A-good-deal Sentence Examples
On the other hand, there is a good deal to show for this extraordinary expenditure.
There is a good deal of variation in the colour of the fur, the prevailing tint being grey.
Peace was made with King Edmund by the capture of King Anlaf, and a good deal later by the confirmation of King Raegenald, brother to Anlaf Godfreyson and cousin to Anlaf Sihtricson.
The staple crop is rice, but a good deal of tobacco also is grown.
It includes, however, a good deal of desert land.
Jews, and elsewhere Russians,-to whom the peasants are for the most part in debt, as they purchase in advance on security of subsequent payments in corn, tar, wooden wares, &c. A good deal of the internal trade is carried on by travelling merchants.
The Falkland Islands consist entirely, so far as is known, of the older Palaeozoic rocks, Lower Devonian or Upper Silurian, slightly metamorphosed and a good deal crumpled and distorted, in the low grounds clay slate and soft sandstone, and on the ridges hardened sandstone passing into the conspicuous white quartzites.
He used a good deal of freedom in his translation, "sometyme addynge, sometyme detractinge and takinge away suche thinges as semeth me necessary and superflue."
The plan here too was roughly quadrangular with a central court, but owing to the erosion of the hillside a good deal of the eastern quarter has disappeared.
Alsace suffered a good deal in the war of 1870-71.
AdvertisementOf the six edicts four were of minor importance, and, I flattered myself, even of his friendship and esteem, I never had that of his correspondence," but there is no doubt that Adam Smith met Turgot in Paris, and it is generally admitted that The Wealth of Nations owes a good deal to Turgot.
In the former treatise we have a clear and minute description of the rural practices of that period, and from the latter may be learned a good deal of the economy of the feudal system in its decline.
This writer seems to differ a good deal from Blith about the advantage of interchanging tillage and pasture.
In the Greek original only a very small portion has been preserved; in Latin translations, however, a good deal.
There had been, however, a good deal of other evidence available before 1876, which, had it been collated and seriously studied, might have discounted the sensation that the discovery of the citadel graves eventually made.
AdvertisementCuvier seems to have acquiesced in the corrections of his views made by Geoffroy, and attempted no rejoinder; but the attentive and impartial student of the discussion will see that a good deal was really wanting to make the latter's reply effective, though, as events have shown, the former was hasty in the conclusions at which he arrived, having trusted too much to the first appearance of centres of ossification, for, had his observations in regard to other birds been carried on with the same attention to detail as in regard to the fowl, he would certainly have reached some very different results.
In recent times there has been a good deal of activity in Venice in regard to the preservation of its artistic and architectural treasures.
A question which has met with a good deal of attention is whether the speculation, which has been encouraged by the various arrangements made for facilitating operations in " futures," has steadied or unsteadied prices.
On these points he was grievously wrong, and on all he changed his views after a good deal of bitter experience.
It was supposed to contain heretical propositions and caused a good deal of scandal, inciting Baluze against Faget, both of whom abused the other, to defend the memory of the prelate.
AdvertisementThere is a good deal of shipbuilding, some ironfounding and a brass foundry.
Botti, late director of the museum, in the neighbourhood of "Pompey's Pillar," where there is a good deal of open ground.
During his second stay abroad (1906-17) Lenin published several pamphlets and books which attracted a good deal of attention.
During the finance ministry of Agop Pasha (1889 to 1894) a good deal was done to set matters in order, but most of the ground then gained has since been lost."
Rousseau, a fervid panegyric showing a good deal of talent but no power of criticism.
AdvertisementThe cells of tl ommatidium are a good deal larger than the neighbouring common cells of the epidermis.
The summit of the promontory (748 ft.) is reached by the old line of the Via Appia, which is flanked by tombs and by remains of an ancient defensive wall with circular towers (currently attributed to Theodoric, but probably a good deal earlier in date).
Campbell also devoted himself a good deal to criminal business, but in spite of his unceasing industry he failed to attract much attention behind the bar; he had changed his circuit from the home to the Oxford, but briefs came in slowly, and it was not till 1827 that he obtained a silk gown and found himself in that "front rank" who are permitted to have political aspirations.
After a good deal of time spent in these preliminary and unofficial negotiations, the question of a treaty of commerce between the two countries having entered into the arena of diplomacy, Cobden was requested by the British government to act as their plenipotentiary in the matter in conjunction with Lord Cowley, their ambassador in France.
He had to contend with the bitter hostility of the French protectionists, which occasioned a good deal of vacillation on the part of the emperor and his ministers.
The private tutor was a good deal in demand, but his qualifications were of the slightest.
But the burdensome expenditure of the late reign would be enough to account for a good deal of discontent.
In literary criticism pure and simple his principal work is the Commentaire sur Corneille, though he wrote a good deal more of the same kind - sometimes (as in his Life and notices of Moliere) independently sometimes as part of his Siecles.
The very few Ottoman guns which had been causing the freshly disembarked troops a good deal of annoyance during the 7th had been withdrawn for fear of capture, the defenders fully expecting a forward move by the Allies.
The enemy's guns gave a good deal of trouble at the beaches, and caused many casualties.
As the fractured surfaces of the glass in this condition are unsuitable for delicate examination a good deal of glass that passes this inspection has yet ultimately to be rejected.
In subsequent history there is a good deal of resemblance between the capitularies' legislation of Charlemagne and his successors on one hand, the acts of Alfred, Edward the Elder, ZEthelstan and Edgar on the other, a resemblance called forth less by direct borrowing of Frankish institutions than by the similarity of political problems and condition.
There are very few patches of real forest outside the Khmir country, though it is probable that in the time of the Romans the land was a good deal more covered with trees than at the present day.
The black-tailed godwit, though varying a good deal in size, is constantly larger than the bar-tailed, and especially longer in the legs.
He saw a good deal of French society, and was himself much admired for his hearty defence of his rival Pitt against a foolish charge of encouraging plots for Napoleon's assassination.
There is a good deal of mystery about the end of Defoe's life; it used to be said that he died insolvent, and that he had been in jail shortly before his death.
Though it was an attempt to bring into line with the reforming party both those who still inclined to the old faith and the anabaptist section, its publication provoked a good deal of controversy, especially on its statements concerning the Eucharist, and the people of Strassburg even reproached those of Basel with celebrating a Christless supper.
It thus came to pass that in Purcell's voluminous biography much that was obviously never intended for the public eye was, perhaps inadvertently, printed, together with a good deal of ungenerous comment.
The result of all this labour was the Latin translation of the Scriptures which, in spite of much opposition from the more conservative party in the church, afterwards became the Vulgate or authorized version; but the Vulgate as we have it now is not exactly Jerome's Vulgate, for it suffered a good deal from changes made under the influence of the older translations; the text became very corrupt during the middle ages, and in particular all the Apocrypha, except Tobit and Judith, which Jerome translated from the Chaldee, were added from the older versions.
Nevertheless, the Assyriologist speaks with a good deal of confidence of dates as remote as 3800 B.C.,the time ascribed to King Sargon, who was once regarded as a mythical person, but is now known to have been an actual monarch.
We have seen that written documents have been preserved in Mesopotamia to which such a date as 4500 B.C. may be ascribed with a good deal of confidence; and that from the third millennium B.C. a flood of contemporary literary records comes to us both from Egypt and Mesopotamia.
He also wrote a good deal of German and Hebrew verse.
Neale was strongly high-church in his sympathies, and had to endure a good deal of opposition, including a fourteen years' inhibition by his bishop. In 1855 he founded a nursing sisterhood named St Margaret's.
Still, a good deal of semi-congregationalism probably did exist in obscure circles which preluded the wider Reformation and were merged in it.
Beyond the limits of New England the progress of the denomination as such was, as we have seen, a good deal hindered for a long period by the willingness of New Englanders going West either to join the Presbyterians, with whom they were substantially agreed in doctrine, or to combine with them in a mixed scheme of policy in which the Presbyterian element was uppermost.
The inscriptions not only give names of nations corresponding to those in the Bible and in classical authors, but throw a good deal of fresh light on the political history of Yemen.
It was on this occasion that President Kruger, referring to the London Convention, spoke of Queen Victoria as a kwaaje Vrouw, an expression which caused a good deal of offence in England at the time, but which, to any one familiar with the homely phraseology of the Boers, obviously was not meant by President Kruger as insulting.
There had been a good deal of rain, andfthe ground was heavy.
In the same way he retained archaic and provincial words with a good deal of freedom, but by no means to excess.
Towards the latter end of the 17th century, Cotton, the friend of Isaac Walton, executed a complete translation, which, though not extraordinarily faithful, possesses a good deal of rough vigour.
His voluminous writings in philology, natural history, physics and mathematics often accordingly have a good deal of the historical interest which attaches to pioneering work, however imperfectly performed; otherwise they now take rank as curiosities of literature merely.
The suspension bridge dispenses with the compression member required in girders and with a good deal of the stiffening required in metal arches.
The convenience of erecting girders on shore is very great, but there is some risk in the floating operations and a good deal of hauling plant is required.
Her letter to the emperor, pervaded with he religious and almost mystic sentiments which predominate in the queen's mind, particularly since the death of Prince Albert, seems to have made a deep impression on the sovereign who, amid the struggles of politics, had never completely repudiated the philanthropic theories of his youth, and who, on the battlefield of Solferino, covered with the dead and wounded, was seized with an unspeakable horror of war."Moreover, Disraeli's two premierships (1868, 1874-80) did a good deal to give new encouragement to a right idea of the constitutional function of the crown.
In a desultory way he did a good deal of reading, but in 1738 his health again became bad, and he was recommended to go to Montpellier.
The Annals of the North, the Annals of Krung Kao (Ayuthia) and the Book of the Lives of the Four Kings (of the present dynasty) together form the only more or less connected history of the country from remote times down to the beginning of the present reign, and these, at least so far as the earlier parts are concerned, contain much that is inaccurate and a good deal which is altogether untrue.
This, the Chimen valley, contains in places a good deal of drift-sand, which however is stationary in the mass and heaped up along the northern foot of the Chimen-tagh.
His Latin, like that of Gallus, is far from classical, but he writes with spirit and throws a good deal of light upon 1 The Psalter is called after Margaret, the first wife of King Louis, who died in 1349, by a mere conjecture.
There is a good deal of local colouring in the pieces of Fredro; although the style is French, the characters are taken from Polish life.
Birds and mammals take the first place; the leading collections devote a good deal of attention to reptiles and batrachians; fishes and aquatic invertebrata are most often to be found only when there are special aquaria, whilst non-aquatic invertebrates are seldom to be seen and at most consist of a few moths and butterflies, spiders, scorpions and centipedes, molluscs and crustaceans.
The family was greatly impoverished owing to his losses over these schemes, but still possessed a good deal of interest.
Shaler, state geologist in 1873-1880, " When the rocks whence they flow were formed on the Silurian sea-floors, a good deal of the sea-water was imprisoned in the strata, between the grains of sand or mud and in the cavities of the shells that make up a large part of these rocks.
He was a strong supporter of the establishment, but conciliatory towards the Free churches, and this brought him into a good deal of controversy.
Hutton's suggestions are all the more to be regretted as they occur as a history which is the result of a good deal of investigation and which for years was referred to as an authority by many writers.
There is a good deal of evidence to connect the Greek goddess Artemis with a cult of the bear; girls danced as "bears" in her honour, and might not marry before undergoing this ceremony.
Henry Stafford, 2nd duke of Buckingham, resided a good deal at the castle, and Morton, bishop of Ely, whose custody as a prisoner was entrusted to him, plotted with him there for the dethronement of Richard III., for which Stafford was executed in 1483.
The next few happy years were devoted to his profession and a good deal of miscellaneous reading, especially of Shakespeare (he learnt English in order to compare the original with his well-thumbed German version) and Homer.
The news of the dispute between England and Spain about Nootka Sound in 1790 recalled him to England, where he saw a good deal of Pitt, but the peaceful arrangement of the dispute again destroyed his hopes.
As with road riding, so with hunting, the actual length of the stirrups will depend a good deal upon the shape and action of the horse, but the nature of the animal and the peculiarities of the country ridden over will also have something to do with their adjustment.
There used to be a good deal of fraud practised at elections, including personating and repeating, as well as a good deal of bribery in a few states and in some of the larger cities.
At certain epochs in the transmission of literature systematic efforts have been made to improve the transmitted texts, and these efforts have naturally been accompanied by a good deal of emendation both successful and unsuccessful.
The American trading vessels of that period were supposed to be excluded by the navigation laws from commerce with the British West Indian Islands, though with the concealed or very slightly disguised assistance of the planters, they engaged in a good deal of contraband commerce.
He fought as a volunteer in the Franco-German War (1870-I) and then studied at different universities, retaining throughout his subsequent career a good deal of the jovial (burschikos) manner of a German student.
The discussion as to the causes of this widening has turned a good deal on the question whether it is primarily due to changes of density, pressure or temperature, but some confusion has been caused by the want of proper definition of terms. For the cause of this the writer of the present article is jointly with others at any rate partly responsible, and clearness of ideas can only be re-established by investigating the mechanical causes of the effect rather than by applying terms which refer to a different order of physical conceptions.
There is a good deal of difference of opinion still as to whether Justin reckoned other sources for the Gospel-history besides our Gospels among the Apostolic Memoirs.
He was consulted a good deal by the government on such questions as England's attitude towards the council of Trent, and political considerations made him more and more hostile to Puritan demands with which he had previously sympathized.
Philological rather than theological in character, it marked an epochal change from the old homiletic commentary, and though more recent research, patristic and papyral, has largely changed the method of New Testament exegesis, Alford's work is still a quarry where the student can dig with a good deal of profit.
We hear also a good deal of witches and valkyries, and of charms and magic; as an instance we may cite the fact that certain (Runic) letters were credited, as in the North, with the power of loosening bonds.
There is, however, really little that points to Rome in particular, and a good deal that points away from it.
There is a good deal of uncertainty in regard to both the exact position and the numbers of the nobles and freedmen of Tacitus's age.
Usage, however, seems to have varied a good deal in this respect at different times and in different districts.
The regularity of their diurnal revolutions could not escape notice, and a good deal was known 2000 years ago about the motions of the sun and moon and planets among the stars.
The amount permissible, according to the recommendation of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, is 8%, but while it may be assumed that yarns at the time of their sale rarely contain less than this, they frequently contain a good deal more.
The trade with the Far East, which, though not very large for any one market, is important in the aggregate, is a good deal specialized, and since the 1 000 omitted.
It used to be sold largely in the Irish trade as well as in the English home trade, but it has been supplanted a good deal by softer finishes.
Transactions with distant markets are now done almost entirely by cable, and a remarkable development of the telegraphic code has enabled merchants to pack a good deal into a brief message.
During the great trade "boom" of 1905 there was a good deal of buying by exporters in advance of their indents because manufacturers continued to contract engagements which threatened to exclude dilatory buyers.
In the matter of profits, however, there is a good deal of irregularity.
The announcement to the British Association in 1894 by Rayleigh and Ramsay of a new gas in the atmosphere was received with a good deal of scepticism.
In the West Indies "the only horned cattle fit for work are those which have a good deal of black in them; the white are terribly tormented by the insects and they are weak and sluggish in proportion to the black."
After the construction of a road through Jebel Ansarieh to Hamah, Latakia drew a good deal of traffic from upper Syria; but the Hamah-Homs railway has now diverted much of this again.
There is a good deal of pretty scenery along this river, as, for instance, at Ciergnon, but the most striking part of the valley is contained in the last 12 m.
In these days the rock-garden is a most important feature, and it requires a good deal of care and skill to arrange the boulders, walks, pools or streams in natural and artistic fashion.
On the whole, the temperature is in the winter months considerably colder than that of England, and a good deal hotter during summer and autumn.
This explains a good deal of the possible instability; and, from a practical point of view, it coincides with the fact that such a large amount of energy can be stored in our most intense explosives such as dynamite, the explanation being that hydrogen is attached to carbon distant from oxygen in the same molecule, and that only the characteristic resistance of the carbon linkage prevents the hydrogen from burning, which is the main occurrence in the explosion of dynamite.
Andersson says, "is a walk, and, though apparently rather slow, yet, from the great length of his body, he is able to get over a good deal of ground in a short time.
For the rest there are the tombs of many kings in the Biban el Moluk and a good deal of comparatively petty construction and tinkering, with the help of stone robbed from older structures.
The work excited a good deal of surprise as well as attention; and with characteristic thoroughness and love of truth the author went abroad to collect materials for the verification and more exhaustive treatment of his views.
On his death on the i ith of January 1753 he bequeathed his books, manuscripts, prints, drawings, pictures, medals, coins, seals, cameos and other curiosities to the nation, on condition that parliament should pay to his executors £20,000, which was a good deal less than the value of the collection.
As in the case of all great men, Johnson has suffered a good deal at the hands of his imitators and admirers.
Henry, however, gained a good deal of support both within and without Germany and caused much anxiety to Ottos friends, but in 985 peace was made and he was restored to Bavaria.
Several princes and other leading personages, foremost among whom was the emperor Maximilian I., had spent a good deal of time and money in collecting the manuscripts of the medieval chroniclers, and these now began to be printed.
Both probably arose in Syria (so Lightfoot), but in circles varying a good deal in religious standpoint.'
The structure of his sentences varies a good deal according to the dignity of the subject.
There is a good deal of cultivation along the river, but few villages.
Isochasms reach a good deal farther south in America than in Europe.
After a good deal of trimming (for he desired to stand well with his own clergy, who were strongly orthodox, as well as with the court), he prepared another document, the Constitutum ad Imperatorem, which was laid before the so-called fifth "oecumenical" council in 553, and led to his condemnation by the majority of that body, some say even to his banishment.
As to what India derived from Greece there has been a good deal of erudite debate.
If that principle had been firmly laid down and clearly understood at the beginning, a good deal ofneedless friction would have been avoided.
English hydraulic limes are of a different class; they contain a good deal of alumina and ferric oxide, and in composition resemble somewhat irregular Portland cement.
Hartfelder believed that a good deal of unpublished material is still left in German and foreign libraries.
But a good deal of work is still required before the harvest of historical data contained in these texts shall have been made acceptable to students of philosophy and sociology.
The older one contains still a good deal of prose, the gist of it being often repeated in the verses.
In this he succeeded, though not without a good deal of artifice, more creditable to his ingenuity than to his virtue.
In the department of belles-lettres he wrote a good deal under such pseudonyms as Christian Deutsch, Gottfried Flammberg and Sigmund Sturm.
In its present form this episode appears to be not very ancient; it resembles Ruth in giving a good deal of curious archaeological detail (the feast at Shiloh) in a form which suggests that the usages referred to were already obsolete when the narrative was composed.
An orchis found in the mountain yields the dried tuber which affords the nutritious mucilage called salep; a good deal of this goes to India.
After a good deal of fighting, the two British forces met at their common destination in September 1842.
The royal courts refused to entertain suits of villeins against their lords, although there was a good deal of vacillation before this position was definitely taken up. Bracton still speaks in his treatise of the possibility for the courts to interfere against intolerable cruelty on the part of the lord involving the destruction of the villein's waynage, that is, of his ploughteam, and in the Notebook of Bracton there are a couple of cases which prove that r3th-century judges occasionally allowed themselves to entertain actions by persons holding in villenage against their lords.
Of course, persons born from villein parents in lawful wedlock were villeins, but as to the condition of illegitimate children there was a good deal of hesitation.
To prevent this overlapping of images, and yet to admit a good deal of light, is one main object of the lens which usually forms part of the camera obscura.
On Dec. 20 the Italians counter-attacked, and won back a good deal of the lost ground, the last move in the long struggle.
After a good deal of fighting in Venetia, he joined Manin in Venice and took command of the defending army.
After the death of his father in 1828 young Liszt led the life of a teacher of the pianoforte in Paris, got through a good deal of miscellaneous reading, and felt the influence of the religious, literary and political aspirations of the time.
About Liszt's pianoforte technique in general it may be said that it derives its efficiency from the teaching of Czerny, who brought up his pupil on Mozart, a little Bach and Beethoven, a good deal of Clementi and Hummel, and a good deal of his (Czerny's) own work.
Between many of the countries there is a good deal of migration which is only seasonal or temporary, according to the demand for labour.
In this treatise, entitled De Alpibus commentarius, he collected all that the classical authors had written on the Alps, adding a good deal of material collected from his friends and correspondents.
Although he had throughout his life a good deal of official contact with the French, he never mastered their language.
His " Twenty-five Years of St Andrews " contains a good deal of information.
The remainder of his life was spent in retirement, varied by a good deal of sordid intrigue.
Lastly, statistical research has shown that the children of the married British clergy have been distinguished far beyond their mere numerical proportion.8/n==Authorities== - Henry Charles Lea, History of Sacerdotal Celibacy (3rd ed., 1907, 2 vols), is by far the fullest and best work on this subject, though a good deal of important matter omitted by Dr Lea may be found in Die Einfiihrung der erzwungenen Ehelosigkeit by the brothers Johann Anton and Augustin Theiner, which was put on the Roman Index, though Augustin afterwards became archivist at the Vatican (Altenburg, 1828, 2 vols.).
It was then customary to print with a good deal of packing, usually consisting of a thick blanket together with several thicknesses of paper, all of which intervened between the printing and the impression surface, whether the latter was flat or cylindrical.
The whole previous correspondence (as well as a good deal afterwards) is full of the valet difficulty; and it is surely more reasonable to suppose that when Louvois writes to Saint-Mars on the 19th of July that he is sending Dauger, a new prisoner of importance, as to whom "it est de la derniere importance qu'il soit garde avec une grande seurete," his second paragraph as regards the instructions to "Sieur Poupart" refers to something which Saint-Mars had suggested about getting a valet from outside, and simply points out that in preparing furniture for "celui que l'on vous amenera" he need not do much, "comme ce n'est qu'un valet."
Such appear to be the facts, but Tyrrell's relations with Rome were such that a good deal of mystery was made as to whether he really received the last rites of his Church in any authorized manner.
There is a good deal of business in the town.
Jevons suffered a good deal from ill health and sleeplessness, and found the delivery of lectures covering so wide a range of subjects very burdensome.
In phthisis also, although there may be some expectoration to bring up, yet a good deal of the irritation is in the lung substance, and the efforts of coughing are far greater and more continuous than are required for the removal of expectoration, and they simply exhaust the patient.
Such persons may sometimes get a good deal of exercise in a short time by the use of dumb-bells, of elastic cords, or of cords running over pulleys and weighted at one end.
But between 181 2 and 1817 Coleridge made a good deal by his work, and was able to send money to his wife in addition to the annuity she received.
The Analogy was written to counteract the practical mischief which he considered wrought by deists and other freethinkers, and the Sermons lay a good deal of stress on everyday Christian duties.
During the day of the 25th the Bulgarians suffered a good deal in the captured positions, but Gen.
Abstinence from flesh was also enjoined, and a good deal of astrological fancy was interwoven with the doctrinal and practical teaching.
There was doubtless a good deal of variety at different times and in different localities.
At last they journeyed back again to France, not without considerable experiences of the perils of the deep, which Joinville tells with a good deal of spirit.
In all such pictures we must allow a good deal for exaggeration both ways, but there must be a ground-work of truth.
All this must have had some groundwork of truth in the 5th century, but it is not very wonderful if the later West Goths of Spain had a good deal fallen away from the doubtless somewhat ideal picture of Salvian.
Achin literature, unlike the language, is entirely Malay; it includes poetry, a good deal of theology and several chronicles.
After the restoration of Java to the Netherlands in 1816, a good deal of weight was attached by the neighbouring British colonies to the maintenance of influence in Achin; and in 1819 a treaty of friendship was concluded with the Calcutta government which excluded other European nationalities from fixed residence in Achin.
Vigorous and aggressive as a critic, his articles on literature and art in Villemessant's paper L' Evenement created a good deal of interest.
Emancipation in this case was not connected with a recognition of the full tenant-right of the peasants; they had to part with a good deal of their land.
This use of the word "prince" - which has in England so lofty a connotation - to translate foreign titles of such varying importance and significance naturally leads to a good deal of confusion in the public mind.
In 1866 his attitude on parliamentary reform attracted a good deal of attention.
Other well-known politicians at the Cape subsequently found it convenient to adapt their views a good deal too readily to those held by the Bond.
The long-legged hairy sheep, which stands a good deal taller than a Southdown, ranges, with a certain amount of local variation, from Lower Guinea to the Cape.
In the United States of America the Report of the Committee of Ten on secondary school studies (1893) and the Report of the Committee of Fifteen on elementary education (1893-1894), both issued by the United States Bureau of Education, have attracted a good deal of attention.
He continued, however, to contribute articles to the North British Review, which, previously a Scottish Free Church organ, had been acquired by friends in sympathy with him, and which for some years (until 1872, when it ceased to appear) actively promoted the interests of a high-class Liberalism in both temporal and ecclesiastical matters; he also did a good deal of lecturing on historical subjects.
It was the first of the many -occasions in English history when the demand for reform took the shape of a reference back to old precedents, and now (as on all subsequent occasions) the party which opposed the crown read back into the ancient grants which they quoted a good deal more than had been.
In districts as far apart as Kent and Yorkshire, his word counted for a good deal more than that of his sovereign.
It was a difficult problem for Elizabeth to solve; to let Mary go to France was presenting a good deal more than a pawn to her enemies; to restore her by force to her Scottish throne might have been heroic, but it certainly was not politics; to hand her over to her Scottish foes was too mean even for Elizabeth; and to keep her in England was to nurse a spark in a powder-magazine.
It was, no doubt, possible to say a good deal for Gladstones indignant denunciation of his predecessors policy in annexing the Transvaal; it would have been equally possible to advance many reasons for reversing the measures of Lord Beaconsfields cabinet, and for conceding independence to the Goer War, Transvaal in 1880.
But from Ecgberts reign onwards it supplies a good deal of apparently trustworthy information.
Before the Christian age, there had been a good deal of reflective thinking in the Jewish schools, though the interest there was legal rather than speculative.
Amongst such protests, which generally dwelt a good deal on the want of provision for unmarried women, may be mentioned three in successive centuries.
This adds a good deal to what was previously known, as Lord King was able to draw from the mass of correspondence, journals and commonplace books of Locke in his possession.
As the properly philosophic interest of scholasticism faded in the 14th and 15th centuries, the quasi-legal treatment of morality came again into prominence, borrowing a good deal of matter from Thomas and other schoolmen.
In the 17th century, indeed, the treatise of Pufendorf on the Law of Nature, in which the general view of Grotius was re- stated with modifications, partly designed to effect a compromise with the doctrine of Hobbes, seems to have been a good deal read at Oxford and elsewhere.
There was a good deal of verse-writing of a secular kind, far inferior in every way, during this period.
The sagas of the north are rougher and coarser than those of the west, but have a good deal of individual character.
A later life by Arngrim, abbot of Thingore, written c. 1350, as evidence of his subject's sanctity, tells a good deal about Icelandic life, &c. The lives of Bishops Arni and Lawrence bring down our knowledge of Icelandic history into the 14th century.
Maimonides owed a good deal to him.
The ambitious medical establishment created by him was subjected to a good deal of criticism on the score of economy during 1920; and on the reconstruction of the Ministry in March 1921 he was transferred from the new department to become once more a minister without portfolio.
He contributed largely to The Gentleman's Magazine, The Monthly Review and The Library; and he had a good deal to do with the establishment and conduct of The New Annual Register.
In addition to the organized industry which exists in these salmon districts, there is a good deal of ordinary rod and line fishing in the higher reaches of the larger rivers and good trout fishing is obtainable in many districts.
The tribesmen owed fealty only to their chiefs, who in turn owed a kind of conditional allegiance to the over-king, depending a good deal upon the ability of the latter to enforce it.
Latex the same sum was again granted, and there was still a good deal unexpended when the larger measure of 1891 became law.
A telegram sent by Gladstone a little later, ending with the words " remember Mitchelstown," created a good deal of feeling, but it did the Home Rulers no good.
The gap has been partly filled by the new department, and a good deal has been done.
At the same time the chiefs of the various tribes were left in possession of a good deal of their former honours and influence.
He is best known as a distinguished antagonist of Martin Luther, against whom he wrote a good deal.
The date of their immigration has been the subject of a good deal of dispute, but it may be argued that their arrival must have taken place in early times, since Malagasy speech, which is the language of the island, is principally MalayoPolynesian in origin, and contains no traces of Sanskrit.
His first work, published in 1828, as an answer to Hugh James Rose's Cambridge lectures on rationalist tendencies in German theology, showed a good deal of sympathy with the German "pietists," who had striven to deliver Protestantism from its decadence; this sympathy was misunderstood, and Pusey was himself accused of holding rationalist views.
During his former stay in England Pitt had bought a good deal of property, including the manor of Old Sarum, and for a short time he had represented this borough in parliament.
The name of "Tariff Commission," given to this voluntary and unofficial body, was a good deal criticized, but though flouted by the political free-traders it set to work in earnest, and accumulated a mass of evidence as to the real facts of trade, which promised to be invaluable to economic inquirers.
The stomach of the horse is simple in its external form, with a largely developed right cul de sac, and is a good deal curved on itself, so that the cardiac and pyloric orifices are brought near together.
Whether the race-horse of to-day is as good as the stock to which he traces back has often been disputed, chiefly no doubt because he is brought to more early maturity, commencing to win races at two years instead of at five years of age, as in the days of Childers and Eclipse; but the highest authorities, and none more emphatically than the late Admiral Rous, have insisted that he can not only stay quite as long as his ancestors, but also go a good deal faster.
On account of the slight depth definition, short focused systems of wide aperture are not at all specially suitable for stereoscopic observation, because the possibility of observing objects taking up a good deal of space is too limited when such systems are used.
There is a good deal of teak in the state, but it has been ruinously worked.
The active principles of these vary a good deal in chemical composition, but they are all non-nitrogenous neutral bodies.
The territorial additions to Brandenburg during this reign were few and unimportant, but the comparative wealth and prosperity enabled the elector to do a good deal for education, and to spend some money on buildings.
This plate is often so begrimed as to take a good deal of finding.
The slightly bleary-eyed Guidelines session contained a good deal of interesting material.
That is why I spend a good deal of time in The Fabric of the Cosmos discussing cosmology.
However, even where teachers used a good deal of foreign language for classroom management purposes, their utterances had a somewhat formulaic quality.
An elk grove coin jackpot for a good deal attract the to.
The arts of Tyrrel occasioned both a good deal of annoyance, by false representations calculated to excite their mutual jealousy.
Hello all thinking of buying Samsung LE32R41BD from john lewis £ 995 with free 5 year guarantee is this a good deal?
Large format containing 128 printed pages of tables, black and white plates, detailed line drawings with a good deal of supporting text.
The new moon continues to produce a good deal of weather lore.
The 20ft high embankment was breached during the 1968 floods and a good deal of the clay puddling was scoured out.
Given the huge cost of employing the temps, it doesn't seem a good deal.
The media have carried a good deal of rather unfruitful discussion about the meaning of the phrase " shoot-to-kill.
Causes of OCD There has been a good deal of research carried out over the past few years regarding the causes of OCD.
He received a good deal of ecclesiastical preferment from the Lancastrian party, was present, if he did not fight on the losing side, at the battle of Towton in 1461, and was subsequently attainted by the victorious Yorkists.
The result was unjust to Lowe, but a good deal of feeling had been aroused against Lingen's administration of the Education Office (see Lingen, Baron), and this was the outcome.
The extreme north of Liberia is still for the most part a very well-watered country, covered with a rich vegetation, but there are said to be a few breaks that are rather stony and that have a very well-marked dry season in which the vegetation is a good deal burnt up. In the main Liberia is the forest country par excellence of West Africa, and although this region of dense forests overlaps the political frontiers of both Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast, it is a feature of physical geography so nearly coincident with the actual frontiers of Liberia as to give this country special characteristics clearly marked in its existing fauna.
In the regions bordering the coast also a good deal of the forest has disappeared, its place being taken (where the land is not actually cultivated) by very dense scrub.
The Riesengebirge has of late years been made easily accessible by railway, several branches from the main lines, both on the Silesian and Bohemian side, penetrating the valleys, and thus many spots in the Riesengebirge are a good deal frequented in the summer.
Petersburg, and he worked a good deal behind the scenes, inciting to violence, advising a boycott of the Duma, hostility to the Cadets, etc. But he did not play any part in the Soviet of workmen, and disappeared as soon as it became clear, after the crushing of the outbreak in Moscow, that the troops and the people were not on the side of the revolutionaries.
And in another speech he said that the British had insanely placed themselves .Effect of Mr in the strange predicament of the free subjects of a monarchy going to coerce the free subjects of a Speeches republic. Expressions such as these were trans lated into Dutch and distributed among the Boers, and they exercised a good deal of influence in fanning the agitation already going on in the Transvaal.
Although the plot, in which Salvestro does not seem to have played a part, was revealed, a good deal of mob violence occurred, and on the 21st of July the populace seized the podest¢'s palace, which they made their headquarters.
The place was the residence of the quaestor in charge of the western half of the island, and Verres, as praetor, seems to have spent a good deal of time here.
While with its quaint redroofed houses, its old town walls (restored about 1250), its castle, its cathedral (13th and 15th centuries), its episcopal palace (1283), and its various churches and convents Rieti has no small amount of medieval picturesqueness; it also displays a good deal of modern activity in vine and olive growing and cattle-breeding.
The command of the army was given to the emperor's brother Constantine, a man of somewhat erratic character, who did much to offend the Poles by violence, but also a good deal to please them by his marriage with Johanna Grudzinska, a Polish lady afterwards created Princess Lowicz, for whose sake he renounced his right to the throne of Russia (see Constantine PAvLovICH).
The importance of the Exchange as a bargaining centre is fairly maintained, though buyers are assiduously cultivated in their own offices, and the telephone has done a good deal to abbreviate n.`egotiation.
My mother, moreover, succeeded in making me understand a good deal.
I understood a good deal of what was going on about me.
I was a good deal amused by what she said about history.
We are bothered a good deal by people who assume the responsibility of the world when God is neglectful.
There is, then, a good deal that Miss Sullivan has done for Miss Keller which no other teacher can do in just the same way for any one else.
I have travelled a good deal in Concord; and everywhere, in shops, and offices, and fields, the inhabitants have appeared to me to be doing penance in a thousand remarkable ways.
I think that we may safely trust a good deal more than we do.
The roof was the soundest part, though a good deal warped and made brittle by the sun.
I do not mean that exactly, but I mean something which he might think a good deal like that; I mean that they should not play life, or study it merely, while the community supports them at this expensive game, but earnestly live it from beginning to end.
Given the huge cost of employing the temps, it does n't seem a good deal.
An excellent trade-in deal coupled with a good deal on the new car.
The media have carried a good deal of rather unfruitful discussion about the meaning of the phrase shoot-to-kill.
If you need affordable photos, you're more likely to get a good deal at a department store studio.
Then it's largely a question of shopping around and finding a good deal on a good table.
Caviars can also cost a good deal of money.
Rear-projection TVs need a good deal of room behind the screen.
While it's always recommended to look for a good deal when shopping, don't be afraid to spend a little money on good, high quality bookshelves-you're going to want them to last a long time!
If you find a good deal on a pair of roller blades from an online retailer, try to find that specific pair at a store near you to try on, then go and buy them online.
If you're careful, you can find a good deal.
When you start shopping around for a good deal on a rental, it would be preferable if you are able to speak Spanish effectively during negotiations or you may not get the best rate.
Don't just rush out and buy miles no matter if it sounds like a good deal or not.
A lot of the deals expire quickly, so be sure to check the websites often and jump on a good deal when you find one.
While there are a few times of year that computer sales seem to be everywhere, it's always possible to find a good deal if you're willing to spend a little time shopping.
If you don't mind slightly used electronics, you can get a good deal by watching local classified ads.
Craigslist is a great place where people list electronics for free; most are used, but occasionally you can find a good deal on a new item as well.
Overnight Mattress.com usually has the CoolMax mattresses on sale, so you can usually find a good deal at this site.
These pricing guidelines will help you make sure you get a good deal for the boat you have in mind and can be one of the best boat buyers guide tools available.
However, you can get a good deal on a generic, non-brand-name scooter here.
Since your cat has spent a good deal of time outdoors, I think you really ought to have your vet take a look.
Feral kittens have likely spent a good deal of time without any human touch, and a true feral will seldom make a full family member or pet.
Some of the reward items you can purchase at a store or online for less than the value of the points required to redeem for the item; so, do your research to make sure you are getting a good deal before you purchase an item with points.
The best way to find a good deal is to compare several offers from various companies.
If you find a good deal on a website, see if your local furniture store carries it as well; you can see the table in person this way, while still benefiting from the lower online price.
If your friend is replacing his or her couch you may be able to get a good deal on the old one.
Buying used furniture isn't exactly like buying a used car, but there are many factors to keep in mind to ensure you get a good deal while adequately furnishing your office.
Sometimes you can find a good deal on a new patio set on eBay.
Shop around for a good deal on the materials you need and be certain that you are comfortable with the installation instructions before getting started.
There's a good deal of evidence showing that plant sterols and stanols can lower cholesterol.
Try your luck at one of their auctions to land a good deal.
It used to be easy to get a good deal anytime; now you should probably look for one about two weeks before you leave.
Most of the major companies are up front about offers, but never assume just because it is a major company you will get a good deal.
Not only do you have more options for shopping around on the Internet, you also have access to thousands of virtual coupons that make a good deal even better.
You can still achieve a good deal of success with a quality point-and-shoot, however, so don't feel that you absolutely need to invest in an expensive digital SLR setup.
Professional as well as hobby photographers are being extra careful about getting a good deal on photo equipment.
Digital additions offer scrapbookers a good deal of creative freedom, whether you decide to use a Cars theme, fairy theme, Mickey Mouse and friends, or Toy Story.
However, if you still do a good deal of traditional skiing, you do not want to mount them too far forward.
In contrast, an expert skier, or a skier who spends a good deal of time in powder will choose a higher setting, since a pre-release can cause injury on steep terrain or in deep snow.
This may sound like a good deal of money but keep in mind, driving conditions over the Vail Pass can be tenuous.
And for those who want to buy them (or rather have their parents buy them), you can find a good deal on True Religion closeouts.
The odds are very good that they may know someone who can get you a good deal.
Many high school students may get frustrated with physics as it involves a good deal of mathematics.
Teens know a thing or two about getting a good deal on these items.
There is a certain satisfaction in getting a good deal on a prom dress.
Books such as The China Study include a good deal of strong research supporting the idea that a plant based diet provides adequate protein.
You can save lots of money by having your bridesmaids dresses made, especially if you get a good deal on the material.
It was something my husband-to-be had a good deal of experience with.
Therefore, you want to be sure you are getting a good deal on your wedding dress.
If you can find a good deal on silk wedding flowers they can be less expensive than fresh flowers, especially if you're interested in a particular type of flower that is not in season on your wedding day (such as daises in December).
While a good deal is always tempting, buying quality products initially saves money down the road.
While some are better put together than others, you can likely spend a good deal of time looking for your ideal celebrity mate.
The band was on the Motown label and enjoyed a good deal of success in the late seventies into the early eighties.
Not that he didn't negotiate a good deal for his wife going topless for millions of people to see, she is getting a reported $500,000 for the spread.
The series enjoyed a good deal of popularity and the BBC renewed for further seasons.
Remember-just because a site advertises itself as a "closeout" site, doesn't mean you'll automatically get a good deal.
They don't need to be too formal, but the dressier ensemble shows a good deal of respect.
It's a good deal for those who like to plan in advance and are diligent enough to keep track of shifting prices online.
It's just a matter of finding a good deal.
This could save you a good deal of money.
Since heat rises, a good deal of warmth is wasted in the upper area your dog does not occupy.
One of the big advantages of adopting from a rescue group or shelter is that the people there often know quite a good deal about the animal you are considering adopting.
This show is held by the American Kennel Club itself, a registering body that sanctions a good deal of the average dog shows that are held each year by all-breed and specialty dog clubs.
The leaves are narrower than I. iberica, and for the most part erect, the stem being about 6 inches in length, more or less, but it seems to vary a good deal.
Milk-weed, Silk-weed (Asclepias) - A large genus of strong-growing herbaceous perennials, few of them adapted for the flower garden, as they require a good deal of room, and are not attractive.
There have been lately raised some varieties, a good deal larger in their parts than the type, and these are very easy of culture and very vigorous.
If you've got your eye on a good deal on eBay, at least go to a shop and check out the online model you like before you shell out for it.
Luckily for budget constrained bass guitar hunters, there are plenty of places to land a good deal on your instrument.
Pay careful attention to these rankings since they could save you a good deal of time.
If you have little experience in evaluating flooring, ask your contractor to take a look to see if you are getting a good deal.
Jewelry closeouts and discount shops are additional places you may want to shop for a good deal on your black onyx with white pearl jewelry set.
When you get a good deal on discount pieces, you may be able to stretch your budget and purchase more jewelry pieces.
Here are some ways to protect yourself and still get a good deal.
If you find a good deal on long-sleeved organic shirts, for instance, buy a bunch in every color or several in your favorite colors so that they can be worn daily.
You should also be prepared to sift through a good deal of advertisements in any free publication you order, whether it's an online publication or printed.
Retailers are trying to get all of their holiday merchandise out of the stores to make room for new items, so they drastically cut prices, which is perfect for the consumer who's looking for a good deal.
Look for bridesmaids dresses, especially any that are on sale or clearance, for a good deal.
These bras are very feminine; make sure you choose those with thicker straps if you require a good deal of support.
You may find what seems like a good deal but you never know if you can find the same coverage for less money through another company.
Getting an insurance policy as a senior is a big decision, and it's important to find a good deal as well as a reputable company.
For this reason, doctors often spend a good deal of time trying to locate the reasons for your sleepwalking.Keep a journal of what you do daily including the daily stress factors in your life.
If you need the impact resistance and quality of a non-knockoff pair of Oakleys, you don't want to sacrifice your vision for a good deal from a less than reputable seller.
And you can usually count on finding a good deal.
You can always scout out malls for discounts at stores like Sunglass Hut and even department stores like Macy's and Dillard's for a good deal.
Get Away Today is another useful site, as they often work directly with the Disneyland Resort to get you a good deal.
If you plan to visit two times within one year, purchase the annual pass as it will save you a good deal of money.
Depending upon your room price, this may or may not be a good deal.
If you plan to park hop, then the park hopper options is a good deal.
The realm of Wii fitness games is no exception, offering a good deal of variety for people who want to sweat it out, shed a few pounds, and have a lot of fun along the way.
There are many factors to consider, and if you do not keep up with all the changes in technology, it can be hard to know what is really a good deal.
There are many places where you can find a good deal on a Wii console, though you should still expect to pay anywhere from $150 to $250 for a Wii.
At a price of $20 per bottle, this merlot is a good deal.
While most people would only consider buying new cell phones, you can find a good deal purchasing a used unit instead.
Our article -- Buying Cell Phones on eBay -- covers all you'll need to know about nabbing a good quality cell phone or accessory (and getting a good deal while you're at it).
However, most children with very low IQs develop some language, suggesting it is a relatively "buffered" system that can survive a good deal of insult to the developing brain.
Teenagers, especially girls, spend a good deal of time discussing their innermost thoughts and feelings, trying to understand one another.
While ballet barres can be expensive to buy and install, they are one of the most essential pieces of equipment for a dance studio, which means that it is not something to look for a good deal on.
In situations where you know a good deal of the basics about an ancestor, you can get a wealth of other information at a death registry site on the Internet.
If you want to buy prom hair pieces, a good deal is a must.
However, understanding these rates and how they work is essential if you want to get a good deal on your home mortgage.
Buying foreclosed homes can be a great way to get a good deal on a real estate purchase, but make sure you are ready to devote the time to doing your research and going through the process properly.
Alternatively, if you can find foreclosures at auction or listed in the classifieds early, you may be able to jump on a good deal before the general market finds out.
Simply make sure to take your time and do the process right in order to get a good deal instead of a bad one.
This book provided a good deal of information and instructions.
If you have the time to comb through the racks you may find a good deal.
Most of the major pattern makers have at least one or two designs for furry friends, and you can often get a good deal on these patterns with a store coupon from your local paper.
All around it's a good deal for everyone involved.
He showed off a good deal of his body in the shot; this was particularly risque for the time in which this shot was published.
Since calendars featuring bathing beauties are such big sellers year after year, she'd probably experience a good deal of success with this venture.
Chances are you can find a good deal for around $30.00.