A-lot Sentence Examples
I think we've both had a lot on our minds lately.
Certainly she had been under a lot of stress.
They probably had a lot to discuss and most likely were not alone.
He had a lot of friends in Texas.
That's a lot of cocaine.
Alex is a lot like his father in some ways.
Getting a lot of good info out of this one.
I.ve got a lot to figure out.
In the beginning, she was simply sleeping a lot.
Considering her own feelings about Alex, and the fact that he was a lot like his father, it wasn't hard to imagine that his mother never got over Señor Medena.
AdvertisementShe's been sleeping a lot.
This would be a lot easier on my ATV.
Sleuthing mostly, but it didn't take me long to realize that most people give a lot away if you listen and observe profoundly.
There were a lot of trucks out there like his.
You come here a lot.
AdvertisementApparently he spent a lot of time on the back of a horse, riding his range in all kinds of weather - a fact that prompted more than one comment by townsfolk that he had wasted a good college education.
I'm getting reports from the recruitment team that a lot of their newly flagged Guardians are getting whacked as soon as they make the list, Damian said.
You've learned a lot but not everything.
Now, the son would have to deal with a lot of suppressed emotions regarding how he felt toward his father.
Actually, I would have thought it was a lot more - but then, he did pay cash for the house and clinic.
AdvertisementA person could change a lot in a few years, especially when they were that young.
You've got a lot of spunk, you know that?
I suspect I'd have a lot of young men to answer to if anything happened to you out here.
You've been through a lot.
I know, but there are a lot of people who don't understand.
AdvertisementMy husband did a lot of work fixing the settings on when Annie died and kept pushing Howie.
I tried to make a photographer out of my godson Billy, but I'm afraid at his age there are a lot more interesting things to do, and they all have female names.
It's a lot to tell.
As she watched Cora, Deidre began to think she'd missed a lot over the past few months despite trying to pay attention to the human world.
There's a lot more, isn't there?
I have a lot of trouble sleeping lately, probably because --
I've been spending a lot of time here working with it.
Any admission by her usually means a lot more than what she says.
It sounds like a lot of fun - and expensive.
That's a lot of heat for a lousy two or three million.
He's a lot like his father - in a LOT of ways, but don't tell him that.
I'm sure that had a lot to do with it - that and the connections.
Sometimes, but it's a long way to a restaurant and a lot of hassle to go.
He did a lot of researching before he talked to me.
He had a lot on his plate right now... the twins, his father and who knew what else?
From now on she'd have a lot more respect for the art of romancing.
You're Carmen, and that's a lot.
But their conversation... was an expression of love for a sibling – siblings that had apparently been through a lot together.
I'm still not sure why they did - maybe because they had recently lost a lot of their own people.
When I was taking care of Dad there wasn't time to take classes and he died owing a lot of money, so I had to sell the house.
But then, a lot of things had changed since that day.
It has a lot of character.
Well, he did spend a lot of time with his mother.
We have a lot of left-overs and Scruffy is getting ridiculously fat.
Cade's tone was a little startled and a lot amused.
He was a man who said little, but felt a lot.
His mother says there was a lot of experimental stuff done on him while he was out of it.
I've spent a lot of time discussing my past with my mother.
When I sleep normally, it takes a lot more than that to rouse me.
I've seen a lot of places and people in these visions but never anyone I knew.
I used them a lot over the years, not always to the FBI liking which didn't help my career but I found they often work.
It took a lot of soul searching to come to you.
Frankly, if you can convince him, it will take a lot of heat off me.
Yeah, but remember a lot of guys go in the joint and a lot of guys get out.
That covers a lot of bad guys.
There must be a lot of people answering a national tip line.
After is getting a lot of hits.
Four murders are getting a lot of interest but those are out of the question too.
There are a lot of misconceptions out there.
It was clear she'd overheard a lot of information and as I was fearful she might confide in someone else, I admitted to her that Howie was the person the world was seeking, the so-called psychic tipster.
I get a lot of phone calls from people snooping for more information but I tell them I print everything I know.
The kids dress a lot better here.
I'm not sure she knows the answer herself but a lot of marriages are built on far less.
We're all under a lot of pressure.
It's not a solution but it will help a lot more than doing nothing while this guy may be getting closer.
He wore a mask and spent a lot of time in the apartment.
Tell your dog you've got a lot of explaining to do.
I've been doing a lot of fishing, of both kinds this week.
We alerted the state police down there and now that the FBI is excited, there are a lot more eyes looking for him.
That garnered a lot of attention.
I can't say the same for Whiskers and Harry and a lot of you others.
I gave a lot of thought to that question because of all the fingers pointing at me.
I have to, because Damian's going to be gone for another week and a half, and then a lot of bad stuff is about to happen, but whatever.
I'm learning a lot.
There were a lot of tourists in town, probably for the autumn equinox, which drew people from around the world every year.
Jonny had entrusted her with a lot.
Lacy wore a skirt too short and tight for office wear, but when you're the boss … "I noticed you've been taking a lot of sick time lately," Lacy said as Sofia entered the room.
The drug wore off, leaving her in a dark fog, hot and sweating with a different kind of headache, the kind she got after taking a lot of Dr. Mallard's drugs.
There's a lot of blood.
Damian had a lot of cars, and she found the black BMW whose lights flashed when she clicked the key fob.
I've seen you around a lot the past couple of days.
That says a lot for someone, you know?
In an organization of less than five thousand, that's a lot.
She's a lot like you.
All you have to do is smile a lot and go kiss some babies.
Caleb and me—when he and his family stayed here at Bird Song—we played a lot together.
We're putting a lot of trust in what a little ten-year-old girl said, aren't we?
Someone went to a lot of trouble to set this up.
Bumpin' Bertha here doesn't make very good time but she's been getting the job done for a lot of years.
Bertha and I are a team, and she's a lot cheaper than renting one of those pricey new Jeeps.
In spite of all I said, his and Jen's baby has a lot better future than Billy Langstrom's.
It's a lot tough nine months of the year.
The land's as pretty as any place God ever created but that doesn't make it worth a lot of dollars and cents.
I think she'd be a lot less candid with you along.
I knew a lot more information that might help you.
There's a lot more to this business.
That list has to be a lot smaller than who disappeared sometime between 1890 and last month.
We've accomplished a lot and we certainly haven't forgotten our promise to you.
No. But there was a lot of blood.
There was a lot about some guy from here who turned up missing fishing over on the Gunnison River, but they just stopped mentioning it after a few weeks.
If not, she could do a lot more damage by accusing him of something he wasn't doing.
They shared a lot of dreams, the way Carmen and Alex did.
It was still her house and there were a lot of good memories attached to it.
The way he had rescued her from the dogs, and from the fox in the chicken house - yes, there were a lot of wonderful memories on this farm.
She had endured a lot with Josh.
Surely he's seen you in a lot less than that.
But then, a lot of women didn't suspect their husbands of... or was that only on TV?
He's put up with my attitude for a lot of years.
I've got a lot going on.
There are a lot of good people in the world.
I've heard a lot about you.
I've seen a lot during my years as a doctor.
He's helped me through a lot over the past few years.
She wanted to ask more about them and what happened after Death claimed someone, but it was a lot to deal with.
You have a lot of nerve.
You've done a lot of interfering for someone who believes in free will.
It takes a lot to prepare yourself to die, Gabriel, which you of all people should appreciate.
It's a lot to think about.
She was in a lot of trouble, but at least, if Wynn left, he'd tell Gabriel where to find her.
He.d lost a lot of blood.
We could do a lot together.
The rest is a lot to think about.
It really would mean a lot to me.
I like it a lot.
And I'll admit, a lot of these are you.
He has a lot on his shoulders.
I know it's a lot to ask after your … ordeal.
I guess I shouldn't be snoopy either, but we've had a lot of guests in the last six months and I've never felt this uncomfortable about any of the others.
We're running an inn and we see a lot of different people.
You can make fun of that stuff, but a lot of wild things happened around this old mining town a hundred years ago.
There are a lot of places where numbers follow other numbers.
He has a lot of experience in these matters.
With the ice climbing festival about to open a lot of the climbers are arriving early.
I haven't found any new replacement letters, but I've eliminated a lot of possibilities.
It would be a lot more successful.
I keep hearing the name 'Miss Worthington' a lot lately.
The mountains haven't changed and there are a lot of buildings still standing from the last century.
The business didn't stop, although there was a lot of talk in the newspapers about closing down all the bars and clubs.
I don't know why, but a lot of the dames let him.
There's a lot to do around here with Janet AWOL and a bunch of newly empty rooms.
Naw. He's bitching a lot about headaches, double vision and memory loss, and wants to see his own doctor but he ain't gonna die.
She sure gives a lot of detail, the borrowed knife, him looking up, her wearing a disguise.
It's a damn shame she's dead but so are a lot of things in life.
She needed a lot more than you could give her.
I was a cop for a lot of years.
There are a lot of questions about Edith Shipton I can't answer, but they don't make any difference.
He'd be taking a big risk and going to a lot of trouble just because I took a couple of swings at him.
It's a bit confusing and a lot of it's speculation on my part, but bear with me and I think I have enough of the answers to make some sense of what happened.
She was a lot like Annie.
You will be drinking a lot once you feel the effect.
I bet there are a lot more than that.
There was a lot of "oohing" and "ahhing."
Yeah, we've been through a lot together.
I guess I owe them a lot more than bread then.
No I'm not, I've just had a lot more practice.
That means a lot to me, I don't feel much like hunting though.
Yes, my metabolism is a lot faster than a human, so my temperature runs about a hundred and two degrees.
That's a lot of friggin' carving there.
Yes, I am going to need a lot of scotch, please.
This is going to be a lot more cumbersome than my usual costume.
If she were turning him willingly, it would be a lot easier for both of them.
I'm afraid they will know something is different about me and ask a lot of questions.
Yes, it means a lot to me.
Maybe the reality is a lot better than what you imagine.
I have a lot more in here.
Alex had a lot going for him.
You sound like you've given the idea a lot of thought.
But seriously, there are a lot of women who love men shorter than them.
It depends on heredity, what you feed them, time of the year and a lot of other factors.
Oh, there are a lot more breeds.
I mean, we grew up together, so we have a lot in common, but...
Thanks a lot for training him to hunt my chickens.
The truth is, you've been a lot of help to us.
We have a lot more reasons than that, don't we?
There are a lot of good men out there.
It's been a lot of work, but it's all beginning to pay off now.
I thought maybe yesterday... but I guess he had a lot on his mind.
No reason except the fact that she was losing a lot of sleep.
He's going to need a lot of stitches, but other than that, I think he's all right.
It's worth a lot to me, little sister.
We still have a lot to discuss.
There's a lot of shit going on over here.
There's a lot more going on than we expected.
Because he meant a lot more than she thought he should.
He'd had a lot of women throw themselves at him, most of them more interested in the genetically altered body that made him as good in bed as he was in battle.
And, the government chose to pursue the PMF rather than risk another civil war by going after people with a lot of influence and money.
She couldn't tell what was happening, but it seemed like there were a lot more guns in the fight than there had been a minute ago.
Greenie could've done a lot of damage with the Twelfth Army at his command.
Still a lot of us trying to deal with not having light at night or our favorite foods.
Were there a lot of them, I wonder?
Seems there are a lot of them along the river.
You helped a lot of people that way.
There are a lot of swamps in Arkansas, so just stick as close to the roads as you can.
Wow, Gabe. You're friend must've meant a lot to you.
She just drank a lot of vodka.
I'm not promising any miracles. We got a lot to do to prepare the world for Hazel.
The group homes were harder because there were a lot of kids living there and the kids were meaner than the adults.
I needed a lot of things.
This here case may be a lot more complicated than you think.
The circumstances have a lot to do with it too.
That would answer a lot of questions.
I thought about it a lot.
There's a lot more angles to this here caper—options we ain't touched on yet.
In any event, there's a lot of money missing and both sides are at war over it.
But it's a lot more than the money—pride's involved here.
Cleary looked a lot older.
No, Dean had a lot of difficulty getting busy.
Every time something starts to make sense, up pops ten other perfectly logical answers that make a lot more sense.
He opened the refrigerator but there was no more beer—only a lot of empty cans scattered around the room.
Vinnie started a lot of action.
It took a pot and a half of coffee and a lot of patience before Dean learned just how complicated the Scranton excursion and return trip had been.
But those rigs can go for a lot of dough.
But no, Fred O'Connor was a lot of things, but loose-tongued wasn't one of his failings.
Yeah. He calls a lot but I don't think Ma likes it—him being married and all.
He wanted something a hell of a lot stronger—a double bourbon and leave the bottle but he knew the return trip to Parkside lay before him.
Your husband is alive and has a lot of money.
There's a lot of damn fool crazies in the world, ain't there?
Ms. Nightingale murmured a room number and motioned down a hall crowded with bodies like the day after Gettysburg while white-coated figures strolled among the moaning, clip boards in hand With wide-eyed Fred following behind, Dean ran the gauntlet until he found the room, a small office packed with five men and a lot of smoke, three of them in Philadelphia Police uniforms.
The government was inclined to believe the nervousness was due to Arthur's need for a lot of money in a hurry.
You gotta admit, it gives me a lot better chance of checking out the crowds for Byrne.
And I spent a lot of time wondering why there weren't any fingerprints on a gun that had just been used by a guy not wearing gloves.
He needed a lot of dough in a hurry so he started putting the squeeze on everyone in sight, including Cynthia Byrne.
I have a lot more resources.
But I've got to say, this whole gig would have gone a lot smoother if you and the old man hadn't been so nosy.
I spoke with a lot of people who knew Jeffrey Byrne— Jonathan Winston didn't.
He was taking on a lot of responsibility – maybe more than he could handle.
It would take a lot of money to complete, but Alex had money.
Actually, Alex did look into her eyes a lot – and his gaze wandered over her face sometimes in a way that left her wondering what was on his mind.
Needless to say, we have a lot of work to do.
You're spending a lot of time over here now.
Then again, maybe he had given a lot of thought to her argument.
I can get a lot of stuff done here at the house, and I need to do some shopping.
It would take a lot of money to repair the roof and erase the water damage.
He must have had a lot of energy to keep up with two women.
Was it something that came natural to him, or did he have a lot of experience riding?
I just have a lot on my mind.
You and a lot of others have put a lot of work into it.
Ten thousand is a lot of money.
But then, Alex had spent a lot of nights alone.
In the first place, he didn't actually earn a lot of that money on his own.
That indicated his parents had a lot of faith in him.
I have a lot of paperwork from the clinic and from investments.
Sometimes it takes a long time and a lot of praying, but I'm living proof it can happen even after many years.
I can get there a lot faster by plane.
He said he'd get something to eat later because with the weather front coming through, there might be a lot of turbulence.
Learning which ones probably took experience – a lot of it.
There are a lot of people down here wondering what happened to you... and if you'll ever get back down this way again.
She and Alex spent a lot of time on that window seat, admiring their combined efforts and property.
It was a lot easier ... and final.
It brings back a lot of memories — some of them not so good.
He's a good looking man with money, and there are a lot of women out there who would jump at the chance to take him away from you.
You've had a lot on your mind lately.
That explained a lot of things, like why he had insisted she keep the farm in her name, and his anger that day in the barn.
It's just going to make me a lot more frustrated.
You must miss her a lot.
She was in a lot of pain before she passed away?
I'm hearing a lot of I's here.
That night she did a lot of thinking about the baby, Lori and Alex.
For a woman who adamantly insisted from childhood that she didn't want children, an infant was a lot of responsibility.
There are a lot of different paths I'm following.
It's a lot like love.
I've had a lot on mind.
There was a lot Sofi wasn't saying, this much he sensed.
There's a lot riding on the choices you make as the Grey God.
I meant to say, you probably know a lot more than I do because I've been with one woman only, he said when he'd swallowed.
I've got a lot to learn about being a dad.
You must have had a lot on your mind tonight.
Money means a lot to some people.
People assumed a lot about others.
Alex had endured a lot of embarrassment because of the relationship between his mother and biological father – and now this.
Yes. You helped me with my homework a lot.
Meaning she's had a lot of practice?
I suppose dancing that well would require a lot of practice.
Then you must have a lot of confidence in Gerald.
I didn't think I was being negative, but there's a lot to think about, Alex.
His complexion was dark for a blonde man, as if he spent a lot of time outside.
I see copperheads a lot around these bluffs.
They had learned a lot since they came, and they were obviously proud of it.
He's been through a lot and I haven't been the best influence.
It seems to me that Katie has a lot of influence on both of you.
He's had a lot on his mind lately.
She knew a lot about the safari animals, mentioning a few things that even Carmen didn't know.
Oh for …He has a lot of room to talk.
She still had a lot to settle with her father, and hopefully she wouldn't feel the need to hide in shame.
He had a lot on his mind.
Did Morino have a lot of money?
You thought a lot of your parents, didn't you?
She was the prettiest woman he'd ever seen – and he'd seen a lot of good looking women.
You could do a lot worse than Denton.
At first she had been infatuated with Denton, but in the last year she had learned a lot about him.
You two have a lot in common.
There's a lot to be said for experience.
Denton might have a lot of girls fooled, but she knew him too well.
Of course, a lot of people knew her on sight - people she didn't even know.
I think that takes a lot of guts.
After all, he was merely doing his job - playing out a part that probably meant a lot to his career.
Do a lot of people come here?
Gee, now I feel a lot better.
He seemed to know a lot about Arkansas.
I suppose it would be a lot of trouble to get ready, and you must be tired.
I haven't yet, but then you're used to heat a lot worse than this, aren't you?
You and Justin are seeing a lot of each other, aren't you?
We enjoy each other's company and we have a lot in common.
There are a lot of people in California who would pay dearly for a weekend or two away from the rat race.
Since she returned, she had a lot of time to think about things.
You two look a lot alike.
You're a lot alike, you know - you and Dad.
You've got a lot of guts, you know that?
Sounds a lot like you.
But she is a lot like you.
He's a lot more than that.
It says a lot about both of you.
It says a lot about me, not him.
It's a lot to take in.
Jonny took me to meet one who seemed to know a lot about the necklace.
While he was able to do a lot of things with his power, floating above the ground wasn't one of them.
No. It's a lot to take in, and don't you ever make a decision like that on my behalf again, without consulting me.
The rest of the continent gets a lot of rain so it can be considered well watered.
Some clue to this enigma might be found by asking a lot of questions.
The ceaseless movement of the two children in the car caused a lot of stress during the road trip.
There is also a clause which exempts from seizure for debt the homestead, not more than two hundred acres of land in the country, or a house of any value in a city or town on a lot or lots not exceeding five thousand dollars in value at the time of its designation as the homestead.
He did a lot of research so he is not confused by the enigma of the pain that comes with the disease.
A homestead consisting of a lot of land with one or more buildings, and properly designated as such in the office of the county clerk, but not exceeding $1000 in value, is exempt from forced sale so long as it is owned and occupied as a residence by a householder having a family or by a married woman, except to recover the purchase money, to satisfy a judgment obtained before it was designated as a homestead, or to collect taxes upon it.
This statement has a lot of ambiguity.
The Gautsch redistribution bill proposed to increase the number of constituencies from 4 2 5 to 455, to allot a fixed number of constituencies to each province and, within each province, to each race according to its numbers and tax-paying capacity.
Homesteads belonging to the head of a family and containing 80 to 160 acres (according to value) if in the country, or a lot of ¢ to one acre (according to value), if in town, village or city, are exempt from liability for debts, excepting liens for purchase money, improvements or taxes.
The family Bible, school books, a lot in a burying-ground and $500 worth of personal property are likewise exempt to any person who is entitled to a homestead exemption.
Convalescence usually takes a lot of time.
The family library, family pictures, school books, a seat or pew in a house of worship, a lot in a burial ground, necessary wearing apparel, a limited amount of furniture and household utensils, some of a farmer's domestic animals and agricultural implements, and the wages of a labouring man who is a householder are exempt from levy or distress.
In 1883 she was appointed special agent to allot lands to the Omaha tribes, in 1884 prepared and sent to the New Orleans Exposition an exhibit showing the progress of civilization among the Indians of North America in the quarter-century previous, in 1886 visited the natives of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands on a mission from the commissioner of education, and in 1887 was United States special agent in the distribution of lands among the Winnebagoes and Nez Perces.
They were much missed, but fifteen years elapsed before Sir James Graham (then home secretary) decided to allot a few constables in plain clothes for that purpose as a tentative measure.
Under the Allotments Acts 1887 to 1907, it is the duty of a county council to ascertain the extent to which there is a demand for Allot allotments in the urban districts and parishes in the county,.
And in three lots were all things divided, and each drew a lot of his own," and to me fell the hoary sea, and Hades drew the mirky darkness, and Zeus the wide heaven in clear air and clouds, but the earth and high Olympus are yet common to all."
You still excite me - a LOT.
Well, a horse was a lot of weight to handle, and it had been a long day of activity.
As they approached a large building, a lot of whooping and yelling could be heard beyond it.
He had gone to a lot of effort and expense to make this a moment for her to remember.
That was a lot of information to digest - information Alex could have provided years ago.
Considering her own feelings about Alex, and the fact that he was a lot like his father, it wasn't hard to imagine that his mother never got over Señor Medena.
It explained a lot about their troubled relationship and why Katie was so rebellious toward Alex in her youth.
He must have been suffering a lot in the last months, and afraid to say anything because it might make things worse.
It had a lot of information about authors, which made me think of her term, temperamental – as in artists.
We save a lot of money by pooling our rent.
We lost a lot of time waiting here.
Apparently the Indians had taught Bordeaux a lot about living off the land.