A-little Sentence Examples
I just want to sit here a little while.
Let's try a little of this.
I just turned my ankle a little.
Just give him a little time.
I suppose they're both a little artificial.
Maybe they were both a little wrong... and a little right.
Feeling a little better?
You're going a little fast.
Maybe a little noise would frighten the animal away.
You always look neat and clean - even if you are a little out of style.
AdvertisementI'll be fine after we rest for a little bit.
Maybe a little time to yourself is a good idea.
This is a little out of my league.
I actually felt a little sorry for her.
But you need to pamper yourself a little.
AdvertisementHe glanced at his mother and colored a little.
Give her a little time to accept the idea.
Can you hold lunch for a little bit?
Every time he lashes out at you and gets his nails clipped in the process, it erases a little more of that fear.
If you want to wait until I get off work, I'll try to leave a little early so we won't get back so late.
AdvertisementIt does sound a little eccentric, doesn't it?
As a matter of fact, the place could use a little sprucing up.
He was certainly mysterious, even a little eccentric, but... what did she know about the business?
I guess the evening was a little cold?
Don't you think it's a little soon?
AdvertisementStill, don't you think we should get to know each other a little better?
If we all treated you like one of the guys, wouldn't you be a little disappointed?
In fact, why not give them a little show?
She was confused and a little annoyed by a growing desire for a more serious relationship.
I've got a little ranch in Texas.
Things were moving a little fast.
We're close enough, and our camp sight will give us a little protection from the coming storm.
Maybe she could get a little rest while they waited.
With a little effort she located a canteen.
She flattened against the rock wall as she heard the horse scramble down into the ravine a little way down from her.
She opened the door to find a little Mexican boy holding a package.
Come on and I'll show you around a little before I turn in.
I'm trying to get everything caught up so I can spend a little time with Claudette.
His tone sounded a little alarmed, and she glanced up at him.
Are you feeling a little better?
Placing it in a little plate, he cut it up in small pieces.
The blue skirt and sweater were a little dressy for jail, but they'd no doubt give her some fashionable stripes to wear anyway.
I'll try not to get in the way, but everyone deserves a little time to themselves.
I hope you find this trip a little more comfortable than the last.
He wasn't going to give in until she ate a little crow.
Isn't it a little late to start worrying about that sort of thing?
Does that mean we can't indulge in a little innocent affection now and then?
Cade's tone was a little startled and a lot amused.
He was; maybe a little upset.
Martha stopped me upstairs a little later as I was coming out of my room.
I guess I'd like a little input from you guys, if you don't mind.
There was a little girl of about six or seven playing with a doll on the floor.
The watering-place of Royat lies a little more than a mile to the west.
After not a little hesitation, Hastings consented to allow the Company's troops to be used to further the ambitious designs of his Oudh ally, in consideration of a sum of money which relieved the ever-pressing wants of the Bengal treasury.
Just outside the south wall is a Roman necropolis, with massive tombs in masonry, and a Christian catacomb, and a little farther south a tomb in two stories, a mixture of Doric and Ionic architecture, belonging probably to the 2nd century B.C., though groundlessly called Dimensions in English feet.
They have a kind of short kilt, stiff, made of black wool, with a band from back to front between the legs; under this they wear short linen trousers, which come a little below the knee, and black woollen leggings with boots.
I'll be back in a little while, sweetheart.
They mingled with the guests a little longer and then Carmen excused herself.
We're running into a little turbulence from the storm.
We're probably all a little hypocritical at times - and we're all sinners, so I hear.
Are you blaming a little boy for what his mother did?
June leaped into July and Random gave birth to a little filly for Jonathan.
It's a little early, but twins tend to have their own schedule.
They needed to gain a little weight before they would be released from the hospital, though.
Allen had been drinking at the party a little more than usual.
Sure. We'll be in after a little bit.
You're a little spitfire, you know that?
His expression sobered and the blue eyes lost a little of their warmth.
Suit yourself, but personally, I think it would be good for you to get out a little.
She glanced around, a little disoriented.
She put the offending foot on the ground, tentatively applying a little weight, clamping a hand over her mouth to stop the cry of pain.
She stayed around the house, propping her foot up whenever she sat down, and by evening it was only a little sore.
She headed for her room and a little rest before supper.
Where were you a little while ago?
When he opened the glove box, I was sure he'd come out with a gun, but he had a little tablet instead.
You just have to work at it a little at a time.
She returned his scowl with a little rancor.
Of course, a little make-up and the right clothes could do wonders - which was a good way to wind up straying off the path she had mapped before she left home.
Of course, Brandon was a little old for mama to be fussing over him.
Davis, don't you think you're a little old for her?
Feeling a little hurt by his apparent disinterest, she picked up her plate and started cleaning up the camp.
But aren't you a little concerned about what people will say?
The adults were off someplace and we got a little drunk, I guess.
Peabody was two hundred and thirty miles and we arrived at our destination a little after eleven on Friday night, after nearly six hours of steady traffic.
Everyone tried a little conciliation.
She's such a little beauty I can hardly wait for the sun to set.
Do nothing for the time being but perhaps consider instituting a little misdirection in the future.
She's such a little fraidy cat but I shan't be able to keep her much longer.
Once inside, he found the child sleeping alone in her room; a little princess, he called her.
We deserve a little privacy, especially Howie; he's under the most pressure.
I enjoyed it last September until I became bored; I even had a little friend, as I recall.
It's a shame I don't have a little princess to lay to rest along its pristine shore.
I surely deserve the comfort of a little friend to sooth my troubled mind.
For everything... for how I handled the police-guy, for making Julie stay just a little bit longer, for chasing off Martha and Quinn...
Maybe he's grown up and changed; God knows I have but back in the day, he was a little piss head, always getting in fights, picking on little kids.
I'm a little tired of making other people's decisions for them.
Still feel a little tired.
You could try a little more not to scare me so much.
He's a little confused.
We're gonna have a little talk, then we'll see who gets to kill who.
You look like a little angel.
Any time Alex didn't mind when she brought up Josh, it left her a little nervous.
I almost plucked a little beauty from a nearby tent the other night as her parents partied with other campers several yards away.
It's all a little scary but I helped by getting Howie to go to sleep.
I'll do a little prowling around to sort out the players before I strike.
She doesn't have to speak; just give you a little security.
Their house was lonely, and a little scary without them.
I answered with all the right words though I was not just a little annoyed.
I think you and I need to have a little sit-down.
She walked the length of the wing and felt the feeling fade a little.
She tightened her grip around him, and he was amused to think of himself as any sort of comfort to anyone, let alone a little human like her.
The images in her mind were of a little boy dying in the street, of Jake's death, of the deaths of many others.
This might hurt a little.
Can I have a little fun first?
Can I have a little time?
It gave her a little bit of peace, knowing she wasn't solely at the mercy of the outlaw.
She was almost angry enough with Wynn to wish he'd stayed here just a little longer.
You're going to have a little grandchild, that's what you'll have.
If he could hit a little white ball, he'd be a legend in the 'hood!
Once we have a sheriff's salary coming in, maybe we can add a little to their budget—until they get settled.
I'm a little busy with real law enforcement.
Boys, we're getting a little loud here.
We're putting a lot of trust in what a little ten-year-old girl said, aren't we?
I guess I'm even a little bit excited by the challenge.
She let out a little gasp and clutched her husband's hand.
The auction crowd could wait a little longer for his chauffeuring gig.
The other four trunks displayed like goods—a moth-eaten gorilla suit, two bloody collections of dresses, and an outfit Dean supposed Frankenstein wore when he went out for a little nightlife.
He asked, just to toss a little more chum in the water, "What happened to your mother?"
It's a little sordid and not undeserved, but I must say, it's plausible.
She reached over, extending her hand to Cynthia, a wide smile on her face and a little kid look that said she was absolutely thrilled at the prospect of the upcoming trip.
Yeah, well, I suppose it's a little tough in the winter.
All we were trying to do is respond to a little girl's wishes and find out the identity of the skeleton she found.
You're a little light on free time yourself.
There was polite applause, a little less then followed Fitzgerald's words, or so thought Dean.
I might need a little of that as well, but mostly I'm trying to track down a guy named Josh who worked in mining in Ouray back in the 1960's.
Dean was happy at a little time away from Bird Song.
How could you let a little girl be alone with a convicted criminal long enough to be kidnapped?
I had my fun kicking a little butt with the boys, but enough is enough—I have a business to run back home.
Here. This is a little something by way of thanks.
As soon as Dean said it, he realized he had been a little too hasty with his request.
But the gun is a little frightening, Dean said.
As someone accustomed to being in control of her world, she needed a little more time before she was ready to face him.
We were both a little emotional at the time.
We're going to make a little deal, the three of us.
Alex selected a clean towel from the things he had brought to the barn and waited a little longer.
When the mare began pushing again, he pulled down gently, twisting the foal a little.
She'll get up in a little bit.
At first she thought he might have been a visitor of the other man in the room, but the family said he had asked for Alex, and had stayed with him for a little while.
They talked a little longer and then Lori left.
Such a little thing, and yet it seemed so monumental.
Then a little bit ago he wrote something on a little tablet and I looked at it.
They visited for a little while and then Alex placed a hand over the wound.
Maybe her "hard to get" act wasn't working, so she was trying something a little more direct.
There was nothing wrong with Katie's figure except that she was a little over weight.
Maybe he needs a little shock therapy to bring him back.
And yet, if he had to do a little romancing to score, maybe he would – if he still knew how.
Now that he's not, maybe I'll have to be a little more assertive.
To him it was innocence – a little like every time being the first time.
The idea of teasing him with her body was a little frightening, but if that was what it took...
You've always been a little sweet on me, haven't you?
We've known for a little over a week.
That he'd grown a little more thoughtful and a little less reactive in how he handled adversity impressed Gabe.
This might take me a little while.
Deidre drank more of the brandy, until it stopped burning her throat, and the world grew a little less sharp around the edges.
It was comfortable, like a little cave where she could hide.
After all she'd been through lately, she couldn't help feeling a little wary.
There was a little too much outside interference.
As sweet as she is, I almost wish I'd given her something a little less lethal.
He was a little resentful of the time she spent with the other boys.
She hadn't intended not to return to Wynn's, but the idea of keeping him safe, too, made her feel a little less guilty about sneaking out on him.
At one point, she thought he cared for her a little.
The air felt a little heavier around her as he spoke, compelling her attention to him.
There are strings attached to anyone raised from the dead-dead, but these are of no concern to a deity like they might be to a little human like you.
He found himself lingering, wanting to feel a little less alone.
She's just a little human.
Assume I never knew this underworld existed before a little over a week ago.
Just say yes, you'll do anything for your friend, and I'll spare him a little longer.
He wished Andre had stuck around a little longer, so he could.ve asked him what to do.
You.ve always been a little melodramatic, Katherine.
You can say it—she turned out a little rough around the edges!
Despite telling her he wouldn.t, he dropped into her thoughts to feel a little closer to her and was surprised to find she was packing to leave.
One counter was still standing next to the refrigerator tucked in a corner, and he swept the broken glass from the top to create a little work space.
I.ll come back in a little bit.
We're going out in a little bit.
Their traditions are a little different.
Her thoughts went to the prisoner, and she wondered if she'd see him again if she stayed a little longer.
Kiera was more than a little surprised when he raised his sword for what would have been a death blow.
She'd known her friend to be a little arrogant, but this was something different.
Wasn't that a little brash?
Late October was a little slow.
I felt such a strong urge to dress up in this, like a little girl trying to be someone she isn't—fishing in an attic trunk.
I just had dinner and the service was a little slow.
If the old man was going to sulk, Dean thought, might as well get it out in the open and allow him to vent a little steam.
I'm getting to know my guy a little more each day.
If you have a problem, just wait a little while and ask Annie yourself.
Just exercise a little caution, have patience, good equipment and lots of common sense.
You're on a belayed line that is passed under one thigh and over the opposite shoulder so that it can be paid out, nice and smooth, a little at a time....
I think he's carrying his ministry a little too far and he's already a married man.
Now that you're going to make a little money on those gold coins, added to what you took in on that Flotsam Electronics stock last June, maybe you should consider seeing the light and turning Republican.
I'd love to have a little baby.
If Dean had given any thought to how that statement sounded before he opened his big fat mouth, he would have practiced a little restraint and kept it shut.
That ought to count for something, give us a little leeway.
I thank my God that I too had you, if only for a little while.
I been giving that matter a little thought too.
I'm just a little up tight.
Mrs. Shipton was packaged a little loosely to start with, so the white dress and her being pregnant and all just pushed her all the further.
Janet, with an out-of-character burst of loquaciousness asked, Miz Dean, I got a little problem.
And a little while later the police were all over the place.
Maybe he wanted to dump a little do-do on your parade...pretend like you were trying to kill him.
Later the same morning, Dean took advantage of the cold but clear day for a little biking.
He's going to meet me later after he gets in a little ice climbing.
All she was wearing was her underwear a little while later when she ran up the stairs when Edith's body was discovered.
Buying fountain pen ink now-a-days is a little tricky.
I just want a little more time to bask in the beauty that perhaps I'm carrying a life.
Making his way to the first floor, Jackson noticed he was feeling weary from all this drama, and also a little hungry.
All would be said and done within fifteen minutes then, but damn, did he not deserve a little fun after being the go-to guy for everyone today?
Jackson had taken her elbow, mostly to move her along a little faster.
Jackson leaned back a little and clasped his hands behind his head.
Oh, I guess I am a little sleepy.
Maybe I could rally for a little nightcap after all.
He knew it was not, but wanted to make her squirm a little for breaking her promise.
Jackson actually began to feel a little respect for the guy.
Jackson felt a little disappointed that Connor left.
I wouldn't mind a little massage therapy, if you know what I mean.
Should I go find a little afternoon delight or kill some time here and wait for tonight?
Just when they were getting a little tipsy and their inhibitions were taking a walk, but before they were slurring their words.
Jackson felt a little more at ease.
Jackson glared at him as Sarah said, "Jackson is having a little trouble deciding what to wear on his date."
In that case, why don't you tell me a little about her?
He looked down at her feet, and after noting she wore sneakers said, "You up for a little hike first?"
He wanted to tell her all he felt, but knew he had pushed a little too far already today.
He added a little tequila this time, and the absence of the plastic improved the taste more than he expected.
Jackson had never been so happy, and at ease, and she loved Connor with all her heart, yet she was a little sad, feeling they were growing apart.
He had evidently decided to hang back a little longer.
Would you mind coming a little early Friday?
Just a little overwhelmed I guess.
Some guy, who obviously had more interest in her than the art, got a little touchy-feely.
Hey, Skippy, looking a little peaked there.
No, not at all, just a little crazy I think.
You okay for a little bit?
I'm sorry, guess I'm just a little tired.
I'm afraid you'll have to be a little more specific.
By the time they left for Bourbon Street, Sam was a little tipsy.
Well, she wants to do a little research to see if she can find an explanation.
That has me a little rattled.
He opened the door and slowly approached the sofa, then sat at the end, a little away from the wolf's head.
He backed up a little and arched his brow.
Sarah sighed, "Could you please show a little tolerance?"
They had almost finished their drinks when the pretty bartender leaned over, a little closer than necessary, displaying her ample cleavage.
Jackson and Elisabeth led the newlyweds outside as Jackson explained, This is a little late.
Elisabeth said, The car is more for Connor, so we decided to get you a little something of your own.
She sat next to him, a little too close.
Are you feeling a little better now?
Sarah noticed it a little while ago.
Great. A little tingly, like my senses are heightened somehow.
Who'd think mighty-might would let a little thing like a boyfriend stop him.
Don't you think it's a little late to back out now?
See you in a little while.
For a little while there I was afraid I might have to go for help.
He got the car because he wanted to do a little sightseeing while he was here.
Don't you think that's getting a little melodramatic?
Don't issue orders to me like I'm a little boy.
Maybe Alex had knocked a little sense into him.
There was certainly nothing here to hold him, and a little country hick would be the last female he would consider seriously.
I thought we might have a chance to talk a little.
In a little while you'll be gone.
Or maybe they wanted you to stay in the hospital a little longer so they could enjoy some peace and quiet while you're away.
Even when I was a little girl.
When had he stopped viewing her as a little sister?
His voice was gentle, and yet it seemed a little pensive.
I just caught a little cold, that's all.
Her heart was pounding for a man who didn't think of her as anything more than a little sister.
Coming from a liberated woman like you, that sounds a little strange.
I've heard a few women claim they believed that, but it's a little hard to believe, in this day.
And run through the fields like a little filly.
That did sound a little vain.
This time the car he rented was a little white 4-door car.
Touching, but don't you think your concern is a little belated?
Don't you think that's a little sudden?
Carmen pushed the beans around on her plate a little more and wished she were anywhere but here.
She stepped back, trying to take the electricity out of the air with a little humor.
I have every intention of marrying Alex, and I'm ready and willing to face a little competition.
What she needed was a little of that stuff she had been pitching at Josh... trust.
The conversation was moving a little fast.
It seems we were all a little lost.
Her legs were a little wobbly, and she waited for them to steady her.
His nearness was comforting, his body warmth making her feel a little less cold.
Even so, she wasn't going to last long among the roughnecks in his camp if she didn't toughen up a little.
It's a little different.
You can ask in a little bit, after you eat.
The ache of loss had faded a little over the past two weeks, but she still cried herself to sleep at night.
By the time Lana caught up, he'd had been lured into one of the buildings by a little girl with a handful of uncooked rice.
I'm going someplace quiet for a little while, he replied.
I can't imagine killing an angel is any better than killing a little boy.
Toby's heart somersaulted in his breast, and he tried hard to reach the depths of the powers that would be his when he was just a little older.
Mama took it a little better. She didn't cry.
He couldn't help thinking his mama had been a little tougher when she found out about the Immortals.
In truth, it might not have altered my decision, but it's a little late for holding millennia-old grudges, Kris explained.
I had a little bit of make-up and was trying to decide how much to put on.
I fiddled with it a little bit, dragging it back and forth.
We'd have a little wine when we had something to celebrate and once in a while a beer in the summer.
He rocked back in his chair and added, There was a little shindig for the marketing guy—Fletch Brunell.
Their case was weak, but they had a strong feeling they had the right man and with a little work could put it together.
By the way, I'm free to ride down to Norfolk on Friday if you want a little company.
I remembered your mentioning the perfect attendance—how your son and husband had a little bet going but his personnel record shows he took a day off, on the fourth of March.
Just imagine being a little mouse in the corner, seeing who shows up, what they have to say about you.
You got yourself a little tin badge.
You go up and take a little nap.
After offering condolences for Randy's father, Dean added, "It's a little early for a Saturday night, isn't it?"
But I've been a little out of sorts lately.
He came in a little after us, early.
Your buddy is being a little coy but he's hung around the wrong people long enough to pick up some information.
Things are a little hectic around here planning for the memorial service next week.
I'm on a new case now, and things are a little confusing.
I don't know if you noticed, but I have a little hearing problem.
At first he paid a few days late but I had a little talk with him and he's straightened out nicely.
Real bikers weren't bothered by a little rain, he tried to tell himself, but the car radio spoke of a storm system moving up from the south, bringing with it high winds and torrential rain.
She laughed aloud at his reaction, a little too loudly, quickly covering her mouth as other diners glanced her way.
Cynthia Byrne needed a little time on her own before he barged back into her world.
Maybe he forgot he had it on—him being a little sloshed and all.
We all drink a little too much once in a while.
You just fell asleep a little early.
He and I are taking a little vacation trip to Maryland before he assumes his new life and disappears.
Fred was being consoled by Mrs. Abernathy or some other of his lady friends so Dean spent the evening alone with the sound of a little early Nat King Cole trio, vintage forties.
We still have to wait a little while and there are lots of details to iron out, but Ms. Rosewater says it looks positive.
You could show a little compassion.
Occasionally a little breeze puffed in but it was more of an annoyance than a help, scattering papers and patience in a hot breath of sweat and exhaust.
You can't be blamed if I keep doing a little snooping, independent like.
You need an identity—papers in your name—charge accounts, a bank where you can feed in a little money at a time, a driver's license, all that stuff.
I had a little seat on the back for Randy and he loved it.
You're the only man besides my husband and maybe some doctors who's ever seen me naked—at least since I was a little girl!
Dean felt more than just a little fuzzy and decided to call it a night.
Dean felt a pang of guilt for not putting the day to better use but figured he deserved a little time off to reconnoiter.
Stay a little while, please?
She needed someone who would listen and understand a little.
It's just a little family argument!
He called a little while ago too.
Dean said, a little too loudly, just as the waitress arrived with the ginger ales.
This gang of us came down from Boise together and some of them are getting a little rowdy—you know, into funny pills and stuff—shit like that?
Sometimes I come on a little too strong—half the time I don't know myself if I'm kidding or serious.
So, let's dream a little!
Then we started hearing all this nonsense about Byrne until it got us wondering if there might be something to it, so we did a little detecting ourselves.
All I'd need is a little DNA and Byrne would certainly be cooperative.
We may shmuck around the facts a little and lie when we threaten him but we're still the good guys, remember?
Then all three of us will take a little ride up the mountain.
Lori's past was a little too liberal for such a conservative family.
I'm still a little stunned.
He's a little over protective at times, but he means well.
There were pets, though - cats and a little Cocker Spaniel that died two weeks after Mom died.
Grabbing the rope, she pulled it back a little way from the creek.
Other than that, she was short and a little underweight.
He didn't want to marry a little girl.
Things were a little slow this afternoon and Dr. Worthington offered to stay.
You need a little down time.
He thought she was bending a little.
Yeah, well maybe we can do a little bargaining.
They looked a little thin to her, and their fur looked shaggy.
I just ate a little bit ago, but the coffee sounds nice.
They decided to kiss again... and then again – a little longer.
His expression indicated he might be a little annoyed.
What difference did it make if they jumped the gun a little?
As she watched his back, it occurred to her that he definitely was not slight of build – maybe a little thin.
How about something a little closer – say, Galveston?
The door opened a little and Katie reprimanded Alex.
Surprisingly, the idea was more than a little intimidating.
It's a little early for that, isn't it?
I'd say it was a little late.
About ten in the morning he announced he was going to the clinic for a little while.
He's working a little late tonight, but he should be home any minute now.
She played with the lamb for a little while longer, unconcerned when both straps fell.
She was over two weeks late for her menstrual cycle and felt a little nauseous.
Surprisingly, the chicken wasn't tough, though it was a little greasy.
It can wait a little longer.
Katie said that Bill was a little lost at first, but eventually got the hang of taking care of the babies.
She turned the fire off and poured a little water into the cast-iron skillet to keep it from sticking.
I saw him with a little blond girl at lunch yesterday.
I'm up to a little adventure.
He looked a little pale.
They're gentle, but one misplaced foot could cripple a little thing like you.
Princess is getting a little close to her due date.
Maybe having a little time to think about it had calmed him down.
Not a little doll to change and bathe.
You had a little accident.
He'll be back in a little while.
The doctor will be in to talk to you in a little while.
She breathed a little easier.
I thought maybe a little time here might be good for him.
For a little while, she even forgot about the fear, but as they rose from the window seat, her gaze was drawn back to the chair.
There isn't any law against hitting your wife a little now and then.
There's nothing more we can do but give them a little privacy.
He gets a little caught up in the role of head of the household, and becomes a parental figure as well.
She struggled with the decision a little longer and then blurted it out.
I'm a little rattled.
She needed a little sleep while the vamps were out hunting.
You throw down now, we'll have us a little talk, and you've got no escape plan.
I just need a little time to think.
Whatever it was he knew, he needed her around a little longer.
She's so cute, and Jonathan looks like a little man.
Carmen was a little disappointed, though.
I was afraid you would miss it all, but I was glad to hear you decided to spend a little more time with your father.
All you need is a little confidence.
You need to do a little target practice too.
A slit ran down the side from a little above her knee.
She leaned against a pine tree, her gaze falling on a little green snake with stripes on it.
They talked for a little while longer and then she announced that she had to bury Brutus, but she would meet them at the stable in a couple hours for the first ride.
Aaron seemed to be a little wary of the bison, which wasn't altogether a bad thing.
That was best until the men gained a little confidence riding.
Yes, but I think Gerald is a little worse for wear.
They talked for a little while and then Carmen set up an interview time for that afternoon.
We have a little over 160 acres, but we aren't using all of it right now.
Wasn't that a little childish?
I was just having a little fun.
That was a little more than she could do at the moment, but she could be supportive.
Don't you think it's a little late to come to my rescue now – or is there some other reason you're asking?
I thought you acted a little strange, but …" "It's alright," Carmen said.
Maybe it would help if they spent a little time alone.
This was a place she'd like to spend a little time alone.
I guess I'll read this for a little while before I go to bed.
Oh. I suppose the atmosphere is a little depressing around here right now.
Later, after the children had gone to bed and they were enjoying a little time reading, he closed his book and looked at her.
I finished everything a little early.
If he wanted her to have faith in him, he'd best show a little in her.
Was she, and would she be willing to spend a little time with a stranger?
Her smile was sweet and a little shy.
Everybody gets a little nervous as the wedding date approaches.
Have a little faith in yourself.
Oh Dad, I'm not a little girl any more.
I suppose it's getting a little embarrassing now.
To tell you the truth, I think they're a little reluctant to sell it.
His gaze softened a little.
Maybe she was getting a little tense.
Don't you think that's a little extravagant?
She breathed a little easier as she drove through the town that was little more than a wide spot in the road.
Dad, this phone is inside a little country store and the lady that works here said it would be all right to give you this number.
An occasional sharp high bark soon revealed the source as a little gray squirrel.
Could you show me that again - a little to the left.
She worked her way toward a little yellow flower and leaned down to examine it.
Good, maybe it would cool things down a little.
I was beginning to wonder there for a little bit, too.
She would take a little nap and then wake him later.
Let him worry a little more.
Maybe Santa will put a little extra something in his stocking this year.
She did a little shopping and drove home, humming a tune.
Maybe there would be time for a little fun after all.
Maybe it was a little dangerous, but I couldn't just sit in the cabin and ignore her.
One minute they seemed to be driving in the middle of nowhere, and then they would come into a little town.
Still, the conversation was getting a little too familiar.
It was tempting to untie the twine from her waist and wander a little further, but the forest was too confusing.
It sounded like he was getting a little lost in his part.
Now that we've severed that umbilical cord, why don't I show you around the woods a little?
It was bad enough that she probably smelled, but the warmth from his body combined with the excitement of his proximity left her feeling a little nauseous.
You'd find out it was a little cold for a bath.
I was doing a little dream improvement.
Well, that would be a little drastic, but it wouldn't hurt us to use some alternate methods to pest control.
He was still a little dazed.
Her knock stimulated a little noise inside and he opened the door.
You've got a little too much pride, yourself.
Only you came up a little short.
I know you a little better now.
Jessi waited to see if she'd wake up instead of standing in the hallway, being threatened by a kid a little older than Brandon.
He was a little lost, like they had been after their lives were uprooted by their parent's deaths.
Humans are a little different.
This time, his eyes seemed to glow a little more.
It's a little creepy to have someone like that around.
It's a little disconcerting.
She could avoid reality for a little longer.
I'm a little too old to teach to fight.
Back at the quiet Texas compound, where the early evening and open space made her feel a little less trapped by her situation.
For a year the person who gave me this portrait sat with me every night at a little table and lived by the same work.
It owes not a little to the attractions of its site.
The population was at that time a little over 300,000; public security and education were alike lacking, and there were considerable animosities between different parts of the island.
From about 1550 onwards the Zimbabwe generally referred to by Portuguese writers was at a spot a little north of the Afur district, not far from the Zambezi.
In 1483-5486 Giuliano della Rovere (nephew of Pope Sixtus IV., and afterwards himself Pope Julius II.) caused the castle to be erected by Baccio Pontelli, a little to the east of the ancient city.
It is navigable for steamers to a point a little above the mouth of the Great Zab, about 30 m.
From a little above the confluence of the Great Zab downward, the banks of the river are absolutely uninhabited, and the river flows through a desert until Tekrit is reached.
Here the palm groves begin also, and from this point to a little beyond Bagdad the shores of the river are well cultivated.
It is also a considerable market for horses, cattle and grain, and there is a little boat-building and salt and sail-cloth manufacture.
Its chief town and the residence of the governor used to be Joshekan-Kali, a large village with fine gardens, formerly famous for its carpets (kali), but now the chief place is Maimeh, a little city with a population of 2500, situated at an elevation of 6670 ft., about 63 m.
The chief authority for Madame de Longueville's life is a little book in two volumes by Villefore the Jansenist, published in 1738.
The site of the ancient Argentomagus lies a little to the north.
In planting, the tops of the bulbs should be kept a little above ground, and it is a commendable plan to draw away the soil surrounding the bulbs when they have got root-hold.
The public praise used to be led by an individual called the "precentor," who occupied a box in front of, and a little lower than, the pulpit.
Evidence of this is to be found in the altitudes of the stations on the Buenos Aires and Pacific railway running a little north of west across the pampas to Mendoza.
In the extreme north a little over a degree and a half of territory lies within the torrid zone, extending from the Pilcomayo about 500 m.
In January 1535 he entered the river Plate, where he followed the northern shore to the island of San Gabriel, and then crossing over he landed by a little stream, still called Riachuelo.
Hind foot long and narrow, mainly composed of the strongly developed fourth toe, terminating in a conical pointed nail, with a strong pad behind it; the first toe represented by a rudimentary metatarsal; the remaining toes completely developed, with claws, but exceedingly slender; the united second and third reaching a little way beyond the metatarso-phalangeal articulation of the fourth; the fifth somewhat shorter.
The number of students attending lectures is about 2500 and the annual income a little over £ioo,000.
The returns from the copper fields in the state are at present a little over half a million sterling per annum, and would be still greater if it were not for the lack of suitable fuel for smelting purposes, which renders the economical treatment of the ore difficult; the development of the mines is also retarded by the want of easy and cheaper communication with the coast.
The total value of tin produced in Australia is nearly a million sterling per annum, and the total production to the end of 1905 was £22,500,000, of which Tasmania produced about 40%, New South Wales one-third, Queensland a little more than a fourth.
During the same year in which De Torres sailed through the strait destined to make him famous, a little Dutch vessel called the " Duyfken," or " Dove," set sail from Bantam, in Java, on a voyage of discovery.
The great navigator and his crew, unacquainted with the character of the Australian aborigines, were not a little astonished that these natives took no notice of them or their proceedings.
Mr Stuart, in 1862, made his third and final attempt to traverse the continent from Adelaide along a central line, which, inclining a little westward, reaches the north coast of Arnheim Land, opposite Melville Island.
The inhabitants of these islands support themselves by seafaring, pilotage, grazing of cattle and sheep, fishing and a little agriculture, chiefly potato-growing.
His literary talent, though mainly employed in journalism, was also shown in a little volume of verses, Poems of a Life (1884).
He died a little later, probably in 84 B.C.
The two first of these three are handsome suspension bridges; the third, an iron structure, replaced a wooden bridge of many arches which was closed in 1881, after standing a little over a century.
At Rome he saved a little money, and embarked on some mercantile enterprise, probably abroad.
This result was apparently confirmed by some independent experiments, but it Is very far from the truth, for it is now known that the actual ratio, or factor as it is commonly called, of the velocity of the wind to that of the cups depends very largely on the dimensions of the cups and arms, and may have almost any value between two and a little over three.
In art he generally appears as a little pot-bellied old man, with a snub nose and a bald head, riding on an ass and supported by satyrs; or he is depicted lying asleep on his wine-skin, which he sometimes bestrides.
It collects nearly all the drainage of the Udaipur plateau with that of the eastern slopes and hill-tracts of the Aravallis, and joins the Chambal a little beyond the northeastern extremity of the Bundi state, after a course of about 300 m.