That Sentence Examples
I thought that was the best way to carry her.
Well, if my cooking is that bad...
I can't imagine what he was thinking to hide a thing like that from you.
He spoke so well that everybody was pleased.
The suitcase didn't seem that heavy at the time.
That didn't sound very nice.
That I am not prepared to say.
I know better than that.
That was a no-brainer.
That was when Mary decided to relieve her mind of a troubling thought.
AdvertisementThat's easy for you to say.
Now if that's all...
On that subject she was adamant.
That is the least we can do!
It was the first time she thought of Katie that way.
AdvertisementBut then, that was obvious.
He stooped and picked up a bird's nest that had fallen upon the ground.
All that time and he was unable to solve his financial problem.
That night it stormed and then turned cold.
We are back to that?
AdvertisementNot that I ever hear of.
That idea was troublesome to Carmen as well.
That was what mattered right now.
That way you don't have to taste it.
But even that did not satisfy the Princess.
AdvertisementThat's more like it.
That would be a big help.
Whatever the case, Mary questioned anything that might indicate discord between Carmen and Alex.
Do you know that?
Two other baby birds were there, that had not fallen out.
That is, if Jim has had enough of the pink grass.
Alex had provided the money to remodel the home, but insisted that it stay in her name only.
Possibly not, but that was the end result.
He danced with you that often and didn't tell you his name?
That was all he needed.
But not a sound had broken the stillness since the strangers had arrived, except that of their own voices.
I wish you would go and fetch my satchel, two lanterns, and a can of kerosene oil that is under the seat.
Do I look that bad?
Maybe that was the problem.
That made all their children her aunts and uncles, and their grandchildren her cousins.
For her, losing them was painful enough, but losing a mate - that would be agonizing.
That's what you get for waiting so long.
I think that's sufficient.
That made no sense.
I guess that will do.
They swelled and blended smoothly - and that flat tummy was so masculine.
What was that supposed to mean?
I'm asking that you don't punish Felipa.
That evening all the women got together to wrap gifts.
How could anyone fall asleep that fast?
That better not be Dulce.
Well, that explained a lot about him.
His gaze wandered over her face in that familiar way.
That was good, wasn't it?
So you're back to that again.
Why would he do that?
So that was why he didn't want her to be involved.
That was a double-edged hurt, though, because Alex adored his adoptive father.
She wasn't vain enough to think that turned him to drinking, though.
Maybe it resurrected memories that were unpleasant - even painful.
Ah, that is good.
Later that night she woke and lay awake thinking about the way he had responded.
That didn't sound like Alex.
That's why I didn't tell you.
At some point, that stopped bugging her and became an attraction.
Thanks to Alex, that chore had been turned into a simple twist of a knob.
Katie said that was because Carmen had been raised poor and had become frugal.
I have been made acutely aware of that fact since I was a child.
They were having so much fun that even Alondra broke down and joined them.
Since his current office was directly across from their bedroom, it seemed a better place for babies that Alex said could be born early.
The medication they were giving her to clear up the congestion in her lungs was making her sleep a lot, but they thought that was better than having her upset all the time.
Jonathan was so excited that he couldn't stop talking about her.
Katie had been telling him that for years, but he hadn't seen it until now.
Quint knew he should quell the ire that surged up and pounded in his neck.
That wide-eyed innocent look and those full lips reminded him of a fairytale princess.
Maybe he knew something and that was why he picked up Connie that night.
They rounded the corner of the building to see a group of men lounging against the fence, watching a display that made Carmen's blood run cold.
That would change when they got home.
That was when Mom and Señor Medena started hanging out together anyway - the first time.
Okay, we've already established that Alex is secretive.
I guess I can't deny that, but in all these years, why hasn't Uncle Fabrice's name come up in a conversation at least once?
If you mention his name to Alex, you'll find out why she feels that way.
In fact, I think Uncle Fabrice had him convinced that he couldn't sell a cheeseburger to a starving man.
All I know is that he gets defensive when I mention Uncle Fabrice.
Surely he wouldn't have gone down there to help if he felt that way.
On the other hand, how could Alex be a positive influence if his Uncle truly felt that way?
Part of it was simply his nature - and that part was sweet and selfless.
Maybe that was why he was the first to notice when she developed a fever.
Is it that bad?
The noise from the machine that circulated the oxygen frightened her.
Is that because of the infection?
By that time she was hungry and decided to make a deal with the night shift.
Carmen assigned responsibility for that to herself because she didn't notice early enough that Destiny was sick.
That wasn't easy to do when a person was physically and emotionally exhausted.
Instead, she decided to use that extra hour to take a relaxing bath.
Just keep thinking that... and praying.
Later she remembered that Alex had asked her to call him if there was any change.
I heard they had the airport cleared for flights now that it's stopped snowing.
I know, sweetheart, and that is a comfort, but it won't be that bad.
One word was missing in all that...
Just because it upsets me doesn't mean I don't want to know - or that you shouldn't tell me.
Freedom from that ugly feeling gave her the ability to speak of it lightly for the first time.
He said he felt bad about it, but conceded that Tessa had been less than honest with him on more than one occasion.
Tessa admitted that the boy belonged to her husband.
She had always claimed that he would listen if she presented an opposing opinion.
If it hadn't been for Katie, she might not have discovered that she was right.
How can you say that?
What makes you think that?
His gaze traveled over her face in that familiar way, his expression reflective.
Is being in control so important that you're willing to sacrifice the happiness of your only son?
The biggest thing you two have against each other is that you're so much alike.
She had accepted the idea that she would never know this moment.
Yes... I just wanted to let you know that the twins were born this morning.
Sure, they needed to clear the air about the inheritance issue, but that wasn't enough for Carmen.
At least that part was out of the way.
I hope you didn't do that on my account.
That explains how you treated Katie, but what about Felipa and Alondra - and even Dulce?
I'm sorry about that, boy.
I don't know her that well.
Good, that should make this easier.
I hadn't thought of it that way.
Tammy could swim almost as well as Lisa, but Sarah couldn't swim at all, confessing unabashed that she was afraid of the water.
I've waited at that station for five hours.
It almost got us that time, Dorothy.
Here and there were groups of houses that seemed made of clear glass, because they sparkled so brightly.
Eureka helped him by flying into the faces of the enemy and scratching and biting furiously, and the kitten ruined so many vegetable complexions that the Mangaboos feared her as much as they did the horse.
It is with a kind of fear that I begin to write the history of my life.
All that did was to enwich the pwiests' sons and thieves and wobbahs....
The nobility don't gwudge theah lives--evewy one of us will go and bwing in more wecwuits, and the sov'weign" (that was the way he referred to the Emperor) "need only say the word and we'll all die fo' him!" added the orator with animation.
In addition to the assistance from the renters, the money finally gave her an income of her own, and the token independence that went with it.
Did I ever tell you that you're the most handsome man I've ever seen?
With so many people at their house, it was fortunate that the weather was warm and dry so they could utilize the courtyard for the children.
Let's just leave it at that.
A wide porch stretched the length of the building, and above it were two balconies with black wrought iron banisters that curved out gracefully.
From the foyer, they entered a huge room with a wide staircase that curved gracefully from the balcony on the second floor.
Maybe it was jet lag - whatever that was.
In that moment she was certain she saw something in his eyes - something akin to remorse.
If only Alex could talk to his father that way.
What's going on in that pretty head?
Maybe he felt more comfortable thinking of it that way.
How sad that she would be too proud to have fun.
Did you know that?
For some reason it crossed her mind that he would be fun to know.
I guess the only thing he wanted more than that was a good woman and children.
They were so synchronized and fluid that Carmen asked Alex if they danced often.
Are you sure that's the way you want it?
Mom used to say that people suspected in others what they had experienced or what they would do in the other person's shoes.
I thought your point was that I was trying to protect you.
He probably thought that she married Alex to realize her dream.
After that, I guess I was focused on just getting by.
That's when we all do things together.
Dulce was so angry that tears were rolling down her face.
You've got that much right.
Looking into that semi-sweet chocolate gaze, it was easy to understand why Dulce lost her composure.
Carmen was so tired that the icy wind failed to keep her awake.
Sure, he said her lifestyle appealed to him, but was that because it was something new?
It was in his nature, and it was something that wasn't going to change.
When Alex came home that evening, Jonathan was in his room painting and Destiny was topping off her nap.
Actually, what I said was that no one got to the point that they couldn't use more money.
Was that where his father got all that money?
Alex didn't like any kind of discord, which generally meant that she shouldn't contest anything he said or did.
He didn't tell her about the money because it would lead to questions - both about the money and the fact that he had been hiding it from her.
Considering the problems they presented, she could hardly blame him for that.
Had they argued that much at his father's house?
This wasn't about what he had hidden from her or the fact that he had left her alone for two weeks to go to Columbia.
More than that, he was willing to make concessions - in front of the children.
In that small house, there were few secrets.
Maybe it was anger that prompted him to make the remark about her spending his money, but he never apologized about it specifically.
I thought you had finally accepted that the money belonged to both of you.
I did, but apparently that status changed.
Now what brought on that comment?
I imagine that took a chunk out of his savings.
So you wondered how he got that much money.
I didn't ask him that.
He admitted that he actually went because he had connections - heritage.
I guess I should have told you that.
I'm not all that secretive, but you were the one who kept telling me that if he wanted you to know, he'd tell you.
He's a lot like his father - in a LOT of ways, but don't tell him that.
I always thought that was funny.
I always wondered if that was why Mom and Dad split up for a while - because Mom was used to a different lifestyle and social circle.
Can you imagine that?
Mom told me that Dad forgave her for her affair with Señor Medena.
In that instant she realized something else.
I'm sure that had a lot to do with it - that and the connections.
She considered that thought and then amended.
When we were in Texas, I got the feeling that Señor Medena loved Alex - that he was saddened by the way Alex rejected him.
Carmen felt the full weight of a question that had no answer.
Alex was a love child - of that she was certain.
My guess is that he meant exactly what he said.
Considering the information Katie had just disclosed, it wasn't surprising that he wanted to be in control - or that he had chosen a wife who asked few questions.
That's where my part came from.
My guess is that most of the savings came from Señor Medena, though.
Alex said it might not have made any difference, and reminded her that she needed to think positive.
They have her in pull-ups now and she's not happy about that.
Destiny coughed and sat up with a wale that sounded more like a broken growl.
Mom used to say that children and dogs weren't fooled by people.
Who would have thought he would become attached to a child that was neither his own blood nor male?
More important, though, was the fact that he believed the child should not suffer for the sins of the parent.
I mean, you don't need to do that.
Not that it was going to help.
At worst... she didn't want to think about that.
Señor Medena would take care of him and see that he got to the hospital if he needed to go.
Sometimes the way Alex looked at him when he was talking - times when he was actually listening to him - it seemed to her that he felt that close bond.
Maybe it was more than that.
If Alex forgave his father, would he want to return to that lifestyle?
Alex might have convinced himself that he wanted a simpler lifestyle.
At the end of January, Princess gave birth to the first foal on the ranch that wasn't sired by Ed.
He hesitantly announced to Carmen one evening that he wanted to learn to play a guitar.
If it's something we simply can't afford, that's one thing, but we should be encouraging things like this, Alex.
Without a doubt, the fact that the babies were healthy had major influence on his mood.
Five years ago that day she had met Alex.
In a way, it was hard to believe it had been that long.
It was the idea that I would never have one... the death of a dream, I guess.
Finally that soft chocolate gaze came back to her.
Whether he meant that his feelings for her were the same was unclear.
What was clear was the fact that he was struggling over something.
Her first thought was that it was a puppy someone had dropped off.
I've seen opossums that weren't afraid of me, though.
Katie said she should confront him when he did that - tell him how it made her feel.
Maybe that was what he had been so preoccupied with lately.
His gaze ran over her face searching - maybe surprised that she spoke her mind.
She was the country bumpkin that he had to drag everywhere or be accused of being insensitive.
He'd feel sorry for her and she didn't want that.
As a matter of fact, he hadn't said that since he spent half the night with his old flame.
He was normal in that respect.
It was the romancing that had suffered.
She selected an off-the-shoulder lilac colored sun dress that Alex liked.
She looked so cute that Carmen took a few pictures of her.
She sighed and snuggled against him, feeling the beat of his heart... or was that her own?
Maybe that was why his response lacked the usual mocking humor.
Yet, no matter how many times she tried to reassure herself of that, she remained concerned.
It wasn't one night of loving that made the difference.
Obviously he didn't actually believe that.
Neither did she, but she wasn't claiming that they were hers, either.
When Alex came home that night she had supper ready.
She was slicing some left over pork roast for a recipe tomorrow when Alex walked in and announced that Destiny and Jonathan were asleep.
I had hoped that you would resolve your problem, but it seems to have no end.
You want me to think of all this as ours, but how can I when you insist that the problems are all yours?
Is that what you and Dulce were fighting about?
Immediately after that thought came another - more painful.
Maybe that was the real reason Tessa left him.
Maybe he was so distraught that he turned to Dulce for comfort.
Surely he knew she wouldn't leave him over something that happened before they met.
So exactly what is it that Dulce wants you to do?
Certainly not that she knew about.
Why would he need to lie when he could simply tell her that it didn't concern her?
Then he drew back, his gaze running over her face in that familiar confident way.
Don't treat me that way, Alex.
I don't feel that way - ever.
At that moment there was a choice to make.
Well, I like that.
You're Carmen, and that's a lot.
I guess I didn't think about it that way.
That should have been no big surprise, but Carmen would have thought he would welcome the idea of a willing heir.
When Alex approached Carmen about giving Tessa some money, she said it was up to him, but keep in mind that the issue could have been something like drugs.
He was expounding over the fact that his father had approached the inheritance issue again.
Even Dulce isn't interested in that part.
We've already established that I'm not an heir.
The only business experience she had was the goat dairy, the non-functional farm and a horse ranch that had been in the fetal stage for years.
That was a pretty good indication of interest - or lack thereof.
He didn't comment, but several times that evening she caught him watching her with a reflective expression.
That would show me, yes?
Alex's mouth twisted into a wry smile and the dark eyes that sought hers held a trace of humor.
That's how I was raised.
Her response to the issue about a son was indication that she was ready to break from the past.
According to Lisa, they were the closest thing to a family that she had other than her parents and siblings.
Of course, there was always the possibility that she had come up with the idea of distracting Spenser, but he found that hard to believe.
It wasn't jealousy that troubled him.
He'd like to believe in good and the happy-ever-after, but that innocence could never be retrieved.
In the hilly city of Fayetteville, that was a threat during any heavy rain.
It was a moment that lay in her stomach like a week-long hunger, regardless of the fact that they had been gone only minutes.
The first raindrop slammed into the window so hard that she instinctively recoiled.
To her imaginative and inexperienced mind, it was obvious that he was doing their homework.
Still, that nagging feeling in her stomach didn't go away.
But of course, that wasn't possible.
She was glad Howard was there and that her family wasn't.
I guess it was storming so bad that they didn't see or hear the train.
That was the last thing she remembered until she opened her eyes again and found all three of them hanging over her.
Other than the fact that she and Howard had already disrupted their lives enough for her, it was comforting to have her there.
The antidepressants didn't help that much, but maybe they were responsible for the fact that she had not lost control yet.
That costs money – and gas...
As for sitting around doing nothing, I'm going to do something about that.
Maybe that was a good sign.
But you haven't been working there all that long.
I'm not very good at that anyway.
You must know that by now.
I don't know that, but it doesn't matter.
Lisa thanked her for all the help and assured her that she would be fine.
That night exhaustion did what no pill could do, and she finally slept.
Yeah, you do that.
She wandered around the house with a foreboding that this was the last time she would see it.
She should be looking for a replacement vehicle, but having another car in the garage would only be a reminder that there was no one left to drive it.
As the garage door lifted, sunlight reflected off the polish she and her siblings had applied that last day of their lives.
The car had been shut up long enough that it smelled of old upholstery.
Maybe that would change, but it would take a while.
Beyond that, less than three feet separated the road from the edge of a cliff.
The chances were slim that anyone would have come along the road to help her.
Mom will insist that you stay.
Why would his mother insist that she stay?
Then you wouldn't have run off that cliff.
Not that it mattered.
Sarah talked endlessly about her flower garden, the weather and anything else that came to her mind.
That's the one the old hospital is on, isn't it?
Was it honor that forced him to put aside this time and effort to her gain, or was it something else?
I planned it that way.
That would have been more convincing if you hadn't been so willing at first.
Not that she could deny a vivid imagination.
Yet, there was something about him that attracted her like a June bug to a light bulb.
Lisa watched the two of them, sensing that there was something neither of them wanted to mention.
Maybe Sarah suspected that Giddon felt sorry for her.
His only explanation was that he liked being alone.
What lay at the end of that path?
Sometimes she imagined a large field of marijuana, but that would have been discovered long ago.
Far up in the air was an object that looked like a balloon.
It was all they could do, for to go away and leave that strange sight was impossible; nor could they hurry its fall in any way.
After that other people brought water from a brook and sprinkled the earth.
I wonder why it is that we can walk so easily in the air.
In the first place, I tell you we have no right to question the Emperor about that, and secondly, if the Russian nobility had that right, the Emperor could not answer such a question.
Does that mean I'm supposed to change, or that what I'm wearing is considered casual?
But that was behind them.
For the next two hours, the women talked delightfully about meaningless things that kept them laughing.
Will you show me how to do that?
That night after Jonathan was in bed, Carmen turned to Alex.
High maint... who put that in your head?
You fell asleep alright, but we didn't get that far.
She slept so soundly that she didn't wake when Alex returned.
I didn't realize you felt that way.
He was growing up and she needed to keep that in mind - and some things off his mind.
It made a safe ball that didn't go far, which was perfect for Destiny.
You hide everything that is lovely.
For a minute there, I was ready to do just that.
Most girls wanted to be a princess at some point in their youth, though she couldn't specifically remember that wish.
The man, or boy, couldn't have been more than twenty, yet his steps were as sure as the hands that whirled her around the room.
Yet he too was an excellent dancer - or maybe everyone's dancing skills were so much better than hers that it only appeared so to her.
That was the extent of their conversation before Señor Medena cut in.
Dancing with someone that tall was going to be... interesting.
She rested one hand on his upper arm and surrendered her other to a hand that engulfed hers.
Somehow that was a relief.
When he spotted her, that sweet chocolate gaze locked on her, visually embracing her from across the room.
Sometimes that's the only way you can reach each other.
Of course, she could have used sign language, but that would have been distracting - and it wouldn't have been as personal.
It also revealed something that gave her pause for thought.
I don't like it when you're rough like that.
Carmen rushed to him, but found that he was either asleep or passed out.
He wouldn't like that.
His lips covered hers in a long warm kiss that left her short of breath.
Not that one had anything to do with the other, but the technology of surrogacy would have been inconceivable back then.
I'm sure he doesn't think that.
That's unusual, I know, but we both like it that way.
I don't think of it that way.
The other obvious fact was that Dulce didn't accept the inheritance issue.
I wasn't even aware that I was staring at her... there.
She had no particular concern about that part.
Why would she do that?
Maybe she thinks I'm the only thing keeping you from doing that.
It seemed unlikely that Señor Medena would invite Tessa.
As for the drink, there was no point in bringing that up.
But I think it's important that we're both aware of what's going on, don't you?
Señor Medena is doing that.
It isn't that simple.
Otherwise, he'll have to live with the idea that it will no longer be in the family after he passes.
What could you give them here that you couldn't give them at home?
You know that, don't you?
She could believe that of Dulce, but not of Felipa.
Alondra was still a big question mark, but her gut said no to that idea too.
Did Alex think about that aspect?
I hope it's not that unpleasant.
The memory was poignant, overshadowed by events that took place after she told Alex she was expecting.
From that point on it was a nightmare.
If he had simply ignored her, she might have been able to get her emotions under control, but now a sob threatened so convincingly that she was afraid to breathe.
No doubt he told them that Alexia had died, because after Jonathan's statement, that would be easiest.
What would be different this time was the fact that he couldn't deny the babies were his - that and the fact that this time she had no uterus to lose.
She had to stop thinking about the past that way.
A part of her might never forgive him for what he did... and that was a dark part of her personality that she didn't want him to see.
Yet somewhere deep inside she feared that if he was capable of betrayal once, then he might be again.
It might cross a person's mind now and then that their spouse might be unfaithful, but insisting on it for months was another thing.
I want to be that way, Carmen.
Yet before the day was over, it was obvious that wasn't the case.
That evening Alex and Dulce were standing in the entrance room.
Later that evening in their room Carmen asked him about the exchange.
It's not like that at all.
It was simply that he didn't want to tell her - which amounted to the same thing.
She let the conversation drop that night, but early the next morning Dulce caught him in the hallway and it was clear that she didn't think anything was settled.
Destiny stared at Alex over Carmen's shoulder and Jonathan was so focused on Alex that he nearly ran into Alondra.
What was that all about?
Surely it didn't take that long to tell him she felt abandoned.
Of course, it went a lot deeper than that.
That was one way Alex had followed her lead.
Alex should have been there to see that.
She longed to be with that Alex.
Felipa took Destiny to see a Disney movie, saying that Mama needed some time to herself.
Carmen couldn't deny that fact.
As he rode into the yard, his expression made it clear that he didn't come to see the house.
When Morino rode far enough ahead so that he couldn't hear their conversation, Carmen finally spoke to Alex.
That was all today amounted to - a manipulation.
He was making noises like his father was the one he didn't trust, but it wasn't that simple.
What have you two been arguing about, and why did you kiss your brother like that?
That is the way it should be, Mama says.
How long did he think he could hide them - or avoid them, for that matter?
If Katie hadn't disclosed that incident to her before she met Alex, would he have revealed that facet of his past?
To her, the idea was ludicrous, and yet, it probably looked that way to Dulce.
Was that what they had been arguing about?
That familiar cold feeling washed over her again with a wave that was staggering.
Then he turned away and rubbed the back of his neck in that way he did when he knew he was wrong but wasn't sure why.
Later as she lay awake beside him, listening to the sound of his breathing, it occurred to her that they had fallen into the pattern of making up by making love.
If that Alex returned to his roots, there was no reason she couldn't be at his side.
He commented the other day that I was spending his money.
Señor Medena wasn't too happy about that.
Considering her own feelings about Alex, and the fact that he was a lot like his father, it wasn't hard to imagine that his mother never got over Señor Medena.
The line was silent for so long that she checked her phone to see if the call had been dropped.
When Alex came home that evening, Carmen told him about it.
It shouldn't be any surprise, since that was what suffered when he had been troubled in the past.
I wish that was all she wanted.
All that was true enough, but remaining bitter about it wasn't going to improve their relationship.
I can't see any of the girls running the ranch... or wanting to, for that matter.
Like two bull Elk, they were each so focused on pushing the other back that they had forgotten anyone else existed.
A person could change a lot in a few years, especially when they were that young.
Howard had insisted on picking up his little sister that night for safety reasons.
Connie packed and left that evening after work, still expressing her concern and insisting that Lisa call her if she wanted to talk.
Wildlife hid behind that wall of green, but it was too late in the day for them to be hopping out on the road.
She applied the brakes and the dust cloud caught up, cloaking the road so thickly that visibility was down to the front of the car.
Connie was a friend like that.
A deep masculine voice commanded so gruffly that she jumped.
That ridge was the only thing that had kept her from plunging over the edge... that and the man who was now glaring at her.
Hers wasn't the only life that had nearly been taken today.
That must make you about five years old.
Only blindness could have prevented her from knowing that she was unusually attractive.
It merely confirmed that she had left childhood behind... quite gracefully.
No doubt he was ready to do exactly that by now.
Glancing down at her sandaled feet, it occurred to her that she was hardly dressed for a walk in the woods.
His mouth twisted in that wry smile again.
Maybe... but something about him rang true – mostly the part that he had saved her life.
No, I... it's just that I've imposed on you so much already.
Now he would know that no one was expecting her.
He swung the car off the road and under an arch that read "Ambrosia Acres."
She winced as she stood, and glanced up into blue eyes that gave every indication he could read her mind.
He released her hand, but his eyes still held hers in a hypnotic trance that made her think of Dracula.
I'm sure you feel guilty, but it's fortunate that you weren't with them.
She had always been a recluse at heart, often declining a social outing with her friends so that she could be alone with a book or her writing.
Being close enough so that she could attend college while living at home had been their rationalization, but she suspected they were also trying to stimulate her social life.
The car would be replaced by the insurance that was meant to replace her parents' car.
Childhood excursions had taught her that the country was rough, but was she up to ten miles of walking?
I don't mean to make her feel unwelcome, but it was her own carelessness that got her into this situation.
He's a big horse, but I couldn't make him carry the two of us in that terrain.
What did she know about this man... other than the fact that he had a volatile temperament?
Not that she would be any safer letting go.
It wasn't the first time she had seen a bear track, but it was the first time she had seen one that fresh.
It was a sobering reminder that a bear had been on this spot – possibly only minutes earlier.
After what seemed like hours of traveling down trails that were little more than rockslides, Giddon stopped the ATV and shut off the engine.
It wasn't the distance that alarmed her.
There was no arguing that point.
It crossed her mind that he might trip on the mossy rocks, but he crossed the creek with sure steps.
The grief was so strong that it became a nauseating pain.
What's important is that you're alive.
Your parents will realize that.
She encircled his neck with one arm, noting that his breathing didn't seem at all labored as he carried her across the creek.
How could he take advantage of her that way?
He was no gentleman, and she'd best keep that in mind.
You've got a lot of spunk, you know that?
What would give him the idea that she enjoyed having him carry her across the creek?
By that time the Giddon family would have felt the need to feed her two more times.
Nothing existed around her during that time but numbness.
Was it the location or the fact that it needed charged?
It only strengthened the idea that he was the caretaker, not the owner.
His voice had that crisp edge to it again.
Giddon shrugged, that intense topaz gaze shifting to his feet.
Anyway, my driving isn't that bad.
Was he that anxious to get her out of his hair?
Make sure that is sometime in the near future.
The chances were slim that she would ever come back.
He glanced up as she entered and turned the photo around so that she could see the picture.
No. I guess I'd be upset, too, if someone barged into my life that way.
It never occurred to her that he might be embarrassed when he found out.
Not more than four hours ago he was so mad at her that he could hardly speak.
Not that the idea didn't have some appeal.
He didn't know her at all, but that was beside the point.
He swirled the coffee in his cup and lifted that piercing gaze to her face.
Living in that house and using the pool would be like a summer vacation, not a job.
Then his face engaged in a smile that created little wrinkles around his eyes and grooves in his cheeks.
Something inside said she needed that job.
She'd have to wait, and maybe by that time sanity would have returned.
In such a hurry, she was bound to leave something behind that she would need later.
The only defense in that statement was honesty.
Well, it's good that you're getting to be yourself again.
Could you carry that?
Or was it something else that troubled Sarah?
For the most part, the work she did for the Giddon family was little more than she would have done at home - with the exception that at home she probably would have made a sandwich instead of a meal.
Connie immediately assured her that the Giddon's wouldn't be shelling out the money if they didn't think she was earning it.
That was before I took the job.
Maybe it was the intrigue, or maybe it was that gut feeling that something wasn't as it appeared.
It was on one of those occasions that Lisa made her first perplexing discovery.
What was down that path that he didn't want her to see?
There was only one thing that she was sure of, and that was the fact that she had an overactive imagination.
In the weeks that followed, she was careful to restrict her forays to walks down the drive, but she was getting restless.
Of course, it was possible that someone might harm her.
When the spasms passed, she turned to the man she had nearly killed... the man who had helped give her that second chance.
Focusing her attention on the car, she was acutely aware of the fact that he was still watching her.
Instinct deemed it honor, but was that only wishful thinking?
Such an unlikely spot for a home site, and yet, the remains of a chimney gave indisputable proof that one had existed at some point.
The tablet that she tucked under her mattress at night contained all sorts of conclusions at the end of that trail.