadvantage of never having any example of the abnormal Passeres of the New World to dissect, and, therefore, was wholly ignorant of their abnormality, so Muller never succeeded in getting hold of an example of the genus Pitta for the same purpose, and yet, acting on the clue furnished by Keyserling and Blasius, he did not hesitate to predict that it would be found to fill one of the gaps he had to leave, and this to some extent it has been since proved to do.
In the case of any crop year, if the relations which are suggested as indicating the "bulling" work of "futures" usually corresponded with "spot" prices being below the normal price of the crop year, or of what was left of the crop year, while the relations which are suggested to indicate the "bearing" work of "futures" on the whole corresponded with a relatively abnormal height of "spot," it would be a legitimate inference that "futures" were tending to smooth prices.
The average rainfall, before it was affected by the abnormal seasons which followed 1892, was 51 in., varying from 33 in.
The abnormal specific heats of the halogen elements may be due to a loosening of the atoms, a preliminary to the dissociation into monatomic molecules which occurs at high temperatures.
One is forced to the conclusion that there existed in Napoleon's brain a dual capacity - one the normal and reasoning one, developing only the ideas and conceptions of his contemporaries, the other intuitive, and capable only of work under abnormal pressure.
In all its principal features, however, the Escorial remains what it was made by the genius of Toledo and Herrera working out the grand, if abnormal, desires of their master.
The immediate results of the clearer definition obtained were the detection of a satellite to Saturn (the sixth in order of distance from its primary), and the resolution into their true form of the abnormal appendages to that planet.
The pathology of intra-cardiac and vascular murmurs has also been inquired into experimentally, the general impression being that these abnormal sounds result, in most cases at least, from the production of a sonorous liquid vein.
There are conditions in which we have an abnormal increase in the tissue elements but which strictly should not be defined as hypertrophies, such as new-growths, abnormal enlargements of bones and organs due to syphilis, tuberculosis, osteitis deformans, acromegaly, myxoedema, &c. The enormously long teeth sometimes found in rodents also are not due to hypertrophy, as they are normally endowed with rapid growth to compensate for the constant and rapid attrition which takes place from the opposed teeth.
The extreme development of the muscles in the weightlifting athlete and in the arm of the blacksmith is the result of increased functional activity with a corresponding increase in the vascular supply; this exercise may produce an over-development so excessive as to be classed as abnormal.
The essential characteristic of a new growth is that this subordination is lost and the tissue elements, freed from the-normal mutual restraint of their interdependence, give way to an abnormal growth.
All the hypotheses about the causation of new growths seek to explain the secret of this individuality or " autonomy," as they recognize that the mystery of the origin of the great majority of tumours would be solved if we could trace how or why the tissue elements in which they develop first took on this abnormal growth.
Its character is readily changed by the abnormal activities which take place in these glands during some of the acute fevers; the semi-solid consistence may become mucoid or even fluid.
The part played by fats and closely allied compounds in normal and abnormal metabolism need not here be discussed, as the subject is too complex and the views on it are conflicting.
These pigmentary changes found in abnormal conditions are usually classified under (1) Albuminoid,, (2) Haematogenous, (3) Extraneous.
The study of comparative pathology, yet in an inchoate stage, and of embryology, illuminated and enlarged biological conceptions, both normal and abnormal; and the ens reale subsistens in corpore disappeared for ever - at any rate from physiology and medicine.
Even in normal circumstances their play and counterplay, attractive and repellent, must be manifold almost beyond conception; for the body may be regarded as a collective organization consisting of a huge colony of micro-organisms become capable of a common life by common and mutual arrangement and differentiation of function, and by toleration and utilization of each other's peculiar products; some organs, such as the liver, for example, being credited with a special power of neutralizing poisons, whether generated under normal conditions or under abnormal, .which gain entrance from the intestinal tract.
But the insistence with which Lucretius returns to the subject, and the horror with which he recalls the effects of such abnormal phenomena, suggest that he himself may have been liable to such hallucinations, which are said to be consistent with perfect sanity, though they may be the precursors either of madness or of a state of despair and melancholy.
The sixth book is devoted to the explanation, in accordance with natural causes, of some of the more abnormal phenomena, such as thunderstorms, volcanoes, earthquakes, &c., which are special causes of supernatural terrors.
In mines operated through shafts the animals are stabled underground, and when well fed and cared for, thrive notwithstanding their rather abnormal conditions of life.
It comprises, besides observa tion and experiment (which is, in fact, onlytheobservation of abnormal social states), a certain peculiarity of verification.
The seeing of the pictures, as far as we have spoken of it, appears to be a thing unusual, but in no way abnormal, any more than dreams or hypnagogic illusions are abnormal.
Considering only systems starting in the p abnormal ranges, it is clear, from the fact that the extensions of the ranges do not change with the motion, that after a sufficient time most of these systems must have passed into the P normal ranges.
Again, considering the systems which start from the P normal ranges, we see that there is a probability p/(P+p) which vanishes in the limit, that a system selected at random from these will be in an abnormal state after a sufficient time.
Thus, subject to a probability of error which is infinitesimal in the limit, we may state as general laws that A system starting from an abnormal state tends to assume the normal state; while A system starting from the normal state will remain in the normal state.
The cock bird, when, to use the fenman's expression, he has not "his show on," and the hen at all seasons, offer no very remarkable deviation from ordinary sandpipers; outwardly there is nothing, except the unequal size of the two sexes, to rouse suspicion of any abnormal peculiarity.
In some domes, for instance in a dome at the university of Birmingham, a sound from one end of a diameter is heard very much more loudly quite close to the other end of the diameter than elsewhere, but in St Paul's Lord Rayleigh found that " the abnormal loudness with which a whisper is heard is not confined to the position diametrically opposite to that occupied by the whisperer, and therefore, it would appear, does not depend materially upon the symmetry of the dome.
What are commonly known as galls are vegetable excrescences, and, according to the definition of Lacaze-Duthiers, comprise " all abnormal vegetable productions developed on plants by the action of animals, noreparticularly by insects, whatever may be their form, bulk or situation."
Whereas, so long as philosophy was in abeyance Socrates and the Socratics were regarded as sophists of an abnormal sort, as soon as philosophy revived it was dimly perceived that, in so far as Socrates and the Socratics dissented from sophistry, they preserved the philosophical tradition.
Sufferers of chronic fatigue syndrome appear to potentially react negatively to abnormal exercise.
Abnormal serine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor or insulin receptor substrate proteins is a prime candidate.
The smallest attempt to use one 's abnormal powers for the gratification of self makes of these powers sorcery or black magic.
The abnormal cells first invade the stalk of the polyp, then the underlying tissue of the colon to which the stalk is attached.
Asbestosis diagnosis Diagnosis involves the doctor listening with a stethoscope placed over the lungs to listen for abnormal sounds called crackles.
Pick 's disease is thought to be due to a build up in the brain of an abnormal form of the protein tau.
Usually caused by abnormal thermal expansion in the combustion chamber.
Thymic activity and T-cell differentiation are abnormal in RA.
Urogenital system Abnormal kidney function has been observed in clinical studies.
Solar urticaria (SU) is an abnormal reaction to sunlight or artificial light.
The items in her jewelry box were out of place, so she suspected some abnormal activity.
Always contact your pediatrician about any concerns or abnormal diaper activity.
Also, babies who use them for an extended period of time and for longer than the first year of life may have an increased risk of abnormal jaw development.
Potential for the Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome where the shared placenta contains abnormal blood vessels affecting the babies' ability to get necessary resources from the mother.
Muscle responses from the mouth and tongue may be abnormal.
The color of the litter changes to varying shades of pale pink to magenta when the pH in a cat's urine is abnormal.
A primary issue with many cats, especially neutered males, is a problem with calculi in the urinary tract due to abnormal pH levels.
Any of these signs can indicate that your cat is experiencing abnormal hair loss.
The cat's immune response may be abnormal.
The problem is that we have all been socialized to believe that these feelings are abnormal and unnatural.
Burl wood is found on trees that have an abnormal growth caused by environmental stress, fungus or insects.
This causes insulin to build up in the blood stream and causes high blood pressure, abnormal levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, and contributes to glucose intolerance.
That doesn't mean a teen above that weight or below that weight is abnormal.
Cocaine causes the heart to beat more quickly than normal and can cause abnormal heart rhythms.
Heart disease and related issues like stroke, abnormal blood clotting, and enlarged heart.
Understanding what is normal and abnormal hoarding behavior in adults and children is important to help identify whether or not there is a hoarding disorder.
Inspect your dog's body for abnormal growths every time you shampoo him.
As long as she isn't having abnormal discharge or showing any other signs of not feeling well, you can go on as normal.
In fact, the terms "green-edged," "grey-edged," and "white-edged" are simply used to indicate slight differences between flowers having an abnormal development of the petals into leafy substance.
When there is an abnormal amount of PSA in the blood, prostate cancer may be present.
Someone has seen your breathing stop or has seen abnormal breathing patterns while you are sleeping.
Those suffering from abnormal heart rhythms may also sleepwalk.
This lack of oxygen can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythm, heart failure, stroke, and car accidents caused by sleep deprivation.
In addition, brain chemistry resulting in abnormal levels of principal neurotransmitters in the brain can cause unusual reactions to situations.
This procedure may be used to treat other conditions in which abnormal tissue growth or obstructions exist.
This abnormal growth is called a pinguecula and in the more advanced stages a pterygium.
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome-An immune disorder that occurs when the body recognizes phospholipids (part of a cell's membrane) as foreign and produces abnormal antibodies against them.
This syndrome is associated with abnormal blood clotting, low blood platelet counts, and migraine headaches.
It is often used in the diagnosis of cases of abnormal cardiac rhythm and myocardial damage.
A heart murmur is an abnormal swishing or whooshing sound made by blood moving through the heart, heart valves, or blood vessels near the heart during the heartbeat cycle.
These include defective heart valves, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart muscle), holes or abnormal openings in the walls of the heart (septal defects), aortic aneurysm, or other congenital heart disease.
An aortic aneurysm is an abnormal bulging of part of the aorta that may cause blood to leak through the aortic valve and flow the wrong direction.
Also refers to an abnormal fold of tissue down that center of the uterus that can cause infertility.
Also after surgery, the infant may experience an abnormal collection of fluid in the abdomen, referred to as ascites, so the doctor should be consulted if the infant's stomach is distended.
If the child develops ascites (abnormal build-up of fluid in the abdomen), treatment consists of medications and alteration of the diet to maintain calorie intake but to reduce salt and fluid intake.
Prolonged, abnormal soreness lasts longer than a week postpartum.
Gene mutations can produce faulty proteins, which in turn produce abnormal cells that no longer divide and reproduce in an orderly manner.
These abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and eventually form a new growth known as a tumor or neoplasm.
The doctor first looks for abnormal discharges or the presence of sores.
Then the internal pelvic organs such as the uterus and ovaries are palpated (touched while applying gentle pressure) to detect abnormal masses.
Surgery may also be preventive or prophylactic, removing an abnormal looking area of tissue that is likely to become malignant over time.
It describes an abnormal growth that is stable, treatable, and generally not life-threatening.
Other complications include the development of a seizure disorder or the abnormal accumulation of fluid within the brain (hydrocephalus).
An abnormal blood test might suggest leukemia; however, the diagnosis has to be confirmed by more specific tests.
In the second type of bone marrow transplant, called an autologous bone marrow transplant, some of the patient's own marrow is taken out and treated with a combination of anticancer drugs to kill all the abnormal cells.
This procedure is performed whenever abnormal conditions complicate labor and vaginal delivery that threaten the life or health of the mother or the baby.
Sickle cell anemia-An inherited disorder in which red blood cells contain an abnormal form of hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen.
The abnormal form of hemoglobin causes the red cells to become sickle-shaped.
Trisomy-An abnormal condition where three copies of one chromosome are present in the cells of an individual's body instead of two, the normal number.
It is often accompanied by high blood pressure, an abnormal pulse, and visual symptoms.
As a result, the blood sugar falls to abnormal levels (hypoglycemia).
Jaundice that is present at birth or that lasts more than a couple of weeks may be abnormal jaundice and a symptom of an underlying problem.
Jaundice at birth or within the first 24 hours after birth can be a sign of abnormal jaundice.
Abnormal jaundice can be dangerous, particularly in preterm or unhealthy newborns.
The most common cause of abnormal jaundice is an ABO blood type incompatibility between mother and child.
These antibodies can circulate in her Rh-positive newborn, initiating hemolysis and causing severe abnormal jaundice.
If there is reason to believe that the newborn is suffering from an abnormal jaundice, additional tests must be performed.
Febrile seizures are convulsions of sudden onset due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain that is caused by fever.
Straw, pink, yellow, or amber pigments (xanthochromia) are abnormal and indicate the presence of bilirubin, hemoglobin, red blood cells, or increased protein.
A skin biopsy may be used to demonstrate the structurally abnormal collagen.
Dermatosparaxis-Skin fragility caused by abnormal collagen.
Sickle cell anemia, also called sickle cell disease (SS disease), is an inherited condition caused by having abnormal hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen in the blood.
Children with sickle cell anemia produce two abnormal hemoglobin proteins (inheriting one from each parent), which makes their red blood cells easily destructible while giving them a sickle-like shape.
Since the red blood cells do not have a normal shape, their circulation in the small blood vessels is impaired as well as the function of the abnormal hemoglobin (HbS) which can no longer carry oxygen with maximum efficiency.
Sickle cell anemia is usually inherited from parents who are carriers, who have the sickle cell trait-a milder form of sickle cell anemia, or one abnormal hemoglobin.
The defective gene tells the body to make the abnormal hemoglobin HbS instead of the normal HbA, and this results in deformed red blood cells.
For children who are not tested, an electrophoresis test of the blood can detect the abnormal hemoglobin of sickle cell anemia.
This test measures the speed at which a molecule moves in a gel and can detect abnormal hemoglobin HbS.
Sickle cell trait-Condition that occurs in people who have one of two possible genes responsible for the abnormal hemoglobin of sickle cell anemia.
Because the child's fibrillin is abnormal, his or her connective tissues are looser than usual, which weakens or damages the support structures of the entire body.
In children with Marfan, it is the abnormal mitral valve that is most likely to become infected.
Kyphosis. Kyphosis is an abnormal outward curvature of the spine at the back, sometimes called hunchback when it occurs in the upper back.
Severe infections lead to seizure disorders, neurological disorders, abnormal muscle tone, deafness, partial or complete blindness caused by a condition called chorioretinitis, and mental retardation.
Cyst-An abnormal sac or enclosed cavity in the body filled with liquid or partially solid material.
Leukemia-A cancer of the blood-forming organs (bone marrow and lymph system) characterized by an abnormal increase in the number of white blood cells in the tissues.
An autosomal disorder is one that occurs because of an abnormal gene on a chromosome that is not a sex-linked chromosome.
A dominant disorder means that it only takes one abnormal gene in a pair of genes to have the disorder.
Because in autosomal dominant disorders one gene is abnormal, people with this disorder have about a 50 percent chance of passing the abnormal gene to their offspring.
Decreased penetrance means that not all people who inherit the abnormal gene develop symptoms.
Simple vocal tics include stuttering, stammering, abnormal emphasis of part of a word or phrase, and inarticulate noises such as throat clearing, grunts, and high-pitched sounds.
Autosomal dominant-A pattern of inheritance in which only one of the two copies of an autosomal gene must be abnormal for a genetic condition or disease to occur.
An abnormal condition resulting from a previous disease or disorder.
Spasticity is an abnormal increase in muscle tone.
Spasticity can be painful, especially if joints are pulled into abnormal positions or if range of motion is limited.
During this procedure, the tendon attached to a spastic muscle is cut and transferred to a different site, preventing the muscle from being pulled into an abnormal position.
Arthrodesis is a fusing of bones that normally move independently to limit the ability of a spastic muscle to pull the joint into an abnormal position.
Cerebral palsy-A nonprogressive movement disability caused by abnormal development of or damage to motor control centers of the brain.
If these more primitive cells begin to multiply after birth, they may ultimately form a large mass of abnormal cells.
This means that it is made up of cells that are significantly immature and abnormal.
Hypersomnia-An abnormal increase of 25% or more in time spent sleeping.
When these chemicals are produced in excess amounts and in the wrong places, they cause tissue swelling and abnormal growth.
The condition is caused by an abnormal immune response.
Genetic disease-A disease that is (partly or completely) the result of the abnormal function or expression of a gene; a disease caused by the inheritance and expression of a genetic mutation.
Carrier-A person who possesses a gene for an abnormal trait without showing signs of the disorder.
The person may pass the abnormal gene on to offspring.
Other factors that may influence hGH secretion include stress, exercise, diet, and abnormal glucose levels.
Everyone with oculocutaneous albinism experiences abnormal flickering eye movements (nystagmus) and sensitivity to bright light.
Even when a child has had surgery or is on medication, the doctor should be contacted when any abnormal symptoms arise, such as shortness of breath, difficulty in feeding (with infants), and poor weight gain.
On examination of the heart rhythm using a stethoscope, infants with coarctation of the aorta usually have an abnormal "gallop" heart rhythm, and 50 percent of children also have heart murmurs.
Infants frequently have an abnormal electrocardiogram (ECG) that indicates that the right or both ventricles are enlarged, while in older children the ECG may be normal or show that the left ventricle is enlarged.
After that time, it is considered abnormal for an adolescent to miss three consecutive periods.
Sr. Human Sweat and Sweating, Normal and Abnormal, including Hyperhidrosis and Bromhidosis, with Index of New Information and Guidebook for Reference and Research.
When the body is unable to properly digest fats, lipids accumulate in body tissues in abnormal amounts.
Prolonged labor and difficult or abnormal labor or delivery increase the risk of injury.
Other types of abnormal pain include allodynia, hyperalgesia, and phantom limb pain.
Chronic pain and abnormal pain are more difficult to treat, and it may take longer to find a successful resolution.
This disease blocks the baby's metabolism and can cause a range of symptoms, including abnormal genitals.
Other abnormal locations may also lead to compression and impaired flow.
Lymphocytic leukemia-An acute form of childhood leukemia characterized by the development of abnormal cells in the bone marrow.
Lymphoma-A diverse group of cancers of the lymphatic system characterized by abnormal growth of lymphatic cells.
The mutation was transmitted to later generations because people who carried a single copy of the mutated gene had a modified (but not abnormal) inflammatory response that may have protected them against some infectious agent at that time.
An abnormal pyrin protein associated with FMF may be partly functional but unstable.
In some instances, the abnormal pyrin itself seems to be "stressed", and loses its ability to regulate the inflammatory response to trauma.
Unexplained recurrent fevers, polyserositis, skin rash, and/or joint pain; abnormal blood studies (see below); and kidney or other disease associated with amyloidosis.
An atrial septal defect (ASD) is an abnormal opening in the muscular wall separating the left and right upper chambers (atria) of the heart.
This abnormal opening is called an atrial septal defect and causes blood from the left atrium to flow (or "shunt") across the hole into the right atrium.
Abnormal openings also form in the upper part of the atrial septum (called sinus venosus ASD) where the superior vena cava and right atrium join, and lower parts of the atrial septum (called primum ASD).
Abnormal openings in the atrial septum are twice as common in females as in males.
These abnormalities can go unnoticed if the opening is small and produces no abnormal symptoms.
Some heart murmurs (abnormal heart sounds) can indicate an atrial septal defect.
The closure device stays in place permanently to stop the abnormal flow of blood between the atria.
This may occur for many reasons, including Chiari malformation, abnormal cysts within the brain, and infections such as meningitis.
Sometimes, though, a child may suffer several years of frustrating failure and abnormal development or behavior before the problem is recognized and he or she is properly diagnosed.
Families or individuals who regularly consume a high-fat diet consisting of animal products, fast foods, and refined foods may also benefit from being tested for abnormal cholesterol levels.
It allows physicians to treat patients who have normal or close to normal results from a lipid panel but abnormal particle size.
These organic causes of headache may include hydrocephalus (abnormal build-up of fluid in the brain), infection of the brain, tumor, or other conditions.
Abnormal levels of this hormone can affect fertility and/or cause problems with the pregnancy and possibly affect the health of the baby.
Cardiac defects are not unusual in the babies of women with abnormal blood sugars during that time.
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia is a condition characterized by abnormal blood vessels which are delicate and prone to bleeding.
Should the behavior pattern of crying suddenly change and be associated with fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or other abnormal symptoms, parents should call the doctor immediately.
Most congenital cardiovascular defects obstruct the flow of blood in the heart or nearby blood vessels, or cause an abnormal flow of blood through the heart.
An arrhythmia is an abnormal heart beat.
Atrioventricular canal defect (also called endocardial cushion defect or atrioventricular septal defect) is a large hole in the septum, accompanied by abnormal tricuspid and mitral valves that are not formed as individual valves.
Instead, the pulmonary veins drain through abnormal connections to the right atrium.
Some heart murmurs (abnormal heart sounds) can indicate a congenital heart defect.
Blood and urine tests are performed to detect the presence of any abnormal substances that may indicate congenital cardiovascular defects.
Special monitors may be used to evaluate an abnormal heart rhythm.
When a very rapid, abnormal heart rhythm is detected, the ICD delivers energy to the heart muscle to cause it to regain a normal rhythm.
This condition is considered to be a possible precursor to cervical cancer and is diagnosed as an abnormal Pap smear.
Fast breathing rates, wheezing, abnormal muscle contractions, or a blue cast to the lips or fingernails should all alert the parent that the child is having difficulty breathing and should be seen immediately by a healthcare provider.
Inaddition, the appearance of a specific normal organism in very high numbers may also be regarded as an abnormal result.
If the result of any of these three tests is abnormal, it must be confirmed with a second test performed on another day.
The same test or a different test can be used, but the result of the second test must be abnormal as well in order to establish a diagnosis of diabetes.
For this reason, abnormal glucose test results must be interpreted by a physician.
The classical incision provides a larger opening than a low transverse incision and is used in emergency situations, such as placenta previa, preterm and macrosomic fetuses, abnormal presentation, and multiple births.
Some research suggests that impulse control disorders are linked to certain hormones, abnormal nerve impulses, and variations in brain chemistry and function.
A basic understanding of hair biology and normal hair development is essential in distinguishing normal versus abnormal hair loss in children and adolescents.
Although it is normal to lose between 25 and 100 hairs per day, any disruption of the hair growth cycle may cause abnormal hair loss.
Gene therapy-An experimental treatment for certain genetic disorders in which an abnormal gene is replaced with the normal copy.
If a reflex is absent or abnormal in an infant, this may suggest significant neurological problems.
The abnormal presence of infantile reflexes in an older child can be discovered during a neurological examination.
Cerebral palsy (CP) is the term used for a group of nonprogressive disorders of movement and posture caused by abnormal development of, or damage to, motor control centers of the brain.
Therefore, cerebral palsy encompasses any disorder of abnormal movement and paralysis caused by abnormal function of the cerebral cortex.
Dyskinetic refers to abnormal movements caused by inadequate regulation of muscle tone and coordination.
Other possible causes include abnormal development of the brain, prenatal factors that directly or indirectly damage neurons in the developing brain, premature birth, and brain injuries that occur in the first few years of life.
Presence of abnormal muscle tone or movements may indicate CP, as may the persistence of infantile reflexes.
Spastic-Refers to a condition in which the muscles are rigid, posture may be abnormal, and fine motor control is impaired.
This means that the disease does not occur due to the inheritance of an abnormal gene, but rather because the baby's gene is defective for some reason other than inheritance.