X-rayed Sentence Examples
You really need to have it X-rayed.
Here the elk cows appear as if X-rayed and the ships no longer have elk cows heads on their prows.
Has your vet x-rayed him to check for colon enlargement?
Make sure prior to purchasing a puppy that its hips are x-rayed.
Portuguese Water Dog puppies must have their hips x-rayed at various points in their growth and development to check for dysplasia, and x-rays can be expensive.
If the child fails to use the arm after 15 minutes, the elbow should be x rayed to determine if it was fractured.
In addition, the child's spine should be x rayed in order to measure the extent of scoliosis or kyphosis.
The contrast liquid can be swallowed or injected, depending on the part of the body being x rayed.
The x ray technologist positions the patient appropriately, so that the part of the body to be x rayed will be between the x-ray beam and the film plate.
Body parts not being x rayed should be shielded with a lead apron, especially the testes, ovaries, and thyroid.