Able-bodied Sentence Examples
If you know a couple able-bodied people, this could save you some money.
He no longer questioned the need for such a trained, disciplined army, or the absence of able-bodied men within the city's walls.
Compulsory service with the colors is in Germany no longer universal, as there are twice as many able-bodied men presented by the recruiting commissions as the active army can absorb.
But these figures do not represent the actual service of every able-bodied Italian.
All able-bodied males are liable, on reaching their 21 st year, for 3 years' service with the colours, and 9 years in the reserve.
The absence of a large proportion of the able-bodied young settlers in the northern armies was taken advantage of by the Indians, and in the summer of 1862 there was delay in paying them their yearly allowance.
The only set-back was the descent which Beyers made upon Pietersburg, breaking into the concentration camp and carrying off a number of able-bodied refugees.
Able-bodied blacks were enlisted in the army, and the women, children and old men were settled in large camps on confiscated Southern property, where they were cared for alternately by the war department and by the treasury department until the organization of the Freedmen's Bureau.
The valuable element is the able-bodied immigrant himself as a factor of production.
The immigrant is worth what it has cost to bring him up only if he is able-bodied, honest and willing to work.
AdvertisementBy a law passed in 1903, the ancient system of recruiting the army and navy from the descendants of former prisoners of war was abolished in favour of compulsory service by all able-bodied men.
Military service in time of war is compusory for all able-bodied citizens aged 18-50.
In this all able-bodied citizens between the ages of 18 and 6!o are nominally enrolled, but the active militia consists of about 45, 00 0 men of all ranks, in a varying state of efficiency.
An able-bodied parent who does not work when he has the opportunity, unless "idle under strike orders, or lock-outs," and who hires out his minor children, is declared a vagrant and may be fined $50o and imprisoned or sentenced to hard labour for not more than six months.
Defence is entrusted to a corps of colonial troops, partly Italian and partly native; to a militia (milizia mobile) formed by natives who have already served in the colonial corps; and to the chitet or general levy which, in time of war, places all male able-bodied inhabitants under arms. The regional commissioners and political residents have at their disposal some hundreds of irregular paid soldiers under native chiefs.
AdvertisementThe regime undergone is cellular; able-bodied prisoners are kept in strict separation for at least a month, and during that time subjected to severe labour; although the term of first-class hard labour and of purely penal character no longer exists.
At that time it was the custom to call up the whole able-bodied population of the manor, with the exception of the housewives for two, three or more days of mowing and reaping on the lord's fields; to these boon-works the peasantry was asked or invited by special summons, and their value was so far appreciated that the villagers were usually treated to meals in cases where they were again and again called off from their own fields to the demesne.
In the years of war that followed, a very large proportion of the able-bodied men of the state served in the armies of the Confederacy; several regiments, some of coloured troops, served the Union.
All able-bodied citizens between the ages of seventeen and fiftyfive are compelled to serve one year with the colours and are then enrolled in the reserve.
The beggars' depots are "exclusively devoted to the confinement of persons whom the j udicial authority shall place at the disposal of the government" for that purpose, and these are classified as (a) able-bodied persons who, instead of working for their living, depend upon charity as the Romans, as is shown by an abundance of objects unearthed by excavation, amongst which may be mentioned a fine statue of an athlete (the Diadumenos) in the British Museum.
AdvertisementEvery able-bodied Abyssinian is expected to join the army in case of need, and a force, well armed with modern weapons, approaching 250,000 can be placed in the field.
Every able-bodied citizen was rendered liable to give three days' work yearly towards the construction of roads, or to pay a small tax as an equivalent.
The strength of the army is determined annually by congress, but every able-bodied citizen is nominally liable to military service.
By a law passed in 1878 every able-bodied man between eighteen and fifty is liable to military service without as well as within the limits of the state.
It dealt with the natives residing in certain native reserves, and in addition to providing for their interests and holdings, and in other ways protecting the privileges accorded to them, the principle of the duty of some degree of labour devolving upon every able-bodied native enjoying these privileges was asserted, and a small labour tax was levied.'
AdvertisementAnd landowners were empowered to seize all vagrant able-bodied men, and to compel them to work at the statutory wages.
In the national army, which is organized in 5 divisions, with headquarters at Nish, Belgrade, Valyevo, Kraguyevats and Zayechar, every able-bodied citizen must serve (for two years in the artillery and cavalry or eighteen months in other branches) between his 21st and his 45th year.
No able-bodied man may become a priest or monk unless he has served in the army.
In many districts the building was quite overdone, and the rent obtainable being far less than enough to recoup the guardians, the system operated as out-door relief for the able-bodied and as a rate in aid of wages.
Even Landis, which was constantly at war, did not have such a void of able-bodied men within the city.
Also many paupers were not able-bodied and parishes were not big enough to cope with the problems.
Jubilee Sailing Trust - bringing together able-bodied and physically disabled people throught the medium of tall ship sailing and building.
Holborn's Gray's Inn workhouse was designated for able-bodied inmates.
In modern Switzerland every able-bodied male must keep an ' assault rifle ' in his home, and train in its use.
The 1834 Act brought a dramatic fall in able-bodied paupers.
The problem in 1834 was the reduction of able-bodied pauperism, to effect which the workhouse test was applied.
On the 3rd of July 1778, while a considerable number of the able-bodied men were absent in the Connecticut service, a motley force of about 400 men and boys under Colonel Zebulon Butler were attacked and defeated near Kingston in the "battle of Wyoming" by about I 100 British, Provincial (Tory) and Indian troops under Major John Butler, and nearly three-fourths were killed or taken prisoners and subsequently massacred.
During the famine of 1770-1771 he enforced on landowners "the obligation of relieving the poor" and especially the metayers dependent upon them, and organized in every province ateliers and bureaux de charite for providing work for the able-bodied and relief for the infirm, while at the same time he condemned indiscriminate charity.
Since many of the poor were not able-bodied, the workhouses were not profitable institutions.
Short-term absence could also be granted to an able-bodied pauper seeking work.
Thus, survivors of polio developed a special relation to their bodies unknown to able-bodied persons.
With a crowd of seniors who are able-bodied or even wheelchair-mobile, dancing and music provide an ideal way to get both exercise and entertainment.
On the other side of the argument, many service members and their advocates argue that 20 years service in order to obtain full retirement pay is an excellent incentive to keep trained, able-bodied people in the military.
There is a strict list of requirements that includes criteria for household income as well as countable resources and work stipulations for able-bodied adults.
Running is easy to get into and available to practically any able-bodied person looking to get in shape, but there's also a whole slew of psychological benefits to running you may not be aware of.
The next day Massena turned the Sierra by the Boyalva Pass and Sardao, which latter place, owing to an error, had not been occupied by the Portuguese, and Wellington then retreated by Coimbra and Leiria to the lines, which he entered on the 11th of October, having within them fully ioo,000 able-bodied men.
He also passed that year an Act enforcing military training upon all able-bodied citizens.