Love Sentence Examples
I love you so much.
We love our parents, siblings and friends.
If he didn't love you, he wouldn't care.
First of all, I married Alex because I love him.
It was a great love affair.
I love thinking about the future.
Let us all be a happy family and love one another.
Such people eventually succeed, sometimes through persistence, but often through the unconditional love and support of others.
It's great and I love it.
I would love to hear your feedback - let us know your views.
AdvertisementYou couldn't even say I love you.
You are in love with me?
It is music you will love to hate.
Anyone who has a child knows the love and concern parents feel for their offspring.
Was it love at first sight?
AdvertisementThere he cared for them with love and kindness; but no word did he speak in their hearing.
I love to tell you about God.
And she's in love with Boris already.
I am not saying if you love digging ditches, you should do something else.
You know I love taking care of Tammy.
AdvertisementSince his wife left, he's avoided relationships because he's afraid of giving his heart again only to drive another love away.
But I love "The Jungle Book" and "Wild Animals I Have Known."
I knew because I was in love with you.
The love song has been the most enduring and endearing pop music art form.
He asked her to go back to Houston with him, enticing her with rides on the beach - and love all night.
AdvertisementI love life--I love this grass, this earth, this air....
Alex was a love child - of that she was certain.
You may want to add in some speech games or a love poem which you will find in our Love Poems and Readings section.
It was a great love story - the sexuality of the players is inconsequential.
I made romantic plans of love and happiness with her!
I'd love to go.
I understand that you could not, and cannot, think of yourself, but with my love for you I must do so....
I think I love him.
Why the boys should drive away, Little maidens from their play, Or love to banter and fight so well, That's the thing I never could tell.
He smiled at the recollection of that time and of his love for Natasha, and passed at once to what now interested him passionately and exclusively.
Love awoke and so did life.
And many other stories are told of this man's great love and pity for the timid creatures which lived in the fields and woods.
As for the religion and love of art of the builders, it is much the same all the world over, whether the building be an Egyptian temple or the United States Bank.
Did he love Mrs. Barnett?
I hope to have a love like yours some day.
But this I know, I love to play In the meadow, among the hay-- Up the water, and o'er the lea, That's the way for Billy and me.
Whether you love it or hate it, do you doubt it will happen?
I believed in some ideal love which was to keep her faithful to me for the whole year of my absence!
I love you too.
Glory, the good of society, love of a woman, the Fatherland itself--how important these pictures appeared to me, with what profound meaning they seemed to be filled!
His final poem is about forbidden love, but he is too ill to write it down.
And the more we love the more near we are to God and His Love.
She could understand nothing, think of nothing and feel nothing, except passionate love for her father, love such as she thought she had never felt till that moment.
Not only making out - she was falling in love with him.
Do you want me to make love to you or hug you?
Sure, I'd love to go explore the woods with you, but let's forget about my legs.
Making love in the moonlight on the beach.
Link love spells, free love spells, love charms and love potions together in the same area of the book.
You love your country's ideals, goals, values, and aspirations.
I have known him since I was eight, and my love for him has increased with my years.
I love you very dearly, because you have taught me so many lovely things about flowers, and birds, and people.
I think you are very kind and patient, and I love you very dearly.
His love and care are written all over the walls of nature.
And one couldn't love more, but this is something special....
You love him very much.
That's what love is—trust and promises.
She made love to him as if she'd waited her life for the moment.
The satiny sheets of the bed smelled of the woman he'd made love to for hours last night.
Like making love to a woman, Gabriel.
Love that which is beautiful.
I do love you.
I love to play with little sister.
I send you five thousand kisses, and more love than I can tell.
Teacher sends her love too.
Is it true she's in love with that...
I love you awfully!
It won't make any difference to you whether they are adopted or biological - not in how much you love them or how you treat them.
I was growing to love this town, with its simple history, proud of its old homes and field stone fences, telling the world it was a place worth staying.
Their first afternoon of love was more than she ever thought possible.
I love the smell of the ocean.
Love is at the soul of everything.
But do I love my wife?
I'll always love you.
I should've let you make love to me.
I love Jen and she loves me.
There was a hurried "I love you," not an easy thing for her to say, then a dial tone.
I love it! she said, over and over again.
She does love you.
He wanted her, and nothing had ever made her happier in her life than when she saw the depth of his emotion in his eyes and lived through the consuming intensity with which he made love to her.
He did love her.
Have you ever known what it was to love someone?
Alex had always liked that shyness when it came to their love life.
He fell totally in love with you.
We love war movies.
In imagination I can hear Homer singing, as with unsteady, hesitating steps he gropes his way from camp to camp--singing of life, of love, of war, of the splendid achievements of a noble race.
Give Howard my love, and tell him to answer my letter.
Eva sends love to all.
I love them very, very, very much.
We like to think that the sunshine and the winds and the trees are able to love in some way of their own, for it would make us know that they were happy if we knew that they could love.
Now, dear friend, Please accept these few words because of the love that is linked with them.
The mainspring is vanity, assisted by the love of garlic and bread and butter.
Who does not love liberty and equality?
Everyone shall know me, love me, and be delighted with me!
What causes a parent to love one child more than another?
I love you and it's been miserable without you.
A few months ago she didn't know the true meaning of love.
Once she had been unaware of his love, but now she had learned to read the signs.
I love it here and so did Martha.
I love my home and I'll fight not to give it up.
That's what you do when you love someone—believe them and trust in them.
She didn't know how he could love her still after all she'd done or why he was willing to try to make things work.
Please believe that I love you, and I would rather die than hurt you.
I love you with all my heart.
Vengeance or the path of true love - which will Lydia choose?
Lady Carteret died during childbirth in 1736 and supposedly haunts the corridors looking for her lost love.
I love old cars.
They laid their treasures at my feet, and I accepted them as we accept the sunshine and the love of our friends.
I love their affectionate ways and the eloquent wag of their tails.
I am very glad because I love the warm sunshine and the fragrant flowers.
Give father and mother a great deal of love and many hugs and kisses for me.
It is from the power of love which is in our own hearts.
All the love that is in our hearts comes from him, as all the light which is in the flowers comes from the sun.
And so love is everything.
With much love to father, Mildred, you and all the dear friends, lovingly your little daughter, HELEN A. KELLER.
I love every word of "Spring" and "Spring Has Come."
It is very beautiful to think that you can tell so many people of the heavenly Father's tender love for all His children even when they are not gentle and noble as He wishes them to be.
It is clear that the man who advocates the conclusion of a peace, and that the Minister should command the army, does not love our sovereign and desires the ruin of us all.
It is not beauty that endears, it's love that makes us see beauty.
I don't love her, but...
Maybe Felipa had a love she wasn't sure about.
You know you love each other, but you aren't about to admit it.
Carmen and I love it here.
Do you tell all your boyfriends you love them?
So he thought it was all about Howard and a love interest.
Did he marry Valorie for love, or because she found out about his business?
If and when she got married, it would be for love.
I volunteer to sleep there tonight, if the love of my life is willing to come along.
I'm sure you were in love with me; all the boys were.
I love you anyway and I've quit twisting your arm about trying to dig up the past.
You taste like honey, love.
Tell me, love, just how powerful are you?
I loathe these horrible roads, but I love the places they take you.
If love alone was a measurement of success, the future of the three had a small measure hope.
Because you love me.
You made him love us in a way he never loved me.
His one love wanted to be alone with him!
I'd love to have a little baby.
He simply fell in love after he met her, while doing God's work.
You fell in love with who she is, not what she is.
I love you, and I will call tonight, we'll make plans for tomorrow, okay?
He sang of war, and of bold rough deeds, and of love and sorrow.
They have something they love and want to do, but if market forces are not such that they can support themselves doing that, they have to do something else.
Love it or hate it, this seems to be where we are going.
My dear Carrie--You are to look upon it as a most positive proof of my love that I write to you to-day.
Mildred is a sweet little sister and I am sure you would love her.
Now do I love my finger?
But if you could trust him this way and there was no electricity, would it still be love?
I know him when he was boy and I love him then.
Was he falling in love as well, or was he simply taking what he could get?
Was it wishful thinking, or did she see the same love in his eyes?
If they don't want to marry you, they don't love you.
I had no stomach to involve myself in the love relationship of these two.
It's been awhile, love.
Ah, my love, your wish is my command.
That's what love is all about.
Nope. But they're in love.
Jenny Calvia had been the love of Randy's life since high school.
There's sure no love lost between you two.
Changing that, then, was the only thing that lay between her and her love.
Deidre waited, needing to know what it would take for him to love her.
How much easier would it have been, if she simply accepted his love and walked away from the underworld?
Making love to her, wanting her dead, saving her life, walking away.
I love a chase and a fight, but the chances of me forgetting not to dull the pain increase if you resist.
I just want you to love me.
Love you too, Princess
I love her more than you ever will.
All I know is I have never seen two people more in love.
I need you to explain what you were thinking while I fell in love with you.
And then I fell in love with you.
I love you and I know if we both work at it we can get beyond this.
I want mutual trust and love.
Don't you know by now that I'm in love with you?
And make love all night.
We love each other.
That's why I love you and agreed to marry you.
What would it be like making love to him?
I love you – so much.
I love you too, sweetheart.
I love you more than anything in the world.
I hope the great ocean will love the new Helen, and let her sail over its blue waves peacefully.
My favourite poet has written some lines about England which I love very much.
Please give your dear aunt teacher's and my love and tell her that we enjoyed our little visit very much indeed.
From broken remarks about Natasha and his father, from the emotion with which Pierre spoke of that dead father, and from the careful, reverent tenderness with which Natasha spoke of him, the boy, who was only just beginning to guess what love is, derived the notion that his father had loved Natasha and when dying had left her to his friend.
During that twenty-year period an immense number of fields were left untilled, houses were burned, trade changed its direction, millions of men migrated, were impoverished, or were enriched, and millions of Christian men professing the law of love of their fellows slew one another.
You will love it there Felipa said enthusiastically.
Oh, I'd love to come here and fish sometime.
Why is it that you can only remember my first name when we're making love?
But you don't love him.
I love my wife.
Don't worry, my love.
Use it wisely, love.
But remember this; we love you— all of us here, Fred included.
Like David said, we love you.
Martha, let me explain to you about love.
That's up to other people, not us, but I can tell you we'll miss you terribly and we'd love to have you stay a part of our family.
We're your friends—we love you.
She snuggled next to him, usually an invitation for love, but tonight he sensed she just wanted to be held.
Call your son and tell him you love him.
Pumpkin looked at the picture of Randy Byrne, one leg up on a boulder, an I-own-the-world smile on his young face and Jen smiling at him with a look of love.
God love him—he had followed the Boston Red Sox for sixty years and couldn't even dream of ever being there himself.
That, and the little matter of a cookie in the oven of love, which seemed to be taking a back seat in her ire.
But that doesn't mean we didn't love each other or have a super twelve years together.
Vote for me because I love this town and think I can do a good job as sheriff.
I love Fourth of July week.
All hints of hesitation left the young girl in the wake of the smother of love that enveloped her.
I loved Gabriel, but I know now that love was nothing compared to what I feel now.
I guess a better answer is that I need time to heal before I can trust myself to love you, Deidre.
If Gabriel didn't fall in love with Deidre in three days, he would be betrayed once more.
Can you ever love me again?
Just when he thought things were going well and they spent the night making love and talking, he woke up in a new nightmare.
But there was never a day when you didn't love her and she didn't love you.
She'd told him the truth, because she wanted them to have a relationship built on trust and love.
Never mind that they bartered over his love like some sort of prize to be won at a fair.
She had always feared learning to love a child, only to have the mother change her mind.
Maybe it was merely love that made her view him that way, but considering all the second and third glances he got from other women, she doubted it.
I don't love him.
His heartbeat was strong and steady, the thick arm wrapped around her as it had been when he held her after they'd made love for the last time before falling asleep.
His love had a temper.
Come with me, my love.
The words were forced, and he knew she was in love with him as much as she did.
I love you, you fool!
It was the first time they had made love, and were newly committed to one another.
He's a troubled kid and we know he has no love for his stepfather.
Since the first time I stepped inside I had a sense of all of the love and happiness and peace those walls have witnessed.
He wasn't too full of himself, and he really did appear to love her.
You really do love her, don't you?
Because I love you.
No love lost between us and them in any case.
But you were in love with me—admit it—almost from the first, and I knew it.
Would they make love at night or in the morning – or both?
I want to make love to you, not have sex.
I would love to visit many beautiful cities with you.
And, Helen, He loves men still, and He loves us, and He tells us that we may love Him.
We've been married for nearly five years, and we just made love.
The idea of making love in a strange bedroom was disturbing enough, but with only a door between them and the children, locked or not, it didn't feel right.
Why did he hide the fact that his first love would be here tonight?
Why is it so difficult for you to believe I love him when you love him so much?
Later as she lay awake beside him, listening to the sound of his breathing, it occurred to her that they had fallen into the pattern of making up by making love.
They were home but still playing love tag at night.
Love you too, Mom.
I love this car.
Then they were locked in a passionate embrace, seeking and finding the love they had been pushing aside for so long.
I love you, Adrienne.
It isn't a matter of which I love more.
Are we going to have one of these relationships where we have to constantly prove our love to each other?
I love that ranch and I wanted to stay there.
I don't know if I could ever love a man.
I know you love me, but when people find out I lived with the Indians for three years...
How could she have fallen in love with Bordeaux, knowing how unfaithful men could be?
But their conversation... was an expression of love for a sibling – siblings that had apparently been through a lot together.
Because I love you, even if you are a...
Mary had never been the jealous type, but then, where love was concerned, people changed.
Was she blinded by love now, or had she merely been unobservant before?
I'm not sure exactly when I started falling in love with you.
I'd love to sleep there.
If you loved me, why didn't you let me make love to you?
Often times both are absent when love is involved.
Will Howie not love us anymore?
Jonny was on a low, flat rock, making love to a woman writhing in pleasure beneath him.
I'd love to come in.
What pleasure would it bring if he drank from her while making love to her?
He eased into her body at first then made love to her hungrily, relentlessly pushing her deeper into the haze of pleasure and desire, until she arched beneath him, her body on the verge of shattering.
It was of his lean body pressing her into the bed while they made love.
I saw how you were created from a seventeen-year-old boy who wanted nothing more than for your mistress to love you.
You offered him a deal when none was needed, love.
But did they love her enough to really punish her like parents did—real parents, with kids of their own?
She just looked at me and asked, 'You won't love them enough to spank them if they truly deserve it?'
I'd love to, but no, but thank you.
I didn't leave SB the Owl behind because I didn't love him.
Joseph and Ginger sat, pretending everyone continued to love one another while no doubt plotting their own sneaky revenge.
First off, I'd love to have Martha around to see this mess.
While Pumpkin Green was not at this week's mass, or probably any other service within miles of Ouray, Billy Langstrom's partner in love Melissa attended.
I'd love to have seen that.
It's hard to judge a guy by teenage love letters.
She was most pleased to know her bones had been identified and the effort the Deans put forth to accomplish this was a further, if now unneeded, sign of their love.
Later, David Dean called Lydia—from bed after making love to his wife.
You can't ever love me.
Did he love Deidre?
I think I love you.
If he didn.t leave soon, and she kept looking at him like that, he.d make love to her right there.
Evelyn might love her but would probably not welcome a call on her wedding night.
They made love for the umpteenth time since their wedding.
Their love has no limits or bounds.
I don't know if she is aware of our arrangement as few words ever pass between us, but her quarters are far from mine and we will be ever so quiet in our love.
My circumstances are without solution and his life would be ruined if the world were to know the truth of our love.
I long to share my secret with the one I so love, but then fear and doubt overtake me before the words will leave my lips.
A woman, dreaming of her pending marriage, scratched in tiny letters with her diamond, 'So in love, says everyone,' on the pane of her bedroom window.
The words fell from my lips as softly as the tears from my eyes, I so wished the world could know of the love I hold for you.
Then added, in a mocking voice, 'We were intimate, and all our old love came flowing back!'
Donnie, Donnie, I love you so.
Donnie would love to see her.
But he didn't display an iota of love toward her that I picked up on.
So in love says everyone....
Not really, just that I love him… and don't hurt him.
I love that you are so caring and wear your heart on your sleeve.
I truly love you.
Is that what you did to make me love you?
At first she frowned, then broke into a huge smile and started to sing, "You oo oo love her."
I love all kinds of music.
I love seeing that side of you.
I'd love to, it sounds fun.
It's tomorrow and I still love you.
I love you too, dumb ass.
Communicating love in a way neither had ever experienced, they converged in an esoteric dance in which the world fell away.
Some love struck girl is likely to take you up on it.
He still wasn't over his last love.
I don't know if a man can understand this, but I want to hold a baby in my arms and know it's a part of me and the man I love.
Not when you're still in love with me.
Gods, but he could smell her sweet scent! Her large eyes seemed to see right through him. He feared reaching out, in case she slid through his fingers like smoke. He'd lost her in life; he wasn't going to risk losing her in his dreams. He could imagine closing the distance between them, sweeping her up into his arms, and making love to her on the beach.
He wondered about the last time she and her husband had made love, never knowing it would be the very last, ever.
There's nothing in the world like love.
I love her almost as much as I do my own children.
Give my love to all the little girls, and tell them that Helen loves them very, very much.
But I love them, you know, and don't want to distress either of them.
If Dulce hadn't chased him so hard, would he have fallen in love with her?
And yet, this latest contention was about inheritance, not love.
What was even worse, their love life was suffering.
Although she had said the words "I love you," several times, he had not uttered them.
I always thought he felt more pity than love for the old lady.
With Yancey's kind, there's no such thing as a mild emotion, neither in anger nor in love.
If this was love, it was certainly a dangerous love.
He's handsome, mysterious and fills an empty spot... but love?
No matter what happened, he would always be more than a fond memory - maybe a first love.
Yancey was his pseudonym, and the man she had grown to love.
As long as they weren't sleeping together or disrupting the household, what difference did it make that they were in love?
Getting a job in Bartlesville would only make everyone believe she was still in love with Brandon.
Was it love that had prompted him to propose, or was there something else?
Could she ever truly love any man?
Did Bordeaux actually love her or was it a contrived affair to get her back to the ranch?
You won't find love here in this saloon.
Not the way you love Bordeaux?
She fell in love with a trapper and he took her back to what we all describe as civilization.
Maybe love was like that.
The man she made love to last night or the recluse - Cade?
Loving him was no excuse, because even knowing he didn't love her, she still couldn't find the decency to leave.
What's worse, you were so naïve - and you love him.
How could anyone love the baby the way she could?
It was amazing how a baby could put love in so many hearts.
I love Betsy, just the way you love Martha.
Only it's a different kind of love; not the sex kind.
I was conflicted; should I support the love of my life or be more pragmatic?
How I love the open country, away from city police and cameras at every intersection.
I was just having fun with them; I love you.
Yet in reality, five individuals, some joined by love, some nearly strangers and others with a history, that might surface and run amuck.
I know you love being a nurse.
I'd love to be just a mom, at least the first few years.
I didn't mention his blossoming love life, but expressed concern over his serious problem of nightmares.
I'd love to put this behind us but it takes time.
I feel badly for him and he's such a sweet guy; I love him to death!
I love my wheeled wonder, my palace on wheels, but it's unique and easily remembered.
The few times Howie was out of ear shot, the rest of us gossiped about his love life like back fence crones but failed to reach a consensus.
Not if it screws up what we're doing... what we should be doing right now, instead of talking about my love life.
Do you love her?
First and only love, I guess.
I so love my home away from home.
What are your thought concerning our love sick member?
I wouldn't deny one's right to fulfill love, but doing so will have serious consequences on an untold number of lives, even those you're saving.
I turned and announced to the others, "Everyone; Howie is in love with Julie and wants to marry her."
Howie would toss in towel once he learned he'd been deceived by this woman, his first love.
Okay, it wasn't exactly true love but Howie's a nice guy and I would have let him do it even if he wasn't so generous.
Say I love Howie Abbott?
Okay, I love Howie Abbott and I'm going to marry him.
She'll love it, with little Claire to play with.
Does she truly love him?
I even had time to spare for a second cup of coffee before boarding the Acela Express for my five-hour trip to the City of Brotherly Love.
I love the isolation of my mountain retreat.
I love it when you say that.
I love you, Dusty.
You made the one who can stop you fall in love with you instead, her father said.
My love, we've been destined for each other since I wed your brother thousands of years ago.
We don't need love.
Sofia gripped it, the touch enough to reveal a future like Traci's, filled with love and joy.
He'd known love and trust only in the earliest stage of his life, when he had a family before he entered the dark age of his people.
In hindsight, he wondered how he'd ever been fooled or why he'd settle for Claire when there was someone like Sofia out there, who'd love him for him and not for his title.
Love, I don't have a soul.
She saw Damian watch the new king get his tattoo as a rite of passage, saw it again as Claire made love to the man meant to be her husband, saw it in Isac's vision as he hacked the tattooed man apart.
I love him, Darian.
I love you, Damian.
Damian, I love you.
Gabriel's intense hatred was born of intense love and pain, and he'd clearly never made up his mind about her in the time they were together.
Love, you couldn't kill me.
He was in love with a ghost and unwilling to take a chance on you.
I love a fight and an absolute victory even more, he replied.
Randy and Jen love each other.
Images of Kris, his only love in two thousand years, swam through his thoughts.
He'd thought himself in love with Lilith once, and so had Kris and half their brothers.
Now go, my love, before they notice you're gone.
They made love twice, then once again.
He braced himself for more syrupy love sentiments when she awoke but was
I do love him, she admitted silently.
Gabriel's words and her nightmare haunted her, reminded her she couldn't let herself fall in love with him now.
You were in love with Jade?
While Kris would love to sacrifice a certain infuriating mortal to further his cause, he wouldn.t even sacrifice her, let alone allow Darkyn.s to wipe out a village.
I wouldn't own an art gallery if I didn't love artists.
No … all because Evelyn fell in love with an alien … no, all because Romas was an alien!
I believe Gage is in love with me, a simple emotion for a woman, Ne'Rin said.
What if she looked upon him as his mother had his father, with adoration and love?
The two had gradually fallen in love, married, scraped together funds, and together with Fred O'Connor, purchased a hundred-year-old Colorado Victorian home.
Me and Belfair will love it!
I am bone-weary of the degradation, of wearing my false coquettish smile, pretending love, until they spill themselves within me.
My guess is love has nothing to do with it.
Though I so love him and trust his every word, I can't help but tremble at even the prospect I shall at last exchange this soiled and despicable life for another.
It plagues my mind that my sins will continue but so in love am I that aught else matters.
I love the old geezer but the few times he starts talking about the old days, I tune him out.
I hardly minded the cold and lonely walk back after evening prayers demanded my love's return.
I love Fran—this girl I'm going to marry.
Dean continued, We know we love each other.
He let go of Donnie's hand and turned to his wife, with more of a leer than a look of love.
She has done this deed for so many others, but I can't bear to heap more sin on my blackened soul and kill unborn this result of my Joshua's love.
Dean knew Fred was chomping at the bit to dig into this caper, as he called it, but just to flip his switch a bit, Dean started the conversation with the old man's love life.
Donnie's got a bundle of problems and I know I'll love him, but it scares me to think of the responsibility.
And yet, if Cynthia should be in need of an ultimate expression of his love, how would he respond?
I love Cynthia and I don't want to cheat on her.
Would Dean ever make such irrational and illogical decisions if faced with a test of his love?
A Country and Western singer was mourning a lost love on Fred's mini boom box.
But more than anything else, there was love at Bird Song.
It looked like young Donnie had a chance at life, in a home where love was in residence, instead of hatred and desperation.
Love is so strange, my dearest Joshua.
Jackson felt awed by the love Marie and Frederick shared.
Sarah had fallen in love with him in 1912.
I kept saying, 'I would never hurt you, I love you', but he just kept trying to get away from me, begging me to let him go.
Jackson would argue, "When all is said and done, if you handle them properly, you know they love it too."
My love for her is not romantic; it is that of a brother, father and son all wrapped up in one.
Someday, when there is a concert, I would love to take you to Tanglewood.
Come on, I'd love to see the process.
He shot daggers at her as Elisabeth said, "I would love to."
Nothing hurts more than having the person you love call you terrible things and look at you with horror in their eyes.
I fell in love with New England.
Jackson laughed, "I love that you are so willing, but if my fangs didn't make an appearance tonight, I doubt they ever will."
Oh, I love you so!
Does love really conquer all?
But seriously, there are a lot of women who love men shorter than them.
Because he loves a woman who can't return his love?
Surely he didn't mean love in the romantic sense.
He must have meant love in a family way - like he loved his sister.
Obviously Alex wasn't ready for marriage because he was still involved - with a woman who didn't love him.
There's nothing wrong with a man and woman making love - as long as it's sanctioned by marriage.
I know you think you're in love with him, but he can't make you happy.
I couldn't stand to love a child and lose it.
I love you, but...
How could God do this to them when all they wanted was to love each other and nurture their own children?
It isn't like we don't love each other.
He made me love you for some reason.
No, I love it.
Brady made love to her with passion and tenderness, a combination that made her fall even harder for the side of him that had kept her company for weeks and protected her.
She was in love with him, only she couldn't tell him yet.
I don't think both of us will make it out of the underworld. It makes me think about all the things I wish I'd done before I died. I wanted to backpack through Europe and go on a cruise somewhere warm. I wanted to make love with you on the beach under the full moon. Without worrying about demons or Kris or anything.
Kris's memories stirred stronger than he liked. He remembered Lilith, a beautiful Immortal whose laugh had filled him with happiness. Their love had been intense and brief, lasting less than a human year in total. One day, she was just … gone.
It's just the underworld. When we're home, it'll grow back. Don't worry, love.
Suddenly, Deidre's vague story of lost love and Gabe's bitterness towards her clicked.
Interesting. A Death with a history as a mortal. Not any mortal, but one you say she was in love with. I'd heard rumor but never thought a deity capable of such a thing.
While it was close enough to catch broadcasts of Phillies baseball and Eagles football, it was far enough away to be isolated from most of the brutality associated with the city of Brotherly Love.
She turned, wiping away a tear with her sleeve, "we love each other."
Thereafter each accepted the emotional limits of their arrangement—it would never evolve to something like love or even affection and surely not a long-term relationship.
How different if must be, he thought, making love with someone for whom you really cared.
The beautiful sounds of The Coleman Hawkins Quartet doing "The Man I Love" as it ought to be done were playing and Mrs. Lincoln never looked more content.
In spite of his love of music, no pocket recorder filled Dean's head with voices, strings or horns through tiny toy earphones— he'd leave that to the bikers who pedaled unaware of the sounds of birds and springtime around them.
On Monday, three Colombians were brutally murdered in Philadelphia and their dismembered body parts scattered like Easter eggs around the city of Brotherly Love.
Do you think she love with my father?
Jenny took one look at Dean's attire and made a "love your tailor" comment.
But what made him most uncomfortable was the large four-poster bed Cynthia and Jeffrey Byrne had shared in love.
By the way, I'll tell your good buddy Vinnie Baratto I saw you and you gave him your love.
When Dean chided her about her improved mood she simply laughed and said love does that to people.
Besides, the ladies love it.
Fred, with a love for the dramatic, began exiting the tent on that pronouncement.
I love Fred, almost as much as I love you.
I knew she didn't really love Josh, but I didn't know how to tell them – or even if I should.
He would love to take her in his arms right now, but that would embarrass her.
It was strange how a person got to thinking that way after they learned to love someone.
I love... loved you so much, Carmen.
Lori's desire wasn't born of love.
Or maybe he knew his little girl wasn't really in love with Josh.
I don't love you, Josh.
And you love animals, Heidi.
Why hadn't she ever thought about their mutual love of animals?
I love having you there, but I don't sleep well knowing you're in the next room.
Oh Jackson, I love you so.
Fine. I'll see you in January then, love you.
The tenderness on Jackson's face, confirmed his love for her daughter.
Just tell them the love of a good women has made you a better man all around.
I love that you would do that for me, but this is not something we need to deal with, at least not now.
After breaking Sarah's embrace, she asked, "You love music so much, why don't you sing or play an instrument?"
I remember thinking over and over that I couldn't allow him to kill someone I love again, and when Connor removed the IV, I went insane with rage.
Money can't buy love.
The way I figure it, he's more in love with the idea of having a woman worship him than he is with me.
Maybe that kind of love didn't exist.
When she left the dairy on her way to the house, Carmen was further convinced of Alex's love of fine things.
He had a way with animals, winning Brutus' love and respect, and the trust of the entire dairy herd as well.
She followed him to one of the stalls, trying to remember the circumstances of his rejected love.
She couldn't be in love with Alex.
I love you, Carmen.
Don't confuse love with pity, Carmen.
That's one of the things I love about you.
Not if she was twenty-five years old and in love with him.
Do you promise to love, honor and obey?