A-sharp Sentence Examples
The wound opened again and the salt he threw into it drew a sharp response from her.
Somewhere up ahead was a sharp turn.
At the bottom of the hill a sharp turn waited.
He threw her a sharp look over his shoulder.
The man gave him a sharp look.
Adrienne expected a sharp response from Mr. Marsh, but he only regarded his wife thoughtfully for a few moments.
She's got a sharp tongue, but she could make shoe soles taste like fine steak.
Keep a sharp eye out.
Once she was comfortable with us she opened up, displaying a sharp and inquisitive mind.
The baby monitor crackled to life with a sharp cry.
AdvertisementI felt a sharp sting as the blade cut.
Dusty joined him, drawing a sharp breath at the sight.
She sucked in a sharp breath, at once confused and thrilled.
She drew a sharp breath but forced herself to stay, to take his pain.
She's a sharp little kid.
AdvertisementHe began first a short ascent, then a drop to a sharp curve he nearly missed, causing him to reduce his speed further.
I told you she was a sharp cookie!
Sheathing his dagger, he issued a sharp order to the girl.
Jade drew a sharp breath.
The youth showed her how to stand and hold the weapon while the eldest watched with a sharp eye.
AdvertisementAs he was finishing his conversation, a loud sound came from the kitchen, followed by a sharp cry in a man's voice, and then laughter.
After a sharp drop, their tumble slowed suddenly.
A few minutes later, the soldier reappeared with a tall man with a sharp gaze and quick smile.
Kris drew a sharp breath, unaware that the deity could enter his dreams.
Fred O'Connor had a sharp mind and a sharp tongue to match it.
AdvertisementHe gave her a sharp look.
Warmth shot up her neck with a sharp pain.
Finally, he landed a sharp blow to his horse's rump and made the beast dart in the direction he wanted.
She choked down a sharp response and met his gaze.
She lifted a stack of papers and straightened them with a sharp rap on her mahogany desktop, deliberately ignoring his empty invitation.
The road began to widen and after a sharp bend she came into the tiny town indicated on the map.
Among other tools, they found one that looked like a hockey puck with a sharp blade.
She slapped water at it, and screamed again when she felt a sharp pain in her hand.
With a sharp cry, she scrambled to the kitchen and dived under the table.
Denton's head jerked back and hit the wall with a sharp crack.
Then memory flooded back with a sharp pain.
I shouldn't be here reminding you, he said in a sharp voice.
His pinkie nail grew to a sharp point, and he sliced his inner arm near the wrist.
She sucked in a sharp breath, wondering if Jule really was able to read her mind after telling her he couldn't.
Then if the prism P4 is cemented to P3, a sharp image of such lines of the solar spectrograph as are visible in the field of view will be seen in the eyepiece.
For five years these high wages ruled; but in 1886 there was a sharp fall, though wages still remained very good.
It has a sharp burning taste, and is very poisonous.
In the earlier forms of instrument the record was made by embossing lines on a ribbon of paper by means of a sharp style fixed to one end of a lever, which carried at the other end the armature of an electromagnet.
The attempt failed and its author was caught and executed, but while t appeared at first to destroy Napoleons Italian sympathies and led to a sharp interchange of notes between Paris and Turin, the emperor was really impressed by the attempt and by Orsinis letter from prison exhorting him to intervene in Italy.
Many beetles make a hissing or chirping sound by rubbing a "scraper," formed by a sharp edge or prominence on some part of their exoskeleton, over a "file" formed by a number of fine ridges situate on an adjacent region.
Sometimes, however, a sharp incline occurring on an otherwise easy line is not reckoned as the ruling gradient, trains heavier than could be drawn up it by a single engine being helped by an assistant or " bank " engine; sometimes also " momentum " or " velocity " grades, steeper than the ruling gradient, are permitted for short distances in cases where a train can approach at full speed and thus surmount them by the aid of its momentum.
The town presents a picturesque appearance from the Nile, which at this point makes a sharp bend.
It would certainly be unwise to draw a sharp boundary line between the two districts; kings of Judah could be tempted to restore the kingdom of their traditional founder, or Assyria might be complaisant towards a faithful Judaean vassal.
The beginnings of this rupture, as well as a sharp affray between his volunteers and the townsfolk of Ajaccio, may have quickened Bonaparte's resolve to return to France in May 1792, but there were also personal and family reasons for this step. Having again exceeded his time of furlough, he was liable to the severe penalties attaching to a deserter and an émigré but he saw that the circumstances of the time would help to enforce the appeal for reinstatement which he resolved to make at Paris.
For the present he experienced a sharp rebuff of fortune, which he met with his usual fortitude.
Lack of central control over the virtually independent communes (over forty thousand in number) led to a sharp rebound under the Convention, when all matters of importance were disposed of by commissioners appointed by that body.
During the course of a tour in Italy in December 1807 he gave a sharp turn to that world-compelling screw, the Continental System.
Shortly before starting for the Russian expedition Napoleon vainly tried to reassure the merchants and financiers of France then face to face with a sharp financial crisis.
Demons, when they are regarded as spirits, may belong to either of the classes of spirits recognized by primitive animism; that is to say, they may be human, or non-human, separable souls, or discarnate spirits which have never inhabited a body; a sharp distinction is often drawn between these two classes, notably by the Melanesians, the West Africans and others; the Arab jinn, for example, are not reducible to modified human souls; at the same time these classes are frequently conceived as producing identical results, e.g.
Their principal use is to give a sharp jar to the drill on the upstroke so that the bit is dislodged if it has become jammed in the rock.
The larger variety of the race has a sharp muzzle, upright pointed ears, and a bushy tail generally carried over the back.
The strips (inae, philyrae), which were cut with a sharp knife or some such instrument, were laid on a board side by side to the required width, thus forming a layer (scheda), across which another layer of shorter strips was laid at right angles.
It will be seen that from the biological standpoint there fall under the stricter definition those hereditary modes of behaviour which are analogous to hereditary forms of structure; and that a sharp line of distinction is drawn between the behaviour which is thus rendered definite through heredity, and the behaviour the distinguishing characteristics of which are acquired in the course of individual life.
Their monotheism remains Semitic - even in their conception of the cosmogonic and illuminating function of Wisdom they regard God as standing outside the world of physical nature and man, and do not grasp or accept the idea of the identity of the human and the divine; there is thus a sharp distinction between their general theistic position and that of Greek philosophy.
The cakes when completed are, in order to remove them from the mould, slit open with a sharp knife, which is kept wet, and are hung up to dry.
The blocks are cut into thin sheets by means of a sharp knife, which is caused to move to and fro about two thousand times per minute, the knife being kept moistened with water, and the block fed up to it by mechanical means.
In dressing mica the "books" are split along the cleavage into sheets of the required thickness, and the sheets trimmed into rectangles with a sharp knife, shears or guillotine, stained and damaged portions being rejected.
From the general formula (2), if A be the area of aperture, 102 = A2 / x2 f (7) The formation of a sharp image of the radiant point requires that the illumination become insignificant when, n attain small values, and this insignificance can only arise as a consequence of discrepancies of phase among the secondary waves from various parts of the aperture.
In 1759, when captain of the "Vestal" (32), he captured the French "Bellona" (32) after a sharp action.
Flies, outnumbered by two to one, sustained a sharp reverse before the other columns closed in.
The Imperialists were!driven from Cremona after a sharp struggle, but captured Marshal Villeroi, the French commander.
The Syracusans' work was destroyed by a prompt and well-executed attack; and a second counter-work carried across marshy ground some distance to the south of Epipolae and near to the Great Harbour was also demolished after a sharp action, in which Lamachus fell, an irretrievable loss.
Frederick, though his love of teasing for teasing's sake has been exaggerated by Macaulay, was a martinet of the first water, had a sharp though one-sided idea of justice, and had not the slightest intention of allowing Voltaire to insult or to tyrannize over his other guests and servants.
A quartz vein or bed of hard rock may show itself as a sharp ridge or as a well-defined bench; a stratum of soft rock or the line of a great fissure, or the weakening of the strata by an anticlinal fold, may produce a ravine or a deep valley.
The glass is first dipped in this protective liquid, and when the paint has set the pattern is scratched through it with a sharp point.
For this reason every piece of pressed glass-ware, as soon as it is liberated from the mould, is exposed to a sharp heat in a small subsidiary furnace in order that the ruffled surface may be removed by melting.
If before this application of the molten glass the metallic leaf, whilst resting on the thin film of blown glass, was etched with a sharp point, patterns, emblems, inscriptions and pictures could be embedded and rendered permanent by the double coating of glass.
The covers are carefully cut to the proper size and shape with a sharp knife, and, after being damped and smoothed out are placed together in a pile.
The shares, when made of the same material, required constant sharpening; this necessity was removed by the device, patented by Robert Ransome in 1803, of chilling and so hardening the under-surface of the share; the upper surface, which is soft, then wears away more quickly than the chilled part, whereby a sharp edge is always assured.
Subsequently the digging plough came into vogue; the share being wider, a wider furrow is cut, while the slice is inverted by a short concave mould-board with a sharp turn which at the same time breaks up and pulverizes the soil after the fashion of a spade.
The blackbird is of a shy and restless disposition, courting concealment, and rarely seen in flocks, or otherwise than singly or in pairs, and taking flight when startled with a sharp shrill cry.
C. Baur was his teacher, he did not attach himself to the Tubingen school; in reply to the contention that there are traces of a sharp conflict between two parties, Paulinists and Petrinists, he says that "we find variety coupled with agreement, and unity with difference, between Paul and the earlier apostles; we recognize the one spirit in the many gifts."
But Gladstone risked the reproach, accepted the office and had a sharp tussle for his seat.
But a sharp distinction has to be drawn between the method of Seifu and that of the other six ceramists mentioned above as following Chinese fashions.
The leaves are generally lance-shaped with a sharp apex and a spiny margin; but vary in colour from grey to bright green, and are sometimes striped or mottled.
In July 1819 he entered Tunja, after a sharp action on the adjoining heights; and on the 7th of August he gained the victory of Boyaca, which gave him immediate possession of Bogota and all New Granada.
The demand was resisted, and was only yielded to after a sharp conflict.
Blake came into the Straits of Dover with his ships, and on the 19th of May a sharp collision took place between him and Tromp. Bourne joined his countryman after the action began.
Sir George Ayscue, who had lately returned from the West Indies, whither he had been sent to subdue the Royalist party in Barbados, had a sharp encounter with a Dutch convoy while on his way up Channel to the Downs, and had captured several prizes.
On the 14th of May 1863 Johnston who then held the city, was attacked on both sides by Sherman and McPherson with two corps of Grant's army, which, after a sharp engagement, drove the Confederates from the town.
On the 9th of July Sherman began an investment of the place, and during the succeeding week a sharp bombardment was carried on.
O'Donnell's pronunciamiento in 1856 put an end to the Cortes, and the militia was disarmed, after a sharp struggle in the streets of the capital.
This subject he was led to study by the experience of a colliery engineman, who noticed that he received a sharp shock on exposing one hand to a jet of steam issuing from a boiler with which his other hand was in contact, and the inquiry was followed by the invention of the "hydro-electric" machine, a powerful generator of electricity, which was thought worthy of careful investigation by Faraday.
All three writers seek to draw a sharp line round what is " of faith."
In polytheism the grades of superhuman beings are continuous; but in monotheism there is a sharp distinction of kind, as well as degree, between God on the one hand, and all other superhuman beings on the other; the latter are the " angels."
In others the wings are armed with a tubercle or even a sharp spur on the carpus.
This note is f sharp, and the interval t is termed a sharp.
E flat as key-note introduces another flat, and so on, each flat not quite coinciding with a sharp but at a very small interval from it.
But he met with a sharp rebuff, and Bishop Stephen fared no better when, in the middle of the 3rd century, he came into collision with Cyprian of Carthage and Firmilian of Caesarea in the dispute concerning heretical baptism.
It may be admitted that, in many cases, the distinction between Ultramontanism and Catholicism cannot be clearly traced; and it is impossible to draw a sharp line of severance between the two, which could be absolutely valid under all circumstances and in relation to all questions.
It crystallizes in small prisms, having a sharp saline taste, and is exceedingly soluble in water.
The pure salt has a sharp saline taste and is readily soluble in water.
Not only was there in 1918-21 a sharp contrast in policy between the Czechoslovaks and the minority races living within the republic - the Germans and the Magyars - but each nationality was split up into a multiplicity of factions.
He had a sharp fight with Jackson's men, but night soon put an end to the contest.
He is described by Fuller as "low of stature, little in bulk, cheerful in countenance (wherein gravity and quickness were all compounded), of a sharp and piercing eye, clear judgment and (abating the influence of age) term memory."
These plates are then placed horizontally by the dresser on a vertical iron "stand," and cut with a sharp knife into slates of various sizes suitable for the market.
Two days later McClellan's advanced troops fought a sharp combat at Williamsburg and the Army of the Potomac rendezvoused on the Chickahominy with its base at White House on the Pamunkey (May 7).
The course of the battle of Seven Pines or Fair Oaks bore some resemblance to that of Shiloh; a sharp attack found the Unionists unprepared, and only after severe losses and many partial defeats could McClellan check the rebel advance.
Great fluency and ease of diction, considerable warmth of imagination and moral sentiment, and a sharp eye to discover any oddity of style or violation of the accepted canons of good taste, made his criticisms pungent and effective.
Between these two powers Marcion affirms a sharp and, as it appears, originally irreconcilable dualism which with him rests moreover on a speculative basis.
The culminating point of that part of the Carioca range which projects into and partly divides the city is the Corcovado (Hunchback), a sharp rocky peak 2329 ft.
He wore a sharp shirt of hair next his skin, scourged himself every Friday and other fasting days, lay upon the bare ground with a log under his head, and allowed himself but four or five hours' sleep. This access of the ascetic malady lasted but a short time, and More recovered to all outward appearance his balance of mind.
In command next of the squadron blockading Rochefort, Sir Samuel Hood had a sharp fight, on 25th September 1805, with a small French squadron which was trying to escape.
Dividing what the irreconcilables of the Hildebrandine party considered as an indissoluble whole, they made a sharp distinction between the property of the Church and the Church itself, between the political and territorial power of the bishops and their religious authority, and between the feudal investiture which confers lands and jurisdiction and the spiritual investiture which confers ecclesiastical rights.
Then Mesopotamia enjoyed two short rests (separated by a sharp struggle) while the rivals were engaged elsewhere, when in 363 Julian made his disastrous attempt, and Jovian bought peace at the price, among other things, of Singara and Nisibis - i.e.
One stage beyond this place he left the route followed by former travellers and pushed northwards to near the town of Chiamdo, where after a sharp fight with the natives he turned eastwards.
Those who only know the Snipe as it shows itself in the shooting-season, when without warning it rises from the boggy ground uttering a sharp note that sounds like scape, scape, and, after a few rapid twists, darts away, if it be not brought down by the gun, to disappear in the distance after a desultory flight, have no conception of the bird's behaviour at breeding-time.
On the 2gth of December, when off Bahia, he fell in with the British frigate "Java" (38), which was carrying General Hislop, the governor of Bombay, to India, and took her after a sharp action.
Cuttings of growing plants are prepared by removing with a sharp knife, and moderately close, the few leaves which would otherwise be buried in the soil; they are then cut clean across just below a joint; the fewer the leaves thus removed, however, the better, as if kept from being exhausted they help to supply the elaborated sap out of which the roots are formed.
The trench should be opened to about two spades' depth, and any coarse roots which may extend thus far from the trunk may be cut clean off with a sharp knife.
In the second case all roots that have struck downwards into a cold uncongenial subsoil must be pruned off if they cannot be turned in a lateral direction, and all the lateral ones that have become coarse and fibreless must also be shortened back by means of a clean cut with a sharp knife, while a compost of rich loamy soil with a little bone-meal, and leaf-mould or old manure, should be filled into the trenches from which the old sterile soil has been taken.
Keep a sharp look-out for cold snaps, as they come very unexpectedly in November, and many plants are lost thereby.
Moreover, he had a pharmaceutical system of his own which did not harmonize with the commercial arrangements of the apothecaries, and he not only did not use up their drugs like the Galenists, but, in the exercise of his functions as town physician, he urged the authorities to keep a sharp eye on the purity of their wares, upon their knowledge of their art, and upon their transactions with their friends the physicians.
Fannin (c. 1800-1836), who was overtaken on the Coletto Creek while attempting to carry out orders to withdraw from Goliad and to unite with General Houston; he surrendered after a sharp fight (March 19-20) in which he inflicted a heavy loss on the Mexicans, and was marched back with his force to Goliad, where on the morning of the 27th of March they were shot down by Santa Anna's orders.
During the War of Independence Salem was plundered on the 17th of March 1778 by British troops under Colonel Charles Mawhood, and on the following day a portion of these troops fought a sharp but indecisive engagement at Quinton's Bridge, 3 m.
It lies at a considerable height on a sharp slope above a stream tributary to the river Rother.
On the one occasion when Captain Dawson says he heard it himself, " the sound was like the swishing of a whip or the noise produced by a sharp squall of wind in the upper rigging of a ship, and as the aurora brightened and faded so did the sound which accompanied it."
With this arrangement of crossed slits a spot of light impinges on the photographic surface and, when the boom is steady, gives a sharp fine line.
Battle-axes with rounded outline started as merely a sharp edge of metal (io) inserted along a stick (10, if); they become semicircular (12) by the VIth Dynasty, lengthen to double their width in the XIIth, and then thin out to a waist in the middle by the XVIIIth Dynasty.
Wodehouse headed off a part of this force from the river at Argin, and, after a sharp action, completely defeated it, killing 900, among whom were many important amirs, and taking 50o prisoners and 12 banners, with very small loss to his own troops.
The co-operation of the two columns was admirably timed, and on the morning of the 7th the dervish camp was surrounded, and, after a sharp fight, Hamuda and many amirs and about 1000 men were killed, and 500 prisoners taken.
Thus the sheikh ul-Islam 'Abbas' (who was deposed by the professors of the Azhar in 1882) had in the first period of his presidency a sharp conflict with 'Abbas Pasha, viceroy of Egypt, who asked of him an unjust legal opinion in matters of inheritance.
It is probable, therefore, that we have here a sharp alternation of generations, both generations being, however, precisely similar to the eye up to point of reproduction.
Stanton had a violent temper and a sharp tongue, but he was courageous, energetic, thoroughly honest and a genuine patriot.
Where two glens begin opposite to each other on the same ridge, their corries are gradually cut back until only a sharp crest separates them.
The line of defence adjacent to the battery looked downhill for about 300 yds., giving a clear field of fire for the new Enfield rifle the English carried; but a sharp break in the slope beyond that range gave the assailants plenty of "dead ground" on which to form up. For a time, therefore, the battle was a series of attacks, delivered with great fierceness by the main body of Pavlov's corps, the repulse of each being followed by the disappearance of the assailants.
After a sharp remonstrance, He healed the man by a mere word.
He took a warm interest in all matters of education, and distinguished himself so much by his defence of the university of Paris against a sharp attack, that in 1835 he was chosen a member of the consistory of the Legion of Honour.
Next to the cathedral in artistic importance come the church of Santa Maria in Istrada, and the broletto or old palace of the commune, usually styled the Arengario; the former (founded in 1357) has a rich terra-cotta facade of 1 393, and the latter is raised on a system of pointed arches, and has a tall square tower terminating in machicolations surrounding a sharp central cone.
Another beautiful illustration is easily obtained by cutting with a sharp knife a very small T aperture in a piece of note paper.
The failure of these popular movements led to a sharp reaction in Virginia, as in the whole South, in favour of slavery.
The government of the town was vested in the patrician families, who, contrary to the usual course of events in the free towns, succeeded in permanently excluding the civic gilds from all share of municipal power, although in 1347 there was a sharp rising against this oligarchy.
Our knowledge of the process and materials employed in niello-work is derived mainly from four writers,- Eraclius the Roman (a writer probably of the nth century), Theophilus the monk, who wrote in the 12th or 13th century,' and, in the 16th century, Benvenuto Cellini 2 and Giorgio Vasari.3 The design was cut with a sharp graving tool on the smooth surface of the metal, which was usually silver, but occasionally gold or even bronze.
It had been a sharp lesson, but things seemed to go on smoothly after it, and Bacon's affairs prospered.
At Tsaritsyn the river takes a sharp turn in a south-easterly direction towards the Caspian; it enters the Caspian steppes, and a few miles above Tsaritsyn sends off a branch - the Akhtuba - which accompanies it for 330 m.
In January 1537 he received a sharp letter of rebuke from the king's council, together with the suggestion that the differences might be discussed with royal deputies either in France or Flanders, provided that Pole would attend without being commissioned by any one.
One inks the type-forme and keeps a sharp look-out for any inequality of inking, and sees generally that the work is being turned out in a workmanlike manner.
Here again it is most important that a sharp eye be kept on the materials used.
The plants have a large rosette of thick fleshy leaves generally ending in a sharp point and with a spiny margin; the stout stem is usually short, the leaves apparently springing from the root.
If the above errors be eliminated, the two astigmatic surfaces united, and a sharp image obtained with a wide aperture - there remains the necessity to correct the curvature of the image surface, especially when the image is to be received upon a plane surface, e.g.
The proof of this is found, partly in the fact that he tried to establish relations with Polycarp of Smyrna, from whom he got a sharp rebuff, partly in a legend to the effect that towards the end of his life he sought readmission to the Church.
The presence of the antimony in this alloy gives to it hardness, and the property of expanding on solidification, thus allowing a sharp cast of the letter to be taken.
He even went so far as to side with his colleagues, when serious difficulties arose between the new government and the president of the Cortes, Senor Martos, who was backed by a very imposing commission composed of the most influential conservative members of the last parliament of the Savoyard king, which had suspended its sittings shortly after proclaiming the federal republic. A sharp struggle was carried on for weeks between the executive and this commission, at first presided over by Martos, and, when he resigned, by Salmeron.
The outer cuticle of Oriental species is so hard that it forms a sharp and durable cutting edge, and it is so siliceous that it can be used as a whetstone.
On the one hand, soul is corporeal, else it would have no real existence, would be incapable of extension in three dimensions (and therefore of equable diffusion all over the body), incapable of holding the body together, as the Stoics contended that it does, herein presenting a sharp contrast to the Epicurean tenet that it is the body which confines and shelters the light vagrant atoms of soul.
The stream then makes a sharp bend southward and empties into Newark Bay.'
A round shaft is fixed in the cork a, which ends in a sharp point.
In point of detail, it is now impossible to draw a sharp distinction between that which they found surviving ready to their hand and that which they themselves added, or to define how far they reproduced the traditional fragments with verbal fidelity or indulged in revision and remoulding.
The surface region which yields a continuous spectrum is called the photosphere; it possesses optically a sharp boundary, which is generally a perfect sphere, but shows occasionally at the rim slight depressions or more rarely elevations.
In the instants when a sharp image of the photosphere is seen or photographed, it shows a granulated appearance like white flakes strewed fairly evenly upon a dark ground.
Schmidt's theory of the photosphere deserves mention; it explains how the appearance of a sharp boundary might be due to a species of mirage.
It has a sharp burning taste and a penetrating smell, and acts as a violent poison.
Mr Schreiner ultimately addressed, as prime minister, a sharp remonstrance to President Steyn for allowing his burghers to invade the colony.
Before the actual military occupation (1816) by the United States, American traders had begun to enter into a sharp rivalry for the Indian trade.
Later again the Americans established themselves on the other side of the Suchow creek, on a piece of land fronting on the river, which there makes a sharp turn in an easterly direction.
If it be positive, a widely extending patch is seen on the plate, consisting of a dense nucleus, from which branches radiate in all directions; if negative the patch is much smaller and has a sharp circular boundary entirely devoid of branches.
Papuan weapons are the bow and arrow (in the Fly River region, the north and north-east coasts); a beheading knife of a sharp segment of bamboo; a shafted stone club - rayed, disk shaped or ball-headed (in use all over the island); spears of various forms, pointed and barbed; the spear-thrower (on the Finsch coast); and hardwood clubs and shields, widely differing in pattern and ornamentation with the district of their manufacture.
From Issyk-kul there is a sharp rise of6000-9000ft.
Chattanooga occupies a picturesque site at a sharp bend of the river.
They utter a sharp whistling sound not unlike that of the chamois, but when greatly irritated or frightened make a peculiar snorting noise.
The chief pests are mosquitoes, termites and the serut, a brown fly about the size of a wasp, with a sharp stab, which chiefly attacks cattle.
A second Egyptian army, also about 4000 strong, had followed that of Ismail's up the Nile, and striking south-west from Debba had wrested, after a sharp campaign, the province of Kordofan (1821) from the sultan of Darfur.
In common with the other monotremes, the male echidna has its heel provided with a sharp hollow spur, connected with a secreting gland, and with muscles capable of pressing the secretion from the gland into the spur.
The object is then projected with such acute pencils on the plane focused for, in this case on the plane on which the eye can just accommodate itself, that the circle of confusion arising there is still so small that it is below the limit of angular visual distinctness and on that account appears as a sharp point.
The result must be that the field of view exhibits a sharp border.
The Aramaic. and Hebrew v, which seem so different, arise from a circle left open at the top, 0, a form which can be traced in Aramaic from the 5th or 6th century B.C. In the Greek alphabets the circle appears sometimes with a dot in the centre, but in many cases it is doubtful whether this mark is, intentional, or is only the result of fixing a sharp point there while describing the circle.
Randy is a sharp kid—man—with a bushel full of talent and the brains to go with it.
His words were like a sharp object puncturing a water balloon, and her words gushed out in a wave of uninhibited emotion.
He earned himself a sharp jab in the kidney.
The probes, which contain a sharp barb, create a circuit by connecting to clothing or penetrating the skin.
He has a sharp hooked beak, colored dark blue.
Score flesh of chicken breasts using a sharp knife.
The price includes a sharp flint chard so that you are ready to go as son as you receive it.
Using a sharp chisel, cut into the door edge along the outline to this depth.
Dr. Horace Wilkinson was still looking moodily out of the window, when there came a sharp clang at the bell.
Langoustines were served separately the first time, set in a sharp red pepper coulis topped with micro thin sesame seed biscuits.
Score down line 5 and then line 2. Fold and scrape the spine to form a sharp crease.
With a sharp object remove the remaining crust with a cloth dipped in oil.
Confusion was created as boats peeled away and then a sharp downpour quickly dampened the little wind that there had been.
There has been a sharp decline in the number of hours of coverage.
Always a maverick, he had called for a sharp devaluation of the Russian ruble before the August 1998 financial meltdown.
Then came a sharp downturn in England's chief export - wool.
At the higher-frequency end, a sharp drop-off in amplitude was found when going from a 15- to 8-year forcing period.
But the massive rise in the last two years has led economists to predict a sharp slowdown over the next year or so.
I took a copper dolly and hand hammer from my toolbox and gave the outer flange of the pin a sharp clout.
The cover of lowland calcareous grassland has suffered a sharp decline in extent over the last 50 years.
Here, the road swings round to the left on a sharp hairpin, with a steep ravine on your left hand side.
How Does a helmet Work A bicycle helmet reduces the peak energy in a sharp impact.
Turnover rose 18% at Passage du Havre last year, adding icing to what was already a sharp deal.
I am also a very innovative creative writer with a sharp keen intellect.
Then with a sharp knife cut smaller squares off with the blade at an angle.
Although it has a sharp learning curve, once learned sophisticated models of interacting organizations and cognitive agents can be swiftly developed.
With a sharp crack a bolt of brilliant white lightning forked across the sky toward us.
It was built on a sharp and punchy guitar riff making for a bright and immediately likeable song.
Even tho it's now obsolete, the original Leon is still a sharp looker and great fun to drive.
Here you walk to the left keeping a sharp lookout for some steps in the wall leading onto a road.
He walked down the corridor after them, then executed a sharp right maneuver which took him to the door of Daniel's office.
To eat the mango you have to cut it with a sharp knife.
Here it take a sharp right becoming Paisley's inner Ring Road and briefly multiplexes with the A761 (bound for Glasgow ).
If using the subscript notation, solvers often create a larger copy of the puzzle or employ a sharp or mechanical pencil.
At its heart was a sharp iron ax of the weight of seven pounds twelve ounces.
Post mortem examination revealed cause of death to be bowel perforation by a sharp sawn section of ox vertebra.
Being the sixties, the fashion of the day were winkle pickers, shoes or boots where the front ended in a sharp point.
When the light is emitted there is a sharp sensation of a hot pinprick.
Margot herself, a mischievous sprite, is in for a sharp pull-up from Miss Annersley.
Henchard shut up her argument with a sharp rebuff.
Indeed, he gave vent to his feelings in such a vehement fashion that he drew a sharp rebuke from the Chairman.
The winner of this year's competition is a sharp retort to the question Do we need nature?
Using a sharp knife, slash the pork rind evenly.
Learning to enjoy selling your work doesn't mean becoming a sharp salesperson.
In either case you will need to clean off any flashing and/or seam lines with a sharp knife and/or fine sandpaper.
Meanwhile, sterilize a sharp scalpel in the same way.
A really clean cut with a sharp scalpel helps.
The thin end had a sharp kink in it, which if removed would make the shank too short for most people.
To butterfly chicken, use poultry shears or a sharp knife to split the bird lengthways along one side of the backbone.
I felt a sharp kicking at my left shin.
And another angel came out of the temple in heaven, and he too had a sharp sickle.
With an eye-catching cardboard slipcover, the White Noise DVD is a sharp looking package.
Use a sharp Stanley knife to cut slits in the liner across the internal width of the drain sump.
Then it grew louder, and suddenly there came from the window a sharp metallic snick.
Rumex scutatus, ' French sorrel ' adds a sharp flavor to salads, omelets and soups.
Then cut a large circle around the tree with a sharp spade.
He is a man carrying a loaded gun with a sharp spike on the end.
To make spring onion curls; use a sharp knife to cut a spring onion curls; use a sharp knife to cut a spring onion into 8cm lengths.
In fact, it is a shelf of bone, not a sharp spur.
Using a sharp knife or half round file remove the swarf from inside the ends of the pipes.
The structure is " a chunk of metal smoothly tapered to a sharp edge.
When this metal is striked with a sharp metal object it produced extremely hot sparks, which are able to set tinder on fire.
Remove them with a sharp upwards tug, you can place your fingers on the gravel to prevent the bulbs being pulled up.
In March, there was a sharp upturn of 5.7% in cargo traffic for a 1.5% increase in capacity.
He was fond of sailing and the coastguards said they always kept a sharp look-out because he was so venturesome.
During the summer months the heat is tempered by a fresh sea-breeze, and there is usually a sharp fall of temperature at night; but in spring and autumn the east and south-east winds, which blow across the heated depression of the Ghor, are enervating and oppressive.
The foreign policy of the administration at first seemed likely to emphasize independence of action, in contradistinction to that of President Wilson; the threatened war between Panama and Costa Rica was prevented by a sharp note from Secretary Hughes; the claims of the Japanese to a mandate over Yap were stoutly denied; the administration refused to follow Great Britain in resuming trade relations with Soviet Russia.
It starts from near the point of junction of Haemus and Rhodope, and at first takes an easterly direction, the chief town which lies on its banks in the earlier part of its course being Philippopolis; but when it reaches the still more important city of Hadrianopolis it makes a sharp bend towards the south, and enters the sea nearly opposite the island of Samothrace.
The author was soon discovered; and, as he absconded, an advertisement was issued offering a reward for his apprehension, and giving the only personal description we possess of him, as "a middle-sized spare man about forty years old, of a brown complexion and dark brown-coloured hair, but wears a wig; a hooked nose, a sharp chin, grey eyes, and a large mole near his mouth."
From that time Abdur Rahman was fairly seated on the throne at Kabul, and in the course of the next few years he consolidated his dominion over all Afghanistan, suppressing insurrections by a sharp and relentless use of his despotic authority.
The Locustidae (see Grasshopper, Katydid) have the feelers and often also the ovipositor very elongate; the foot is four-segmented; the ears are placed at the base of the foreshin and the stridulation is due to the friction of a transverse " file " beneath the base of the left forewing over a sharp ridge on the upper aspect of the right.
Protests, especially in South Germany, were raised against the criminal procedure, for it was proposed to abolish trial by jury and substitute over the whole empire the Prussian system, and a sharp conflict arose as to the method of dealing with the press.
In a proclamation issued for his arrest in 1683 he is described as "a tall lean man, dark brown hair, a great Roman nose, thin-jawed, heat in his face, speaks in the Scotch tone, a sharp piercing eye, stoops a little in the shoulders."
Next minute there was a roar and a sharp crash, and at her side Dorothy saw the ground open in a wide crack and then come together again.
She nestled herself comfortably in Dorothy's lap until the kitten gave a snarl of jealous anger and leaped up with a sharp claw fiercely bared to strike Billina a blow.
At Lexington, not far from Concord, there was a sharp fight in which several men were killed.
You have picked out a suit, a sharp grey one with barely detectable pinstripes.
The day was bright and sunny after a sharp night frost, and the cheerful glitter of that autumn day was in keeping with the news of victory which was conveyed, not only by the tales of those who had taken part in it, but also by the joyful expression on the faces of soldiers, officers, generals, and adjutants, as they passed Rostov going or coming.
An adjutant accompanied by a Cossack passed by at a sharp trot.
Moreover, just as Pierre was speaking a sharp rattle of drums was suddenly heard from both sides.
The winner of this year 's competition is a sharp retort to the question Do we need nature?
Pass a chain suspended across the road and, after a sharp right-hand bend, go left up some steps.
Learning to enjoy selling your work does n't mean becoming a sharp salesperson.
Carefully scrape out the tiny black seeds with the tip of a sharp knife.
I then used a SHARP razor knife to cut " v " grooves where the grid marks were to simulate concrete sidewalk area.
Weigh the duckling, prick the skin all over with a sharp skewer or fork.
It has also a sharp burning taste and causes violent sneezing when inhaled (Blakely 1923, Hurst 1942).
Wide commons and dense woodlands offer a sharp contrast to the urban sprawl of the nearby city.
To make spring onion curls; use a sharp knife to cut a spring onion into 8cm lengths.
Score the fat with a sharp knife to make fairly large diamond shapes, and stud each diamond with a clove.
The structure is a chunk of metal smoothly tapered to a sharp edge.
And smite upon that thick cloud of unknowing with a sharp dart of longing love; and go not thence for thing that befalleth.
If you let a sharp edge to without doing anything, then it turns into a rebated edge.
Next, cut into 1/4-inch slices using a sharp knife or cheese slicer.
Using a sharp peeler, grater or knife, remove the yellow rinds, and take care to separate it from the white pith beneath it.
Cut or chop the herbs in a food processor, blender, or with a sharp knife.
Gels and liquid liners are often interchangeable, as both will offer a sharp line.
With a sharp set of cuticle scissors, lightly cut the ends to the right length.
In a sharp contrast to the pale expectations of the majority of the face, gothic makeup eye shadows come in fun hues of purple, blue, and brown to name a few.
To get a sharp line and avoid accidental smudging, apply a piece of tape at the desired angle from the corner of the eye upward.
For a sharp look, use the gel pencil on the lower lid, but just at the edges.
Carve the cake with a sharp serrated knife in to a face.
When the tortilla is completely rolled, use a sharp serrated knife to slice it into "sushi" pieces.
Reduced fat or fat-free cheese can be substituted for full fat ones, or use a very small amount of a more intensely flavored one like a sharp cheddar or parmesan.
Cut a horizontal slit into each piece of bread (through the crust) using a sharp knife.
After an hour, remove the tenderloin from the freezer and use a sharp carving knife to make extremely thin slices.
Hand cutting shapes using a sharp craft knife is another great possibility.
This is a sharp contrast to downhill skiing.
Well this year, boots take a sharp feminine turn, thanks in small part to these lace-up booties.
What if the teen you need to buy for is a sharp dresser who's into the latest duds?
Gather a sharp knife, cutting board and large bowl of water.
Using a sharp knife, cut the roll into bite-sized pieces before serving.
Punk wedding dresses may also include corsets, creative sleeves, and a sharp contrast of bright colors on black, rather than the typical white.
Make easy decorations by cutting out fondant flowers with tools or a sharp knife.
Cut the sides of the cake with a sharp serrated knife so that the cake fits the shape of the frog drawing.
After removing it from the freezer, use a sharp serrated knife to carve the cake into the frog shape you drew.
Join the halves of the finished cake together by pasting them with buttercream, and use a sharp serrated knife to cut away parts and paste on new parts with frosting to form the shape of a frog.
If you don't have a cake-splitting tool, you can tort a cake by cutting it in half with a long piece of dental floss held between your hands, or you can trace an outline around the cake and cut through it slowly with a sharp serrated knife.
Using a sharp serrated knife, carve out a block number "5" and number "0" from the cakes.
With a sharp knife, carve around the outline, but don't cut all the way through the cake.
Using a sharp knife, cut out a 5" to 6" square in the rolled sheet.
To make a gown, book, or diploma, roll out a sheet of fondant and cut out the shape with a sharp knife.
While The Apprentice still earns respectable ratings, the show has seen a sharp drop in viewers, with the current season earning the lowest numbers yet.
Cowell is more than just a fun-to-watch critic with a sharp tongue.
Using a sharp knife point, ice pick or eyelet tool, make six to eight holes on each side of the box.
They needed a sharp ear to always be on the lookout, and this is what the look of the cocked head and the lifted ear is about.
Using the tip of a sharp knife, score the mixture on the cookie sheet into the treat size you desire.
It sometimes reaches a height of 12 inches or more, and is only hardy in dry and sunny places; in a sharp winter and in cold places it is only safe under glass, and it needs careful protection from slugs at all times.
Even on the favoured Devonshire coast a sharp late frost will sometimes injure the flowers.
The disease will be readily discovered by its rusty-looking spots, which must be cut out with a sharp knife, as the least portion will suffice to destroy the plant.
The leaves are from 5 inches to 7 inches long by three-quarters of an inch to 1 inch in width, tapering to a sharp point, and markedly constricted at about an inch from the end, which has the appearance of a little tongue.
It's evergreen in really warm climates but dies back to the ground after a sharp frost.
Using a sharp utility knife, make your cuts on the unfaced side of the insulation batt.
Score any caulk with a sharp knife or utility knife to help make this part easier, and avoid peeling away any paint on the inside of your home.
To get to the kernel, the Berber women use a sharp stone to crack the shell.
Try a sharp blazer and camisole to add a touch of femininity to your ensemble, or keep it relaxed with a casual slub T-shirt.
A red tank beneath a sharp black and white zebra-print tee, for example, adds a splash of color and amplifies the look nicely.
Available in gloss black and grey, or tortoise and HCL bronze, this style is a bit smaller than some of the other Maui looks, and because the frames are done in a sharp cat eye, appears quite stylish as well.
Most notably, some styles that are only available here include the Casa Loca, a sharp cat-eye; Pebble Beach, aviator inspired frames; and the Bamboozled model, a look that features a diamond pattern on the arms.
This reflection is worse at night, when there is a sharp glare from the headlights.
A sudden break in the clouds, an errant sunbeam, or a sharp shadow can impair an athlete's performance by forcing their eyes to continually readjust to changing lighting conditions.
Midway is promising customization here as well -- a sharp departure from previous renditions of the game.
As the ball is coming towards you, swinging the remote soon will hit it at a sharp angle more parallel to you.
If you have to, use a nitro coming out of a sharp turn to get your speed back up.
The non-linear nature of the gameplay was a sharp departure from Mario titles in the past, the control scheme was fresh yet intuitive, and the graphics were spectacular for the time.
Pinot Grigio is a dry white wine with a sharp flavor.
This is a sharp departure from the slider phones that once served as the company's big cell phone focus.
A toothache may feel like a sharp pain or a dull ache.
The dentist may probe tooth crevices and the edges of fillings with a sharp instrument, looking for areas of tooth decay.
Anaphylaxis can result in difficulty breathing and a sharp drop in blood pressure.
Cuts. These slicing wounds are made with a sharp instrument, leaving even edges.
Cut-A slicing wound made with a sharp instrument, leaving even edges.
The distribution of the spots, which have a wrinkled center and a sharp border, sometimes resemble a Christmas tree.
The primary cesarean rate was 7 percent higher than the previous year, and the rate of vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) experienced a sharp decline.
For example, there is a sharp increase during adolescence in the sheer amount of time individuals spend with their peers and in the relative time they spend in the company of peers versus adults.
Many children this age suffer a sharp decline in academic performance, which often lasts throughout the entire school year in which the divorce takes place.
The dentist then makes the final clinical diagnosis by probing the enamel with a sharp instrument.
Individuals receiving all shots will be monitored closely following each shot because of the small risk of anaphylaxis, a condition that can result in difficulty breathing and a sharp drop in blood pressure.
Individuals receiving all shots are monitored closely following each shot because of the small risk of anaphylaxis, a condition that can result in difficulty breathing and a sharp drop in blood pressure.
Wear your wedding dress and shoes to give yourself a sharp vision of what you'll look on the big day.
A daring girl, such as hot topic 2009 mom Kate Gosselin, might even spike the back of a tapered bob for a sharp look.
Fold one sheet of 8.5 x 11 paper in half lengthwise and press firmly to form a sharp crease.
These women feel a sharp or crampy pain, called mittleschmerz, on one side of the pelvis around the time that an egg is released.
The pain may begin as a sharp sensation that starts on one side of the pelvic region, and the sensation spreads through the abdomen.
Her life, however, took a sharp turn in 1949 when she modeled for the fashion magazine "Jardin des Modes".
If you are in the market for a sharp looking, yet sexy tankini, or a skort that gets an A for its bold color and cut, you'll also find those options in this category as well.
It's in navy with a sharp white ribbon design on the top.
Additionally, this patterned style is a sharp departure from Coco’s usual skimpy swim looks.
Antipsychotic Medications and MAOI - Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI's) are antidepressant medications that when taken with phenylalanine may cause a sharp and sudden rise in blood pressure, leading to death.
Those menswear-inspired pieces took a crisp turn, with a sharp dose of sex appeal thrown in for ladylike measure.
Electric shavers are easier to use and reduce the risk involved with using a sharp razor.
Taking care not to bump it or drop it will help to keep the glass from cracking and therefore drastically reduce the number of times you will have to buy a Sharp carousel microwave replacement plate.
They are a timeless classic with a Wall Street edge that typically grants its wearer a sharp professional appeal.
The interior flap is awash in dark purple glitter lettering that reads "Evil Queen" in a sharp scroll.
Capricorn's have a sharp mind that is inherently built for understanding rules and structure.
If you are brave enough to delve into the inner mind of your lover, be prepared to discover a sharp intellect.
He's a sexy man with a sharp mind and an often critical tongue, and he has an eye for detail that is astounding.
Carving a pumpkin with a sharp knife can cause cuts or puncture wounds.
It's always best to coordinate your designer shoes with a sharp black leather belt.
Two Lips makes a sharp version called Telma.
These Special Occasions Vanessa heels ($44.95) are adorned with light-catching sequins for a sharp look.
The piercing's initial sensation has been described as anything from nearly painless to a sharp pinch or bee sting.
The history of ancient, non-tattooed body art begins in the tip of a sharp thorn, the keen edge of a bone knife or the incendiary surface of an archaic tool.
Between now and Oct 17, keep a sharp eye on your receivables and customer behavior.
These are great for younger kids because you don't have to worry that they will hurt themselves with a sharp needle and they don't need incredibly precise stitching movements to be able to form stitches on stiff plastic with large holes.
You can also try your hand at making an acorn necklace (but you'll need a sharp needle so save this one for the older kids).
To produce a sharp edge on your project, use masking tape.
All you need to get started is some paper and a sharp pair of scissors!
Make sure your knife has a sharp blade before you begin.
Using a sharp knife, slice each sandwich into four small sandwiches.
Brush the exposed crust with the remaining egg wash, and use a sharp knife to cut a few vent slits in the dough to let steam escape and prevent the crust from breaking.
While the puncturing or eruption of the water or inserts is unlikely, it is possible that leakage can occur if the lining is severed with a sharp object or pressure is applied to the point of bursting.
Plants, fruits, and herbs have long been blended for skincare scents, but the combination of a sharp citrus and a refreshing herb contrast some of the more mellow scents such as floral or apple.
The tip meets in a sharp point in the center, resulting in an updated take on the classic look.
Cut the lemon in half using a sharp knife.
You won't feel a sharp pain in your wallet when you get the bill at this little cafe.