A-o Sentence Examples
Three weeks ago she would have been embarrassed by such a conversation.
Felipa called a while ago.
Only a few minutes ago she had flaunted death.
Not even a path had existed here when she lived in the area five years ago.
It was a long time ago.
Apparently his mood had been inspired by the telephone call she made to Connie a few nights ago.
I just got the message a few minutes ago.
Where were you a little while ago?
A few weeks ago we were only friends, and now...
We found a family massacred a few days ago.
AdvertisementI spent enough time out here a few years ago.
A month ago she would have said she might never marry, and yet it had crossed her mind a number of times since she met Bordeaux.
Even if he was a Mormon, how could he make plans with this Darcie when he had proposed to her only an hour ago?
A few months ago she wouldn't have realized that forgiving her father was important to her marriage – but then, a few months ago she didn't know Chauncey.
A few months ago she didn't know the true meaning of love.
AdvertisementI ate a while ago on my break.
You seemed pretty sure of yourself a while ago.
Who would have guessed two years ago that he would become a happily married man?
God, it was a hundred years ago.
As for time; it could have been a year or a century ago.
AdvertisementIt's a big city and a long time ago but he saw the White House and said he watched Lincoln eat with two men.
The home, now known as Eight Maples Farm, had been a gathering place for travelers seeking good music and refreshments, over two hundred years ago.
What I have to say isn't as bad as a week ago.
Yes, but it happened a long time ago.
You were singing a different song a few hours ago?
AdvertisementYeah, and I bet he started a long time ago on his first run.
Three facilities were in nearby Swanzy; a town where we'd considered buying a home what seemed like years, not months, ago.
We never had much luck going back to a specific time that long ago.
He was a little while ago.
Now, he could deliver what he'd always promised-- a life together-- yet she didn't feel like leaping for joy like she would've a year ago.
She'd sworn off men-- especially this one-- a year ago!
We don't usually have a problem tracking him, but this changed about two weeks ago.
There was a reason he'd severed his connection to his emotions all those years ago.
He felt the loss already, a pain similar to the loss of his sister so many years ago.
For a moment, Dusty was reminded again of the strong, confident leader Darian had been, long ago.
Tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of our father's death, and we made a pact a few months ago to go there every year at the same time.
That type of heartache is rough, but I came to peace with it and was pretty happy with my expulsion, until a few days ago.
Darian had been a shell of a man when Sofi found him several months ago.
She turned twenty-four two months ago and started having all these issues, like she's a vamp.
I passed that mark a few hundred thousand years ago.
He died a long time ago.
I was a normal human two weeks ago.
I, uh, made a deal with Darkyn a few days ago for him to remove my brain tumor.
The Deans had married a year ago and poured their life savings into Bird Song.
Probably a five buck parking ticket he didn't pay fifty years ago and he thinks they're still trying to hunt him down.
Yeah. There's things that happened a hundred years ago and are best left be.
I don't give a damn about what might have happened years ago!
Speeding on our highways— Mr. Dean knows about that first-hand—my competent deputy arrested him for doing just that a few days ago.
Look at me—two months ago I ran a half-marathon and now I'm smoking!
She had protested the morality of AI until she lost her uterus, finally giving in to surrogacy a few years ago.
A few years ago Carmen wouldn't have had a clue what Candice was talking about.
Josh died in a car accident about five years ago.
That was a long time ago.
Several days ago she had ordered a goat stanchion to put in the barn.
It was hard to believe that only a month ago their relationship sizzled.
We had a Great Pyrenees, but he died about a month ago.
Brush grew close to the drive, but it was obvious that someone had mown a swath down either side of the drive not long ago.
Yeah. The couple that moved to California a few weeks ago.
Ingrid hired an interior decorator when he leased the condo a few months ago.
The trainee months ago made a horrible mistake by choosing to target Ingrid, and Xander didn't think twice about lopping off his head.
She cleared her throat, then said, My, uh, kids lost their parents in a car accident a few years ago.
You told me months ago I was in for a surprise that would answer a question I didn't know needed asking.
Exactly. We're due to move our headquarters, but his wife had a baby six months ago.
It wasn't what bothered him about Jessi, though he remembered why he long ago took a vow never to let anyone close to him.
In a rush to get to some place you didn't want to go a few hours ago?
We didn't know the Originals like him were still alive until a few months ago.
She stared at the pillow clutched in her arms, suddenly understanding the other side of Xander, the one that remained beyond loyal to a woman who had died tens of thousands of years ago.
There is evidence that about three centuries ago elephants wandered in the forests of Malwa and Nimar, while they survived to a later date in the Chanda district of the Central Provinces.
The Bohemian historian, Palacky, fifty years ago thoroughly disproved this accusation, and, though it has recently been revived by German historians, it must undoubtedly be considered as a calumny.
In fact, there is a period when, as Aristotle long ago said, the embryo of the highest animal has the form of a mere worm, and, devoid of internal and external organization, is merely an almost structureless lump of polype-substance.
The relations of the Alga and the Fungus, which have formed a close associationship in the structure known as the Lichen, were established many years ago.
Sometimes she imagined a large field of marijuana, but that would have been discovered long ago.
I learned a long time ago that nice guys are predictable.
He did a few days ago.
Maybe Darkyn is still pissed at me for breaking into Hell to rescue our friends a few months ago.
His eyes went back to the girl who had been human just a few days ago.
She must at least think she has or surely she wouldn't have shown up after all this time and started a fuss about something that we all settled long time ago.
She had removed the sides of the shelter a few weeks ago for the summer so they would have fresh air and a breeze as well.
Carmen had removed the nest box only a few days ago.
A week ago she might have pondered the longevity of their marriage.
For a minute she stared at the picture, remembering what he had said so long ago about his mother having an affair.
Then a little bit ago he wrote something on a little tablet and I looked at it.
I told you I got a bad vibe from him when we had dinner a few weeks ago.
She'd bought her casket months ago and was on a payment plan.
He hadn't expected anything different when he met the reincarnated Deidre a few years ago and started down this path.
There's something I should've done a while ago.
Everything almost blew up a few months ago.
If only she hadn't slept with a complete stranger two nights ago.
He'd calmed her with a simple touch last night and quenched her body two nights ago.
I figured it out when I rediscovered her in the human world a few years ago.
Urgency filled him at the thought of finding a way to save the woman he might've killed a few days ago.
I'm going to give you a piece of advice you gave me a few months ago.
Indeed. Summoned me a few days ago.
I found out a few days ago.
The wind was harsher, colder than it was just a few minutes ago.
Assume I never knew this underworld existed before a little over a week ago.
She.d rarely seen him—and never touched him—since arriving a few weeks ago.
This had been Sasha.s study less than a few days ago.
It was revealed to me by someone you trust when I was at the Sanctuary a few weeks ago.
He.d sensed Katie.s appearance in the castle a short time ago and had avoided going directly to her, for fear he wasn.t quite ready to say what he needed to.
It was the intense, fierce look of a leader and a warrior, and she was surprised to note a difference in the way he regarded her not more than an hour ago.
Do you not ever wish to have a family, to be as happy as your father was so long ago?
To date, nothing Evelyn had done was for anyone else's benefit but Evelyn's, a realization she'd come to when she'd stopped crying a few days ago.
Evelyn returned for me a few days ago.
You can make fun of that stuff, but a lot of wild things happened around this old mining town a hundred years ago.
Neither. It must be some movie I saw on TV or a book I read a long time ago.
Just think, great-grand-nieces of the woman who wrote these here letters to Ouray a hundred years ago.
This was a hundred years ago.
I'm Annie, standing in my parlor, a hundred years ago.
One minute she's in fear of her life, the next she's enthralled over Annie Quincy, dreaming about life a century ago.
It was five years ago with a lithe red head named Ellen for a Vermont weekend.
She called me a couple of days ago and told me she'd taken off and flown out to Colorado with the boy.
I just strolled around town, trying to imagine Annie doing the same thing, a hundred years ago.
I understand opportunities were limited a century ago but surely she could have been a school teacher or office clerk or something above a brothel prostitute.
A moment's hesitation, a quick hand on the door knob, and Edith Shipton disappeared into the bedroom of her long ago lover.
All you have to do is find out what property 'Mrs. Cummings' owned a hundred years ago.
We have enough to be concerned with today's problems without having to clutter my mind about the happenings of a century ago.
Then I looked up the Pinkville newspaper but it was merged into a countywide paper four years ago.
Right now I don't give a damn about what happened a century ago and I'm in no position to make judgments of a situation I know so little about.
But Ryland's personal knowledge of her was limited to a couple rolls in the hay a dozen years ago.
She also said you were lovers for a short time many years ago.
Somehow, that seemed like a lifetime ago.
Sarah noticed it a little while ago.
No, a moment ago she had been startled by his uncharacteristic advance, but not frightened.
She kicked a pile of leaves from the branches where the floodwaters had deposited it a few weeks ago.
Bill picked Katie up a half hour ago.
The moment their bodies touched, he could think of little else than how long it had been since he had a woman and how much he'd wanted Angel since soon after he'd started talking to her weeks ago.
Her grandfather knew my father a long time ago.
Class loyalties run deep, and he called me up about twenty years ago and said he was calling in a favor my dad owed him.
She couldn't tell what was happening, but it seemed like there were a lot more guns in the fight than there had been a minute ago.
The Twelfth Army settled into Arkansas about a week ago.
There was one in Randolph, according to our patrols, but the people discovered it a few weeks ago and have been using the supplies.
Refugee. She came in a few days ago with a dog.
If not for Rhyn, Jade might've killed him a few days ago.
They looked much younger, so it must have been taken years ago and some pictures of a boy and a girl.
Just because Byrne might have gotten a quickie two months ago doesn't mean he faked his drowning and skipped.
I'd have blown my brains all over the wall months ago if I didn't have him to give me a hard time.
I saw Jeff having lunch with this girl just a few weeks ago.
Fred mentioned there was no name on the mailbox for apartment C. Mrs. Glass said there had been a name the last time she was there, a couple of weeks ago.
Hunter showed the clerk a picture of Byrne but he couldn't identify him—it was too long ago.
He called a little while ago too.
That seems a lifetime ago.
I saw something up here a few minutes ago.
Years ago he had been jilted at the altar by a girl he thought he loved.
No, that was a long time ago.
A week ago she and Alex had been down to open some windows, but the house still smelled stale.
Xander took my door off a week ago.
What dismay she felt at Jonny's first killing a week ago had slid into understanding that the Black God was merely becoming what he was.
The exchange a week ago was the first time she met the nightmarish Original Vamp, when he'd offered to help Jule in exchange for asking her a question.
Came through twice a few days ago and haven't seen them since.
Pulling a knife free, she dug into the dry ground, not expecting to find the treasure she'd buried so long ago.
It's my last memory of the immortal world until I returned a day ago.
She could not afford to sleep long after her misadventure in Corcoran so she let herself doze for a short time before seeking out Hilden with questions she should have asked long ago.
My queen sent an urgent message to Dierdirien a few days ago.
I killed my cousin when he tried to act against my daughter so long ago and replaced him with a man I trust with all I have.
I know I said I wanted five children, but that was two adopted children and a set of twins ago.
You took care of the Grey God's issue before the immortal world went up in flames a few months ago.
His autobiography was published a few years ago.
A transcontinental line was long ago undertaken across South America from Buenos Aires to Valparaiso, where the continent is only about goo m.
There can be little doubt but that the United States would long ago have disintegrated into separate, warring republics, had they not been bound together by railways, and standards of safety were 1 These figures are derived from a total.
Assuming the accuracy of the estimate just made, we see that a thousand years ago the sun must have had a diameter 100 m.
The -fact that the name of the ant has come down in English from a thousand years ago shows that this class of insects impressed the old inhabitants of England as they impressed the Hebrews and Greeks.
Ex Ploration The progress of geodetic surveys in Russia had long ago extended across the European half of the great empire, St Petersburg being connected with Tiflis on the southern slopes of the Caucasus by a direct system of triangulation carried out with the highest scientific precision.
These far extensions furnish the basis for a vast amount of exploratory survey of a strictly geographical character, and they have contributed largely towards raising the standard of accuracy in Asiatic geographical surveys to a level which was deemed unattainable fifty years ago.
The fact that the growth of a leguminous crop, such as red clover, leaves the soil in a higher condition for the subsequent growth of a grain crop - that, indeed, the growth of such a leguminous crop is to a great extent equivalent to the application of a nitrogenous manure for the cereal crop - was in effect known ages ago.
If we take the mere popular view of what is meant by the " old Political Economy," that is, that a generation or so ago economics was comprised in a neatly rounded set of general propositions, universally accepted, which could be set forth in a question we have really to determine is how we can make the best use of the accumulated knowledge of past generations, and to do that we must look more closely into the economic science of the 10th century..
Local governing authorities now discharge economic functions of enormous importance and complexity, involving sums of money larger than sufficed to run important states a generation ago.
His Ecclesiastical Characteristics (1753), Serious Apology (1764), and History of a Corporation of Servants discovered a few years ago in the Interior Parts of South America (1765), attacked various abuses in the church and satirized the "moderate" party.
British West Indies.-Cotton was cultivated as a minor crop in parts of the West Indies as long ago as the 17th century, and at the opening of the 18th century the islands supplied about 70% of all the cotton used in Great Britain.
Ship Canal, has drawn back into Manchester a part of the cotton market which was attracted from Manchester into Liverpool by the famous improvement in transport opened to the public three-quarters of a century ago.
The primitive methods originally in use in the Russian oil-fields have already been described; but these were long ago superseded by pipe-lines, while a great deal of oil is carried by tank steamers on the Caspian to the mouth of the Volga where it is transferred to barges and thence at Tzaritzin to railway tank-cars.
Here, with the burden of the day now past, the fine old crusader - he had joined before in the Second Crusade, forty years ago - perished by accident in the river; and of all his fine army only a thousand men won their way through, under his son, Frederick of Swabia, to join the ranks before Acre (October 1190).
We only know that as long ago as the 1st century B.C. true Hebrew blood was becoming rare, and that a vast proportion of the Jews of Roman times were Hebraized Aramaeans, whose assimilation into the Jewish community did not date much further back than the Maccabaean age.
The nitro group has a very important action mainly on account of the readiness with which it can be introduced into the molecule, but its effect is much less than that of the azo group. The colour produced is generally yellow, which, in accordance with a general rule, is intensified with an increase in the number of groups; compare, for example, mono-, diand tri-nitrobenzene.
The compiler of maps of the present day enjoys many advantages not enjoyed by men similarly occupied a hundred years ago.
This, however, is not all, for Mr Osgood points out that a skull discovered many years ago in the vicinity of Fort Gibson, Oklahoma, and then named Ovibos or Bootherium cavifrons, evidently belongs to the same genus.
On the one hand, assuming the quartic to have the form 4xix 2, we find i=j=o, and on the other hand, assuming i=j=o, we find that the quartic must have the form a o xi+4a 1 xix 2 which proves the proposition.
Forms.-Taking the two forms to be a o xi + pa l x i 1x2+p(p-1)a2xr2x2-I-...
Lankester some years ago made a special study of the histology (3) of these entosternites for the purpose of comparison, and also ascertained the relations of the very numerous muscles which are inserted into them (4).
Whilst the chances are in favour of some one homoplastic coincidence or structural agreement occurring between some member or other of a large group a and some member or other of a large group b, the matter is very different 2 a o FIG.
There are in Cutch about 200 of these Jareja chiefs, who all claim their descent from a prince who reigned in Sind about l000 years ago.
A London journal, The Herald of Peace and International Arbitration, issued some years ago a list of instances in which arbitration or mediation had been successfully resorted to during the 19th century.
The place was modernized about a generation ago by Zia Pasha, the poet, when governor, and is now an unusually well built Turkish town with good bazaar and khans and a fine clock-tower.
The barons supported Azo of Liguria, the lawful successor of Herbert II.; the citizens of Le Mans set up a commune, expelled Azo's representatives and made war on the barons.
The genus Pelecanus as instituted by Linnaeus included the 1 This caution was not neglected by the prudent, even so long ago as Sir Thomas Browne's days; for he, recording the occurrence of a pelican in Norfolk, was careful to notice that about the same time one of the pelicans kept by the king (Charles II.) in St James's Park, had been lost.
Hence, if a be the width of the diffracted beam, and do the angle through which the wave-front is turned, ado = dX, or dispersion = /a ..
Another tomb in this region, Melgunov's barrow, found as long ago as 1760, contained a dagger-sheath and pommel of Assyrian work and Greek things of the 6th century.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under A to Abo.
Except in a few instances these were long ago superseded by ron-wire ropes, which in turn have p been replaced by steel because of its greater strength.
When the liquid is bounded externally by the fixed ellipsoid A = A I, a slight extension will give the velocity function 4 of the liquid in the interspace as the ellipsoid A=o is passing with velocity U through the confocal position; 4 must now take the formx(1'+N), and will satisfy the conditions in the shape CM abcdX ¢ = Ux - Ux a b x 2+X)P Bo+CoB I - C 1 (A 1 abcdX, I a1b1cl - J o (a2+ A)P and any'confocal ellipsoid defined by A, internal or external to A=A 1, may be supposed to swim with the liquid for an instant, without distortion or rotation, with velocity along Ox BA+CA-B 1 -C1 W'.
Layard in the palace of Assur-bani-pal at Kuyunjik (Nineveh), as long ago as 1851 and noticed then as in a " doubtful character," were compared by Hayes Ward and found to be of the Hamathite class.
When centrifugals were adopted for purging the whole crop (they had long been used for curing the second or third sugars), the system then obtaining of running the sugar into wagons or coolers, which was necessary for the second and third sugars' cooked only to string point, was continued, but latterly " crystallization in movement, a development of the system which forty years ago or more existed in refineries and in Cuba, has come into general use, and with great advantage, especially where proprietors have been able to erect appropriate buildings and machinery for carrying out the system efficiently.
The Krajewski crusher was invented some years ago by a Polish engineer resident in Cuba, who took out a patent for it and gave it his name.
Its manufacture was introduced into England many years ago by Messrs Henry Tate & Sons, and they subsequently adopted and use now the improved process and apparatus patented in March 1890 by M Gustave Adant, a foreman sugar refiner of Brussels.
New Zealand has attempted to produce tobacco as a commercial crop, but the effort was abandoned several years ago.
So long ago as the year 1855, when the species was known to zoologists only by its skeleton, a gorilla was actually living in England.
The Taihei-ki produced another notable effect; it inspired public readers who soon developed into historical raconteurs; a class of professionals who are almost as much in vogue to-day as they were 500 years ago.
But a few years ago they used to compile laborious essays, in which the inspiration was drawn from Occidental text-books, and the alien character of the source was hidden under a veneer of Chinese aphorisms., To-day they write terse, succinct, closely-reasoned articles, seldom diffuse, often witty; and generally free from extravagance of thought or diction.
He inaugurated the new departure a few years ago by copying a Gobelin, but it may safely be asserted that no Gobelin will bear comparison with the pieces now produced in Japan.
Roe were formerly abundant in all the wooded parts of Great Britain, but were gradually exterminated, till a century and a half ago they were unknown south of Perthshire.
If our forerunners of eight or nine thousand years ago were in a noonday glare of civilization, where shall we look for the much-talked-of "dawnings of history" ?
Not many years ago it would have been accounted a heresy to suggest that the historical books of the Old Testament had conveyed to our minds estimates of Oriental history that suffered from this same defect; but to-day no one who is competent to speak with authority pretends to doubt that such is really the fact.
Some decades ago these difficulties were not insurmountable, when critics assigned a Neronic date to the Apocalypse and a Domitianic or later date to the Gospel.
No 1 Internally there Is a great difference in the form of the posterior margin of the sternum, as long ago remarked by Nitzsch.
A humble, patient Bohemian priest, Hasak, set to work toward half a century ago to bring together the devotional works published during the seventy years immediately succeeding the invention of printing.
A philosopher," as Gibbon long ago pointed out, _ who asks from what articles of faith above and against reason the early Reformers enfranchised their followers of P will be surprised at their timidity rather than scandal Y ized by their freedom.
The famous dam of Ma'rib and its sluices were the work of this ancient prince - structures which Arnaud in the 19th century found in the same state in which Hamdani saw them a thousand years ago.
This fact was forced on my attention nearly twenty-five years ago by the fracture of a number of girders of ordinary strength under a five-minutes' train service."
The Czechs rightly refer to this period 300 years ago when they describe themselves as a once oppressed nation.
The foundations of this measure were laid so long ago as February 1867, when Palmer had moved for a royal commission on the constitution of the courts, and had taken an active part in the work of that commission, of which the first report was made in 1869.
Here too are found petrified forests and other evidences of a vegetable growth that has long ago disappeared.
It is now known, however, that" Siam "or" Sayam "is one of the most ancient names of the country, and that at least a thousand years ago it was in common use, such titles as Swankalok-Sukhotai, Shahr-i-nao, Dwarapuri, Ayuthia, the last sometimes corrupted to" Judea,"by which the kingdom has been known at various periods of its history, being no more than the names of the different capital cities whose rulers in turn brought the land under their sway.
He proposed to supply the lack by the theory that justification is a real work done in the individual by the same Christ who died so many centuries ago.
Boonesborough, founded by Daniel Boone in 2775, in what is now Madison county, long ago ceased to exist, though a railway station named Boone, on the Louisville & Nashville railroad, is near the site of the old settlement.
Another reference to Byrgius occurs in a work by Benjamin Bramer, the brother-in-law and pupil of Byrgius, who, writing in 1630, says that the latter constructed his table twenty years ago or more.'
Suggested two centuries ago by Robert Hooke, this use of fossils has in the hands of Barrande, Neumayr, the marquis de Saporta (1895), Oswald Heer (1809-1883), and an army of followers developed into a sub-science of vast importance and interest.
A few years ago a full-sized tree was felled in Fresno county, California, and contiguous transverse sections have been set up, one in the Museum of Natural History at New York, the other (upper one) in the British Museum of Natural History at South Kensington; the annual rings of the latter section have been carefully counted and found to indicate an age of 1335 years.
In its neighbourhood is the Zeughaus or arsenal, built in 1644, which contains a very rich collection of weapons of the 15th-17th centuries, and which is maintained exactly in the same condition as it was 250 years ago.
All the Southern states are still relatively rural, as well to-day as a hundred years ago.
Two Federal judges were many years ago thus deprived of office, impeachment being the only process by which a Federal judge can be removed.
Hewitt has also attacked the problem by brominating the oxyazobenzenes, and has shown that when the hydrobromic acid produced in the reaction is allowed to remain in the system, a brombenzene-azo-phenol is formed, whilst if it be removed (by the addition of sodium acetate) bromination takes place in the phenolic nucleus; consequently the presence of the mineral acid gives the azo compound a pseudo-quinonoid character, which it does not possess if the mineral acid be removed from the sphere of the reaction.
After 1836 there was a large influx of Anglo-Americans and Germans, and the Mexican element long ago ceased to predominate.
For example, when a community of French Canadians, discontented with British rule, many years ago migrated and settled in Massachusetts, they found none of the tolerance they had been enjoying in Canada for their French schools and the French language they wished to preserve.
In a debate in Congress some months later he declared, "When I came into Congress ten years ago this was a government of law.
Yet the wave of reaction which soon overwhelmed the freer tendencies of the first reformers, brought back the old view until the revival of biblical criticism more than a century ago.
The regularity of their diurnal revolutions could not escape notice, and a good deal was known 2000 years ago about the motions of the sun and moon and planets among the stars.
Some few years ago an attempt was made to mark more clearly the course of business in Manchester, and a scheme was prepared for the recording of daily transactions.
Professor Poulton long ago suggested, and supported the suggestion by experimental evidence on a lizard, that the larvae of two British species, C. elpenor and C. porcellus, are protected by the resemblance to the heads of snakes presented by the anterior extremities of their bodies which are ornamented with large eye-like spots.
It may be added that the Venetians prided themselves on possessing, not only the body of St Mark, but also the autograph of his Gospel; this autograph, however, proved on examination to be only part of a 6th-century book of the Gospels, the remainder of which was published by Bianchini as the Evangeliarium forojuliense; the Venetian part of this MS. was found some years ago to have been wholly destroyed by damp.
It acts as a weak antiseptic. It is used for enriching coal gas, as a vermin killer, in the manufacture of certain azo dyes, and in the preparation of phthalic acid (q.v.).
Blagden (Ber.,1900,33,p.2544), who consider that three simultaneous reactions occur, namely, the formation of labile double salts which decompose in such a fashion that the radical attached to the copper atom wanders to the aromatic nucleus; a catalytic action, in which nitrogen is eliminated and the acid radical attaches itself to the aromatic nucleus; and finally, the formation of azo compounds.
North of this plain are the five springs of et-Tabighah, the largest of which was enclosed about a century ago in an octagonal reservoir by `Ali, son of Dhahr el-Amir, and the water led off by an aqueduct 52 ft.
Roman Catholicism was predominant a hundred years ago in all the frontier provinces acquired by Prussia in the days of Frederick the Great, but since then the German immigrants have widely propagated the Protestant faith in these districts.
More than a hundred years ago Katzellenbogen was divided between the neighboring states.
Charles, released in 1288 under a deceptive negotiation, was crowned king of Sicily by Honorius I V.; but he had much ado to defend his continental dominions against James and Roger.
There is aso a grand cadi, nominated by the sultan of Turkey from among the Ulema of Stamboul.
In a long despatch penn, of the 6th of March he discussed the general situation, aDo and pointed out that although the force at his disposal military was amply sufficient for raising the siege of Khartum Situation at end of and defeating the mahch, the conditions were changed operatloas.
The idea of the endosperm as a second subsidiary plant is no new one; it was suggested long ago in explanation of the coalescence of the polar nuclei, but it was then based on the assumption that these represented male and female cells, an assumption for which there was no evidence and which was inherently improbable.
The mysteries of scent are certainly no better comprehended now than they were more than a hundred years ago when Peter Beckford wrote his Thoughts on Hunting.
Until a few years ago the successful candidates at the licentiateship were arranged in order of merit.
C A O p the reactionaries in Labour disputes as they would with Bolshevists, and upon the employers to recognize that the working classes could no longer be treated by them as hewers of wood and drawers of water.
Internal disturbances of a religious and political character and external disasters had long ago shattered the empire of the Sassanids indeed, but the Iranians had not yet lost their patriotism.
The distribution of life-zones is primarily a matter of altitude and corresponds to that of the isotherms. The mountain goat and mountain sheep live in the Sierran upper-land, though long ago well-nigh exterminated.
Between the Brachyura and Macrura some authors uphold an order Anomura, though in a much restricted sense, the labours of Huxley, Boas, Alcock and conjointly Alphonse Milne-Edwards and Bouvier, having resulted in restoring the Dromiidea and Raninidae to the Brachyura, among which de Haan long ago placed them.
But this arrangement was cried down as a revolutionary departure from all established precedent; and he had much ado to secure the compromise that doctrines and practical reforms should be simultaneously discussed.
Yet for all this it would long ago have been extirpated there, and have ceased to be a British bird in all but name, but for the special protection afforded it by several members of two families (Edmonston and Scott of Melby), long before it was protected by modern legislation.
From the motion of the satellites he finds that the mass of Uranus is - T - A o o th of that of the sun, while for the planet Neptune he finds a mass equal to 19 Toth of the sun, agreeing with the value previously found by him from the perturbations of Uranus within o th of its amount.
Altogether Nuremberg presents a faithful picture of a prosperous town of three hundred years ago.
Nor are the Welsh landowners and gentry devoid of this new spirit of nationalism, and although some generations ago they ceased as a body to speak the native tongue, they have shown a strong disposition to study once more the ancient language and literature of their country.
The modern presence of the black swan of Australia (Chenopis atrata) in New Zealand appears to be due to a natural irruption of the species about half a century ago as much as to acclimatization by man, if not more so.
Several generations ago they gave up eating beef, and they are now completely Hinduized, except in a few remote recesses of Assam.
Such ritual use of oil as a o payls or seal may have been suggested in old religions by the practice of keeping wine fresh in jars and amphorae by pouring on a top layer of oil; for the spoiling of wine was attributed to the action of demons of corruption, against whom many ancient formulae of aversion or exorcism still exist.
These two treaties were, in effect, the corner-stones of a fresh coalition against Napoleon, and were confirmed on the outbreak of the FrancoRussian War by a conference between Alexander and Charles John at Abo on the 30th of August 1812, when the tsar undertook to place an army corps of 35,000 men at the disposal of the Swedish crown prince for the conquest of Norway.
Lichtenstein long ago remarked' that if it 1 A good summary of the present distribution is contained in the Ostriches and Ostrich Farming of De Mosenthal and Harting, from which the accompanying figure is, with permission, taken.
Thomas Dickson of Edinburgh long ago observed that the most healthy and productive crop was to be obtained by planting unripe tubers, and proposed this as a preventive of the disease called the "curl," which sometimes attacks the young stems, causing them and also the leaves to become crumpled, and few or no tubers to be produced; in this connexion it is interesting to note that Scottish and Irish seed potatoes give a larger yield than English, probably on account of their being less matured.
The precise period at which the Brahuis gained the mastery cannot be accurately ascertained; but it was probably about two and a half centuries ago.
Inhabiting the southern part of the Bolivian plain are the Chiriguanos, a detached tribe of the Guarani race which drifted westward to the vicinity of the Andes long ago.
If a i, a 2 represent the densities of the two infinite solids, their mutual attraction at distance z is per unit of area 21ra l a fZ '(z)dz, (30) or 27ra l 02 0(z), if we write f 4,(z)dz=0(z) (31) The work required to produce the separation in question is thus 2 7ru l a o 0 (z)dz; (32) and for the tension of a liquid of density a we have T = a f o 0 (z)dz.
Cohn long ago showed that certain glistening particles observed in the cells of Beggiatoa consist of sulphur, and Winogradsky and Beyerinck have shown that a whole series of sulphur bacteria of the genera Thiothrix, Chromatium, Spirillum, Monas, &c., exist, and play important parts in the circulation of this element in nature, e.g.
The sperm-whale is one of the most widely distributed of animals, being met with, usually in herds or "schools," in almost all tropical and subtropical seas, and occasionally visiting the northern seas, a number having been killed around the Shetlands a few years ago.
Inasmuch as several well-marked races of mankind, such as the Egyptian, Phoenician, Ethiopian, &c., were much the same three or four thousand years ago as now, their variation from a single stock in the course of any like period could hardly be accounted for without a miracle.
In assuming this attitude Professor Weismann decidedly differed from Herbert Spencer, who some years ago mentioned that he had evidence "enough to prove the fact of a previous sire asserting his influence on a subsequent progeny."
They are in reality a collection of stiff and formal essays which have long ago fallen into merited oblivion.
The total output for the state in 1908 was 114,459 tons, valued at $12,134,556; of this 116,J31 tons came from the central and southeast field, and of the remainder 15,240 tons from the Webb CityProsperity camp. Zinc was originally a hindering by-product of lead mining in the south-west, and was thrown away; but it long ago became the chief product in value in this field.
A second objection is that it fails in its purpose, because 20,000,000 years ago it would give a sun quite as much changed as the contraction theory gave.
Parker (Elementary Biology) cites a passage from Alexander Ross, who, commenting on Sir Thomas Browne's doubt as to "whether mice may be bred by putrefaction," gives a clear statement of the common opinion on abiogenesis held until about two centuries ago.
It was long ago noticed that PseudoClement bears a very close resemblance to Pseudo-Ignatius, the interpolator of the Ignatian Epistles in the longer Greek recension.
By the electrolytic reduction of pseudopelletierine, N-methyl granatanine is obtained, and this by exhaustive methylation is converted into A O des-dimethyl granatanine.
Between ten and eleven years ago there was an hypothesis of mine registered in your books, wherein I hinted a cause of gravity towards the earth, sun and planets, with the dependence of the celestial motions thereon; in which the proportion of the decrease of gravity from the superficies of the planet (though for brevity's sake not there expressed) can be no other than reciprocally duplicate of the distance from the centre.
And some years ago I lent out a manuscript containing such theorems; and having since met with some things copied out of it, I have on this occasion made it public, prefixing to it an introduction, and joining a Scholium concerning that method.
In 9 4 2 the work, as here shown, a o is inserted in front of the 859, on the principle explained in § 106.
The streets are narrow, and by a system called Kucheh-bandi (street-closing) established long ago for impeding the circulation of crowds and increasing general security, every quarter of the town, or block of buildings, is shut off from its neighbours by gates which are closed during local disorders and regularly at night.
A few years ago the wheat received from the north-west was very clean indeed, but since the new land has all been cultivated the fields are growing more weedy, with the result that the wheat brought in is becoming mixed with oats and seeds of weeds, requiring more careful separating and inspection.
The Timok, which formed the Bulgarian frontier as long ago as the 9th century, springs in the western Balkans, or Stara Planina, and issues into the Danube, near Negotin, after a course of 70 m.
The development of this branch has infused life and interest into what might a few years ago have been regarded as the most lifeless mass of figures possible, expressing merely the positions and motions of innumerable individual stars, as determined by generations of astronomical observers.
Miletus, and later Ephesus, situated at the sea end of the other great trade route across Anatolia, competed for a time successfully with Smyrna, but both cities long ago lost their harbours and Smyrna remains without a rival.
Detroit has made three experiments with municipal ownership. On account of inadequate and unsatisfactory service by a private company, the city bought the water-works as long ago as 1836.
Coulomb pointed out long ago that the resistance of a body to be set in motion was in many cases much greater than the resistance which it offered to continued motion; and since his time writers have always distinguished the "friction of rest," or static friction, from the "friction of motion," or kinetic friction.
Pollen-grains vary from a o 0 - to o-y of an inch or less in diameter.
Of the Ophioglossaceae there are no satisfactory examples; one of the few fossils compared with a recent species, Ophioglossum palmatum, was described several years ago from Triassic rocks under the name Cheiropteris, but the resemblance is one of external form only, and practically valueless as a taxonomic criterion.
I told them about a week ago and I went over it again with them today.
Alex got them a month ago.
That was a lot of information to digest - information Alex could have provided years ago.
A while ago she woke up coughing and crying, and her fever was up.
Yes, she came in with Señor Medena a little while ago.
A few months ago she wouldn't have realized that forgiving her father was important to her marriage – but then, a few months ago she didn't know Chauncey.
I get a little tipsy a hundred years ago when I hardly knew him and give away a party screw and now he mopes around with a mood as pleasant as an un-flushed toilet!
There's a theory he may have spent time behind bars and been released a year or so ago and started up again.
This is a dreary city that has seen better days, a long, long time ago.
The Black God, Czerno, had been wreaking havoc in Europe until a few days ago.
You remember a few days ago when we were talking about Talon and Czerno?
Their bond was stronger than ever, and Jule's body bristled with magic that felt both foreign and familiar, like a memory long ago forgotten.
But seeing her lifeless on the table made his soul wrench in a way that reminded him of how he'd felt when he found his brother's lifeless body thousands of years ago.
She was expecting to see some gruesome scene like that in the second bedroom caused by Darkyn's demons a week ago or what he'd done to his own demons who tried to drink her blood in Hell.
Speeding on our highways— Mr. Dean knows about that first-hand—my competent deputy arrested him for doing just that a few days ago.
Look at me—two months ago I ran a half-marathon and now I'm smoking!
Dressed in a mock turtleneck of some expensive fabric and slacks, the seated Immortal was relaxed and bright-eyed, despite accompanying them on the hunt that led them to the meat locker a couple of hours ago.
He always hated the enslavement of the death dealers; he refused to give Death his soul until forced to make a deal with her for Rhyn's life a few months ago.
A few steps past the tree line, she broke into a run, away from the souls, the Immortals, the nightmare her life had become a few days ago.
Her attention turned to a different direction, the way she.d walked half an hour ago from the beach.
She.d rarely seen him—and never touched him—since arriving a few weeks ago.
Katie walked through the shadow place and through the portal, wondering how she.d explain to her sister how she suddenly appeared out of nowhere and expecting a lecture about disappearing three weeks ago.
Hadn't she been considering Josh as a partner lest than thirty minutes ago?
Hunter showed the clerk a picture of Byrne but he couldn't identify him—it was too long ago.
You seemed adamant about not being fired a few minutes ago.
There was prejudice in the workplace culminating in her resignation a year ago.
The cockney accent had disappeared; Winston suddenly realized whose voice it was that he had heard a few moments ago on the telescreen.
I had to come here several years ago for physio following a serious bicycle accident.
What makes much ado about nothing a timeless piece of Literature?
I actually sold a few days ado at 17.5p, but that was my personal circumstances where i required the money.
Some birds had discovered me as an intruder, and were making a great ado in interesting language and gestures.
I have also had a Pheochromocytoma and had my left adrenal gland removed nearly two years ago.
Quite a few years ago I had a dog with a very severe allergy to fleas.
Here's Health Magazine carried out a campaign on the adverse effects of mercury amalgam some years ago.
A woman discovered that she was a cystic fibrosis carrier during routine antenatal testing several years ago.
Unfortunately my wife's auntie (Barbara) who is also a great friend to us was diagnosed with Lupus a few years ago.
A spiritual awakening two years ago opened the way for seeing the world through new eyes.
Many years ago you could buy a motorhome awning specifically designed for rear fitting.
Nearly 170 years ago the normally peaceful backwater of South West Wales was rocked by a series of disturbances.
We left the island with his words Like nails banged through the head Almost a year ago today.
My brother was given a barium swallow a month ago.
Saw John yonks ago locally, and he told my partner that she could be a busty barmaid in Emmerdale.
For example, the Appalachian coal deposits formed about 300 million years ago in a low-lying basin that was alternately flooded and drained.
One of their regular contributors James Ferguson wrote a very bearish piece on Gold about 18 months ago.
We tried this at Blackbird Leys a couple of years ago and it was absolute bedlam.
A few years ago people had beige, purely functional computers... hidden under desks, stained with the office smoker's exhalation.
Some years ago the late Jill Tuck, left a very generous bequest to the BEC.
Thursday was spent cleaning some oily bilges, and re-instating the engine cooling system that I stripped down a week or so ago.
Two years ago there was a large billboard on the side of a barn picturing a classic UFO.
We went there a decade ago to play bar billiards.
A long time ago I did a stint of work in an Exeter high street bookshop.
I read a book on the phenomenon of bare-knuckle boxing from days gone by, a couple of months ago.
A few years ago a three year old boy called Benny wandered off alone onto an electric railroad line.
It emerges between two cliffs of red breccia, a gravelly rock laid down by floods some 250 million years ago.
About a month ago the branches at the very bottom started to turn brown.
The summit cairn is now level with the snow compared to a few weeks ago.
Those who know Twain will find this collection a decorative capstone to works published a century ago.
Legend says that the island of Atlantis was sunk beneath the waves 11,000 years ago by a massive cataclysm.
A century ago the Mekong giant catfish was found the entire length of the river from Vietnam to southern China.
A few years ago Washington was an open cesspool of United States democracy.
A study published a few years ago clearly showed a benefit to dialysis patients who took chitosan.
In Iran, the fundamentalist cleric Ayatollah Khomeini set out to restore a regime that had last existed almost 1,300 years ago.
A year ago money was pouring into almost any dot com you could create.