A-plot Sentence Examples
Albany's longer absence in France permitted the partyfaction of the nobles to come to a head in a plot by the earl of Arran to seize the earl of Angus, the queen's husband.
Thereupon the Athenians concerted a plot with Nicodromus, the leader of the democratic party in the island, for the betrayal of Aegina.
Khosrev was executed in Asia Minor by his orders; a plot of the spahis to depose him was frustrated by the loyalty of Koes Mahommed, aga of the janissaries, and of the spahi Rum Mahommed (Mahommed the Greek); and on the 29th of May 1632, by a successful personal appeal to the loyalty of the janissaries, Murad crushed the rebels, whom he surrounded in the Hippodrome.
In July 1902 a plot for his assassination was frustrated, and in 1903, on the election of Jose Battle to the presidency, civil war broke out.
The orthodox subjects of Theodoric were suspicious of their ruler; and many would gladly have joined in a plot to displace him.
He was accused of complicity in a plot to murder Duke Henry, who in return ravaged the archiepiscopal lands in Saxony and Thuringia.
These barons, with the knowledge and approbation of King Henry, were engaged in a plot to assassinate the cardinal, and in this plot Wishart is now proved to have been a willing agent.
The first step would be the acquisition of a plot of ground either by gift or purchase for the formation of a tomb.
He continued his intrigues against the English government, and in 1598 he was charged with complicity in a plot to poison Queen Elizabeth.
One Elfred, probably a descendant of Ethelred I., formed a plot to seize the king at Winchester; the plot was discovered and Elfred was sent to Rome to defend himself, but died shortly after.
AdvertisementIn February 1643 Fiennes was sent down to Bristol, arrested Colonel Essex the governor, executed the two leaders of a plot to deliver up the city, and received a commission himself as governor on the 1st of May 1643.
Compromised in the falsification of a decree suppressing the India Company and in a plot to bribe certain members of the Convention, especially Fabre d'Eglantine and C. Bazire, he was arrested, brought before the Revolutionary Tribunal, and was condemned and executed at the same time as the Dantonists, who protested against being associated with such a "fripon."
Henry then became involved in a plot to murder the king, which was discovered in time, and the good offices of his mother secured for him a pardon at Christmas 941.
The Mahommedans now formed a plot to oust the Christians, and treacherously massacred a number of their chiefs and then defeated their unprepared adherents.
In June Wilson discovered a plot to revolt, and in July Mwanga fled to the south of Buddu and raised the standard of rebellion.
AdvertisementUndeterred by rumours of a plot against his own life, Amedeo entered Madrid alone, riding at some distance from his suite to the church where Marshal Prim's body lay in state.
Though warned of a plot against his life (August 18, 1872) he refused to take precautions, and, while returning from Buen Retiro to Madrid in company with the queen, was repeatedly shot at in Via Avenal.
In 1070 Otto of Nordheim, duke of Bavaria, who held large estates in this country, being accused of a plot to murder Henry, was placed under the ban, his possessions were declared forfeited and his estates plundered.
Having been turned out of other churches, he had leased a plot of land in 1759, anticipating the final withdrawal of his license, in 1763, and a spacious building was erected to which the people crowded from all parts on Sacrament Sunday.
He had interviews with the prince of Orange, with Casimir who was there in the interests of Protestant Germany, with Anjou who came in his own interests or in those of France, and with Don John, who nominally governed the country in Philip's name; the story that he instigated a plot to kidnap or murder Don John is without foundation.
AdvertisementA man buried his wife in a plot he had bought in a Catholic cemetery.
Toward the end of the same year a plot was formed to overthrow the republic and to restore the monarchy.
Walls, inclined to each other at obtuse angles, enclosed a plot of ground having in the middle a low tumulus of elliptic form, about 35 metres from east to west by 20 from north to south.
He had been accused in 1562 of a plot to seize the queen and put her into the keeping of the earl of Arran, whose pretensions to her hand ended only when his insanity could no longer be concealed.
A treaty projected on the news of the massacre of St Bartholomew, by which Mary should be sent back to Scotland for immediate execution, was broken off by the death of the earl of Mar, who had succeeded Lennox as regent; nor was it found possible to come to acceptable terms on a like understanding with his successor Morton, who in 1577 sent a proposal to Mary for her restoration, which she declined, in suspicion of a plot laid to entrap her by the policy of Sir Francis Walsingham, the most unscrupulously patriotic of her English enemies, who four years afterwards sent word to Scotland that the execution of Morton, so long the ally of England, would be answered by the execution of Mary.
AdvertisementImplicated in a plot against Napoleon III.
In April 1586 he became, with the priest John Ballard, leader of a plot to murder Elizabeth and her ministers, and organize a general Roman Catholic rising in England and liberate Mary.
It was stated in a leaflet circulated throughout Paris that Favras had organized a plot of which the count of Provence was the moving spirit.
Shortly before the death of the old king a plot in the harem to assassinate him, and apparently to place one of his sons on the throne, was discovered and its investigation ordered, leading after his death to the condemnation of many high-placed men and women.
His death was brought on by the rigour with which he treated the princesses, one of whom, with or without the connivance of the caliph, organized a plot for his assassination, and he died in September 1160.
Wessel, who up to that time had only been known as the president of a club of wits, immediately wrote Love without Stockings (1772), in which a plot of the most abject triviality is worked out in strict accordance with the rules of French tragedy, and in most pompous and pathetic Alexandrines.
The most probable explanation is that Gowrie laid, with the utmost secrecy, a plot to lure James to Perth, kidnap him there, transport him to Fastcastle, a fortress of the profligate and intriguing Logan of Restalrig, on the Berwickshire coast, and then raise the Presby- terian party.
Certainly no plot was laid by James to entrap the Ruthvens, and the only question is, was the brawl in which they fell accidental, or had a plot hatched in deep secrecy been frustrated by unexpected circumstances?
Louis began his rebellious career by a futile attempt to seduce the cities of Agenais into treason, and then he prepared a plot to seize the king and his minister Pierre de Breze.
From 1882 to 1894 the chief event in the newly opened kingdom was a plot by the Tai-wonKun, the father of the emperor, to seize on power, which led to an attack on the Japanese legation, the members of which were compelled to fight their way, and that not bloodlessly, to the sea.
A slight insurrection was easily suppressed, and a plot formed by some nobles to hand him over to the English king, Henry VII., came to nothing.
Returning in June 1678 to Tonge, he set himself to forge a plot by piecing together things true and false, or true facts falsely interpreted, and by inventing treasonable letters and accounts of preparations for military action.
In 1711 the Princess Palatine wrote to the Electress Sophia of Hanover, and suggested that he was an English nobleman who had taken part in a plot of the duke of Berwick against William III.
Bartholomew as a necessity caused by a plot which had been laid against the life of the king of France.
But great anxiety was caused by a plot to restore Spanish rule, in which the duke of Caminha and the archbishop of Braga were implicated; and especially by the action of Mazarin, who had assumed control of French foreign policy in 1642.
Lastly Salisbury had no conceivable motive in concocting a plot of this description.
The discovery in 1560 of the "conspiracy of Amboise," a plot of the Huguenots to remove Francis II.
Father Martin del Rio, a Jesuit, writing in 1600, discusses the exact case of the revelation of a plot in confession.
The earl of Warwick lived for twelve years later in unjust confinement, and was ultimately put to death in 1499 because he had consented to a plot for his own liberation.
They received in return a plot of ground proportionate to the number of animals they owned, and had also rights of grazing and of collecting fuel in the forests.
The Knights of the Golden Circle at first confined their activities to the encouragement of desertion, and resistance to the draft, but in 1864 a plot to overthrow the state government was discovered, and Governor Morton's prompt action resulted in the seizure of a large quantity of arms and ammunition, and the arrest, trial and conviction of several of the leaders.
They were even able to quell the first attempt at a reaction, by seizing and beheading Edmund, earl of Kent, the late kings half-brother, who was betrayed while organizing a plot for their destruction.
It seems that a plot with such an object was actually on foot, and that the younger Henry gave it up in a moment of better feeling, when he realized the evil impression that the unfilial act would make upon the nation.
On the eve of his departure he detected and quelled a plot as wild and futile as that of Oldcastle.
At the beginning of 1866 Lord Russells government thought itself compelled to suspend the Habeas Corpus Act In Ireland; and in 1867 Lord Derbys government was confronted in the spring by a plot to seize Chester Castle, and in the autumn by an attack on a prison van at Manchester containing Fenian prisoners, and by an atrocious attempt to blow up Clerkenwell prison.
In 1590 a plot was formed by the moderate section of the Roman Catholics of marrying her to Ranuccio, eldest son of the duke of Parma, who was descended from John of Gaunt, and of raising her with Spanish support to the throne.
In 1602 the queen's suspicions were increased by the discovery of a plot to marry Arabella to Edward, eldest son of Lord Beauchamp, who as grandson of Edward Seymour, earl of Hertford, and of Lady Catherine Grey (younger sister of Lady Jane Grey), was heir to the throne after Elizabeth according to the will of Henry VIII.
Years had healed the breach between him and the Medicean family; and on the occasion of the Pazzi conspiracy against the life of Lorenzo de' Medici, he had sent violent letters of abuse to his papal patron Sixtus, denouncing his participation in a plot so dangerous to the security of Italy.
In February 1884 there was a plot to blow up four London railway stations by means of clockwork infernal machines containing dynamite, brought from America.
It is fairly certain that the Turkish government, jealous of his power, had laid a plot to prevent him and his troops from returning to Egypt.
On his return Typhon laid a plot for him.
The result was a three weeks' interregnum, of which the discontented spirits in the army took advantage to bring to a head a plot that had long been hatching in favour of constitutional reform.
He felt you suspected him and devised a plot with Czerno to torture … Her voice caught at the images replaying through her mind.
At the end of 1966, the twins hatched a plot to free Frank Mitchell, the mad axeman.
He purchased a plot of land from his cousin.
The rotation curve is a plot of the orbital velocity of the clouds around the galactic center vs. their distance from the Galaxy center.
The first, and perhaps least convincing, example of a plot line involving prisoners related to officers.
Peace proposals unaccompanied by a sworn covenant indicate a plot.
He had successfully foiled a plot to con him previously by old-time grifter Harry Holmes, resulting in his imprisonment.
In practice the steps are not exactly equal, which leads to non- linearity in a plot of D-A output against output signal.
Peter Hanna, surrounded by a sea of black umbrellas, led mourners toward a plot on the hill.
While in Baltimore, while on the way to the inauguration, Pinkerton foiled a plot to assassinate the president.
Prime Creates a plot that can help you rapidly review the primer binding sites for the primers selected by the program.
A few of those who were unsuccessful were slightly resentful of the eight who took over a plot.
They were alleged to have been involved in a plot to spread ricin, a deadly toxin.
Rommel, linked to a plot to kill Hitler, committed suicide on Hitler's orders.
The program produces a plot of completeness vs. resolution and a plot of the average radial completeness in polar coordinates theta and phi.
The sacred college had grown especially worldly and troublesome since the time of Sixtus IV., and Leo took advantage of a plot of several of its members to poison him, not only to inflict exemplary punishments by executing one and imprisoning several others, but also to make a radical change in the college.
While seated with his family and friends absorbed in the play, John Wilkes Booth, an actor, who with others had prepared a plot to assassinate the several heads of government, went into the little corridor leading to the upper stage-box, and secured it against ingress by a wooden bar.
The granting away by William of the private estate of James, amounting to £2 a year, to which Anne had some claim, was made a grievance, and a factious motion brought forward in the House to increase her civil list pension of £30,000, which she enjoyed in addition to £ under her marriage settlement, greatly displeased William and Mary, who regarded it as a plot to make Anne independent and the chief of a separate interest in the state, while their resentment was increased by the refusal of Anne to restrain the action of her friends, and by its success.
Although 'she actual rising might have appeared a mere outburst of frantic passion, the private examinations of the most prominent conspirators disclosed to the government a plot so widely spread, and involving so many of the highest in the land, that it would have been perilous to have pressed home accusations against all who might be implicated.
When the duke proceeded to build a castle in that town in order to overawe its inhabitants, the nobles were furiously indignant, and a plot to murder him was organized by the marquis Anguissola and others with the support both of Gonzaga and of Andrea Doria, Charles's admiral, who wished to be revenged on Pierluigi for the part he had played in the Fiesco conspiracy (see FIEsco).
The whole nation clamoured for war with AustriaHungary, and was supported in this attitude by Montenegro, despite a temporary rupture of diplomatic relations between Belgrade and Cettigne, due to the alleged complicity of the Servian crown prince in a plot for the assassination of Prince Nicholas.
He is said to have been concerned in a plot against a tyrant, and on its detection to have borne with exemplary constancy the tortures to which he was subjected; but authorities differ both as to the name and the residence of the tyrant and as to the circumstances and the issue of the enterprise.
Chance forms the characters of the rulers of France, who submit to him; chance forms the character of Paul I of Russia who recognizes his government; chance contrives a plot against him which not only fails to harm him but confirms his power.
A rudimentary lighting capability is supported, but the image produced still looks like a plot.
A sexually explicit romantic novel; usually in a historical setting and always with a plot involving the seduction of the heroine.
Readers have to wait until chapter four before the semblance of a plot appears.
Rommel, linked to a plot to kill Hitler, committed suicide on Hitler 's orders.
The line graph on the left is a plot of values along along the x axis.
Each person gets a plot of yard and a few seeds to work with.
Suffice to say that in the latter, Soma is back and this time somebody is dead set on using his lineage against him as part of a plot to form a balance between good and evil.
Before the end of the day, Link realizes he's involved in a plot much larger than he could ever imagine.
Another movie, Dance With Me, featured American dancing from the southern latitudes, with a plot built around a Cuban salsa dancer in a tempestuous romance with a professional Latin dancer played by Vanessa Williams.
Since the image was accompanied by a plot description, the artists were given free rein to express themselves.
In the absence of a plot description, moviegoers are only given what is called a logline-a short, cryptic sentence that may or may not give away what they're going to see when the curtain goes up.
The trailers for these movies are more than just a preview or a plot summary; they are a chance to see what changes are made from the book to adapt it to the silver screen.
There is often narration or the scenes are cut together in such a way so as to create a plot.
Since the Batman movies do not follow the same formula as Harry Potter films where the plot is known in advance, little can be known until a plot is sure to have been written.
The Dark Knight Rises will use high definition cameras and a plot written by Christopher Nolan to advance the last saga in this section of the Batman plot.
Watchman attempts to debunk the cited quotes by New Age groups, and goes so far as to accuse New Age teachers of a plot to completely redefine and reinvent Christianity to "blur the distinction" between Christian and New Age teachings.
SparkNotes free study guides offer a plot overview, character analysis, theme interpretation, and a comprehensive summary broken down by chapter.
Dallas was also responsible for introducing a plot twist that would become almost a requirement for nearly all series in the future - the season's end cliffhanger.
The essential idea behind spoilers is to 'spoil' a plot development or a story changing element in an upcoming storyline.
Thanks to the Who Shot J.R.? mystery that concluded the 1981 spring season of Dallas and launched the 1981 fall season, the cliffhanger quickly became a plot device in many primetime television shows and was not limited to the genre.
When Young and the Restless writers hatched a plot to get Jack Abbott (played by Peter Bergman) to represent Genoa City in the Wisconsin state Senate, they went straight to the source.
The advantage of writing directly definitely comes in the fact you can easily work through archives and ask for a plot from long ago, while AMC may only be able to provide a transcript from more recent years on the Internet.
Sometimes actors are switched out because of the simple fact a character started as a child and needs to grow into an adult more quickly than physical development allows in order to keep a plot going.
Revealing too much of the process would be like revealing a plot line.
He came up with a plot to pass the idol to Russell Hantz, whom he believed was in danger of being ousted.
On Larry King Live ("live" being the operative word), Falcon inadvertently spilled the beans that the whole thing was a plot to drum up attention for a reality show Heene was shopping.
Somewhere there is a plot in all of that, what it is exactly is unknown, but rest assured there is trouble for Batman, Robin, Batgirl and Gotham and the heroes will have to fight the villains to save the day.
The story takes place after the events in Terminator 2 as Sarah Connor and her son try to live unnoticed while putting together a plot that will destroy the computer network Skynet.
I'd say that 50% of the time that I finish an Otherworld novel, I haven't clearly decided who will narrate the next one much less determined a plot.
The Half Blood Prince is an action-packed film with a plot and cast that deliver surprises that don't disappoint and leave some fans stunned.
The article offered a clue that her action pertained to burning something connected with a plot turn that would occur mid-season.
This popular holiday movie not only has characters and a plot that are fun and exciting, the graphics reproduced for use on these types of social networking sites are just as thrilling.
For example, part of playing FarmVille is being able to speedily plant and harvest a plot of land.