A-c Sentence Examples
He waved his flashlight in an arc above his head and repeated the two words, a quake in his voice.
He emerged from the shadow world in a luxurious penthouse suite in Paris overlooking the Arc de Triomphe.
They were in a burnt-out room…with the Arc de Triomphe a short distance away.
Edith at first looked shocked, but almost at once, her face melted to a resigned look—a condemned maiden mounting the guillotine steps, Joan of Arc as the match ignited her pyre.
To paint a Joan of Arc who lives and dies inglorious is the theme she sets herself, and through most of the novel it is perfectly executed.
This involves a loss of accuracy because, with a spiderline micrometer, the accidental error of pointing is of the order of o I" of arc.
The document is entitled "Secrett Inventionis, proffitabill and necessary in theis dayes for defence of this Iland, and withstanding of strangers, enemies of God's truth and religion," a and the inventions consist of (1) a mirror for burning the enemies' ships at any distance, (2) a piece of artillery destroying everything round an arc of a circle, and (3) a round metal chariot, so constructed that its occupants could move it rapidly and easily, while firing out through small holes in it.
The hilly regions of Limousin, Prigord and the Cvennes are the home of the chestnut, which in some places is still a staple food; walnuts grow on the lower levels of the central plateau and in lower Dauphin and Provence, figs and almonds in Provence, oranges and citrons on the Mediterranean coast, apricots in central France, the olive in Provcnce and the lower valleys of the Rhneand Durancc. Truffles arc found under Silk Cocoons.
In order to produce electric oscillations in the system, the first or alternating current transformer must charge the condenser connected to its secondary terminals, but must not produce a permanent electric arc between the balls.
This result created a great sensation, and proved that Transatlantic electric wave telegraphy was quite feasible and not inhibited by distance, or by the earth's curvature even over an arc of a great circle 3000 m.
AdvertisementDuddell discovered in 1900 that if a continuous current carbon arc had its carbon electrodes connected by a condenser in series with an inductance, then under certain conditions oscillations were excited in this condenser circuit which appeared to be continuous.
Poulsen immensely improved this process by placing the arc in an atmosphere of hydrogen, coal-gas or some other nonoxidizing gas, and at the same time arranging it in a strong magnetic field.'
It appears, however, to depend upon the fact that an electric arc is not like a solid conductor.
Increase in the voltage acting upon a solid conductor increases the current through it, but in the case of the electric arc an increase in current is accompanied by a fall in the difference of potential of the carbons, within certain limits, and the arc has therefore been said to possess a negative resistance.'
In recent apparatus, to enable it to be used on board ship, a hydrogeneous spirit is used which is fed drop by drop into the chamber in which the arc is worked.
AdvertisementAcross the arc is a transverse or radial magnetic field, and the electrodes are connected by an oscillatory circuit consisting of a condenser and inductance.
The stereom is furnished either by cortical cells or by the tracheal elements, in a few cases by fibres which arc probably homologous with sievetubes.
Frost-cracks, scorching of bark by sun and fire, &c., anc wounds due to plants which entwine, pierce or otherwise materially injure trees, &c., on a large scale.
The voyage of Lord Anson to the Pacific in 1740-1744 was of a predatory character, and he lost more than half his men from scurvy; while it is not pleasant to reflect that at the very time when the French and Spaniards were measuring an arc of the meridian at Quito, the British under Anson were pillaging along the coast of the Pacific and burning the town of Payta.
The shortest line joining any two points is an arc of a great circle.
AdvertisementLovejoy at Niagara Falls, who passed atmospheric air, or air enriched with oxygen, about a high tension arc made as long as possible; but the company (the Atmospheric Products Company) was a failure.
The arc is produced by leading a current of about 5000 volts equatorially between the poles of an electromagnet; this produces what is practically a disk of flame, 62 ft.
The surface of the inland ice forms in a transverse section from the west to the east coast an extremely regular curve, almost approaching an arc of a wide circle, which along Nansen's route has its highest ridge somewhat nearer the east than the west coast.
The closed figure a c d e a is variously called a hysteresis curve or diagram or loop. The area f HdB enclosed by it represents the work done in carrying a cubic centimetre of the iron through the corresponding magnetic cycle; expressed in ergs this work is I HdB.
The strange nobody-crabs or Pycnogonids occupy a place on the ascending half of the arc below the Eurypterines and Limulus.
AdvertisementIf the slit be narrow, so that the arc is short, the intensity is constant over a wide range, and does not fall off to an important extent until the discrepancy of the extreme phases reaches about a quarter of a period.
The toga was a piece of woollen cloth in the form of a segment of a circle, 2 the chord of the arc being about three times the height of the wearer, and the height a little less than one-half of this length.
A scalene triangle abc might also be employed, or a tetrahedron.
The extension to the case where the liquid is bounded externally by a fixed ellipsoid X= X is made in a similar manner, by putting 4 = x y (x+ 11), (io) and the ratio of the effective angular inertia in (9) is changed to 2 (B0-A0) (B 1A1) +.a12 - a 2 +b 2 a b1c1 a -b -b12 abc (Bo-Ao)+(B1-A1) a 2 + b 2 a1 2 + b1 2 alblcl Make c= CO for confocal elliptic cylinders; and then _, 2 A? ?
The quadratrix of Tschirnhausen is constructed by dividing the arc and radius of a quadrant in the same number of equal parts as before.
When used for ore smelting, the reduced metal and the accompanying slag were to be caught, after leaving the arc and while still liquid, in a hearth fired with ordinary fuel.
A counterpoise was placed on the solenoid end of the balance beam to act against the attraction of the solenoid, the position of the counterpoise determining the length of the arc in the crucible.
He also arranged an experimental tubefurnace by passing a carbon tube horizontally beneath the arc ' Cf.
The arc furnaces now widely used in the manufacture of calcium carbide on a large scale are chiefly developments of the Siemens furnace.
Godin, a member of the French commission for measuring an arc of the meridian near Quito, became professor of mathematics at San Marcos in 1750; and the botanical expeditions sent out from Spain gave further zest to scientific research.
As the meteors have been numerously visible in five or six successive years it follows they must be pretty densely distributed along a considerable arc of their orbit.
There arc also remains of a well-preserved Roman theatre, close to the left bank of the river.
There arc four narrow avenues connecting this remarkable body of water with the Pacific and the Japan Sea; that on the west, called Shirnonoseki Strait, has a width of 3000 yds., that on the south, known ai Hayarnoto Strait, is 8 m.
Editors seemed tc be incapable of rising above the dead level of political strife, anc their utterances were not relieved even by a semblance of fairness Readers turned away in disgust, and journal after journal passe out of existence.
Suess pointed out that it was surrounded by a curved line of earth-fracture, following an arc drawn from a centre in the Lipari Islands, from Catanzaro to Etna, and so westward; within this arc he held that the crust of the earth is gradually sinking, and is in an unstable condition.
In order that no other settlements should encroach upon his centre of government, New Castle, the northern boundary was determined by drawing an arc of a circle, 12 m.
The arc is struck in a crucible into which the mixture is allowed to flow, partially filling it.
Skoda howitzer, which is really a mortar as defined above, direction is given by means of a pointer on the mounting and a graduated arc on the bed.
The length of the arc of a circle, for instance, is known if the length of the chord and its distance from the middle point of the arc are known; but it may be more convenient in such a case to use a formula such as Huygens's rule than to obtain a more accurate result by means of trigonometrical tables.
They may be applied, for instance, to finding the centroid of a semicircle or of the arc of a semicircle.
Draw the tangents at A and B, meeting at T; draw TV parallel to the axis of the parabola, meeting the arc in C and the chord in V; and M draw the tangent at C, meeting AT and BT in a and b.
Certain approximate formulae for the length of an arc of a circle are obtained by methods similar to those of §§ 71 and 79.
Let a be the radius of a circle, and 0 (circular measure) the unknown angle subtended by an arc. Then, if we divide 0 into m equal parts, and L 1 denotes the sum of the corresponding chords, so that L i =2ma sin (0/2m), the true length of the arc is L1 +a9 3 - 5 + ..., where cp. =B/2m.
It forms an arc of a circle of which the convexity turns slightly to the north; neither bay nor promontory breaks the regularity of its outline.
The pressure on CD is equal to the A C momentum which it receives per second.
He allowed a limited number of teeth on the arc of a circle to strike against a card.
The shortest distance between two points on a sphere is the arc of the great circle containing the points.
The extremities of the diameter perpendicular to a small circle are called the "poles" of that circle, and the distance from the pole to the circle, measured by the arc of the great circle through the pole, is the "polar distance" of the small circle.
A toothed arc fixed to the revolving platform or to the live ring serves to give motion to the bridge.
The vertical distortion of the curve must not be so great that there is a very sensible difference between the length of the arc and its chord.
In 1840 he ', as thus enabled to give a quantitative statement of the law acc s rding to which heat is produced in a conductor by the pas ageof an electric current, and in succeeding years he publish d a series of valuable researches on the agency of electricity in ansformations of energy.
From 1792 to 1799 he was occupied with the measurement of the arc of the meridian extending from Dunkirk to Barcelona, and published a detailed account of the operations in Base du systeme metrique (3 vols., 1806, 1807, 1810), for which he was awarded in 181 o the decennial prize of the Institute.
Replacing then the angle i on the right-hand side of equations (54) - (56) by some mean value, t, we introduce Siacci's pseudovelocity u defined by (59) u = q sec, t, so that u is a quasi-component parallel to the mean direction of the tangent, say the direction of the chord of the arc.
A relation which is of historical interest connects the logarithmic function with the quadrature of the hyperbola, for, by considering the equation of the hyperbola in the form xy=const., it is evident that the area included between the arc of a hyperbola, its nearest asymptote, and two ordinates drawn parallel to the other asymptote from points on the first asymptote distant a and b from their point of intersection, is proportional to log bla.
Thus if a horizontal slit is illuminated by an arc lamp, and the light - rendered parallel by a collimating lens - is transmitted through the sodium tube and focused on the vertical slit of a spectroscope, the effect of the sodium vapour is to produce its refraction spec trum vertically on the slit.
The dwindlings and growths of Nevada down to the present day, and to not a slight degree the general history of the settlement of the states of the Rocky Mountain region, arc a commentary on the fate of mining industries.
The figure included by two radii and an arc is a " sector," e.g.
As far as the circlesquaring functions are concerned, it would seem that Gregory was the first (in 1670) to make known the series for the arc in terms of the tangent, the series for the tangent in terms of the arc, and the secant in terms of the arc; and in 1669 Newton showed to Isaac Barrow a little treatise in manuscript containing the series for the arc in terms of the sine, for the sine in terms of the arc, and for the cosine in terms of the arc. These discoveries 1 See Euler, ” Annotationes in locum quendam Cartesii," in Nov.
If this be applied to the right-hand side of the identity m m m 2 m2 tan-=- - n n -3n-5n" it follows that the tangent of every arc commensurable with the radius is irrational, so that, as a particular case, an arc of 45 having its tangent rational, must be incommensurable with the radius; that is to say, 3r/4 is an incommensurable number."
For the bettering of the transmitted text we can call in aids of a C D partial or subsidiary character which are known in general as testimonia.
Proposition 30 describes the construction of a curve of double curvature called by Pappus the helix on a sphere; it is described by a point moving uniformly along the arc of a great circle, which itself turns about its diameter uniformly, the point describing a quadrant and the great circle a complete revolution in the same time.
The great chain of volcanoes which runs through Sumatra and Java is continued eastwards into the Moluccas, and terminates in a hooklike curve which passes through the Damar Islands to the Banda group. Outside this hook lies a concentric arc of non-volcanic islands, including Tenimber, the Lesser Kei Islands, Ceram and Buru; and beyond is still a third concentric arc extending from Taliabu to the Greater Kei Islands.
Let us imagine unit mass of solution of volume V confined in a cylinder ABC between a fixed vapour sieve B and a solid piston A A B C FIG.
On the adjacent Borough Hill arc extensive earthworks, and the discovery of remains here and at Burnt Walls, immediately south, proves the existence of a considerable Roman station.
Outside this arc lies a depression along which the waters of the upper Danube and the lower Rhone find their way towards the sea; and beyond rise the ancient crystalline masses of Bohemia, the Black Forest and the central plateau of France, together with the intervening Mesozoic beds of southern Germany and the Jura.
Upon the outer side of the arc the central zone of crystalline rocks is flanked by Mesozoic and Tertiary belts; towards the west, indeed, the individuality of these belts is lost, to a large extent, but the rocks remain.
Electric furnaces are at an advantage over others as regards the removal of sulphur and of iron oxide from the molten steel, because their atmosphere is free from the sulphur always present in the flame of coal-fired furnaces, and almost free from oxygen, because this element is quickly absorbed by the carbon and silicon of the steel, and in the case of arc furnaces by the carbon of the electrodes themselves, and is replaced only very slowly by leakage, whereas through the Bessemer converter and the open-hearth furnace a torrent of air is always rushing.
The Total in Reichskanzler is the sole responsible official, In the Pacific and conducts all the affairs of the empire, with German New G the exception of such as arc of a purely military Bismarck Archrj character, anti is the intermediary between the Caroline, Pelewa emperor, the Bundesrat and the Reichstag.
They arc empowered, subject to the limits set by the law, to regulate their own business by means of a general meeting and of elected committees.
Under these popes a new era began for the church, anc - in thus reforming the Papacy Henry III.
These rays are more or less perpendicular to the arc or band; sometimes they are very approximately parallel to one another, on other occasions they converge towards a paint.
Auroral Meridian.-It is a common belief that the summit of an auroral arc is to be looked for in the observer's magnetic meridian.
One end only, for example, may appear to move, as if rotating round the other; or the two ends may move in opposite directions, as if the arc were rotating about a vertical axis through its summit.
If an auroral arc represented a definite selfluminous portion of space of small transverse dimensions at a uniform height above the ground, its height could be accurately determined by observations made with theodolites at the two ends of a measured base, provided the base were not too short compared to the height.
Heights have been calculated in various less direct ways, by observing for instance the angular altitude of the summit of an arc and the angular interval between its extremities, and then making some assumption such as that the portion visible to an observer may be treated as a circle whose centre lies over the so-called auroral pole.
Suppose now, for the moment, that the readings of the levels k and l are identical in both observations, we have then, in the difference between the micrometer readings north and south, a measure of the difference of the two zenith distances expressed in terms of the micrometer screw; and, if the "` value of one revolution of the micrometer screw" is known in seconds of arc we have for the resulting latitude FIG.
In reality, the sensation and the belief arc sufficient; when I feel a sensible pressure, I cannot help believing in its reality, and therefore judging that it is real, without any tertium quid - an idea of pressure, or of existence or of pressure existing - intervening between the sensation and the belief.
Thus we see at once why the shadows cast by the sun or moon are in general so much less sharp than those cast by the electric arc. For, practically, at moderate distances the arc appears as a mere luminous point.
The value in terms of arc of the scale of the record can be obtained by measuring the distance between the magnet mirror and the recording drum, and in most observations it is such that a millimetre on the record represents one minute of arc. The time scale ordinarily employed is 15 mm.
If we construct a, the spherical triangles ABC,
The following table gives the period, for various amplitudes a, in terms of that of oscillation in an infinitely small arc about a vertical axis half-way between the points of attachment of the upper string.
Such arc the phenomena of the action of a machine, arranged in the order of can sation.
The relative motion of the faces of contact of the ridges anc grooves is a rotatory slidiug or grinding motion, about the line 01 contact of the pitch-surfaces as an instantaneous axis.
Intermittent LinkworkClick and Ratchet.A click acting opon a ratchet-wheel or rack, which it pushes or pulls through a certain arc at each forward stroke and leaves at rest at each backward stroke, is an example of intermittent linkwork.
Then, according to a well-known principle in statics, the normal pressure at the elementary arc do is TdO, T being the mean tension of the band at that elementary arc; consequently the friction on that arc is dF =JTdo.
Let a denote the arc of contact expressed in turns and fractions of a turn; then O=62832a 6
In July 1808 Davy laid a request before the managers of the Royal Institution that they would set on foot a subscription for the purchase of a specially large voltaic battery; as a result he was provided with one of 2000 pairs of plates, and the first experiment performed with it was the production of the electric arc light between carbon poles.
This invention in conjunction with an alternating current dynamo provided a new and simple form of electric arc lighting.
For if in the triangle abc the side ab is taken so as to represent on a given scale the tension of the surface of contact of the fluids a and b, and if the other sides be and ca are taken so as to represent on the same scale the tensions of the surfaces between b and c and between c and a respectively, then the condition of equilibrium at 0 for the corresponding tensions R, P and Q is that the angle ROP shall be the supplement of abc, POQ of bca, and, therefore, QOR of cab.
If four fluids, a, b, c, d, meet in a point 0, and if a tetrahedron AB CD is formed so that its edge AB represents the tension of the surface of contact of the liquids a and b, BC that of b and c, and so on; then if we place this tetrahedron so that the face ABC is normal to the tangent at 0 to the line of concourse of the fluids abc, and turn it so that the edge AB is normal to the tangent plane at 0 to the surface of contact of the fluids a and b, then the other three faces of the tetrahedron will be normal to the tangents at 0 to the other three lines of concourse of the liquids, an the other five edges of the tetrahedron will be normal to the tangent planes at 0 to the other five surfaces of contact.
When the ellipse differs infinitely little from a circle, the equation of the meridian line becomes approximately y = a+c sin (x/a) where c is small.
Bredig's process consists in passing an electric arc between silver electrodes under water, when a brown solution is obtained.
When the wing is made to vibrate, its several portions travel through the spaces d b f, j k 1, g h i, and e a c in exactly the same interval of time.
From this it follows that when the wing rises the body falls, and vice versa - the wing describing the arc of a large circle (f f), the body (b), or the weights (w, w') representing it, describing the arc of a small circle.
Plinlimmon (2468 ft.) is the highest of the hills, and forms a sort of hydrographic centre for the group, as from its eastern base the Severn and the Wye take their rise - the former describing a wide curve to east and south, the latter forming a chord to the arc in its southward course.
In a bundle examined in the basal portion of a leaf the bulk of the xylem is found to be centrifugal in position, but internally to the protoxylem there is a group of centripetal tracheids; higher up in the petiole the xylem is mainly centripetal, the centrifugal wood being represented by a small arc of tracheids external to the protoxylem and separated from it by a few parenchymatous elements.
The resistance to slipping of a flat belt on a pulley may be obtained by considering the equilibrium of a small arc of the pulley surface subtending an angle dB at the centre, and having tensions T and T+dT at its extremities.
In architecture, a crescent is a street following the arc of a circle; the name in this sense was first used in the Royal Crescent at Bath.
If it is not so, the government is inclined to proscribe unpopular opinion, and to forget that new opinions by which the greatest benefits arc likely to be conferred are certain at first to be entertained by a very few, and are quite certain to be unpopular as soon as they come into collision with the opinions of the majority.
If a line S2 cut an arc aa at b, so that the two segments ab, ba lie on opposite sides of the line, then projecting the figure so that the line Sl goes off to infinity, the tangent at b is projected into the asymptote, and the arc ab is projected into a hyperbolic leg touching the asymptote at one extremity; the arc ba will at the same time be projected into a hyperbolic leg touching the same asymptote at the other extremity (and on the opposite side), but so that the two hyperbolic legs may or may not belong to one and the same branch.
Next, if the line S2 touch at b the arc aa so that the two portions ab, ba lie on the same side of the line Sl, then projecting the figure as before, the tangent at b, that is, the line S2 itself, is projected to infinity; the arc ab is projected into a parabolic leg, and at the same time the arc ba is projected into a parabolic leg, having at infinity the same direction as the other leg, but so that the two legs may or may not belong to the same branch.
His method was to sift out the long dark waves which are associated with the short visible waves constituting the light of the sun or of the electric arc and to concentrate the former to a focus.
The arc being struck in the usual way between two carbons, a concave mirror, placed close behind it, caused a large part of the radiation to be directed through an aperture in the camera and concentrated to a focus outside.
The committee decided in favour of the latter and a commission was appointed to measure the arc of the meridian between Dunkirk and Mont Jany, near Barcelona.
Among the fruits of the strenuous career of Nicolas Louis de Lacaille were tables of the sun, in which terms depending upon planetary perturbations were, for the first time, introduced (1758); an extended acquaintance with the southern heavens; and a determination of the moon's parallax from observations made at opposite extremities of an arc of the meridian 85' in length.
Although flowers growing on the ground or on shrubs are not conspicuous for number or beauty, there arc many fine flowering trees, such as Poinciana regia, presenting a mass of scarlet flowers; 1 The words in parentheses are the native Malagasy names.
Among its results were determinations of the lunar and of the solar parallax (Mars serving as an intermediary), the first measurement of a South African arc of the meridian, and the observation of io,000 southern stars.
An arc with centre 0 and radius OB forms part of a curve.
Geology.Geologically the Spanish Peninsula consists of a great massif of ancient rock, bordered upon the north, east and south by zones of folding in which the Mesozoic and early Tertiary beds arc involved.
A great deal has been A A C a..e D FIG.
They were in a burnt-out room…with the Arc de Triomphe a short distance away.
Edith at first looked shocked, but almost at once, her face melted to a resigned look—a condemned maiden mounting the guillotine steps, Joan of Arc as the match ignited her pyre.
Be adding a hold 'em but always asked the ABC.
For example, there are a total of four character breaks in the string ABC.
It means the shiny arc of reflected light on a chrome bumper instead of the smith's blacking on a hammered iron rail.
Typically a C API will provide a function to register a callback.
Focused on esthetics, Arc is a functional room for the garden which will appeal to design conscious consumers.
The ACC also has a page of computer cribbage games for various platforms.
One attempt at calling a general strike was effectively suppressed by members of the SAW and ANC who had escaped the police dragnet.
As the sun climbs the upper tangent arc opens and then droops like a gull's wings.
Metal transfer The transfer of metal across the arc from a consumable electrode to the molten pool.
The arc booklet ' fibromyalgia ' is a useful patient aid.
Arc furnace A steel melting furnace in which heat is generated by an arc between graphite electrodes and the metal.
Minutes and a report of the geodetic Arc Committee containing reports by Gill and Ardagh on geodetic surveys in Africa, 1900.
Gordon a. The site contains hbo espn abc.
Christ's Hospital pupils also had a record number of passes (A-C grades) of 98.4% .
A glaucous gull was reported from the ARC site this morning.
A unified advice and assistance function can only be a c h i e ved if the regulator is responsible for awarding charitable status.
The image, however, also shows a faint circular halo beneath the arc.
Four iron hoops arc across the boat, on top of which is a roll of green canvas.
A quick word about hornpipes The hornpipe rhythm is useful to illustrate one more way abc allows the notation of notes of differing length.
The heaviest bell, the ' tenor ', weighs 27 hundredweight, 2 quarters and 5 pounds and sounds a C sharp note.
To see a picture of the arc lectern with reflective film click here.
A series of C -terminal deletions of Rx were made at conserved motifs in the ARC domain.
I agree that a unified nomenclature of human ABC transporters would be very useful.
Pearlman also had a bitter parting with the group O-Town that was documented on the ABC show Making the Band.
From this general perspective, ABC for a Marxist, he contrives however to make a recipe of temporizing passivity and national nihilism.
Creating a new location from an arc raster file A new location can be built up from an Arc raster file.
Mercury arc rectifiers have now been made totally obsolete by semiconductors, although there are a few still in service in old installations.
A mercury arc rectifier consists of a pool of mercury in a vacuum tube.
Unperturbed by this notoriously rough ride in the TV milieu, Lynch made Mulholland Drive for ABC as the pilot for a new series.
Metafox I took a C course and a Pascal class in college, but I'm mostly self-taught.
A fitting tribute was paid to Captain A C Green, composer of the famous setting of Sunset.
Here the climate changes drastically as the music dissolves into a long trill on a C major chord.
Arnold's MC ruler is well placed in 5 and is in a tight trine to the Mercury - ASC conjunction.
Between 1968 and 1974 there was a rising arc of labor unrest.
The voltage waveform shows a complete absence of any beat envelope following the initiation of an arc to ground.
There are other more specialist arc welding processes such as spot welding or seam welding which work without a filler.
Each of the two micrometer screws X and Y moves a system of six parallel webs, placed 4" of arc apart from each other.
Fleming devised a method which has practical advantages in both preventing the arc and permitting the oscillatory currents to be controlled so as to make electric wave signals.
Financial considerations, lack of proper transports for an expeditionary corps, fear of displeasing France, dislike of a policy of adventure, misplaced deference towards the ambassadorial conference in Constantinople, and unwillingness to thwart the current of Italian sentiment in favor of the Egyptian nationalists, were the chief motives of the Italian refusal which had the effect of somewhat estranging Great Britain anc Italy.
Monstrosities.A large class of cases of departure from the normal form, depending on different and often obscure causes, may be grouped together under this heading; most of them arc of the kind termed Teretological, and it is difficult to decide how far they should be regarded as pathological if we insist that a disease threatens the existence of the plant, since many of these malformationse.g.
Each arc was measured with every precaution and a multitude of observations.
He also wrote a suggestion for reform in the administration of justice entitled Libellus de optimo ordine forenses lites audiendi et deferendi; an Apologia, written to answer the charges brought against him by Louis XI.; a Breviloquium, or allegorical account of his own misfortunes; a Peregrinatio; a defence of Joan of Arc entitled Opinio et consilium super processu et condemnatione Johanne, dicte Puelle, and other miscellaneous writings.
Minor improvements in tangent sights certainly were made, notably an automatic clamp, but quadrant elevation was mainly used, and in the case of guns equipped with position-finders (see Range-Finder) the guns could be layed for direction by means, of a graduated arc on the emplacement and a pointer on the mounting.
If we bisect AB and CD in P and Q respectively, and describe the arc PQ of a circle with centre 0, the length of this arc is 2(b+a)0; and b - a =AB.
The data for the area ADQ are a series of values of u corresponding to equidifferent values of x; if we denote by y the distance of a point on the arc AD from QD, we can from the series of values of u construct a series of values of y corresponding to equidifferent values of u, and thus find the area of ADQ, treating QD as the base.
During the Revolution, he was one of the three members of the council established to introduce the decimal system, and he was also a member of the commission appointed to determine the length of the metre, for which purpose the calculations, &c., connected with the arc of the meridian from Barcelona to Dunkirk were revised.
Of the makers of paper boxes, of shirts, collars and cuffs, of hosiery and knitting mill operatives, of glove-makers, silk mill operatives and book-binders they are more than half; so also of other textile workers, excluding wool and cotton mill operatives (these last the second largest group of women workers in manufactures), in which occupations males arc in a slight excess.
The length of a parabolic arc can be obtained by the methods of the infinitesimal calculus; the curve is directly quadrable, the area of any portion between two ordinates being two thirds of the circumscribing parallelogram.
His "Triumph of the Republic" (1881-1886), a vast quadriga for the Arc de Triomphe, Paris, is perhaps more amazingly full of life than others of his works, all of which reveal this quality of vitality in superlative degree.
The English people had expected that a sort of Golden Agc would follow the conclusion of the peace with Scotland rind France.
If instead of imagining to ourselves commanders of genius leading the Russian army, we picture that army without any leaders, it could not have done anything but make a return movement toward Moscow, describing an arc in the direction where most provisions were to be found and where the country was richest.
Creating a new location from an Arc raster file A new location can be built up from an Arc raster file.
The iris is a good example of a reflex arc.
Dr. Inam Haq is an arc Educational Research Fellow and a specialist registrar in rheumatology at the Middlesex Hospital in London.
Metafox I took a C course and a Pascal class in college, but I 'm mostly self-taught.
But if sir percy wins a slow arc it will not prove much to me that i dont already know.
A t t a c k siren control signal.
The next couple of episodes are a story arc with the emphasis on Washu.
The Terai Arc is a corridor of biodiversity teeming with Asian elephants, swamp deer, and river dolphins galore.
So whether you 're a fan of trad jazz, theater or art you'll find it at ARC !
Arnold 's MC ruler is well placed in 5 and is in a tight trine to the Mercury - ASC conjunction.
On the way out I spent another tenner on a set of large wad punches, a C clamp and a bundle of lighters.
It consists of a chamber in which test samples are mounted on a circular carousel which rotates around a xenon arc lamp.
My goal is to earn a 4.0 GPA this semester, but getting a C on my Algebra test puts my plan in jeopardy.
The monitor that you purchase should be equipped with both a battery and an electric A/C adaptor.
There are monitors that are available that may have battery or A/C options; rechargeable batteries may also be a good choice.
The Nook supports a wide range of e-book formats, including ePub, BBeB, Adobe PDF, XLS, DOC, PPT, PPS, TXT, DOCM, XLSM, PPTM, PPSX, PPSM, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, MP3, AAC and MP4 formats.
If you cannot find a local practitioner, consider one of the many online remedy finders, such as ABC Homeopathy.
Use a 6x6 album for themed projects such as an ABC album or a "10 Reasons Why I Love You" book for your spouse.
An ABC book is often considered a child's scrapbook theme, but these ideas for scrapbooks can work well for many different types of projects.
If you need suggestions for ABC lists to help you get started with your scrapbook, Denny Davis shares lists for a number of different scrapbook themes on his personal website.
You don't have to make an entire ABC Disney scrapbook, especially if you want to incorporate other themes into a single album.
Instead, choose an ABC layout to spread over a few pages.
Building on her gift of generosity, Winfrey's production company is taking a step into reality television with two unscripted ABC series.
According to a press release from ABC and Oprah's Harpo production company, Your Money or Your Life looks at families in crisis.
Barbara Walters read a statement prepared by ABC on Wednesday's episode of The View.
This hit celebrity reality series begins its fourth season March 19, 2007 with a two-hour premiere on ABC.
In 1999, she appeared in a Jockey bra advertisement along with other ABC daytime soap stars.
Regis Philbin, the long-standing host of ABC television's Live With Regis and Kelly, was expected to have a triple bypass heart surgery on March 14, 2007.
According to ABC News, the Maoist Shining Path insurgency killed nearly 70,000 Peruvians during the 1980s and 1990s, nearly bringing Peru into a total collapse.
Her career as a model was short-lived, however, as she was cast in her first acting role in 1989 on the forgettable ABC show Living Dolls.
In 1981, Bob Goen moved to television, taking a job with a Palm Springs ABC affiliate and working as a sports anchor.
She then made a jump back into acting in a television series in 2009 on ABC Family's Make It or Break It.
Fishel's story line included a classic childhood sweethearts arc as she dated one of the other main characters, Cory Matthews.
Although she's been an international model and actress for many years, it took this ABC comedy to propel her stardom and make her a household name.
Matlin also had a 29-episode story arc on the cable hit The L-Word.
The business should provide you with a written adoption contract that outlines all of their policies, the puppy's veterinary records, and any AKC registry papers.
The AKC also has a purebred breeder referral finder the website.
The purpose of an AKC dog show is to provide a showcase for breeders and exhibitors to compare their stock against that of other breeders in order to raise the overall health and quality of dogs being bred.
If your dog was purchased from an AKC member breeder, you most likely received either a puppy registration or an adult registration certificate at the time of purchase.
To exhibit, your dog must be able to walk on a lead/leash, and stand still for the judge to do a hands-on examination in an effort to determine how close he/she is to the AKC standard of perfection for your breed.
Because there are many more rules that govern AKC dog shows than can be covered here, it's a good idea to visit The American Kennel Club.
Now, we have provided you with a bare bones outline of how to get started showing dogs at AKC competitions, but there's so much more you will need to learn.
A listing for each dog entered including the full AKC name, registration number, date of birth, breeder(s), current owner(s), and handler name if one is being used.
To be eligible for American Kennel Club registration, a puppy must be the product of two AKC registered animals of the same breed.
All of this is maintained in the AKC's data base, and each puppy will receive a temporary puppy registration that will serve until a permanent AKC registration and name is applied for.
By providing this number, located on the AKC registration certificate that you should have received from the breeder, and a nominal fee, you can received your dog's pedigree.
The ILP is useful for dogs who came from shelters or breed rescues, and it provides each dog with a number to be used to compete in AKC companion and sporting events, such as obedience and agility trials.
Autoimmune disorders, hip dysplasia, various cancers, and blood disorders are just a few of the health conditions the AKC is currently tackling with the support of your generous donations.
There are a number of FSS conditions and goals to be met along the way, but if the breed club is successful, they will eventually be eligible for full AKC registration and participation in all AKC shows and events.
A few of the names may be familiar to you, and some of the breed photos may look quite a bit like some of the currently recognized AKC breeds.
It stated that regrettably, the registered sire was not a match, so my dog and his litter mates were removed from the AKC registry.
Did you request it, or did you just receive a courtesy notification of the test from AKC?
I have a three-year-old AKC female Chihuahua Can she get pregnant without bleeding or being in heat?
However, this is the only show that AKC actually oversees from start to finish, and it's sponsored by Eukanuba dog food, a product of the Iams company.
While almost any dog with a current AKC registration is eligible for entry at nearly any other AKC sanctioned dog show, this is not the case at the Eukanuba dog show.
There is a 10-step test to earn the award and it is the only award that the AKC recognizes for all breeds, even mixed breeds and adopted dogs.
Other countries, including Canada and a number of locations in Europe, Australia and Asia have developed similar programs based on what the AKC is using to recognize desirable canine behavior.
This may seem like a daunting task, but it really doesn't take much time to scan the images to look for contenders because AKC organizes the breeds alphabetically with quite a few breed image on a single page.
In the chord chart you just printed out, look at the chord in the top left which shows a C chord written in chart form.
Bluegrass players, for example, typically finger a G chord with a similar shape to the way they finger a C chord.
The song begins with a C chord and changes to the G chord when the lyrics sing the word first.
Also perfect for lounging is a Contrast Tank Top sold at ABC Underwear.
Fortunately many manufacturers have caught on to the increasing demand to provide more options for those beyond a C or D cup, and even the opportunity to purchase a custom-made plus size bra is now available.
Riders swing back and forth at a steep arc while 137 feet in the air.
When you rank with a C or higher in any given stage, you unlock it for the Level Editor.
After about a minute, I finally blew up the APC.
For the roundhouse, aim the remote down a little and arc your arm around the side.
You can shoot five bullets in quick succession, but if you are aiming at a tank, spread out the bullets so that they travel at your opponent in an arc.
It's a backwater AOC in France but don't stick one's Gallic nose up at the region, there are good-value wines to be found and this Rosè from Mas Grand Plagniol is one of them, blended from Grenache, Syrah, and Cinsault.
There are four French wine categories as designated by the AOC and the European Quality Wine Produced in a Specific Region (QWPSR).
The victim may also suffer a fall or an electric arc may set clothing or nearby flammable substances on fire.
This stimulus results in a symmetrical extension of the infant's extremities while forming a C shape with the thumb and forefinger.
With a huge personality and plenty of heart, he now shines as one of ABC Dance War's resident choreographers, bringing passion and artistic elements into his team members' routines.
There hasn't been any information released regarding a second season of ABC Dance War, but judging by the popularity of its first season, a second round would hardly be a shocker.
The Cheryl Burke bio chronicles a stunning ballroom dancer who is best known for her stints on the popular ABC television show, Dancing with the Stars.
In 2000, ABC Television took a chance on a new show called Dancing with the Stars, which showcases celebrities learning to ballroom dance with professional competitors.
Using a ruler or straightedge, extend the left vertical line of the square to the arc.
Real Estate ABC takes a variety of economic information into consideration before presenting an interest rate prediction for mortgages.
Because ASC is a management company, none of the mortgages it handles originated within its walls.
In return for their management, ASC earns a small percentage of the interest payments.
Because ASC is independently funded through these means, it is a division of, and not a subsidiary of, Wells Fargo.
As a final shopping note, check out ABC Underwear.com.
If your daughter wears a C or D cup, spend the extra money to go to a specialty store and buy a suit that provides appropriate coverage for her body.
Not only will you find sarongs for women and men at ABC Underwear, you can also view a helpful video with instructions on how to tie one on.
In 2008, esteemed reporter Barbara Walters ran a special on ABC News entitled, "Live to 150, Can You Do It?
Though the full "Live to 150" special is available for purchase on the official ABC website, a specific clip devoted to the segment on resveratrol can be found on YouTube and viewed below at no charge.
Barbara Walters seemed very impressed with the antioxidant's potential in her ABC special; nevertheless, in June of 2009 she released a statement on ABC that she does not endorse resveratrol.
The APC NetworkAIR AP7003 has an operating range of 61 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit and a cooling capacity of 7200 BTU.
This is one of the APC portable air conditioners that has a cooling capacity of 7200 BTU.
Select a portable A/C unit by determining your cooling needs.
This Maytag A/C unit requires a minimum of 115 volts, 815 watts and 9.8 ampls.
The BTU designation is one of the most important considerations when selecting a portable A/C unit.
If you want to put your A/C unit in a window, carefully follow the instructions that accompany the product.
It's a Sunday night television series on ABC that focuses on the lives of four housewives who live on the fictional Wisteria Lane in Fairview.
There are a number of Iron Man options in the site's Halloween section, including the helmet, arc reactor (that's the heart, for those not familiar with the lingo), the mask and the armor itself.
In an attempt to capitalize on the zeitgeist associated with cougars, ABC debuted a new sitcom in 2009 starring former Friends actress Courtney Cox called Cougar Town.
Disney.com has introduced a variety of ABC kids' games on the site.
One dramatic yet short-lived series I consulted on was a mid-80s show for ABC called Shadow Chasers.
Other sites that offer a head's up on A.C.
Egglesfield left AMC in 2009 for a stint on the short-lived reboot of Melrose Place.
Another AMC regular, Darnell was the child of a military family, where he grew up in England, Japan and New York.
Since 2007, Springfield continued to appear on the ABC soap in a recurring or guest starring role as storyline dictated and his schedule allowed.
Fans of soap operas need a virtual fence to chat over about the latest and greatest happenings on the ABC soap opera.
The following list of sites is a sample of locations where AMC fans can go to find out what will happen next.
In 2002, Duhamel elected to leave AMC to pursue other opportunities and fan hearts broke alongside Greenlee's as Leo 'died' from a fall off a cliff trying to protect her from his mother.
Soapzone - Soapzone is a fan based website that provides scoops and spoilers for fans of One Life to Live and other ABC daytime soap operas.
While a few daytime soaps have come and gone from ABC over the years, All My Children, General Hospital, and One Life to Live make up the network's current daytime soap opera lineup.
The site features a separate message board and a chat room for each of the four CBS soap operas, as well as for all of the NBC and ABC daytime soaps.
Always a hot topic for a soap scoop, AMC (or All My Children) offers plenty of spoilers, new characters, and familiar faces returning to the program.
When fans get a solid soap scoop, AMC message boards and forums begin to buzz with members throwing out their own interpretations of what the scoop means for the cast of characters.
Fans could get a brief overview of future episodes through print magazines and a few entertainment television shows, and the AMC production team used this to their advantage.
Actress Salma Hayek, herself a star of one telenovelas, helped bring Ugly Betty (another adaption of Yo Soy Betty la Fea) to the ABC primetime lineup.
When the show ended, a letter writing campaign to the CW network failed to bring it back to life and actress VanCamp joined the ABC family drama Brothers and Sisters, ending all speculative hope for an Everwood reunion.
There are a number of different types of AMC discussion groups online.
Media Domain--Media Domain offers a AMC discussion group with a message board, access to their other soap opera discussion groups and links to Soap Opera Digest's daily recaps and other AMC fan sites.
My Space--My Space has an AMC discussion group with a youth focus.
Today AMC continues to be an award-winning soap opera with a loyal fan base of all ages.
When Derek's ex-wife Addison left Seattle Grace, she moved over to Private Practice, a spin-off of Grey's Anatomy which also airs on ABC and is available for viewing online.
She tried to pitch the show to NBC and CBS before finding a home for it on ABC.
His infamous proposal in a chicken suit lives on in AMC history as both zany and romantic.
Slezak has won a record six Daytime Emmy Awards for her portrayal as the psychologically challenged principal character on the popular ABC soap.
What happened on One Life to Live is a question that fans of the ABC soap opera want answered.
Most sites that discuss soap operas including Soap Central, Soaps.com and TVGuide offer daily recaps so fans can get a quick glimpse at what happened on the ABC show.
Some claimed that ABC reconsidered ditching some its long-time veterans in favor of younger performers, while others speculated that Barr had a change of heart.
Visit any ABC soap opera message board and you will find fans debating spoilers as they would apply to a character depending on who is playing it.
Too often in the past, veteran actors on AMC faced reduced air time to make room for younger, cheaper newcomers; a situation that is bitterly resented by most soap opera fans.
The death of Stuart is indeed the death of a legacy character, but AMC will not lose any of its veteran actors.
Of course, the question of murder always brings about a who done it and more AMC soap spoilers and speculation.
The death of Stuart Chandler on AMC is not the first time a twin's death mislead fans of a soap opera favorite's death.
Finally storyline C is a thread that lasts throughout the season, usually an arc that edges forward with each show.
The ABC hit primetime soap features nearly a dozen central characters that feed off each other's personal dramas.
Desperate Housewives is a phenomenally successful prime time soap opera that airs on ABC.
The beautiful blonde starred as a vixen on the hit ABC show for five seasons before being killed off in 2008.
Free Desperate Housewives episode downloads are a great way to catch up on missed seasons and episodes of your favorite ABC primetime drama.
If you are a diehard AMC fan, you will find information and memories you will love, and if you're new to the soap opera circuit, you will learn a lot and join the ranks of devoted followers in no time.
Soap Opera Digest is a leading soap opera publication that includes recaps of all major soap operas including AMC.
If you want to be assured you can review full episodes, or you don't have the time to do a lot of reading or web surfing, you can make your own AMC recap by investing in a service such as TiVo.
Thanks to the Internet, AMC transcripts are readily available from a variety of websites.
The advantage of writing directly definitely comes in the fact you can easily work through archives and ask for a plot from long ago, while AMC may only be able to provide a transcript from more recent years on the Internet.
Undoubtedly AMC transcripts make excellent souvenirs, and if you are lucky enough to meet one of the show's stars at some sort of event, you can ask them to autograph your transcript and then you'll own a valuable collector's item.
If you are thinking of becoming a screenwriter or actor, the AMC transcripts can be a great resource for you.
You can also consider throwing a soap opera party if you know of others who are fans of AMC and other popular shows.
In April 2010, ABC announced that One Life to Live was abandoning the Kish story line, blaming the couple for a decline in ratings.
Blake on the now defunct ABC Family series Wildfire, a bull rider who died in his last appearance.
The release of All My Children on DVD is a familiar dream to many fans of the long-running ABC soap opera.
After a varied career including a number of independent films, Troian Bellisario was cast as Spencer Hastings on the ABC Family drama Pretty Little Liars.
Private Practice returned for a fourth season in the 2010-2011 television season on ABC.
Grey's Anatomy airs on ABC and was renewed for a sixth season following season five.
To find even more on the Grey's Anatomy Episode Guide, and to get a complete listing of each episode, head to the ABC website where you can read up on every episode throughout all the seasons.
We need to implement the new product marketing plan sooner than discussed at our last meeting, because ABC company now has a similar one set to launch in July.
Just like the athletes they cheer for, most junior high schools require that their cheerleaders maintain at least a C average in order to even try out for the team.
Almost all middle schools require that their students on the cheer squad maintain at least a C average in order to even try out for the team.
Keep a standard ABC kitchen fire extinguisher and a box of baking soda nearby.
To exercise, slowly contract your abs so that your knees are pulled up to the chest in a nice arc.
Joan of Arc carried a banner with fleur-de-lis during her battles against the Dauphin.
A satin sling bra, available in black, has slender straps that are best for women with smaller busts as this bra doesn't go bigger than a C cup.
Brands vary with their sizing; the most common is by letters A-C, and plus or queen sizes.
Their sports bra sizes go up to about a C cup.
If you're smaller than a C cup, you may be able to get away without wearing an underwire bra.
Since then, Kelsey Grammer's production company has signed a deal to produce a television series based on Maroulis' life for ABC.
The ability to play a variety of media files, including MP3, WMA and AAC.
In the wake of her popularity on the ABC celebrity dancing competition, Hough threw her hat into the ring of the music industry and gave fans a chance to check out what she had to offer musically.
The series has become as popular as other competitive reality TV shows such as America's Got Talent, and ABC has given it a prominent position in its Monday night lineup.
Wife Swap is a reality show featured on the ABC network.
Extreme Makeover Home Edition is a hit reality TV show for ABC in which a team of designers travels across the country building new homes for deserving families.
Making the Band actually started as a mainstream reality show on ABC.
For example, HBO typically shows more nudity than prime-time stations like ABC or CBS, but every once in a while, even the latter likes to push the envelope.
Dating in the Dark is a weekly reality show on the ABC network.
According to insiders, Fox first announced it planned to air Trading Spouses in late June 2004, more than a month after ABC revealed its fall line-up, which included Wife Swap.
Meanwhile, ABC execs used the opportunity to stress that the outcome of Wife Swap didn't involve a cash prize, rather it gave couples an opportunity to re-discover what they love about each other.
The Shark Tank TV series is a business-based reality program on ABC.