A-hole Sentence Examples
He comes in through a hole in the floor.
She scraped bones from a plate into a hole she had dug in the sand.
I can't see you in the rain digging a hole for a toaster.
It was different than the other portals; there were no doors visible through this one, just a hole in the world.
There were no doorways, just a hole.
It looks like a hole in the ground that hasn't been touched in thirty years or more.
Absent one of those gizmos to see around corners or a newspaper with a hole in it to held high like all the really cool spies do, Dean tried the direct approach.
Any clue how a hole in the ground equates to an evil soul?
Their attempt to dig a hole to the underworld failed, but at least they'd stemmed the flow of souls.
He motioned toward a hole in the wall, and he and Jade and Ileana trailed her out of the destroyed building.
AdvertisementKris.s gaze burned a hole in his back, but Rhyn ignored him.
He.d find a way to deal with the loss that ate a hole through his body.
It was as his father had told him, as if the suns burned a hole straight through his head and the ground beneath him shook.
A'Ran's penetrating gaze nearly burnt a hole through her shoulder blades.
Are you going to fill us in or just keep rocking until you wear a hole in the porch?
AdvertisementBrady approached the five soldiers in urban gray tactical suits crowded around the small box with a hole still smoking from a hit by a wayward laser bullet.
Charlie's next laser shot glanced off the top of the rock, searing a hole through it.
One step in a hole and she could lie out here mortally wounded with no one to know.
Jenn stared at them numbly then dug a hole in front of the monument with shaking fingers.
Sadness had long since waned, leaving only a hole that'd never be filled.
AdvertisementThe Watcher led her to a hole in the back of a tunnel, and they emerged in a sunny, warm world.
Working with a mattock and shovel, she began digging a hole.
His remark punctured a hole in her thin armor and she exploded, slamming the papers onto her desktop so hard that one of the pages floated to the floor.
When close to he was detected, but he had time to drive the steam launch over the baulks and to explode the torpedo against the "Albemarle" with such success that a hole was made in her and she sank.
It is a sack-like tunic of white linen, with narrow sleeves and a hole for the head to pass through, and when gathered up round the waist by the girdle (cingulum) just clears the ground.
AdvertisementThere is a hole in the webframe which smoothly fits the larger cylinder at /3', and another which similarly fits the smaller cylinder at -y'.
Birds possess an ear-muscle which at least acts as a tensor tympani; it arises near the occipital condyle, passes through a hole into the tympanic cavity, and its tendon is, in various ways, attached to the inside of the membrane and the neighbouring extracolumellar processes.
The log should be washed in fresh water when practicable, to prevent oxidization of the wheels, and be lubricated with suitable oil through a hole in the case.
In the simplest and crudest method, as practised in Sicily, a mass of the ore is placed in a hole in the ground and fired; after a time the heat melts a part of the sulphur which runs down to the bottom of the hole and is then ladled out.
Other webspinning spiders (Tegenaria) have somewhat similar habits; and the male of the park-web spider (Atypus), one of the Mygalomorphae, taps the walls of the tubular web of the female before daring to bite a hole in it and descend into her burrow.
Only occasionally is light let in to mitigate the horror of the gloom, and then not so much through a window as through a hole.
The tunica, a loose sack-like tunic with a hole for the head, was the innermost garment worn by all classes of Roman citizens under the republic and empire.
The image of the sun thrown upon a screen at a distance exceeding 66 ft., through a hole in.
The paenula, which was the garment most commonly worn, especially by soldiers when engaged on peace duties, was an oblong piece of cloth with a hole in the centre for the neck; a hood was usually attached to the back.
The effect of an external circulation of vortex motion on the motion of a cylinder has been investigated in § 29; a similar procedure will show the influence of circulation through a hole in a solid, taking as the simplest illustration a ring-shaped figure, with uniplanar motion, and denoting by the resultant axial linear momentum of the circulation.
The sap is collected in spring, just before the foliage develops, and is procured by making a notch or boring a hole in the stem of the tree about 3 ft.
In the best-known form a plumbago crucible was used with a hole cut in the bottom to receive a carbon rod, which was ground in so as to make a tight joint.
Horadada Islet, with a hole through it, is to the south of Callao Point.
In an earlier form the image is thrown upon a vertical thin paper screen and viewed through a hole in the back of the camera.
The roof was thatched, and perhaps had a gable at each end with a hole to allow the smoke of the wood fire to escape.
The part in greatest favour among hunters is the hump, which, if cut off whole and roasted just as it is in the skin, in a hole dug in the ground, would, I think, be difficult to match either for juiciness or flavour."
If, however, we employ a hollow sphere and let the stem pass through a hole in the side larger than itself, and attach the end to the interior of the sphere, then leakage cannot take place.
The female makes her nest of moss, dried leaves and grass in the hollow of a tree, but sometimes in a hole among rocks or ruined buildings, and produces several young at a birth, usually from four to six.
Among objects used are a pool of ink in the hand (Egypt), the liver of an animal (tribes of the North-West Indian frontier), a hole filled with water (Polynesia), quartz crystals (the Apaches and the Euahlayi tribe of New South Wales), a smooth slab of polished black stone (the Huille-che of South America), water in a vessel (Zulus and Siberians), a crystal (the Incas), a mirror (classical Greece and the middle ages), the finger-nail, a swordblade, a ring-stone, a glass of sherry, in fact almost anything.
The pan, about two-thirds filled with the " pay dirt " to be washed, is held in the stream or in a hole filled with water.
In the first instance, a smaller cutting frame is used, boring a hole from 3 to 5 ft.
The large trepan or cutter weighs about 16 tons, and cuts a hole of from 9 to 15 ft.
A small circular disk at one end of a torsion arm formed part of a solid wall, but was free to move through a hole in the wall slightly larger than the disk.
Thecurrent being alternately transmitted and shut off, as a hole passes on and off the aperture of the tube or bellows, causes a vibratory motion of the air, whose frequency depends on the number of times per second that a perforation passes the mouth of the tube.
It constructs a nest of dried leaves and _herbage, placed in a hole in the ground or a bank or hollow tree, The Weasel (Putorius nivalis).
Thus the cordite, size 30, of the range table has been squeezed through a hole 0.30 in.
The succeeding festival of Camaxtli was marked by a severe fast of the priests, after which stone knives were prepared with which a hole was cut through the tongue of each, and numbers of sticks passed through.
The chasuble or planeta (as it is called in the Roman missal), according to the prevailing model in the Roman Catholic Church, is a scapularlike cloak, with a hole in the middle for the head, falling down over breast and back, and leaving the arms uncovered at the sides.
In the centre of each weight is a hole capable of admitting the lowest and thickest end of the conical stem C, and a slot is cut into it just wide enough to allow the upper part of the cone to pass.
In Scotland the date of its introduction is a disputed point, but it seems to have been planted at Dunkeld by the 2nd duke of Athole in 1727, and about thirteen or fourteen years later considerable plantations were made at that place, the commencement of one of the largest planting experiments on record; it is estimated that 14 million larches were planted on the Athole estates between that date and 1826.
The oven consists of a hole in the ground in which a fire is lighted and stones made hot; and the fire having been removed, the food is wrapped up in leaves and placed in the hole beside the hot stones and covered up until ready; or else, as is now more common, the cooking is done in an old kerosene-oil can over a fire.
All over the world shearwaters seem to have precisely the same habits, laying their single purely white egg in a hole under ground.
Such were the sleeveless surplice, which was provided at the sides with holes to put the arms through; the surplice with slit-up arms or lappels (so-called "wings") instead of sleeves; the surplice of which not only the sleeves but the body of the garment itself were slit up the sides, precisely like the modern dalmatic; and, finally, a sort of surplice in the form of a bell-shaped mantle, with a hole for the head, which necessitated the arms being stuck out under the hem.
She submitted, and a commission of regency was established till the return from France of Murray, who, on the i 5th of August, arrived at Lochleven with Morton and Athole.
In some churches, during the middle ages, an image of Christ was raised from the altar through a hole in the roof, through which a burning straw figure representing Satan was immediately thrown down.
The ground being prepared and, if necessary, enriched, and the surface made fine and smooth, a hole is made with the dibble deep enough and large enough to receive the roots of the seedling plants without doubling them up, and the hole is filled in by working the soil close to the plant with the point of the dibble.
Marshall Ward showed that the hyphae of Botrytis pierce the cell-walls of a lily by secreting a cytase and dissolving a hole through the membrane.
A recent application of the diamond is for wire drawing; a hole tapering towards the centre is drilled through a diamond, and the metal is drawn through this.
He bored a hole in his shutters that he might see Godiva pass, and is said to have been struck blind.
The Nile crocodile makes a hole in white sand, which is then filled up and smoothed over; the mother sleeps upon the nest, and keeps watch over her eggs, and when these are near hatching - af ter about twelve weeks - she removes the 18 in.
The strong claws make a hole in the side of the ant-hill, and the insects are collected on the extensile tongue.
The nest of one species, as observed by Robert Owen, is at the end of a hole bored in the bank of a watercourse, and the eggs are pure white and glossy (Ibis, 1861, p. 65).
They are only alike in the fact that in each case a moral cause is given for the position in which the individual finds himself now; and the moral cause is his own act, In the popular belief, followed also in the brahmin theology, the bridge between the two lives was a minute and subtle entity called the soul, which left the one body at death, through a hole at the top of the head, and entered into the new body.
They were ground as smooth as glass and were strung together by a hole drilled through the centre.
After slowly cooling, the outer mould was broken away from outside the statue and the inner core as much as possible broken up and raked out through a hole in the foot or some other part of the statue.
It had an invariable habit of digging a hole in the ground, into which it crawled backwards, remaining there all day with only its nose and ferrety eyes visible.
Suppose, next, that the body which casts the shadow is a large one, such as a wall, with a hole in it.
Formerly it was usual to insulate the rod of the electroscope by passing it through a hole in a cork or mass of sulphur fixed in the top of the glass vessel within which the gold leaves were suspended.
If then the strip of gold-leaf is raised or lowered in potential it moves to or from the plate P, and its movement can be observed by a microscope through a hole in the side of the box.
Graham has described experiments in this direction, using a jet of electrolyte forced (beneath the surface of the bath) through a hole in the anode upon the surface of the cathode.
There is a certain fixed guard disk B having a hole in it which is loosely occupied by an aluminium trap door plate, shielded by D and suspended on springs, so that its surface is parallel with that of the guard plate.
How the Saracens, when they took him prisoner, he being half dead with a complication of diseases, kindly left him "un mien couverture d'ecarlate" which his mother had given him, and which he put over him, having made a hole therein and bound it round him with a cord; how when he came to Acre in a pitiable condition an old servant of his house presented himself, and "brought me clean white hoods and combed my hair most comfortably"; how he bought a hundred tuns of wine and served it - the best first, according to high authority - well-watered to his private soldiers, somewhat less watered to the squires, and to the knights neat, but with a suggestive phial of the weaker liquid to mix "si comme ils vouloient" - these are the details in which he seems to take greatest pleasure, and for readers six hundred years after date perhaps they are not the least interesting details.
The first specimen of the apparatus found at Perugia resembles a candelabrum on a base, tapering towards the top, with a blunt end, on which the small disk (found near the rod), which has a hole near the edge and is slightly hollow in the middle, could be balanced.
At about a third of the height of the rod is a large disk with a hole in the centre through which the rod runs; in a socket at the top is a small bronze figure, with right arm and right leg uplifted.
It climbs well, prefers open forest in the neighbourhood of water, is often found in plantations where it retires into a hole in the ground, and lives chiefly on birds and small mammals.
There was no chimney; the fire was made in the centre of the house and the smoke escaped through a hole in the roof, or through the door as in Hebridean houses of the present day.
On the death of Plotinus, as he gave up the ghost, a snake glided from under his bed into a hole in the wall."
If a pair of coils of wire through which an alternating current is passing are placed on either side of the tube, just beyond one of the plates with a hole in it, the field FIG.
The earthy matters form a fusible glass or slag melt, and collect at the lowest point of the hearth, whence they are removed by opening a hole pierced through the front wall at the bottom.
But then, all he'd seen in the last few weeks had certainly burned a hole in his confidence about knowing people.
Bring them back, Dusty said, not understanding how Darian had punctured a hole between the mortal and immortal worlds.
I guess you know you just blew a hole in the perfect relationship theory.
The obelisk tipped and then fell, tearing a hole in the ground that threw Darian and Yully into the shallows of the ocean.
A well borer or earth auger is used to make a hole down to water level.
The first looks the easier dig as Dig 3 is a hole through solid bedrock.
This is then stuck into a hole bored in the end of a suitable twig to produce the stem.
The superstructure crashed into the empty magma chamber, leaving the caldera, a hole where the magma chamber had been.
This he did, and in a hole under the stone he found an old crock full of golden guineas.
This is a hole down through glacial debris which is very easily eroded.
It is also characterized by a heart defect, most often a hole in the heart, either ASD or VSD.
To install the faucet a hole will need to be drilled into the work surface or the outer rim of the sink.
You need to use six new terracotta flowerpots, about three inches tall, with a hole at the bottom.
Climb the difficult wall passed a hole to reach a slot, further hard moves leads to good flutings and the top.
Determined to plow her own furrow she dug herself deeper into a hole.
Having found the best location, start digging a hole about 4 feet in diameter.
The foramen magnum is a hole at the base of the skull into which the spine is inserted.
We dug a hole in the soil and then we planted the marigolds and put soil around them.
New research suggests that some cases of severe migraine may be effectively treated by closing a hole in the heart.
The regulator mouthpiece passed through a hole in the center of the facemask.
Over the years, ICANN has become incredibly nimble at avoiding putting its foot in a hole.
The tube mounted through a hole in the front cabin roof overhang being pulled back into two 22mm pipe clips.
The middle tree has a hole in which is perched the cute baby owl.
Leo's bodyguard lays prone across his newspaper, his cigarette burning a hole in the page.
There is not a hole or corner of the land that we have not ransacked.
Damage serious enough to produce a hole in the hull usually leaves wreckage scattered about the area.
That substitution creates a vacancy similar to a hole in a p-type semiconductor, which emits single photons when excited by a laser.
Between Worlds Passage continues for 10m to a large step over or tight squeeze around a hole in the floor.
Go over a two stepped wooden stile, then a wooden spring gate through a hole in the wall.
The " drinking straws " would be passed through a hole or tear in the foil top.
Tie of twisted yellow wool yarn with green and white wool yarn tassels is threaded through casing emerging through a hole at one side.
The plan is to use the dumper truck to dig a hole for a pond - maybe we should read lake.
The heads have a hole in the top that was intended to hold a large carved ivory tusk.
Drill a hole into the top of a fir tree twig to create the trunk.
While working on the Zune, Microsoft have ripped a hole into an alternate universe.
He had surgery on May 3, 2001, to correct a hole in the atrium and a cleft in his mitral valve.
Unless we let it be known that we have wodges of cash burning a hole in our pocket.
From Hooke's Posthumous Works (1705), p. 127, we find that in one of the Cutlerian lectures on Light delivered in 1680, he illustrated the phenomena of vision by a darkened room, or perspective box, of a peculiar pattern, the back part, with a concave white screen at the end of it, being cylindrical and capable of being moved in and out, while the fore part was conical, a double convex lens being fixed in a hole in front.
He concealed them under a Phrygian cap; but the secret was discovered by his barber, who, being unable to keep it, dug a hole in the ground and whispered into it "Midas has the ears of an ass."
Suddenly a man appeared through a hole in the roof next to the one they were on and stepped into plain view.
Several Mangaboos came forward with glass spades and dug a hole in the ground.
As Tamerlane looked, he saw that there was a hole in the tree only a little way above, and that this was the home of the ant.
Each checker has a hole in the middle in which a brass knob can be placed to distinguish the king from the commons.
She discovered a hole in her boot the other morning, and, after breakfast, she went to her father and spelled, "Helen new boot Simpson (her brother) buggy store man."
This was somewhat like cutting a hole in the bottom of a ship to let the water out.
A carriage that followed the escort ran into one of the carts and knocked a hole in it with its pole.
Having reached the forest floor, it makes a hole in the leaf litter with its stubby little tail.
Heading back from the waterfall, a sloping ledge zigzagged up to a hole in the roof.
They had to drill a hole in the ceiling to mount their new swag lamp.
Trim the tube to about an inch, and use a hole punch to make four holes in it.
Use a hole punch to make several holes in the tube, and tie ribbons through the holes.
Dig a hole no deeper than the plant's roots in an area of your yard that is optimal for the plant (check the plant tag if you don't know for sure), place the plant in the hole and pack lightly with soil.
The wedge has a slanted face that will allow the ball to loft up and out of a hole or over high grassy areas.
Optional features generally include a lazy susan in the center of the table and a hole for an umbrella.
Cut a hole in the side of the barrel large enough to accommodate a shovel to mix the compost.
Punch a hole near the "stem" of each leaf.
For younger students, gluing the contents to cardstock while using a hole punch and yarn for binding may be sufficient.
Create your own memory book with a piece of cardboard or matt board and a hole punch.
Use the shaped punch to punch a hole in the center of each scallop, and turn the paper over to hide the pencil lines.
Use the hole punch to put a hole in the center.
Specialty teen clothing stores can put a hole in your clothes budget rather quickly if you buy clothes during the current season.
Then punch a hole in the top of each, and tie a ribbon in your wedding color(s) around the top, leaving an inch or two for hanging outside the book.
For all of the ideas for wedding card box decorations listed below, you will need a large cardboard box that has a hole cut into the top wide enough to fit standard envelopes through.
If you do not want to cut a hole in the box, choose one with removable lid, but be aware that this makes the box less secure.
Throat cancer can leave a person with a permanent tracheotomy, a hole in the neck through which the person breathes.
We also saw a bit of a hole in the market for felt goods, which tend to be either over-priced or poorly made.
Smooth it with the flat spatula, and outline the border with a round frosting tip and pastry bag or a sturdy zip-top bag with a hole cut at one end.
Don't forget that any item you buy must have a hole for a leash.
Also be sure to provide a hole for your dog's tail if you are making pants or a one piece outfit.
Just drill a hole in the finished bar, thread onto a rope, and tie a knot.
These classic clay fireplaces, look like giant gourds with a chimney at the top and a hole for wood at the bottom, have become incredibly popular in the past few years for use as a garden accent as much as to use for building a fire.
To plant your pinks, dig a hole twice as wide and deep as the pot.
As long as the container has a hole allowing excess water to drain away and plenty of room for soil so that the plants can spread out their roots, you can try virtually any container.
Dig a hole as wide and as deep as the pot or container and gently place the plant into the hole.
Dig a hole deeper and wider than the root system, create a small mound of soil in the middle and sit the plant upright into the hole so it is about two inches higher than the original soil line on the tree trunk.
Once you're ready, take your trowel and dig a hole about the same size as the pot or container in which your strawberries were grown.
Use a small spade or trowel to dig a hole large enough to accommodate the roots and allow some room to spread out in the hole.
To plant seedlings, dig a hole just a few inches deep to accommodate the root system.
The other end of the string is simply fed through a hole in the tuning peg and then wrapped around until it reaches the desired pitch.
In most cases, this means adding a hole and mounting the pick on a chain so it hangs like a pendant.
Be sure to check out their tabs to I Stay Away, Down in a Hole and Get Born Again.
Using your dimensions, draw the opening onto your sheetrock and then drill a hole larger than the width of your jigsaw blade at one corner of the opening.
For a brand new stairway, you'll need to cut a hole in your ceiling.
The thought of cutting a hole into the side of the house can be daunting to any homeowner, but with a wide array of doors and styles to fit any house the task can become less frightening.
Installing a new patio door in a hole that was previously occupied by a similar door usually goes smoother than installing a door from scratch.
Most shoppers know that heading directly to a store is a surefire way to burn a hole right through their wallet; a decision that can leave you scorched for months.
Finally, don't be in a hurry to dispose of a cardigan once a hole appears in the elbow.
The tunic was simple in design and was basically a piece of fabric cut into a rectangle shape with a hole for the head.
For example, tomato plants should be planted in a hole at least three inches in depth with a foot in between each plant.
If the plane passes through a hole in the sheet, the participant earns the indicated number of points.
For a chance to be outdoors, some seniors may like simple gardening activities such as watering flowers with a hose, digging a hole for a new plant or planting vegetable seeds.
To get the maximum amount, dig a hole behind you to keep you from moving too far away.
There are a few ways that clever, resourceful individuals can do to feed their gaming frenzy and not put a hole in their wallets.
Often these loopholes cause crashes or undesirable situations, but sometimes there will be a hole in a wall where there shouldn't be, or some secret testing area that never got properly sealed off.
Cut a hole in the other side of the table and place a stainless steel bowl into the hole to form a sink.
Clove oil (Syzygium aromaticum) may be rubbed on sensitive gums to numb them or added to a small cotton pellet that is then placed into or over a hole in the tooth.
There is a hole in the center of each bone, through which the spinal cord passes.
Normally, the opening closes before birth, but if it does not, the child is born with a hole between the left and right atria.
When a baby is born with a hole in the septum (the wall separating the right and left sides of the heart), blood leaks from the left side of the heart to the right.
This condition may cause a hole in the wall between the left and right atrium, called an atrial septal defect.
The scanner, which is usually shaped like a large rectangle with a hole in the center, contains the systems that generate the magnetic field.
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) occurs when the diaphragm does not form completely at about eight weeks of gestation, leaving a hole in this muscle that separates the chest and the abdomen.
Spina bifida occurs during the first month of fetal development when a small bit of bone and skin fails to fully enclose the nerves of the spinal cord, leaving a hole or lesion.
A vasculitic ulcer is a hole or tear that develops in the tissues around an inflamed blood vessel.
The CT scanner is shaped like a large square with a hole in the center or round like a doughnut.
Electrodes are surgically implanted into the cochlea through a hole drilled in the mastoid bone.
If the bowel perforates, or develops a hole in it, emergency surgery is required to repair the intestine and prevent infection.
The cone or candle is threaded through a hole in the plate into the ear canal and lit.
The problem starts very early in the uterus with a narrowed pulmonary valve and a hole between the ventricles.
The elements in the complement system create a hole in the outer layer of the target cell, which leads to the death of the cell.
If you plan to use your cookies as tree decorations, punch a hole in the cookie so you can run a piece of string through it after it's baked.
Remove the sod and dig a hole about three feet deep; this will keep other animals from trying to dig up the casket.
Divide the hair into two sections just above the band, creating a hole.
Simply use a small paper punch to make a hole.
You'll need a needle and strong cord, as well as beads with a hole big enough for the cord to pass through.
However, doing this will require cutting a hole in the cabinet and running additional electrical wiring.
If the machine does not come with its own drain, you can make your own by drilling a hole in the espresso tray.
If you are making votive candles, the mold does not have a hole so you will need to use tabbed wicks.
Make homemade sugar or gingerbread cookies, poke a hole in the top before baking, and tie to your tree with a pretty ribbon bow.
Punch a hole in one corner of the card and string the ribbon through.
This costume can be made so that you stick your head out of the top of the box, or cut a hole and look through Sponge Bob's mouth.
She became pregnant due to her punching a hole in the condom and her trying to control him.
Khabardin dug a hole in a ravine and obtained soil samples.
Use a hole punch to make a hole at the top of the ornament and loop a piece of yarn or ribbon through the hole.
Punch a hole near the top of the cardboard and thread a piece of thin red ribbon through it for a hanger.
Begin by collecting pine cones from outside, then drill a hole in the top of each pine cone and thread a wire through for a hanger.
If yarn or a hole puncher is not available, the two pieces of construction paper could be glued together and a border can be created around the edges instead.
Carefully poke a hole in the paper where the skewers cross in the middle.
Savvy savers know where to hunt down Phoenix Zoo coupons, so they can mingle with monkeys, talk to tigers and chat with chimps, without burning a hole in their budget.
A special surgical needle is used to pass through the skin, creating a hole.
When the bead is complete, the rod is removed from its center, leaving behind a hole that will be used to string the beads on necklaces, earrings and bracelet watches.
A side-blown model is a long tube with a hole at one end in which to blow air.
Poke a hole or two in the top of the dough so you can run a ribbon through to hang the hand print.
When the sheets are all dry, put them in order and staple together, or use a hole punch to punch a hole in the top part of the hearts and tie together with ribbon or raffia.
Poke a hole with scissors and cut around the inner edge to make frame.
Make sure you make them large enough that you can poke a hole through the center for your beading wire to go through.
A simple way to save them is to punch a hole in the top left corner and thread some yarn through.
A poncho is a very simple garment to knit, being little more than a square with a hole in the middle.
Dress it up by using plastic eyes, straw for the hair, and other craft accessories.Drill a small hole into the top of the cat and the scarecrow as well as a hole in the bottom of the scarecrow.
Use a hole puncher to punch holes in the pieces of cardstock.
You can tie that to the jar in a baggie or with ribbon looped through a hole in the spoon's handle.
Use your hole punch to make a hole at the bottom of the center pleat.
Cut out the D to make a hole in the plate.
Cut a hole in the top of the bag for the child's head.
Punch a hole in the top of the bookmark.
Punch out a hole at the top of each bookmark and tie a thin ribbon to the end so that you can find your page easily when you're not reading.
Make a hole on each side of the eye patch using the hole punch.
Use a small stick like a toothpick to bore a hole in the dough.
If you're already feeling shy about this purchase, having your mom tell "the world" about it can make you want to crawl into a hole.
Peek-a-boo bras are designed to expose the nipples, whether through a slit or a hole.
The cast of characters stars Mr. Shue, a former glee club star who starts a glee team at the school to fill a hole in his life.
The dock has a metal tab coming up on one end that corresponds with a hole in your iPod itself - put the iPod into the dock so that the device clicks over that hole.
Cut them out and punch a hole in the top.
Poke a hole in the top and hang with string or thread.
Lyra escapes through a hole in the barrier between worlds cut by her father (whom she thought was her guardian), and the stage is set for book 2.
This game of bean bag toss is played outdoors and requires players to take turns throwing bean bags at a raised platform with a hole in the far end.
A Trojan virus is a little piece of code that creates a hole in your computer's security system.