Abandon Sentence Examples
She couldn't abandon her babies to him, even if he was their father.
Arrived in the river Plate in 1527, rumours reached Cabot of mineral wealth and a rich and civilized empire in the far interior, and he resolved to abandon surveying for exploration.
She knew she needed to leave him but couldn't find it in her to abandon the only place she'd ever felt safe.
He'll have to abandon it, if Annie Quincy really is—one of those girls.
We have paid for the right to look at the matter plainly and simply, and we will not abandon that right.
Wouldn't it be foolish to abandon the carefully laid plans that had helped her achieve her goals in the first place?
He wished to God she would abandon her search.
The captain gave the order to abandon ship as the water flooded the lower decks.
Maximilian did not, however, abandon the struggle in the Netherlands.
Still I could not shut my eyes to the force and weight of their arguments, and I saw plainly that I must abandon--'s scheme as impracticable.
AdvertisementOur challenge is to learn how to choose the plowshares, not to abandon metallurgy.
He wasn't going to abandon her, too, was he?
She wiped her face, determined not to abandon her sister as Gio had.
Either his words or his soothing voice caused the woman to abandon what little self-control she possessed; she threw her arms around him, sobbing.
While Cynthia skipping with Jeffrey was next to impossible for Dean to buy, no one could convince him she would abandon her son.
AdvertisementBut that doesn't mean I have to abandon them.
She felt this to be their last hope and that if Nicholas refused the match she had found for him, she would have to abandon the hope of ever getting matters right.
Rhyn snorted and faced Sasha, the brother charged with governing Australia, and the first to abandon the Council in favor of serving the Dark One.
If you give money, spend yourself with it, and do not merely abandon it to them.
Not wanting to abandon Lori, she did nothing.
AdvertisementThe smart thing to do would be to abandon Brutus for the safety of the barn.
They decided to abandon the siege of Warwick Castle on hearing news of the approach of the parliamentary relief force.
The general decided to abandon what he saw as old ideas, such as using tanks to seize territory.
The Russians retreat and abandon their ancient capital.
The king of Naples was his natural enemy, and he had cause to suspect that Piero de Medici might abandon his alliance.
AdvertisementThe consequence of these reports of the hostility of the church led him to abandon all thoughts of publishing.
He was forced to abandon all attempts at reconquest, but proposed to decide the question by single combat between himself and Peter, to take place at Bordeaux under English protection.
He did not abandon his opinions.
To acknowledge the fact is to abandon all hope.
But am I really to abandon forever the joy of Prince Andrew's love, in which I have lived so long?
The ancient British and Celtic churches followed the cycle of 84 years which they had originally received from Rome, and their stubborn refusal to abandon it caused much bitter controversy in the 8th century between their representatives and St Augustine of Canterbury and the Latin missionaries.
She wasn't going to abandon them to her father so she could enjoy herself.
You didn't abandon Destiny.
Nice of Kris to abandon you upstairs like that.
This has been due to speculation, to the unrestricted pasturage of goats, to the rights which many communes have over the forests, and to some extent to excessive taxation, which led the proprietors to cut and sell the trees and then abandon the ground to the Treasury.
Dost Mahommed was enjoined to abandon the attempt to recover Peshawar, and to place his foreign policy under British guidance.
She couldn't abandon them to him, even if he was their father.
She couldn't abandon the twins – leave them with a man who had become a stranger to them.
Entrepreneurs tend to fall in love with their original ideas, and in this phase, they may need to alter or even abandon them.
Having, however, espoused the cause of the Royalist party on the breaking out of the American War of Independence, he found it expedient to abandon his professional prospects in the New World, and return to his native country.
In 1776 he was called to the bar, intending at first to establish himself as an advocate in his native town, a scheme which his early success led him to abandon, and he soon settled to the practice of his profession in London, and on the northern circuit.
He sent to Syria, Assemanus, a Maronite educated at the Roman college of Gregory XIII.; and at last, at a council held at the monastery of Lowaizi on the 30th of September 1736, the Maronite Church accepted from Rome a constitution which is still in force, and agreed to abandon some of its more incongruous usages such as mixed convents of monks and nuns.
They in turn petitioned the crown to abandon the Spanish alliance, which they regarded as the source of all the mischief.
In the state the Tory inherited the ideas of Clarendon, and, without being at all ready to abandon the claims of parliaments, nevertheless somewhat inconsistently spoke of the king as ruling by a divine and indefeasible title, and wielding a power which it was both impious and unconstitutional to resist by force.
But so thoroughly was the spirit of the country roused, that many even of the new corporations were set against Jamess declaration, and he had therefore to abandon for a time the hope of seeing it accepted even by a packed House of Commons.
It was known that even before the last battle Louis had been ready to abandon the cause of his grandson, and that his offers had been rejected because he would not consent to join the allies in turning him out of Spain.
Though the French attempt at a concerted invasion had failed, however, the Directory did not abandon the enterprise, and commissioned Bonaparte to draw up fresh plans.
The Chartists were induced to abandon the procession which had caused so much alarm, and the monster petition was carried in a cab to the House of Commons.
Rhodes himself was not removed from the privy council, as his more extreme accusers demanded; but he had to abandon his career in Cape politics for a time, and confine his energies to the development of Rhodesia, which had been added to the empire through his instrumentality in 1888-1889.
In 1866 his life became clouded by the circumstances which led him to abandon the institution so long the scene of his labours.
His constitutional weakness and bad eyesight forced him to abandon medicine, which he had adopted as a career, and in 1855 he returned to King's College as lecturer in English language and literature, a post which he almost immediately quitted for the professorship of modern history.
At this juncture Damjanich broke his leg, an accident which prevented him from taking part in field operations at the most critical period of the war, when the Magyars had to abandon the capital for the second time.
Dissensions which arose among the missionaries and their apparent lack of success led to a resolution (February 1842) of the Prudential Committee of the Board to abandon the southern station.
To question these, much less abandon them, seems tantamount to renouncing parents, society, even truth itself.
But these did not mingle readily with the indigenous population; as each wave of barbarian invasion fell back, these refugees returned to their mainland homes, and it required the pressure of many successive incursions to induce them finally to abandon the mainland for the lagoon, a decision which was not reached till the Lombard invasion of 568.
Just because your wedding is in the fall does not mean you have to abandon the idea of a rainbow theme.
For little girls, they give coverage that then encourages running and playing with abandon, banishing the fear of underwear being seen.
Worse still, others may simply abandon their now unwanted pet.
Which isn't to say that he needs to abandon jeans and T-shirts.
Clint Eastwood certainly isn't going to abandon his jeans any time soon.
A half hour later I was ready to abandon the project and switch to beer, but a friend took over my shift and whittled further away at a crack I had created.
With the rising popularity of music phones, more and more people are starting to abandon their standalone MP3 players, such as the iPod.
The remaining parent should be aware of the effects of the abandonment on the child and above all, reassure the child that the remaining parent will not abandon them.
There is something especially fitting about a tie on a swing dance costume - it implies respectability and control, and when combined with the wild abandon of swing dance, it becomes a measure of both chaos and class.
Do not abandon the SPF protection in the winter.
In March of the following session, that of 1921, while he was in the full swing of his multifarious activities, he suddenly broke down, and was recommended by his medical advisers to abandon his work at once.
Father Marquette, forced in 1671 by Indian wars to abandon his post on Chequamegon Bay, settled with the Huron at the Straits of Mackinac, whence in May 1673 accompanied by Louis Joliet he set out for the Mississippi river.
From the total failure of water the inhabitants were once compelled to abandon the island.
Mechithar set out for Rome in 1695 to make his ecclesiastical studies there, but he was compelled by illness to abandon the journey and return to Armenia.
The same feeling led Socrates to abandon the old physico-metaphysical inquiries.
Gorgias and Protagoras are only representatives of what was really a universal tendency to abandon dogmatic theory and take refuge in practical matters, and especially, as was natural in the Greek city-state, in the civic relations of the citizen.
On Webster's re-election to the Senate, Choate resumed (1845) his law practice, which no amount of urging could ever persuade him to abandon for public office, save for a short term as attorneygeneral of Massachusetts in 1853-1854.
Howe in command, determined to abandon Philadelphia, captured in the previous year, and move his troops direct to New York through New Jersey.
He landed at Newport, Rhode Island, on the 10th of July, but was held here inactive for a year, owing to his reluctance to abandon the French fleet, which was blockaded by the British in Narragansett Bay.
In 1433 died King John, exhorting his son not to abandon those schemes which were now, in the long-continued failure to round Cape Bojador, ridiculed by many as costly absurdities; and in 1434 one of the prince's ships, commanded by Gil Eannes, at length doubled the cape.
In the midst of these difficulties Parma received orders to abandon the task on which he had spent himself for so many years, and to raise the siege of Paris, which was blockaded by Henry IV.
The marshes which line the Save below Sissek are often impassable except at Brod and Mitrovica, and the river is constantly scooping out fresh channels in the soft soil, only to abandon each in turn.
But on the 26th of May the Venetians were forced to abandon Fort Malghera, half-way between the city and the mainland; food was becoming scarce, on the 19th of June the powder magazine blew up, and in July cholera broke out.
Henry I.,his son, had to struggle with a powerful vassal, Eudes, count of Chartres and Troyes, and was obliged for a time to abandon his fathers anti-German policy.
In vain did the malcontent princes attempt to set up a new League of Public Weal, the Guerre folle (Mad War), in which the duke of Brittany, Francis II., played the part of Charles the Bold, dragging in the people of Lorraine and the king of Navarre, In vain did Charles VIII., his majority attained, at once abandon in the treaty of Sable the benefits gained by the victory of Saint-Aubin du Cormier (1488).
Between 1371 and 1373 Poitou and Saintonge were reconquered by Du Guesclin, and soon the English had to abandon all their territory north of the Garonne.
Feuillet did not abandon the novel, and in 1862 he achieved a great success with Sibylle.
Then, in December 1883, the British government saw that something must be done, and ordered Egypt to abandon the Sudan.
Alex didn't abandon Tessa, though, and Carmen wasn't about to walk out on him like Tessa did.
It was hard to believe he would do such a thing, but nothing in her childhood had ever suggested that her father would abandon his children, either.
Nor was he the kind of person who would abandon someone in need of help.
While she was obviously frightened for herself and her daughter I couldn't believe she'd abandon our life-long friendship so abruptly.
There'd been no final message to us, only one of Martha's usual rehearsal notes to herself of how she would explain to us the same decision Betsy and I arrived at literally the same time; the decision it was time we all abandon our enterprise.
Others despised humans, but the fact that this one hesitated to abandon the woman to her fate told Jule more than the most discreet of immortals probably intended.
Without even fully knowing why, Jule despised the two factions too much to abandon Damian—and through Damian, humanity—to them.
Carmen was torn between gratitude that Lori gave Destiny to them and disappointment that Lori could abandon her child so totally.
To abandon this certainty can leave us with a skeptical paradox that is genuinely depressing.
We must abandon the doctrine of the blood atonement.
So great were their numbers that they quickly filled the immense underground cavern and forced the busy workmen to abandon their tasks.
He was too chivalrous to abandon his opponent in an apparent extremity.
It required the Ukrainian authorities to abandon all State controls over the exchange rate, leading to a catastrophic collapse of the currency.
It requires that we consciously abandon the deeply ingrained conceit that we have any goodness in and of ourselves, apart from God.
In February 2004, feeling somewhat disheartened, I decided to abandon the idea.
This gives substance to the decision to abandon the fuel price escalator.
Also to refuse or cancel any entries, to postpone or abandon the Show and relax conditions as the Society may deem expedient.
So Fishcox - I presume you are not suggesting we abandon the posting agreement and allow a complete free-for-all?
Within just two years, farmers were able to abandon the chemical fungicides previously widely used to fight the disease.
To abandon this group of drunken idiots on an unknown island without supervision?
Those outside who disagree with it need to work with liberal internationalists within, not abandon the debate to unilateralists.
Even the IRA agreed to abandon violence before meaningful peace negotiations could be held.
As it turned out the rain decided to hammer down even harder and the decision to abandon the game became a no-brainer.
We had to abandon our vehicles and carry our bags to the other end of the fast disappearing road whilst it was still passable.
In late October, Home Secretary David Blunkett announced that the British government will soon abandon the policy of arresting people for marijuana possession.
They will abandon all pretense of benign assistance in favor of a more oppressive approach.
It may be in your best interests to abandon your project or at least pause for a serious rethink.
These festivities became very riotous as people began to abandon themselves and became drunken and out of order.
We seem to be watching as, with the utmost complacency, the Czechs abandon the fruits of 150 years of national self-assertion.
In the Midlands, the Royalists abandon the siege of Warwick Castle on hearing news of the approach of the parliamentary relief force.
Among the trees, girls dance in a not completely convincing simulacrum of wild abandon.
Let them not straiten their desire, nor abate their trust, nor abandon their dependence, nor stint their song.
He writes clearly enough to be able to abandon this stylistic tic tic.
Yet this need not mean that we abandon all meaning and intelligibility in the material universe.
Returning to Como to wed the countess Raimondi, by whom he had been aided during the campaign, he was apprised, immediately after the wedding, of certain circumstances which caused him at once to abandon that lady and to start for central Italy.
During the African war they invaded Numidia and conquered Cirta, the capital of the kingdom of Juba, who was thus obliged to abandon the idea of joining Metellus Scipio against Caesar.
Charles, as anxious to attack Constantinople as he was reluctant to attack Tunis, with which Sicily had long had commercial relations, was forced to abandon his own plans and to join in those of his brother.'
A more plausible theory is that the author is an honest thinker, a keen observer and critic of life, who sees that the world is full of miseries and unsolved problems, regards as futile the attempts of his time to demonstrate an ethically active future life, and, recognizing a divine author of all, holds that the only wise course for men is to abandon the attempt to get full satisfaction out of the struggle for pleasure, riches and wisdom, and to content themselves with making the best of what they have.
Insurrections occurred frequently, the insurgents receiving secret aid from sympathizers in China, and the difficulties of the Japanese being increased not only by their ignorance of the country, which abounds in fastnesses where bandits can find almost inaccessible refuge, but also by the unwillingness of experienced officials to abandon their home posts for the purpose of taking service in the new territory.
Through a hunter, Eabani and Gilgamesh are brought together, but instead of becoming rivals, they are joined in friendship. Eabani is induced by the snares of a maiden to abandon his life with the animals and to proceed to Erech, where Gilgamesh, who has been told in several dreams of the coming of Eabani, awaits him.
In originating this impromptu scheme, Lloyd George was influenced by secret indications that the Serbian reactionaries, if promised Skutari in return for Fiume, might throw over Trumbic and abandon the Wilson Line and American principles generally.
Crispi's uncompromising suppression of disorder, and his refusal to abandon either the Triple Alliance or the Eritrean colony, or to forsake his colleague Sonnino, caused a breach between him and the radical leader Cavallotti.
On his return, "distrust of his own resolutions and convictions" led him to abandon for the time his intention of being a clergyman, and he settled down to the study of the law, "with a firm determination not to suffer it to engross my time so as to prevent me from pursuing other branches of knowledge."
Frederick was unable at first to persuade Henry Jasomirgott to abandon Bavaria, but in June 1154 he recognized the claim of Henry the Lion, who accompanied him on his first Italian campaign and distinguished himself in suppressing a rising at Rome, Henry's formal investiture as duke of Bavaria taking place in September 1156 on the emperor's return to Germany.
Every act tending to force a citizen to abandon his nationality - in other words oppression of a citizen on account of his race - is expressly prohibited.
The insurmountable difficulties presented by the lunar theory forced Kepler, after an enormous amount of fruitless labour, to abandon his design of comprehending the whole scheme of the heavens in one great work to be called Hipparchus, and he then threw a portion of his materials into the form of a dialogue intended for the instruction of general readers.
Sigismund never saw Sweden again, but he persistently refused to abandon his claims or recognise the new Swedish government; and this unfortunate obstinacy was to involve Poland in a whole series of unprofitable wars with Sweden.
He was the first sultan entirely devoid of military virtues and willing to abandon all power to his ministers, provided he were left free to pursue his orgies and debauches.
After elaborate intrigues, in the course of which Alcibiades played false to the conspirators by forcing them to abandon the idea of friendship with Tissaphernes owing to the exorbitant terms proposed, the new government by the Four Hundred was set up in Athens (see Theramenes).
Baring forcibly argued against British intervention in the affairs of the Sudan, and on the 13th of December Lord Granville telegraphed that Her Majestys government recommend the ministers of khedive to come to an early decision to abandon all territory south of Assuan, or, at least, of Wadi Haifa.
The abrogation of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty in 1901, and the failure of the second French company to construct a canal between Colon and Panama (see Panama Canal) had, after many hesitations, induced the United States government to abandon the Nicaragua route and decide on adopting that of Panama.
Simon declared that it would be a worse perjury to abandon his oath to keep the Provisions of Oxford than his oath to abide by the French kings award.
This view, which did not find support anywhere outside Servia, led to war between Servia and Bulgaria (see Servo-Bulgarian War); the Servians were defeated at Slivnitza and had to abandon Pirot, whilst the farther advance of the Bulgarian army on Nish was stopped by the intervention of Austria-Hungary.
A decision by Japan to abandon its renunciation of nuclear weapons would shatter the non-proliferation regime.
However, we should be careful not to abandon the possibility of self-awareness in other animals too quickly.
He writes clearly enough to be able to abandon this stylistic tic.
If you will probably continue to spend with reckless abandon after liquidating your savings, don't cash it out.
It's not like your parents will abandon you when you turn 18, but they probably will expect you to take on a lot of the adult responsibilities that they have been taking care of for most of your life.
If the girl your son has a schoolboy crush on is already a good friend, she shouldn't abandon the friendship just because he made his feelings known.
On the other hand, some brands - such as Pantene hair products, remain at the higher end of the drugstore variety,and many consumers never feel it necessary to abandon their Pantene in favor of an Oscar Blandi bottle.
You can use a root spray with wild abandon, so apply liberally for best results.
In fact, Gwyneth once followed a strict macrobiotic diet until the intensity of her cravings during her first pregnancy led her to abandon the regime in favor of a more moderate plan.
Very small girls won't be self-conscious, but a one-piece suit protects more of their delicate skin and for the slightly older girls, it allows them to swim and play with abandon.
There are many other swimsuits available, especially as swimsuit season nears, so browse with abandon!
Kids don't usually need encouragement to run and play with abandon, but knowing that they are wearing a swimsuit that allows them to do whatever they want without fear of anything coming undone allows them that much more pleasure.
As such, parents make a point of ignoring fashion and going straight for a sturdy, comfortable suit that will allow the child to swim and play with abandon.
This added piece of individualism means that you can coordinate the look that helps you feel your beautiful best, with abandon.
However, they did not want to abandon the Norelco brand, which had begun to become a recognized household name.
Regular folks tried their best to emulate their favorite stars' glittery outfits and voluminous hairstyles, and in the process ignited a generation of reckless abandon.
The playacting will allow you to thither, thou, and thee with the locals and dance around the maypoles, play in the parade and cheer at the jousts with a fervor and abandon.
There is a sense of abandon in giving a passionate card to someone, the risk of having him or her reject it - or of having his or her eyes light up and realizing that he or she shares that passion with you.
For the packrat who can't seem to abandon his hoarding tendencies, the black Huntington collection promises to make traveling at least a little bit easier.
Leo can be self-absorbed and self-centered, but he can just as easily abandon all thought of himself if he sees someone in trouble.
Not every toddler or preschooler is anxious to abandon playing with toys to go over alphabet flashcards with mom.
The Field boot is perfect for parents whose kids like to climb, jump and romp with abandon.
It's frustrating for parents to shell out a large sum of money on the latest phase, only to have a child abandon that hobby, sport or game and quickly move on to something else.
Spoilers revealed that Jack would abandon Victor to his fate.
Today however, like most programming, "live" is a relative term, and soaps usually abandon the concept altogether in favor of precise and perfected film takes that are edited together to show you what you watch today.
The company thrived for many years, but suffered during the 1970s, when the advent of quartz watches caused consumers to abandon fine Swiss watches in favor of convenient quartz.
While he didn't abandon the postcard idea at first, he did add and test the new idea to see if it was profitable.
The quickest way for new crochet enthusiasts to become discouraged and abandon their project is to begin without being well-informed.
Whereas back in the day, such stories were like underwear itself and "unmentionable," now they can be shared and laughed over with abandon.
Robes won't last very long if you toss them in the washer and dryer with abandon, especially if they are made out of Polartec fleece.
While many lingerie manufacturers were forced by rationing to abandon silk during World War II, Vanity Fair nightgowns only stopped being made in silk in 1948.
Oasis demonstrated that same desire to abandon the industrial claws of Manchester and explore their potential, whilst clinging intensely to their northern identities.
The band got signed in 2002 by Roidrage Recordings with their 2001 demo, Abandon In Place.
Families who usually have a messy house are forced to clean up, families who have rigid rules are forced to abandon the rules, and in some cases families are asked to do things contrary to their core values.
Not only do Farrah's friends abandon her, but the baby's daddy is no longer in the picture and her relationship with her mother becomes strained as well.
If you only post one or two times per month, even your most loyal readers are likely to abandon your blog in favor of more current sources of information.
He did not abandon his hopes of the throne, and, in 1298, was chosen German king by some of the princes, who were dissatisfied with Adolph.
In 1622 the Spaniards, under Spinola, made another attempt to take the town, but were forced to abandon the enterprise after a siege of ten weeks and the loss of 1200 men.
We do not know how the Egyptians were forced to abandon Jerusalem; but, at the time of the Israelite conquest, it was undoubtedly in the hands of the Jebusites, the native inhabitants of the country.
From this position it easily followed that actions, being merely external, were morally indifferent, and that the true Gnostic should abandon himself to every lust with perfect indifference.
Though she returned to Hanover in 1822 she did not abandon her astronomical studies, and in 1828 she completed the reduction, to January 1800, of 2500 nebulae discovered by her brother.
Various other Massachusetts townships, as they have grown older, have been similarly compelled to abandon their old form of government.
Hadrian's first important act was to abandon as untenable the conquests of Trajan beyond the Euphrates (Assyria, Mesopotamia and Armenia), a recurrence to the traditional policy of Augustus.
It was decided therefore to abandon offensive operations.
The British government (the Asquith cabinet) came to the conclusion that another expedition against the mullah would be useless; that they must either build a railway, make roads and effectively occupy the whole of the protectorate, or else abandon the interior completely.
Many of the Franciscans refused to abandon their work, and in 1463 they received a charter from the sultan Mahomet II., which is still preserved in the monastery of Fojnica, near Travnik.
By the beginning of September all the breaches were repaired, the walls bristled with cannon, and 7000 men were under arms. So strong was the city by this time that Charles X., abandoning his original intention of carrying the place by assault, began a regular siege; but this also he was forced to abandon when, on the 29th of October, an auxiliary Dutch fleet, after reinforcing and reprovisioning the garrison, defeated, in conjunction with the Danish fleet, the Swedish navy of 44 liners in the Sound.
He failed, because Charles could not even then consent to abandon the bishops, and because no Scottish party of any weight could be formed unless Presbyterianism were established ecclesiastically.
The interruption of maritime intercourse, the stagnation of industry and trade, the rise in the price of the necessaries of life, the impossibility of adequately providing for the families of those - call them reservists, " landwehr," or what you will - who are torn away from their daily toil to serve in the tented field, - these are considerations that may well make us pause before we abandon a peaceful solution and appeal to brute force.
The Portuguese were obliged to abandon their settlement; but several of them returned at a later period, with Brazil.
As the king could not abandon Portugal to itself he determined at first to send the prince thither as regent, but Dom Pedro had acquired such popularity by his conduct in the revolution, and had exhibited such a thirst for glory, that the king feared to trust his adventurous spirit in Europe, and decided to go himself.
But the misconduct of the Mahratta leader induced him to abandon the confederacy, just in time to escape the murderous defeat at Panipat.
Moreover the collapse of Tsarism had deprived Mr. Pasic of his strongest support abroad, and forced him to abandon his narrowly Orthodox basis and bring his policy more into line with modern democratic tendencies.
If in regard to France his policy appeared to lack suavity and circumspection, it must be remembered that the French republic was then engaged in active anti-Italian schemes and was working, both at the Vatican and in the sphere of colonial politics, to create a situation that should compel Italy to bow to French exigencies and to abandon the Triple Alliance.
He had viewed proposals to abandon the campaign with alarm; but after visiting the peninsula he realized that evacuation was the only justifiable course, and he reported to that effect.
A large number of guns had been retained ashore in view of the danger of a determined attack by the Turks on the 8th, when the lines were thinly held; it had been decided to abandon several of these, worn-out ordnance being earmarked for the purpose.
Just before the last boats sheered off the masses of stores which it had been necessary to abandon were set on fire, and only from the glare set up by this conflagration were the Turks made aware that their opponents had evaded them yet again.
This activity gained him recognition abroad and gifts of money from the British and Austrian governments; but it made his position as an official in Berlin impossible, for the Prussian government had no mind to abandon its attitude of cautious neutrality.
This blow probably decided his career; but he endured two years of misery and mental conflict before resolving to abandon his medical studies and become a monk.
Pecuniary embarrassments, from which he had never been free, finally compelled him to abandon his tour, and on his return to Norway he taught for some time at Christiania.
According to other authorities, the Romans were obliged to surrender the city, to acknowledge Porsena's supremacy by sending him a sceptre, a royal robe, and an ivory chair, to abandon their territory north of the Tiber, to give up their arms, and in future to use iron for agricultural purposes only.
On the 30th the Americans, learning of the approach of Lord Howe's fleet with 5000 troops under Clinton, decided to abandon the island.
Finding the problem of life insolvable, they abandon the attempt to solve it and take refuge in the grave.
Foreign demand has shown so little discrimination that experts, finding it impossible to obtain adequate remuneration for first-class work, have been obliged to abandon the field altogether, or to lower their standard to the level of general appreciation, or by forgery to cater for the perverted taste which attaches unreasoning value to age.
In 367 Athens and Thebes sent rival ambassadors to Persia, with the result that Athens was actually ordered to abandon her claim to Amphipolis, and to remove her navy from the high seas.
Several roads from Kordofan converge on the Nile at this point, and near the station is the residence of the mek, or king, of the Shilluk tribe, whose designation of the post was adopted when it was decided to abandon the use of Fashoda.
He succeeded in inducing the Germans to abandon that clause of the terms by which the burgomaster, the communal counsel and one hundred citizens were required to surrender themselves as hostages.
On the advance of the French army under Napoleon into Prussia, he determined to leave Wittenberg and abandon his university career.
But the fortress of Fredriksodde (Fredericia) held Charles's little army at bay from mid-August to mid-October, while the fleet of Denmark, after a stubborn two days' battle, compelled the Swedish fleet to abandon its projected attack on the Danish islands.
He was threatened by the intervention of England on the side of the coalition, and would have made peace earlier but for his reluctance to abandon his ally Sweden.
Even Gunkel is obliged to abandon his favourite theory here, though he contests strongly the recognition of any allusion to Nero.
Sorensen and Martin Knudsen after a careful investigation decided to abandon the old definition of salinity as the sum of all the dissolved solids in sea-water and to substitute for it the weight of the dissolved solids in 1000 parts by weight of sea-water on the assumption that all the bromine is replaced by its equivalent of chlorine, all the carbonate converted into oxide and the organic matter burnt.
The weakness of the Mexican Liberals and the necessity of securing aid in the States led the Austin party to abandon their opposition to independence.
The revolutionary movement throughout Italy was breaking down, but Charles Albert felt that while he possessed an army he could not abandon the Lombards and Venetians, and determined to stake all on a last chance.
The lives of many Europeans were at stake, for anarchy must follow the withdrawal, and it seemed impossible to repudiate the pledges to Toro, or to abandon the Baganda who had fought for the British.
Brunel, was preparing to put the plan to practical test when the discovery that it had already been patented caused him to abandon his intention, until about 1877.
The Free State, however, did not abandon its claims. The matter involved no little irritation between the parties concerned until July 1876.
He therefore proposed to abandon Russian projects in southern Manchuria and the Port Arthur region and to restore Port Arthur to China in return for considerable concessions on the side of Vladivostok.
But the usual decousu of Russian operations and their own magnificent resistance saved the Japanese, and after two days' severe fighting, although Grippenberg had not been checked, Kuropatkin, in face of a counter-attack by Oyama, decided to abandon the attempt.
Both retained the ducal title and claimed the electoral privilege, a claim which the Lauenburg line refused to abandon when it was awarded to the Wittenberg line by the Golden Bull of 1356.
Louis fought a battle beneath the walls of Zara (July ist, 1346), which has been immortalized by Tintoretto, but was defeated and compelled to abandon the city to the republic. The struggle was renewed eleven years later when Louis, having formed, with infinite trouble, a league of all the enemies of Venice, including the emperor, the Habsburgs, Genoa and other Italian towns, attacked his maritime rival with such vigour that she sued for peace, and by the treaty of Zara (February 18th, 1358) ceded most of the Dalmatian towns and renounced the title of duke of Dalmatia and Croatia, hitherto borne by the doge.
The death of Ali of Iannina had been followed by the suppression of the insurgent Suliotes and the advance of Omar Vrioni southwards to Missolonghi; but the town held out gallantly, a Turkish surprise attack, on the 6th of January 1823, was beaten off, and Omar Vrioni had to abandon the siege and retire northwards over the pass of Makrynoros.
Rumours of the war of extermination conducted against their kinsmen, the wild Prussians, by the Knights, first woke the Lithuanians to a sense of their own danger, and induced them to abandon their loose communal system in favour of a monarchical form of government, which concentrated the whole power of the state in a single hand.
Szajnocha, however, like Thierry and the American Prescott, did not abandon his studies.
When, however, in modified form, the patent was re-granted to his patron Champlain induced him to abandon Acadia and establish a settlement on the St Lawrence, of the commercial advantages of which, perhaps eyen as a western route to China and Japan, he soon convinced him.
McClellandescribed this flight to the James as a change of base, but his resolve to abandon the attitude of an invader was formed when General Lee in the middle of June had caused Stuart's cavalry to reconnoitre the flanks and rear of McClellan's army, and had summoned corps from the Shenandoah Valley.
Only it could not describe the nature of this highest good; and therefore it had to abandon itself to imagination and aesthetic impressions.
If, however, we abandon intuitional ethics, it is reasonable to argue that the term summum bonum ceases to have any real significance inasmuch as actions are not intrinsically good or bad, while the complete sceptic strives after no systematic ideal.
On receipt of the counter-notice the promoters must either assent to the requirement contained in it, or abandon their notice to treat.
This announcement raised a storm of indignation among the European community in India, and the government were obliged virtually, though not avowedly, to abandon their measure.
The difficulties that arose in attempting to avoid this inconvenience induced some nations to abandon the moon altogether, and regulate their year by the course of the sun.
As It Had Now Been Discovered That The Exact Length Of The Lunation Is A Little More Than Twenty Nine And A Half Days, It Became Necessary To Abandon The Alternate Succession Of Full And Deficient Months; And, In Order To Preserve A More Accurate Correspondence Between The Civil Month And The Lunation, Meton Divided The Cycle Into 125 Full Months Of Thirty Days, And 110 Deficient Months Of Twenty Nine Days Each.
Built by the Portuguese upon the site of the once prosperous town of Anfa, which they had destroyed in 1468, Casablanca was held by them for some time, till trouble with the natives compelled them to abandon it.
On the one hand, the Greeks were unwilling to abandon their religion and national cult, and scarcely recognized the ecclesiastical supremacy of the papacy.
Napoleon was evidently returning to the traditions of his youth, and in the September Convention of 1864 it looked as if he would abandon Rome to its manifest destiny.
In carrying out the regime of Rampolla, which was, in every respect, a bad imitation of that of Antonelli, the Vatican left no stone unturned in its attempt to coerce the conscience of the French royalists; it did not even stop at dishonour, as was evidenced by the case of the unhappy Mgr d'Hulst, who, in order to evade the censorship of his pamphlet on Old Testament criticism, had to abandon both his king and his principles, only to die in exile of a broken heart.
Such systems are opposed to all doctrines which rest solely or ultimately upon external authority; the individual must investigate everything for himself and abandon any position the validity of which cannot be rationally demonstrated.
Apparently no vows were taken, but obedience, personal poverty, chastity, self-denial, and the other monastic virtues were strongly enforced, and a monk was not free to abandon the monastic life.
To the general astonishment he refused to abandon his friends and to take office under Lord Chatham, who succeeded Rockingham in August 1766.
He did not abandon himself to despair, but sought refuge in returning to the classical pursuits of his youth.
She was under heavy fire, and as she appeared to be sinking, the order was given to abandon ship and blow the charges; they detonated and the ship sank.
In 1662 as part of the dowry of Catherine of Braganza on her marriage to Charles II., it came into the possession of the English, and they defended it against Mulai Ismail in 1680, but in 1684 it was decided, on account of expense, to abandon the place to the Moors.
But they were compelled to abandon all claim to the Spanish Netherlands, which were formally handed over to the United Provinces, as trustees, to be by them, after the conclusion of a satisfactory barrier treaty, given up to the emperor, of European politics.
The peace of Utrecht taught the Dutch that the great powers around them, while ready to use their resources for war, would not scruple to abandon them when they wanted peace; they, therefore, determined henceforth to stand clear of all foreign complications.
The project was laid aside in consequence of the hostility of a large body of the clergy, reinforced by the threat of Dr Pusey and Canon Liddon to abandon their offices if it were carried.
When the immediate disciples of the saint had become an order bound by the religious vows, it became necessary to provide for the great body of laity, married men and women, who could not leave the world or abandon their avocations, but still were part of the Franciscan movement and desired to carry out in their lives its spirit and teaching.
Nevertheless when the bishops arraigned the reformer for heresy John would not abandon him.
Freedom was within sight, but with fatal infatuation the slaves refused to abandon Italy.
Quicker or slower, the water that fills it will wash in sand and mud, and year by year this process will go on till ultimately the whole reservoir is filled up. The embankment is raised, and raised again, but at last it is better to abandon it and make a new tank elsewhere, for it would never pay to dig out the silt by manual labour.
To Rene of Anjou, the duke of Lorraine, he showed himself less generous, setting up another claimant to the duchy of Lorraine in the person of Anthony of Vaudemont, and taking Rene prisoner in 1431; it was not until 1436 that he consented definitively to release Rene on condition that he should abandon several strong places and pay an enormous ransom.
Gustavus made an attempt to storm these fortifications, but he failed to make any impression on them; he failed also in inducing Wallenstein to accept battle, and he was forced to abandon Nuremberg and to march to the protection of Saxony.
It was, however, opposition in the Bundesrat which obliged him to abandon his scheme for imperial railways, and when, in 1877, it was necessary to determine the seat of the new supreme court of justice, the proposal of the government that Berlin should be chosen was out-voted by thirty to twenty-eight in favor of Leipzig.
Meanwhile the Sikhs again rose, and Ahmad was now forced to abandon all hope of retaining the command of the Punjab.
In 421 Sparta and Athens concluded a defensive alliance; the Sphacterian captives were released and Athens promised to abandon Pylos.
The sirdar made an attempt to raise a battaliQn of Albanians, but the few men obtained mutinied when ordered to proceed to the Sudan, and it was deemed advisable, after the ringleaders had been executed, to abandon the idea, and rely on blacks to stiffen the fellahin.
Such were making the Christian community to which the proselyte had belonged pay as much as it had paid when his lands belonged to it, making proselytes pay as before their conversion, or compelling them to abandon their lands on conversion.
Upwards of two-thirds of the inhabitants are Jews; the remainder have belonged mostly to the Orthodox Greek Church since 1839, when they were compelled to abandon the United Greek Church.
He tells of the high position he holds among the Venetians; of the jealousy shown him by some of the meaner sort of native artist; of the honour and wealth in which he might live if he would consent to abandon home for Italy; of the northern winter, and how he knows that after his return it will set him shivering for the south.
In 1866 he matriculated at Christ Church, Oxford, but went down in 1868, by the request of the dean, rather than abandon the possession of a small racing stud.
He had, however, been led, by whatever process, to abandon the dogmatic system of his forefathers, though he was and always remained in profound sympathy with the spirit of their teaching.
He was determined not to abandon his vocation as a man of genius by following the lower though more profitable paths to literary success, and expected that his wife should partake the necessary sacrifice of comfort.
Her kinsmen, the Guises, fell from power, and were no longer to be feared by England, so that Elizabeth need not abandon her favourite, Lord Robert Dudley, in the hope of securing Scotland by her marriage with Arran.
Though the progress of his psychological thought compelled him to abandon the positive theology of the Moravians, he always retained an appreciation of its spiritual or symbolic significance.
Even philosophy with Hegel at this epoch was subordinate to religion; for philosophy must never abandon the finite in the search for the infinite.
By this time (103 B.C.) it was clear that the Hasmonaeans were - from the point of view of a purist - practically indistinguishable from the Hellenizers whom Judas had opposed so keenly, except that they did not abandon the formal observances of Judaism, and even enforced them upon foreigners.
Aulus Gabinius, the new proconsul of Syria, defeated his hastily gathered forces, besieged him in one of the fortresses he had managed to acquire, and induced him to abandon his attempt in return for his life.
It is not to be expected that an art-revival following on, and in possession of, all the results of a period of unprecedented activity in scientific research should proceed with the same restraint as heretofore; but the unfettered activity, and the general encouragement to abandon the traditions of art, have no exact parallel in the past, and may yet prove a danger.
In 1833 the charter of the East India Company was renewed for twenty years, but only upon the terms that it should abandon its trade and permit Europeans to settle freely in the country.
But Gregory, according to his own confession, had no practical skill; he could find no optician capable of realizing his ideas, and after some fruitless attempts was obliged to abandon all hope of bringing his telescope into practical use.
According to the commonest account, on the 23rd of August of that year Pliny the elder, who had command of the Roman fleet at Misenum, set out to render assistance to a young lady of noble family named Rectina and others dwelling on that coast, but, as there was no escape by sea, the little harbour having been on a sudden filled up so as to be inaccessible, he was obliged to abandon to their fate those people of Herculaneum who had managed to flee from their houses, overwhelmed in a moment by the material poured forth by Vesuvius.
Balamir now directed his victorious arms still farther westward against that portion of the Visigothic nation (or Tervingi) which acknowledged the authority of Athanaric. The latter entrenched himself on the frontier which had separated him from the Ostrogoths, behind the "Greutungrampart" and the Dniester; but he was surprised by the enemy, who forded the river in the night, fell suddenly upon his camp, and compelled him to abandon his position.
Damascus fell late in the summer of 635, and on the 10th of August 636 was fought the great decisive battle on the Hieromax (Yarmuk), which caused the emperor Heraclius finally to abandon Syria.'
In consequence of the defeat which they here sustained, the Persians were forced to abandon the western portion of their empire and limit themselves to Iran proper.
Farther south, repeated attempts were made to retake Monte Cimone, which the Archduke Charles had wished to abandon, but which Krauss insisted should be held.
They were ordered to abandon the archbishop. Three of them consented, but Pomuk, who refused to submit and was already on the point of death, was carried to the bridge of Prague and thrown into the Vltava.
The confessor united his influence with that of Madame de Maintenon to induce the king to abandon his liaison with Madame de Montespan.
He resolved to abandon the campaign, and died mysteriously on his way back to Europe, eight months afterwards.
After several engagements the Neapolitans were forced to retire, and eventually agreed to the treaty of Casalanza by which Murat was to abandon the kingdom; but the Neapolitan officers retained their rank under Ferdinand IV.
On the road the news met him that Vindex had been crushed by the army of the Rhine, and for the moment he resolved to abandon his attempt.
As the breach widened, he even opposed petitions to the king and parliament, on the ground that the claims to taxation and control had been put forward by the ministry on the basis of right, not of expediency, that the ministry could not abandon the claim of right and the colonies could not admit it, and that petitions must be, as they already had been, rejected.
The Society of the Cincinnati, an organization composed of officers of the late war, chose him as its first president; but he insisted that the Society should abandon its plan of hereditary membership, and change other features of the organization against which there had been public clamour.
Forged letters, purporting to show his desire to abandon the revolutionary struggle, were published; he was accused of drawing more than his salary; his manners were ridiculed as "aping monarchy"; hints of the propriety of a guillotine for his benefit began to appear; he was spoken of as the "stepfather of his country."
Such a life was specially recommended for one who has lived the life of a householder, and, having begotten sons according to the sacred law and offered sacrifices, desires in his old age to abandon worldly objects and direct his mind to final liberation.
In 1902 the success of deep tube electric railways in Great Britain was assured, and in 1904 main line railways began to abandon, at least experimentally, the steam locomotive and substitute for it the electric transmission of power.
He obtained from Phocas recognition of the "headship of the church at Rome," which signifies, no doubt, that Phocas compelled the patriarch of Constantinople to abandon (momentarily) his claim to the title of oecumenical patriarch.
In the party meetings of 1890 and 1891 his policy was severely attacked, first by the extremists, the "young" Socialists from Berlin, who wished to abandon parliamentary action; against these Bebel won a complete victory.
A designation of such doubtful meaning it seems better (with Chantepie de la Saussaye) to abandon.
On the death of Gregory XI., who had finally returned to Rome from Avignon, he was elected pope in a conclave held under circumstances of great excitement, owing to popular apprehension of an intention of the French cardinals to elect a French pope and again abandon Rome.
His father being a convert to Christianity, Uriel was brought up in the Roman Catholic faith, and strictly observed the rites of the church till the course of his inquiries led him, after much painful doubt, to abandon the religion of his youth for Judaism.
Julian pressed forward to Ctesiphon but succumbed to a wound; and his successor Jovian soon found himself in such straits, that he could only extricate himself and his army by a disgraceful peace at the close of 363, which ceded the possessions on the Tigris and the great fortress of Nisibis, and pledged Rome to abandon Armenia and her Arsacid protg, Arsaces III., to the Persian.
Working with the Evangelical Alliance and the Chicago (1893) World's Parliament of Religions, and in Germany, through the monthly Kirchenfreund, he strove earnestly to promote Christian unity and union; and it was his hope that the pope would abandon the doctrine of infallibility and undertake the reunion of Christianity.
The emperor T'aiTsung desired him to commit his journey to writing, and also that he should abandon the eremitic rule and serve the state.
He was then set at liberty, in consequence of the resolve of the British government to abandon the attempt to intervene in the internal politics of Afghanistan.
Alphonso was therefore released under promise to abandon all his conquests in Galicia.
One of the first acts of the usurper, and one of the most important, was to abandon the semi-ecclesiastical titles of visitor (visitador) or defender (curador) of the realm, and to 111., 1248- proclaim himself king (rei).
Agilulf could not abandon his traditional Arianism, and he was a very uneasy neighbour, not only to the Greek exarch, but to Rome itself.
On this occasion he refused Napoleon III.'s offer to cede Venetia to Italy, on condition that Italy should abandon the Prussian alliance, and also ref used the Prussian decoration of the Black Eagle because Lamarmora, author of the alliance, was not to receive it.
Compelled by ill-health to abandon his profession, he entered himself in 1837 as a student at St.
This treaty publicly marked an American policy of alliance with these Indians and caused the British peace negotiators at Ghent to abandon them.
The owner of the mother, however, might abandon the child after a year, and it then became a public charge.
The name epimeron is sometimes applied to what is here called the pleuron, but the word has been used in widely different senses and it seems better to abandon it.
His first book, Contes a Ninon, appeared on the 24th of October 1864, and attracted some attention, and in January 1866 he determined to abandon clerking and take to literature.
Confucius would not abandon the cause of the people.
Field, however, did not abandon the enterprise, and finally in July 1866, after a futile attempt in the previous year, a cable was laid and brought successfully into use.
And this was only the forerunner of more signal reverses; for, in a short time, Villeroi was forced to abandon the whole of the Mantuan territory and to take refuge in Cremona, where he seems to have considered himself secure.
The defection of the English, however, did not induce Prince Eugene to abandon his favourite plan of invading France.
But the Dutch, having been surprised and beaten in the lines of Denain, where Prince Eugene had placed them at too great a distance to receive timely support in case of an attack, he was obliged to raise the siege of Landrecies, and to abandon the project which he had so long cherished.
If Whiggism could be proved to entail Dissent, he was prepared to abandon it.
The vexations and extortions to which the Company's early agents were subjected more than once almost induced them to abandon the trade, and in 1677-1678 they threatened to withdraw from Bengal altogether.
Instinct told him that his old ally the khan of the Crimea was unreliable, and that the tsar of Muscovy was his natural protector, yet he could not make up his mind to abandon the one or turn to the other.
In 1824 Constable's pictures were shown in the Salon, and confirmed the younger men in their resolution to abandon the lifeless pedantry of the schools and to seek inspiration from nature.
This scheme was submitted by Philip to a synod at Homburg; but Luther intervened and persuaded the Landgraf to abandon it.
Indeed in 1452 he conseqted to abandon his protests, and to lend his aid to the other party for a great national object, the recovery of Guienne.
James was driven by the outcry raised to abandon these monopolies, and an att of Parliament in 1624 placed the future grant of proteotions to new inventions under the safeguard of the judges.
The negotiation, however, was at once broken off by his demand that France should abandon the Netherlands.
These differences are so insignificant that it was very natural that the Croats after having tried to convert the chaka y ski dialect into a separate literary language were compelled to abandon that attempt and to adopt the shtokayski.
He'll have to abandon it, if Annie Quincy really is—one of those girls.
But I'm glad we didn't see 007 blubber away with abandon I agree.
With no way of repairing the damage, the order to abandon ship was given.
With reckless abandon, Glitch pushed down on the foot stirrup.
At the end of an exile of more than two years he yielded so far as to subscribe a formula giving up the "homoousios," to abandon Athanasius, and to accept the communion of his adversaries - a serious mistake, with which he has justly been reproached.
Though the orders were to abandon the wounded, many of them dragged themselves after troops and begged for seats on the gun carriages.
We have abandoned Vilna and Vitebsk and shall abandon Drissa.
He was delighted at the unexpected rapidity of his pupil's progress, but could not abandon the edifice of argument he had laboriously constructed.
Just as it is impossible to say when it was decided to abandon Moscow, so it is impossible to say precisely when, or by whom, it was decided to move to Tarutino.
Undernourished patients should be counseled to abandon any attempts at " healthy eating ".
That means that every morning you wake up, during the day when you feel like smoking a cigarette and before going to bed turn your will and life over to the complete care and abandon of God as you understand Him.
Even though the punk rock group hasn't had a hit or toured in years, it was the judge's contention they didn't intend to abandon their name.
Jeans for girls into the tween years should be looser and sturdier, so that the girls can run and play with abandon.
The prices are reasonable, so you can shop with abandon.
Abandon the "granny glasses" and go for fashionable eyewear so you'll feel better.
Many times, small family owned parks may be sold to housing developers or other corporations that opt to abandon the amusement park in favor of potentially more profitable projects.
With that said I will do my best to explain why you should abandon your family, friends, work and school to devote your life to this series.
This has become an increasingly prevalent concern as more and more people abandon their landlines in favor of using mobile phones as their primary phones.
The custodial parent should be aware of the effects of the divorce on the child and above all, should reassure the child that the remaining parent will not abandon them.
However, many patients who abandon careful nutritional management develop cognitive problems, such as difficulties remembering, maintaining focus, and paying attention.
The Chinese government's population control policy, which penalizes families who have more than one child, and the greater value placed on male heirs in Chinese culture have led many families to abandon female Chinese infants.
Mardi Gras face masks are also famous for allowing their wearers to flirt with abandon.
If you take your date somewhere, don't abandon he or her.
Even better is the fact that the minimizer bras don't abandon style for the sake of utility.
It is Arwen who shepherds Frodo across the dangerous fields to Rivendell when he is felled by the Witch King and later, she refuses the journey to the West because she will not abandon the human she loves.
He stood, in full uniform, waving and tossing candy with abandon.
The mating laws from the time-before-time were absolute, but what if Darkyn and Gabriel made their own private deal to return the human Gabriel loved and abandon past-Death to the hands of the Dark One?
The withdrawal of Mersenne in 1614 to a post in the provinces was the signal for Descartes to abandon social life and shut himself up for nearly two years in a secluded house of the faubourg St Germain.
The difficulties with New Hampshire were adjusted in 1782, the west bank of the Connecticut being accepted as the final boundary, but New York refused to abandon her claims until 1790.
Prolonged warfare with the Otto- and mans, who forced her to abandon Candia in 1669, Spain.
It is truer to say that on the whole the Jews began at this period to abandon as hopeless the attempt to find a place for themselves in the general life of their country.
These doctrines the younger Mill now felt himself forced in reason to abandon.
After enduring the greatest hardships it was resolved to abandon the ship, Upernivik being reached on the 5th of August 1855, whence a relief expedition brought the explorers home.
Musical public opinion now puts an extraordinary pressure on the young composer, urging him at all costs to abandon " outof-date " styles however stimulating they may be to his invention.
None the less it is true that these men and women endured torments, often unthinkable in their cruelty, and death rather than abandon their faith.
Turkey was willing to concede the fullest local autonomy, but not to abandon its sovereign rights over the island.
In 1744 the king was compelled to abandon Carteret, and the coalition or " Broad Bottom" party, led by Chesterfield and Pitt, came into office.
Kuropatkin, thus required to abandon his own Kum- plan, had only to choose between attacking the ist patkin.
It Is To Be Regretted That The Reverend Fathers Who Formed The Council Of Nicaea Did Not Abandon The Moon Altogether, And Appoint The First Or Second Sunday Of April For The Celebration Of The Easter Festival.
Largely owing to his influence the Liberal party refused in 1878 to abandon its Free Trade policy, an obstinacy which led to its defeat in that year.
The alliance with Russia was renewed and in reply Charles invaded Saxony in 1706, and compelled the elector to sign the treaty of Altranstadt in September of that year, to recognize Stanislaus Leszczynski as his successor in Poland, and to abandon the Russian alliance.
Induced by political exigencies George allied himself with Frederick the Great when the Seven Years' War broke out in 1756; but in September 1757 his son William Augustus, duke of Cumberland, was compelled after his defeat at Hastenbeck to sign the convention of Klosterzeven and to abandon Hanover to the French.
Her husband, however, who viewed these proceedings with disfavour, banished her friends, took her children from her, threw her into prison,, and eventually made her abandon at any rate the outward forms of Calvinism.
Buchner also entreats us " to abandon the word ` materialism,' to which (it is not clear why) a.
On the 21st of November at Bristol he insisted on his programme being adopted, and Mr Balfour was compelled to abandon the position he had held with so much tactical dexterity for two years past.
Mme Perier simply says that Jacqueline persuaded him to abandon the world.
In acting thus he did not scruple to desert his own royalist followers, and to repudiate and abandon the great and noble Montrose, whose heroic efforts he was apparently merely using in order to extort better terms from the covenanters, and who, having been captured on the 4th of May, was executed on the 21st in spite of some attempts by Charles to procure for him an indemnity.
In the disorderly flight both Louis and his younger brother Henry, refusing to abandon the field, lost their lives.
Hurriedly retreating to Senaf, hard pressed by the Italians, who shelled Senaf on the evening of the 15th of January, Mangashh was obliged to abandon his camp and provisions to Baratieri, who also secured a quantity of correspondence establishing the complicity of Menelek and Mangash in the revolt of Bath-Agos.
After completing these reductions, Airy made inquiries, before engaging in any theoretical investigation in connexion with them, whether any other mathematician was pursuing the subject, and learning that Hansen had taken it in hand under the patronage of the king of Denmark, but that, owing to the death of the king and the consequent lack of funds, there was danger of his being compelled to abandon it, he applied to the admiralty on Hansen's behalf for the necessary sum.
While the Muscovites of the upper classes were thus beginning to abandon their old oriental habits, their government was preparing to make a political evolution of a similar kind.
He replies to the objection that it was not right to abandon the customs of their forefathers, and points them to Christ as their only safe guide to God.
It is questionable whether it is not better, in cold soils and bleak situations, to abandon outdoor peach culture, and to cover the walls with a casing of glass, so that the trees may be under shelter during the uncongenial spring weather.
The British government (the first Russell administration), which had reluctantly agreed to the annexation of the country, had, however, already repented its decision and had resolved to abandon the Sovereignty.
The plant is universally grown by the cultivators for their own smoking, and, like everything else, was subject to taxation under native rule; but the impossibility of accurate excise supervision has caused the British government to abandon the impost.
They knew that it was for the army to fight, and that if it could not succeed it would not do to take young ladies and house serfs to the Three Hills quarter of Moscow to fight Napoleon, and that they must go away, sorry as they were to abandon their property to destruction.
Body Harvest was the result, but delays and difficulties in production caused Nintendo to finally abandon the game.
But Charles Charles Albert, who, whatever his faults, had a generous Albertre- nature, was determined that so long as be had an news the army in being he could not abandon the Lombards War, and the Venetians, whom he had encouraged in their resistance, without one more effort, though he knew full well that he was staking all on a desperate chance.
The presence of the Russians ultimately induced the Royalists to abandon the siege.
In 17 9 8 an annuity, granted him by the brothers Wedgwood, led Coleridge to abandon his reluctantly formed intention of becoming a Unitarian minister.
Sir Harry had, in the previous December, extended the northern frontier of Cape Colony to the Orange, and had reoccupied the territory on the Kaffir border which D'Urban had been forced to abandon.'
She has all the abandon of an Italian improvisatore, the simplicity of a Bernardin de St Pierre without his mawkishness, the sentimentality of a Rousseau without his egotism, the rhythmic eloquence of a Chateaubriand without his grandiloquence.
Lord Glenelg, secretary for the colonies in Lord Melbourne's second administration, held that the Kaffirs were in the right in the quarrel, and he compelled D'Urban to abandon the conquered territory, a mistaken decision adopted largely on the advice of Dr Philip and his supporters.
In 1548 Charles laid before the states a scheme for making the Netherlands an integral part of the empire under the name of the Circle of Burgundy; but the refusal of the German Electors to make his only son Philip king of the Romans led him to abandon the project, which was never renewed.
They failed, however, in both attempts; and in the latter, owing to the darkness, and to the occurrence of a violent storm which suddenly swelled the torrents in the ravines, their force was thrown into inextricable confusion, and they were compelled to abandon their camp and make the best of their escape from the country.
The M`Leod case' in which the state of New York insisted on trying a British subject, with whose trial the Federal government had no power to interfere, while the British govern - ment had declared that it would consider conviction and execu - tion a casus belli; the exercise of the hateful right of search by British vessels on the coast of Africa; the Maine boundary, as to which the action of a state might at any time bring the Federal government into armed collision with Great Britain - all these at once met the new secretary, and he felt that he had no right to abandon his work for party reasons.