A-road Sentence Examples
His face was a road map of emotion, traveling from puzzled, to comprehensive and then on to frustration.
The van was in a road side pull off.
It wasn't a road designed for a high speed, for any reason.
Just a road leading to the small parking area and a closed ticket booth for the ferry.
I take it we're going on a road trip to… where?
Both shook the proffered hand, surprised to be greeted by a man once charged with overseeing the wars abroad.
The emerops facility was across a field and a road then down a few blocks in the ghost town that was the city of Randolph on the eastern shores of the Mississippi.
The first advance came about 74, when what is now Baden was invaded and in part annexed and a road carried from the Roman base on the upper Rhine, Strassburg, to the Danube just above Ulm.
Turris Libisonis was also connected with Othoca by a road along the west coast, passing through Tharros, Cornus and Bosa; this road went on to Tibula 2 (Capo della Testa) at the north extremity of the island and so by the coast to Olbia.
Carales was also connected with Olbia by a road along the east coast.
AdvertisementThere is also a road through Nora and along the coast past Sulci to Metalla and Neapolis, and thence to Othoca.
It seems possible that the road at first led to Tusculum, that it was then prolonged to Labici, and later still became a road for through traffic; it may even have superseded the Via Latina as a route to the S.E., for, while the distance from Rome to their main junction at Ad Bivium (or to another junction at Compitum Anagninum) is practically identical, the summit level of the former is 725 ft.
He joined O'Donnell and Espartero in 1854 against a revolutionary cabinet, and shortly afterwards turned against O'Donnell to assist the Democrats and Progressists under Prim, Rivero, Castelar, and Sagasta in the unsuccessful movements of 1866, and was obliged to go abroad.
Uriburu was neither a politician nor a statesman, but had spent the greater portion of his life abroad in the diplomatic service.
A gate in the valley, known as the Fish Gate, opened on a road which, leading from the north, went down the Tyropoeon valley to the southern part of the city.
AdvertisementThere are also carriage roads to Bethlehem, Hebron and Jericho, and a road to Nablus was in course of construction in 1909.
A few miles above this point the river is spanned by the magnificent bridges of Cubzac-lesPonts, which carry a road and railway.
He escaped from Brecknock Castle to Flanders, avoided Buckingham's fate, and devoted his energies during the next two years to creating a party in England and abroad in the interests of the earl of Richmond.
In 1529 he produced a free version (Klagbrief der armen Diirftigen in England) of the famous Supplycacyon of the Beggers, written abroad (1528 ?) by Simon Fish.
At Rome he saved a little money, and embarked on some mercantile enterprise, probably abroad.
AdvertisementThis road was practically abandoned when the Indian government telegraph line, which ran along it, was removed to a road farther east in 1906.
When ordered abroad they could nominate a son, if capable, to hold the benefice and carry on the duty.
The plaintiff could swear to his loss by brigands, as to goods claimed, the price paid for a slave purchased abroad or the sum due to him.
In the same year a road was constructed over the Apennines from Bon.onia to Arretium, but it is difficult to suppose that it was not until later that the Via Cassia was made, giving a direct communication between Arretium and Rome.
All these forces were equally necessarythe revolutionists to keep up agitation and make government by bayonets impossible; the moderates to curb the impetuosity of the revolutionists and to present a scheme of society that was neither reactionary nor anarchical; the volunteers abroad to gain military experience; and the more peaceful exiles to spread the name of Italy among foreign peoples.
AdvertisementA vast amount of material on the Risorgimenti has been published both in Italy and abroad as well as numeron works of a literary and critical nature.
On the 15th of June the pope addressed to Cardinal Rampolla del Tindaro, secretary of state, a letter reiterating in uncompromising terms the papal claim to the temporal power, and at the end of July Cardinal Rampolla reformulated the same claim in a circular to the papal nuncios abroad.
A son of William Thistlewood, and born at Tupholme in Lincolnshire, young Thistlewood passed his early years in a desultory fashion; he became a soldier and visited France and America, imbibing republican opinions abroad and running into debt at home.
Briefly, they are to be found in the conditions of the time; the increasing insularity of the English barons, now no longer the holders of estates in Normandy; the substitution of an unpopular for a popular king, an active spur to the rising forces of discontent; and the unprecedented demands for money - demands followed, not by honour, but by dishonour, to the arms of England abroad.
The modern highroad follows the ancient line, and remains of the 1 It is important to note how the Romans followed up every victory with a road.
Under Diocletian and Maximian a road (the Via Herculia) was constructed from Aequum Tuticum to Pons Aufidi near Venusia, where it crossed the Via Appia and went on into Lucania, passing through Potentia and Grumentum, and joining the Via Popilia near Nerulum.
At Saragossa Peter Arbue, a canon and an ardent inquisitor, was slain in 1485 whilst praying in a church; and the threats against the hated Torquemada made him go in fear of his life, and he never went abroad without an escort of forty familiars of the Holy Office on horseback and two hundred more on foot.
He entered Trinity College, Cambridge, at the age of sixteen, but took no degree, his course being interrupted by severe pulmonary attacks which compelled a long residence abroad.
The plan of the Propylaea consists of a large square hall, from which five steps lead up to a wall pierced by five gateways of graduated sizes, the central one giving passage to a road suitable for beasts or possibly for vehicles.
This theory Gibbon completely exploded in his Critical Observations (1770) - no very difficult task, indeed, but achieved in a style, and with a profusion of learning, which called forth the warmest commendations both at home and abroad.
The old infirmary building is now occupied by St Joseph's College, a commercial academy of the Marist Brotherhood, in connexion with which there is a novitiate for the training of members of the order for missionary service at home or abroad.
They were weary of a means of pacification which produced endless wars abroad and misery at home.
It is connected by steam tramways with Ravenna and Meldola, and by a road through the Apennines with Pontassieve.
In June 1338 he was once more sent abroad to secure peace, but within a month of his appointment 1 De Ill.
The revival of learning was at hand, and William Turner, a Northumbrian, while residing abroad to avoid persecution at home, printed at Cologne in 1544 the first commentary on the birds mentioned by Aristotle and Pliny conceived in anything like the spirit that moves modern naturalists.'
In addition to the books mentioned above he published a number of books which had a remarkable circulation in England and America, such as Speaking to the Heart (1862); The Way to Life (1862); Man and the Gospel (1865); The Angel's Song (1865); The Parables (1866); Our Father's Business (1867); Out of Harness (1867); Early Piety (1868); Studies of Character from the Old Testament (1868-1870); Sundays Abroad (1871).
From Ormea a road runs south to (31 in.) Oneglia on the Ligurian coast.
The principal tools of the Malays are the parang or golok, a heavy knife used in the jungle, without which no peasant ever stirs abroad from his house, the beliong or native axe, and the pisau Taut, which is used for scraping rattan.
Benares is bounded by a road which, though 50 m.
In 1876 Mr (afterwards Sir) William McKinnon began the construction of a road from Dar-es-Salaam to Victoria Nyanza, intending to make of Dar-es-Salaam an important seaport.
During his second stay abroad (1906-17) Lenin published several pamphlets and books which attracted a good deal of attention.
There can be little doubt that with a fall in price further uses for rubber would arise, leading to an increased demand, and among them may be mentioned its utilization as a road material.
The confederates, thereupon, appealed for help abroad and contributed to bring about a war between Russia and Turkey.
He carried on a successful warfare against the old combination laws that hampered workmen and favoured masters; he brought about the repeal of the laws prohibiting the export of machinery and of the act preventing workmen from going abroad.
It is also a road centre, the roads from the Mediterranean to Bagdad by way of Aleppo and Damascus respectively meeting here.
The result was that the national treasury became burdened with a heavy annual interest charge, payable abroad in gold, which did not tend to diminish, and had a long period to run before the expiration of the contracts.
The immediate result of the papal alliance was to enable Hungary, under both Ladislaus and his capable successor Coloman [Kalman] (1095-1116), to hold her own against all her enemies, and extend her dominion abroad by conquering Croatia and a portion of the Dalmatian coast.
Szechenyi, who had resided abroad and studied Western institutions, was the recognized leader of all those who wished to create a new Hungary out of the old.
It was left to the Yugoslav Committee abroad to claim independence as well as unity, to repudiate the Habsburgs (in a manifesto on the eve of the Budapest coronation) and to exalt the achievements of Serbia and the Karagjorgjevic dynasty.
In the troublous state of European politics the earl's conduct and experience were more useful abroad than at home, and he was sent to the Hague as ambassador a second time.
He spent a few years in Picardy, and was still abroad when, in 1491, Bothwell's mission to secure a bride for the young James IV.
It is, however, a very different thing to open a road for traffic, and so to construct it that it takes its name from that construction in perpetuity.
But a private owner may create a highway at common law by dedicating the soil to the use of the public for that purpose; and the using of a road for a number of years, without interruption, will support the presumption that the soil has been so dedicated.
In 1860 a Boer commission was appointed to beacon the boundary, and to obtain, if possible, from the Zulu a road to the sea at St Lucia Bay.
He prevented Gustavus from invading Prussia in revenge for the refusal of the king of Prussia to declare war against France, and during the rest of the reign was in semidisgrace, though generally a member of the government when the king was abroad.
Under the pressure of commercial and political necessity, authority was definitely transferred from the Hansas of merchants abroad to the Hansa of towns at home, and the sense of unity had become such that in 1380 a Lubeck official could declare that "whatever touches one town touches all."
The decisive factor in determining membership in the League was the historical right of the citizens of a town to participate in Hanseatic privileges abroad.
At first the merchant Hansas had shared these privileges with almost any German merchant, and thus many little villages, notably those in Westphalia, ultimately claimed membership. Later, under the Hansa of the towns, the struggle for the maintenance of a coveted position abroad led to a more exclusive policy.
Among the factors, economic, geographic, political and social, which combined to bring about the decline of the Hanseatic League, none was probably more influential than the absence of a German political power comparable in unity and energy with those of France and England, which could quell particularism at home, and abroad maintain in its vigour the trade which these towns had developed and defended with their imperfect union.
Other bridges are the Obermainbriicke of five iron arches, opened in 1878; an iron foot (suspension) bridge, the Untermainbriicke; the Wilhelmsbriicke, a fine structure, which from 1849 to 1890 served as a railway bridge and was then opened as a road bridge; and two new iron bridges at Gutleuthof and Niederrad (below the city), which carry the railway traffic from the south to the north bank of the Main, where all lines converge in a central station of the Prussian state railways.
The last two groups are separated by the Pyhrn Pass (3100 ft.), traversed by a road constructed in the Roman period.
Frederick Leighton was taken abroad at a very early age.
It was a period of constant war, and finally of disaster abroad and of rebellion at home.
Near it is an ancient bridge, of a road which crossed the Liris to Cereatae (modern Casamari).
Thus a Phoenician colonist might desire to carry abroad the cult of a certain Baal or Astarte who lived in a conical stone or pillar.
Of the increase in total population from1856-1895only a third could be attributed to the excess of births over deaths; two-thirds being due to immigration from other states or from abroad.
In the larger " towns " the officers elected at this meeting may consist of five, seven or nine selectmen, a clerk, a treasurer, three or more assessors, three or more overseers of the poor, one or more collectors of taxes, one or more auditors, one or more surveyors of highways, a road commissioner, a sewer commissioner, a board of health, one or more constables, two or more field drivers, two or more fence viewers, and a tree warden; but in the smaller " towns " the number of selectmen niay be limited to three, the selectmen may assess the taxes, be overseers of the poor, and act as a board of health, and the treasurer or constable may collect the taxes.
On his return to Paris he addressed a political memoir to the restored king of France, which aroused much attention both in France and abroad.
Puteoli was reached direct by a road from Capua traversing the hills to the north by a cutting (the Montagna Spaccata), which went on to Neapolis, and by the Via Domitiana from Rome and Cumae.
The result of a second visit to Europe was humorously recorded in A Tramp Abroad (1880), followed in 1882 by a more or less historical romance, The Prince and the Pauper; and a year later came Life on the Mississippi.
He went on a tour round the world, partly to make money by lecturing and partly to get material for another book of travels, published in 1897, and called in America Following the Equator, and in England More Tramps Abroad.
He visited all parts of the country himself, and personally encouraged agriculture; he introduced a more economical mode of mining and smelting silver; he favoured the importation of finer breeds of sheep and cattle; and he brought foreign weavers from abroad to teach the Saxons.
But the real meaning is not slight; the sexual distinction has been discovered, and a new sense of shame sends the human pair into the thickest shades, when Yahweh-Elohim walks abroad.
At Konigsberg there is a road bridge of two fixed spans of 39 ft., and a central span of 60 ft.
In foreign imperial affairs, and in the adjustment of serious parliamentary difficulties, the queen's dynastic influence abroad and her position as above party at home, together with the respect due to her character, good sense and experience, still remained a powerful element in the British polity, as was shown Austro- on more than one occasion.
The gate is approached by a road commanded on one side by the city wall, on the other by a projecting tower.
After a careful education at home by eminent specialists, mostly Frenchmen,' he first went abroad in 1786.
By many churchmen, too, the name of "Protestant" is accepted in what they take to be the old sense as implying repudiation of the claims of Rome, but as not necessarily involving a denial of "Catholic" doctrine or any confusion of the Church of England with non-episcopal churches at home or abroad.
It is less favourably placed in respect of the iron and textile industries, having to rely to a large extent upon the import of raw materials from abroad.
Mucha has won a name abroad for decorative work and historical canvases.
His prominent use of Roman law and the wide range of his observation have made his works as intelligible abroad as at home, and thereby much valuable information - for example, concerning the nature of British supremacy in India, and the position of native institutions there - has been made the property of the world of letters instead of the peculiar and obscure possession of a limited class of British public servants.
At least 40,000 men were necessary for the purpose, and these could have been obtained for 200,000 ducats; but a congress of magnates, whose collective fortunes amounted to hundreds of millions, having decided that it was impossible to raise this sum, there was nothing for it but to fight a few skirmishes and then take refuge abroad.
After spending over three years at the college, he went to travel abroad with a French tutor.
Naturally a fine orator, his new-born zeal gave an edge to his eloquence, and his fame spread abroad.
But he found it difficult to avoid taking a side; he was importuned to sign the Covenant, and "finding it impossible to evade doing very unhandsome things," he obtained leave in October 1643 from the king to travel abroad.
It was no time for brilliant initiative or adventurous politics; the need was to avoid Scylla and Charybdis, and a via media had to be found in church and state, at home and abroad.
There was nothing heroic about Cecil or his policy; it involved a callous attitude towards struggling Protestants abroad.
He was the first tsar to import foreign teachers on a great scale, the first to send young Russians abroad to be educated, the first to allow Lutheran churches to be built in Russia.
He then travelled abroad during 1833-1834, and after a year's work as tutor at Christ Church (1834-1835) was appointed second master at Winchester.
He accepted, and resigned his professorship. He went abroad with his pupil in February 1764; they remained only a few days at Paris and then settled at Toulouse, at that time the seat of a parlement, where they spent eighteen months in the best society of the place, afterwards making a tour in the south of France and passing two months at Geneva.
Francis matriculated as a fellow-commoner of King's College, Cambridge, of which Sir John Cheke was provost, in November 1548; and he continued studying there amid strongly Protestant influences until Michaelmas 1550, when he appears, after the fashion of the time, to have gone abroad to complete his education (Stahlin, p. 79).
After retiring from the presidency Pierce returned to Concord, and soon afterwards went abroad for a three years' tour in Europe.
They are usually granted by the foreign office of a state, or by its diplomatic agents abroad.
In the decade1850-1860it was seen that almost a seventh of the population of the country consisted of persons born abroad.
The superintendent of the Ninth Census, 1870, presented a computation 01 the effects of this causefirst, through direct losses, by wounds or disease, either in actual service of the army or navy, or in a brief term following discharge; secondly, through the retardation of the rate of increase in the colored element, due to the privations, exposures and excesses attendant upon emancipation; thirdly, through the check given to immigration by the existence of war, the fear of conscription, and the apprehension abroad of results prejudicial to the national welfare.
The Civil War caused enormous losses to the merchant marine, and the worldwide substitution about this time of iron steamers for wooden steamers and sailing vessels contributed to prevent a recovery; because, although ship-building was one of the earliest arts developed in the colonies, and one that was prosecuted with the highest success so long as wooden ships were the dominant type, the United States has never achieved marked success with the iron steamer, and the law has precluded the registry as American of vessels built abroad.
Dialectic is useful, for exercise, for conversation and for philosophical sciences, where by being critical it has a road to principles.
In 1787 he became pastor of a Baptist church in Leicester, and began those energetic movements among his fellow religionists which resulted in the formation of the Baptist Missionary Society, Carey himself being one of the first to go abroad.
Some of the navigable canals which connected the harbour with the interior of the city have been either modified or filled up. Several streets have been widened, and a road along the shore has been transformed into a fine and shady promenade.
Zanesville was first platted in 1800 by Ebenezer Zane (r 747181 r) of Wheeling, Virginia (now West Virginia), his brother Jonathan, and John McIntire, his son-in-law, of Alexandria, Va., who under an act of Congress of 1796 surveyed a road from Wheeling to what is now Maysville, Kentucky, and received for this service three sections of land.
Having remained abroad nearly a year, he returned to Cambridge, and was elected a fellow of Trinity College, then first erected by King Henry VIII.
He then went abroad and after a second journey to Rome (he made five altogether) lived as a monk at Lerins (665-667).
During his prolonged residences abroad he acquired a thorough knowledge of the Arabic, Turkish and Persian languages and literatures, which, on his final return to France, enabled him to render valuable assistance to Thevenot, the keeper of the royal library, and to Barthelemy d'Herbelot.
From the close of the Thirty Years' War to the outbreak of the French Revolution the papacy suffered abroad waning political prestige; at home, progressive financial embarrassment accompanied by a series of inadequate governmental reforms; and in the world at large, gradual diminution of reverence for spiritual authority.
But Alexander too was active; by means of a circular letter he published abroad the excommunication of his presbyter, and the controversy excited more and more general interest.
Bombay was the pioneer in the custom, followed now by Calcutta and Karachi, by which deliveries of goods from British merchants remained under the control of the banks until the native dealers took them up. Manchester business with India, China, &c., is done under various conditions, however, and a good many firms have branches abroad.
He retained Harrison's cabinet until his veto of the bill for a "fiscal corporation" led to the resignation of all the members except Daniel Webster, who was bringing to a close the negotiations with Lord Ashburton for the settlement of the north-eastern boundary dispute; and he not only opposed the recognition of the spoils system in appointments and removals, but kept at their posts some of the ablest of the ministers abroad.
His dreams of autocracy at home and farreaching dominion abroad were anachronisms in a century of constitutional ideas and national differentiation.
After the construction of a road through Jebel Ansarieh to Hamah, Latakia drew a good deal of traffic from upper Syria; but the Hamah-Homs railway has now diverted much of this again.
For a time, however, he stayed his hand, but the urgent solicitations of the western powers, and, above all, his fear lest Gustavus Adolphus should supplant him as the champion of the Protestant cause, finally led him to plunge into war against the combined forces of the emperor and the League, without any adequate guarantees of co-operation from abroad.
The river is spanned by a road bridge (1878) and a railway bridge (1877) passing from the Boompjes to the North Island, whence they are continued to the further shore by swing-bridges through which the largest ships can pass to the upper river.
The Via Latina too must be of very early origin; and tradition places the foundation of the Latin colony at Signia (to which it led) as early as 495 B.C. Not long after the capture of Fidenae, the main outpost of Veii, the chief city itself fell (396 B.C.) and a road (still traceable) was probably made thither.
There was also probably a road to Caere in early times, inasmuch as we hear of the flight of the Vestals thither in 389 B.C. The origin of the rest of the roads is no doubt to be connected with the gradual establishment of the Latin league.
He approved of the "Petition and Advice," only objecting to the conferring of the title of king on Cromwell; became a member of the new House of Lords; and supported ardently Cromwell's foreign policy in Europe, based on religious divisions, and his defence of the Protestants persecuted abroad.
In 1751 he published his Political Discourses, which had a great and well-deserved success both in England and abroad.
But his fame went abroad and a number of would-be disciples came and took up their abode in the caves and among the rocks that surrounded his retreat, and called on him to guide them in the path of life they had chosen.
Between this and the direct route to Peshin is a road which leads through Maruf to the Kundar river and the Guleri pass into the plains of Hindustan at Dera Ismail Khan.
The work excited a good deal of surprise as well as attention; and with characteristic thoroughness and love of truth the author went abroad to collect materials for the verification and more exhaustive treatment of his views.
John on his part was glad to support the king's government; during four years he exercised his influence in favour of pacification at home, and abroad was chiefly responsible for the conclusion of a truce with France.
The works consisted of (I) a continuous defensive rampart with a ditch in front and a road behind; (2) various forts, blockhouses and towers along the rampart; and (3) an earthwork to the south of it, generally called the Valium, of uncertain use.
Such stolen property as could not be returned to the owners with profit was taken abroad in a sloop purchased for this work.
But Richard had grown dissatisfied with him, for the carucage had not been a success, and Hubert had failed to overcome the resistance of the Great Council when its members refused to equip a force of knights to serve abroad.
On the whole, despite the prosperous condition of the German live-stock farming, the consumption of meat exceeds the amount rendered available by home production, and prices can only be kept down by a steady increase in the imports from abroad.
With the year 1895 began a period of expansion abroad and great naval activity.
The full ritual is gone through by the Roman Catholic archbishop of Westminster, and abroad it survives in all Catholic countries, a notable example being that of the Austrian emperor.
The only part of the coast of the island which has no railways is that portion of the south coast between Porto Empedocle and Castelvetrano (Sciacca lies about midway between these two points), where a road already exists, and a railway is projected, and the precipitous north coast between Palermo and Trapani.
It is the starting-point of a road to the Baharia oasis.
In going abroad the ladies wear above their indoor dress a loose robe of colored silk without sleeves, and nearly open at the sides, and above it a large enveloping piece of black silk, which is brought over the head, and gathered round the person by the arms and hands on each side.
The fate of Parga created intense feeling at the time in England, and was cited by Liberals as a crowning instance of the perfidy of the government and of Castlereagh's subservience to reactionary tendencies abroad.
New blood of the best quality nourished and stimulated the whole body politic. Expansion and progress were the watchwords at home, and abroad it seemed as if Denmark were about to regain her former position as a great power.
His acceptance was construed as a security against the suspicion of weakness abroad which the Liberal party had incurred by their foreign policy during the 'eighties.
A road will connect Charog with the Alichur Pamir, following the general course of the Ghund stream, a road which will form a valuable link in the chain of communications between Bokhara and Sarikol.
There is a fertile, productive country back of this port, and it is the objective point of a road from Quito.
The part that he was allowed to take in the drawing up of doctrinal formularies in Henry VIII.'s time is not clear; but at a later date he was the author of various tracts in defence of the Real Presence against Cranmer, some of which, being written in prison, were published abroad under a feigned name.
The abolition of this system was announced in 1906, and, as a partial substitute, it was decided to hold an annual examination in Peking of Chinese graduates educated abroad (Times, 22nd of October 1906).
The main feature in the pamphlet is the recognition that a spirit of reform is abroad.
The southernmost, Gaza, was joined by a road to the mixed peoples of the Egyptian Delta, and was also the port of the Arabian caravans.
After living in retirement for some years, Chichester was employed abroad in 1622; in the following year he became a member of the privy council.
When abroad he sought out varieties of grasses, trees, rice and olives for American experiment, and after his return from France received yearly for twenty-three years, from his old friend the superintendent of the Jardin des plantes, a box of seeds, which he distributed to public and private gardens throughout the United States.
The eastern reaches of the Hari Rud river are frozen hard in the winter, rapids and all, and the people travel on it as on a road.
The surrounding scenery is famous for its richness of colour, especially in the grounds of Cary Court, and along "The Hobby," a road cut through the woods and overlooking the, sea.
About half of this quantity comes from the forests of Burma, where large amounts of teak and other woods are annually extracted, chiefly through the agency of private firms. It is, however, only the more valuable of the woods, such as teak, sandal-wood, ebony and the like, which find a market abroad.
Lowell accepted the appointment, with the proviso that he should have a year of study abroad.
After his liberation Lockhart became a secret agent of the Pretender; but his correspondence with the prince fell into the hands of the government in 1727, compelling him to go into concealment at Durham until he was able to escape abroad.
Instead of requiring from its population all kinds of work and reducing its ordinary occupations to a hard-and-fast routine meeting in a slow and unskilled manner all possible contingencies, the local group began to move, to call in workmen from abroad for tasks of a special nature, and to send its own workmen to look out for profitable employment in other places.
On the whole it must be said that in those towns where the democratic party gained the upper hand an unruly policy abroad and a narrowminded protection at home resulted.
It is chiefly from the populations of the south-west of Europe that the New World is being colonized; but the territories over which the settlers and their recruits from abroad are able to scatter are so extensive that even the lower densities of the Old World have not yet been attained, except in a few tracts along the eastern coasts of Australia and North America.
Already in 1884 he had warned the French clergy against meddling in royalist intrigues; in 1892 he issued a much more stringent exhortation to French Catholics to rally to the Republic. An idea got abroad that he was looking to the time when the old dream of Lamennais and Gioberti might become a reality, and Italy would split up into a number of republics, amongst which the temporal power of the pope might find a place.
Besides the sweet variety, a coarse dry wine is also made, but this is little known abroad.
Castel di Sangro has remains of ancient walls, but these are attributed to a road by Mariani, and in any case the fortified area there was quite small, only one-sixteenth the size of Aufidena.
At this point a road branched off to Saena (Siena).
In the midst of a burden of letterwriting, the minute details in his diaries of tree-planting and rotation of crops, and his increasing reading on the political side of history, he found time to entertain a stream of visitors from all parts of the United States and from abroad.
In his first year abroad he consulted Calvin and Bullinger as to the right of the civil "authority" to prescribe religion to his subjects - in particular, whether the godly should obey "a magistrate who enforces idolatry and condemns true religion," and whom should they join "in the case of a religious nobility resisting an idolatrous sovereign."
Yet he was always a hard worker; as sole minister of Edinburgh studying for two sermons on Sunday and three during the week, besides having innumerable cares of churches at home and abroad.
A greater dramatist was Johannes Messenius (1579-1636), who was the son of a miller near Vadstena and had been carefully educated abroad by the Jesuits.
The silver was conveyed abroad in a British manof-war, and disposed of partly for the purchase of a fast steamer to be fitted as an auxiliary cruiser and partly in payment for other kinds of war material.
The establishment of a systematic police force was of slow growth in England, and came into effect long after its creation abroad.
Paul, however, refused to accept his resignation and would have sent him abroad for the benefit of his health, had not a sudden stroke of paralysis prevented Bezborodko from taking advantage of his master's kindness.
The east side of the river (known as St Thomas's and Port Tennant) is approached from the west by a road carried over the North Dock Lock and the river by two girder drawbridges, each of which has a double line of roadway (on which tramways are laid), two footpaths and a line of railway.
Beyond them a road branches to the right, sweeping round in a broad curve to the space in front of the temple of Apollo.
The inherent weakness of the government, the vigour and eloquence of his opposition, and a series of military disasters abroad combined to rouse a public feeling of indignation which could not be withstood, and in December 1756 Pitt, who now sat for Okehampton, became secretary of state, and leader of the Commons under the premiership of the duke of Devonshire.
Some anecdotes of the king's "justice," his favourite and distinguishing attribute during the sixteen years which intervened between the two crusades, are given; then comes the story of Joinville's own refusal to join the second expedition, a refusal which bluntly alleged the harm done by the king's men who stayed at home to the vassals of those who went abroad as the reason of Joinville's resolution to remain behind.
In 1826 Davy's health, which showed signs of failure in 1823, had so declined that he could with difficulty indulge in his favourite sports of fishing and shooting, and early in 1827, after a slight attack of paralysis, he was ordered abroad.
The Dyfi, here a mile broad, is crossed by a ferry to Borth sands, whence a road leads to Aberystwyth.
Lord Derby's second administration of 1858 lasted but a single year, Palmerston having casually been defeated on a measure for removing conspiracies to murder abroad from the class of misdemeanour to that of felony, which was introduced in consequence of Orsini's attempt on the life of the emperor of the French.
Once a road became a main road it could only cease to be such by order of the Local Government Board.
As already stated, the powers of the quarter sessions under the act of 1878 were transferred to the county council under the Local Government Act of 1888, and that body alone has now power to declare a road to be a main road.
An attempt was made to remedy this state of things by the Public Health Amendment Act 1890, section 19, but the remedy so provided was very partial, and may be said to be confined to the case where two or more houses belonging to different owners are drained into a common drain laid under private land, and ultimately discharging into a sewer in a road or street.
After studying at Rostock and teaching there for a time and also at Copenhagen, he was a-ain sent abroad by his prior, visiting, among other places, the newly founded university of Leyden and making the acquaintance of the Dutch humanists.
A transforming government went abroad.
From the Congress of the United States he received a gold medal and a vote of thanks, and he received many other honours both at home and abroad.
Although the cost of transport is very heavy, the exportation of grapes is a flourishing industry, and more than 2,000,000 barrels are annually sent abroad.
He served abroad in 170z under Marlborough, who formed a high opinion of his military capacity and who recommended him for the command of a force for an invasion of France in 1706.
He continued for some years in favour with the king, who made him a knight of the Garter; but, having killed a man in a passion, he fled abroad and was entertained at the court of the emperor Maximilian, and afterwards at that of Philip, king of Castile, when resident in the Low Countries before his departure for Spain.
Under the Republic, the term imperator applied in theory to any magistrate vested with imperium; but in practice it was only used of a magistrate who was acting abroad (militiae) and was thus in command of troops.
He was a member of many learned societies at home and abroad.
Farther up is Alland, whence a road leads to the old and well-preserved abbey of Heiligenkreuz.
Toward the end of the 19th century, after a decline in production due to the abolition of slavery and to civil wars, increased interest was shown abroad in Colombian mining operations.
At this conference it is worthy of note that Mr Hofmeyr propounded a sort of " Zollverein " scheme, in which imperial customs were to be levied independently of the duties payable on all goods entering the empire from abroad.
The third or western gate, Bab elOmra (formerly also Bab el-Zahir, from a village of that name), lay almost opposite the great mosque, and opened on a road leading westwards round the southern spurs of the Red Mountain.
He found a great change in public opinion, and the people indifferent to his achievements abroad.
It is not astonishing that rumours got abroad that there was a danger of his mind giving way, or, according to a report which was believed at the time, that it had actually done so.
Among the Calvinistic bodies in the British Isles and abroad kirk-discipline has been a stern reality; but in none of them is there private confession or priestly absolution.
He was a competent soldier, but his wish was rather to be a strong king at home than a great conqueror abroad.
As to the barons, the king took the important constitutional step of conceding that he would not ask them to serve abroad as a feudal obligation, but would pay them for their services, if they would oblige him by joining his banner.
Truculent pamphieteers like Simon Fish, who wrote Beggars Supplication, were already demanding that these sturdy boobies should be set abroad into the world, to get wives of their own, and earn their living by the sweat of their brows, according to the commandment of God; so might the king be better obeyed, matrimony be better kept, the gospel better preached, and none should rob the poor of his alms. It must be added that monastic scandals were not rare; though the majority of the houses were decently ordered, yet the unexceptionable testimony of archiepiscopal and episcopal visitations shows that in the years just before the Reformation there was a certain number of them where chastity of life and honesty of administration were equally unknown.
The good understanding was so complete that a disagreeable incident in the Sandwich Islands, in which the injudicious conduct of a French agent very nearly precipitated hostilities, was amicably settled; and the ministry had the satisfaction of knowing that, if their policy had produced prosperity at home, it had also maintained peace abroad.
While on domestic matters, other than those affecting finance, the Liberal ministry was pursuing a Conservative policy, its members were actively engaged on, and the attention of the public was keenly directed to, affairs abroad.
Extending as it does over the whole " month of raging heat," such a fast manifestly involves considerable self-denial; and it is absolutely binding upon all the faithful whether at home or abroad.
The national spirit, vaporized into a cosmopolitan mist, was fast condensing again under mortification and insult from abroad uncompensated by any appreciable percentage of cash profit.
But a strong opposing current of feeling, equally passionate, set in against the Turks; war began and lasted long; and as the agitation at home and the conflict abroad went on, certain of Disraeli's colleagues, who were staunch enough at the beginning, gradually weakened.
The king and queen, however, who looked for help from abroad and especially from Leopold, dreaded a war with Austria and had no faith in the schemes of Narbonne.
Lastly, those members who had never been Jacobins wanted a speedy return to legal government at home and therefore wished for peace abroad.
Since the close of the Convention affairs at home and abroad had been tending more and more surely to the establishment of a military dictatorship. Feeling his powers equal to such an office he only hesitated about the means of attainment.
Each principal valley has a considerable village at or near the tail of the lake-chain, up to which a road runs along the valley.
Among them are the sagas of Thorgils and Haflidi (I118-1121), the feud and peacemaking of two great chiefs, contemporaries of Ari; of Sturla (1150-1183), the founder of the great Sturlung family, down to the settlement of his great lawsuit by Jon Loptsson, who thereupon took his son Snorri the historian to fosterage, - a humorous story but with traces of the decadence about it, and glimpses of the evil days that were to come; of the Onundar-brennusaga (1185-1200), a tale of feud and fire-raising in the north of the island, the hero of which, Gudmund Dyri, goes at last into a cloister; of Hrafn Sveinbiornsson (1190-1213), the noblest Icelander of his day, warrior, leech, seaman, craftsman, poet and chief, whose life at home, travels and pilgrimages abroad (Hrafn was one of the first to visit Becket's shrine), and death at the hands of a foe whom he had twice spared, are recounted by a loving friend in pious memory of his virtues, c. 1220; of Aron Hiorleifsson (1200-1255), a man whose strength, courage and adventures befit rather a henchman of Olaf Tryggvason than one of King Haakon's thanes (the beginning of the feuds that rise round Bishop Gudmund are told here), of the Svinefell-men (1248-1252), a pitiful story of a family feud in the far east of Iceland.
Here the Via Cassia was joined by the Via Ciminia, passing east of the Lacus Ciminius, while a road branched off to Ferentum.
It has about 9000 inhabitants and contains about 200,000 date palms. From Tuggurt a road 75 m.
Touched by the gallantry of the Irish regiments in South Africa, and moved to some extent, no doubt, by the presence of the duke of Connaught in Dublin as commander-in-chief, the queen determined in April to make up for the loss of her usual spring holiday abroad by paying a visit to Ireland.
Owing to the necessity of making a road for the passage of artillery and military stores, many months were spent on the march into the interior, and there was considerable loss of life by fever and other disease among the invading troops.
Then for a time he was made a prisoner; but ultimately he was taken abroad by his uncle Jasper, who found refuge in Brittany.
The scarcity of money due to the discrediting of the assignats, the cessation of commerce, abroad and on the sea, and the bad harvest of 1793, were added to all these dangers, and formed a serious menace to France and the Convention.
This society - the Brothers of Purity or Sincerity (Ikhwan us Safa ` i) - divided into four orders, wrought in the interests of religion no less than of science; and though its attempt to compile an encyclopaedia of existing knowledge may have been premature, it yet contributed to spread abroad a desire for further information.
Since 1885, when the duke of Montrose constructed a road over the eastern shoulder of Craigmore to join the older road at the entrance of the Trossachs pass, Aberfoyle has become the alternative route to the Trossachs and Loch Katrine.
The Sierra de Gredos has a road across it connecting Avila with Talavera de Ia Reina by the Puerto del Pico; but for the most part there are only bridle-paths across the Gredos and Gata ranges, and no railway crosses either of them, although the line from Plasencia to Salamanca skirts the Sierra de Gredos on the west.
He sent his master of the horse abroad to purchase a number of foreign horses and mares for breeding, and the mares brought over by him (as also many of their produce) were called " royal mares "; they form a conspicuous feature in the annals of breeding.
She chose to go abroad to seek help while Maximilian sincerely believed the largest extent of Mexicans supported him and his ideas for a better Mexico.
Your face is a road map to your emotions.
It had high-centered on the gravel ridge left by a road grader.
She wondered if this was what immortality felt like, watching humanity progress down a road unable to join them in soirees or understand how precious every second of life was.
I take it we're going on a road trip to… where?
Those attending a conference abroad tend to be the envy of their colleagues so complaints about such trials and tribulations elicit little sympathy.
She is a published author and has presented at conferences here and abroad.
Club Entrance The club have installed a road blocker at the entrance to the club to help improve security.
A thousand and one faux pas are committed by brits abroad every year.
There was concern in Germany and abroad about a surge in forced prostitution as new brothels opened to cope with the influx of fans.
A local Chamber of Commerce can provide advice on specific regulations of using a carnet abroad.
Those who had served abroad before 31 December 1914 also wore a red chevron.
There is a road closure order which has come into effect around the Arena.
The image of a road succinctly conveys the valuable idea that the study of card magic is a journey, not a quick fix.
A large culvert was handy for a road crossing.
Economic and political conditions abroad had eased as a constraint since October, but this survey was completed before the recent Brazilian devaluation.
Easter holidays The school Easter holidays are a popular time to take a package holidays abroad.
Easter Holidays The school Easter Holidays The school Easter holidays are a popular time to take a package holidays abroad.
One of our members lived abroad for many years as the wife of a distinguished foreign correspondent, another is an ex ballet dancer.
From the park gates a road runs through lowland evergreen forest before climbing steeply through well forested hills.
I live in Chester and on the outskirts there is a little gold mine just waiting to be opened on an A road.
The previous night we were parked behind a road grader.
Cue a six-hour - rather hair-raising drive - along a road packed with rumbling lorries, busses, motorcycles and pedestrians.
Students enact a road rage incident and subsequent interviews between police, witnesses and those involved in the incident.
Because Irish women cannot find a solution to their crisis pregnancies in their home country they endure the indignity and expense of traveling abroad.
A gray tabby kitten with an injured foot from a road traffic accident was the first patient in the cat ward.
In the far left-hand corner turn right on a track for a few yards to reach a road.
Here you walk to the left keeping a sharp lookout for some steps in the wall leading onto a road.
The son suddenly becomes a kitchen magnate, a road hauler or owner of a security firm.
There is a bright air of confidence abroad that is quite palpable.
Tracing family trees is a rapidly growing pastime both in Britain and abroad.
Due to a new sewer being laid, old cushions were removed on one side of a road and then re-laid.
So making health care reliant on charges is not a road we will take.
During the second half of 2001, Damascus continued to receive help from abroad on establishing a solid-propellant rocket motor development and production capability.
Our next stop was under a road bridge where we got superb views of a Barn Owl on its daytime roost.
The result is a highly saleable agricultural product that can be sold at a competitive price to farmers both at home and abroad.
During your second year you will also get the chance to spend a semester studying abroad.
This really is a road legal race car, with performance statistics which leave all of the cars in our Supercar Competition rather shamefaced.
At the foot of the hill the path comes out to a road beside a large signboard for Dunkery Beacon Hotel.
As a road sweeper you should look less slovenly.
Up in a road map is appease the soviets he's delighted to.
Anna Faris gives a hilarious take on the dumb American film starlet abroad.
I've actually managed to get a suntan, without having to go abroad Which evicted Big Brother housemate have you missed the most?
At just 24 years old, his life ended suddenly in a road traffic accident.
We've received an ' occupational license ' to move ewes across a road to a fresh field of stubble turnips.
Once past the masts, you will see a road turnoff to the right, which you ignore.
International links in the Faculty Spending a period abroad as part of a degree program is an intrinsically valuable process.
After a road had been cut on the virgin heath the Steam Sappers hauled wagons from the supply railhead at Tongham.
He was a prolific writer, with a prodigious knowledge and memory, and a most ingenious and confident critic; and his work not only dominated the field of archaeological criticism but also raised its standing both at home and abroad.
Under his advice the opposition now made an alliance with Louis whereby the French king promised to help them to ruin Danby on condition that they would compel Charles, by stopping the supplies, to make peace with France, doing thus a grave injury to Protestant- ism abroad for the sake of a temporary party advantage at home.
There seems also to have been a road running W.N.W.
Danger lay rather in entrusting men schooled in political conspiracy and in unscrupulous parliamentary opposition with the government of a young state still beset by enemies at home and abroad.
In conjunction with the occupation of Tunisia, the effect of these disorders was to exhibit Italy as a country powerless to defend its interests abroad or to keep peace at home.
At the new years reception of deputies King Humbert aroused enthusiasm by a significant remark that Italy intended to remain mistress in her own house; while Mancirfi addressed to Count de Launay, Italian ambassador in Berlin, a haughty despatch, repudiating the supposition that the pope might (as Bismarckian emissaries had suggested to the Vatican) obtain abroad greater spiritual liberty than in Rome, or that closer relations between Italy and Germany, such as were required by the interests and aspirations of the two countries, could be made in any way contingent upon a modification of Italian freedom of action in regard to home affairs.
Measures were enforced to prevent Italian holders of consols from sending their coupons abroad to be paid in gold, with the result that, whereas in 1893 3,24o,ooo had been paid abroad in gold for the service of the January coupons and only 680,000 in paper in Italy, the same coupon was paid a year later with only 1,360,000 abroad and 2,540,000 at home.
The tax upon consols, which, in conjunction with the other severe fiscal measures, was regarded abroad as a pledge that Italy intended at all costs to avoid bankruptcy, caused a rise in.
By his championship of the national policy he had raised up formidable foes abroad without securing a single friend or supporter at home, 6 and his fidelity to the national interests was now, through a very mean and ignoble act of personal spite, to be the occasion of his downfall.
We thus see in the Scandinavian settlers in Gaul, after they had put on the outward garb of their adopted country, a people restless and enterprising above all others, adopting and spreading abroad all that they could make their own in their new land and everywhere else - a people in many ways highly gifted, greatly affecting and of Sicily modifying at the time every land in which they settled, but, wherever they settled, gradually losing themselves among the people of the land.
Greatly elated by this success, he recommended to the council of boyars the construction of a powerful fleet for carrying on war with the infidel, and he himself went abroad to learn more about shipbuilding and useful foreign inventions, and to prepare diplomatically the projected crusade.
It was not till the closing decade of the 19th century that the stock-breeders of the United Kingdom found themselves in a position to prosecute their industry free from the fear of the introduction of contagious disease through the medium of store animals imported from abroad for fattening on the native pastures.
It is chiefly in the " flying " flocks and not in the breeding flocks that the disease is rife, and it is so easily communicable that a drove of scab-infested sheep passing along a road may leave behind them traces sufficient to set up the disorder in a drove of healthy sheep that may follow.
It was accessible direct from Rome by a road running more or less parallel to the Via Appia, to the S.W.
Serious students in Portugal and abroad welcomed the book as an historical work of the first rank, for its evidence of careful research, its able marshalling of facts, its learning and its painful accuracy, while the sculptural simplicity of the style and the correctness of the diction have made it a Portuguese classic. The first volume, however, gave rise to a celebrated controversy, because Herculano had reduced the famous battle of Ourique, which was supposed to have seen the birth of the Portuguese monarchy, to the dimensions of a mere skirmish, and denied the apparition of Christ to King Affonso, a fable first circulated in the 15th century.
The bill vetoed by Monroe would in effect have given to the Federal government jurisdiction over the road; and in his elaborate memorandum (May 4, 1822) accompanying his veto message, Monroe discussed at length the constitutional questions involved, argued that the Federal government was empowered by the Constitution to appropriate money for " internal improvements," and in concert with the states through which a road was to pass might supervise the construction of such a road, but might not exercise jurisdiction over it, and advocated the adoption of an amendment to the constitution giving larger power to the Federal government " confined to great national works only, since, if it were unlimited it would be liable to abuse, and might be productive of evil."
He then turned to journalism and began the Journal de politique et de liteerature, which he employed for two years in literary, philosophical and legal criticisms. But a sarcastic article on the French Academy compelled him to turn over the Journal to La Harpe and seek refuge abroad.
Although subsequently to the Reformation period the Protestant churches for the most part relapsed into the dogmatism of the Roman Catholic Church, and were ever ready with censure for every departure from orthodoxy - yet to-day a spirit of diffidence in regard to one's own beliefs, and of tolerance towards the beliefs of others, is abroad.
During the Popish Plot, to which her secretary Coleman was a victim, she went abroad with her husband.
Hobbes went on for a time living in the household; but his services were no longer in demand, and, remaining inconsolable under his personal bereavement, he sought distraction, in 1629, in another engagement which took him abroad as tutor to the son of Sir Gervase Clifton, of an old Nottinghamshire family.
On the 27th of June 1576 he and his brother Anthony were entered de societate magistrorum at Gray's Inn, and a few months later he was sent abroad with Sir Amyas Paulet, the English ambassador at Paris.
At home the Reduktion was cautiously pursued, while abroad the successful conclusion of the great peace congress at Ryswick was justly regarded as a signal triumph of Sweden's pacific diplomacy (see Oxenstjerna Family).
On Mary's accession he went abroad to pursue his theological investigations at Louvain, Antwerp and Paris; and from a letter of his own, dated Louvain, 1554, we get a glimpse of the quiet student rejoicing in an "excellent library belonging to a monastery of Minorites."
With such followers he made the constitution of 1876 and all the laws of the monarchy, putting a limited franchise in the place of universal suffrage, curtailing liberty of conscience, rights of association and of meeting, liberty of the press, checking democracy, obliging the military to abstain from politics, conciliating the Carlists and Catholics by his advances to the Vatican, the Church and the religious orders, pandering to the protectionists by his tariff policy, and courting abroad the friendship of Germany and Austria after contributing to the marriage of his king to an Austrian princess.
So, as you are now too old to wander abroad and work in a circus, I offer you a home here as long as you live.
It can sell produce abroad for better rates, give farmers predictability in pricing and flexibility on when to sell, and act as a storehouse against lean times in the future.
Natasha was perfectly happy; she was dancing with a grown-up man, who had been abroad.
Zherkov had met Dolokhov abroad as a private and had not seen fit to recognize him.
Crossing a road they descended a steep incline and saw several men lying on the ground; they also met a crowd of soldiers some of whom were unwounded.
In the valley he saw before him something like a river, but when he reached it he found it was a road.
At the end of the letter she informed him that in a few days she would return to Petersburg from abroad.
The horses stepped over the field as over a thick carpet, now and then splashing into puddles as they crossed a road.
At Kamenka a relay of horses was to wait which would take them to the Warsaw highroad, and from there they would hasten abroad with post horses.
From the fleches they rode still farther to the left, along a road winding through a thick, low-growing birch wood.
When alone with the field marshal the Emperor expressed his dissatisfaction at the slowness of the pursuit and at the mistakes made at Krasnoe and the Berezina, and informed him of his intentions for a future campaign abroad.
Route reconnaissance may orient on a road or on an axis of advance.
Israeli reservists living abroad for over a year or on holiday abroad would be eligible.
Blair and Major are different people to Prescott and I have seen many politicians abroad retaliating in a much worse fashion than Prescott done.
Among other injuries, Mike lost a leg below his knee in a road traffic accident.
Well worth a look if you are a road racing fan.
Or it 's also pretty good in a road rage situation.
From Factory Junction the canal swings sharply under a road bridge and enters a scene dominated by the Beans Foundry ahead of us.
Up in a road map is appease the soviets he 's delighted to.
The revival of soviet democracy in Russia was still a real possibility, but needed aid from abroad.
Official government statistics show that over a quarter of a million UK households now have a second home abroad.
We 've received an ' occupational license ' to move ewes across a road to a fresh field of stubble turnips.
I 've actually managed to get a suntan, without having to go abroad Which evicted Big Brother housemate have you missed the most?
A funny, moving, imaginative leap into what life after death might be like for a teenager accidentally killed in a road accident.
Our criminal laws make it a felony to conspire to torture a detainee abroad.
Our roads will be made safer with a Road Safety Bill, toughening up the penalties for drunk and uninsured drivers.
Suppose we have a road sign saying ' danger - falling rocks ' and a neat picture of some tumbling boulders.
A range of built and unbuilt work from the UK and abroad will be discussed.
Are you thinking of becoming a professional teacher - or just want to assist or work alongside teachers in underprivileged communities abroad?
A long winding ride down a road barely there; Toward the smell of fresh bread wafting up through the air.
She drove twelve spotted horses yoked to the high band wagon of a road circus.
These forums often post adoption lists for various countries, including information on a country's legal issues and any problems or related tips for adopting abroad.
Whether flying or taking a road trip with your baby, reading through infant travel tips can make your trip more enjoyable.
They should be very enthusiastic and helpful in helping you find a road racing bike that's right for you.
Chances are if you find a road racing bike featuring either of their components, you've found a solid bike.
Buy a road racing bike with an adjustable seat, because the handlebars of racing bikes are low, meaning you're going to be hunched over while riding.
Unlike buying a property in your own country, buying a property abroad can incur additional costs such as larger removal fees, translator costs, money transfer charges, greater solicitor fees to name a few 'hidden' costs that get forgotten.
They won't be the best of either category (not as fast as a road bike or as easy to handle on rough terrain as a mountain bike) but they will do for the average rider.
They are meant to handle the rough terrain of a mountain bike or be as speedy as a road bike, depending on the type you purchase.
Sometimes a fresh eye is needed when one vet appears to have hit a road block.
The debit card can be used at a variety of merchants both in the United States and abroad.
In addition, there are many supplementary benefits to carrying a Maestro card, especially if you plan on traveling abroad.
On the same map, you can view a road map, which lists road and street names, landmarks, and major areas like colleges and parks.
Mapping sites provide a road map of the route with the starting point and ending point dotted for easy reference.
After inputting your starting point and destination, take a look at the map and you'll notice that the service finds routes like you might do when planning a road trip vacation.
You may find that there is a road or street that you missed that will shave off a couple of minutes or even a couple of miles!
It seems almost inevitable, for example, to stop in the middle of the night during a road trip and find anything open but fast food places.
With multiple locations across the country, a road trip to attend the convention is a possibility no matter where you live.
You may choose a different dress for getting married abroad than the dress you might have envisioned for a traditional wedding.
Destinations by Mon Cheri offers brides a selection of styles perfect for the beach or for European weddings abroad.
If you want to drive but you only have a few days, taking a road trip across Canada isn't going to work, either.
Just because you are having a destination wedding does not mean you have to travel abroad.
Planning a civil wedding in Bournemouth can be a bit harder when you are planning from abroad.