A-minor Sentence Examples
Oh well, life was full of unpleasantness and this was a minor one.
But first, I have a minor chore to undertake.
I was picking myself up from a minor miscue and Donnie had skied ahead of me to base.
The latter, in fact, was a minor court of equity attached to the lord privy seal as the court of chancery was to the chancellor.
Sir Frederick Gore Ouseley (vide Ellis's lecture) regarded the French ton de chapelle as being about a minor third below the Diapason Normal, a' 435, and said that most of the untouched organs in the French cathedrals were at this low pitch.
The difference of a minor third, or, as we shall see later, a whole tone, had replaced the earlier fourth.
In Pagan times Berchta had the rank of a minor deity.
The increased figures may, to a minor extent, be due to better registration, in consequence of the law of 1901.
In tropical forests primitive tribes depend on the collection of wild fruits, and in a minor degree on the chase of wild animals, for their food.
In a minor degree this conclusion is strengthened by observing the satellites.
AdvertisementPine stumps and waste limbs are utilized, notably at Hattiesburg, for the manufacture of charcoal, tar, creosote, turpentine, &c. Fisheries Fishing is a minor industry, confined for the most part to the Mississippi Sound and neighbouring waters and to the Mississippi and Yazoo rivers.
For every family in which there is a wife, a minor son, or an unmarried daughter, a homestead not exceeding $loon in value, or personal property not exceeding $500-in value, is exempt from sale for the satisfaction of debts.
British West Indies.-Cotton was cultivated as a minor crop in parts of the West Indies as long ago as the 17th century, and at the opening of the 18th century the islands supplied about 70% of all the cotton used in Great Britain.
In this region cotton has been cultivated from very early times to supply local demands, and to a minor degree for export.
Under the name of "Anti-Masons" able leaders united those who were discontented with existing political conditions, and the fact that William Wirt, their choice for the presidency in 1832, was not only a Mason but even defended the Order in a speech before the convention that nominated him, indicates that simple opposition to Masonry soon became a minor factor in holding together the various elements of which the party was composed.
AdvertisementThe Cambodians show skill in working gold and silver; earthenware, bricks, mats, fans and silk and cotton fabrics, are also produced to some small extent, but fishing and the cultivation of rice and in a minor degree of tobacco, coffee, cotton, pepper, indigo, maize, tea and sugar are the only industries worthy of the name.
Tambora, forming a minor peninsula east of Sumbawa Bay, is said to have lost a third of its elevation in the eruption of 1815, but is still 9055 ft.
From the value of A we may separate those members which contain a particular element a ik as a factor, and write the portion aik A ik; A k, the cofactor of ar k, is called a minor of order n - i of the determinant.
Ballod's Lettish troops played a minor part on this front.
In 1853 the Bharatpur ruler died, leaving a minor heir.
AdvertisementBesides rice, the products of the countryinclude tea, tobacco, cotton, cinnamon, precious woods and rubber; coffee, pepper, sugar-canes and jute are cultivated to a minor extent.
He was soon re-employed in a minor position, and, at the head of a division of new troops, accompanied Grant's army to Pittsburg Landing.
There on the 4th of May 1794 he married Mlle Catherine Boyer, though he was a minor and had not the consent of his family - an act which brought him into a state almost approaching disgrace and penury.
During the Civil War Franklin was the scene of a minor engagement on the 10th of April 1863, and of a battle, celebrated as one of the most desperately fought of the war, which took place on the 30th of November 1864.
Lee still held the battlefield of Fredericksburg and had not attempted the offensive, and in April he was much weakened by thedetachmentof Longstreet's corps to a minor theatre of operations.
AdvertisementIn a minor degree revival of memory during sleep and similar phenomena of the sub-conscious life may have contributed to the same result.
Prior to the Revolution he took only a minor part in politics, but when it broke out he soon became, with the queen, the chief of the reactionary party at court.
After inquiry as to the relationship of the parties and their status (for if either be a minor or deformed, halisah cannot take place), the shoe is produced.
The dual position of the pope, as supreme head of the Church on earth and as a minor Italian prince, was destined to break down through its inherent contradiction; it was the task of Pius IX.
The great general houses such as Rylands's, Philips's and Watt's in Manchester, and Cook's and Pawson's in London, some of which are manufacturers to a minor degree, continue to flourish because under one roof they can supply all that the draper requires, and so enable him to economize in the time spent in buying and to save himself the trouble of attending to many accounts.
Carlow to a minor post (1839) in the Irish ordnance survey, thence (1842) to the English survey, attending mechanics' institute lectures at Preston in Lancashire.
Maximilian's son, Ferdinand Maria (1651-1679), who was a minor when he succeeded, did much indeed to repair the wounds caused by the Thirty Years' War, encouraging agriculture and industries, and building or restoring numerous churches and monasteries.
That there had been no adequate auxiliary departments, without which an army cannot move or be efficient, was comparatively a minor difficulty.
The more ancient account survived, however, he myth that Osiris, Horus, Seth, Isis and Nephthys (a less who plays but a minor part in the Osiris cycle) were all Iren of the earth-god Keb and the sky-goddess Nut, born on five consecutive days added on at the end of the year (the flied epagomenal days).
The excess of deaths over births is due to the fact that there are comparatively few women among the Chinese; the steady increase of the population in the face of this fact is to be attributed entirely to immigration, mainly from China, but to a minor extent from India also.
In this long period of c. 3500 to c. 300 B.C., the changes introduced after the adjustment to the new conditions produced by Khammurabi's union of the Euphratean states are of a minor character.
With regard to inference, he remarked that a universal judgment means by " all," not every individual we know, but every individual absolutely, so that, when it becomes a major premise, we know therein every individual universally, not individually, and often do not know a given individual individually until we add a minor premise in a syllogism.
Having been sent against Spartacus, he gained a decisive victory, and was honoured with a minor triumph.
Cetywayo's attitude became menacing; he allowed a minor chief to make raids into the Transvaal, and seized natives within the Natal border.
Man's place is not even central, as he appears a temporary inhabitant of a minor planet in one of the lesser stellar systems. Every science is involved, and theology has come into conflict with metaphysics, logic, astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, zoology, biology, history and even economics and medicine.
The Dutch, and to a minor extent the Arabs, are of importance on account of their political influence in Dutch Borneo, while the British communities have a similar importance in Sarawak and in British North Borneo.
He held a minor government office in 1879, and in 1882 became minister of the interior in the Freycinet cabinet.
Section A, which receives extra allowances, is liable to be called up in a minor emergency; section B is the general reserve; section C, also part of the general reserve, consists of men who have been sent to the reserve prematurely; section D (which is often suspended) consists of men who at the expiry of their twelve years' engagement undertake a further four years' reserve liability.
The Orange River parliament also approved with only slight alterations; the Natal parliament made some amendments, but they were of a minor character.
Greece for her part had a minor objective in Epirus - a region of which the northern limit was vague - and as a major objective Salonika and the Aegean littoral beyond, not to mention more remote objects in Asia Minor.
Archaeology itself remained but a minor branch of art until the machinery was perfected which enabled it to classify and interpret the remains of the "pre-historic" age.
The Vispered, a minor liturgical work in 24 chapters (karde), is alike in form and substance completely dependent on the Yasna, to which it is a liturgical appendix.
The tonsure at first was never given separately, and even children when so dedicated were appointed readers, as no one could belong to the clerical state without at least a minor order.
After his death (1122) his widow, Petronilla of Saxony, Floris governed in the name of Dirk VI., who was a minor.
Arnold prints, in an appendix, a minor work from Henry's pen, the Epistola ad Walterum de contemptu mundi, which was written in 1135.
Notwithstanding the opposition of his relatives, he entered the order of the Servi di Maria, a minor Augustinian congregation of Florentine origin, at the age of thirteen.
When the main equatorial current reaches the African coast a minor stream is sent northwards to the source of the Indian counter-current, but the discharge is chiefly by the Mozambique current, which south of Cape Corrientes becomes the Agulhas current, one of the most powerful stream currents of the globe.
For some years he was constrained to take a minor part in politics, only emerging occasionally to make violent and unwise protests against peace with France.
It occurredas often happens in parliamenton a minor issue which no one had foreseen.
That is quite a secondary consideration; for there was much English history before any Englishman could write; and even after he could write, his compositions constitute a minor part of the evidence.
The excavation of it was undertaken by Russians about 1894 and it cost Dembre dear; for the Ottoman government, suspicious of foreign designs on the neighbouring harbour of Kekova, proceeded to inhibit all sale of property in the plain and to place Dembre under a minor state of siege.
Any determinant I a,' b, I formed out of the elements of the original determinant, by selecting the lines and columns at pleasure, is termed a minor of the original determinant; and when the number of lines and columns, or order of the determinant, is n - I, then such determinant is called a first minor; the number of the first minors is = n 2, the first minors, in fact, corresponding to the several elements of the determinant - that is, the coefficient therein of any term whatever is the corresponding first minor.
From 1818 to 1830 Bilaspur came under the management of the British government, the Mahratta chief of Nagpur being then a minor.
The latter found him a minor post in his department, which left him leisure for his historical work.
Vinnie, I'm a minor league cop.
This was more of a minor inconvenience.
Godlas says astronauts could force water between their two hands and then moisten the body during a minor ablution.
He also had a minor abrasion on the back of his neck.
Presumably a minor adaption is the same as equipment?
Yet although the curve of burned lands parallels the curve of afforested lands, afforested lands, afforestation is only a minor part of the problem.
Few can so easily take a minor matter and through their enthusiasm make it seem so all-important.
In the past viruses were designed to create a minor annoyance.
My major is in forensic anthropology with a minor in Geology.
Using this is probably only effective in a minor way not many people want to join a bandwagon of guilt.
En route, they have a minor fender bender.
I have made a minor update to my acne page, mentioning a new tool I've seen for removing blackheads.
There was a minor blip in March due to a power cut.
Mafic inclusions form a minor but ubiquitous part of the andesitic lavas that compose the bulk of the dome material.
The second choice was a major caliber revolver; the third a minor caliber self-loader, and in last place the minor caliber revolver.
For those who care about such things there's an outside chance of spotting a minor celeb in the VIP area, too.
He has graced the pages of The Sun, thus making him a minor celeb.
He went on the road for six months, a minor celebrity touring the country, meeting mayors, giving exhibitions.
Marshall also wrote what has become a minor classic.
An exposed traverse around a corner leads to a minor constriction followed immediately to the left by Glorious Leader.
This apparatus resulted in a minor contretemps when we were visited, on another matter, by a rather officious Excise Officer.
H enry Ireton was born at Attenborough, near Nottingham, the eldest of five sons of a minor country gentleman.
Body Shop From a minor dent to a full scale repair, we provide the best quality repair in the best facilities.
A deviation correction less than 30 meters is a minor deviation correction less than 30 meters is a minor deviation correction.
I got a minor earful from the security for you being on stage.
This technique uses a fibreoptic endoscope to position the tube with only a minor incision on the tummy.
In the end, sexual exploitation was a minor irritant in this story.
However, I have noticed that if she makes a minor mistake, she does get rather flustered and needs to be assured.
This pack was broken up when Westbrook suffered a minor gearbox glitch and fell back to fifth position.
What has been hitherto a comparatively harmless fad now threatens to become a minor heresy.
But there's a slight problem, a minor hitch, and we couldn't just get on with the burial.
The errors range from a minor indiscretion of one of the more obscure rules to whole tables of missing data.
A serological response following intramuscular or intradermal application is present at 14 days with a minor delay for intradermal application is present at 14 days with a minor delay for intradermally vaccinated 6 week old pigs.
Margaret Thatcher was still a minor irritant whose influence was limited to stealing milk from school children.
There was a minor kerfuffle as the kids tried to find their way out.
Bell extended their lead further following a minor defensive lapse.
This might seem a minor point but it is an apparent loophole which appears ripe for exploitation.
With such a minor points difference, both HM Plant Honda Racing riders are focussing on claiming the title for the Japanese manufacturer.
But Evans played down concerns over last season's top marksman, who suffered only a minor strain.
The friends are all med students, but this is really a minor point of our story.
As a minor caveat I did find numerous misprints in the book, some of which were material errors.
Couldn't say the fan is completely noiseless, but a minor complaint.
He's now well on the road to recovery after a minor op at the end of last season.
This will often get you over mild hypoglycaemia or a minor insulin overdose.
A family member recently sent in yet another multiple hit failure with a minor caliber pistol.
Report a minor crime online A service to notify the police of some types of minor, non-emergency crime.
His replacement was Mr Samuel Thorncroft, who had held a minor position in the old poorhouse.
The Sheffield venue saw two trends, a major one toward Aegean prehistory, and a minor one toward Western Mediterranean archeology.
In a second incident, there was a minor disturbance on a train at Warrington which was quickly quelled by police.
We also have a minor quibble with the price.
An unpopular Administration can be kept in office by a minor party, despite the desire of the people to kick the rascals out.
Police can give a reprimand to a young person who admits committing a minor crime.
This brings you to the head of a minor road pushing out of the village to the south.
Dynamic Effects PC date rollover failure is but a minor problem.
For the last three days there has been a minor sandstorm blowing.
About a year ago he got involved in a minor scuffle outside the school gates.
His attention was caught by a minor skirmish in a little place called England.
No less intensely passionate than the A minor sonata is the Violin Sonata in D minor Op 121.
Delatombe proves only a minor threat compared to the evil sorcery of the Mirror Queen.
They can also provide consultations on family planning and offer a minor injuries service, treating sprains, minor burns and cuts.
In a minor sprain some of the fibers within the ligament are stretched.
A clear melody in E flat major weaves its way through the piece, appearing in a minor guise in the third stanza.
Stage 3 - Planning and implant placement The implant is placed into the jaw using a minor surgical technique.
The finale reworks the opening orchestral theme from a minor tonality to a modal one.
He had received tonsure but was only in his fifteenth year; he was instituted to the rectory in 1308 while still a minor.
In all 12 of the 19 drivers present endured at least a minor problem in the rather turbulent test sessions.
By the time Frank reached the age of 18 he was no longer a Minor and became unprotected from the law applying to Adults.
The road crosses a minor watershed in its short journey between the two stations.
This, the fire devil, is also classed as a minor whirlwind as it develops upwards from the surface.
Each of the three chefs has two woks sitting on burners that look set to propel a minor version of Apollo XV into space.
Her husband was beside her with only a minor self-inflicted wound.
September at 14.31 A 54-year-old woman slipped and sustained wrist and leg injuries and a minor head injury.
An organist, instead of transposing a whole ton g down from the Cammerton, would for the tertia minore have to transpose a minor third.
The death of his brother and his daughter rendered a resettlement of the crown advisable, and it was settled on his grandson, Robert, son of Marjorie and Walter the steward, in case Bruce died without sons, with a provision as to the regency in case of a minor heir in favour of Randolph.
Although a minor figure in the conspiracy, Tira-dentes was made the scapegoat of the thirtytwo men arrested and sent to Rio de Janeiro for trial, and posterity has made him the proto-martyr of republicanism in Brazil.
My only quibble with the book is a minor one.
No less intensely passionate than the A minor Sonata is the Violin Sonata in D minor Op 121.
But owing to the ambiguity of a minor word in the thirtieth verse, the sequel is commonly misread.
This particular physical abnormality is easily reversible with a minor surgery.
Your reputation may take a minor ding, but nothing that can't be overcome with your next good idea and pitch.
Keep in mind that small changes, like a minor sickness, can affect your child's sleep habits.
He has some sneezing and a minor runny nose.
You'll probably have to flush for your cat, but this is a minor price to pay for no more litter boxes, no more tracking through the house and all the money you'll save by not buying litter.
Although only a minor part of your score, what type of accounts you have is also looked at.
Many states require that the parents share joint custody because it is usually in the best interest of a minor child.
If there is only a minor change in circumstances, such as one parent being between jobs, the court may be unlikely to modify the child support order.
These types of forms, also called custody modification papers, are used in a variety of situations in which a parent or guardian feels the need to pursue primary custody of a minor child.
If someone in the household gets a minor burn, cut, or insect bite, a piece of the aloe leaf is cut off the plant.
Pull a minor color from the painting and make it the base wall color.
A juvenile delinquent is a minor who commits some sort of crime, usually a smaller one such as stealing or trespassing.
Costs for favors can be a minor part of your wedding budget, or one of the most expensive items.
Michael turned to baseball after his first retirement and was signed to a minor league baseball contract.
He did spend the night in the hospital with the woman who sustained a minor neck fracture.
Their secret rendezvous was cut short as the two were involved in a minor traffic accident later that evening.
Not so unusual, but when the paparazzi's cameras are snapping away, a minor faux pas can become a major gossip story.
You will need to select a major, and either a minor or areas of specialty, depending on the requirements of your college.
What will you do to avoid getting into trouble with the local police for noise violations or providing alcohol to a minor?
To adopt a minor or other existing program as your major, begin by speaking to an academic advisor or professor in the existing department.
Schools may frown upon combining two or more programs and urge students to consider alternatives, such as choosing one or the other or doing one as a major and one as a minor.
When it comes to dog health, blood in stool may be an indication of a serious medical condition or the sign of a minor intestinal infection.
Nudism has remained a minor practice, and it has by and large mutated into a "lifestyle" chosen by individuals rather than either a medical practice or a program for social reform.
Guitar tablature allows people who don't know how to read music and can't tell an A-minor chord from a blues scale to actually play a song.
Even a minor food poisoning episode could put you out of commission for about 24 hours.
There is a minor blindspot in the middle of the table, but it rarely has an effect on anything.
The existing video game design schools just got a little more competition; Michigan State University has announced a two-year academic program that will earn students a minor in Game Design and Development.
He is a minor character, but has had his own video game.
It is meant to be a minor update or alternative to the current PSP.
Turning 180 degrees is an issue, as it's slow, but that's a minor problem compared to the swiftness of all the other movements.
Appearance, or the aesthetic appeal of the bottle is a minor factor in determining value because it is so subjective.
The outlook for someone with a minor head injury generally is good, although recovery may be delayed, and symptoms such as headache, dizziness, and cognitive problems can persist for up to a year or longer after an accident.
Those with a history of a childhood brain injury, even a minor one, were more likely to get familial schizophrenia than a sibling and to have earlier onset.
Bruising is usually a minor problem that does not require a formal medical diagnosis.
Even a minor hearing impairment can significantly affect language development.
Child abuse was once viewed as a minor social problem affecting only a handful of U.S. children.
Occasionally a minor and temporary darkening of the skin (called hyperpigmentation) is noticed around some of the blisters.
However, even a minor hearing impairment can significantly affect a baby's ability to understand and communicate and to acquire speech and language.
Often viewed as a minor annoyance, some travelers are temporarily immobilized by motion sickness, and a few continue to feel its effects for hours and even days after a trip.
For a woman however, hair loss, even on a minor scale, is likely to be distressing and have a profound psychological impact.
Unless you already have your dress, making a decision about your hairstyle (and subsequently setting your heart on it) can become a minor point of stress.
Get inspired and make a minor or major impact with these playful hair highlight ideas.
This information will help you round out your education by choosing a minor in an appropriate subject like business administration, exercise and sport science or environmental science.
These inspectors are more likely to be full-time, professional inspectors and not just individuals who provide inspection services part-time or as a minor part of another career.
Additional resources for filing a minor complaint regarding a mortgage broker include the Better Business Bureau and any professional organization the mortgage broker belongs to.
Don't intervene when your children are engaged in a minor squabble such as an argument over who can play with a favorite toy.
In rare situations, there could be a minor or a major complication resulting from a c-section.
Instead of skipping a night at the ballpark, try a minor league game.
If your town doesn't have a minor league team, try watching a local college or high school game.
In addition to completing a major in journalism, consider a double major or a minor in an area that will help prepare you for a specific type of writing.
An editor may be kind enough to overlook a minor typo, but a letter filled with mistakes is going to be tossed even if your idea is absolutely brilliant.
Although there are very few laws regarding children's access to guns, 18 states have passed CAP laws that hold gun owners criminally responsible if a minor accesses their unsecured gun and injures himself or someone else.
This type of account is set up by an adult on behalf of a minor child.
Once a minor aspect of Film Production, movie soundtracks are now put together with meticulous precision and have become a major part of movie marketing.
Irregular merchandise is not necessarily damaged or of lesser quality, rather it likely features a minor cosmetic problem that prevents it from passing the quality inspection checks.
Perhaps you have a pair of neutral-toned or metallic sandals already that just need a minor repair to be ready for a dance.
Anthony Geary joined the cast of General Hospital in 1978 as a minor villain who 'raped' fan favorite Laura Spencer.
Purchasing a discount watch can satisfy that need, and if done wisely, will leave only a minor dent in your checking account.
Toyota says that dealers are able to fix the problem with a minor repair.
A recall is a defect with the car that could cause anything from a minor inconvenience to a major failure and a fatal crash.
In most cases, the recall involves a minor or moderate defect with the vehicle.
Skirt - The skirt is usually a solid color, with a minor accent stripe or highlight.
Cheer underwear may seem like a minor part of the uniform, but in reality the underwear needs to be one of the most carefully considered and purchased parts of a cheerleader's ensemble.
They are powerful drugs and shouldn't be used in a recreational manner or to cure a minor weight problem.
For the average diet, however, the difference between regular and Greek yogurt will likely have only a minor effect on your calcium intake as a whole.
Most companies may forgive a minor infraction or two, but others impose hefty fines for any claim.
This paragraph satisfies the legal requirement for doctors and staff to have parental permission to perform any medical procedures on a minor.
An emergency medical release is a form that gives caregivers and medical providers permission to authorize and administer emergency medical care to a minor child.
Without a signed release form, healthcare providers cannot administer medical treatment to a minor without first obtaining explicit permission from a parent or legal guardian.
Example form for permission to treat a minor child.
At the very least, you may be able to get better priced premiums if you can convince travel insurers that your health problem presents only a minor risk.
For example, if you have a $500 deductible and a minor fire does $400 worth of damage, the insurance company won't have to pay anything.
Still, it doesn't happen very often, so it's a minor complaint.
It received mixed reviews, but became a minor underground club hit.
His first single, Go, was released in 1991 and was a minor success in dance clubs in the UK but failed to make a significant splash.
She did find herself in the center of a minor debate when she displayed an anti-abortion sign on her MySpace page.
Although they had a minor hit with Be My Girl, they failed to make much of an impact.
In 1977, she had a minor hit with a cover of the song Runaway, but despite improving sales, the critical reviews continued to get worse.
The song featured some of his fellow Beauty and The Beast cast members and began a minor hit on Christian radio.
She had a minor pop hit with Happy, Happy Birthday Baby in 1965, but Parton was not content working in pop music.
There are also guidelines in place governing the number of hours per week a minor may work.
She had a minor role in the episode entitled "Benefits" on the show How I Met Your Mother.
Jerry Dunn - Husband and stepfather Dunn plays a minor role on the show.
The layers may not stick together, so that even a minor injury leads to large blisters as the layers separate, or there may be other problems with the workings of the skin.
In some cases this may not be successful, which compared to a minor operation to remove a suspect mole is really a very big sacrifice to make as a result of ignorance concerning the risks.
The gentle scent of lavender is the star of the show, but the luxurious packaging of this Mistral Soaps Lavender Bath Salt Tin is destined to be a minor celebrity in its own right.
They can be a symptom of a minor condition that is treated by a dermatologist, or they may be suggestive of something more serious.
In other cases, skin may be flat but firm or raised and shiny; it also bleeds easily after a minor disturbance.
Whether you're awakened by an intense itch or have a minor rash that's present after a night's sleep, you may be wondering if you have bedbugs.
However, you still need to pay attention, because all that code you see in the window is only a minor part of the whole theme.
With a lively arts district, a minor league hockey team and an active waterfront, this city draws many visitors from all over the country.