X-rays Sentence Examples
Megan held Clarissa's hand while the technician took the X-rays.
A few minutes later they came in and got Destiny to take her for more x-rays.
Unable to penetrate the Earth's atmosphere, the X-rays from the flare can only be detected from space.
X-rays of the elbow were taken which show a posterior dislocation.
The x-rays were conclusive and indicated a bad infection in the lower lobe of one lung.
Becquerel's observation in 1896 that certain uranium preparations emitted a radiation resembling the X rays observed by Rntgen in 1895.
Megan followed the ambulance to the hospital and held Clarissa's hand while the technician took the X-rays.
Diagnosis is usually made with barium X-rays (taken after the patient swallows barium liquid to show up the inside of the intestine ).
How it is done X-rays are taken to establish the length of the pulp cavity.
Their recommendations are - Soft tissue contracture around patella and fat pad - Start serial lateral X-rays to follow patellar height.
AdvertisementWorking in Oxford she used x-ray crystallography, a technique based on the diffraction of x-rays by crystals.
Also provided is an animated glossary of nuclear terms ranging from alpha decay to X-rays, many with clickable links to animated diagrams.
The program has includes " Anomalous dispersion " corrections for the correction of resonance effects in the absorption of x-rays.
For example, parents can become distraught about their child needing five x-rays.
Heart valve abnormalities are detected with a simple test called echocardiography, a non-invasive test that does not require x-rays.
AdvertisementX-rays of the hip should be obtained prior to initiating therapy.
Most types of cosmic object known to exist, from dwarf stars to the most distant quasars, are known to emit X-rays.
In addition, CT exposes you to more ionizing radiation than do regular X-rays.
The X-rays pass through your body and are detected by electronic sensors on the other side of the gantry.
Skull X-rays All head injured patients had plain skull X-rays All head injured patients had plain skull X-rays performed on admission to hospital.
AdvertisementThis thickness is then used in the analysis of the X-ray spectrum to correct for self absorption of X-rays in the sample.
The specific introduction of the use of x-rays to South Australia is a fascinating story with important international ramifications.
On chest x-rays the signs are often not very definite and may possibly only show a slight thickening of the pleura.
Some young people also have others tests like heart tracings (ECG) or X-rays.
The machines used to take X-ray pictures produce X-rays with energies of around 120,000 electron volts.
AdvertisementWilliam ramsay X-rays.
X-rays penetrated.
Plain abdominal X-rays are useful to detect gaseous distention of the dysfunctional organs.
However, only a low proportion of children in this age band had dental X-rays taken.
The dividing line between hard and soft X-rays is not well defined and can depend on the context.
Of the auctions be freed up was interest in william Ramsay X-rays.
Working in Oxford she used X-ray crystallography, a technique based on the diffraction of x-rays by crystals.
The temperature required in the fusion of sheet-glass and of other glasses produced in tank furnaces is much lower than that attained in steel furnaces, and it is consequently pos Since the discovery of the Röntgen rays, experiments have been made to ascertain the effects of the different constituents of glass on the transparency of glass to X-rays.
Becquerel's observation in 1896 that certain uranium preparations emitted a radiation resembling the X rays observed by Röntgen in 1895.
Skull X-Rays All head injured patients had plain skull X-rays performed on admission to hospital.
The first tests were just routine, urine samples, blood tests, chest and skull X-rays which took most of the day.
An individual can go into hospital for various x-rays to test for a sluggish bowel.
Repeat cervical spine x-rays as needed for Special Olympic participation.
The electron wave is created by exciting a core hole electron with synchrotron radiation or x-rays.
He took new x-rays and said I fractured my talus bone.
This shows up on X-rays, and it can be followed traveling from the kidney, down the ureters into the bladder.
But some people who followed them william ramsay x-rays.
To simply become rays to possess the x-rays penetrated.
Plain abdominal x-rays are useful to detect gaseous distention of the dysfunctional organs.
Plain x-rays of the pelvis were also normal at the time of follow up.
However, only a low proportion of children in this age band had dental x-rays taken.
The dividing line between hard and soft x-rays is not well defined and can depend on the context.
Of the auctions be freed up was interest in william ramsay x-rays.
My vet took X-rays and then opened her up again to see if anything was wrong.
The examination usually includes extensive X-rays and photographs and often includes making an impression of the teeth.
Pet medications, x-rays, and hospitalization are just a few of the added costs that can suddenly arise if your pet becomes ill or injured.
I have moved away from his primary vet, and the vet I took him to said he knew about Valley Fever and took some X-rays.
Portuguese Water Dog puppies must have their hips x-rayed at various points in their growth and development to check for dysplasia, and x-rays can be expensive.
Testing can involve anything from a simple blood test or skin punch to x-rays for joint problems.
Irradiated food is exposed to radiation, either through gamma rays, x-rays or electron beams, in an effort to kill microorganisms that can cause it to rot.
Interestingly, MDA also offers a homeopathic remedy that is intended to detoxify the body of any lingering effects of the x-rays.
The electromagnetic spectrum includes (from longest wavelength to shortest) radio waves, microwaves, infrared, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays.
Other sources of radiation are x-rays, radon gas, and ionizing radiation from nuclear material.
Radiation therapy, which involves the use of x-rays or other high-energy rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors, may be used in some cases.
Computed tomography (CT)-An imaging technique in which cross-sectional x rays of the body are compiled to create a three-dimensional image of the body's internal structures; also called computed axial tomography.
Many individuals experience chronic limb and joint pain, although x rays of these joints appear normal.
Treatment is usually a combination of surgery, medications used to kill cancer cells (chemotherapy), and x rays or other high-energy rays used to kill cancer cells (radiation therapy).
Chest x-rays are usually taken at least once a year.
Enlargement of the heart can be seen in x rays and congestion of the blood vessels in the lungs.
In some cases the doctor may order an ultrasound study of the pelvic region to check for anatomical abnormalities or x rays or a bone scan to check for bone fractures.
Cystoscopy (looking into the bladder with a thin telescope-like instrument) and x rays with a contrast agent to illuminate the urinary system will usually identify the defect.
The frequency of chromosomal breaks is increased when T-lymphocytes are exposed to x rays in the laboratory, and this sensitivity to ionizing irradiation forms the basis for a specialized A-T diagnostic test.
He or she may order x rays or other imaging studies in order to rule out certain types of arthritis.
Grade II and III sprains are often seen by a physician, who x rays the area to differentiate between a sprain and a fracture.
Sometimes, chest x rays are ordered to check for pneumonia or lung damage due to aspiration of stomach contents.
Chest x rays may help indicate the presence and extent of such infections as pneumonia or tuberculosis.
These images are called diagnostic x rays.
Diagnostic x rays are useful in detecting abnormalities within the body.
Roentgen was also a photographer and almost immediately realized that the shadows created when x rays passed through the body could be permanently recorded on photographic plates.
Within a few years, x rays became a valued diagnostic tool of physicians world-wide.
Diagnostic x rays are performed by positioning the part of the body to be examined between a focused beam of x rays and a plate containing film.
The greater the density of the material that the x rays pass through, the more rays are absorbed.
Thus bone absorbs more x rays than muscle or fat, and tumors may absorb more x rays than surrounding tissue.
The x rays that pass through the body strike the photographic plate and interact with silver molecules on the surface of the film.
Plain film x rays normally take only a few minutes to perform and can be done in a hospital, radiological center, clinic, doctor's or dentist's office, or at bedside with a portable x-ray machine.
Mammograms are fixed plate x rays that are designed to locate tumors within the breasts.
Dental x rays are designed to locate decay within the tooth.
Contrast material is commonly used in making x rays of the digestive system.
Other common imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound do not use x rays.
Fixed plate x rays are extremely common diagnostic tests.
Parts of the body that are especially sensitive to damage by x rays (for example, the reproductive organs, the thyroid) are shielded with a lead apron.
Lead is very dense and effectively protects the body by stopping all x rays.
Pregnant women should not have x rays unless in emergencies the benefits highly outweigh the risks.
No special preparation is needed for fixed plate x rays unless contrast material is used.
When x rays are scheduled that involve the use of contrast material, the physician will give specific instructions for preparation.
Parents can prepare children for x rays be explaining what will happen and that these tests are short and painless.
Low dose exposure to x rays creates minimal cell damage and minimal risk when x rays are performed in an accredited facility.
There is an increased risk that a developing fetus will develop leukemia during childhood if exposed to x-ray radiation; pregnant or potentially pregnant women should avoid x rays.
There is also a slight risk of an allergic reaction to the contrast material or dye used in certain x rays.
However, doses of radiation received in most x rays are quite similar to the environmental (background) radiation one is exposed to simply by living on Earth.
Although unnecessary x rays should be avoided, in most cases, the benefits greatly outweigh the potentially small increased risk of exposure.
Chest x rays may show characteristic patterns of lung involvement.
If periodontal disease is severe, jawbone loss will be detected in x rays of the teeth.
Physical examination and routine x rays may yield enough evidence to diagnose benign bone tumors, but removal of tumor tissue for microscopic analysis (biopsy) is the only sure way to rule out malignancy.
Bone x rays usually provide a clear image of osteosarcomas.
Recovery is complete when there is no bone motion at the fracture site, and x-rays indicate complete healing.
Chest x rays give some indication of whether the lungs are hyperinflated from an effort to move air in and out.
Chest x rays and electrocardiography (a procedure for measuring heart activity) may also be necessary.
If a curve is detected, one or more x rays will usually be taken to define the curve or curves more precisely.
The contrast material is injected through the catheter into each vein and x rays are taken.
Abdominal x-rays will be performed and will typically show what is called the characteristic "double bubble," a combination of air bubbles in the stomach and a dilated duodenum.
An echocardiogram and chest x rays may be done to evaluate the infant for any other possible abnormalities, including cardiac defects and abnormal development of the pancreas, which is often associated with duodenal obstruction.
If malrotation is suspected, contrast-enhanced x rays of the upper intestinal region are usually able to visualize the twisted duodenum.
In some cases when a structural abnormality is suspected, x rays may be performed.
A series of pictures are taken immediately, followed by x rays taken while the patient is urinating.
Physical examination, blood tests, and x rays are used to check the effects of treatment on the cancer.
Computed tomography (CT), formerly referred to as computerized axial tomography (CAT), is a common diagnostic imaging procedure that uses x rays to generate images (slices) of the anatomy.
The x rays are converted into a series of black-and-white images, each of which represents a "slice" of the anatomy.
Because movement during the scan can cause inaccurate images, the technologist instructs the patient via an intercom system to hold their breath and not move during the x rays.
Radiation therapy, which involves the use of x rays or other high-energy rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors, may be used in some cases to reduce the discomfort and pain due to an enlarged spleen.
The x ray images may be enhanced by giving the child a barium enema, a form of contrast or opaque media that allows more detail to be seen in x rays and MRI or CT scans.
Also, x-rays can enable doctors to locate internal abscesses and estimate the severity of infection.
Dental x rays may be taken to determine the extent of the damage to fractured teeth.
More comprehensive x rays are needed to diagnose a broken jaw.
A series of x rays of the bowel often reveals the progressive condition, and blood tests confirm infection.
These infants require frequent evaluations by the physician, who may order multiple abdominal x rays and blood tests in order to monitor their condition during the illness.
Bone x rays can reveal bone age, and pelvic ultrasound may show an enlarged uterus and rule out ovarian or adrenal tumors.
Physical examination of the infant may show arched type fingerprint patterns, while x rays may reveal a short breast bone (sternum).
Taurodontism, an enlargement of the pulp of the teeth with surface thinning, is very common in Klinefelter syndrome and can be diagnosed with dental x rays.
Ileus can be confirmed by x rays of the abdomen, computed tomography scans (CT scans), or ultrasound.
Also, in cases of suspected mechanical obstruction involving the gastrointestinal tract (from the small intestine downward) use of barium x rays are contraindicated, since they may contribute to the obstruction.
The progress of metal objects has been successfully followed with a metal detector or x rays.
In addition to determining serum calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D levels, the diagnosis of calcium and phosphorus deficiency may involve taking x rays of the skeleton.
X rays of a child's left wrist are compared visually with a series of x rays of wrists of children of various ages.
In addition, an ultrasound version of the Greulich-Pyle Atlas has proven to be as effective as wrist x rays.
Typically, ECMO patients have daily chest x rays and blood work, and constant vital sign monitoring.
Many people with adult osteopetrosis are diagnosed only when abnormalities are discovered on x rays taken for other purposes.
Osteopetrosis is usually diagnosed when x rays reveal abnormalities or increases in bone density.
Some children with polydactyly will need radiographs or x rays to determine if there is bone present in the extra digit.
Pneumothorax may have occurred if the infant suddenly becomes worse while on ventilation; x rays can help make the diagnosis.
Chest x rays may be taken to look for skeletal and cardiac abnormalities.
Abdominal x rays may be taken as well to look for intestinal obstruction and abnormalities.
Biopsies or specialized x rays or scans of the abnormal vessels and their surrounding areas may confirm the diagnosis.
Diagnosis is established with the help of x-rays of the spine that allow doctors to determine the extent of the damage.
Normally x rays of the neck are done to check for fractures.
Tuberculosis is nearly always diagnosed by tuberculin skin tests, although one can also be diagnosed by chest x rays and analysis of sputum (matter from the respiratory tract) smears and cultures.
When malocclusion is suspected, photographs and x rays of the face and mouth may be taken for further study.
Other tests may include x rays of the spine and hips or diagnostic blocks with local anesthetics to provide information on the effectiveness of potential treatments.
Chest x rays are too insensitive to show damage to delicate respiratory tissues but can show fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema).
Excessive radiation of diagnostic x rays of the neck and chest may damage the thymus gland behind the breastbone.
Licensed radiologists in foreign countries read X-rays at night and on weekends, when radiologists on staff at local hospitals are not available.
They do root planning, take x-rays, and apply sealants and fluoride treatments to protect against cavities.
If you're interested in taking x-rays and operating medical equipment, you may want to attend a two-year Associate degree program in radiography to become an x-ray technician.
Technicians work with patients to explain the x-ray procedure, work with physicians to take appropriate and clear x-rays, and work independently to maintain the x-ray equipment.
First your dentist will take x-rays and models of your teeth to determine if there is enough healthy bone and tissue for implant surgery.
You may have probably heard of other aspects of this light spectrum such as x-rays and radio waves.
Couples will also need to have blood tests and chest x-rays performed in Mexico prior to the wedding.
There's no visible problem when X-rays or endoscopes are used, so it is usually diagnosed by taking a history from the patient and using a process of elimination to learn that it is not some other health problem.
Basic plans will cover accidents, hospitalizations, x-rays, and surgeries.
The percentage of cost covered by a dental insurance plan varies from policy to policy, but the standard rate is 70-80 percent of preventative dental care (exams, cleanings, X-rays etc).
In return, the dentist provides specific dental treatments, such as cleanings, x-rays, and fillings, at no charge.
Are x-rays, lab work, physical therapy or prescriptions covered?
She sat on the table in the exam room facing a line of backlit x-rays and cat scans on the wall.
The temperature required in the fusion of sheet-glass and of other glasses produced in tank furnaces is much lower than that attained in steel furnaces, and it is consequently pos Since the discovery of the Rntgen rays, experiments have been made to ascertain the effects of the different constituents of glass on the transparency of glass to X-rays.
Moseley, shortly after the discovery of the diffraction of X-rays by crystals, set to work to examine the X-ray spectrum of a number of elements each of which he made in turn the target of an X-ray tube.
Variety of vacuum giesel becquerel then a professor nuclei produced by x-rays.
A lithium drifted silicon X-ray detector with high energy resolution enables these characteristic X-rays to be identified as coming from specific elements.
A beam of X-rays is diffracted by the electrons in a crystalline material, just as visible light is diffracted by larger objects.
With X-rays, the crystal only diffracts in a few directions.
In young people X-rays also help to exclude a slipped femoral epiphysis.
This time Shirley's X-rays showed a broken femur in her hip.
Ionizing radiation means gamma rays, x-rays etc., which directly or indirectly are capable of producing ions (charged particles ).
It is the x rays which cause the implosion of the fuel capsule.
This protects us from harmful ultraviolet light and x rays from solar magnetic storms.
For example, normal x-rays can only detect osteoporosis (weakened bones) when around one-third of the bone mass has already gone.
Gave rave reviews visit the city rick Patrick a x-rays had been.
X-rays revealed that the bone had ruptured his bowel causing peritonitis.
X-rays may also be used to eliminate the possibility of fracture.
Yes to cover costs of photocopying, postage and copying images such as x-rays and photographs.
This walkthrough also specifically mentions some of the routine diagnostic procedures done in the office, including a 3-D digital x-ray machine that minimizes actual patient exposure to x-rays.
Cleanings, fillings, and x-rays can add up to thousands of dollars.
Having a family dental insurance plan will allow your family to visit the dentist for routine check-ups, cleanings, and x-rays.
The basic service plan covers the cost of a hospital room, x-rays, care while you are in a hospital, and prescriptions.
Dental coverage usually covers the cost for the two dental cleanings and yearly oral x-rays that are required each year.
Some plans will include necessary dental procedures for free on an annual basis, such as for regular dental exams or x-rays.
If your beloved pet needs surgery, X-rays or prescriptions, a VPI Pet Insurance policy can take the sting out of deciding between cost or treatment.
Basic coverage includes cleaning, oral exams, x-rays and related in-office procedures.
They may also cover certain types of fillings, crowns, x-rays, and other procedures necessary to keeping your teeth and gums healthy.
Many typical health insurance plans do not offer coverage for dental visits, so checkups, x-rays, and dental work if needed must be paid out of pocket.
Major medical insurance can also pay for doctor's visits, as well as other health related expenses like x-rays and laboratory tests.
This type of policy normally covers emergency room visits and hospital stays, diagnostic tests and x-rays, surgery, and medications while traveling, but coverage would end when the trip ends.
Lastly, be sure to include copies of your dentist's reports and any x-rays or treatment records he provides to you for the claim.
Any additional medical costs, such as x-rays or lab work, may have to be paid separately.
However, in 1908, shortly after X-rays became available, French doctor Ludovich O'Followell produced images that revealed the anatomic effects of corsetry.
However, though constriction and molding of the ribcage and waist can be seen on O'Followell's X-rays, few of the feared health effects were seen or proven.