Week Sentence Examples
Last week I visited a beautiful art store.
He offered to buy the food if I cooked the next week, I agreed.
Would they be snowed in for a week now?
For the next week Cynthia listened to - and even found herself instigating - discussions about Mr. Cade.
He'd gone a week with an hour of sleep.
A full week passed before we had our answer.
Finals are week after next and I have to study.
When a new one comes he is done for in a week, said the doctor with evident satisfaction.
Sometimes one of those great cakes slips from the ice-man's sled into the village street, and lies there for a week like a great emerald, an object of interest to all passers.
It was my turn this week.
AdvertisementSo a week or two later, I asked him out... dinner at my place.
Let's all agree to sit on this for a week and do some soul searching.
Every week, I buy my milk from a small local dairy on the day it comes forth from the cow.
After the fourth week she knew he wouldn't be back.
A bout a week later she came home to find Rachel holding an envelope.
AdvertisementIt's been almost a week.
I don't know what kind of wages you draw here, but I'd be willing to pay you a hundred a week plus room and board.
The restaurant is open seven days a week for both lunch and dinner.
Howie neglecteded to mention his girlfriend as he plodded through the week.
Less than a week later she passed another milestone.
AdvertisementFor a full week she enjoyed the benefits of being big sister.
I paid the electric and water bill this week.
I haven't dreamed about it for a week.
I see Mary once a week.
He came up to the cabin the week before he was leaving for the seminary, four or five years later.
AdvertisementThis new person was there for the entire week.
Three. He killed the mother and father so there was no one to report their daughter missing, for nearly a week.
Soon it became apparent Howie would remain in Santa Barbara at least a week, perhaps more.
The paper cancelled the whole thing the next week.
Someone check the local papers for sales offerings the last week.
She'd kept the flowers around Jonny's bed as fresh as the day they arrived last week.
She'll have a protector to keep him from killing her, but anyone else you'd send wouldn't last the week.
Since leaving college, she'd stayed in shape through the local gym, where she lifted weights and forced herself onto a cardio machine twice a week.
I've known the boy since the week he was born— from cribs, to toys, to basketballs, to girls.
This week it's the Catholic's turn.
These look like something a college anatomy class used—last week.
His bike awaited, but when he divided the hundred promised miles a week by seven, the number was daunting.
I'll bet a week of dishwashing that she's dumped the bones.
Jennifer would remain in Ouray for at least another week, so she elicited a promise for a later dinner date.
It was Friday, a week day, and the height of the season, so he had expected most of the town's folk to be too busy for political small talk.
I love Fourth of July week.
While Pumpkin Green was not at this week's mass, or probably any other service within miles of Ouray, Billy Langstrom's partner in love Melissa attended.
I want to make reservations at Bird Song for a week in August.
It was a week or so before his car was found.
More than a week passed before the subject of Brandon Westlake was discussed in any detail.
July stretched into August, and just before the election, Jennifer Radisson spent her promised week at Bird Song.
She challenged me to win you over in a week like she did.
The second week slipped by without change.
For the first week after he regained his voice, they were all so busy enjoying the return to normal life that Carmen forgot about his father.
Every week, he asked how many things she checked off her bucket list.
I was thinking about working a couple of them in this week.
The window of her weakness was short, only a week in mortals. time, but long enough for him to act.
A week wasn't long.
The week in which they occur is sometimes called Rogation Week.
In the last week, sow hardy annuals in the borders, with biennials that flower the first season, as also perennials.
Sow broccoli and kidney-beans both in the second and in the last week, and lettuces and small salads twice or thrice during the month; sow all herbs, if not done last month.
Finish the transplanting of herbaceous plants by the end of the first week.
Sow annuals for succession in the last week, also biennials and perennials in the nursery compartment, for planting out next year.
Plant out, during the last week, dahlias, hardy pelargoniums, stocks and calceolarias, protecting the dahlias from slight frosts.
Sow salading every ten days; also carrots, onions and radishes for drawing young; and chicory for salads; sow endive for a full crop. In the first week sow Early Munich and Golden Ball turnips for succession, and in the third week for a full autumn crop. Sow scarlet and white runner beans for a late crop, and cabbages for coleworts.
In the first week, sow peas for the last crop of the season; also Longpod beans and French beans.
Take up the remaining tuberous roots, such as anemones, ranunculuses, &c., by the end of the first week; fill up their places, and any vacancies that may have occurred, with annuals or bedding plants from the reserve ground.
Sow in the second and the last week, on a warm border of a light sandy soil, with an east aspect, any free-flowering hardy annuals as Silene pendula, Nemophila, &c., for planting in spring; and auricula and primula seeds in pots and boxes.
Plant cabbages in beds or close rows till wanted in spring; and cauliflowers in the last week, to receive the protection of frames, or a sheltered situation.
The last of the pot chrysanthemums should be housed by the end of the first week.
Sow early peas and Early Dwarf Prolific beans in the second week, for an early crop; also in frames for transplanting.
Examine the fruitroom every week, removing promptly all decaying fruit.
Make 'the necessary preparations to begin forcing early or succession crops by the last week of this or the first of next month.
It will be necessary to mow the lawn once a week, and sometimes oftener.
Turnips of the early or flat sorts may yet be sown the first week of this month in the northern states, and in the south from two to four weeks later.
Having passed through Kelso, on the 9th of November he laid siege to Carlisle, which capitulated in a week.
A week after his death, his widow, the princess Mary of England, gave birth to a son who, as William III., was to give added lustre to the house of Orange.
It has been calculated that the gas from a pair of old-fashioned blast-furnaces making i 600 tons of iron per week would in this way yield some 16,000 horse-power in excess of their own needs, and that all the available blast-furnace gas in the United States would develop about i,50o,000 horse-power, to develop which by raising steam would need about 20,000,000 tons of coal a year.
In Lutheran churches the organ is silent on this day, and altar, font and pulpit are draped in black, as indeed throughout Holy Week.
In the Western Church, Palm Sunday 4/counted as the first day of Holy Week, and its ceremonies usher in the series of services, culminating in those of Good Friday, which commemorate the Passion of the Lord.
The mass that follows, characterized by all the outward signs of sorrow proper to Passion Week, is in striking contrast with the joyous triumph of the procession.
Of the reformed churches, the Church of England alone includes Palm Sunday in the Holy Week celebrations.
The market held here on Friday of each week is not mentioned in Domesday Book, but seems to be of early origin.
The harbour, which is usually closed by ice from about the middle of December to the second week in May, is sheltered against the east winds by a group of islands.
Except during the three winter months fairs are now held monthly, the chief being "Barnaby" in June, when the town keeps a week's holiday.
The island is practically inaccessible for eight months of the year, but the inhabitants communicate with the outer world by means of "sea messages," which are despatched in boxes when a strong west wind is blowing, and generally make the western islands or mainland of Scotland in a week.
Charters to the burghers authorized fairs on the days of St Peter and of St Simon and St Jude in 1554, on St Bartholomew's day in 1605, in Mid-lent week in 1665, and on the feast of the Purification and on the 2nd of May in 1685; these fairs have modern representatives.
It takes about 6 weeks to remove entirely the whole of the first and succeeding flushes, going round the estate once a week.
The finest teas are produced at high elevations in Darjeeling and Ceylon and in the plains of Assam, but the quality from individual estates varies much from season to season, and even from week to week.
The practice of irrigating differs in different places with differences in the quality of the water, the soil, the drainage, &c. As a general rule, when the irrigating season begins in November the water may flow for a fortnight continuously, but subsequent waterings, especially after December, should be shortened gradually in duration till the first week in April, when irrigation should cease.
A second edition was required within a week.
In order to defray the charges of her funeral, and to pay some debts which she had left, he wrote a little book in a single week, and sent off the sheets to the press without reading them over.
Christmas week was a very busy one here, too.
A week later Pierre gave his wife full power to control all his estates in Great Russia, which formed the larger part of his property, and left for Petersburg alone.
The restaurant has a children's menu and is open for lunch and dinner, seven days a week.
For a few minutes they held on to each other, kissing as if they hadn't seen each other in a week.
School was out and Jonathan was scheduled to start camp next week.
Besides, he offered me $250 a week.
Linda flashed her a strained smile that made her feel welcome for the first time in a week before the pretty brunette gave the blond man, Lon, a hug and kiss.
One week new, to be exact.
I've been crying for a week straight.
If you can't do what I did in a week, I get your soul.
She'd challenged Gabriel's new mate to win him over in one week, or one of them lost their souls.
In a week, Deidre would be dead or back with Gabriel.
She'd have to be dead-dead which could happen next week or in a millennium.
I gave her a week to make Gabriel fall in love with her, or I get her soul.
The Fourth of July, with its old-fashioned local celebrations and guaranteed full house was but a week away.
The thought of the Dark One reminded Gabriel that he lost three death-dealers to him in the course of a week, not to mention the deal Deidre made.
He hated the idea but understood the necessity, especially after finding the second compass in the hands of demons within a week.
Eight traitors in the week he'd been shut out of the underworld.
He expected her to push him away and slap him, and he was prepared to leave and remain furious at her for the next week or two.
I have to win over Gabriel in a week.
It takes more than a week, he said with some amusement.
There was too much resentment in his voice for it to be the result of one week with the human she created.
She could help Gabriel and the souls, even if her whole world crashed at the end of the week.
By the end of the week, she won't want Gabriel anyway.
Perhaps when she lost her soul at the end of the week or maybe, if she could help him recover his underworld, she'd tell Gabriel then.
Though terrible news, Gabriel couldn't help thinking it was the best thing he'd heard all week.
It was a far cry from the woman who ran away screaming from the soul she accidentally touched last week or the goddess who would've commanded him rather than risk getting her hands dirty.
His one-night stand last week made him appreciate what it was to have a lover who was as infatuated by his body as he was hers.
It was another part that remained of the girl he fell for last week.
Human emotion … you didn't have it before last week.
He'd only learned the woman he fell for last week was still alive and now he had to let her go.
For the first time this week, she didn't feel entirely doomed.
This was definitely not how she envisioned the end of her week.
For the first time this week, he realized that he, too, wanted to take the next step.
May was less than a week old and the temperature was still volatile.
The next week they got the restraining order, but as Carmen witnessed one day on her way home, it didn't stop Lori.
A week ago she might have pondered the longevity of their marriage.
He's alive, but he's been in a coma for a week.
On Thursday of the third week, she arrived at the hospital and walked into the room he shared with another man.
For the next week, Alex continued to wake up more frequently and stay awake for longer periods of time, but he still didn't talk – didn't even try.
Catching him up on things at the office had been simple enough, as someone was there to visit him several times a week.
It was now the first week of July.
In the last week, she had started going to bed after he was asleep and getting up before he woke.
Just like every other soul collector Gabriel sent out the past week, Harmony had gone on a mission and returned empty-handed.
I hope your week was better than mine.
I'm guessing in a week.
We've known for a little over a week.
If his week was any indication, this was not about to fix itself as easily as the portal shutting out his assassins.
I need everything I can get in a week or two.
Within the week, the death-dealers stuck in the mortal realm could start collecting souls again.
He had no way of knowing how many the demons had claimed during the week his dealers had claimed none.
After a week of knowing him, she already had to concentrate hard to resist leaning into him whenever he was around.
This week has been hell.
He was moving on while depositing her back at the same crossroads where he'd found her last week.
It felt good to laugh after the events of the past week.
Your friend didn't come to see you this week, did he?
By this time next week, he'd be back in the underworld.
The woman who captured his heart in a week, something you barely did after millennia!
If you can't do what I did in a week, he's mine.
I'll tell my receptionist to make you an appointment for next week.
She felt almost human again after the drama of her week.
She put on the jumpsuit she hated and emerged, expecting her first night of good sleep in a week.
One week ago, I was normal.
She sobbed, her emotions from the week's events breaking free.
My sister is expecting me to call and then to actually show up in DC in the next week.
Rhyn didn't have a week.
She'd grown up never having seen death, and in the past week, she'd seen it in its most gruesome forms.
Assume I never knew this underworld existed before a little over a week ago.
You said you've known him a week?
I'll be a raving lunatic at the end of another week!
I guess it really is Thanksgiving next week.
I guess I could visit for a week, if it means so much to you.
I'll have him come in next week to sit down with you and discuss the project.
You said last night you'd go for a week, but you can stay with us for as long as you want.
At the very least, you'll still come for a week?
Yes, I'll go for a week.
You're really okay with me going for a week?
Kiera hadn't wanted to come, even for the proposed week.
Besides, you said you'd stay at least a week, right?
It was toward the end of her first week in the sprawling mansion that was her new home that she wandered down a hall previously unexplored.
Two days turned into a week.
For over a week, he'd hoped his instincts to be wrong.
Over a period of a week, the tactics had gone from infantile to novice to advanced, as if someone were learning the intricacies of battle planning.
It's one of the few times we've been without guests since we opened and we'll practically have a full house next week with the Ice Festival coming up.
She called from the Montrose airport and booked for a whole week.
During the week before Christmas, Martha had spent an overnight at Bird Song when Janet was forced to report to court in Grand Junction, on some charges she, thankfully, did not detail to the Deans.
I'll bet you a night of unbridled ecstasy against a week of doing dishes that they end up in the sack.
We'll be back in a week or two.
My dearest Joshua has been absent for near a week now, bound to the duties of his calling, and those of his wife who is much involved in the charities of our city.
He was a married minister, preaching the good book on Sunday and raising a family all week.
She confided it to her husband late one night, awakening him from his sleep as Edith Shipton had just awakened him but a week before.
This year and for the next ten to twelve, he would have it all, not just a week or two in the Berkshires.
So if I tried for a week or two and then decided I couldn't handle it, you'd still make me forget.
He had thought he would be putting a new clutch in this car next week.
Next week Sarah and Connor are going to his parent's house in Maine.
Tucking her hair behind her ear, he murmured, "It's going to be a long week."
Jackson busied himself as best he could during the week.
This week is becoming insufferable.
The messy studio from last week had been transformed into a professional art gallery.
Are some of the pieces I saw last week missing?
That was the second time this week someone had snuck up on him.
Has Jackson told you his birthday is next week?
The one week mark of Conner's new life coincided with Jackson's birthday.
He had tried to teach her to play the piano many times through the years, but she always became bored within a week or so of practice and gave up.
In a week or so, I guess.
Inside of a week the bad cold went to her chest.
He wouldn't be caught dead with a bouquet of wildflowers and there was no way he was going to waste money on flowers that would wither and die within a week.
He must have had a premonition, because the truck broke down on her way home the following week.
Did you know he's already called Lori several times this week?
Nothing more was said about the matter until a week later when Katie and Bill moved into their new home.
I graduate next week and I'm going to take a week off and come see you - if you don't mind.
The week seemed more like a month, but finally Alex arrived and she picked him up at the airport.
They had an entire week, so there was no need to rush into a conversation that might spoil everything.
She was uneasy lingering on the events of the past week.
I take it we've not heard from the central or west coast sites this week?
She'd tried to contact Mrs. Watson several times the first week at the Peak before giving up.
The dates were all from the past week, and she recognized two of the originating net codes as being from Mr. Tim and General Greene.
He shot one of my men last week.
The docs put you in a coma for over a week in order to transplant half your organs.
You can leave in another week.
There are three within about a week's walk.
The Twelfth Army settled into Arkansas about a week ago.
Rhyn heard the note of pain in the death-dealer's voice. In a week's time, Gabe had gone from quietly confident to troubled to lost. The death-dealer was struggling with himself, a feeling Rhyn knew well.
Kris sat beside her. Hannah's skin had gone from pale to gray, and her features looked gaunt. He couldn't help thinking Katie wouldn't survive a week down here if Hannah was suffering so badly after a day. He touched Hannah's hair, revolted when a handful came off in his hand.
Nothing I can't handle. I have Kiki, Tamer, and Erik on lockdown. A week without food, and they're happy to help. Kiki is running most things, until I figure them out.
Dean found himself able to predict for instance, it was time to visit Baltimore again, and a week or two later, Byrne would travel there.
Most trips commenced early in the week if the destination was closer, and Byrne was home by late Wednesday or Thursday.
Bobby and Dean had reviewed the testimony the prior week.
Some came with the days of the week emblazoned on them.
If it sank up there, it'd most likely float up to the surface after a few days or a week and then drift back down this way with the tide.
Give him a week and he'll float in somewhere down south of here if the fish don't eat him first.
I ain't even had a bath in more than a week!
Atlantic City must have paid well this week.
We're...going to have a service next week.
This was Dean's week for second-rate motels, and they weren't getting better.
You may be right about Byrne not showing up at his funeral next week.
Things are a little hectic around here planning for the memorial service next week.
They reminded Dean of Jeffrey Byrne, doing the same thing a week earlier.
He'd be at the service next week and not to see if a missing man would turn up in veiled drag, but simply because Cynthia Byrne told him she'd be pleased with his presence.
They're holding a memorial service for Jeffrey Byrne next week.
I'm gonna have a ring around my be-hind for a week from sitting on this thing!
He spoke of family barbecues and a week's vacation on the Jersey shore, kids growing up and Christmas eggnog shared.
Are the bad boys being good this week?
It was nearly a hundred bucks and that was just through last week!
The week started with a flurry of activity.
Crouched astride a bike was a great place to think and he surely needed training with his July week in Iowa getting closer all the time.
Detective Norman Hunter called Dean from Norfolk later the same week.
She was tickled to get away from the Mister for a week.
It wasn't worth the risk, at least this early in the week.
One thing was for certain; this group would have one whoop-de-do of a party when the week was over.
It wasn't a lack of curiosity—he needed this week away from murder and mayhem.
If it comes down to it and we need an ID later in the week, I can locate the Greek god guy and show him the picture, but I didn't want to take the chance this early.
How could people go to church on Sunday with one set of morals and spend the rest of the week with another?
The first week after they met, they were at each other's throats frequently.
It's only for a week, Carmen.
As you said, it's only a week.
In less than a week they would be married, but somehow it seemed a violation of his bank account.
It would have made more sense for her to prepare a supper for him, but he insisted that she should have at least one day a week when she didn't have to cook.
Another quiet evening together brought them exactly one week before their wedding.
In less than a week we'll be married.
In less than a week they would be man and wife.
They were supposed to come out and fix that next week.
Next week we'll have to come up here again.
If you'll tell me how much you use each week, I'll replace it and we'll keep that base.
It doesn't give a good clean shave, so I use one of these a couple times a week.
Apparently that was what inspired his decision to arrange for a trash truck once a week.
It was amazing how much they could change in less than a week.
The week slipped by and all too soon it was time for Alex to catch his plane.
By the end of the first week she had to face another enemy — a thunderstorm.
He had been gone over a week now, but the premonition persisted.
For the next week, she woke with that same feeling every morning.
She thought when she asked him if he wanted to go with her for the twelve week ultrasound that he would say no, but he didn't.
It took him less than a week to work his way into their hearts.
A week ago she and Alex had been down to open some windows, but the house still smelled stale.
A crew was supposed to be out in the next week or so to do the work, but she wanted to measure the windows for curtains.
Jonathan was supposed to go back to his foster family next week.
Xander took my door off a week ago.
The Black God's bedroom door was closed for the first time in a week.
What dismay she felt at Jonny's first killing a week ago had slid into understanding that the Black God was merely becoming what he was.
You showed me something a week ago, a vision on a path I cannot see myself.
The exchange a week ago was the first time she met the nightmarish Original Vamp, when he'd offered to help Jule in exchange for asking her a question.
Fortunately, she had leverage, and she Saw she might need it before the week was over.
I'll tell you why next week.
I imagine you would not last the week.
He'd probably been thinking about it all week.
I suppose the rain this week has it flowing faster.
He had been quiet all week, obviously resigned to the fact that she was going to run things her way.
I'm a week late already.
In another week, their guests would be going home.
They decided to stay another week.
It wasn't the first time Alex had been gone for over a week, leaving her to manage the farm and the children.
The climate in the south at this time of the year was probably hot, but surely it couldn't hold a candle to the week she had spent in the desert.
He had given her a week to get her head on straight.
Camping equipment filled the trunk along with enough clothes to last a week.
He's called the store three times in the last week.
Next week was her last in the cabin and she dreaded going back to face him again.
He could wait another week to talk to her.
Your father has been worried because you haven't called in a week.
He said you needed some space to grow, but when he didn't hear from you for a week he started getting worried.
One drop then two fell to the ground, and he almost flinched at the thought of his only real food in a week escaping him.
Or your cousins won't survive the week.
You're going to be a temp for a week.
Wait. How do I know you won't hurt Ash and Brandon this week, when I'm trying to get this thing?
You're only going away for a week.
See you in a week!
This is gonna be a long week.
The kind of body that was strong enough to hold and protect her from the freaky dream she'd stumbled into this week.
Xander's calendar was full for the week.
I can't guarantee I'll have time for you the rest of the week.
I'm here for a week then gone.
I'll probably be texting you this week.
I've got a week.
Look, just do me a favor this week.
He should view the temp onboard for a week as disposable, like the women he slept with.
I don't know what, but I'm pretty sure I don't want you walking off with my shit at the end of the week.
They got out, and she lingered, sighing in happiness at the pleasure she was likely never to experience again after this week.
There were several beautiful women; he'd likely not need her help finding women the rest of the week.
I have until the end of the week!
Bruises to broken bones to being sliced up ... nothing would be left of her at the end of the week.
If we survive the week.
I'll get what I want by the end of the week.
Barefooted and clean, he was relaxed for the first time in a week.
If she survived Jonny and Xander this week, she'd be out a job come next week.
I spent the week with a vampire.
She hadn't stopped to let herself think about how much this week had hurt, knowing her cousins were in danger, the sense of helplessness she'd been fighting.
You've been fighting that all week.
All she had to do was trust him Monday, and she would've spent the week with him, instead of two nights.
Merimee was tried for a week, but the cool cynic and the perfervid apostle of women's rights proved mutually repulsive.
It may mean the day which puts a stop to the week's work, but this is less likely.
The connexion, therefore, between the seven days' week and the work of creation is now generally recognized as secondary.
What is certain is that the origin of the Sabbath must be sought within a circle that used the week as a division of time.
Moreover, it is doubtful from extant remains of Assyrian calendars whether the astrological week prevailed in civil life even among the Babylonians and Assyrians.
They did not dedicate each day in turn to its astrological planet; and it is therefore precarious to assume that the Sabbath was in its origin what it is in the astrological week, the day sacred to Saturn, and that its observance is to be derived from an ancient Hebrew worship of that planet.4 The week, however, is found in various parts of the world in a form that has nothing to do with astrology or the seven planets, and with such a distribution as to make it pretty certain that it had no artificial origin, but suggested itself independently, and for natural reasons, to different races.
There are traces of what may be called a "five-day week," but also some traces of a period of seven days.
It is quite consistent with the evidence to suppose that a seven-day week was in use in Babylonia, but each item may be explained differently, and a definite proof does not exist.
When born, the Australian baby is of 'a much` lighter colour than its parents and remains so for about a week.
Immigrants from Europe, and to some extent from North America and China, poured into Melbourne, where the arrivals in 1852 averaged 2000 persons in a week.
On the 6th of September the silver mines closed down, and a week later a conference of employers issued a manifesto which was met next day by a counter-manifesto of the Intercolonial Labour Conference, and almost immediately afterwards by the calling out of 40,000 men.
This was the planting of a colony of communistic per week for which such wages are payable, with the rates for overtime when those hours are exceeded.
The award of the court is thus the equivalent of the determination of a special board in Victoria, and deals with the same questions, the most important of which are the minimum rates of wages and the number of working hours per week.
By the Federal Act, passed in the session of 1908, a pension of ten shillings a week was granted to persons of either sex over sixty-five years of age, or to persons over sixty who are incapacitated from earning a living.
A week after the signing of the treaty he supported a proposal for the king's deposition, and the vote of No Addresses was carried.
That the recurrence of the market determined the length of the week seems clear from the Wajagga custom of naming the days after the markets they visit, as well as from the fact that on the Congo the word for week is the same as the word for market.
Among agricultural tribes in Africa one day of the week, which varies from place to place, is often a rest-day, visiting the market being the only work allowed.
A law came into operation in February 1908, according to which a weekly day of rest (with few exceptions)was established on Sunday in every case in which it was possible, and otherwise upon some other day of the week.
The Assembly, which had continued in session, was dispersed by the French troops on the 2nd of July, but Mazzini escaped a week later.
During the first week of April Convocation sat almost from day to day to determine questions of fact and law in relation to Catherine's marriage with Henry as affected by her previous marriage with his brother Arthur.
In the East, where after the example of the Church of Antioch the Quadragesima fast had been kept distinct from that of Holy Week, the whole fast came to last for seven weeks, both Saturdays and Sundays (except Holy Saturday) being, however, excluded.
In Rome and Alexandria, and even in Jerusalem, Holy Week was included in Lent and the whole fast lasted but six weeks, Saturdays, however, not being exempt.
About the same time the cycle of paschal solemnities was extended to the ninth week before Easter by the institution of stational masses for Septuagesima, Sexagesima and Quinquagesima Sundays.
The Greek Lent begins on the Monday of Sexagesima, with a week of preparatory fasting, known as TvpoOl yca, or the "butter-week"; the actual fast, however, starts on the Monday of Quinquagesima (Estomihi), this week being known as "the first week of the fast" (050µas T&vv vriamtwv).
In 1465 a second annual fair on the 1st of May was granted by Edward IV., which is still held on the Wednesday in Whitsun week.
The sacredness of the number seven is based on the seven planetary deities to whom each day of the week was respectively dedicated, i.e.
Thus his " studious and sedentary life " passed pleasantly enough, interrupted only at rare intervals by boyish excursions of a day or a week in the neighbourhood, and by at least one memorable tour of Switzerland, by Basel, Zurich, Lucerne and Bern, made along with Pavilliard in the autumn of 1755.
An independent local government was formed a week later, and this lasted for several months, until the Utah authorities intervened.
A patient with remittent may get well in a week under treatment, but the fever may go on for several weeks; the return to health is often announced by the fever assuming the intermittent type, or, in other words, by the remissions touching the level of absolute apyrexia.
Manson recommends five to ten grains once or twice a week; Ross recommends the same quantity every day before breakfast.
At the feast of tabernacles of 132 Hyrcanus requested and Antiochus granted a week's truce.
With the Jewish Christians, whose leading thought was the death of Christ as the Paschal Lamb, the fast ended at the same time as that of the Jews, on the fourteenth day of the moon at evening, and the Easter festival immediately followed, without regard to the day of the week.
The Gentile Christians, on the other hand, unfettered by Jewish traditions, identified the first day of the week with the Resurrection, and kept the preceding Friday as the commemoration of the crucifixion, irrespective of the day of the month.
With the one the observance of the day of the month, with the other the observance of the day of the week, was the guiding principle.
Generally speaking, the Western churches kept Easter on the first day of the week, while the Eastern churches followed the Jewish rule, and kept Easter on the fourteenth day.
The colony was established at the north end of Roanoke Island on the 17th of August, and about a week later Grenville returned to England.
On the 21st of January 1793 Louis became, for the royalists, king of France, and a week later the comte de Provence arrogated to himself the title of regent.
During the middle ages the Friday market and fair in Whit week, granted by the first charter, were centres for the sale of yarn and cloth called "Dunsters," made in the town.
In 1257, in the course of a week's visit to St Albans, Henry kept the chronicler beside him night and day,.
In the case of the Crassane the crop should be gathered at three different times, the first a fortnight or more before it is ripe, the second a week or ten days after that, and the third when fully ripe.
In the course of the next few years he wrote comparatively little, but he continued his reading, and also derived much, benefit from discussions held twice a week at Grote's house in Threadneedle Street.
During the week which he spent there, Bonaparte displayed marvellous energy in endowing the city with modern institutions; he even arranged the course of studies to be followed in the university.
In the ordinary course the fleet would have been demobilized at the close of the week; but with the outlook so disturbed, the First Lord and the First Sea Lord (Prince Louis of Battenberg, afterwards Lord Milford Haven) took the responsibility of keeping it on a war footing, ready for action.
Of the seven days of the week, next to Sunday (habshaba) Thursday has a special sacredness as the day of Hibil Ziva.
In 1607 David Waterhouse, lord of the manor of Halifax, obtained a grant of two markets there every week on Friday and Saturday and two fairs every year, each lasting three days, one beginning on the 24th of June, the other on the 11th of November.
Thus if a person holds futures for 10,000 bales which stood at 5.20 on the last settlement day and now stand at 5.30, and in the course of the previous week has sold 5000 bales of " futures " at 5.1 o, he receives 10,000 X - i ce o d.
Within a week Ranke received the promise of a post at Berlin, and in less than three months was appointed supernumerary professor in the university of that city, a striking instance of the promptitude with which the Prussian government recognized scientific merit when, as in Ranke's case, it was free from dangerous political opinions.
France St Bernard added the king of Germany, when, in Christmas week of 1146, he induced Conrad III.
Thus during the six days of the week the Therapeutae "philosophized," each in his own cell, but on the Sabbath they met in a common assembly, where women also had places screened off from the men, and listened to a discourse from one who was the eldest and most skilled in their doctrines.
They will hold their arms over their heads until the muscles atrophy, will keep their fists clenched till the nails grow through the palms, will lie on beds of nails, cut and stab themselves, drag, week after week, enormous chains loaded with masses of iron, or hang themselves before a fire near enough to scorch.
At another time, for the same reason, he kept an absolute fast for a week.
The exercises are divided into four series of meditations technically called "weeks," each of which may last as long as the director considers necessary to achieve the end for which each week is destined.
The first week is the foundation, and has to do with the consideration of the end of man, sin, death, judgment and hell.
Having purified the soul from sin and obtained a detestation thereof, the second week treats of the kingdom of Christ, and is meant to lead the soul to make an election of the service of God.
Its sessions occupy a week in May of each year.
He issued an ukase that the serfs should not be forced to work for their masters more than three days in each week.
A scheme of study which he drew up for 1722 with a time-table for each day of the week is still to be seen in his earliest diary, which became the property of Mr George Stampe of Great Grimsby.
They read the Greek Testament and the classics; fasted on Wednesday and Friday; received the Lord's Supper every week; and brought all their life under review.
The friends agreed to visit the Castle twice a week and to look after the sick in any parish where the clergyman was willing to accept their help.
To meet the cost of this Captain Fox suggested that each member should give a penny per week.
Communication with the islands is maintained by steamers from Leith and Aberdeen to Lerwick, the capital (twice a week), and to Scalloway, the former capital, and other points (once a week).
But Sunday Schools were first adopted by Charles to meet the case of young people in service who could not attend during the week, and even in that form much opposition was shown to them because teaching was thought to be a form of Sabbath breaking.
In the effort to reduce the practice of economy to a fine art he arrived at the conviction that the less labour a man did, over and above the positive demands of necessity, the better for him and for the community at large; he would have had the order of the week reversed - six days of rest for one of labour.
It still remains possible therefore that the seven days' eating of unleavened bread (and bitter herbs) is an historical reminiscence of the incidents of the Exodus, where the normal commissariat did not begin until a week after the first exit.
In 1648, a week after the Royalists had been decisively defeated by Colonel Horton at St Fagan's, 4 m.
In some species it is possible that they have scarcely more than one day's existence, but others are far longer lived, though the extreme limit is probably rarely more than a week.
Advent; the days between Septuagesima and Maundy Thursday; vigils that fall on fast days, and Ember days, except the vigil before Whitsunday (red) and the Ember days in Whitsun week (red).
The meetings are held in the second week of September.
Each day of the week was marked by the adoration of a special planet, the sun being the most sacred of all, and certain dates, perhaps the sixteenth of each month and the equinoxes, in conformity with the character of Mithras as mediator, were set aside for special festivals.
Nevertheless in one week after the murder of Retief 600 Boers - men, women and children - had been killed by the Zulus.
A week later Trumbic and his colleagues were welcomed on the Balkan front by the Voivode Misic with an impassioned speech in favour of unity.
Importance attaches to the horse fair, held in in the week before Whitsuntide and now on the second Thursday in May and on July 25, and to the cattle fair in the beginning of August.
An onset was made upon some of the Turkish trenches in the Helles area, which led to sharp fighting; the object was to prevent the Turks transferring troops northwards, and it probably served its purpose; apart from that, little was accomplished although the affray went on intermittently for a week.
Yet, for a week subsequent to their receiving the glad tidings from the Aegean, the British Government remained irresolute with regard to the policy to be pursued at Helles.
The only chance of the invaders achieving their object after the first week of land fighting depended on their being joined by very substantial additional forces in a region where a belligerent fighting on the defensive in home territory, as the Osmanlis were, enjoyed marked strategical and tactical advantages.
Arakan is in the worst position of all, for it is connected with Burma by neither railway nor river, nor even by a metalled road, and the only way to reach Akyab from Rangoon is once a week by sea.
At Zaandam is preserved the wooden hut which Peter the Great occupied for a week in 1697 while studying shipbuilding and paper-making.
The entire music performed at Rome in Holy Week, Allegri's Miserere included, has been issued at Leipzig by Breitkopf and Hertel.
Great attention was naturally paid to the calendar, and we find a week of seven and another of five days in use.
The Greater Council was to elect another council of 80 citizens over forty years old, also to be changed every six months; this body, which the signory must consult once a week, together with the colleges and the signory itself, was to appoint ambassadors and commissaries of war, and deal with other confidential matters.
In places where work is carried on day and night throughout the week, the standard type of evaporator lends itself more readily to cleaning operations than any other.
Numerous central factories have been erected in several countries with plant of large capacity, and many of them work day and night for six days in the week.
Fields of wheat and other cereals rarely recover after a week's submergence, but orchards and many trees when at rest in winter withstand a flooded or water-logged condition of the soil for two or three weeks without damage.
Of the three, Cardinal Adrian was the first to fall ill, the pope succumbing a week after.
While thus employed he conceived the idea of the journal-afiche, and after the arrest of the king at Varennes in June 1791 he placarded a large printed sheet on all the walls of Paris twice a week, under the title of the Ami des Citoyens, journal fraternel.
James I., in his charter of incorporation, granted fairs on Monday and Tuesday in Whitsun week, and confirmed an ancient fair at Michaelmas and a market on Monday.
There he continued to preach with unabated zeal; and, since the women of Florence deplored the loss of his teachings, one day in the week was set apart for them.
In 1846 fourteen penny and three half-penny magazines, twelve social journals, and thirty-seven book-serials were produced every week in London.
This was a paper which was issued during the greater part of its life three times a week.
Up to the year 1826 the Confession (sometimes also known as the Confession of Miihlhausen from its adoption by that town) was publicly read from the pulpits of Basel on the Wednesday of Passion week in each year.
Sluices are often made double, and they are usually cleaned up - that is, the deposit rich in gold is removed from them - once a week.
He took a leading part in the settlement of the dockers' strike in the autumn of 1889, and his patient and effectual action on this and on similar occasions secured for him the esteem and affection of great numbers of working men, so that his death on the 14th of January 1892, and his funeral a week later, were the occasion for a remarkable demonstration of popular veneration.
Passion week is of ten incorrectly identified with Holy week.
Their descendants styled themselves of Berkeley, and in 1200 the town was confirmed to Robert of Berkeley with toll, soc, sac, &c., and a market on whatever day of the week he chose to hold it.
The Christian festival which seems to have taken the place of these ceremonies is the Rogation or Gang week of the Roman Church.
This brought the strength of his command up to eight corps, numbering some 220,000 men; an enormous mass to feed in a district swept bare of supplies by the operations of the preceding week, and with only one railway line, terminating at Courcelles, to depend upon.
Though Cambrai itself only fell into Allied hands a week later,, its fate was in fact sealed by the five days' fighting which has.
On the 9th of July Sherman began an investment of the place, and during the succeeding week a sharp bombardment was carried on.
The Mexicans under Santa Anna captured the Alamo on the 6th of March 1836 and slaughtered its garrison of 183 men; on the 20th of the same month they captured Fannin and his force of 371 men, and a week later slaughtered all except twenty who escaped.
He visited nearly every post office in the colonies and increased the mail service between New York and Philadelphia from once to three times a week in summer, and from twice a month to once a week in winter.
He made a business-like little notebook, ruled off spaces for the thirteen virtues and the seven days of the week, " determined to give a week's strict attention to each of the virtues successively.
He usually walked twice a week to attend.
A convention of delegates representing the malcontents of numerous towns in Worcester county met at Worcester on the 15th of August 1786 to consider grievances, and a week later a similar convention assembled at Hatfield, Hampshire county.
In a great sermon on the 10th of April (Easter week) 1588, he stoutly vindicated the Protestantism of the Church of England against the Romanists, and, oddly enough, adduced "Mr Calvin" as a new writer, with lavish praise and affection.
By this time the truce extended from the Wednesday evening to the Monday morning in every week and also, in most places, lasted during the seasons of Lent and Advent, the three great vigils and feasts of the Blessed Virgin, and those of the twelve apostles and a few other saints.
The rioters in and around Chicago were dispersed in a single day, and within a week the strike was broken.
Personal property consisting of necessary household furniture, working tools and team of horses, professional instruments and a library, not exceeding $250 in value, besides the necessary food for the team for ninety days, provisions for the family, wearing apparel, wages or other income not exceeding $12 a week, and several other things, when owned by a householder or person providing for a family, are also exempt from seizure for debt, unless the debt be for purchase money or for services performed in the family by a domestic.
For children under sixteen years of age who are so employed the hours of labour are limited to eight a day and the days to six a week, and such children must not begin work before eight o'clock in the morning or continue after five o'clock in the evening.
For children between sixteen and eighteen years of age and for women the hours of labour in a factory are limited to ten a day, unless to prepare for a short day or a holiday, and the days to six a week.
In a city of the first or second class every boy between fourteen and sixteen years of age who has an employment certificate, but has not completed the course of study prescribed for the elementary public schools or the equivalent, must attend an evening school not less than six hours each week for a period of not less than sixteen weeks each year, or a trade school not less than eight hours a week for sixteen weeks a year.
Meanwhile, a week after Hobson's arrival, Wakefield's colonists had sailed into Port Nicholson, and proposed to take possession of immense tracts which the New Zealand Company claimed to have bought from the natives, and for which colonists had in good faith paid the company.
By this arrangement " religious instruction of a purely historical character " was given in all government schools for two hours every week, and might be given in Dutch.
Further, ministers of the various denominations might give, on the special request of the parents, instruction to the children of their own congregations for one hour on one day in each week.
There was an average increase for the next month of about loo copies per week.
He continued The New Yorker, and travelled between Albany and New York each week to edit the two papers.
The first week's expenses were $525 and the receipts $92.
By the end of the fourth week it had run up a circulation of 6000, and by the seventh reached rr,000, which was then the full capacity of its press.
Oku had to start at the earliest possible moment, even though operations against Port Arthur were thereby delayed for a week or two.
Meanwhile Kuropatkin, assembling the main army week by week, was in a difficult position.
When both houses had voted loyal addresses, the question of the Civil List was considered, and a week or two later a message was brought to parliament requesting an increase of the grant formerly made to the duchess of Kent.
In February she launched the battleship "Royal Sovereign" at Portsmouth; a week later she visited the Horse Show at Islington.
He had never been of a robust constitution, and after a little more than a week's illness from pneumonia following influenza, duke of he died at Sandringham.
A fortnight later she commanded a second visit from the fieldmarshal; she continued to transact business, and until a week before her death she still took her daily drive.
Two or three associations in London supply male nurses (fees 2 to 4 guineas a week), but there appears to be only one institution, apart from the military and naval services, at which they are systematically trained - namely, the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic.
The fees charged for trained nurses run from $12 to $25 a week, and even more for special cases.
The details of this great change were embodied in a code of general rules prepared by a committee of judges, over which Lord Selborne for two years presided week by week, with unfaltering attention to the minutest detail.
The council meets once a week for the transaction of the business of government.
Roland had killed himself at Rouen on the 15th of November, a week after the execution of his wife.
His health became still worse in 1691, and his death occurred on the 30th of December of that year, just a week after that of the sister with whom he had lived for more than twenty years.
It is controlled by the Zoological Society of New York, with representatives of the municipality of the City of New York, and is financed largely out of municipal funds, and is open free to the public five days a week.
Quantities can be learned from experience, and from watching individual cases; frequency varies within very wide limits, from reptiles which at most may feed once a week and fast for long periods, to the smaller insectivorous birds which require to be fed every two or three hours, and which in the winter dark of northern latitudes must be lighted up once or twice in the night to have the opportunity of feeding.
It is said that Lord Peterborough supping one night with Rich in his private room, was so delighted with the steak the latter grilled him that he suggested a repetition of the meal the next week.
In the scheme of 1890 the Latin course of six years began with ten hours a week and ended with four; Greek was begun a year later with two hours, increasing to six and ending with four.
By his scheme of 1882 natural science recovered its former position in Prussia, and the hours assigned in each week to Latin were diminished from 86 to 77.
A week later the Federals, again moving to their left, arrived upon the ground on which McClellan had fought two years before, and at Cold Harbor (Porter's battlefield of Gaines' Mill) the leading troops of the Army of the James joined the lieutenant-general.
A fuller grant in 1206 gave the burgesses a gild merchant, the husting court to be held once a week only, and general liberties according to the customs of Oxford, saving the rights of the bishop and the earl of Arundel, whose ancestor William D'Albini had received from William the moiety of the tolbooth.
A week after his death his widow gave birth to a son, who was one day to become William III., king of England.
These certificates must be kept on file and lists of children employed must be posted by employers; labour inspectors receive monthly lists from local school boards of children receiving certificates; and children under 16 are not to work more than 10 hours a day or 60 hours a week, or between 7 p.m.
In 1736 there were under 10,000 inhabitants in the former city; in 1760 when Horace Walpole passed through it, buying for two guineas a pair of candlesticks of the local plate, which he thought "quite pretty," and pronouncing it to be "one of the foulest towns in England," there were two-and-twenty thousand who remitted eleven thousand pounds a week to London.
When once the system was in operation it was found that a deacon, by spending an hour a week among the families committed to his charge, could keep himself acquainted with their character and condition.
Against such a destiny D'Israeli's mind strongly revolted; and he carried his poem, with a letter earnestly appealing for advice and assistance, to Samuel Johnson; but when he called again a week after to receive an answer, the packet was returned unopened - the great Doctor was on his.
In 1638 Algernon Percy, earl of Northumberland, obtained a grant of a fair every Wednesday from the first week in May till Michaelmas.
It was her nature to take every week the form of a serpent from the waist below.
The child was baptized at once, that it might be admitted to the Church, while the completion of its baptism was put off till it could be brought to a bishop. Western canons insist on both points at once; baptism is not to be deferred beyond a week, VI.
In general, churchwardens are appointed in Easter week, usually Easter Monday or Easter Tuesday, but in new parishes the first appointment must be within twenty-one days after the consecration of the church, or two calendar months after the formation of the parish, subsequent appointments taking place at the usual time for the appointment of parish officers.
When in 1838 Baron Wesseleny' was unjustly thrown into prison upon a charge of treason Kolcsey eloquently though unsuccessfully conducted his defence; and he died about a week afterwards (August 24) from internal inflammation.
Regular supplies are exported during every week of the year.
Farnham was early a market of importance, and in 1216 a royal grant changed the market day from Sunday to Thursday in each week.
All others, as the hour, the week, and the civil month, though of the most ancient and general use, are only arbitrary and conventional.
According to Dio Cassius, the Egyptian week commenced with Saturday.
On their flight from Egypt, the Jews, from hatred to their ancient oppressors, made Saturday the last day of the week.
The ancient Saxons had borrowed the week from some Eastern nation, and substituted the names of their own divinities for those of the gods of Greece.
In reckoning by weeks, it is necessary to keep in mind the day of the week on which each month begins.
The Observance Of This Rule Renders It Necessary To Reconcile Three Periods Which Have No Common Measure, Namely, The Week, The Lunar Month, And The Solar Year; And As This Can Only Be Done Approximately, And Within Certain Limits, The Determination Of Easter Is An Affair Of Considerable Nicety And Complication.
The First Problem Which The Construction Of The Calendar Presents Is To Connect The Week With The Year, Or To Find The Day Of The Week Corresponding To A Given Day Of Any Year Of The Era.
As The Number Of Days In The Week And The Number In The Year Are Prime To One Another, Two Successive Years Cannot Begin With The Same Day; For If A Common Year Begins, For Example, With Sunday, The Following Year Will Begin With Monday, And If A Leap Year Begins With Sunday, The Year Following Will Begin With Tuesday.
For The Sake Of Greater Generality, The Days Of The Week Are Denoted By The First Seven Letters Of The Alphabet, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Which Are Placed In The Calendar Beside The Days Of The Year, So That A Stands Opposite The First Day Of January, B Opposite The Second, And So On To G, Which Stands Opposite The Seventh; After Which A Returns To The Eighth, And So On Through The 365 Days Of The Year.
Now If One Of The Days Of The Week, Sunday For Example, Is Represented By E, Monday Will Be Represented By F, Tuesday By G, Wednesday By A, And So On; And Every Sunday Through The Year Will Have The Same Character E, Every Monday F, And So With Regard To The Rest.
The Letter Which Denotes Sunday Is Called The Dominical Letter, Or The Sunday Letter; And When The Dominical Letter Of The Year Is Known, The Letters Which Respectively Correspond To The Other Days Of The Week Become Known At The Same Time.
The Number Of Years In The Intercalary Period Being Four, And The Days Of The Week Being Seven, Their Product Is 4 X 7 = 28; Twenty Eight Years Is Therefore A Period Which Includes All The Possible Combinations Of The Days Of The Week With The Commencement Of The Year.
This Period Is Called The Solar Cycle, Or The Cycle Of The Sun, And Restores The First Day Of The Year To The Same Day Of The Week.
In The Reformed Calendar The Intercalary Period Is Four Hundred Years, Which Number Being Multiplied By Seven, Gives Two Thousand Eight Hundred Years As The Interval In Which The Coincidence Is Restored Between The Days Of The Year And The Days Of The Week.
The cycle of the sun brings back the days of the month to the same day of the week; the lunar cycle restores the new moons to the same day of the month; therefore 28 X 19 = 53 2 years, includes all the variations in respect of the new moons and the dominical letters, and is consequently a period after which the new moons again occur on the same day of the month and the same day of the week.
The Epacts Are Also Placed So As To Indicate The Full Moons Generally One Or Two Days After The True Full Moons; But This Was Done Purposely, To Avoid The Chance Of Concurring With The Jewish Passover, Which The Framers Of The Calendar Seem To Have Considered A Greater Evil Than That Of Celebrating Easter A Week Too Late.
In Either Case, It Is Sometimes Made A Day More, And Sometimes A Day Less, In Order That Certain Festivals May Fall On Proper Days Of The Week For Their Due Observance.
To Avoid Certain Festivals Falling On Incompatible Days Of The Week.
The Result May Sometimes Differ A Day From The Truth, As The Intercalary Days Do Not Occur Simultaneously; But As The Day Of The Week Can Always Be Accurately Obtained From The Foregoing Table, The Result Can Be Readily Adjusted.
To Find, As A Test, The Accurate Day Of The Week, The Proposed Year Of The Hegira, Divided By 30, Gives 45 Cycles, And Remainder 12, The Year Of The Current Cycle.
Next divide the number of cycles by 7, and the second remainder will be the Number of the Period, which being found at the top of the table, and the year of the cycle on the left hand, the required day of the week is immediately shown.
In St Kilda a large number of the young are killed in one week of August, the only time when, by the custom of the community, they are allowed to be taken.
No child of less than 12 is allowed to work more than 66 hours in any one week.
Until the fifth or sixth week the development of the genital ridge is very much the same in the two sexes, and consists of cords of cells growing from the epithelium-covered surface into the mesenchyme, which forms the interior of the ridge.
About the fifth week of human embryonic life the tunica albuginea appears in the male, from which septa grow to divide the testis into lobules, while the epithelial cords form the seminiferous tubes, though these do not gain a lumen until just before puberty.
He landed at Mondego Bay in the first week of August, and moved southwards, driving in the enemy at Rollo.
In Pennsylvania as much as $300,000 changed hands for plants in one week, and frequently the young trees were sold two and three times over within a few days at ever-advancing prices.
The execution of the sentence followed within the week, on the 7th of July 1535.
There were several other skirmishes during the following week, resulting in the capture of the leading conspirators, with most of their followers.
The various expansions and developments have made it difficult to maintain the ratio between accommodation and requirements, and although overcrowding is troublesome only during some three or four hours a week, at "high 'Change" on market days, various complaints and suggestions provoked in 1906 an appeal from the chairman of directors to the Manchester corporation.
Guicciardini, the Venetian envoy, describes the activity of the port, into which 500 ships sometimes passed in a day, and as evidence of the extent of its land trade he mentioned that 2000 carts entered the city each week.
The animal died at the end of the eighth week, but it is possible that had it lived it would have become wholly pigmented.
A week later all Finland lay at the feet of the intrepid colonel of the Borg, dragoons.
On the 21st of February 1648, at his earnest request, he was carried in a litter from Fredriksborg to his beloved Copenhagen, where he died a week later.
A week after subscribing these articles the young prince departed to take possession of the Polish throne.
This youthful venture was not successful, the amount he received in fees being only about five shillings a week, and after two years he took to farm work.
During the growing season established lawns should be mown at least once a week.
Begin grafting in the third week; dig and dress between the rows of gooseberries, currants and other fruit trees, if not already done.